Fan Fiction Archive
Transcribed by Geonn Cannon
Nan Martin as Gloria Howard
Jeff Garvin
Richard Kuhlman
Josh Clark as General Grimmond

Written by Jonathan Glassner
Directed by Joshua Butler
Music By Robert Sprayberry

Opening: The Keep. Darien is looking into a cage occupied by a large green lizard. He sighs and bends down, peering into the next cage which is occupied by white rats.)

Darien: (vo) I think it was a Brit by the name of Sir Robert Walpole who coined the phrase "All men have their price." Now, I happen to agree, although my point of view on the matter has changed. (he moves to look into the next cage, this one home to a red and white snake lounging on a branch) See, I used to think my price would be money, or diamonds or gold. You know? (camera pans down to a table filled with medical supplies, including a syringe) Well, imagine my surprise when I realized my price had become a needle in the arm.

(The doors slide open and Darien looks up. The Keeper enters. She's wearing her long blue lab jacket over a beige blouse and black pants. She is so engrossed in a stack of papers that she doesn't see Darien.)

Darien: (vo, continued) Don't get me wrong. I still have very expensive tastes. Your tax dollars paid millions for me to get that needle.

Darien: (cheerfully) Well, good morning Dr. Keeper.

Keeper: (mumbles) Morning. (she bumps into a chair, then moves it aside and leans against the desk, still reading.)

Darien: Whacha got there, a little murder mystery? No, I'm guessing you're not the murder mystery type, are you? (moves towards the desk) How about, uh, romance novel? Nah, I'm guessing words like, uh... 'sweaty body' and 'love canal' probably aren't really in your vocabulary, are they?

Keeper: (still engrossed) I have a very large vocabulary.

Darien: (raises his eyebrows) Really?

Keeper: (looks up, smiling vaguely. She looks back down at her papers and brushes her hair behind her ear) However there are certain sides of me that you will never see.

Darien: Yeah... I'll bet. (looks at the papers) I got it. Advanced textbook on molecular biochemistry. Is that it?

Keeper: (finally paying attention) What are you talking about?

Darien: The piece of literature that you're so deeply engrossed in.

Keeper: (turns the page) No, this is actually a computer printout that I am sure you would find most boring.

Darien: Come on, try me.

Keeper: (looks up) All right... It's a recombinant analysis of the DNA at 8P12-dash-P11 on Subject X3.

Darien: (looks at her for a moment) Okay, so, I'm here for a fix. If it's a bad time...

Keeper: (smiles) Yeah, though so. Pony up. (reaching for his arm)

Darien: (smiling and mocking her accent) "Pony up!"

(Darien raises his arm. The Keeper checks the tattoo monitor: There are two green segments left)

Keeper: Mm. Right on schedule! (she stands, putting down the papers next to a pair of photographs showing two teenage kids, a boy and a girl. She walks to the fridge as Darien settles down into the spot she just vacated.)

Darien: Thank you. (As the Keeper opens the fridge door) Why don't you tell me something, Doc? Why are you here?

Keeper: (turns, slightly suspicious) What do you mean? (closes the door and moves to the table)

Darien: I mean, come on. You're obviously way smarter than your average Josephine. (stands up to join her at the table) You know, you could probably get six, seven figures working for J.P.L. or, you know, one of those biotech companies. So the question I have is: What's your counteragent? (she looks up at him) What are they... holding over you to get you to work here?

Keeper: (squinting) You have a very warped perspective on this place.

Darien: (nodding) Oh, yeah.

Keeper: The Agency isn't some evil insititution that blackmails people into doing it's bidding.

Darien: Really? Then I guess you wouldn't mind giving me the formula for the counteragent so I can get the hell out of here.

Keeper: Don't you think your situation is a tad more complicated than that?

Darien: You're not going to give it to me, are ya?

Keeper: Mm-mm. For your own good.

Darien: Yeah, didn't think so.

(As she mixes the counteragent and fills the syringe, Darien slowly begins backing up to the desk where she left her printout. He turns the page so he can read it. The camera zooms in on one sentence: "...subject will begin to suffer great pain, then death.")

