Fan Fiction Archive
Invisible Woman
  Transcribed by Nobodysgirl
We hear people talking. We see a close-up of a twelve ball on a pool table. Pan up to a man�s face aiming.]

Darien Voice Over: An author named Jonathan Swift once wrote that vision is the art of seeing things invisible.

Man: Twelve in the corner.

[He shoots. Darien drinks from a beer bottle.]

Darien Voice Over: Well as a guy who�s seen his share of invisible things, I couldn�t agree more.

Man: Going downtown.

[He aims and shoots, missing the pocket.]

Darien Voice over: The difference is when it happens to me- it usually spells trouble.

[Eight ball stops rolling.]

Darien: Back here. One bumper.

[He drinks. Darien aims. A napkin unquicksilvers. He shoots knocking the eight ball in the corner pocket, picking up the napkin before the ball rolls over it. He looks at it. His eyes turn black from using quicksilver vision. We see, through his eyes, people talking.

He follows an invisible figure outside. Darien reads the note. It says, " I am in desperate need of your help. Please meet me in Haskell Park. Alone." He arrives safely and is walking under a covered walkway.]

Invisible Woman: Hello Mr. Fawkes. (They walk.) I apologize if I alarmed you back at the bar. I can�t risk being discovered.

Darien: Uh, excuse me uh - who the hell are you and how do you know me?

Invisible Woman: My name is Mai-Lin Chong. I was at the Chinese Embassy last year when you paid us a visit.

Darien: Oh! You mean the uh the old quicksilver cocktail party with me as the open bar. Is that what you�re talking about?

Invisible Woman: I know it is an unpleasant memory.

Darien: Unpleasant? Having a catheter stuck in my brain? Nah.

Invisible Woman: Please accept my apologies.

Darien: Hey, to hell with your apologies, alright?  How did you duplicate the gland?

[She unquicksilvers and stands in the shadows.]

Invisible Woman: We didn�t. (She turns around and unveils her backpack.) This device contains the last of the quicksilver we took from you. (Puts sweater back on.) It�s biometrically controlled. It�s fed into my body intravenously.

Darien: So uh I guess the question is - what do you do when the quicksilver runs out there?

Invisible Woman: That�s why I need your help. We- We�ve yet to figure out how to make more.

Darien: I�m sorry did- did I not get the memo that this was be kind to your enemies week?

Invisible Woman: I�m not your enemy. I stole this device from my former employer the Chinese Ministy of State Security. I have no political agenda. I�m just a scientist trying to defect.

Darien: Hey, guess what? You made it! (He shows two thumbs up.) All right? You don�t need more quicksilver, all right?

Invisible Woman: I�m afraid I do.

Darien: What for?

Invisible Woman: I want to stay invisible for the rest of my life.

Darien: Uh- Why would anyone want to do that?

Invisible Woman: Look - (She moves into the light.) This is why.

[Half her face is scarred to the point of disfigurement. She looks at him. Cut to intro.]

Darien Voice Over: There once was a tale about a man who could turn invisible. Well, I thought it was only a story - until it happened to me. Ok, so here�s how it works. There�s this stuff called quicksilver that can bend light. Now, my brother and some scientists had made it into some synthetic gland. That�s where I came in. You see I was facing life in prison. They were looking for a human experiment. So, we made a deal. They put the gland in my head and I walk free. Well, the operation was a success but that�s when everything started to go wrong.[Intro music. Commercial break.]

[Darien is driving with Mai-Lin in the passenger seat.]

Mai-Lin: Don�t even think about trying to take me prisoner. I�m trained in martial arts.

Darien: Ooh. Crouching Tiger action? Just easy with the big whooping stick there, sister. You came to me, remember?

Mai-Lin: You�re a very strange man do you know that?

Darien: What?

Mai-Lin: You�re a strange man.

Darien: Oh. Yeah. Yeah, that�s what they tell me.

Mai-Lin: And it pleases you being strange. That makes you even stranger.

Darien: This is what I can�t figure. Ok, say I get you a tank of quicksilver, all right? Fill it up. Then it�d be gone in - a week? Then what?

Mai-Lin: I think we�re being followed.

Darien: (looks in rear view mirror) Oh crap. Let me guess- your people?

Mai- Lin: If they catch us they�ll kill us.

Darien: All right then, hold on.

[Darien turns the corner. The agents shoot. Darien�s back windshield shatters.]

