Fan Fiction Archive
Small World
  Transcribed by StarvedChoccobo

(The scene opens at the beach, where a lone man in a suit is watching the ocean. The camera jumps to the van, which is outfitted with an "Acme Ding Repair" sign and a surfboard. The camera pans slowly to the front of the van, where Darien and Hobbes watch the man. Darien sighs as Hobbes swallows some pills and washes them down.)

DARIEN: Oh, god. This is stupid.

(Hobbes finishes washing down the pills and turns to Darien.)

HOBBES: You see, it takes a special breed to appreciate the subtle beauties and fine nuances of the stakeout, my friend.

DARIEN: Oh, no, I�m down with stakeouts, it�s just getting caught in the Chrysalis trap I got a problem with.

(Hobbes pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks at the man waiting on the beach.)

HOBBES: This ain�t a trap.

DARIEN: Oh, really? And you know this exactly, how?

HOBBES: Cause I can feel it.

(Hobbes lowers the binoculars.)

DARIEN: I�m surprised you feel anything.

HOBBES: It�s called instinct, my friend.

(Hobbes looks through the binoculars again.)

DARIEN: Either that or the chili-con-carne and the hoagie you had for lunch.

HOBBES: It�s a win-win scenario, my friend.

DARIEN: Oh, really? Explain that one.

(Hobbes lowers the binoculars.)

HOBBES: If it�s a trap, then we know the Chrysalis leak can�t be trusted. If it isn�t, then we know the leak is legit, right?

DARIEN: Wait a minute. I�m sorry, could you just back up for a second? Since when did falling into a Chrysalis trap count as a win?

HOBBES: Sacrifice for one�s own country always counts for a win in the book of Bobby Hobbes.

(Hobbes raises the binoculars again.)

DARIEN: That�ll be a best-seller.


DARIEN: (voice-over) Yeah, I�ve learned a lot of things since I started working with Bobby Hobbes. Like, never underestimate the enemy.

(Through the binoculars. Hobbes watches as a black SUV pulls up.)

HOBBES: There we go.

DARIEN: (voice-over) But, as Joseph Keller once wrote, "The enemy is anybody who�s going to get you killed no matter which side he�s on."

(The door opens and Allianora steps out.)

HOBBES: Hello. Oh, my God. Somebody you might know, my friend.

(Hobbes tucks the binoculars away.)

HOBBES: You can do it, friend. There you go. Do it.

(Darien looks at Hobbes uneasily as Hobbes hands him something not seen on the screen.)

HOBBES: Get a clean shot and get out.

(Darien opens the door and walks out, quicksilvering off screen. Hobbes pulls out a pair of orange shades and puts them on. The scene moves to Allianora, who is holding a briefcase. She walks down to the man in a suit.)

POLITICIAN: I understand your urgency, but I hope your people realize that I will be committing political suicide if I veto that toxic waste clean-up bill.

ALLIANORA: We know, but we�d be extremely grateful for your cooperation.

POLITICIAN: How grateful?

(Allianora raises the suitcase and unlocks it.)

ALLIANORA: Consider this just a taste.

(Allianora raises the lid of the briefcase, revealing bundles of money. The camera switches to quicksilver vision as Darien moves up close to the politician and Allianora. Suddenly, a camera de-quicksilvers in front of the two.)

DARIEN: Say, "I�m a crooked politician."

(The camera flashes as the politician looks at it. The politician is stunned by the flash.)

POLITICIAN: What the hell was that?

(The camera moves off as Allianora quickly closes the suitcase.)

ALLIANORA: The end of your career. And our deal.

(The camera jumps to the van, which pulls up behind Allianora�s SUV.)

HOBBES: All right, buddy, come on. Let�s get out of here.

(The door opens and closes as Darien, still invisible, gets in. Hobbes and Darien drive off.)

(Fade to static, intro.)

DARIEN: (voice-over) There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story, until it happened to me. Ok, so here�s how it works. There�s this stuff called quicksilver, that can bend light. Some scientists made it into a synthetic gland, and that�s where I came in. You see, I was facing life in prison, and they were looking for a human experiment. So, we made a deal. They put the gland in my brain, I walk free. The operation was a success, but that�s where everything started to go wrong.

(Fade to commercial.)

(The scene returns to a shot of the newspaper, with the photo of the politician on the front. The paper is folded back to reveal the Official. He, Darien, and Hobbes are in the Official�s office. Hobbes is pacing back and forth, very happy with the job.)

OFFICIAL: National Enquirer couldn�t have done a better job.

HOBBES: That�s right. Uh-huh.

OFFICIAL: Nice work, Fawkes.

DARIEN: Well, thanks. Always happy to ruin someone�s life.

HOBBES: I hear that. (laughs) That is a rush, my friend.

DARIEN: Missed the sarcasm, did you?

HOBBES: Ignored it. That guy was scum, okay? Got what he deserved. And frankly, I feel honored to be the one to give it to him, okay?

(Shot of the Official, looking slightly annoyed.)

DARIEN: Your kids are gonna hate you, you know that, right?

HOBBES: Maybe I won�t have kids.

DARIEN: Might be a good idea.

HOBBES: And if I decide to have kids, they will bestow their undying affection to the one that has brought them life�

OFFICIAL: All right, you two, knock it off, before I give you both a time out.

HOBBES: (quietly) He started it, sir.

(Hobbes points to Darien.)

OFFICIAL: Nobody likes a tattletale, Bobby. In fact, in our business, tattletales have a very short shelf life.

(Darien, who is sipping a cup of coffee, tips it towards Hobbes.)

OFFICIAL: The tip was accurate. That proves the Chrysalis leak is legitimate. But, it also lets them know that they have a security breach.

DARIEN: Right, which they�ll try to plug.

OFFICIAL: Exactly. That�s why we need to bring the leak in. Next time he makes contact, I�ll arrange for a pickup.

(The Official grabs two pagers from his desk and tosses them to Hobbes and Darien.)


(Hobbes and Darien catch the pagers, Darien making a nice one-handed catch.)

OFFICIAL: I want you two on call 24/7. We have to make our move before Chrysalis does. We have to take advantage of this opportunity.

HOBBES: Sir, uh, 24/7, that�d be considered overtime, wouldn�t it, sir?

(The Official laughs.)

OFFICIAL: Overtime� overtime?

(The Official continues to laugh.)

DARIEN: Come here.

(Darien gets up as Hobbes walks over to him.)

DARIEN: I�m gettin a "no" vibe.

HOBBES: You think?

DARIEN: Yeah, it�s just how I see it.

HOBBES: Maybe he�s still deciding.

DARIEN: I don�t know, man, I just call em as I see em.

(Darien and Hobbes leave the office, with the Official still laughing. The scene quicksilver shifts to another shot of the photograph of the politician. The camera moves out to show Stark standing at the head of a table. The picture is projected behind him.)

