Fan Fiction Archive
Other Invisible Man
  Transcribed by invisible_mom
(Shot of the building Fish & Game is in, at night.  Camera is going
down the corridors of The Agency.)

Darien voice-over:  �Mark Twain once said, �Be good and you will be
lonely.�  Now what he didn�t say is that lonely and alone aren�t
exactly the same thing.  You see, I�ve been lonely ever since I
became The Invisible Man, but what I was about to find out in the
worse way was that I was never alone.�

(Next Scene � Camera stops at Office 202.  Then scene shifts to
inside The Official�s office.  It is dimly lit, and he is sitting at
his desk using an electric calculator.)

The Official (TO):  �Yeah!�

(TO then gets up from the desk.  We see the shadow of someone
standing outside the door.  They open it, step into the room, and
close the door behind them.  TO rubs the bridge of his nose, then
looks over at the door.)

Voice:  �Hey boss.�
TO:  �What the hell you doing here?�
(A figure hidden in the shadows starts slowly walking toward TO)
Voice:  �Where is he?�
TO:  �Who?�
Voice:  �Where is he?�
(Suddenly the scene changes to quicksilver vision.  TO reaches into
his desk drawer for a gun.)
Voice:  �Where�s Fawkes?�
(The person beats up TO.  TO tries to reach his gun, but the person
hits him with a chair, knocking him out.)

(Next Scene � Darien�s sunlit bedroom.  He rolls over in bed, gets
up, and goes into his bathroom during his voice-over.)

Darien voice-over:  �The day everything went to Hell started like any
other day, with the morning.  Sunshine, blue skies.  Now, since most
of my life is spent in the storm, I�ve grown to appreciate the calm
that comes before it.�

(Darien comes out of his bathroom, wrapping a large bath towel around
his waist.  He checks himself out in front of a full length mirror,
looks around, then starts singing The Rap.)

My name is Darien Fawkes
They call me Furious D
And I�m the coolest secret agent
That you never did see.

The man made me invisible
Now I be mis�rable
You mess with my hair
And I�m bound to get physical.

(The scene switches.  Darien is now dressed and he is tying his shoes
as he continues to sing.  He also puts on his jacket and grabs his
keys as he heads towards the door.)

Now I was locked down
Looking at life
Four walls and a guy
Named Butch for a wife.

When my brother, undercover
Said that we could help each other
If his mother of a brother
Would go under the knife.

A hole in my head
A gland in my brain
A needle in my vein
Or I go insane.

That�s the curse of quicksilva
The stuff that bends light
I get closer to madness
The more I step outta sight.

(As Darien sings the last few words, he is standing in front of the
door to his apartment.  It suddenly bursts open and slams into him,
knocking him down.  Bobby Hobbes comes in with his gun drawn on

Darien:  �Hobbes, why don�t you��

(Bobby holsters his gun, punches Darien across the face, flips Darien
onto his side, handcuffs Darien�s hands, rolls him onto his back,
grabs Darien�s neck and chin, and forces Darien to look at him.)
Hobbes:  �Let me see your eyes!�
Darien:  �What�s going on?�
Hobbes:  �Shut up!�  (Hobbes grabs Darien by the collar of his
leather jacket and pulls him to his feet.)

(Next Scene � Hobbes is pushing a handcuffed Darien into The Keep.
Hobbes is holding a gun on Darien.)

Hobbes:  �Get in!�
Darien:  �I�m in, I�m in.  Now will you tell me what the �� (sees TO
lying unconscious on a gurney)  �What happened?�

(Hobbes shoves Darien closer to the gurney.  The Keeper swings him
around so she can check his monitor.  Darien looks shocked and

Eberts:  �Write your name!�  (Holds up a pen & pad of paper)
Darien:  �What?�
Keeper:  �A quarter full.�  (Crosses her arms over her chest and
glares at Darien.)
Eberts:  �Write your name with this pen.�
Darien:  �Why?�
Hobbes:  �Write it!�  (Hobbes shouts and hits Darien in the shoulder
with his gun.)
Darien:  �I can�t.�

(Eberts realizes Darien is still handcuffed and lowers the pen and
paper.  Hobbes takes off the handcuffs.)
Hobbes:  (Motioning to TO with his head)  �Why is he still here?�
Keeper:  �We can protect him here.�  (To technicians)  �Take him into
Lab 3 and clean him up please.�

(Hobbes pulls his gun on Darien again.)
Darien:  (exasperated)  �Look, will you get the gun out of my face?�
(Takes pen and paper from Eberts.)
Hobbes:  �Write your name.  You go see-thru, I shoot you.�
Eberts:  �Write your name!�
Hobbes:  �Write it!�  (He hits Darien in the shoulder with his gun

(Darien writes on the pad, then gives the pad and pen back to Eberts.
He writes SCREW YOU! on the paper.  Eberts gives him a look, takes
it, and walks away.)

Hobbes:  �Smart ass.�  (He starts to put the cuffs back on Darien.)
Darien:  �No!�  (He starts to struggle to avoid the cuffs)  �No, no,
no, no, you tell me what�s going on!�
Hobbes:  �Why don�t you tell us?�
Keeper:  �You were there.�
Darien:  �What are you talking about?�
Hobbes:  �Somebody got in here last night.  Surprised TO in his
office.  And they beat him within an inch of his life!�
Darien:  �Oh, OK, and you think it was me?  Why, huh, because we�ve
argued in the past.�
Keeper:  �Well, we don�t know why.  All we know is this.�

(She walks over to a low counter, while Hobbes uses his gun to herd
Darien over to her.  She takes the lid off of a small container,
picks it up, and pours something out.  We hear the quicksilver sound

Keeper:  �Quicksilver.  When it dissolves, it falls off your body
like snowflakes.  It�s biodegradable and it vanishes in 2-3 days.�
Darien:  �That�s quicksilver?�
Hobbes:  �It�s evidence.  Scattered all over the crime scene.�
Keeper:  �The only explanation I had was that you�d gone
quicksilvermad and you couldn�t control yourself.  But your tatoo�s
no where near full, and you haven�t had a shot of counteragent.�
Hobbes:  �Maybe he stole it.�
Keeper:  �Nope.  Whole batch is accounted for.�

