Fan Fiction Archive
It Hurts When I Do This
  Transcribed by mardel

Opening scene Darien and Hobbes are chasing some bad guys at a building, Darien chases them out side to a fire escape. Where they knock Bobby off and he falls to the ground below. Darien runs down and finds Bobby injured.

At the hospital Darien is pacing in the hall

Official: Any word ?

Darien: No nothing. He didn�t say anything on the way in the ambulance.

Official: How long has he been in there?

Darien: A couple of hours, they aren�t telling me anything.

Claire: It�s serendipitous he was brought here. This hospital is the home of the Daniel Hosper Neurology Center. It�s one of the best head trauma centers in the country.

An old friend runs it.

Darien: Oh really, I guess there is  a silver lining in every rain cloud.

Claire: I�ll go and see if I can find him, excuse me.

Darien: I blew it, blew it.

Official: You�re blaming yourself?

Darien: Yeah, I should have cut �em off before they made it to the fire escape. See I was

thinking that we�d have them more contained if we let them get up a flight.

Official: That sounds logical

Darien: Truth is I thought it would be a whole lot more fun to let them getup a flight.

I thought it would be fun.

A doctor comes out into the waiting area.

Doctor: Are you Mr. Hobbes friends?

Official: Yes

Darien: Yeah

Doctor: Mr. Hobbes has regained consisnious and we are admitting him now.

Darien: How is he?

Doctor: Mr. Hobbes has a severe subdural hematoma. We�re worried the resulting trauma and edema may have caused permanent myelin or cellular damage to areas of his hippocampus. He has complete working memory loss. He can�t remember anything since the accident.

Official: Sorry Doctor, I don�t understand, what is working memory?

Doctor: It�s our recent current memory if you were to go in Mr. Hobbes�s room say Hello, then leave and return, he wouldn�t remember you were ever there. Yet he might remember what you did two days before the accident, since that is his long term memory. I think you should prepare yourself to accept your friend might have permanent brain damage.

( Darien looks very upset at this news)

Nurse in escorting room later that day. Doctor: We�re in a bit of an awkward situation Mr. Hobbes, the hospital is over crowded.

Nurse: There is a flu bug going around.

Doctor: So we are sending patients to Country General. Because we can�t hold anymore.

Bobby: That�s Ok, Doc Because I don�t really want to be here, I�ll just go home of that�s Ok?

Doctor: I�m afraid that�s not an option, your case is best served by the excellent neurology department we have here. So we did what we could to get you a bed. The only bed available was in a shared room.

Bobby: That�s Ok Government insurance doesn�t pay for private rooms any way.

Doctor: The other bed is occupied by a female patient.

Bobby: You got me a chick roommate?

Nurse: That shouldn�t be a problem honey, we�ll keep the curtain closed.

Doctor: You get him settled and I�ll check back later

Bobby: Ok Doc

Nurse: Ok sweetheart I�m just going to install an IV tap in you arm.

Bobby: Oh no you�re not

Nurse: Oh yes I am honey

Bobby: No you�re not

Nurse: Yes I am baby

Bobby: I�m not your baby, you�re not my mother and I�m not your sweetheart.

Nurse: Ok Mr. Hobbes the Doctor wants you on a drip, to keep you hydrated. and in case you need meds, so we don�t have to keep poking holes in you.

Bobby: What kind of meds would I need? Maybe so you can knock me out, drag me into some operating room and yank out the wrong organ. Then you got to drag me back in there because some quack Doctor left a sponge under my thyroid, then you got to get me back and this time rip my thyroid out. Then I�m in a world of pain, complications set in that end up killing me.

Sara: Wow you really don�t like hospitals. I�m sorry I just had to look, I know I�m supposed to stay behind the curtain. You really don�t like hospitals?

Bobby: Who�s she?

Nurse: She�s your roommate

Bobby: I got a chick roommate?

Nurse: Dr Dillon explained that to you, Mr. Hobbes the hospital is full this was the only bed available.

Nurse to Sara: He has what they call working memory loss

Sara: Don�t worry I don�t bite

Bobby: It�s fine with me if it�s fine with you

Sara smiles.

