Fan Fiction Archive
  Transcribed by Nobodysgirl
[Pan right to Quicksilver-mad Darien who is on the telephone and pitching things around in his apartment. The room is a mess.]

Darien: Where are you? You should be here by now.

[Nightime shot of Golda moving down the highway.]

Claire Voice Over: You just have to hold on now. Bobby is driving as fast as he can.

Darien: What are you going to do about this? (He convulses and is bent over near the window.) Tell�him� to drive faster!

Claire: (To Bobby) Ok. We are running out of time!

Bobby: You want to drive?

Claire: No!

Bobby: I�ll pull over right now. We�ll do a Chinese fire drill. Is that what you want?

Claire: No! (To Darien) Darien? We�re almost there, ok, so I need you to just � to just sit down�relax�take your mind off of-

Bobby: Just calm down!

Darien: In order to relieve the mind numbing pain? Is that it? �Cause I mean after all it�s only just in my head, right?

Darien on phone: Right?

Claire: Ok listen. Read a book or something.

[We see several books in disarray on the floor.]

Darien: I�m not feelin� too good. (convulses) Oh!

Claire: What - what about some music?

[We see the stereo has been thrown already.]

Darien: Too late.

Claire on phone: Darien, think! Watch something on TV. Something non-violent.

Darien: What?

[Pan down from Darien on phone to his snake tattoo. It�s all red.]

Darien: Actually, I�m feeling in the Jerry Springer mind right about now. Ok? So I�ll see you guys when you get here ok bye bye�

[He throws the phone down and picks up the remote. Darien turns on the TV and sits. On TV there�s an airplane flying over water. In anger, Darien throws the remote down smashing the glass on a picture frame. The channel changes from the impact. Darien�s eyes are still red and he begins to look sleepy. He enters a brief stage of calm. He is then interrupted again by the TV.]

TV reporter: �Leading the ceremony today is Saint Mary�s new pastor Father Tom Moore. Thanks for joining us. Tell us what this event means to you, Father.

Tom: Well, first of all, thanks for joining us and don�t be a stranger. Uh today we�honor the spirit of all living things�

Darien: I don�t believe it.

Tom: Uh we also honor the spirit of Saint Francis�who got to call all animals his brothers and sisters�(Darien leans in closer) On the fifth and sixth day of creation, God called forth the �

Darien: Hey what are you doin� here?

[Darien grabs the television and throws it. Sparks fly. Darien convulses and falls to the ground. Bobby and
Claire race into the room.]

Claire: Ok alright Bobby.

Bobby: Fawkes!

Claire: (To Bobby) Hold his head�(To Darien) I�m here Darien!

Bobby: (holds his head steady) Come on Fawkes!

Claire: Ok�goodgoodgoodgood (injects him in the neck) Ooh..

Darien: Easy.

[Darien utters interjections and coughs as the counteragent takes effect. Claire sighs.]

Claire: Oh wow�

Bobby: Oh my God� I hate this!

Claire: I know.

Bobby: Let�s have a look here�(Bobby looks at Darien�s wrist. The tattoo is green with two red segments.) It�s not supposed to do that, isn�t it?

Claire: No, it�s not supposed to do that.

Darien: (sees tattoo) That�s not supposed to do that.

Claire: Yeah, Darien, we�ve uh� we�ve established that. I � I think we might have a problem.

Bobby: What kind of problem?

Darien: A counteragent problem?

Claire: Yes. I think you might have developed an immunity to it. It may be only a matter of time before the
counteragent becomes completely useless.

Bobby: Oh crap.

Darien: Nooo�Hobbes, this is beyond crap.

[Intro music and clips.]
Darien Voice Over: There once was a tale about a man who could turn invisible. Well, I thought it was only a story - until it happened to me. Ok, so here's how it works. There's this stuff called quicksilver that can bend light. Now, my brother and some scientists had made it into some synthetic gland. That's where I came in. You see I was facing life in prison. They were looking for a human experiment. So, we made a deal. They put the gland in my head and I walk free. Well, the operation was a success but that's when everything started to go wrong.

[Intro music and clips. <Commercial break> Claire is checking Darien�s blood pressure.]

Darien Voice Over: George Bernard Shaw said that� we have not lost faith but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession. Well, I�m startin� to think maybe we should go back the other way.