Hobbes:  (Hitting Darien in the shoulder again with his gun)  �Why�d
you do it?�
Darien:  �I didn�t, OK, I was home all night, in case you decided to,
oh I don�t know, ASK!�
Hobbes:  �When I kicked in the door, I expected to see a raging
Darien:  �And guess what, you should have looked in the mirror.�
Hobbes:  �Hey, excuse me!  You see anyone else around here with 6
million dollar dandruff?�
Eberts:  �It might have been someone else.�
Darien:  �What do you mean might have?�
Eberts:  �It might have been Simon Cole.�

(Next Scene � The Archive Room.  Darien rushes around the corner
after Eberts, with Hobbes and The Keeper close behind.)

Darien:  �Hold on here, what do you mean exactly when you say the
other invisible man?  I mean, are you using a figure of speech of
some kind?�
Keeper:  �Yeah, how could I not have been told about this?�
Hobbes:  �What do you mean you?  What about me?  All this time I
could have been assigned to somebody else.�
Eberts:  �None of you were cleared to know.�
Darien:  �Well guess what?�
Hobbes:  �Now we are.�
Keeper:  �Spill it.�
Hobbes:  �EBERTS!�
Eberts:  �I don�t know anything.  The Official is the only one who
has clearance��
Darien:  �Errrr!  Wrong answer.�
Hobbes:  �We watch you finish the guys sentences.  You gotta know how
they start.�

Eberts:  �Simon Cole was the individual selected for the original
IMAN experiment then known as Project Quicksilver.�
Hobbes:  �Subtle.�
Darien:  �Wait a minute.  What do you mean, original experiment?�
Eberts:  �The only people who knew about Project Quicksilver were The
Official, Kevin Fawkes, and Simon Cole.  I had recently transferred
from the I.R.S. and had not received my top level clearance,
otherwise, of course, I would have��
Keeper:  �Eberts.  Stick with the story.�
Eberts:  �Simon Cole was the only candidate to pass through a
rigorous screening process applied to top members of each
intelligence agency.�
Hobbes:  �I don�t remember being asked.�
Keeper:  �He said top members.�
Hobbes:  �What�s this schmuck like?�
Eberts:  �I never met him.  I don�t know what became of him, and
whenever I would ask, The Official�s answer was always the same.�

(Shot of TO and Eberts in TO�s office looking at books.)
TO:  �That book is closed.�

(Shot of TO and Eberts looking out the window through some blinds.)
TO:  �That book is closed.�

(Shot of Eberts standing behind TO while TO sits at his desk.  Eberts
leans forward and opens his mouth.)
TO:  �Shut up, Eberts!�

Hobbes:  �So if you don�t know anything, what the hell are we doing
down here?�
Eberts:  �We maintain declassified files on all of our personnel
before they joined The Agency.  For example doctor, we have your
Department of Defense records.  Darien, we have your prison record.�
Darien:  �Great.�
Hobbes:  �You got anything on��
Eberts:  �These drawers are reserved for you, � Robert.�

(Everyone looks over at several drawers and boxes marked Hobbes,

Eberts:  �Ah, here it is.�  (He hands Darien a file)
Darien:  (looks through the folder, then looks at Eberts)  �He was
CIA?�  (Eberts nods yes.  Darien starts to read out loud)  �Yale grad
goes to the Pentagon.  Makes good.  WB6?  What the hell does that
Hobbes:  �It means he was an assassin.�

(Darien flips to a picture of a red-headed woman)
Hobbes:  �Hello!  Who�s that?�
Darien:  �Ivy Peterson.�
Hobbes:  �Nice!�
Darien:  �Civilian relationship.  God, they sure took enough
surveillance pictures.�
Hobbes:  �So, this is his girlfriend.  I say that�s where we start.�
Darien:  �OK, hold on.  Hold on.  What, we�re just gonna blindly
pursue this guy.  I mean, first of all, where the hell has he been
for the last year.  We don�t even know what this guy wants.�
Eberts:  �I�m not so sure.�  (He hands a paper to Darien)  �I found
this on The Official�s chest.  Before I checked your handwriting, I
assumed you wrote it.�

(The paper says, �YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT)

(Next Scene � Darien and Hobbes are sitting at an outdoor restaurant.
A woman with red hair walks toward them wearing a green baseball hat
and dark glasses.)

Darien:  �Oh, here we go.�  (He stands up and puts out his hand)
�Hey, how are you?  I�m��  (She ignores him and sits down.)  �Ivy
Peterson, right?�
Ivy:  �Yes.�
Hobbes:  �You�re late.�
Ivy:  �Can I see some ID�s?�
(Darien and Hobbes show her their ID�s.)

Darien:  �It�s a nice place.�
Ivy:  �Yeah, well, when government agents call on the phone, and say
they want to meet, you always do it in a public place in broad
daylight.  Simon taught me that. He also taught me to always check
ID�s.  Are you going to tell me where he is?�
Darien:  �You don�t know?�
Ivy:  �Well no, no, not at all.  Simon would never tell me classified
information.  I mean, I would ask, but he�d take secrets very
Hobbes:  �So what do you know?�

Ivy:  �Well, I know that he left last July.  I know I haven�t heard
from him since.  I know that I call his office at the Pentagon to
find out where he is so I can write, and all they say is he is on
assignment.  I mean, he leaves all the time.  Leaves the country.
But he was never more excited than when he left for this last job.  I
mean, in all the time we were together, I mean, I could see he was
trying to hide it, but I could tell.  He does this thing when he gets
excited.  He whistles.  Is he dead?�

Darien:  �No, well, we don�t think so.�
Ivy:  �You don�t think so?  What you don�t know?�
Darien:  �No, no, no, no, he�s, he�s, he�s not dead.  We just think
that it might be��
(Hobbes stands up, grabs Darien�s arm, and drags him from the table.)
Hobbes:  �Excuse me.  Excuse me one second.�
Darien:  (confused)  �Excuse us.�
Hobbes:  �Thank you.�  (They walk a short distance away.)