STARK: Ladies and gentlemen, we�ve gotten sloppy. Underestimated the Agency. That stops now. I want each of you to go through your division�s security protocols.

(The camera slowly pans to reveal Allianora as Stark is talking.)

STARK: Make any adjustments you need to protect our interests. Dismissed.

(Allianora gets up to leave.)

STARK: Allianora.

(Allianora turns back to face Stark.)

STARK: A word, please.

(Allianora walks over to Stark, unhappily.)

ALLIANORA: That was not my fault. I don�t�I don�t know how that happened.

STARK: I know exactly how it happened. Someone�s passed information to the Agency. Chrysalis has sprung a leak.

ALLIANORA: Who is it?

STARK: If I knew that, there wouldn�t be a leak.

(Stark and Allianora stare at each other for a moment.)

STARK: I don�t know who the leak is.

ALLIANORA: But the Agency does.

(The scene shifts to Darien�s apartment, where he is making paper models of airplanes. Rockabilly music is playing from his stereo. He puts the finishing touches on one airplane and tosses it. It slowly glides in a circle and arcs towards his door. Allianora opens the door, and walks in, and is hit in the chest by the airplane. Darien uses a remote to mute the stereo.)

DARIEN: Ever hear of a doorbell?

ALLIANORA: Would you have answered if I rang?

DARIEN: Well, that depends.

(Allianora starts walking towards Darien.)


DARIEN: What you wanted.

(Allianora stops a few feet away from Darien and pulls out a gun with a silencer on it.)


(Darien looks at the gun, then looks away.)

DARIEN: Well, then I guess it�s, uh, probably a good thing you didn�t ring. Not so good you made it out of that fire.

ALLIANORA: Oh, I didn�t know you cared.

DARIEN: Shows you what you know.

(Darien looks at the gun again.)

DARIEN: Since when do you start carrying a gun?

ALLIANORA: Since Chrysalis told me I find our security leak, or they�ll put leaks in me.

DARIEN: Mmm. Boy, I wish I could help.

ALLIANORA: Then help me.

DARIEN: Hey, man, I just go where they tell me, just do what I�m told. I don�t know who your leak is, and frankly, I don�t really care.

ALLIANORA: I saved your life.


(Darien looks away.)

ALLIANORA: They�re going to kill me, Darien.

DARIEN: Really. Oh, that�s terrible. Shame, really. I�m gonna miss our little chats. Oh�

(Darien pulls out another paper airplane and tosses it. Allianora shifts her aim and shoots it in mid-flight. She quickly returns the gun to it�s original position.)

ALLIANORA: I want a name. I want a name!

DARIEN: I told you, I don�t know.

(Allianora cocks the gun.)

ALLIANORA: Then you�re really gonna miss our little chats.

(Darien subtly reaches for the stereo remote and raises the volume up quickly. Allianora is distracted by the stereo momentarily, which allows Darien to smack the gun out of her hand and grab her. Allianora sprays water at Darien�s face, knocking him backwards. Allianora grabs him and the two go over the couch. They roll for a moment, then Allianora throws Darien off and scrambles back over the couch to grab the gun. Darien follows and pins her, only to have Allianora point the gun at his temple. The two stare at each other as the music suddenly changes to a more romantic piece. Darien leans in and kisses Allianora. After a moment, she drops the gun. They continue to kiss for a bit longer, then Allianora throws Darien off.)

ALLIANORA: That was wrong.

DARIEN: So wrong.

(The two lean back in towards each other and start kissing passionately again. As they continue to kiss, Darien quicksilvers both of them. As they continue, invisible, pieces of clothing suddenly start appearing in mid-air, shedding quicksilver as they land. The trail of clothing moves to Darien�s pool table, where paper airplanes are swept off. Darien laughs softly. The scene fades, and reappears in his apartment the following morning. Darien is sweeping up pieces of broken pottery with a hand broom. As Darien sweeps, somebody knocks at the door. Darien dumps the pieces into the trash, and goes to the door. He looks through the peephole, to reveal a woman in a maid�s outfit.)

MAID: I am the maid.

(Darien opens the door.)

DARIEN: Oh, thank you so much for coming over, I really appreciate�

MAID: Ssh!

(The Maid walks past Darien and opens up a case.)

DARIEN: Hey, how long does this usually�

MAID: Ssh!

(The Maid hands Darien a clipboard.)

MAID: Sign this.

(The Maid takes out a bug-detecting device, and starts scanning.)

DARIEN: Hey, look, could we just go�

MAID: Ssh!

(The door opens behind Darien, and Hobbes, dressed in a beach outfit, walks in.)

HOBBES: Hey, partner.

(Darien looks up briefly from the clipboard.)

DARIEN: Hey, Hobbesey.

HOBBES: How you doin? I just figured since we gotta be on call, may as well be on call at the beach, what do ya say?

(Hobbes notices the Maid.)

HOBBES: Hey, Maid! How are you doin?

MAID: Hobbes! (laughs)

(The Maid and Hobbes walk towards each other.)

HOBBES: What�s going on? It�s the Maid. Maid, Maid, Maid, give me some lovin, baby.

MAID: How you doin?

HOBBES: I�m doin alright, what are you doin here?

(The Maid and Hobbes peck each other on the cheek.)

MAID: Well, Motormouth here called for a routine sweep.

DARIEN: What are you talking about, Motormouth?

MAID: Ssh!

HOBBES: Weeeell, congratulations.

DARIEN: On what?

(The Maid goes back to sweeping for bugs.)

HOBBES: You�re finally thinking like a government agent. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of�

(Hobbes stops and sniffs Darien�s sleeve.)

DARIEN: What are you doing?

HOBBES: Mmm, that�s nice.

(Darien starts backing towards the kitchenette. Hobbes follows.)

HOBBES: Nice perfume. You have a little friend over here last night? A little action, my friend?


HOBBES: No? Then how come you smell like Lady of the Lake?

(Darien stares at Hobbes.)

HOBBES: The perfume. You smell like Lady of the Lake. You�re practically wearin it.

DARIEN: I don�t smell anything.

HOBBES: Of course you don�t, that�s because you�re not trained in Investigative Olfaction.

(Darien grabs a cup of coffee and walks over to the counter, where he sits and studies the newspaper.)

DARIEN: Hmm, right, and I suppose you are, huh?

HOBBES: Well, yes I am. Class of 88. Well, it was a seminar, but�

DARIEN: Well, let me tell you something. You need to go back to school, cause you�re smelling things.

HOBBES: Bobby Hobbes detects many scents. He doesn�t just smell things, all right?

DARIEN: That�s right, he only hears them.

(Hobbes� pager goes off.)

HOBBES: It�s the Official.

(Darien�s pager goes off a split second later.)

DARIEN: Hmm. Mine too.

(Darien gets up and slaps the newspaper onto the table. The scene zooms to the van, rushing down a street.)