Darien: (spooked) Wait a minute, wait a minute, something's wrong with the quicksilver gland?

Keeper: (seeing what he's reading) Hey! (runs over and pulls it out of his hands, leading him to the chair) That... document... is none of your business!

Darien: Seeing as I'm your only patient and that thing says I'm going to begin to suffer greatly and die, then I would say yes it *is* my business!

Keeper: (throwing him in the chair) Don't be so egocentric! Everything is not about you!

Darien: Look, will you answer the question? (grabs her hand as she begins to rub alcohol on his arm) Is there something wrong with the gland?

Keeper: (pulling her hand away) I have answered the question.

Darien: (sighs, then gasps as she gives him the shot)

(Theme Song)

(Scene: Darien and Hobbes are walking down the hall at the Agency.)

Darien: Hobbes, let me ask you a question. How much do you know about the Keeper?

Hobbes: The Keeper? Why? (smirking) Making your mercury rise, Fawkes? Hah.

Darien: No...

Hobbes: It's that accent, isn't it? Isn't it? It's exotic. That English thing gets your blood boiling, your juices flowing... she's got that *hair* cascading down her neck, thick pouty lips...

Darien: Okay, you're scaring me now, Hobbes.

Hobbes: You can't deny it. It's the falling-in-love-with-your-shrink syndrome. I know, I've been there.

Darien: Oh, you fell in love with your shrink?

Hobbes: All seven of 'em. My advice? Resist. Cost me a marriage, my friend. (pats Darien on the arm.)

Darien: (grabs Hobbes' arm) Look, Hobbes, you've got it all wrong. It just occured to me that she has my life in her hands, I don't know a damn thing about her. For example, does she have a name?

Hobbes: The. Last name, Keeper. That's all you need to know, my friend. (starts to walk off)

Darien: (runs in front of Hobbes, blocking him) Okay, another example, another example. Am I the only one the Keeper keeps or are there other Kepts?

Hobbes: How many times have I tried to explain to you that being an intelligence operative is a 'need-to-know' occupation. That's it.

Darien: And what kind of doctor is she, really? I mean, think about this. Is she, you know, the most qualified to deal with... (points to his head) my gland?

Hobbes: Need to know. (starts to walk off, but Darien stops him)

Darien: Hobbes... this is the person responsible for whether I live or... suffer in great pain and die. I mean, personally... I think I need to know.

Hobbes: No, you don't. Because if you'd need to know, you'd know. But they decided you *don't* need to know, so you don't. So stop thinking about what you don't know, cause you don't need to know what you think you need to know about! (Darien stares at him) Enjoy the ignorance, my friend. It's bliss.

(Hobbes finally goes around Darien and disappears around a corner and goes right. A few seconds later, he appears again and goes left. Darien looks thoughtful for a moment, then heads down the hall towards the closed door of the Keep.)

Darien: (vo) I think the Keeper is starting to like me. See, I know this because she finally gave me a key to her place. (swipes a key card through the scanner and the doors slide open. He pockets the key and steps inside) Of course, why wouldn't she give me a key? She isn't worried about me stealing the counteragent because I don't know how to dilute the stuff anyway.
(He walks to the desk where the papers were left earlier. They aren't there, so he moves to her desk and searches it.)

Darien: (vo) What the Keeper should be worried about is my curiosity, especially when it involves a document about someone -- who may well be me -- suffering in great pain and then dying.

(The door slides open. Darien panicks, searches for a place to hide, and then quicksilvers. The Keeper enters, carrying a briefcase. She hangs her jacket on a hook near the door and heads for the animal cages. She sets the briefcase down and goes to the snake cage.)

Keeper: (sliding the top of the cage off) Hello, Lucinda! Miss me? (she presses a button hidden under a rock and a secret drawer slides out. She retrieves a document labeled top secret and places it in her briefcase. She walks out of the room and Darien follows. The scene quicksilvers to...)