Darien:  �What are you doing?  What?�
Hobbes:  �This is about what she knows.  You�re divulging what we
Darien:  �Hobbes, we don�t know anything.�
Hobbes:  �She doesn�t know that.�
Darien:  �Come on, she�s worried about her boyfriend.  OK?  She�s
Hobbes:  �She�s innocent.�
Darien:  �That�s right.�
Hobbes:  �Did you see the look on her face?�
Darien:  �Oh yeah, it�s love.�
Hobbes:  �Well, you never trust love, my friend, because love is
blind, and in lovers eyes��
Darien:  �OK, please, you say this stuff and you think that it means
something.  But, I mean, it�s really just a ��  (Darien stops talking
and stares at a ketchup bottle.  It disappears.)
Hobbes:  �What?  What?�
Darien:  �Aw crap.�

Hobbes:  �What?�
Darien:  �Hobbes, he�s here.�
Hobbes:  �You see him?�
Darien:  �No.�
Hobbes:  �Well, what do you��
(They both start casually looking around.)
Hobbes:  �Fawkes.  Fawkes.  Where?�
(Darien quicksilvers just his eyes and puts his sunglasses on.  He
sees a bright man-like figure.)
Hobbes:  �Oh you see him.  Fawkes, where is he?�
Darien:  �There!�  (Darien starts chasing the man.  Hobbes runs after
Hobbes:  �Fawkes!  Fawkes! Fawkes!�

(Darien sees �Simon� run across the street, through traffic.  He runs
into the street to pursue him.  Hobbes pulls him back and they fall
by the side of the road, narrowly missing being hit by a car.
Darien�s vision returns to normal.  Simon gets away.)
Driver:  �Hey!  Are you crazy!  Drunks!�
Hobbes:  �And I thought one of you was bad.�

(Next Scene � The Official�s office.  Eberts is dusting.  Darien and
Hobbes burst in.)

Darien:  �Hey, I need a gun!�
Hobbes:  �No, no he doesn�t.�
Darien:  �Hey, Eberts, I want to be assigned a sidearm.�
Hobbes:  �He�s just a little scared.�
Darien:  �Hell yeah I�m scared.  You didn�t see what I saw.�
Hobbes:  �Nobody saw what you saw.�
Eberts:  �Simon Cole?�

Hobbes:  �Yes, and he was invisible right, so you�re not supposed to
be able to see him.�
Darien:  �I�m not supposed to see anything Hobbes, you ever think of
Hobbes:  (confused)  �What do you� What do you� What?�
Darien:  �OK, quicksilver bends light right?�
Hobbes:  �Right.�
Darien:  �So when I�m quicksilvered, it bends light away from me.  So
I should be blind.  You follow me?�
Hobbes:  �Right.  You�re blind because it flips around, bends��
Darien:  �Right, but I�m not blind.  I can see.�
Hobbes:  �Yes!  Yes.  Why is that?�
Darien:  �No clue.  Well, Keeper�s got a theory that quicksilver only
bends visible light, but lets other, higher spectrums through like,
oh, ultraviolet.�
Hobbes:  �Which means you could still get a sunburn, so you have to
watch out for that.  You gotta be careful.  You gotta wear at least a
35 � 40 block, 35 is probably okay��
Darien:  �It means when I�m invisible, I can see in different
spectrums.  I think.  And I think what�s happening is I can see Simon
Cole through the refraction of non-visible light off his quicksilver
which, admittedly, sounds like crap even as I say it, but I know I
saw something and it was not cool, OK, and I need that gun.  OK?�

Eberts:  �We don�t have an arms budget.  Agents are required to
supply their own weaponry.  Within the confines��
Darien:  �OK, fine, fine.�  (Turns to Hobbes)  �Then give me one of
yours on a loaner.�
Hobbes:  �Yeah, right.�
Darien:  �What?�
Hobbes:  �Fawkes, you been dealing with plenty of psychos, freaks,
and weirdos, and you never wanted a piece before.  Now you want a
Darien:  �Oh, excuse me if I�m a tad apprehensive over an invisible
Hobbes:  (To Eberts)  �He�s just ticked off cause he�s a sequel.�
Darien:  (To Eberts)  �OK, come on, can�t you do anything about
this?�  (Eberts looks helpless and opens and closes his mouth a few
times.  Darien turns away in frustration and storms out of the
Hobbes:  �Fawkes!  Fawkes!�

(Next Scene � Outside Darien�s apartment at night.  Then the scene
switches to the interior.  We see Darien asleep in bed holding a

Darien voice-over:  �They say that necessity is the mother of
invention.  And when the necessity is survival, she can be one mean
mother.  Of course, it�s her child invention whose the real dangerous

(We see the lock on his door turn, and the door open.  It looks like
someone is approaching his bed.  The camera pans to Darien the Rat,
in his cage, then to Darien�s black leather jacket.)

(Next Scene � It is daytime.  Darien is in bed and the alarm is going
off.  Darien comes awake abruptly and sits up in bed, holding the
hammer, ready to strike.  He looks around, but no one is there.)

(Next Scene � Darien is walking down the street.  He slows down and
checks the pocket of his jacket.  He pulls a rat skeleton out of his
pocket, drops it on the sidewalk, and jumps back.  He turns and runs
back to his apartment, bursts through the door, and checks on Darien
the Rat.  He glances around the apartment to make sure no one is

(Next Scene � Darien and Hobbes are in the room with TO.  Hobbes is
showing Darien how to work a gun.)