Darien: Hey guy hey, hey guys�

[Agent fires gun. They turn another corner. The agents bump them from behind. The chase continues.]

Darien: Ever quicksilver half a ton of rolling metal?

Mai-Lin: What?

Darien: The car- you take that side I�ll take this one - on my signal.

Mai-Lin: No. No, I�ll use up too much quicksilver.

Darien: You said if they we don�t lose them we�re dead. On my signal�one, two, - now!

[The car quicksilvers. The agents lose them. They stop and speak to each other in Chinese.

We see driving through quicksilver vision. The car gets hit and a fire starts. The car unquicksilvers and we see the door open.

Cut to unconscious man in driver�s seat. Mai-Lin unquicksilvers while she drags his body to safety. She runs away. Darien exits the car bleeding from the head. He sees her running away.

Cut to Agency office door 202. We hear laughter. We see Darien enter. There are Chinese agents in the room. One facing a globe turns to look back towards the door.]

Official: Ah, nice of you to join us, Fawkes. What the hell happened to your eye?

Fawkes: Oh, oh this chief? Nothing. It�s just I you know I had grief with sliding glass door syndrome that�s all.

Official: Sometimes Agent Fawkes has difficulty seeing clear glass when he�s invisible. It�s a little bug we�re still working out.

[Darien sits next to Hobbes.]

Fawkes: Oh, I didn�t know that we were sharing.

Hobbes: (not amused) Cool it, slugger.

Official: This is Lao Ming of the Chinese Ministry of State Security. MSS.

Fawkes: MSS? What is that like a uh Chinese CIA or something?

Lao Ming: That�s correct!

Ming�s Assistant: Actually we are more comparable to your NSA. We protect the domestic sovereignty of the people�s republic as well as the other vital global unit -

Lao Ming: Silence, Wang.

Wang: Yes sir.

Lao Ming: You�ll have to excuse my assistant he- tends to over-elaborate.

Official: I�m quite familiar with the condition. Eberts.

Eberts: What did I do?

Official: Continue the briefing.

Eberts: Oh of course. One of their agents has an alibi under the name Mai-Lin Chong has stolen China�s most advanced invisibility device.

Fawkes: Really? Hm. What kind of device?

Hobbes: It�s a Buck Rogers gizmo. It sends quicksilver into the body through the skin.

Wang: Actually it works more like a dialysis-

Lao Ming: Wang! Please be quiet.

Wang: Yes sir.

Lao Ming: Mr. Eberts. Please� continue.

Eberts: The MSS believes that Dr. Chong will utilize this device to infiltrate US borders and create a major act of terrorism.

Lao Ming: Mai- Lin is a very angry and very destructive dangerous woman. You will find that she is also - how we say - extremely seductive?

Fawkes: Really? Well I�ll remember that- hm - if I meet her. (turns to Hobbes) Did you see my boo- boo?

[Lao Ming stands and moves toward the Official.]

Official: Mr Ming-

Hobbes: (to Fawkes) You have a little cut there?

Official: has wisely stepped forward to work with us hand in hand.

[Lao Ming and the Official shake hands.]

Ming: Mr. Hobbes. Agent Fawkes. Allow me to introduce Chen-Po Li, our most skilled and experienced agent. He�ll be at your disposal 24 hours a day.

Official: In other words boys, meet your new partner.

[Zoom in on Chen-Po Li. They look at each other.]

Chen: I look forward to our association.

[Commercial Break]

[Pan out from map of the Unites States on wall. Li, Fawkes, and Hobbes are turning the hallway corner. They walk.]

Li: Where do you suggest we begin, Mr. Fawkes?

Fawkes: (sarcastic) Oh boy I have no idea. How �bout you?

Li: I suggest we start by compiling a list of possible targets. We�ll need your best computer.

Hobbes: Oh, we got a beautiful computer. Let me ask you a question there, Mr. Pulley. What�s your thing?

Li: My thing?

Hobbes: Yeah, you know your discipline your- martial art of choice? You know, a little win chun time - you know, a little mantis?

Li: Just because I�m Chinese doesn�t make me Jackie Chan.

Hobbes: Did I say that? I didn�t say that I was just curious that�s all. I mean listen one agent to another- I�m a hapkido guy myself� ah? A nice little ha!(jabs)� Take him right down, eh? Hahaha�

Li: (to Fawkes) Is he always like this?