Claire: We always knew that this was a possibility.

Bobby: Yeah. Yeah. Why�and Why now?

Claire: It�s like antibiotics, ok? The more people use them the more the bacteria�ll build an immunity to them a-and they no longer work.

Darien: So, what am I supposed to do now?

Claire: We�ll do what the drug companies do when the bacteria stop responding to their antibiotics.

Bobby: Go out of business?

Claire: (Walks to lab refigerator) Develop new antibiotics that the bacteria don�t have an immunity to. (She pulls a vial out of the refrigerator and holds it up.) Counteragent two. New and improved.

Bobby: The sequel. See? Now we�re talkin�! (He wraps his arm around Claire and points to her.) See, that�s what I�m talkin� about. The Keep�s always one step ahead, comin� through the crunch � gotta love her!

Darien: I�ll tell ya. That�s kind of a relief. I was gettin� really worried there.

Claire: But Darien, you�re not out of the woods yet. I-I have to do a lot of testing to make sure this formula�s safe.

Darien: How long will that take?

Claire: I don�t know�maybe a month or two.

Bobby: How long has he got before the old stuff stops workin� completely?

Claire: Maybe a couple of weeks.

Darien: I can do the math. Well it doesn�t look like we have got much of a choice now do ya?

[Claire sighs.]

Bobby: Stick �im.

Darien: You gotta give me that stuff.

Claire: No. Darien - look. Even if I give you this and it works we don�t know what the side effects will be.

Darien: Well now, it can�t be worse than me going coo coo for Cocoa Puffs now can it?

Bobby: He�s got a point now there, Keep.

[Claire looks at vial, she then pulls needle from drawer and loads it.]

Claire: All right.

[She prepares his arm for the injection. The Keeper injects Darien with the new counteragent. They wait. Darien taps his tattoo.]

Darien: Come on come on�

[One segment turns green.]

Darien: (relieved) Woo. Here we go.

[Keeper gratefully nods. They wait. The last segment turns green. Darien looks at Claire.]

Bobby: Got it? (To Claire) Claire you�re a genius.

Claire: Well�

Bobby: (kisses her on the cheek) Genius. Bona-fide genius.

[Darien is asleep in his bedroom. His room is still a mess. We see his tattoo turn red one segment at a time. Pan to Darien�s eyes opening. They are silver.]

Darien: It�s time to partaay!

[He smiles and gets up. We see a park with people out and about. Darien runs in and grabs a frisbee from a college girl and throws it back.]

Darien: Hay. Haay!

College girl: Hey�jerk!

[He hugs a teen from behind who is standing in front of a grill.]

Darien: Let me guess? Frat party for a beer commercial?

College guy: What?

Darien: (takes lighter fluid and squirts it on the grill and then on everything.) Huh, do you need some help here?

College guy: What are you two do-?

Darien: A little help over here�a little help over here a little help over here� Woo! Baby, (he knocks over grill) now you�re hot!

College guy: What are you doin�? I�m gonna call the cops.

[Bobby and Claire are in the Keep. Bobby is washing his hands. The Keep is jotting notes down.]

Bobby: So I was driving to work right? What happens?

Keeper: What?

Bobby: I get a flat! Do I have a spare? No. Do I have a jack? No. Do I have triple A? No. Know why?

Keeper: Oh ho I think I can guess.

Bobby: Do you know why? Huh?

Keeper: Yes?

Bobby: �Cause every time I ask the chief for money for stuff like that what does he say?

Keeper and Hobbes: (imitating Official ad lib) Aaah� Bobby�aaa..we don�t have any money for that� shut up Eberts�

Official: Hey.

Hobbes: Hey chief. We were just discussing what a tight ship you run.

Official: Yeah right. Where�s Fawkes?

Keeper: Oh I don�t know uh home ah I think. He had a rough night.

Hobbes: Somethin� wrong?

Official: There�s a maniac harassing people in the park.

Hobbes: Isn�t that a police thing?

Official: A maniac with silver eyes.

Hobbes: Well it�s not really a police thing then is it?

Keeper: Oh! Bloody hell!

[Claire and Bobby exit. Darien is walking in the park. He sees boys playing football. He quicksilvers and intercepts the ball and runs through. We hear a radio play by play sound. He unquicksilvers leaving the football on the ground. The church bell sounds. We see Bobby and Claire walking through the park.]