Hobbes:  �Just load the cartridge, pull back the slide, and let it
(Darien pulls back the slide and a bullet pops out and flies across
the room.)
Hobbes:  �Good.  That�s good.  You sure you know what you�re doing
with this?�
Darien:  �Shot at you once.  Remember?�
Hobbes:  �The way I remember, you tried to shoot yourself, and you
couldn�t even get that right.�
(Darien is still fussing with the gun and the clip falls out of the
handle and onto the floor.  He picks it up and puts it back in the
Darien:  �Yeah, well, if my invisible counterpart tries something
again, he�s gonna find I�m capable.�  (Darien points the gun across
the room, then sees that he has a bullet sticking perpendicular out
of the chamber.)

(The Keeper is sitting nearby looking at a rat bone under a
Keeper:  �Did you really have to drop this on the ground Darien?�
Darien:  �Hey, I�m on my way to grab a breakfast burrito when I pull
a rat skeleton out of my pocket.  What do you want me to do?  Hug
him, pet him, call him George?�
Keeper:  �Well, actually I think keeping him in one piece might have
given you ...  Good God!�
Darien:  �What is it?�
Keeper:  �I don�t believe this!�  (She jumps up and runs out of the
Darien:  �What was it?�
Hobbes:  �I don�t know.�

(The Keeper goes to the refrigerator in The Keep and pulls out a box.
Darien and Hobbes are shown looking into the microscope.)
Darien:  �Anything?�
Hobbes:  �Nothing.  Must be broken.�

(The camera pans over to The Official.  He is awake and reaching out
a hand toward the guys.  He is pretty badly beaten up.  Darien goes
over to the intercom on the wall, presses a button and says, �Hey
Claire, he�s awake.�)
Keeper:  �Look, he�s been in and out of consciousness all morning.
Just don�t startle him.�

(Darien walks over to the bed and clasps TO�s hand.  Hobbes stands
beside him.)
Darien:  (softly)  �Hey, hey, hey, it�s OK, it�s OK� It�s OK.
(TO tries to talk, then loses consciousness.)
Keeper:  �Hey guys.  Come see this!�

(Next Scene � Darien and Hobbes enter The Keep.  They walk over to
Claire, who is looking at a PC monitor.)

Keeper:  �These bones belong to an Agency lab rat.  All of the rats
used by the original design team were genetically engineered so their
bodies wouldn�t reject the quicksilver tests.  See, the vertebrae
were reinforced to protect the central nervous system, but more
importantly, they all have the same genetic coding.�
Darien:  �So, does our little friend have a name?�
Keeper:  �LR-01.  The very first rat to undergo testing.  Its death
is recorded over a year ago.�
(Darien walks away with a thoughtful look on his face.)
Darien:  �OK, what are you trying to say Simon?�
Hobbes:  �So, Mr. Cole broke in here again?�
Keeper;  �No.�
Darien:  �Then where�d he get the rat bones from?�
Keeper:  �The remains of LR-01 through LR-04 were left at the site of
the original quicksilver lab.�
Darien:  �Aw crap.�

(Next Scene � shot of the Fish & Game van going down a deserted road,
then pulling into the old compound.)

Darien voice-over:  "See, I�m one of those guys whose past always
comes back to haunt him.  But this time, I felt like I�d come back to
haunt my past."

(Next Scene � Darien, Hobbes, and The Keeper are walking down a dark,
gloomy hallway with hanging spider webs.  They need flashlights to

Hobbes:  "So, this is where you were created.  Charming."
Darien:  "I wasn�t created Hobbes.  You know, I�m not a super hero."

(Darien tries to dodge some spider webs hanging from the ceiling.)
Darien:  "Hey, you think they got any spiders down here?"
Keeper:  "Relax.  They�re synthetic cobwebs.  They are meant to keep
squatters away.  Surprisingly effective."
Hobbes:  "Not that effective."

(They shine their flashlights at the floor and see muddy shoe prints.
All 3 of them pull out handguns.  Claire�s is twice the size of
Darien�s or Hobbes�.  Both men swivel their flashlights over toward
her gun.  Claire grins at them.  Darien and Hobbes exchange a look.
They all start walking again.)

Hobbes:  "So, Arnaud�s men made their breach here, then did a sweep
in 2 man teams huh?"
Darien:  "I don�t remember."
Keeper:  "There was a massacre.  That�s all we need to know."

(Darien stops walking and just stares at the floor.)
Hobbes:  "What do you see?"
Keeper:  "What�s wrong?"
Darien:  "Kevin, died right here."
(Hobbes and The Keeper stand quietly taking that in.  Darien steps
past them, raises his flashlight, and continues walking.)

(Next Scene � Hobbes and The Keeper use a crowbar to pry open a
sliding door into one of the labs.  The lab is old, dusty, and filled
with cobwebs.)
Keeper:  "After the attack, they sterilized this lab, then sealed it
off for an investigation."
Hobbes:  "Looks like someone forgot to call the maid."
Darien:  "What the hell was he looking for?"
Keeper:  "I don�t know.  All the classified equipment was taken back
to my lab a long time ago.  All that�s left here are medical
Hobbes:  "Rat remains�"
Darien:  "And quicksilver flakes."

(They all walk over and shine their flashlights on the floor.  The
Keeper squats down to take samples.)
Keeper:  "Cover me."

(Hobbes looks out for The Keeper while Darien wanders over to a
mirror.  He puts the flashlight in his mouth and slides his hands
along the sides of the mirror.  He pulls it away and a book drops
into the sink below.  The others hear the noise and come over.
Darien picks it up.)