DARIEN: Hobbes?

HOBBES: Yes, Fawkes?

DARIEN: Is something wrong with your brakes?


(Hobbes pulls a sharp right, throwing Darien to the side. He pulls himself back to a normal position and puts on a seat belt.)

DARIEN: Why don�t you try using them, huh?

HOBBES: Nobody follows Bobby Hobbes, my friend.

DARIEN: Wait a minute, somebody�s following us?


(Hobbes makes another sharp turn.)

HOBBES: And I intend to keep it that way.

(Hobbes turns to Darien.)

HOBBES: All right, so, was it Sally?


HOBBES: Sally in accounting, huh? (clicks tongue)

DARIEN: What are you talking about?

HOBBES: The chick in your apartment.

(Hobbes pulls onto another road, cutting off a red SUV, which honks at the van. Darien pulls himself up from the turn again.)

DARIEN: Hobbes, will you slow down, please?

HOBBES: Wait a second, the Keeper sometimes wears Lady of the Lake perfume.

DARIEN: Hobbes, please. Will you give it up? It was not the Keeper.

HOBBES: I knew that. You�re not her type.

(Hobbes slams on the brakes, and the van skids to a halt outside a building.)

DARIEN: What do you mean, I�m not her type?

(Hobbes looks out the window and quickly backs up a couple of feet, throwing Darien into the window.)

DARIEN: (distorted) Hobbes!

HOBBES: Will you sit back and relax? You�re very stressed today, you know that? You need to relax and let go. You gotta eat, like, health food or something.

(The van pulls into an underground parking lot.)

DARIEN: Okay, uh, how are we supposed to recognize this guy?

HOBBES: The Official told him to look for the van, he�ll find us, don�t worry.

(The camera shifts to a scene of a man in a suit from the legs down. He starts walking as soon as the van stops. A car door is opened.)

DARIEN: Can I get out?



HOBBES: Yes, get out of the car.

(Darien gets out of the car.)

MAN: I wasn�t sure if would�


(Hobbes and Darien stand with their backs to the man.)

MAN: "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair."

DARIEN: (whispering) Is this�

HOBBES: Ssh! Would you just�

MAN: "Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn�t very fuzzy�was he?"

(Darien and Hobbes turn to the man and walk over.)

HOBBES: Hobbes, Fawkes.

(The three start walking.)

MAN: Chrysalis is probably looking for me already.

DARIEN: You�re giving up an awful lot to come to us.

HOBBES: I heard about the Chrysalis setup. Nice cars, nice suits, beautiful broads�

(Hobbes slowly looks at Darien.)

HOBBES: �who also happen to wear Lady of the Lake perfume, now that I think about it.

MAN: Those things are the least of my concern. I�m risking my life by coming to see you.

DARIEN: Why you doing that?

MAN: I�ve worked for Chrysalis for almost 25 years.

DARIEN: Twenty-five years, what, you start out testing diapers for them?

MAN: Not quite, but I�ve been part of the program for a long time. I just draw the line at using children.

(A car suddenly appears behind the trio.)


(Hobbes and Darien run for cover, while the man runs blindly ahead. The driver of the car swings a metal hook on a chain. He hits the man in the back, who quickly crumples. Darien and Hobbes get up and look at the car. The driver sticks his head out, checks the body, and winks at Darien and Hobbes. The car drives off as Darien and Hobbes stand over the body.)

DARIEN: Who was that?

HOBBES: Who�s he winking at? Winking at me?

DARIEN: I think it was you.

(Hobbes looks down at the body.)

HOBBES: Well, looks like, uh�

DARIEN: Please, okay, can you just�

HOBBES: Somebody plugged the leak.

(Darien looks away in annoyance.)

HOBBES: Leak�s been plugged.

DARIEN: I got it, thanks.

HOBBES: The leak�s got a leak.

(Darien looks at Hobbes, who shrugs.)

(Fade to commercial.)

(The scene returns in the Official�s office, where an irritated Official is stalking around the room.)

OFFICIAL: How?! How could you have let this happen?

HOBBES: Well, sir, uh, we really didn�t, you know, let it happen. It just, you know, just sorta, uh, you know�

(Darien is munching on popcorn, unconcerned.)

DARIEN: Happened?

HOBBES: Right, right. Yeah. In a way that really wasn�t, you know, I mean, it was just, really wasn�t, uh�

DARIEN: Not our fault?

OFFICIAL: Bobby, I�m disappointed in you. I expect this kind of sloppiness from Fawkes, but you are a professional. Professionals aren�t tailed to covert rendezvous.

HOBBES: Whoa-ho-ho, one second there, Officer Krupke. We were not tailed, okay? Nobody tails Bobby Hobbes without him knowing it.

OFFICIAL: Uh-huh. How can you be sure?

DARIEN: Because that dude was already in the garage before we got there. Do you even read our reports? I mean, it, it takes a while to fill them out.

OFFICIAL: That report also stated that you two were the only ones who knew about the rendezvous.




OFFICIAL: So, perhaps we have a leak of our own.

DARIEN: Please. Come on, please. Would you give it up?

OFFICIAL: No, wait a minute. I understand you, uh, requested the services of the Maid today. Now, Hobbes has had her at his place at least 30 times this year. But today was your first. Why now?

DARIEN: Well, as Bobby Hobbes would say, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

OFFICIAL: Has anyone from Chrysalis been in contact with you?

DARIEN: No. No, no.

(The Official leans in to look at Darien closely.)

OFFICIAL: Anyone outside the Agency at all?


(The Official stares at Darien for a moment, then straightens up and turns to Hobbes.)

OFFICIAL: That true, Bobby?

HOBBES: Uh, yes, far as I know, sir. It�s a, a negative.

OFFICIAL: Negative, hmm?

(The Official�s phone rings, but he makes no move to answer it. After a second, Darien and Hobbes start pointing towards the phone, which spurs the Official into action.)


(The Official picks up the phone.)

OFFICIAL: This is him. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I got it.

(The Official hangs up and walks back to Darien and Hobbes.)

OFFICIAL: Have an ID on the leak.

(Hobbes gets up.)

HOBBES: Got an address?

OFFICIAL: Yeah, 913 Bruce Street. Comb his place, see if you can find out anything more about what he told you, and do it quick. Chrysalis knows who he is too.

(Darien gets up and starts to follow Hobbes out the door.)

OFFICIAL: And Fawkes�

(Darien turns to the Official.)

OFFICIAL: I have a zero-tolerance policy for betrayal. Zero. Remember that.

(Darien turns back and heads out the door. Hobbes pokes Darien in the chest.)

HOBBES: That�s right, don�t forget that, pal. Zero, zilch, nada, nothing, eh?

(Darien and Hobbes leave the office, and start walking down the hallway.)

HOBBES: So you netted the mermaid, didn�t you? That was the chiquita in your apartment, wasn�t it?