Keeper: Oh! Bobby I � (sigh) I just don�t understand this. I mean there�s absolutely no way he should have gone silver. I gave him that shot less than twelve hours ago.

Hobbes: Maybe your new recipe needs a little more tweakin� there Keep.

Keeper: You think?

[They pass the grill and stop. People are explaining the situation to the police. Bobby kneels.]

Bobby: Looks like quicksilver flakes.

Keeper: Ah d-d-don�t! Don�t contaminate the evidence, Bobby.

Hobbes: Whatever you say, Miss CSI.

Keeper: Gee. These should have dissolved by now.

Hobbes: Yeah.

Keeper: Yeah. I need to get these back to the lab.

Hobbes: We know Fawkes was here �

Keeper: Mm hmm-

Hobbes: But where�d he go?

[Darien walks and quicksilvers as he walks toward the church.]

Darien: Forgive me father for�I am about to sin.

[He enters. <Commercial break> We see a man with his arms folded across his chest. Funeral music plays. People pay their respects. We see quicksilver vision of flowers and people in line. A grieving woman is startled and slaps the man standing next to her across the face.]

Grieving woman: Creep!

[She walks away. The man she slapped holds his hand up to his cheek. We see the priest.]

Priest: (crosses himself) E nomine Patrus, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Congregation: Amen.

Priest: May all who gather in grief please rise�

[The corpse sits up and waves. Everyone screams and exits. Darien unquicksilvers. He is stealing the corpse�s watch. He wears the watch and walks off. We see quicksilver flakes. Outside, Bobby and Claire see people rushing out of the church.]

Keeper: He wouldn�t.

Hobbes: Wouldn�t he?

[Two policemen spot Darien.]

Policeman #1: There he is.

Policeman #2: Go!

[Darien stands behind a column and quicksilvers.]

Policeman #1: He was just there. Where is he? I�m goin� around the back.

Tom: That�s the Holy Bible. There are a lot of do�s and don�ts in this book, aren�t there?

[Darien unquicksilvers outside the window. It is a catholic grade school classroom.]

Tom: Now this is just the Old Testament or what the � people who practice Judaism call the Hebrew Bible, the Torah. We don�t pay a whole lot of attention to the do�s and don�ts in that part. But there are a lot of do�s and don�ts in the new one�

[Darien enters classroom and stands in the back.]

Tom: Yeah Val?

Val: Does the devil really�exist?

Darien: Now that�s (points) an interesting question. Hey.

Tom: May I help you?

Darien: Padre, I�m hurt. Has it really been that long?

Tom: I�m sorry. I don�t �

Darien: Oh come on, what about all that quality time we spent together. I mean who got more religious detentions than me? Huh?

Tom: Darien. Darien Fawkes.

Darien: (bows) The one and only. Mind if I sit here? (To kid) Hey-

Tom: (To kids) It�s okay.

Darien: Oh I�m sorry uh, go right ahead. Tom uh you were going to tell us a little chat about the devil? Is that right?

Tom: Ok! Satan. (clears throat) Satan isn�t necessarily a literal horns and a pitchfork�devil. You can think of him as a force for evil that we all have hidden deep inside each one of us. When we- when we�re tempted to sin? That�s Satan. (Val turns around to look at Darien. Darien lifts up his glasses to show him his silver eyes. Val turns around.) When we tell a lie or steal, it�s Satan.

[Darien raises his hand to ask a question.]

Tom: Darien?

Darien: Tom? What happens when you realize you�ve got the little red guy inside you and � and you rather enjoy his company. And then you sort of experience that�being naughty is well, excuse the expression, a hell of a lot more fun than being nice. Do you ever wonder why everything they tell you you can do is so boring and�everything they tell you shouldn�t do is�so cool?

Tom: Well, you see guys, Darien always asked the hard questions but he�never wanted to listen to any of the answers.

Darien: Well your answers they�they didn�t satisfy me like they did Kevin.

Tom: Your brother was a good person.

Darien: Sometimes, yeah.

Tom: Ok guys, that�s all for today. You are dismissed.

Student: Hey! But we still have another half an hour left of school!

Tom: Well I�m making an exception just for today. Come on!