Hobbes:  "How the hell did you find that?"
Darien:  "I don�t know."  (Darien starts reading.)  "Here we go, July
15, 1999, arrival 0800 hours.  The complex is sparse, the staff
minimal, but I suppose that�s the point.  Believe that you�re here,
set a goal, achieve it.  You will commit to it all the way.  You
guys, this must be Simon�s journal."
Hobbes:  "Let me see that."  (He reaches for the journal.)
Darien:  "Could you just hold on for a second, please.  Now look at
this you guys, chemical testing, fear response, you guys, this is all
the same stuff that I went through."
Hobbes:  "Dear Ivy � let me see this."  (Hobbes grabs the book from
Darien.)  "Soon I�ll be able to send you all these letters, but in
the meantime I can only hope you know you�re in my heart and mind
every day�"

(Darien grabs the book back.)
Darien:  "Please!  OK?  I�m trying to figure out what happened here."
(Darien starts flipping pages.)
Keeper:  "Oh, oh, hold on, here, look, look, look.  Handwriting
Hobbes:  "He�s angry."
Darien:  "Nope.  He�s invisible.  Here, you can tell by the pen
strokes.  You see.  Can�t see his hands.  Trust me."  (Darien starts
reading again.)  "This has to stop.  Can�t take it anymore, won�t
take it.  If I can�t reason with The Official, I�ll go straight for
the brain trust.  Kevin Fawkes will know how to reverse it.  He has
Hobbes:  "Go on, go on."
Darien:  "I want my flesh back.  I want everything back."
Keeper:  "He went permanently invisible."
Hobbes:  "Look to the end."
Darien:  "Must take charge, must take step, must get Fawkes."
Keeper:  "He was looking for Kevin."
Hobbes:  "He wanted to kill him."
Darien:  "Nah, that�s not what he wanted."
Hobbes:  "Well, you know him so well, what do you think he was
Darien:  "The same thing I am.  He wants to get the gland in his head
out.  Well, he�s come this far, he�s not going to stop.  And there�s
only one person who can possibly remove it."

(Darien turns to The Keeper.  Camera pans to a close-up of her.  She
looks scared.)
Darien:  "We have to get you out of here."

(Next Scene � Darien is dreaming in quicksilver vision.  There are
many images running together.
First we see him sleeping in bed.  Then we see Darien the Rat in his
cage.  Then a tray of medical implements.  Then the lab.  The shot of
Darien from The Pilot when he was struggling to get out of the
restraints.  Kevin�s gravestone.  The shot from The Pilot when Darien
was looking in the mirror at his bloodshot eyes and rubbing his face.
A needle in the arm.  Darien attacking Kevin in the nurse's shower.
The Official in his office confronting his attacker.  The terrorist
shooting Kevin.  Darien holding Kevin.  Darien struggling in
restraints.  Darien sleeping in bed.  Someone drilling the back of
someone�s head.  Darien in bed, having a nightmare.  Forceps taking
the gland out of a container.  Shot of Ivy.  Darien quicksilvermad.
Shot of gland being put in Darien�s head.  Ivy standing near a fence
with barbed wire on the top, taking off her sunglasses, wearing a
baseball cap.  Shot of Simon Cole�s file.  Shot of Simon standing
near high fence with barbed wire at top, wearing dark glasses and a
baseball cap.  Then several quick shots of Ivy & Simon.  Simon slowly
fading away.  Darien in bed.  Darien the Rat.

Then the camera moves toward the bed.  We see Darien asleep, holding
a gun.  It is laid over his chest.  Shot of the gun shooting.
Suddenly Darien sits up in bed, breathing heavily and pointing the
gun straight ahead.  He is holding it with both hands.  He is
shirtless.  He looks around the apartment, sees no one is there, then

(Next Scene - Darien is in The Keep, reading Simon�s journal.  The
Keeper is studying something under a microscope.)
Darien:  "Hey, do you dream in black and white or color?"
Keeper:  "Color.  Why?"
Darien:  "Last night I dreamt in quicksilver."
Keeper:  "What?  You�re saying you dreamt in higher spectrums of
Darien:  "I don�t know.  All I do know is that our invisible friend
Simon is starting to get to me."
Keeper:  "Maybe you should just lay off that journal."
Darien:  "I can�t.  I mean, this stuff, it�s fascinating.  I mean,
here it is, he says, he says he hates being treated like an animal.
You know, he talks about, about feeling trapped, you know?  I know
this guy, you know.  I mean, these words, I mean they could have been
mine if I�d kept a journal in there."
Keeper:  "The man�s an obsessive psychotic Darien."
Darien:  "Did you actually read any of this?  I mean like, did you
read the letters to his girlfriend?  I mean, he really loved her you
know.  I mean he really loved this woman.  I mean, I�m thinking maybe
this guy isn�t as bad as we think."

(Eberts enters The Keep.  Darien stands up.)

Darien:  "How�s the boss?"
Eberts:  "Recovering.  He�s tough."
Darien:  "That�s his job."

(Hobbes enters The Keep with 2 agents.)

Darien:  "Alright, so what�s this?"
Hobbes:  "I am tired of sitting around on my ass waiting for Simon
Cole to show up to try to grab The Keeper.  OK?  For all we know, he
could have been back there at the lab listening to us the whole
Darien:  "Let me guess.  You have a better idea."
Hobbes:  "Always!  We�re gonna go out there Fawkes, and we�re gonna
get him."
Darien:  "Hmmm.  Why don�t we just run through the streets throwing
powdered sugar in the air, see if some of it lands on him.  Why
didn�t I think of that?"

Hobbes:  "What�s the matter with you huh?  You been reading this
thing, or just chewing on it.  Look at this, look at this."  (Hobbes
takes the journal)  "This is filled with love letters.  To Ivy
Peterson.  I miss your voice, I miss your skin.  I need to talk to
you, hold you, kiss you.  It goes on.  It gets better.  I long for
your tender�"

(Darien grabs the journal back)
Darien:  "Hobbes, I assume you have a point here."
Hobbes:  "My point is that he isn�t gonna go after her," (points to
The Keeper) "he�s gonna go after her."  (points to the journal)
"Understand?  Why do you think he was hanging around the caf� the
entire time.  You know I�m right.  Now come on, let�s go.  I already
left Ivy a message to meet us at the same place.  Told her we got
some news about Simon Cole."

Darien:  "Wait, what are we gonna do, just leave Claire here
Keeper:  "Hello?  I am here you know."
Hobbes:  "That�s what these men are here for.  You see?  They�re
here, they�re here to protect The Keeper.  Right?"
Keeper:  "Alright, well, you know what?  Thank you very much but I
can take care of myself.  You run along Darien, I�ll be fine."
Hobbes:  "Come on.  Powdered sugar.  You�re slipping."
Darien:  "I like that one."