Nurse: Now about that IV Mr. Hobbes

Bobby: Call me Bobby, stick that baby right in there, love needles love �em.

Later Darien arrives

Darien: Hey Bobby

Bobby: Give me the current status

Darien: Status?

Bobby: Fill me in

Darien: Fill you in on what?

Bobby: I�m undercover posing as a patient

Darien: You�re not undercover

Bobby: Ya ya shh

Darien: This is real Ok, this is a hospital Ok? You are a patient

Bobby: No I�m not

Darien: sure you are

Bobby: Then what�s wrong with me

Darien: I already told you three times, we were on a mission, I cornered some guys, then  they knocked you off a fire escape and you hit your head.

Bobby: I don�t remember that

Darien: That�s because you hit your head, Ok and now you have some sort of strange memory loss.

Bobby: No I don�t, I remember everything

Darien� Ok then what did you have for breakfast?

Bobby: That�s a trick question

Darien: NO it�s not

Bobby: I didn�t have breakfast

Darien: Yes you did I was here when you ate it, so was the Official.

Bobby: What did I have?

Darien: An omelet and a bagel, then they brought you lunch but you didn�t like it so you  didn�t eat it, so I got you a pastrami on rye.

Bobby: I don�t like rye

Darien: Ya you do

Bobby: I never eat rye, don�t holler

Sara: I�ll eat it I like pastrami on darn near anything. ouch be still my heart who�s the friend?

Darien: You got a chick roommate

Bobby: I got a chick roommate?

Sara: I only told him like a million times, but with his weird memory thing, hospital�s over loaded this was the only bed left.  I�m not contagious I just had my appendix out.

Darien: wait where were you this morning?

Sara: X-ray they make you wait HI I�m Sara

Darien:   Hey, Darien Fawkes

Bobby: Bobby Hobbes

Sara: I know, I don�t know why everyone is making such a big deal out of dudes and chicks in the same room thing, I kind of like it.

Darien: You look great for someone that just had their appendix out

Sara: It was like a week ago

Darien� Oh I�m sorry did you have like complications

Bobby: They left a sponge in you

Sara: I feel fine

Darien: I thought they sent you home the next day after appendicitis these days

Sara: They do if you have a home to go to, but I�ve just got a place I like to think of  as home under the bridge at 16th and Hergate.  But the Doctor and the Social worker don�t� think that counts so I get to spend a few more days at the Ritz. Which is amazing considering I don�t have insurance.

Bobby: I�m glad you�re here, it kind of brightens up the place.

Sara: That�s  sweet

Darien: yeah of course give him five minutes and he won�t remember who you are again.

Dr Carver: Well we�re working on that. Hello Sara.

Claire: Darien, Bobby this is Dr. Dean Carver

Darien: Oh this is the guy you were telling us about

Claire: yes, Dr. Carver was the attending when I did my neuro residency. I�ve done some of my research with him, he�s arguably the best neuro surgeon in the country.

Dr Carver: Well maybe in the room

Claire: He�s agreed to take on Bobby�s case and put him in one of the experimental programs.

Bobby: Did you ever leave a sponge in any body�s head?

(That night Bobby gets out of bed, believing he�s been taken by bad guys. He make a call into the Agency)

This is agent Bobby Hobbes, I�ve been knocked out and taken to some medical facility I�ve been drugged, as soon as I find out I�ll make contact for distraction

Bobby sneaks around the hospital, changes into scrubs and fakes being an employee. He finds Dr. Carver doing a little midnight operation and is discovered by two huge  orderlies who capture him.

Orderly: You really shouldn�t have seen that buddy, come on

Bobby: Could you not do that ( Bobby fights them off, put them both down, but one catches him off guard and knocks him out)

Dr Carver: Mr. Hobbes  is a very special man, he�s friends with a very dear friend of mine and his condition insures he won�t remember a thing about all of this. Take him back to his room.

Next day Darien walks into Bobby�s room while reading a magazine

Darien: How ya doing buddy?

Bobby is hiding behind his bed

Bobby: Give me a run down, on where we stand. Agent Fawkes report.

Darien: Report what?

Bobby: We narrowing in?

Darien: Narrowing in on what?

Bobby: Am I in this by my self Fawkes?