Fawkes: Well. It depends on the pills.

Hobbes: For your information I have not taken any pills today Fawkes, not a one.

Fawkes: Really?

Hobbes: That�s right.

Fawkes: No kidding.

Hobbes: Come on pal, huh? You don�t do any martial arts at all?

Li: Well I�m sorry to disappoint you Agent Hobbes. (pats coat pocket) Just my tokarev.

Hobbes: Oh well, a Russian that�s a good one.

Fawkes: (looks like he is in pain) Oh�oh boy.

Hobbes: What�s the matter Fawkes? Feelin� a little seasick? You all right buddy?

Fawkes: Hold on. (swoons) You know what? I think I�d better get to the Keep here.

Hobbes: Well let me walk you down.

Fawkes: No no It�s okay. I got it.

Li: I insist Mr. Fawkes. We�ll - we�ll go with you.

Fawkes: No no no you know what - the Keep? It�s classified very top secret stuff. I�ll catch up with you guys later, ok? Thanks.

[He turns the corner.]

Fawkes: (impish) See ya.

[Darien quicksilvers as he makes hand chopping movements ending with a kick.]

Li: Where�s the bathroom? I�ll be right back.

Hobbes: (thumbs back) It�s uh�

[Li looks for Fawkes. A janitor sweeps the hallway. Cut to bar room. We hear music playing on the jukebox. Mai-Lin enters. She approaches Darien who is playing pinball.]

Mai-Lin: Ahem.

Darien: Huh. About time you got here. I started thinkin� maybe you found yourself another invisible man.

Mai-Lin: You know Mr. Fawkes you�re definitely one of a kind.

Darien: You know you say that like it�s a bad thing.

[He reaches for the quarter in the pinball change slot and walks over to the pool table.]

Darien: Let me tell you something here in the good old U- S-of � A, we like to celebrate our uniqueness.

Mai-Lin: Yes it is one of your country�s greatest virtues.

Darien: (places pool balls on the table) Well it�s going to be your country too, right? Well that is unless you uh just stopped by to, oh I don�t know, poison the water supply, uh blow up a city perhaps? Bump off the president maybe?

Mai-Lin: Is that what your agency told you that I�m a terrorist?

Darien: No. Actually it was uh your agency. Ah actually your fat guy told uh my fat guy and then uh your fat guy�s nerdy assistant told my fat guys nerdy assistant �

Mai-Lin: And you believed them?

Darien: I don�t know what to believe. I mean - I do know this. I saw you pull that driver out of that car you know that is not your average run of the mill terrorist thing to do now is it?

Mai-Lin: Well, then�

Darien: But it is a good way to sell a con. And that is something that a good terrorist would know how to do.

Mai-Lin: That�s why I think you�re no better than they are.

[She starts to walk away. Darien reaches out to get her attention.]

Darien: Hey come here come here (pulls her back) Hey listen to me you want my help? I need the truth, alright? One tank of quicksilver � how�s that gonna solve all your problems?

Mai-Lin: Before I left China, I developed a way to recycle used quicksilver flakes back into their liquid form. Now it hasn�t been tested yet but if it works, one tank is all I would ever need.

Darien: The flakes they go back into the tank?

Mai-Lin: That�s correct. Yes.

Darien: They go back into the tank?

Mai-Lin: Yes. Yes.

Darien: They go back into the-

Mai-Lin: Yes. Yes. Yes. They�re countered electromagnetically and then reconstructed at a subatomic level-

Darien: I�m sorry I don�t speak science-

Mai-Lin: The process isn�t important. The goal was to create unlimited invisibility without putting a gland in someone�s brain.

Darien: The Chinese can do that? They got the technology?

Mai-Lin: Well not anymore.

Darien: Why?

Mai-Lin: The formula only exists in one place. (points to her head) Right here.

Darien: That�s what they wanted you so bad for, huh? �Cause they don�t want you giving away those ancient Chinese secrets, huh?

Mai-Lin: That�s very funny. But if I did, would it be enough to prove my innocence?

[Cut to Darien leaning into his living room. Mai-Lin sits and writes on her notepad.]

Darien: That�s a pretty long formula there, huh?

Mai-Lin: Yes.

Darien: Do you know how much longer this is going to take approximately?

Mai-Lin: I can�t estimate.

Darien: Oh okay I�m not trying to rush you or anything it�s just, you know, there�s a lot at stake that�s all.