(Next Scene - back at the outdoor caf�)
Darien:  "Where the hell is she?  Here we go."
Hobbes:  "Is that her?"
Darien:  "Think so"
(They walk over to Ivy.  They come up on her from behind.)
Hobbes:  "Hey Ivy."
Darien:  "Hey."
Hobbes:  "Hey."

(She looks happy to see them, then her face falls.)
Hobbes:  "Is there a problem?"  (points to Darien)  "It�s Fawkes."
Darien:  "Hey sorry, look we didn�t mean to startle you.  It�s just
that we have to ask you a simple question.  We want to know if you�ve
seen Simon Cole?"
Hobbes:  "Have you seen Simon?"

(Ivy starts to laugh, then cry, shaking her head, staring at Darien,
and turning toward the street.)
Darien:  "Hey Ivy.  Hey wait a minute, come here."
Hobbes:  "What�s the matter?"
(Ivy runs into the street.  Darien chases her.)
Darien:  "Hey Ivy!"

(Ivy runs into a busy street then falls.  Darien stands in front of
her, facing traffic, and with both arms outstretched yells for the
cars to stop.  Two cars hit each other.  Hobbes pulls her out of the
street and sits her down on the curb.  She is crying and talking at
the same time.)
Hobbes:  "Here we go."
Ivy:  "He came back for me.  He said he came back for me."

(Next Scene � Eberts is standing by The Official�s bed.  TO is
conscious by incoherent.)
Eberts:  "He seems agitated."
Keeper:  "He�s trying to talk."  (To The Official)  "Don�t talk!
Don�t talk!"
(The Keeper tuns away to get a pen and clipboard for The Official to
write with.  He coughs a few times.  He writes �1 G�)
Keeper;  "I?  G?  G?  I good?  Good?"  (TO shakes his head no)
"You�re not, are you feeling, not feeling better?"  (TO shakes his
head no again.)
Eberts:  "I don�t believe that�s the letter �I�.  I think that�s the
number �1�."  (TO coughs out the word yes.)

(Next Scene - Darien is still in the middle of the street.  He is
staring at a puddle near the opposite curb.  Suddenly, there is a
splash like someone stepped into it.  Darien quicksilvers his eyes.
They turn silver, then black.  He sees Simon Cole standing on the
other side of the street.  He yells "Simon!", then runs after him.
Simon runs away.)

Hobbes:  "Fawkes!  Wait!"
(Darien starts chasing Simon)  (Scene switches between Hobbes and The
Keeper in TO�s room.)
Keeper:  "It�s The Keeper.  Where�s Darien?"
Hobbes:  "I lost him.  He�s chasing Simon Cole."
Keeper:  "Simon Cole I dead.  He�s chasing himself."
Hobbes:  "What?"
Keeper:  "There�s only one gland."  (Camera shows a close-up of the
clipboard.  It says 1 GLAND)

(Next Scene - Darien chases Simon through a construction site.
Darien jumps through a plate glass window, shattering it.  He falls
to the ground, unconscious.)

(Next Scene - The Keeper is hurriedly preparing something in a vial.
She puts it in a centrifuge.  She then picks up a huge needle.  The
door to The Keep opens and Hobbes and 2 agents roll in a gurney with
an unconscious Darien on it.)
Keeper:  "Oh no!  Wake him!"
Hobbes:  "What the hell�s going on here?"
(The Keeper uses smelling salts to bring Darien around)
Hobbes:  "I�ve got Ivy Peterson upstairs saying how Fawkes barged
into her apartment last night�"
Keeper:  "Talked to her like he was Simon Cole?"
Hobbes:  "She said he said things only she and Simon would know
about.  How do you know that?"

(Darien jerks awake.  He looks confused.)
Darien:  "Where is he?"
Keeper:  "Darien easy, easy.  I�m going to explain everything."
Darien:  "Where�s Simon?"
Keeper:  "Simon is dead.  He died a year ago."
Hobbes:  "What happened?"
TO:  "I shot him."  (TO rolls his wheelchair into the light.)  "We
were working on reversing the malfunction that sustained his
invisibility.  Simon didn�t want to wait.  He attacked.  It was
Eberts:  "The gland was harvested from Cole�s brain.  Kevin Fawkes
and Arnaud De Thiel then worked out the bugs.  And then you came into
the picture."

(During all this, Darien has been reclining on the gurney looking
dazed and shocked.)
Darien:  "No!  No, no, no, no.  It can�t, it can�t be.  I just saw
Keeper;  "It happened while you were asleep."
Darien:  "No way."
Keeper:  "Yes. Yes.  You remember when you told me you had a dream in
quicksilver?  Well, that wasn�t your dream, that was Simon Cole�s.
Simon�s memories are inside you.  They�re encoded in the quicksilver
gland.  It�s called Memory RNA, and it survived the transfer from his
brain to your brain."
Darien:  "What� what� what are you saying?  That all this time it� it
was me?"
(Shot of a shirtless Darien sitting up in bed.  A voice whispers -
Keeper: "No!  No!  We�re saying it was Simon!  It was the gland."

(Shot of attack in TO�s office.  When the figure steps out of the
shadows, we see it was Darien.  He says, "Where�s Fawkes?", then
attacks The Official.)
Hobbes:  "What do you think he was after?"
(Shot of Darien smashing up the lab at the old compound.)
Darien:  "He wants to get the gland in his head out."
(Ivy�s voice crying - "He said he came back for me!")

(Shot of Ivy and Darien (as Simon).  Darien/Simon is saying, "They
wouldn�t let me write you Ivy.  I wanted to.  They wouldn�t let me."
(Several random shots are shown of Ivy and Simon, and Ivy and
Darien/Simon in her apartment.)