Darien: Ok this isn�t a job, it�s real Ok? This is a hospital and you are a patient Ok?  We were on a job, you hit you had an accident, you fell and hit your head and you have some kind of strange memory loss ok?

Bobby looks lost and is still hiding behind the bed

Darien finally looks up: Wait a minute where did you get that shiner? You didn�t have that yesterday

Sara: Am I interrupting something?

Darien: Hey Sara

Bobby:  Who�s she?

Darien: Your roommate

Bobby: I got a chick roommate?

Darien: Long  story

Sara: I was awake when they brought him back last night.

Darien: Wait they brought him back?

Sara: He wandered off, he thinks he�s on that mission he keeps talking about. Are you guys cops or something?

Darien: Yeah or something, who brought him back?

Sara: These two orderlies, huge guys, I�d never seen them before and Bobby was telling them.

Bobby is staring at her strangely

Bobby: Do I know you? I don�t know you you check into one of these places and everyone  is like sweetie, cutie, honey, everytime I come in it�s like everyone is your best friend.

Darien puts Bobby in his bed

Darien: Shut up

Darien: Please now go on they brought him in

Sara: Yeah and Bobby as screaming like it�s a conspiracy, you guys are so busted man. You know this movie Coma, I think he says, and they hooked him up to the IV and he went to sleep.

Darien: Hey you don�t remember any of this? ( to Bobby)

Bobby: Hey man how are you doing? You just get here? Did you? Great

Darien rolls his eyes

Darien: I�m going to go snoop around

Bobby: Fawkes grab me a sandwich if you can, pastrami on rye, at the deli round the corner.

Darien rolls his eyes again. Then walks out.

Darien looks around the hospital invisible. He has an accident with running hospital staff.

Voice Over: So there is one thing they don�t teach you to watch out for when you get a gland installed in your head. That you�re invisible Darien finds the secret OR and sees Dr Carver doing one of his operations.

Darien: Hey Bobby you aren�t going to believe this. Sara where is Bobby?

Sara: They took him to surgery

Darien: Ah Crap

Darien races back to the secret door, pounds on it, an orderly opens it; What are you doing?

Darien: They are operating on my friend�s head, I�m going to

Orderly: Sir please stop

Darien arrives at the OR but it�s empty. I thought they were operating on a friend of mine he had brain trauma, I thought it would be on this floor

Orderly: If he in brain surgery it�s on the forth floor. This room is rarely used, I�ll have to escort you to the exit.

Darien goes to the nurse station on Bobby�s floor
Darien: I�m trying to find out where they took Robert Hobbes

Nurse: He�s in  his room

Darien: I was just there

Nurse: He�s in his room, Sir he�s sleeping

Darien finds Bobby sleeping

Darien: Hey buddy doing Ok there?

He looks and sees the scar behind Bobby�s right ear.

Darien confronts Dr Carver, pushing him up against a wall.

Darien: Hey Doc what did you do to him?

Dr. Carver: What are you talking about?

Darien: You operated on him what the hell did you do?

Dr. Carver: My job was something wrong?

Darien: Yeah suddenly my friend has a hole in his head, no one asked permission to do any kind of

Dr. Carver: Mr. Hobbes signed a release

Darien: Mr. Hobbes is in no condition to make that kind of decision, you should have talked to me.

Dr. Carver: You aren�t family, you have no legal baring on what we can and can�t do regarding his case. Why are you reacting like this?  I think that once he wakes you will find that he�s in much better. condition than he was, at that point you feel free to find me and apologize.

Sara: He�s  still sleeping

Darien: AH did you hear anything when they came to get Bobby for surgery?

Sara: The one guy said he shot Kennedy, then the other one was talking about area 51 and all the aliens.

Darien: Look Sara I�m serious

Sara: I know you are, you�re just like Bobby. Everything isn�t a conspiracy you know. Wait until he wakes up, I�ll bet you he feels much better, Ok? Mean while I�m going to treat you to some fake Orange Juice, then I have to crash.

Darien: Ok (he goes with her, then later)

Sara: Night

Darien: See you in the morning ( Darien waits all night for Bobby, but he falls asleep)

Darien: Hey knock, knock Sara? ( she is gone)

Bobby: Hey Fawkes, what�s going on man?