DARIEN: If you say so.

HOBBES: It�ll end badly, my friend. Mark my words.

DARIEN: Marked.

(The scene quicksilver shifts to the van pulling up outside the house of the leak.)

HOBBES: Got a nice breeze.

DARIEN: That window doesn�t open.

HOBBES: That window shouldn�t open.

DARIEN: Ah, don�t get me wrong, it�s a nice window.

(Darien and Hobbes get out of the van and heads towards the house.)

HOBBES: At least there�s no sign of Chry-salis.

DARIEN: Never is until there is.

HOBBES: I like that. It�s good.

DARIEN: Thank you.

HOBBES: All right, here�s the plan. We split up.

DARIEN: Genius.

HOBBES: Okay, I go around the back, and you go right to the front.

DARIEN: I like that. But why don�t you take the front, and I�ll take the back.

HOBBES: No, the plan is, you go through the front, I go around the back.

DARIEN: I had the front last time and almost got killed.

HOBBES: I got, I got shot at the time before that�

DARIEN: That�s right, so whose turn is it, my friend?

HOBBES: That�s�

DARIEN: Got nowhere to go on that one, do you?

HOBBES: That�s not the plan.

DARIEN: Yeah, well, it�s plan B, my friend. Just� (motions to the front door)

HOBBES: I had a different plan.

(Darien keeps pointing to the front door as he heads towards the back. Darien hoists himself up over the fence, quicksilvering as he goes. Hobbes walks up the stairs and picks the lock on the front door. He opens the door and steps inside. A man hiding behind the door puts a gun to the back of his head.)

HOBBES: I knew I should�ve taken the back door.

(The scene moves to quicksilver vision as Darien heads up the hallway, where a Chrysalis agent is working at a computer. The Chrysalis agent puts a hand up to his ear, listening to a transmitter.)

STARK: He�s right behind you.

(The agent takes out a floppy disk, and waits for Fawkes for a moment. He whips out a chain and hurls it at Darien. It wraps around his neck, choking him. The agent pulls out a gun and shoots the computer a few times. He then takes the chain and throws Darien against a bookcase. He kicks at Darien�s head, causing him to cough violently and shed quicksilver.)

DARIEN: All right, all right, time out, how the hell did you know I was here?!

AGENT: My Spidey-sense was tingling.

(The agent punches Darien in the face. The agent covering Hobbes is distracted by the commotion, allowing Hobbes to twist around and land some blows. Hobbes quickly knocks the agent out and grabs the gun, in time to see Darien being held at gunpoint by the other Chrysalis agent.)

HOBBES: Hey, look who�s here. Not much better through the back door, is it? You okay?

DARIEN: Been better.

HOBBES: Huh. You hurt my partner, I hurt you, my friend.

(The knocked-out agent revives and scrambles towards the agent holding Darien.)

AGENT: Yeah, if you�re willing to try.

(The agent throws Darien at Hobbes, knocking both of them to the floor. The two agents run out the door, and quickly get into a car. Hobbes shoots at them as they leave, hitting the windshield. Darien comes out a moment later.)

DARIEN: Did you hit anything?

HOBBES: Uh�I�ooh.

(Darien and Hobbes walks back inside the house. The scene shifts to Claire studying a sample under a microscope. She takes the sample and sticks it into a test tube as Darien paces.)

DARIEN: Look, I�m telling you, they knew we were going into that house. And that guy, that guy knew exactly where I was when I was invisible.

CLAIRE: All right. Now, are you sure he wasn�t wearing thermal glasses?

(Darien follows Claire as she moves around the Keep.)

DARIEN: Well, not unless they come in a new and improved contact lens version. I�m telling you, Keep, I feel like I was being watched.

(Darien and Claire move to one of the fish tanks.)

CLAIRE: Oh, Darien, you see, this, this business can just make you paranoid, you know? All the spying and the, the looking over your shoulder. It, it just drives you crazy, so you have got to believe me when I tell you, nobody is watching you, okay? I mean, Chrysalis just got lucky this time.

DARIEN: Just got lucky, huh? Ok. If you say so.

CLAIRE: Well, there�s always Lymon�s computer, you know? I mean, hopefully, we can salvage some data off of that. Maybe it�ll tell us something.

(Claire moves off to Lymon�s computer.)

DARIEN: How long is that going to take?

CLAIRE: I don�t know. I could use your help, though.

(The scene shifts to the hallway, where Darien follows Claire, carrying the computer.)

CLAIRE: Yes, so even though the hard disk was destroyed, we can still retrieve information from the cache storage buffer.

DARIEN: Wow, that actually means less to me than most of the things you usually say.

(Claire stops at the door to the padded room, but Darien keeps walking.)

CLAIRE: Oh, you�ll see. Come in, it�s in here.

(Darien looks back to Claire.)

DARIEN: What are we going to do, interrogate the computer?

CLAIRE: No, it�s best to open a computer in a static-free room.

(Claire opens the door, and the two walk in.)

CLAIRE: Can you just actually see if there are screws on the back of that for me?

(Darien studies the back of the case.)

DARIEN: Actually, there�s two.

CLAIRE: Yeah? Great.

DARIEN: Did you bring a screwdriver or something that we can use�

(The padded room has been coated with strips of aluminum. Claire moves to the center of the room and quickly turns a machine on. A blue light is emitted as she turns back to Darien.)

CLAIRE: All right, now, we have to focus, before Chrysalis gets suspicious, okay? So listen, very carefully.

DARIEN: Whoa, what�s going on here? Who ordered the disco ball?

(Claire leans down in front of the machine.)

CLAIRE: Okay, this is a multi-spectrum RF inhibitor.

(Darien follows Claire down.)


CLAIRE: It�s in-sulation.

DARIEN: In-sulation against what?

CLAIRE: Darien, you were right, I did find a bug.

DARIEN: You what?

CLAIRE: Yes, yes. It�s inside you. That�s why Chrysalis was able to anticipate your every move.

DARIEN: You said that I was being paranoid, that nobody was watching me!

CLAIRE: Yes, well, I couldn�t very well tell you while they were listening, could I?

(Darien pauses.)

DARIEN: (whispering) Listening?

CLAIRE: (nods) Well, they can�t hear you right now, but they can hear what you say, and they can see everything that you see.

DARIEN: Well, would you get it out of me?!

CLAIRE: (sighs) I don�t know how. Not yet, not yet. It�s based on nanotechnology.

DARIEN: Oh, nano, you mean, you mean, like, like, like tiny?

CLAIRE: Yes, yes, it�s actually really, really fascinating stuff. It�s, it�s like the creation of machines on an, on an atomic scale. For example, one day, doctor will be able to inject little tiny nano-robots into our blood to clear cholesterol out of our arteries, or�

DARIEN: Okay, okay, okay, I got it. The question is, how�d I get it?

CLAIRE: Two ways: direct injection or viral infection.