Mai-Lin: I�m well aware of the stakes, Mr. Fawkes.

Darien: Oh, well that�s another thing. Could you please not call me Mr. Fawkes? It�s- well, actually how about Fawkes. Can- just Fawkes. Can you call me that?

Mai-Lin: Fawkes. Fine.

Darien: You know what I was just uh I was just thinking in there I had a little time-

Mai-Lin: What?

Darien: and uh, it�s funny. You want to be invisible forever. I never really wanted to be invisible in the first place, but what�s cool about it is essentially we both want the same thing which is freedom from our governments. I mean don�t you think that�s interesting? I mean that there�s some kind of uh � It�d make a good book. I�d tell you that.

Mai-Lin: I hardly think it�s a fair comparison.

Darien: I wasn�t saying you know that it was exactly the same thing. I was just saying that, you know, there�s something there that�s all. I didn�t meant to-

Mai-Lin: I never wanted to leave. I love my job. I love my country.

Darien: So why are you doing this?

Mai-Lin: In the bar � did you see how the people looked at me and how they looked away like I was some kind of circus freak?

Darien: Lady, I am a circus freak.

Mai-Lin: And there was something else that I loved. Someone.

Darien: Hm. You had a man huh?

Mai-Lin: Yes. We were engaged.

Darien: He left you.

Mai-Lin: No. He still wanted to marry me even after my accident.

Darien: So why didn�t you?

Mai-Lin: (stops writing) I couldn�t do it. I couldn�t look into his eyes for the rest of my life knowing that it was all out of pity.

Darien: How do you know that? How do you know that he didn�t really love you back?

Mai-Lin: Look at me. Show me it�s possible Darien. Look at me without pity.

[Darien listens. Cut to van approaching. Hobbes and Li are across the street. Chinese agents exit car.]

Hobbes: Whoa. Wait a minute. What are your people doin� here, my friend?

[Cut to inside. We see Darien at window as he sees agents outside.]

Darien: Oh crap. Uh� Excuse me.

[Darien grabs papers and moves to the stove.]

Mai-Lin: What�s wrong?

Darien: Ah we got company.

[Darien burns documents over stove flames.]

Mai-Lin: What are you doing?

Darien: Look, are you going to risk letting the MSS get their hands on that?

Mai-Lin: The quicksilver- you promised me. We had an agreement.

Darien: Guess what. We still do. All right? The difference is I believe you now. So you gonna let me burn these or not?

[Cut to van. Li exits.]

Hobbes: Hey, I�m talking to you Charlie Brown. Excuse me�

Li: You know you must be some kind of racist.

Hobbes: I�m a what?

Li: Jackie Chan, Charlie Chan? We all look the same, right?

Hobbes: No no, not Charlie Chan, Charlie Brown� Brown! Lucy, Linus, Pig Pen you know? Woodstock � little birdie? Peanuts!

[We see thru quicksilver vision (black and white) agents entering the building. Hobbes and Li are approaching the door.]

Hobbes: Charles Shultz. He�s a genius! Peppermint Patty, Snoopy �

Li: Well, we�ll see what the UN Secret Relations committee has to say about that.

Hobbes: What do you mean UN Secret Relations Committee? Oh ha ha ha, huh that�s very good very clever, pal. I like that, my friend. Let me tell you something. Like you said if we are going to work together we�d better be honest with each other. Now what the hell is going on? Huh?

Li: (pulls gun) Hold it right there! Hobbes: (pulls gun) Hold it right there!

[Mai- Lin unquicksilvers and turns around to face them.]

Li: There�s no more quicksilver. Give it up. It�s over.

Hobbes: Fawkes. Fawkes, come on now� do the right thing pal. Come on buddy�

[Invisible Darien kicks gun out of Li�s hand and punches him. Li kicks back.]

Hobbes: Fawkes!

[We see quicksilver vision of Darien getting kicked. Cut to regular shot of Li facing trash cans where Invisible Darien fell. Mai-Lin kicks Hobbes repeatedly. Hobbes levels her with one kick. She cries out in pain.]

Hobbes: I am so sorry miss� Now listen just calm down lady, all right? Relax-

[She kicks him sending him backwards. Mai-Lin roundhouse kicks Hobbes. He lands on the car hood.
Li speaks Chinese to her. She angrily replies in Chinese. Invisible Darien grabs Mai-Lin by the arm and she quicksilvers. Hobbes tries and misses.]