Darien:  "What do you mean?  The quicksilver gland took over my
Keeper:   "No, no, it took over another gland in your brain.  It�s
the gland that controls us at night.  The Pineal gland."
Eberts:  "It serves as the brain�s time clock, which secretes the
sleep hormone Melatonin."
Keeper:  "Except in you Darien.  Somehow the quicksilver gland and
the Pineal gland began to interface."
Darien:  "OK, Keep, look can you just stop?"
Keeper:  "Melatonin carries instructions to the cells.  It effects
body rhythms in ways science isn�t even sure of yet."
Darien:  "This is ridiculous.  I mean �"
Keeper:  "And what I think is that Simon�s Memory RNA in the
quicksilver gland caused the Pineal gland to secrete extreme levels
of Melatonin."
Darien:  "I don�t care."
Keeper:  "Which eased your body into a state where it blindly
accepted corrupt signals from the brain.  This happened while you

Darien:  (rubbing his hand over his face and through his hair)  "Do
you guys seriously believe any of this crap.  I mean, can you prove
any of it?"
Hobbes:  "I gotta admit Doc, it sounds a little fishy."
Darien:  "Thank you."
Hobbes:  "Fact is, I got a little suspicious when Fawkes here wanted
a gun.  So I paid him a covert visit that night.  He was in bed,
sound asleep."  (Shot of Hobbes in Darien�s apartment, approaching
his bed while he was sleeping.)

Keeper:  "You should have stayed a little longer.  He hadn�t awoken
as Simon yet."
Darien:  "So, you were spying on me."  (Darien looks around the room)
"Doesn�t anyone in here trust me?"
TO:  "You trust yourself?"
Darien:  "Hell yeah!  I mean, look, I don�t remember any of this.
And Simon is out there.  I saw him."
Hobbes: "Calm down Fawkes."
Darien:  "I�m calm.  OK?"
Keeper;  "It�s OK Darien.  I�m preparing an anti-peptide shot that
will dissolve Cole�s RNA in the gland."

(Darien sees quicksilver running down Claire�s face.)
Darien:  "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Hobbes:  "Fawkes!"  (Darien looks apprehensive and confused.)  "Easy
big guy."
Darien:  (whispers)  "Hobbes, he�s here.  He�s on you."  (Darien sees
quicksilver start to run down Hobbes� face.)
Hobbes:  "Easy big guy.  We�re gonna work through this OK?  Easy."
Keeper:  "You see?  You�re hallucinating.  The Pineal gland has
direct neural connection to the eyes.  This is why you thought you
saw Simon."
Darien:  "OK.  This� this is not my imagination."
Hobbes:  (to Keeper)  "Should we restrain him?"  (to Darien)  "Don�t
make us restrain you now buddy.  OK?"
Darien:  (in a different voice)  "Don�t touch me!"
Hobbes:  "Calm down now."  (Hobbes� face is completely covered with
quicksilver.  Hobbes approaches Darien.  Darien lunges at Hobbes, and
Hobbes backs off.  Darien backs away from everyone and slowly
Keeper:  "Hold the door!  Don�t let him out!"

(The 2 agents pull out stun batons.  Eberts rushes over to The
Official to roll him out of the way.)
Hobbes:  "Everyone careful now.  Easy.  Fawkes."
(One of the agents moves toward Darien�s last position. Holding the
stun baton in front of him.)
Hobbes:  "Stay cool buddy.  Come on back.  It�s OK.  Easy buddy."
(The agent strikes Darien with the baton.  We hear a crackling,
sizzling noise and vaguely see his outline.)
Hobbes:  "What was that?"
Keeper:  "Stun baton.  It won�t last."
Hobbes:  "Fawkes."

(We see a large fish tank float up off of a counter, then get thrown
across the room.  Everyone runs out of the way.  The Keeper yells as
it smashes to the floor.  We see 2 ghostly feet walk through the
water.  Then the door to The Keep opens and shuts.)
Hobbes:  "Alright."  (to the agents)  "You stay put, you, with me!"
TO:  "Watch out.  He�s dangerous."

(Hobbes pulls his gun and he and the other agent leave The Keep.
Hobbes holsters his gun and grabs the fire extinguisher off the wall.
They hear some banging noises.)
Hobbes:  "He�s down in the archives.  We got him."
(They race down the steps and go through some doors into the Archive
Room.  Hobbes motions for the agent to go straight, while he goes to
the right.  The agent adjusts the setting on his stun baton.  We hear
the quicksilver sound effect.)

Agent:  "I got him!"
(He starts running toward Darien, who is just standing at the end of
the aisle.  He suddenly stops as if he ran into something, then falls
down unconscious.  Bobby runs back to the head of the aisle in time
to see Darien.  He then sees the quicksilver dissolve and a door

(Next Scene - Back in The Keep.  The Keeper is preparing the
anti-peptide shot.)
TO:  "Hurry!"
Keeper: "Almost ready."

(Next Scene - Archives Room.  Hobbes uses the fire extinguisher
behind him to make sure Darien isn�t sneaking up behind him.  He then
whips his head around the other way and listens.  He starts talking
in a slow, calm voice while holding the fire extinguisher.)
Hobbes:  "I�m not gonna let you have him Simon.  Fawkes is my friend.
He�s got enough on his mind without you and your damn RNA in there
adding to his stress.  So why don�t you just leave Fawkes alone.
Take me.  Come on.  I�m right here.  Hit me with your best shot."

(Suddenly a gun desilvers, hanging in mid-air.  It shoots at Hobbes.
It misses him, but strikes the shelves near him.  He starts the fire
extinguisher out of reflex, then drops it and draws his gun.  The gun
fires several more times until it is empty.  Bobby has retreated
behind some shelves.)
Hobbes:  "I knew I shouldn�t have given him a gun."