DARIEN: Like, like catching a cold or something.

CLAIRE: Well, yes, but the, you know, the contact would have to be� a little�


CLAIRE: Well, uh, you know, a bit more�


CLAIRE: (sighs) �intimate

Darien stares at Claire, then looks disgusted.

DARIEN: That bitch.

CLAIRE: Right, so, um, I�m gathering there�s something that you need to tell me.

(Claire circles around the machine to face Darien.)

DARIEN: (sighs) Not really.

CLAIRE: Come on, I�m your doctor. If I�m going to treat you, I need to know every detail� so to speak.

(Darien looks at Claire uncomfortably.)

DARIEN: Allianora.

CLAIRE: Right� yeah?

(Darien raises his eyebrows. Claire raises hers as well, and Darien looks away, frustrated.)

DARIEN: She came over last night.

(Claire stares at Darien, still not comprehending.)


DARIEN: Come on, I gotta spell this out for you?

CLAIRE: No, but for goodness sakes, Darien, have you never heard of safe sex?

DARIEN: What are you, my mom?

CLAIRE: Okay, I�m not going to lecture you right now. We need to get out of here before Chrysalis gets suspicious.

(Claire moves towards the door, but Darien grabs her.)

DARIEN: But what am I supposed to do about the thing in my head?

CLAIRE: Nothing, nothing. We just need you to get out here before they get suspicious, all right?

(Claire moves towards the door again.)


(Claire spins back to Darien.)

CLAIRE: Look, pretend that you�re working, never forget that they can see and hear everything that you do.

(Claire exits the room. Darien stares at the machine for a bit, then leaves also.)

(Fade to commercial.)

(The scene returns Chrysalis� monitor of Darien. Darien is facing his bathroom mirror, flossing his teeth as yodeling music plays in the background.)

DARIEN: Oh. Oh, yeah.

(A burst of static appears, as Darien shifts the floss to his lower row of teeth. Another burst of static appears, and the camera slowly pans away from the monitor to reveal Stark, Allianora, and one of the Chrysalis agents.)

STARK: The Agency is getting a little�too close.

(Stark glances at the monitor and grins quickly.)

ALLIANORA: Maybe we should just cancel the education program.

STARK: No, no. We just need to accelerate the program�s implementation.

AGENT: Done.

(Allianora gives the agent a disgusted glance.)

STARK: Besides, we still have some warning from Fawkes� nanobug.

(The three look at the monitor, now showing Darien squirting toothpaste into his mouth and brushing. Allianora laughs softly, once. Another shot of the monitor is seen, as Darien uses a nose hair trimmer. The scene moves to the Agency hallway, where Darien is walking down the hall, listening to a walkman and playing air guitar. He turns a corner to face two of the Agency�s agents, blocking his way. Darien looks at them for a moment, then tries to move around them. The agents moves to block his way, causing Darien to remove his headphones.)

DARIEN: Hey, you guys, what�s going on, huh?

(One of the agents punches in the face. Darien falls to the ground, where the agents restrain him.)

DARIEN: What are you doing?!

(The Official walks out, followed by Hobbes.)

OFFICIAL: Cut the crap, Fawkes. Game�s over. We know you�re wearing a wire.

HOBBES: We were your family, Fawkes. Why�d you do it?

DARIEN: Hobbes, listen to me, okay.

HOBBES: (sadly) I would have given you my life. My life.

DARIEN: Okay, listen, all you guys gotta do is talk to the Keeper, okay? She can explain everything.

HOBBES: Yeah. This is how you repay that loyalty?

(The Official raises a pistol. Hobbes turns away, unable to watch.)


DARIEN: Whoa, what are you guys doing?

(The scene jumps to Stark and Allianora, watching the action from the montior.)

DARIEN: (over monitor) Hobbes, come on, Hobbes, you�ve just gotta listen to me, all right?

(The camera moves to the monitor.)

OFFICIAL: Time for Solution Beta to go into effect.

(The Official fires, and the monitor suddenly displays static. Allianora and Stark look at each other, stunned. Allianora appears extremely upset. The scene jumps back to the Agency, where Hobbes is trying to restrain his laughter. Darien is shown with what looks like a modified motorcycle helmet on his head, looking very scared. He shouts, then looks around, disturbed. Hobbes gives up and starts laughing, and the Official joins in.)

OFFICIAL: We really had you going there, didn�t we?

(Hobbes points to Darien, still laughing.)

HOBBES: You should have seen your face!

(Claire speaks up from behind Darien, as she and the two agents help him back to his feet.)

CLAIRE: Oh, well, you should have seen yours. Bobby, that was a very good performance!

(Darien stands up, looking sick.)

HOBBES: Oh, you thought so?

CLAIRE: Oh, I, I loved it.

HOBBES: Thank you. Actually, I did, I did a little high school acting once.

OFFICIAL: Bobby, don�t quit your day job.

HOBBES: Pay me more.

(Darien interrupts.)

DARIEN: Look, excuse me, but what the hell is going on?! And� why am I wearing a�

(Darien attempts to remove the helmet, but the Official, Hobbes, and Claire all press it back down onto his head.)


CLAIRE: No, no, no! That is stopping the transmission of the nano-bug.

DARIEN: A motorcycle helmet?

CLAIRE: Yes, yes, I, I was able to generate a dampening signal by using the synthetic polymers in the casing.

HOBBES: Chrysalis thinks you�re dead, my friend. Now we got the advantage.

(The scene jumps to a computer image of the nano-bug.)

CLAIRE: So, this is an ETM scan of the bug lodged in your visual cortex.

(The camera moves out to show Claire at work in front of the computer. Darien and Hobbes sit behind her, watching. Darien is eating another bag of popcorn.)

CLAIRE: Now, I think if I can get a sample, I can, I can reverse engineer a kind of nano-antibiotic.

DARIEN: Wait a minute.

(Darien points to his head.)

DARIEN: Don�t, don�t you have a sample right here?

CLAIRE: Yeah, but, um, I�m afraid that if we take it out of your head, it might cause some serious damage�possibly kill you.

(Darien pauses for a moment, then resumes eating and rolls his eyes.)

DARIEN: Where have I heard that before?

HOBBES: Don�t worry, partner. I got a lead on where we�re gonna find some more of those little n�

(Darien turns his head towards Hobbes.)


(Hobbes leans in closer.)

HOBBES: I said I�

DARIEN: You what? What?

HOBBES: I said I got a lead on where we�re gonna more little nano-buggies for you.

DARIEN: Lymon�s computer?

HOBBES: Lymon�s computer, my friend. Guy�s had a half a dozen meetings in the past two weeks at a place called Dougjay Pharmaceuticals�

(Hobbes pulls out a sheet of paper from his shirt pocket and unfolds it.)

HOBBES: � concerning a batch number�S�B�469.

(Claire nods and munches on the popcorn.)