(The Keeper's jeep pulls up in front of a two-story residential house. In the driveway, a family of three is pulling groceries from the back of a van. The Keeper gets out of her jeep and approaches.)

Keeper: Hi, guys!

Father: Hey, Claire!

Kids: Hey!

Darien: (unquicksilvering in the passenger seat of the Keeper's car) "Claire"? Gertrude... or, I don't know, maybe Hortence... but 'Claire'? (squats down so he can't be seen in the jeep.)

Father: (as Claire kisses his cheek) How are you, stranger?

Claire: I'm fine. How's my favorite family?

Father: Oh, we're good. And we missed you at the game last weekend. Keith threw a 45-yard touchdown!

Claire: Wow! That's very good... I think!

Keith: He exaggerates... it was more like thirty...

Daughter: More like twenty!

Claire: So I just came by to pick up those school pictures you promised me.

Daughter: Not a chance I'm letting you see that gross-out picture!

Keith: (laughing) She had a zit!

Claire: (rolls her eyes at Keith) Oh... well... could I have a couple of yours, Keith?

Keith: Oh, yeah, sure... I'll go get them. (runs into the house)

Claire: Okay.

Father: We just got dinner. Want to join us?

Claire: Oh, no, no thanks, I just ate.

Father: Oh. Well, uh, come by later on, whenever. Cause we got a video...

Claire: Oh, I wish I could, but I can't. I've got things to do at home, so... next time?

Father: Sure, sure.

Keith: (returning) Here. There's one of Kelly's in there, too.

Kelly: Hey! I said I didn't want anyone to see that!

Keith: (mockingly) "I didn't want anyone to see that!"

Claire: (looking at the pictures) Ahh, you look beautiful, Kel. Can I keep it? Please?

Kelly: Okay, but it's for your eyes only!

Claire: Right. My eyes only. (smiles and looks at the family.)

(Scene: Claire's jeep pulls up in front of a townhouse. She shuts the door, setting the alarm as she turns and heads up the stairs. She unlocks the door to her home and is about to go in when the alarm goes off. She turns and sees the driver's side door standing open. She goes down the stairs, looking for who might have done it, and turns off the alarm. As her back is turned, an invisible Darien opens the door to her house and slips in. Claire looks at the car, confused, and goes into the house after reseting the alarm.)

Claire: (entering, calls) Pavlov! Where are you, little one? (she speaks this like every person speaks to a dog; sweetly, almost baby-talk. A tiny white dog comes bounding down the stairs and comes up behind her.) Where are you, little one? (sees him) There you are! (she bends down and picks him up, carrying the dog into the kitchen.) Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello,  hello, hello, oh, I love you, yes I do! Hi! What? What? Have you had a good day? Have you? (sighs)

(The closet door opens and Darien sneaks out.)

Darien: (vo) Being a guy who can turn invisible is a bit like being an alcoholic. I have to go easy on the silver stuff or I could lose control. Plus, the more I use it, the more counteragent I'll need.

(He sees the briefcase on the table. He checks to make sure Claire isn't looking, then tries to open it.)

Darien: (vo) Okay, so maybe that's a bad analogy. But the point is, I have to limit my use of invisibility. It's a good thing I'm pretty good at remaining invisible without actually *being* invisible. (sees Claire coming and ducks to the floor, hidden by the couch.)

Claire: (carrying Pavlov out of the kitchen, chewing on a Twizzler) ...and Mommy has a treat, too! (she picks up her briefcase and heads for the stairs)

Darien: (mocking) "and Mommy has a treat too!"

Claire: (to Pavlov) Ooh, baby, I have to work! (Darien slips off the floor and covertly follows Claire upstairs) Do you miss me? (she enters the bedroom and puts Pavlov down) Are you lonely without me? I missed you, yes I did.

(She puts her briefcase on the table next to a mirror and pulls out the printout she was reading earlier. As she lays on the couch to read and eat her candy, Pavlov spots Darien peeking around the corner. The dog growls softly, moving to the door.)

Claire: Pavlov?

Pavlov: Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! (runs out of the room)

Claire: Pavlov... come back, honey!