Hobbes: Dammit Fawkes.

[Hobbes and Li run and stop in the middle of the street.]

Hobbes: No martial arts, huh?

Li: I watched a lot of Walker Texas Ranger.

[Commercial Break]

[Darien is driving with Mai-Lin in the passenger seat. They pass a billboard "Oasis Motel" driving down the highway.]

Mai-Lin: I appreciate what you did back there.

Darien: What? Getting my ass kicked? Ah, it�s one thing I�m good at. I mean you know it�s my gift. I get my ass kicked better than anyone I know.

[They laugh.]

Darien: God, I�m Charlie.

Mai-Lin: We should find a place to stop. Those wounds need to be sterilized.

Darien: What this? Nah nah don�t worry about it.

Mai-Lin: No no no Darien they could get infected and ah I would like a chance to get cleaned up.

Darien: Ok well you�re the doctor, right?

[Cut to office. We see the office shield.]

Li: And then he quicksilvered her.

Ming: After the tank was empty?

Li: That�s correct sir.

Ming: So. There is no doubt in your mind that Agent Fawkes is now acting as her accomplice.

Li: None whatsoever.

Hobbes: All due respect to Agent Li here sir, but there could have been any number of explanations why it could have appeared that way.

Official: Such as?

Hobbes: Such as there could have been a little quicksilver left over in the tank, alright? We don�t know. It�s not like we had a chance to check, alright?

Wang: Not likely. According to a current estimate the tank went dry right on schedule.

Eberts: Um excuse me . May I take a look at that?

Wang: Certainly.

Eberts: Ooh look you use a color printer for your statistics-

Wang: Digital.

Eberts: Digital. I didn�t know that � that must be so expensive.

Wang: Mr. Ming likes pretty documents.

Ming: Shut up Wang.

Official: Shut up Eberts.

Wang: Yes sir. Eberts: Yes sir.

Official: Agent Hobbes makes a good point. We can�t be sure Fawkes was involved in the escape.

Li: Then what were they doing at his apartment?

Hobbes: What were four Chinese guys doing in his apartment?

Official: Another good point.

Hobbes: Thank you sir.

Official: Mr. Ming if we are going to work together, we�re going to have to be honest with each other. What were those agents doing there?

Ming: Earlier today we spotted Dr. Chong driving with an unidentified male. We lost the vehicle when it disappeared entirely. Our device couldn�t accomplish this even the tank was at full capacity. That is when we began to suspect Agent Fawkes.

Official: I see.

Hobbes: I�m still not buying it Chief. There is no way Fawkes would want to help this woman.

Ming: He doesn�t need a reason Agent Hobbes. Dr. Chong is an obvious irresistible temptation to a man of Agent Fawkes flawed moral character.

Official: Darien Fawkes is a man of impeccable moral character.

Ming: He is a petty thief and a molester of the elderly.

Official: Ok � not exactly impeccable.

Ming: The point is � hm � If we are going to work together- we are going to have to be honest with each other.

Official: Eberts � we�ve got a black sheep situation on our hands. (pounds the table with his fist and stands) Hobbes, I want status reports called in on the hour every hour. Fawkes cannot be trusted. Understood? (He winks at Hobbes signaling his cover up speech)

Hobbes: Couldn�t be clearer sir.

Ming: Same goes for you Chen-Po.

Official: Now get out there and find them.

Ming: Before it is too late.

[Hobbes and Li watch each other as they both exit. Cut to daytime shot outside of hotel room. Cut to Darien inside room. Mai-Lin is cleaning a cut on Darien�s forehead.]

Darien: You�re good. Ah, you�re very good.

Mai-Lin: I�ve had a lot of practice. Now if you�ll excuse me it�s my turn to get cleaned up.

[She walks to the kitchen cabinet and stores the papers then moves into the bathroom. Darien picks up the phone and checks messages.]

Voice: You have received three new messages. First new message received at�

[He hears her struggling and approaches bathroom door.]

Darien: Hey is everything all right in there?

Mai-Lin: Y-Yes.

Darien: O-Ok I�m � I�m comin� in ok?

Mai-Lin: No No No

[She is wrapped in a white towel with her backpack still on.]

Darien: Oh boy oh boy oh boy� um

Mai-Lin: I�m sorry I can�t maneuver with this thing.