HOBBES: Now, Claire�s under the impression that�

DARIEN: Wait a minute, let me guess. Chrysalis is going to take some of these nano-dealies, stick them in some drug, and them boom�infect hundreds of people at a time.

HOBBES: Bingo. You�re on a roll. You�re good.

DARIEN: Thank you very much. I�m here all week. You got an address?

HOBBES: Street and e-mail. Even got the tax ID number.

DARIEN: Let�s hit it.

HOBBES: Shall we?

(Darien gets up to leave, and the scene jumps to the outside of Dougjay Pharmaceuticals. The camera then moves inside to show an executive at his desk, reading through an organizer. Claire, Hobbes, and Darien come through the door to the office, causing the executive to put his organizer down.)

CLAIRE: Bobby�

HOBBES: Lick, like lick?

CLAIRE: No, it�s Wender-


(Claire walks up to the executive.)

CLAIRE: Hello, hello. Thank you so much for seeing us, Mr. Wenderlick.

WENDERLICK: My pleasure. I�ll be honest, uh, your arrival was a bit of a surprise. We were caught a little off guard.

HOBBES: Wouldn�t be a surprise inspection if it didn�t, right?

WENDERLICK: Yes, yes, of course.

HOBBES: Sort of defeats its own purpose.

WENDERLICK: Yes, it�s just that we�ve never had one from the Department of Fish and Game before. May my assistant get you something to drink? Take your jacket, or (raises voice) your helmet, perhaps?

(Darien, who is at the back of the room with the assistant, looks at Wenderlick.)

DARIEN: I�m sorry, what?

WENDERLICK: My assistant, can she take your helmet?

DARIEN: Oh, no, I�m good, thank you.

(The assistant leaves, closing the door behind her. Darien moves to the desk and sits down.)

WENDERLICK: Well, I can assure you that, uh, we are in complete compliance with all state and federal animal safety regulations.

HOBBES: That�s good. Maybe you can give us a little more assurance.

WENDERLICK: I�d be happy to. We have nothing to hide. I�ll give you a tour.

(Wenderlick gets up and moves towards the door. Claire suddenly groans and holds her stomach, bending over slightly.)

HOBBES: What�s the matter?

CLAIRE: Oh, I�m so sorry.

HOBBES: You okay?

CLAIRE: Um, you know, you know what, I need to� is there a bathroom nearby?

WENDERLICK: Of course. It�s right down the hall.

CLAIRE: Thank you.

(Claire moves towards the door.)

CLAIRE: Oh, You know what, why don�t you guys go ahead without me, and I�ll catch up. All right? I�m sorry.

(Claire moves off, still holding her stomach.)

(Darien and Hobbes move up to the door.)

HOBBES: She�s got that, uh�

DARIEN & HOBBES: (together) Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

(Claire moves off down the hall, but she passes the restroom and ducks into a nearby cubicle. She pulls out a piece of paper and sets it in front of the monitor. She begins typing, then grabs a pen and pad of paper and begins to write as the computer runs a program. The scene moves to Darien and Hobbes, who are following Wenderlick.)

HOBBES: Nice suit.

DARIEN: Nice haircut.

(Wenderlick stops in front of a door.)

WENDERLICK: Right this way, gentlemen, our animal testing labs are just down the stairs.

(Wenderlick opens the door, trailed by Darien and Hobbes.)

DARIEN: You know, you should get a haircut like that.

HOBBES: Let�s not worry about my hair, all right? It�s between me and my�

(Darien and Hobbes step into the stairway, and discover men with guns pointed at the two of them.)

HOBBES: �barber.

(Darien looks at the man holding a gun on him.)

DARIEN: Okay. (sighs) See ya.

(Darien quicksilvers, as the two gunmen look on, confused.)

HOBBES: See, he does this. You should go out for drinks with the guy.

(Hobbes whirls and knocks the nearest gunman�s arm away. The gunman comes back with a cross punch. The camera shifts to quicksilver vision as Darien punches the other gunman and sends him rolling down the stairs. Hobbes continues to fight with his opponent as Darien knocks the other gunman down another flight of stairs. Hobbes knocks his opponent out only to have Wenderlick point a gun at him. Hobbes freezes in a karate stance and gives a small kung-fu cry, which Wenderlick ignores. Hobbes shrugs. The camera shifts to quicksilver vision again as Darien looks up the stairs to see Wenderlick and Hobbes.)

HOBBES: Anytime, Fawkes.

(The motorcycle helmet suddenly appears, shedding quicksilver. Darien tosses it at Wenderlick, who shoots through it as it lands on his gun hand.)

HOBBES: Nice move.

(Hobbes turns to Wenderlick and knocks him out. The scene returns to the monitor at Chrysalis, where Allianora is looking dejected. Suddenly, the picture returns to show Hobbes standing over Wenderlick.)

HOBBES: (over monitor) That was a nice throw, Fawkes. Like a pitch. Like a Frisbee. Beautiful.

(Allianora, looking delighted, suddenly frowns, and punches a button on the intercom.)

ALLIANORA: Get me Stark.

(The scene returns to the hallway, where Darien scoops up the motorcycle helmet, which has been blasted nearly into two.)

DARIEN: Aw, crap.

HOBBES: It�s a mess, huh?

(Darien inspects the helmet.)

DARIEN: Yeah, it�s not good.

HOBBES: We gotta find the Keep.

(Claire opens the stairway door.)

CLAIRE: Hey, I heard shooting, what�

(Claire sees the downed gunmen.)

CLAIRE: Oh, my god. What happened?

(Hobbes grabs Claire and starts moving down the stairs.)

HOBBES: Come on, come on.

DARIEN: Chrysalis.

(Darien follows Claire and Hobbes down the stairs.)

HOBBES: You find anything?


(Darien tries to quiet Claire.)

DARIEN: Uh, guys?

(Claire pulls out a piece of paper, oblivious.)

CLAIRE: Batch SB469 is a flu vaccine�

DARIEN: Sssh, ssh, ssh!

CLAIRE: �sent, sent, sent to Danforth Prep School for their yearly inoculations.

DARIEN: Excuse me?

(Darien holds out the broken helmet.)

DARIEN: We have a problem here.

CLAIRE: Oh, my god! Darien, what happened to your helmet?

DARIEN: Thank you. It just got used for target practice.

(Claire sighs.)

HOBBES: I guess we know what Chrysalis is up to.

DARIEN: Yeah, and now they know we know.

(The trio stops.)

DARIEN: Well, smile. You�re on Candid Camera.

(Hobbes and Claire lean in and grin. Claire then continues down the stairs, but Hobbes stays.)

HOBBES: How�s it going, Chrysalis? Hey, Chrys-alis, chrysal-this! (points downward)

CLAIRE: Bobby, come on.

(Darien and Hobbes resume going down the stairs, but Darien stops at a reflective floor sign.)

DARIEN: Hey, there.

