Fan Fiction Archive
The Pilot
  Transcribed by invisible_mom
Page 2

(Darien scales a high rise building from the outside.  He jumps over
the balcony railing, then turns and looks down the building.  He
pulls up his ski mask.  He looks down and we see how high up he is.)

Darien:  "A smuck named Nietzche once wrote �Anything done out of
love is beyond good and evil.� Now here�s the thing:  I love my job.
So what does that make me?�

(He enters the apartment.  He pulls out a flashlight and scans the
apartment.  He finds an oxygen tank, then a picture of Ronald Reagan
as president.)

Darien:  �Oh yeah!�

(He puts the small flashlight in his mouth to free his hands.  He
takes the picture off the wall, pulls out a small, hand-held drill,
and starts drilling the safe.  He then flips open a gold case that
contains 8 separate explosive charges.  He chooses one and packs it
into the hole he drilled in the safe.  He then attaches  two wires to
the charge.  Finally, he attaches a timing device to the safe and
connects the wires to it.)

Darien:  �See my whole feeling was that good and evil could kiss my
ass.  Well, that night they sort of got together�and bit me on it."

(Darien ducks around the corner of the livingroom for cover.  Just
before the safe blows, the overhead light goes on.  An old man steps
into sight and says, "Hey, you�re not the oxygen man!" Then the safe
blows.  The old man clutches his chest and falls to the floor, having
a heart attack.  Darien starts to run away, but then his conscience
gets the better of him.)

Darien:  "Crap."

(He goes back to perform CPR on the man. He is straddling the guy at
the hips, and is getting frustrated at his lack of success.)

Darien:  �Come on pops!�  (He finally starts pounding on the guy�s
Darien:  "C�mon old man. Earn your freaking Medicare!  Come on!"

(The old man abruptly comes around, lays back down, and Darien slumps
down over him exhausted by his efforts.  Just then two security
guards burst in the door, and seeing Darien on top of the old man,
they pull their guns and tell him to freeze. Darien looks at them and
says, "Aw crap.")

(Next scene � We see a picture of a newspaper with a picture of
Darien sitting in court with the headline "Burglar Molester of the

Darien voice-over�  "You know how they say "no good deed goes
unpunished?" I was about to become a poster boy for that phrase."

Old Man:  �I don�t know how long I was out.  But when I woke up, he
was trying to have his way with me.  The bastard!�

Darien voice-over:  "You have to understand something about justice
in retirement communities. You even sneeze at an old person, you not
gonna make bond.  So given my crime, and that this was my 3rd strike,
you can guess the outcome."

Judge John Beale:  "Death by lethal injection, (long pause while
Darien looks up at him with a horrified expression on his face) sadly
not being an option, it is the decision of this court that you,
Darien Fawkes, be remanded to the maximum security penitentiary at
Bakersfield, there to serve the remainder of your life without hope
of parole."

Darien voice-over:  "Things just turned black, I couldn�t say a word.
Didn�t have a thought.�

(Wild clapping ensues in the courtroom while a shocked Darien turns
around to look at his girlfriend Casey. She is beyond furious and
gets up and leaves the courtroom as Darien calls out her name.)

(Next scene � Darien is lying on a bed in a jail cell.)

Darien voice-over:  "Because of a bottleneck at the federal pen, they
had to hold me a day at the court jail.  Fortunately, the security
there was a little less than lax."

(Darien is lying on the bed.  The lights go out.  He sits up.  He
holds out his right arm, gives it a sharp snap forward, and a pen
pops out of his sleeve.  He looks at it.  It says San Diego Municipal
court, so we know he stole it from the courtroom.  He takes it apart
and separates it into 2 pieces.  He goes to the lock and puts his
hands through the bars, and starts picking the lock.)

Darien voice-over:  �Soon they�d be comparing me to the greats.  Ed
Coulters the Lizard, John Robbey the Cat, and from that night on I�d
be Darien Fawkes the ..ahhhh!�

(While he is picking the lock, a spider crawls down the cell door,
landing on his hand.  He shakes it and the pen pieces off onto the
floor, involuntarily yells, and the guard hears him and comes in.)

Darien:  "Aw crap."

(Next scene - Darien is in a solitary confinement cell.  The camera
is on the ceiling looking down on him.  He is sitting there with his
head bowed, looking depressed.)

Darien voice-over:  �You know when they say when God wants to torture
you he answers your prayers?  Well, I prayed for a miracle, and for
my sins, he sent it.�

(Door opens, a bright light blinds Darien, his brother Kevin walks
in, door closes.)