Darien: (Moves to the door) Ok you guys you get outta here. A little recess, a little kick ball. I�ll be down there in a few minutes. There ya go�High fives (high fives a student) Hey take it easy kids�right on (high fives a student)�Hey (high fives a student)�you�re the best one so far.

Tom: Ok kids.

[All the students have left. Tom and Darien are standing in the classroom.]

Darien: Well�I have waited a long time for this, haven�t I?

[Bobby and Claire enter the Hallway. They see children leaving the building.]

Keeper: Huh.

[Claire discovers some more quicksilver flakes. We see Darien again.]

Darien: I got another question, Tom. How stringent is that rule about the uh - the uh sanctity of the confessional?

Tom: Very. Anything you tell me in confession stays between you, me, and God.

Darien: So�if I was to�kill someone, you �you couldn�t tell anyone? Warn them maybe?

Tom: Well, I�d certainly try to convince you not to do it.

Darien: (smiles and thinks) But you couldn�t tell anyone.

Tom: This is hypothetical I hope you�re not gonna-

Darien: Kill someone? I don�t know. Did you ever keep that kind of secret? The kind that�d get someone hurt?

Tom: This is about Kelly, isn�t it?

Darien: Gold star to the man with a gun. Do you know why she killed herself doc? Hm? I want you to answer me right now. Did her old man ever confess to you the stuff that he was doin� to her?

Tom: Like I said you always asked the tough questions.

Darien: Mmm�Well usually you gave me answers sometimes they�re lame�but you try.

Tom: There�s a lot of troubled people in this world, Darien. The Word of God couldn�t have covered every of them.

Darien: I asked you a question. Did you know that he was doin� to her?

Tom: You know I can�t answer that?

Darien: Really? (Darien ignites his lighter.) Oh�you�ll answer.

[The Keeper and Hobbes enter. Bobby points a gun at Darien.]

Hobbes: Get out of here, Father. Right now. Let�s go.

Darien: Hobbes�please! What is up with this? Starsky never drew on Hutch.

Hobbes: Obviously you never saw the episode where Hutch goes stage five quicksilver nuts, did ya?

Darien: No, I didn�t. How did it turn out?

Keeper: He recovers.

[Claire points gun and fires. Darien gets hit with a tranquilizer dart and falls to the ground. We now see Darien who is lying on the examination chair. The Keeper stands near him. Bobby stands off to the back.]

Darien: And then�you found me trying to kill my childhood priest?

Hobbes: Well you weren�t trying to kiss him.

Darien: Ok�well I�d worry about going to hell, but I think that I�m already there.

Keeper: Darien - How soon after I gave you the counteragent did you go into quicksilver madness?

Darien: (thinks) I didn�t. I mean I-I went right to bed.

Keeper: There was no headache? No red eyes? No warning at all?

Darien: Nah, no not that I remember. Hey�hey Keep? Uh this probably has got something to do with that new counteragent, right? I mean you think this could happen again.

Keeper: Yeah.

Hobbes: Where did you get the Rolex?

Darien: What?

Hobbes: Looks nice.

Darien: I don�t know.

Hobbes: Did somebody give it to ya?

Darien: Maybe�I-I don�t remember.

Hobbes: Maybe you took it off someone�uh�when you were silver-eyed.

Darien: Maybe. I don�t remember.

Hobbes: (To Claire) He doesn�t remember anything, Keep. I�m gonna check this out. Ask our buddy at the hospital for starters. (moves to table) Hey, how come this stuff doesn�t dissolve away like it�s supposed to?

Keeper: Don�t you touch that Bobby! I don�t know why�It must be some sort of side effect from the experimental counteragent.

Darien: Listen. Next time you can do all the testing you want, all right?

Keeper: Wow.

Hobbes: You think you can melt �em back down?

[Bobby touches the flakes. They join and hang off of his finger.]

Hobbes: Claire?

[The quicksilver absorbs into his body. His eyes shut.]

Hobbes: Ah!

Keeper: You alright Bobby?

Hobbes: Yeah. Yeah, yeah I�m ok� I just um remembered there was something I wanted to discuss with
official. I�ll just catch you two later if that�s ok . Yeah.

Keeper: Bobby?

Hobbes: Mmhmm?

Keeper: Bobby, are you sure that you are ok?

Hobbes: Oh yeah. I feel great. I feel really great. There�s just something Bobby Hobbes needs to be taking up with the Official. (He turns. Claire and Darien both see that his eyes are silver.) That�s all.