(The scene shifts to the Chrysalis monitor, where Darien�s reflection is seen.)

DARIEN: So� You guys wanted to see what I see, huh? Why don�t you throw on some Jiffy Pop, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show�while I screw up your plans again.

(Darien clicks his tongue and winks. Allianora and the Chrysalis agent watch as Stark, annoyed, shuts off the feed from the bug, then throws the remote on the table.)

STARK: Get a team together.

(The agent heads for the door with Stark as Allianora stands up.)

ALLIANORA: I told you I didn�t want anything to do with this project.

(Stark walks back and grabs Allianora by the chin.)

STARK: I told you to get a team together.

(Stark trails a finger across Allianora�s chin as he moves back to the door.)

AGENT: Where we goin?

STARK: We� (holds hands out) are going back to school.

(The agent and Stark leave. Allianora stares into space for a moment, then follows.)

(Fade to commercial.)

(The scene returns with the van driving down a highway. Inside the van, Claire is talking on a cell phone, while Darien is reading a X-Men comic book and listening to music.)

CLAIRE: No, no. Please, please. This is urgent. I need to speak to the headmaster� (rolls eyes) Yes, Mr. Fullerton, immediately.

(Claire sighs angrily.)

CLAIRE: Yes, I�ll hold.

(Darien leans the comic book down and tries to look around. Hobbes shoves the comic book back up at him.)

HOBBES: Keep reading. You�ll give away our position.

CLAIRE: Can�t hear you.

HOBBES: Yeah, well, neither can Chrysalis, right?

CLAIRE: You know what? I can, I can understand why they�ve infected Darien with this, with this nano-bug, but why schoolchildren?

HOBBES: Let me tell you something, Keep. Danforth Prep isn�t just any school, okay? Those kids� parents are senators, powerful CEOs, society�s elite. They run this country. I�m sure Chrysalis is mighty interested in what�s discussed at those dinner tables, let me tell you. Oh, and better, when those bratty schoolkids grow up, they�ll be the ones running this country, and I guarantee Chrysalis is going to know everything they do.

CLAIRE: Yeah, well, that�s if they grow up.

HOBBES: What do you mean, if? You know something I don�t?

CLAIRE: There�s no telling what sort of long term side effects these nano-bugs might have.

HOBBES: You tell that to Fawkes?

CLAIRE: No. I didn�t see the point.

(Darien starts to hum with the music, then looks down from the comic book at Claire.)

DARIEN: Hey, will you�

(Hobbes thrusts the comic book back into Darien�s face.)

HOBBES: Keep readin.

(Darien moves his head out towards Hobbes.)

DARIEN: I�m getting carsick.

(Hobbes pushes his head back into the comic book.)

FULLERTON: (over cell phone) This is Headmaster Fullerton. With whom am I speaking?

CLAIRE: Yes, hello, my name is Claire Keeply.

(The camera moves to Fullerton�s office.)

CLAIRE: Listen, I�m, I�m calling from the department of Fish and Game. Now, we have reason to believe that the flu vaccines you received today are tainted.

FULLERTON: Tainted? How? Are you sure?

(The camera moves back to Claire.)

CLAIRE: Absolutely, we�ve just come from your supplier.

(The camera returns to Fullerton.)

CLAIRE: (on phone) We�re going to follow up with the necessary paperwork, but for now, you need to cancel the inoculations, okay?

FULLERTON: Yes, of course, of course. I�ll attend to it right away.

(Fullerton hangs up the phone and hits a button on an intercom.)

FULLERTON: Strauss, have we begun distributing the flu vaccine yet?

STRAUSS: Not until two, sir.

FULLERTON: There�s going to be a change of plans. We need to reschedule.

STRAUSS: Till when?


(The van pulls up outside the school. Claire and Hobbes get out, followed by Darien. The three start walking up the stairs to the front door.)

CLAIRE: Hey. Bobby, Bobby. Listen to me. We�ve got to make sure they don�t destroy the vaccine, alright? I need a sample if I�m going to cure old Andy Gibb here.

(Claire glances back at Darien, playing air guitar behind them.)

HOBBES: Copy that.

The trio enters the main doors, as the PA system comes on.

STRAUSS: (over PA) Attention all students, please report to the nurse�s office with your blue vaccination permission slips.

(Hobbes turns to Claire as kids walk up the stairs.)

HOBBES: I thought you said the principal was canceling the vaccinations.

CLAIRE: Well, yes, that�s what he told me. Now, he would not be mistaken about this, right?

HOBBES: More likely on the Chrysalis payroll.

(Claire groans. Darien moves over to a clipboard and pen, and writes out, "Decoy" without looking. He takes out the headphones and walks off.)

DARIEN: Why don�t you guys follow me?

(The camera shifts to the Chrysalis monitor showing Hobbes and Claire, falling in behind him. The two quickly turn around as soon as Darien walks off.)

HOBBES: He�s getting good.

CLAIRE: Awfully good.

HOBBES: Jolly good.

(The scene shifts to an hypodermic gun being fired into a student�s arm. The nurse reloads as another student sits down. The camera pans down a line of students, showing a smug Fullerton pacing. Outside, Stark�s limo pulls up. Two Chrysalis gunmen get out, guns in hand. On the other side, the agent and Allianora get out.)

AGENT: What are those?

(The two gunmen look at the agent.)

AGENT: No, no, no, no, no, no. We don�t bring guns into schools.

(The two gunmen look at each other and put the guns away. The agent moves to the trunk and opens it, revealing an arsenal of unique weapons. The agent hands the gunmen crossbows.)

AGENT: Point and shoot, just like you�re taking a picture.

(Inside the limo, Stark watches Darien�s movements from a monitor. Darien passes a sign marked "pool". Stark raises a microphone to his lips.)

STARK: He�s at the pool.

(The agent fastens his miniature headset and nods.)

AGENT: Supervise the vaccinations.

(The two gunmen move off.)

ALLIANORA: Where are we going?

AGENT: Fawkes and the others are at the pool.

(Allianora and the agent move off. The camera moves to Darien, who enters the pool, and runs to the exits. All of them are locked.)

DARIEN: Aw, crap.

(The scene jumps back to the vaccinations, as the nurse injects another student. Claire and Hobbes race up the stairs and run towards the head of the line.)



HOBBES: Drop the hypo. Drop the hypo!

(Hobbes rushes past the vaccination table and tackles Fullerton, who is trying to run. Claire stops in front of the nurse.)

CLAIRE: Get these kids out of here, now!

(The nurse moves the kids out of the hallway as Hobbes picks up Fullerton and slams him against a wall of lockers.)

HOBBES: How do you look in the mirror every day, huh? You�re supposed to be a princi-pal to these kids, not Typhoid Mary.

FULLERTON: You don�t know what you�re involved in.

CLAIRE: Oh, yeah? Well, why don�t you tell us?