Darien: Hey Bobby Ok listen you�re in the hospital not on a job.

Bobby: Why would I think I was on the job, probably would be better the Fat Man ain�t paying me, no sick time for being stuck in here that�s for sure

Darien looks at him like whoa big change

Bobby: What are you looking at?

Darien: Nothing

Bobby: Why you staring at me,

Darien: I�m just glad you�re feeling better, you look good

Bobby: I feel great, strong like bull

Darien: Dr. Carver said he tried a new procedure on you

Bobby: Guess it worked

Darien; He said you gave your ok?

Bobby: Yeah I have a vague memory of that

Darien: I thought you didn�t trust doctors?

Bobby: Damn

Darien: what?

Bobby: I imagined I had a chick roommate

Darien: You didn�t imagine it  

Bobby: Good, Sara right?

Darien: Yeah that�s right, but I don�t know where she is

Darien sees the nurse going past the room

Darien:  Excuse me where is Sara?

Nurse: she was discharged

Darien: she was doing Ok then?

Nurse: Yes that is usually why they discharge people

Bobby: Hey there nursie

Nurse: the Dr. said you are going to be getting out of here yourself

Bobby: How you doing babe?

Nurse: I�m sure not going to miss repeating myself

Darien: that�s weird because I was hanging out with Sara last night and she didn�t say anything about getting discharged.

(Later driving in the van, Darien is driving)

Bobby: I�m just glad to get out of the hospital

Darien: I�m just hope you�re good enough to be out

Bobby: I�m Ok, I�m good

Darien: yeah?

Bobby: Oh yeah, I feel good

Darien: I wonder what really happens to them if they get real sick. Like cancer or something, they got no insurance ( they are passing a group of homeless people)

You get like no care

Bobby: Sara got care, she�s alright, right?

Darien: That�s true

Bobby: Ok

Darien: But now she�s back on the street, because nobody gives  a damn.

Bobby: we aren�t driving around all day, because we don�t give a damn.

Darien: Hey, I think this is where she said she lives.

They search the area under the bridge,

Bobby: Fawkes, I think I got her, Hey Sara it�s me Bobby, Oh sorry I thought you  were someone else

Man: You looking for someone?

Darien: Yes, actually a girl named Sara

Bobby: She�s about this tall

Darien: Strawberry blonde hair, �bout twenty

Bobby: Cut real short

Man: I know her, she was in the hospital the last I heard

Darien: right

Bobby: right she got out

Man: Is she Ok?

Bobby: We hope so, we thought maybe she came here.

Darien: We�re trying to figure that out right now

Man: Try the 18th Street shelter she goes there sometimes

Darien: Ok thank you

Bobby: Thanks a lot

Darien: Is that your daughter?

Man: Ya her name is Suzi

Darien: That�s a pretty cool name

Man: It was her mama�s name

Darien to bobby: You got any money

Bobby: What?

Darien: Give me your money,

Bobby: my money

Darien: how much you got?

Darien: Here get some food or a place to sleep tonight or something

Man: do I look like a charity case to you?

Darien: No, it�s for Suzi

Man: thanks

Darien: Hey thank you I�ll see you  ( to the girl) ( She smiles as he leaves)

They go to the shelter

Darien: Ok here we go

Bobby: Sara

Darien: Hey do you always take off with out saying goodbye?

Sara: Who are you?

Bobby: that�s Fawkes

Darien: that�s Bobby

Bobby: Bobby Hobbes , Sara you were my chick roommate remember, Sara you don�t know us?

Darien: Do you even remember being in the hospital Sara?

Sara: I guess

Darien: you had your appendix out

Sara: Ok

Bobby: Sara?

She goes back to eating, Bobby is frustrated he starts looking around the room.

Darien: Let me ask you something are you using?

Sara: Using

Darien: Drugs

Sara: no

Bobby is looking at the people in the room he sees the scars.

Bobby: Fawkes come here

Darien sees them also.

Bobby: Let me just take a look (Sara grabs his hand)

Darien: It�s Ok, it�s Ok just let him look at your neck

Sara: Ok

Bobby: Look at this same as the others, what the hell is going on?