Darien: Um Hobbes. That�s probably not such a great idea.

Keeper: Oh no!

{Bobby turns to leave the keep}

Keeper: Bobby!

[Darien and Claire race to catch Bobby from leaving The Keep. The door shuts. Bobby knocks off the card key box. Darien struggles to open the door.]

Keeper: Dammit! Bobby!

[<Commercial break> We see the Official at his desk with a napkin tucked under his chin. Eberts stands in front of several cartons of Chinese food. We hear oriental music.]

Official: Lo mein. (Eberts serves the lo mein.) Soy sauce! (Eberts opens packet and pours it on his food.) Chopsticks! (Eberts breaks a pair apart and hands them to him.)

Eberts: Ito takimas sir.

Official: What did you say?

Eberts: Bon appetit.

Official: Ah! (Hobbes enters.) Hobbes, I don�t like people barging into my office? Go back outside. Knock first.

Hobbes: Forgive me chief. I�m so sorry.

Official: (To Eberts) Egg roll.

[Bobby enters pushing the door in. The glass inside the door shatters.]

Eberts: Robert!

[Bobby punches Eberts who lands in a chair.]

Hobbes: Have a seat�lapdog.

[Hobbes pushes Eberts who rolls back, still seated.]

Official: Bobby! Bobby! Take it easy! Tell me what the hell�s going on.

Hobbes: You know what�s going on chief. I�m fed up. Fed up. Fed up that I do all the work around here and Fawkes gets all the credit. And you collect the biggest fattest paycheck of all - just for sitting around stuffing your face. (He pulls a cord out of the socket) With lo mein.

Official: Bobby, you don�t want to do this.

Hobbes: Oh chief I can�t wait (Bobby wraps the cord around Official�s neck and then releases it.) to do this! (He slowly walks around the Official�s desk) Do you see what this is? Do you know what this is? This, chief, is the circumference of you neck. You see you shouldn�t be sitting here eating chief you should be working out at the Agency Gym which � (sighs). I forgot we don�t have one. We don�t have a gym. Now here�s a thought�you could be out pushing that worthless heap of junk metal pile of stinking crap insulting excuse for a van out for a servicing. Do you have any idea what the van weighs, sir?

Official: Oh no. No.

Hobbes: Well let me give you an idea. (He cracks the cord like a whip.) On your feet sir. (The Official stands) Down and give me twenty. (He does. Bobby sits in the Official�s chair and laughs. He props up his feet.) You see sir, I could push that van a half a mile. I think you could go down and push yourself up twelve inches, don�t you think? Ah hahahaha�(Bobby sings) I don�t know but I been told - Fat man�s got to lose his roll � That�s one�and another one. Chief, come on push it out. There ya go boy! Hit the deck! Hit the deck, boss! Come on boy!

Official: (wheezing) I have been waiting for this, Hobbes.

Hobbes: Eberts! Chopsticks! Very nice�I can see the pounds shedding as we speak. Mmm.

[Bobby opens his mouth as Eberts feeds him Chinese food. Darien and Claire enter.]

Darien: Whoa whoa there Hobbes�Hobbes. Hold up hold up. Easy, all right?

Hobbes: Well look who�s here. It�s Gilligan�and Ginger.

Keeper: Yes Bobby. Bobby? L-Let us help you Bobby.

Hobbes: You wanna help me?

Keeper: Yes.

Hobbes: Why don�t you sit on the chief. That�s what you can do to help him. Man�s gotta shed some pounds. Some LB�s. Sit down on the fat man. He needs your help. Sit down on the boy. It�ll help you out. There ya go!

[Darien looks like he is going to sit but then pushes Hobbes back in the chair.]

Darien: Bobby, look. You gotta listen to me. You got a touch of the madness.

Hobbes: You know what Fawkes? I am sick and tired of you constantly pointing out my mental health issues. I don�t appreciate it.

[Bobby punches Darien. He falls back over the desk and on the ground. Bobby moves to hit him with the cord. Darien uses it to pull himself back up.]

Darien: Hey listen. I really don�t want to hurt you, buddy.

Hobbes: Hurt me? I don�t think so Fawkes.

[Bobby head butts Darien.]

Darien: Hey listen I really don�t want to hurt you.

[Bobby punches him several times.]