(Fullerton gasps abruptly as two arrows hit his stomach. Claire and Hobbes look to see one of the gunmen trying to reload.)

CLAIRE: Vaccine!

(Hobbes hides behind the lockers, as Claire upends the vaccination table and hides behind it. The second gunman fires an arrow at the table. Hobbes leans out, only to dodge two arrows from the first gunman. As the two men reload, Hobbes pulls out his gun and opens fire. The two agents hide behind corners at the end of the hallway, and draw their guns, returning fire. The scene jumps to Darien at the pool, searching through a locker frantically. Darien finds a pair of black goggles, and looks away so Stark can�t see. The camera moves to Stark, still in the car. He leans forward, puzzled, as the camera suddenly turns much darker. The camera jumps back to Darien, now wearing the goggles.)

AGENT (from hallway): I think he�s in here.

(Darien turns towards the voice and quicksilvers. The agent and Allianora enter, and look around.)

ALLIANORA: Where�d he go?

(The two run down the length of the pool. The scene jumps to the school hallway, where one of the gunmen puts two shots into the cabinet containing the vaccines. Hobbes and the other gunman exchange fire. Claire, unable to move due to the gunfire, calls out to Hobbes.)

CLAIRE: Bobby! Bobby, get me the vaccine! I need a sample!

HOBBES: Cover me!

(Hobbes slides his gun to Claire, who leans around the table, and fires four times, hitting both gunmen.)

HOBBES: Nice shooting.

(Hobbes runs past Claire to the cabinet.)

CLAIRE: Thank you very much. Check the vaccine!

(Hobbes examines the cabinet, which is full of broken vials, as Claire walks up.)

CLAIRE: Anything?

HOBBES: Not a single one.

(Claire sighs and checks the cabinet for herself. The scene jumps to Allianora and the agent, who check an exit.)

ALLIANORA: He couldn�t have gotten out. So where is he? Invisible?

(The agent listens to his headset.)

AGENT: Well, wherever he is, he must be closing his eyes. Stark can�t see a thing.

(The agent walks past Allianora, who is still looking around the room.)

AGENT: He tricked us. He led us here, then closed his eyes and doubled back. Go check on the vaccinations.

(Allianora runs back and out the way they came. The agent looks around, angrily. The camera pans down to the wet floor, where feet coated with ice can be seen walking up to the agent. The agent is hit repeatedly by Darien, while swinging wildly. The agent falls into a pile of swim boards as Darien sheds quicksilver, shaking his hand.)

DARIEN: Damn. Bony.

(Darien walks over to the agent.)

DARIEN: All right, all right, I realize it really wasn�t fair. You know, me being invisible and all. But, you know, I figure now that you can see me�

(Darien shrugs and aims a kick at the agent. The agent grabs Darien�s foot and holds it, making Darien slam into the floor. Darien lands on his head, knocking him unconscious. The agent drags Darien to the edge of the pool and kicks him in. The agent watches Darien sink, then turns around, to be promptly slammed in the head with a metal canister. Allianora drops the canister and dives in after Darien. She drags him to the surface. The camera jumps to the Chrysalis monitor, which switches from static to an image of Allianora, leaning over Darien.)

ALLIANORA: I thought I lost you

(Stark looks at the monitor in surprise.)

(Darien looks at Allianora, then coughs up water.)

ALLIANORA: You okay?

DARIEN: Well, I�ve been better.

(Darien looks at Allianora.)

DARIEN: How about you?

(Allianora looks over to the Chrysalis agent.)

ALLIANORA: Eh, I�m unemployed.

DARIEN: Maybe I can give you a recommendation, seeing as you just saved my life again.

ALLIANORA: Well, you can do much more than that�

(Allianora leans in to kiss Darien, when a gunshot is fired. Allianora groans and falls over on Darien. Darien pulls up to a sitting position in shock, then looks over at Stark, who is standing in the doorway with a handgun in his hand.)

DARIEN: You did not need to DO THAT!

(Stark shrugs, and begins walking over to Darien, who cradles Allianora.)

STARK: Allianora knew the price of betrayal, and yet�she still chose to save you. She must have really had feelings for you. That�s, uh� it�s touching. Give her my regards.

(Darien slowly looks at Stark, who suddenly bolts after another gunshot is heard. Hobbes and Claire appear in the doorway. They both run after Stark.)

HOBBES: Freeze, Stark! Hold it right there!

(Stark shoots the lock off of a door and runs through. Hobbes and other agents run after Stark as Claire moves to kneel beside Darien. Allianora attempts to speak, but can only gasp.)

DARIEN: (softly) Quiet, quiet, quiet. It�s okay, it�s okay, it�s okay.

(Claire checks Allianora�s pulse.)

DARIEN: It�s okay, you�re doing okay, just, shh, shh. It�s okay, it�s okay, it�s okay.

ALLIANORA: (weakly) Chrysalis. Chrysalis.


ALLIANORA: (weakly) They, they�re going to�

(Allianora gasps, shudders, and dies.)

(Fade to commercial.)

(The scene returns in the Keep, as Claire gives Darien an injection as Hobbes looks on.)

CLAIRE: So, we live to fight another day. Looks like the nano-antibiotic has worked. There�s absolutely no sign of the bug in you or any of the kids who received the vaccine. Hmm?

(Claire swabs Darien�s arm. Darien looks back at her expressionlessly.)

DARIEN: I suppose that�s a good thing.


HOBBES: You kidding? It�s great news. Now you can go back to doing whatever it is you do whenever nobody�s watching you.

(Darien says nothing, and gets out of the chair. As Darien walks towards the exit, Hobbes and Claire meet behind Darien.)

CLAIRE: (whispering) Bobby, say something to him.

HOBBES: (whispering) What am I going to say to him?

CLAIRE: (whispering) I don�t know, just talk to him...

(Darien turns back to Hobbes and Claire.)

DARIEN: Hey, uh�

(Claire and Hobbes turn to face Darien.)

DARIEN: Look, there�s just one thing. I thought, I thought you said you needed a sample of the nano-bug to make the anti-biotic.

CLAIRE: Yeah, I did.

DARIEN: Yeah, well, I read Hobbes� report and he said that the entire batch of the flu vaccine was destroyed in the showdown with Chrysalis.

HOBBES: That�s correct.

DARIEN: Right. So, where�d you get the sample from?

CLAIRE: Darien, it�s not really important.

DARIEN: Yeah, it is to me.

(Darien looks down, but Claire says nothing. After a moment, Darien looks at her.)

DARIEN: Allianora, you got it from her, right?

(Claire nods.)


(Darien nods and bites his lip.)

CLAIRE: I, I didn�t know her very well, but� I think that�s what she would have wanted. I mean, she sacrificed herself to save you an, and those children.

DARIEN: Yeah. Guess so.

(Darien walks off, leaving Claire and Hobbes behind.)

(Fade to credits.)
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