(Darien is running down the stairs, which are carpeted to mask his footfalls. He turns, rushing to the kitchen. In the bedroom, Claire stands and puts the report back in the briefcase, but doesn't close it.)

Claire: (from off-camera, as Darien runs into the kitchen) What are you doing, sweetheart? (now at the top of the stairs) Pavlov! Come back! What are you doing, honey? (from off-camera, as Darien feeds Pavlov a bit of food) Come on, little one!

Darien: (letting Pavlov lick his face) And no more barkin' at your buddy Darien, okay?

(Claire gives up and goes back into her room. As Darien releases Pavlov, hard rock music begins to blast from upstairs. Pavlov darts up the stairs with Darien in hot pursuit. He peeks into Claire's room and sees her dancing in front of the mirror getting undressed for the shower. She dances past the doorway and he can't see her anymore.)

Darien: (vo) What was that that the Keeper said? That there were certain sides to her I'd never see? If she only knew how many sides of her I *could* see...

(Dressed now in a robe, she dances back across the door and into the bathroom. As soon as she's out of the bedroom, Darien slips in and makes his way to the dresser where her briefcase and printout are laying. He points at Pavlov, putting a finger to his lips to keep the dog from alerting his presence.)

Darien: (vo) You know in cartoons when they have a little angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other telling the guy what to do?

(He looks up just as Claire drops the robe and quickly looks away. He moves to the dresser and picks up the notes.)

Darien: (vo) Well, these days, I try - I really try - to listen to the angel. (He glances into the mirror, looking at the reflection of Claire in the shower.) But with me, somehow the devil always wins.

(Darien looks down at the papers and, after reading a little, steals another glance at Claire. He shakes his head and looks back at the papers. This time, he sees something that catches his eye. "Werner AA-20 -- Lab 2")

Darien: (confused) Lab 2?

(Cut to shot of door marked Lab 2 Restricted Area Level 3 Access. It's the next day and Claire is swiping her ID card in the door.)

Claire: (to guard) Morning.

(She enters, followed by Darien's quicksilver vision. A man who is later identified as Callum is sitting behind the desk.)

Claire: Hey.

Callum: Hey.

Claire: Any luck?

Callum: As a matter of fact... yes. (Claire leans down, looking at his progress on the computer screen) I've been running all the recombinant possibilities with the variation we wanted to put in 8P12 and, uh, I think this one might work.

Claire: Good. Keep working on it. How's she doing? (Darien looks through the small window in the door and sees an old woman laying in a hospital bed. There's a keypad next to the door.)

Callum: Well, depressed as always.

Claire: Well, can you blame her? All right... (she straightens and walks to the key pad, entering a code. The door slides away and Claire enters the makeshift hospital room.) Hi!

Gloria: Hello, sweetheart.

(Darien follows Claire in, sneaking into a closet and watching the scene through a crack in the door.)

Claire: (placing her briefcase on a table) I brought you some special ones.

Gloria: Oh...! (chuckles)

(Claire takes a manila envelope from her breifcase, taking it to Gloria and pulling out the photos of Keith and Kelly.)

Gloria: (eagerly taking and looking at the pictures) Oh! Oh, wow! Oh, they're growing up so fast!

Claire: Kelly looks more and more like you...

Gloria: (nods) Yes...

Claire: Shall I put them up?

Gloria: (hands them back) Oh, yes. Yes. (Claire walks to a bulletin board hanging on one wall, covered with photos of Keith and Kelly.) Thank you for being there. They need a woman in their lives.

Claire: Stop it... I needed a family in mine. I'm glad I got the chance to befriend them. (walks back to Gloria's bedside.) I just hope you let me continue to hang out with them when you go home.

Gloria: I don't think you have to worry about that. I'm never going home.

Claire: (firmly) You are going home... soon

Gloria: You've been telling me that for ten years.

Claire: I promised I would get you out of here and I will.

Gloria: Yeah. I'm just afraid it'll be in a... pine box.

Claire: You are not going to die here. Gloria... this is as important to me as it is to you.

Gloria: Thank you.