They take her to the Lab

Claire: The stitches in her head are considerabably newer than the ones in her abdomen. They are roughly the same age as yours.

Bobby: It�s roughly the same king of hole

Claire: yes

Darien: Come here for a second, Sara and everyone at the shelter are like zombies. Hobbes has the same procedure and he�s better

Claire: Perhaps it�s not the same procedure

Darien: what do you mean?

Claire: I don�t know if I believe Dean could do this.

Darien: Do what?

Claire: Alright there are certain cells in the hippocampus that if removed would create the same behavior changes that we are seeing in Sara. Now the same cells if replaced could  bring about the changes we�ve seen in Mr. Hobbes.

Bobby: So you�re saying they may have taken the cells form her head and put them in my head?

Claire: It�s possible, in fact Dean Carver was trying to syntheses Swan cells when I was working with him.

Darien: which are?

Claire: Swan cells are found in the brain and other parts of the central nervous system they are myelin regenerating

Bobby: Myelin regenerating

Darien: regenerating

Darien: Myelin

Bobby : they regenerate

Claire: Alright let me explain in overly simplistic terms so you two can understand

Bobby: was that an insult?

Darien: Not to simplistic

Darien: I wouldn�t know

Bobby: It was an insult

Darien� It wasn�t in to simplistic terms

Claire: Alright, alright, Finished ? When somebody has brain damage or spinal cord damage, sometimes it�s not the actual cells that are damaged it�s the substance incasing them, now this is called myelin

Darien&Bobby together: Myelin

Claire: right now Swan cells are regenerating

Darien: so why isn�t it used all the time for people with brain or spinal damage.

Claire: Because no one has been able to grow Swan cells in the lab. They have to  be harvested form a living person. And as far as I know no one has been able to do that.

Bobby: Looks like your friend found a way.

Claire: You see the problem with that is swan cells are needed for certain cognitive functions.

Darien: so you take them out of one person and

(They all look at Sara)(They return to the hospital with Darien pretending to be a double amputee)

Orderly: I�m sorry this is a restricted area of the hospital

Claire: That�s quiet alright, I left my key card down stairs

Orderly: Who are you?

Claire: I�m Dr Keeply one of Dr. Carver�s new assistants

Orderly: Ok look stop, wait I could get in a lot of trouble for letting you guys up here

Bobby: You could get in a lot more if you don�t Pal

Claire: Look this man is a double amputee and he is experiencing feeling phantom limbs right now

Darien: Ahh

Claire: do you know how rare this condition is?

Bobby: It�s only lasts for a few minutes

Darien: I feel like I could reach out and touch you

Claire: I�ve got to get this man to the head CT

Bobby: Dr Carver is going to be very upset if he misses this opportunity

Darien: guys it�s starting to fade

Oderly: Ok look follow me and we�ll go see Dr. Carver

Claire: Perfect

Orderly: wait here I�ll get the Dr

Darien: No need ( he knocks the man out) Sorry about that buddy

They all run to the OR and confront the Dr as he is working

Dr. Carver: What are you doing this  is a clean room, Claire you know better

Claire: We�ll keep our distance, you just tell me you�re not doing what I think you�re doing.

Dr. Carver: close for me ( they all go out to the hall)

DrCarver: What is this all about?

Claire: You�re doing it aren�t you, harvesting live swan cells

DR.Carver: I�m helping people

Darien: Yeah that�s funny you didn�t seem to help Sara

Claire: I�ve just examined her, she�s severely cataleptic

Dr. Carver: She�s alive, she�s self sufficient, if it hadn�t been for me she�d be dead

Bobby: I don�t bye it, she look like she had a lobotomy

Dr. Carver: She was indigent, and uninsured, if I hadn�t agreed to allow her into the hospital, in a couple of hours her appendix would have burst and she�d be dead. In stead she  is healthy and back among her friends.

Darien: Oh yeah she� back with her friends on the street, dazed out like a junkie.

Dr. Carver: Healthy and thanks to her swan cells someone else may walk again, to over come paralysis or regain their memory

Bobby: And who decides who gets the swan cells put in and taken out?

Dr.Carver: I do

Darien: You do huh? What are you God?