(Next scene - In The Keep.  Claire is prepping the shot.  The door to
The Keep opens.)
Keeper:  "Hobbes?"
(The door shuts but no one is there.  The other agent starts sweeping
his stun baton back and forth trying to find Darien.  He starts
struggling with an invisible Darien, who finally forces the baton
back to the agent�s chest, shocking him and knocking him unconscious.
He drops the baton and it rolls over to Ebert�s feet.  The Keeper,
The Official, and Eberts look around for Darien.  The Keeper is still
holding the needle.  Darien suddenly desilvers right in front of
Claire.  He looks lost and forlorn, and is giving her the puppy dog
eyes.  He starts talking in the creepy Simon voice.)
Darien:  "I need you to end this."
Keeper;  "Only you can do that."
Darien:  "I want you to take the gland out."
Keeper:  "It will kill you."
Darien:  "No problem.  Already dead."
Keeper:  "Darien�s not."
Darien:  "Well, he can thank me later."

(The door to The Keep opens.  Darien turns toward it.  Hobbes enters
and yells, "Freeze!")
TO:  "Now Eberts!"
(Eberts quickly picks up the stun baton and jabs Darien with it.
Darien yells and goes down on his knees.)
Keeper:  "Alright.  Get him up there."  (Hobbes and Eberts grab
Darien and start to put him in the chair on his back.)
Keeper:  "No!  Other way.  Flip him.  This shot has to hit the
quicksilver gland and nothing else."

(Hobbes and Eberts flip Darien onto his stomach and try to hold him
down while Claire tries to get his hair out of the way, so she can
get the needle directly into the gland.  Darien struggles and manages
to flip himself over, even though all 3 of them are holding him down.
Claire yells, "Hold up his head!"  Eberts grabs Darien by the back
of the head and holds it up.  Hobbes and Eberts each hold down his
wrists while Claire gives him the shot.  Darien screams.  We see
various scenes from The Pilot, and we see Simon in restraints, Simon
& Ivy, The Official shooting a gun, etc.  We then come back to
Darien, who looks like he is having a group hug with Hobbes, Claire,
and Eberts.  His expression changes to confusion as Simon leaves and
Darien is himself again.)

(Next Scene - We see a slide of a cross section of a brain being
projected on a wall.)
Darien voice-over:  "Mark Twain, who lived inside Samuel Clemens,
said, "Be good and you will be lonely."  Now I�ve been good and I�ve
been bad, but if I was really alone, I�d be dead now."

(We see Darien sitting at a conference table while Claire is
explaining the slide to him using a pointer.)
Keeper:  "And luckily, the tests show no aberrant RNA remaining in
the quicksilver gland.  The last of Simon Cole is out of you, I

(Darien raises his hand as if he were in school.)
Keeper:  (smiling)  "Yes Darien!"
Darien:  "I just got one question though.  Umm, is there any way to,
ahh, you know, kinda cut the communication that has formed, you know,
between the Q gland and the penal gland?"
Keeper:  "Pineal."
Darien:  "Yeah, right, whatever.  You know, is there a way to
separate them, you know, put them a couple of seats away from each
other or something?"
Keeper:  "No.  I can�t promise that.  You see, it�s a scenario unique
to you.  It�s never been seen before.  But I can monitor it.  And I
can run some tests."
Darien:  "Alright."
Keeper: "Alright?"
Darien:  "Yeah."
Keeper:  "To running tests."
Darien:  "Yeah."
Keeper:  "Maybe you�re not yourself."

(The door opens and Hobbes and Ivy enter.  Claire turns towards them.
Darien stands up and walks around the table toward them also.)
Darien:  "Oh, hey, hey, did Hobbes fill you in on everything?"
Ivy:  "I still don�t understand.  How did you know all those things
that you said to me?"
Darien:  "I didn�t.  They weren�t my memories.  Look Ivy, whatever
private things I knew about you and Simon, I�ve forgotten them now.
But I do know that he loved you."
Ivy:  "Well, how do you know that if the memories were wiped away?

(Darien reaches into his pocket and pulls out some pages from
�Simon�s journal.  He hands them to Ivy.)
Darien:  "These are from Simon�s journal."
Hobbes:  "It�s not the whole thing, but those pages are not
(Ivy starts to read the pages.  She starts to smile.)
Ivy:  "Thank you!"
Darien:  "Yeah."

(We hear voices coming closer.  It is Eberts and TO.  They appear in
the doorway.)
Eberts:  "Please don�t move so quickly.  Nice and easy.  Through the
doorway.  There we are."
TO:  "Alright Eberts."
Eberts:  "I know you are."
TO:  "Alright!"  (TO walks in with a bandage on his forehead and he
is using a cane.)  "Why don�t you escort Miss Peterson out?"
Eberts:  "Yes sir."
Ivy:  (to Darien)  "Thank you."
Eberts:  "Miss Peterson.  (Eberts and Ivy leave.)

(TO walks up to Darien, and Darien looks away.  He is very
uncomfortable.  The Keeper looks on.)
TO:  "Mr. Hobbes!"  (He holds up his cane.)

Darien voice-over:  "Although in a way he brought this on himself, I
still feel terrible about beating the crap out of my boss.  I guess
most people wouldn�t understand that."

(TO opens his arms like he wants to give Darien a hug.  Darien
hesitates, then starts to return the hug.  As soon as they are close
together, TO punches Darien hard in the stomach.  Darien yells.  The
Keeper gasps and puts her hand over her mouth while shutting her
TO:  "Apology accepted."
Hobbes:  "Your cane sir."
TO:  "Thank you.  Is he 100% again?"
Keeper:  "More or less!"

(Darien stands up as he recovers from the punch.)
TO:  "Darien, I want you to know that whatever happened to Simon Cole
is not going to happen to you."
Darien:  "Yeah, I know.  I�m not worried."
Hobbes:  "Suddenly, you�re the optimist?"
Darien:  "No.  I just know there�s a big difference between me and
Simon.  Something I have that he never did."

(Darien walks to the door, looks back at everyone, steps outside, and
closes the door.)

Hobbes:  "What did he mean by that?"
Keeper:  "He means us."  (She looks very pleased with herself.)

(Final shot - Darien walking down a deserted corridor at The Agency,
then turning the corner.)

Fade to black.
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