(Claire kisses Gloria's forehead, then leaves the room. Darien unquicksilvers in the closet.)

Darien: (vo) It's funny, I've never thought of the Keeper as having a mother. Maybe she's an aunt or an old friend or something. It doesn't matter, because the bottom line is I found what's keeping Claire at the Agency, which means maybe I've found my way out...

(A park scene. There's a man standing at an outdoor stand wearing a long black trenchcoat and dark sunglasses. Callum, the man Claire talked to in Lab 2, approaches him.)

Callum: General Grimmond, sir.

Grimmond: (to vendor) Thank you (to Callum as they walk away) Tell me she's dead.

Callum: Not yet, sir.

Grimmond: (obviously upset with this) Callum, I make my presentation to the joint chiefs next week.

Callum: I know that, sir, but is it really necessary to kill the woman sooner? I mean, I just... I don't think...

Grimmond: You have kids, Callum?

Callum: Yes, sir.

Grimmond: Do you care about them? Their safety?

Callum: Yes, but this...

Grimmond: There are people... There are people out there who are threatening that safety.

Callum: Sir, with respect, I'm just trying to understand why killing Gloria sooner is going to make any difference in this situation.

Grimmond: Because I can stop those people... as long as no one ever learns about about that woman.

Callum: Sir, if we wait just a little bit longer, the natural course of her disease is going to kill that woman with no interference necessary from us.

Grimmond: (takes off his glasses) You have three days for nature to take it's course.

Callum: Yes, sir.

(Grimmond walks off, leaving Callum looking visibly distraught. Cut to a scene of Darien walking down the hallway at the Agency. He is carrying a tray with two cups of cappuchino on it. He sees the guard to Lab 2.)

Darien: Hey, what's up, man.

Guard 1: Hey, what's going on.

Darien: You know what, I just picked up some cappuchinos for Hobbes and uh, the Keeper. You know, the... the blonde?

Guard 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Darien: (nudges the guard's shoulder with a smile) You know what I'm saying? Well, anyway, they already took off... You don't want 'em, do ya?

Guard 1: No, no, no, I'll take these. I got a guy inside anyway.

Darien: Beautiful. Knock yourself out.

Guard 1: Thanks alot.

Darien: Take care.

(Darien walks around the corner and quicksilvers. He walks back, following the guard into the main room. The other guard is asleep at the desk.)

Guard 1: (drops the tray on the desk, waking the other guard) I got a cappuchino for ya.

Guard 2: Thanks.

(As the first guard leaves, Darien enters Claire's code into the key pad and the door to Gloria's room slides open. She's fast asleep. The second guard stands to investigate.)

Darien: (vo) I always believed in the saying "One good turn deserves another."

(Guard 2 enters Gloria's room and approaches the bed.)

Darien: (vo, continued) "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"

(Gloria rolls over slightly)

Darien: (vo, continued) "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

(As Gloria rolls, Darien either shoves or punches the guard and he falls against the wall. He slides to the floor, unconscious. Gloria is awakened by the ruckus and looks around, confused. She sees the open door and unconscious guard and slowly gets out of bed.)

Darien: (vo, continued) I kind of figure it like this. I release the prisoner they're blackmailing the Keeper with and the Keeper gives me the formula for the counteragent they're blackmailing me with.

(The outside guard is sipping his cappuchino as the door to the lab opens. He peeks in, looking for who's coming out. He steps inside when he sees the door to Gloria's room is also open. As soon as he's in the room, the tray they the coffee was on swings around and smacks him in the face. It's wielded by Gloria, not Darien. The guard falls to the floor and Gloria makes her way down the hall, cautiously looking around the corner before making her escape. Darien unquicksilvers and leans against the open door to Lab 2.)

Darien: (sighs) Well, I guess you just can't get good help these days. (walks off)

(Fade to a scene of twilight outside the Agency, then a cut to the Official's office. Hobbes, Claire, Darien and the Official are present. Claire drops a picture of Gloria onto the desk.)

Claire: Her name is Gloria.