[We hear romantic music.  Darien tries to stay composed.]

Darien: Yeah, yeah I bet uh- does it come off at all?

Mai-Lin: Yes but I�ll need your help.

Darien: (puts on his boy scout manners) Oh sure yeah what ever I can do uh How does it uh How does it come off? (sees the latch and lots of bare skin) Oh you�re connected here uh- Does that hurt at all?

Mai-Lin: No.

Darien: There�s another one here um I gotta � I gotta take this down so just � (His face is near her bare back shoulder. His leg quicksilvers.) Oh-

Mai-Lin: What�s the matter?

Darien: Nothing ah nothin� just uh (shakes quicksilver off leg) Just give me- just give me a second here, ok? Uh let me uh get this one � there we go � got this one right here? Yeah kind of lightweight huh (his arm quicksilvers) Ah crap �

[He moves away to bathroom window.]

Mai-Lin: Oh thank you - you have no idea what an � Oh!

[She turns and sees parts of him have quicksilvered. He�s leaning on the windowsill against a wall trying to look non - chalant about the whole thing.]

Mai-Lin: Wha-What�s happening to you?

Darien: Um � my gland � uh � sometimes I uh can�t quite control it and uh � It usually happens when my heart rate goes up and uh � well it went up.

Mai-Lin: Well of course uh the hormone is regulated by adrenaline and-

Darien: Oh exactly.

Mai-Lin: And adrenaline is released when you are in a state of exitation-

Darien: Mm Hmm. Yeah. That is uh that is the state I am currently residing in.

Mai-Lin: Of course you would be how else could you quicksilver � Oh! Oh my God! (She turns around realizing what has just happened)

Darien: I�m sorry really I- I � I tried not to peek but I- couldn�t get this freakin� little knapsack off with out you know � well look I � you know I didn�t mean for it - to work out like this you know that, right? I mean �

Mai-Lin: No. I�m grateful.

Darien: What for?

Mai- Lin: An honest reaction and a � a flattered one.

Darien: Oh uh yeah well my limbs they don�t lie I mean � they couldn�t if I wanted them to.

Mai-Lin: I never thought a man would look at me that way again.

Darien: Why wouldn�t he?

Mai-Lin: So when this happens � what do you do?

[She moves over to the window next to him.]

Darien: Premature extraction. Yeah pretty much you know an evening early. You know this whole thing is classified so I can�t really you know talk about it with anyone.

Mai-Lin: I already know.

Darien: Yeah you do, don�t you?

[They kiss. They embrace and quicksilver. Pan from bathroom to kitchen to side of bed. We see towel on floor unquicksilver. Pan up to on top of bed. We see a depression. Cut to Li and Hobbes walking out of building.]

Li: You�re as slippery as a lizard.

Hobbes: Yeah? Look who�s talkin�. Guy�s got 52 race cars up his sleeve.

Li: I only lied to protect my country�s interest � not some petty thief of a partner.

Hobbes: You don�t know the first thing about him alright?

Li: I know enough:

Hobbes: Oh yeah? Well, what about the chick who stole the backpack, huh? What - she some kind of angel?

Li: She�s no Fawkes. I�ll tell you that.

Hobbes: You damn right. She�s a gutless little two-bit terrorist.

[Li unstraps gun and removes jacket.]

Li: Dishonesty is one thing �

Hobbes: What are you doin�?

Li: Dishonor is another.

Hobbes: (laughs) You want to go right now? Is that what you want? You want to kick my ass?

Li: Remove your weapon so we can settle this like men.

Hobbes: Suit yourself. (He removes his jacket and gun. He roundhouse kicks Li in the face.) That manly enough for ya? Huh? Ha?

[They fight. Hobbes falls.]

Li: Dr. Chong is a brilliant scientist. One of the best we ever had.

Hobbes: Until she betrayed you.

[They fight. They head butt and both fall out. They crawl to each other in front of Golda.]

Li: Forgive me. I let my anger get the best of me.

Hobbes: It�s ok. I enjoy it.

[Both are sitting on the ground leaning on the front bumper.]

Li: You want to know the truth about Dr. Chong?

Hobbes: We got to go through all of this for you to level with me?

Li: She was a candidate for the Nobel Prize till the MSS withdrew her application. They�d never let a face like that represent China.

Hobbes: What happened to her anyway?

Li: Freak accident. Explosion in her lab. She was a good agent Hobbes � until she lost her mind.