Keeper: Albert?

[Eberts jumps onto Bobby�s back. Bobby backs up until he slams Eberts against the wall. He turns. The Keeper crawls in and injects Bobby with the counteragent.]

Keeper: Gotcha! Well that�s a good a vein as any.

[Bobby falls. He wakes up. The Official, Eberts, Claire and Darien are there.]

Official: Hobbes!

Hobbes: Oh sir yes siree sir yes sir. I just wanted to say sir that ever since the first day that I was fortunate
enough to be offered a position here at this wonderful agency, I�ve had nothing but the utmost of respect and admiration.

Eberts: Shut up Robert.

Official: Will somebody please tell me what the hell�s goin� on here?

Hobbes: Well sir, it all started yest-

Keeper: It-it�s it�s the new counteragent. I-I gave it to Darien.

Official: What? You said it wasn�t ready. You said it needed to be tested.

Keeper: Well I � I tested it on � Darien. There were some�side effects.

Official: It had better explain Agent Hobbes� behavior.

Hobbes: Well absolutely sir. You see what happened sir was I was �

Keeper: The-the-the new counteragent sent Darien in-into stage five quicksilver madness. Now while in stage
five he went invisible and since something in the formula that prevents the quicksilver flakes from dissolving as they usually do �

Darien: (holds an ice pack to his eye) Betcha thinkin� this story can�t get much worse there.

Official: Oh I know better.

Keeper: And then when somebody who was told not to touch them touched them anyway�they absorbed into his body.

Darien: Sent him into quicksilver madness � Bobby Hobbes style.

Official: So what you�re saying is that anybody who encounters these non-dissolved quicksilver flakes will end up like Bobby Hobbes.

Keeper: I�m�afraid so.

Hobbes: But sir there�s not a problem sir because Bobby Hobbes is on the case sir. I personally saw to it that all flakes were picked up. Both piles. Problem solved. Disaster averted.

Darien: Both piles?

Hobbes: That�s affirmative. Both piles. One in the church. One in the park. MmHm.

Darien: Um I went invisible twice at the church, once at the park. (Shows with his fingers the math) There should be three piles.

Official: Oh.

[Fawkes and Hobbes are looking for the quicksilver flakes.]

Darien: So uh this is � this is where you picked up the pile right? Right here?

Bobby: Right here?

Darien: Right.

Bobby: Nah. I didn�t pick it up here.

Darien: Where was it?

Bobby: It was-it was in the hallway outside the classroom.

Darien: No. No.

Bobby: Yeah.

Darien: I think that was the second pile. I-I think the first one was probably right here don�t ya think?

Bobby: That was the second one?

Darien: Whoa! Wait a minute. There was a-a funeral. A mob funeral was going on.

Bobby: The service was this morning?

Darien: Yeah.

Bobby: Burial could still be goin� on right now.

Darien: Oh you�re good. You�re like freakin�-

Bobby: (looks at watch) Definitely. Let�s go find some silver eyes.

[A funeral. Fawkes and Hobbes arrive at the funera; only ro fund everyone wearing sunglasses move about the crowd.]

Bobby: How are you doin all right? That�s nice shades you got on there. That�s�very nice shades�who makes those?

Man #1: (lifts shades) Armani.

Bobby: Really? Of course.

[He moves to Lady #1 and removes her glasses.]

Bobby: I�m sorry lemme help you there�(A guy puts his hand on Bobby�s arm.) Here ya go.

[Hobbes hands tissue to guy who uses it. Fawkes and Hobbes each look on a side of another lady.]

Darien: I don�t know. They�re huge.

Bobby: What was she wearing?

Darien: I have no idea. It�s like a windshield.

Bobby: Like a�like a shoulder pads or something on her head.

Darien: I can�t see what color her hair is.

Bobby: Do somethin�!

Darien: (thinks) Well let me um�hang on.

Bobby: Good.

[Fawkes pinches the lady. She gasps. The lady removes her glasses and looks at him.]

Lady #2: You�re naughty! And handsome?

Darien: (bewildered) Thank you.

[Fawkes sits on a headstone as Hobbes passes out tissue.]

Bobby: Tissue?

Guy #2: Thanks.

Bobby: There ya go. Sorry�my sympathies. There ya go.

Lady #3: Thank you.

Lady #4: May I have one?