(Darien says the next part as rambling thoughts in his head.  He
doesn�t speak out loud again until after Kevin starts talking)

�Oh!  Kevin!  What can I tell you about my brother Kevin.�  (Shot of
boy throwing Legos in the air)  �That�s me.�  (Shot of boy building a
DNA model out of Legos) �That�s Kevin.�

(Shot of man running from a police car in pursuit.  Voice - Suspect
is a white male approximately 21 years of age.)  �That�s me.�  (Shot
of Kevin graduating college.  Voice - A man of brilliance and
vision.�)  �That�s Kevin.�

(Shot of Kevin on the cover of Tomorrow�s Science Magazine.)  �He was
a guy who saw a bright future in everything he touched.�  (Shot of
Darien asleep in a chair, supposedly selling maps to home of the
stars.)  �Lord knows what he was looking for in me.�

Kevin in the jail cell:  �You want to tell me about it?�
Darien:  Well, you now, we are still painting (points to cell wall
behind him), and God, wait until you see the livingroom.  (Kevin
looks up at the ceiling, exasperated)  I think you especially are
gonna love it.  It�s got this really lovely colonial trim, it kinda,
no, no, don�t do that, don�t give me the glare.  I�m handling it.�
Kevin (at the same time):  �handling it.�
Darien:  �I am and my case is on appeal.�
Kevin (at the same time): Case is on appeal.�
Darien:  �Look, you want to get your own sentences?

Kevin:  �Then tell me one I haven�t heard before.�  (pauses) �Why the
hell didn�t you call me?�
Darien:  �Yeah, and say what?  Hey bro, what�s happening man.
Haven�t talk to you in a couple of years.  Can you come down and bust
me out?�
Kevin:  �It beats hearing it over America Online.�
Darien:  �I�m on the web?�
Kevin:  �Darien!�
Darien:  �Wait a minute, I mean c�mon, you�ve been hogging the press
since we were 12.  Don�t I get a shot?�
Kevin:  �No.�
Darien:  �Why, because I�m not good enough?�
Kevin:  �You aren�t guilty enough.�
Darien:  �Okay Kev, if I didn�t do the crime, do you think I can do
the time?�
Kevin (shaking his head no):  �Not where they�re sending you.�

(Darien looks down, very depressed)
Kevin:  �Look I didn�t come here to lie to you.  I came here to
Darien:  �I think you�re a little late bro, they�re shipping me out
of here in a few minutes.�

(Kevin walks over to Darien and holds out an envelope towards him.)
Darien:  �What is this?  What is it?�
Kevin:  �It�s an option, if you�ll trust me.  Go on.�

(Darien takes the envelope, opens it, and starts reading the letter
Kevin:  �Folks I work with looked into your case.  They agreed you
got the shaft.  Now these guys have some pull with the Justice
Department.  I got them to put in a request.  Took a little greasing,
but they agreed to make you an offer.  There�s a project we�ve been
developing.  It�s fed funded, kind of under the table.  And we
finished animal testing a month ago, and now we are ready for a
Darien:  �A volunteer, you mean as in like a guinea pig.�
Kevin:  �As in possible pardon if you�ll do it.�
Darien:  �Well is this, is this some kind of Viagra thing?�
Kevin:  �Look, I can�t get into it here.  Suffice to say it will
involve some surgery��
Darien (laughs):  �It sounds like you said surgery.�
Kevin:  �It�s nothing I can�t reverse!  Believe me, it�s a small
price to pay for getting out.�
Darien (getting angry):  �Look Kev, I�m your brother, hot a lab rat.�
Kevin:  �Darien, we don�t have time for the pride thing.�
Darien:  �Pride thing.  Nice.  (standing & pacing the cell)  �OK,
this is my body we are talking about  Now you want to play doctor
with it.�
Kevin:  �Would you rather your pen pals play something else?�

(Darien stands on the opposite side of the cell, away from his
Kevin:  Look, I�m not saying it�s not a risk.  But it�s better than
throwing your life away.  If you�re going to trust someone, trust
Darien:  �Why�s that?  Because you�re my brother?�
Kevin:  �Because you don�t have much choice.�  (Kevin holds out the
envelope again)

(Scene of van driving down a deserted road.  Scene shifts to the
inside of the van.  Darien swipes his hand across the floor, looks at
dirt in his hand, then brushes the dirt away.)

Darien:  �Nice truck.�
Kevin:  �I told you, it�s part of our cover.
Darien:  �As what?  An ad for welfare reform?  Look, I�m just saying
that whoever is funding this project��
Kevin:  �They�re people who want to make a difference, alright?  They
Darien:  �Have to do it on a tight budget?�

(Shot of van going through a checkpoint.  Voice - F&G van entering
outer perimeter.)