Hobbes: Most terrorists do, you know?

Li: The Valentine nuclear power plant. (He gets up.) That�s where she�ll strike.  I�m sure of it.

[Li helps Hobbes up. Cut to Darien emptying quicksilver into backpack.]

Darien: There ya go.

[He fastens the lid on the backpack and then checks his phone messages.]

Voice: Three new messages�(He presses the button)

Hobbes: She�s using ya Fawkes, I�ve seen it way too many times.

Voice: Next message�(He presses the button again.)

Hobbes: All right Fawkes here�s the story � Chinese are hiding something the Official don�t trust him and neither do I�

Voice: Next message�(He presses the button)

Hobbes: Listen Fawkes, Chen-Po thinks she�s talking about a nuclear power plant. Could be a diversion but something tells me it�s not and I think he may be in on it.

[Mai-Lin enters from next room buttoning blouse.]

Darien: Hey! Guess you�re all set here. Back in business.

Mai-Lin: (attaches backpack) Thanks. For everything.

Darien: Oh sure. Hey, look I want to help you ok? What can I do?

Mai-Lin: You�ve done enough.

Darien: Whatever you�re planning I just - I don�t want you to do it alone, all right?

Mai-Lin: Ok. There is something that I need. A key element for the recycler. It may be difficult to get, but maybe with the two of us-

Darien: Yeah. Absolutely. You just need to tell me what it is.

Mai-Lin: (unfastens hair) Uranium-235. The quicksilver recycler is nuclear powered.

[Cut to Darien with mouth open looking stunned.]

[Commercial Break]

[Pan down to Power Plant. Cut to Hobbes at entrance in van with Li.]

Hobbes: How �ya doin�? Agent Robert Hobbes reporting for the surprise inspection?

Attendant: I�m sorry but uh I don�t have anything about that on my schedule.

Hobbes: Well, that would spoil the surprise now, wouldn�t it?

Attendant: Right. But um if you�re not down on my schedule I can�t let you in.

Hobbes: Let me tell you something there, my friend. I make one phone call and this entire place gets shut down tighter than a bull�s ass. That means every po done town, beer hall, outhouse, crap house from here to Vegas is out of power. Is that what you want?

Attendant: Go on through.

Hobbes: Didn�t think so.

[Cut to Hobbes and Li on foot walking outside power plant building.]

Hobbes: All right. I�ll take the east wing. You take the west. Work our way back to the middle. Chen-Po, stay in constant communication.

Li: You got it.

[Li removes his earpiece. Hobbes brings his hand to his ear to listen to his. Cut to Agency office. The phone rings. Eberts goes to answer it when the Official beats him to it.]

Official: Him.

Hobbes: Chief, Bobby Hobbes here. All right, here�s the sit rap.

Official: Where the hell are you? Yeah I got it. (He hangs up. To Eberts) I want every available agent armed and ready to go immediately. I�ll be down in five minutes.

[Cut to control panel room. Attendant leaves. Mai-Lin and Darien unquicksilver.]

Mai-Lin: Can you get past that lock?

Darien: Uh that � that lock right there? Uh- you know I am pretty good with locks.

Mai-Lin: What�s the matter?

Darien: Uh well, I got a question for �ya um- You need a pretty major laboratory to � to build this � recycler thing of yours, right?

Mai-Lin: Yes but- there�s nothing I can do until I have the uranium.

Darien: (points) Yeah. That�s what I�m talking about. I mean you know shouldn�t that be the last thing you�d get? � I mean it�s pretty dangerous stuff-

Mai-Lin: Darien, if you don�t want to continue on I can understand-

Darien: That�s not what I�m saying all right? I�m just saying that- that it�s my first field trip to a nuclear power plant that�s all I just I want to know what I can share with the rest of my class later on.

Mai-Lin: You still don�t believe me, do you?

[Cut to agents exiting building.]

Eberts: Ladies and gentlemen, saddle up.

Official: (To agent) Get a haircut.

[Agency cars leave single file. Cut to inside Chinese agents' car.]

Wang: Gum?

[Ming slaps Wang�s hand away. Cut to cars driving to power plant. Cut to inside power plant.]

Darien: Ok uh I got a question here. How did Chen-Po Li know we were coming here?

Mai-Lin: I don�t know.

Darien: Oh, yeah you don�t know? Yeah you knew because he was in on it, am I right?