Bobby: How ya doin� So sorry.

Lady #4: Thank you.

Bobby: Yeah.

Darien: Ah. That�s ok.

Bobby: Not a silver eye in the bunch.

Darien: I think we better get back to that church.

[Fawkes hands Hobbes the tissue in his hand. We see a confessional window open.]

Val: Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession.

Tom: Go on.

Val: I got a C on my math test. I stuck an extra cookie after dinner on Wednesday. Hard enough not getting� my chores on time.

Tom: Lift your head up son. (He does. Val has bruises on his face.) Who did that to you? Don�t be afraid. You can tell me anything. You�re safe here.

Val: So no one�ll find out?

Tom: I�m bound to silence.

Val: Daddy.

Tom: Why?

Val: He told me to sweep the garage�and I complained. I just wanted to go play baseball with my friends. He said a son who doesn�t honor his father is filled with evil and he�s going to beat goodness into me if it�s the last thing he does.

Tom: He�s hit you before, hasn�t he.

Val: Well, only when I�m bad.

Tom: I want you to stay here son. Don�t come out till I come back.

[The confessional window slides shut. Tom walks out. Val steps out.]

Val: Father?

Tom: (turns around. His eyes are silver.) Wait in the confessional.

[Tom exits the church. <Commercial break> A nun blows out a match and prays. We hear footsteps. Hobbes and the nun look at each other.]

Bobby: How are ya?

[The nun leaves. Darien is standing there.]

Darien: Nice.

[Val is crying in the confessional. They find him.]

Bobby: Hey. How ya doin� there buddy?

Darien: Oh�wait I know this kid. Um�wait you�re uh�you were in Father Tom�s class, right? Uh�Val, is that it? What�s up? What are you doin� in there? (Val is silent) Hey, look earlier I-I kinda wasn�t myself so�I�m sorry I scared you. But you�re ok now come on�come on out.

Bobby: Hey what are you doin� sittin� in there all by yourself, huh?

Val: Father Tom. He told me to stay here.

Darien: Oh. Did he do that to your eye? (Val shakes his head no.)

Bobby: Who did?

Darien: Another kid? (Val shakes his head no.)

Bobby: An adult? (Val shakes his head yes)

Darien: Your dad? (Val begins to cry.)

Bobby: Does Father Tom know about it?

Val: Yeah.

Darien: Hey pal�when Father Tom left did you see his face? (Val shakes his head yes.)

Bobby: Did you get a look at his eyes?

Val: They were silver. Just like yours were.

[Father Tom approaches the house. He rings the doorbell. From his reflection in the door we see him put on sunglasses. A woman answers the door.]

Wife: Father Tom!

Tom: Hello Vera.

Vera: Is there something I can do for you?

Tom: I�d like to speak to your husband.

Vera: Oh well, Joe usually naps this time of day-

Tom: Wake him.

[Tom enters and sits in the living room. Vera enters. Joe enters.]

Joe: Sorry father. You caught me taking a cat nap here. How can we help you?

Tom: I�m here about Val.

Joe: Something wrong? Is he in some kinda trouble?

Tom: You tell me. Tell me about the bruise under his eye.

Joe: Oh yeah yeah. He�fell off his scooter. I mean even with a helmet on, they�re just not safe.

Tom: Neither is a father who hits his kid.

Joe: Why would you say somethin� like that?

Tom: Just call it a hunch. Leave it at that.

Joe: No no lets�-let�s ask Vera. She�s a church going woman. (To Vera) Is this what you do on Sundays darlin�? Tell tales about your husband?

Vera: Joe, no�I-I-I swear I

[He lifts his hand to hit her then stops.]

Tom: You hit your wife too? She didn�t tell me Joe. It wasn�t hard to figure out. I�ve seen Val come to church with a fresh bruise on his body every week. Do you have any idea what it�s like� knowing what I know�and not being able to do a thing about it because there�s a collar around my neck?

Joe: Well, you�re not on church grounds Father. This isn�t your problem.

Tom: I�m making it my problem.

Joe: I think you�d better leave my house, Father. Now.

Tom: I�ve said what I came to say.

[Tom punches Joe. Joe tackles Tom. We see Fawkes and Hobbes riding in the van.]

Darien: Ok I got good news and bad news.

Bobby: Ah give me the bad news would ya?

Darien: You sure about that?