(Van pulls up in an open area surrounded by abandoned looking
buildings.  The back opens.  Kevin gets out, walks away.  Darien gets
out and just looks around taken aback.  Tumbleweeds roll by.)

Kevin:  �Darien!  Let�s go!�

(Darien follows Kevin.  Guards follow him.  Once inside the building,
they see the real entrance to the complex.  Kevin smiles smugly.)

Kevin:  �Welfare reform huh?�
Darien:  �It�s not bad.  Actually, I think they have a nicer one at
the Y.�
(voice - Admit 2.  2 cleared.)

(A door slides open showing Darien and Kevin approaching.  They walk
through the door.  They pause.  Inside there is a line of people
dressed in white.)

Kevin:  �Let me introduce you to the team.  This is Dr. Ramsey,
Optical Physics.  This is Dr. Baker, Bio Physics.  Dr. Mergantz
(sp?), Regal (sp?) Topography.  Dr. Hartnell, Genetic Coding.  This
is Nurse Brekenridge, Nurse Carrera (Darien smiles at the nurses).
This is Dr. Trout in Computer Modeling.  This is Dr. Ward, also
Computer Modeling.  Dr. Bromowitz, Endocrinology, and my main man,
Dr. Arnaud de Thiel, Biochemistry.  Youngest graduate of Geneva

Darien:  �Wow.�
Arnaud:  �It�s an honor to meet you, Mr. Fawkes.  I�ve read so much
about you on America Online.�
Kevin (laughing):  Arnaud has more degrees than the rest of us put
together.  We like to call him our Swiss Doogie Howser.�
Arnaud:  �It�s because they watch too much television.  Next week
I�ll be Xena, Warrior Princess.�

Darien:  �Oh, you must be the resident comedian.�
Arnaud:  �Well, as I like to say, laughter is a man�s only real
Darien:  �It�s good. You make that one up?�
Arnaud:  �Fraid so, you like?�
Darien:  �Actually, I think it was funnier a hundred years ago when
Mark Twain said it.  You gonna take credit for Huck Finn too?�

(Scene changes.  Arnaud is giving Darien several injections.)

Arnaud (injecting first needle):  �Little prick.  Really Monsieur,
I�d no idea you were so educated.  I rather thought that was your
brother�s domain.�
Darien:  �Yeah, well, I guess, you know, don�t believe everything you

(Arnaud gets another needle)
Arnaud:  �You see, I understand.  I have an elder brother myself.
Things become quite competitive.  Perhaps we could compare notes
Darien:  �Absolutely!  I would love that!  Definitely.  Yeah.  Yeah.
Then maybe you could teach me some Swiss douche.�
Arnaud:  �Excuse me?�
Darien:  �That�s your language right?�
Arnaud:  �Ah, that�s Swiss Deutch, Swiss German.  I�m Swiss French.�

(Arnaud gets another needle)
Darien:  �So you don�t douche?�
Arnaud:  �Monsieur!�
Darien:  �Relax man.  I�m just ribbing you.�  (Darien laughs)  �Hell,
I love Swiss stuff.  You know, knives and clocks and cheese��
Arnaud:  �Little prick.�

(Arnaud gets another needle)
Darien:  �I even like Abba.�
Arnaud:  �Abba�s Swedish.�
Darien:  �No.�
Arnaud:  �Yes.�
Darien:  �No.�
Arnaud:  �Yes.�
Darien:  �No, no, no, no, I�m, I�m, I�m actually pretty sure they�re
Arnaud:  �They are Swedish.  A Swiss man would never make lyrics like
that.  When I was at Zurich, the whole university boycott��
Darien:  �Wait, time out, Zurich.  You told Kevin you were at

(Arnaud picks up another needle)
Arnaud:  �I have studied in so many places Monsieur.�
Darien:  �Yeah, I know, it�s just kind of tough keeping them all
Arnaud:  �Yes.  Now I will always be straight with you Monsieur.  The
question is, will anybody else?�

(Arnaud finishes injecting the last needle as he finishes talking.
Darien passes out and slumps forward.  Arnaud catches him and lays
him down on the table.  Arnaud leaves the room.  The door closes.
The door opens and Arnaud comes back in dressed in some kind of a
containment suit.  He is pushing a small cart.  There is a receptacle
on it that contains the gland.  The rest of the surgical team is
there, and Darien is laying on his stomach, unconscious, prepped for
surgery.  There is a hole in the back of his head.  Using forceps,
Kevin takes the gland out of its receptacle and puts it into Darien�s
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