Dr. Carver: The people I harvest from don�t need cognitive functions as much as the ones to whom I transplant them

Claire: What right do you have to decide that?

DR: It�s a simple decision, who is more important to society, who contributes who drains, take you for instance Mr. Hobbes  you work diligently to protect the well being of our country, Don�t you think that contribution is more valuable than that of someone wandering the street picking through trash bins?

Darien: Let me tell you something, OK those are people out there with families and kids.

DRC: And what if one of those kids becomes ill, and have no means of paying for care. Don�t you think they would rather have those kids live perhaps with a little less brain function than die?

Bobby: just tell me do I have Sara�s cell or not?

DRC: No some one else does, we freeze the cells, cryogenically for later use.

Bobby: well doc while I appreciate what you did for me, I don�t appreciate how you did it. You are not going to do it any more, unless you can do it form a Federal Prison. You are under arrest.

Darien: Hey if the cells are banked, then you could put them back into the people he took them out of couldn�t you?

Claire: Most likely but I�d need his help

Darien: Hey buddy guess what, looks like you and Claire get to relive some old times

( They collect all of the people from the shelter and he starts to replace the cells)

DRC: The next time someone comes in here needing treatment maybe a cop or a fireman,  which one of you is going to tell him there is a treatment but he can�t have it.

Darien: What are you talking about? Do you have to explain to someone that needs a new liver that you�re not going to go murder some homeless guy to get him one?

DRC: I�m done with this one prep the next one

(They perform more ops)

Darien: Sara you�re up

Sara: NO let George go first

Darien: George your turn buddy

DRC: Claire finish closing for me please, then we can all go home or in my case to prison.

Darien: Why don�t you pace yourself doc one more left

DRC: No I don�t

Bobby: Yes you do Sara is still waiting

DRC: That may be true Mr. Hobbes but we have no more grafts, we just used the last one.

Bobby: Dr you�re going to do something

Darien: Hold on hold on, you�re going to do something she�s the last one

DRC: Actually there are a lot of people left, you�ve barley touched the surface.

(Darien grabs the Doc and Bobby stops him. The Doc escapes, they chase him, he goes out a door to the outside on a fire escape and get pushed off by Darien opening the door)

Dr. Dillon: Dr. Carver has severe brain damage he�s in critical condition

Darien: what kind of idiot just runs out on a fire escape and stand there?

Bobby: Maybe one that was thinking of jumping?

Claire: Does he have hipocamo damage ?

Dr. Dillon: No

Claire: Is he an organ donor?

Dr. Dillon: Yes we are prepping him for harvest now

Claire: Do me a favor and prep him in the neuro  OR

Dr. Dillon: On who�s authority?

Claire: My agency will have authorization by the time he�s ready

(The guys go to visit Sara at the shelter after she is all better)

Bobby: Hey Sara

Darien: Sara

Sara: Hey, Bobby, Darien what do you think

Bobby: who is that?

Sara: Dr. Carver

Bobby: the freak

Darien: wait a minute why would you draw him after what he did to you?

Sara: I don�t know, I guess I feel like I�ve got a little bit of him in me now. Kind of like a half way self portrait. Weird huh?

Darien: anyway we talked to our boss so if you are up to it, he may have

Bobby: a job open

Darien: if you are into it

Bobby: If you want it

Sara: Thanks but I got a job at the hospital, with Dr. Dillon

Bobby: Oh really

Darien: So you don�t need a job?

Bobby� She just told us she got one, didn�t you hear her?

Darien: ok lets hear about your job?

Sara: Well Dr. D is going to continue Dr. Carver�s work only all legal. Like with FDC or

FDIC approval, he want me to be what he calls a liaison with the community out here.

Bobby: liaison

Sara: yeah we are going to track all of the people that didn�t get their cells back. Maybe we can set things straight.

Darien: yeah absolutely

Sara: Hey I want to introduce you to some cool people ( she takes Bobby�s hand)

Bobby: I would love to meet some cool people

Voice over: Shakespeare once wrote the evil that men do lives after them. Well that was never more true than with Carver but maybe the nest line of Shakespeare�s quote won�t come true in this case. The good is often interred with the bones. Maybe Carver�s good is now in Sara�s head and who knows, maybe she can help see to it his research does some good.

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