Mai-Lin: There�s nothing that I can say for you to believe me so you go your way and I�ll go mine.

Darien: (grabs her) Hey, will you come here? Listen that�s not-

[Li enters and points gun at Darien.]

Li: Let go of her, Fawkes.

Darien: Well well well. (pats Mai-Lin on the shoulder) Look what the uranium dragged in.

Li: I said let her go.

[Hobbes enters and points gun at Li.]

Hobbes: Drop your weapon Chen-Po.

Li: No way. Not till Fawkes hands her over.

Hobbes: Drop it! Or I swear to God I�ll �

Li: You going to fire your weapon in here? I don�t think so. You don�t want to die and neither does Fawkes.

Mai-Lin: I�m not going back with you, Chen-Po.

Li: Who said I want us to go back?

Darien: What?

Hobbes: What?

Li: She�s no more of a terrorist than you are.

Mai-Lin: Chen-Po! Please, don�t.

Darien: Ah boy am I � am I missing something here? Is this the guy you were tellin� me about?

Mai-Lin: Yes.

Hobbes: Somebody want to fill in the blanks for, me here please?

Li: Mai-Lin has created a way to recycle quicksilver using nuclear fusion. She wants to be invisible to the world. And most of all to me.

Mai-Lin: It�s my decision, not yours.

Hobbes: I�m still a little behind the eight ball here.

Darien: Ah it�s just- let them talk, alright?

[Darien moves over to Hobbes.]

Mai-Lin: I can�t live with your pity and I won�t.

Chen-Po Li: I don�t pity you. I came here to defect with you, Mai-Lin. To be together- where you�ll never need to use that tank again.

[She�s choked up with emotion. She looks at Darien.]

Darien: What are you waitin� for?

[She cries. Mai-Lin and Chen-Po embrace. She cries. Fawkes hands Hobbes a handkerchief.]

Fawkes: Here ya go.

Hobbes: Now I get it.

[She cries. Hobbes blows his nose. He hands hanky back to Fawkes.]

Fawkes: Nah that�s ok. You can have it.

[Cut to outside. We see cars driving up and stop.]

Official: All right Lao. Here it is � the moment of truth.

Lao Ming: You sir, have been anything but truthful.

Official: Me? You don�t think I bought that terrorist garbage do you? Hm?

Lao Ming: We came here to recover our scientists and our device. With the help of your invisible agent we nearly achieved both. Now step aside and let us complete our mission without incident so that we can return peacefully to Bejing.

Official: Oh, you�re going back to China alright. Empty handed.

Lao Ming: Very well then. May the best agency win. (Signals agents in Chinese to move forward)

Official: Go gentlemen.

[They look at each other in disgust. Eberts smiles and makes hand motions to face. Cut to inside of power plant.]

Hobbes: All right listen up. Right here we have exits Alpha, Bravo, Delta and Epsilon. Right here we have the Eastern wall behind which is the main reactor. Now we could create a diversion right here at checkpoint Charlie �

[Fawkes reaches over and pulls the fire alarm next to Hobbes head. ]

Hobbes: Or we could pull the fire alarm as my partner Mr. Fawkes just displayed to you at this particular junction.

[They each put their hand on their partner�s chest and quicksilver. Cut to people running around plant. Cut to agents looking through thermals. We see thermal vision through agents' eyes. We see quicksilver vision of Official and agents standing there. Cut to a yellow car leaving with no one in it.]

[Commercial Break]

[We see Fawkes and Dr. Chong walking in Haskell park.].

Fawkes: So let�s see � you and Chen-Po, huh? Where you guys headed?

Dr. Chong: I don�t know. Somewhere where we can disappear a while longer. Get to know each other again.

Fawkes: It�s going to be kind of hard without the quicksilver. Disappearing- part. I tried.

Dr. Chong: (laughs) I know but I think that we can manage it now thanks to you. Oh, I almost forgot.

Fawkes: Hm?

Dr. Chong: Something to remember me by.

[She hands him the backpack.]

Fawkes: You sure about that?

Dr. Chong: Absolutely. Besides you�ll need something to give your boss to make up for letting us go. Good Bye Darien.

[She walks to the taxi.]

Chen-Po Li: Mai-Lin. There we are.

[She enters taxi. Li follows and shuts taxi door. They drive off.]

Fawkes: See ya.

[Closing Credits]
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