Bobby: Ah! Maybe you�re right. Give me the good news.

Darien: The Keep�s almost there.

Bobby: That good news.

Darien: Well?

Bobby: What�s the bad news?

Darien: She�s only got one dose of counteragent part two left.

[Father Tom and Joe are fighting. Tom has Joe by the neck.]

Tom: I want you to know how it feels to be vulnerable�overpowered�scared �

Vera: Father Tom, please, you�re going to kill him!

[Joe pushes his glasses off. He reaches for an object and hits Tom. Tom knocks Joe down and grabs a poker. The Keeper, Hobbes, and Fawkes arrive. Darien quicksilvers and runs toward the back. Bobby and Claire enter through the front door.]

Bobby: No don�t do it!

[Tom punches Bobby. He goes flying back.]

Claire: Bobby!

Bobby: Don�t make me hit a priest!

[Tom hits Bobby again. He lifts his hand to strike Joe and his hand is held back by an invisible force. The Keeper injects Father Tom in the neck with the counteragent. Darien unquicksilvers and runs down the hall to the living room.]

Darien: Hey. Hey, Father�you ok there? Huh?

Tom: Darien? What happened?

[Joe grabs a glass object on the end table to hit Tom.]

Claire: Darien!

[Darien punches Joe. He falls. Darien kicks Joe repeatedly.]

Tom: Darien, no! Look like you�re into Me. Help him!

Darien: It�s for his kid!

Val: Stop please!

[Val runs to hug his mom.
Overhead shot of Darien entering the confessional. Father Tom opens the window.]

Darien: Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It�s been twenty years since my last confession.

Tom: Hello Darien.

Darien: Look um I�m not gonna sit here and you know bore you with a list of my sins over the last twenty years. I think we could pretty much end up in this box maybe that long.

Tom: God forgives�all who confesses sins, Darien.

Darien: (looks at window) Yeah I know. It�s not really uh his forgiveness I�m looking for it�s yours. You know in your classroom I kinda you know�went a little�you know ballistic and�I almost hurt you�I�d like to make it up to you.

Tom: You already have.

Darien: What do you mean?

Tom: You stopped me from killing a man.

Darien: I don�t know what you�re talkin� about. I mean, Father that must have been God who saved you.

Tom: Nah. I don�t think God sneaks up�puts a man in a half nelson. It was you. Invisible you.

Darien: How did you know about that?

Tom: Kevin. Before he died he was in touch with me. He told me about the project. He said he had misgivings.

Darien: What do you mean, like about tampering with nature? That kind of thing?

Tom: About tampering with you. Look Darien, if you ever need to talk�

Darien: Yeah. Ok. Would it be ok if we did it someplace else? It�s gettin� a little cramped in here, if you know
what I mean?

Tom: Anywhere. Anytime.

Darien: All right.

[Darien leaves the church. In the foreground we see a crucifix. <Commercial break> The Keep. Darien is on the examination chair. Claire is at his side. Bobby stands off to the back.]

Keeper: Any headaches? I mean n-no pain?

Darien: Mm Mm. Not yet.

Keeper: Boy�Hm. I must admit I prefer your eyes in their natural state.

Darien: Oh do you? Well, that makes two of us.

[Claire injects him with a shot.]

Bobby: Three.

Darien: Hm? (groans) Oh�(removes watch) God!

Bobby: What�s the matter now?

Darien: Here. (tosses the watch to Bobby) You can have this.

Bobby: Whoa! (sarcastic) Oh Darien. You shouldn�t have.

Darien: I just remembered where I got it from. I lifted it off that dead mooka.

[Claire prepares his arm for another injection.]

Bobby: (looks at it on wrist) Really?

Darien: Yeah.

Bobby: Well it�s not like you can dig up a stiff and give it back to him, right? (admires it)Very nice.

Darien: That�s a good point.

Keeper: Ok�(injects him) There we go.

Darien: Hmmm. Here we gooo.

Keeper: Got it.

[Darien and Claire look at the tattoo. There are still two red segments.]

Darien: That�s not good, is it?

Keeper: No. No, it�s not good.

Darien: It�s gettin� worse.

Keeper: I�m afraid so.

Darien: Okay, so what do we do now?

Keeper: I have no idea.

[Fawkes and Hobbes look at each other. Closing credits.]
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