Official: (as Claire begins pacing nervously behind him) She escaped from her holding cell in Lab 2 tonight.

Darien: Well, that's new. I gotta tell ya, I did not know that the Agency was in the business of holding prisoners.

Official: (firmly) We're not. It was a unique situation. Favor for another agency.

Darien: And now you got egg on your face 'cause she got away.

Hobbes: Yeah, how'd that happen?

Official: Well, apparently she punched out one of our agents who was holding her. Decked the other one with a tray.

Hobbes: What? This ol' broad right here knocked out two agents? She's gotta be 80 years old.

Claire: (stops pacing) Actually, she's thirty-five and she's a trained combat soldier.

Darien: (looks up, confused) What do you mean, she's thirty-five?

Claire: She's the victim of an experiment that went bad.

Darien: (glances at the Official) What is it with this agency and experimenting on people?

Claire: It wasn't this agency.

Darien: (skeptical) Uh-huh.

Claire: You know what? I don't care what you think. What I do care about is that she's out there and we need to get her back, fast.

Darien: (confused) Y-You want her back?

Claire: Yes, of course. She's carrying around a rather rare version of a genetic disease called...

Hobbes: (finishing for her) Werner's Syndrome.

Claire: That's right.

Hobbes: (shrugs) It's when you get old real fast, right?

Claire: Yeah, children are born with it. Once they become teenagers, they start to age very  rapidly and it eventually kills them... (looks down) In it's natural state.

Darien: Yeah, well, why do I sense this old lady is in the unnatural state?

Claire: Because she is. Her version was genetically engineered in a lab and delivered via retrovirus.

Darien: During the experiment that the Agency *didn't* do?

Claire: Yes, that's right. And the longer she's out there, the worse her situation could become.

Darien: Why's that?

Claire: Because anybody who comes into contact with Gloria is at risk. A kiss, blood...

(Darien glances at the Official and Hobbes rubs his face)

Darien: Wait, wait, wait, wait... are you telling me that she's contagious?

Claire: I'm afraid so.

Hobbes: Oh, God...

(In the hall, Claire leaves the office with Darien close behind.)

Darien: Uh, hey, you know what? (rubbing the back of his head) I'm, uh, I'm gonna need a little booster before we head out.

Claire: Why? You shouldn't even be close to needing one. (she checks his wrist. Four segments remain) Okay, the only reason you'd be this low is if you've been using quicksilver without authorization. (Darien averts his gaze) What have you be... (crosses her arms) What did you do?

Darien: What are you talking about?

Claire: (realizing) Oh.... of course... An eighty year old woman didn't knock out two agents, YOU did!

Darien: (chuckling) Where do you come up with this stuff? It's...

Claire: Do you have any idea of the mess you've caused?!

Darien: (sighs) Look... I thought I was doing you a favor.

Claire: (softly) What?

Darien: I thought she was your mom or relative or something. I mean, come on, I did overhear you promise her that you would get her out of here.

Claire: When? Never mind. We don't have time for this. All right, I will give you a booster, but only so you can get out there and fix your mess! (walks off)

(Cut to a limosine pulling to a stop. General Grimmond exits the limo as Callum approaches.)

Callum: General Grimmond, sir.

Grimmond: (sniffs) What happened?

Callum: I'm afraid Gloria escaped, sir.

Grimmond: Oh. (chuckles) Well, now that figures. Man that runs that place is worthless. I had him fired from Internal Investigations ten years ago.

Callum: I never knew you were at the I.I.D., sir.

Grimmond: I wasn't... but that fat idiot opened up a file on my counter bio-weapons unit so I called in a favor.

Callum: What do you want me to do, sir?

Grimmond: (puts his hand on Callum's shoulder) On Tuesday, Callum, I am proposing a plan to the joint chiefs that will protect our shores from bio-terrorism of all kinds. Now, if that panel is forced to investigate my one failure from a similar program in the past, the delay could keep us from building that protection in time.

Callum: Well, sir, I think I might have some very good news. We're very, very close to a new antidote that might be able to save Gloria's life.

Grimmond: Now how is that good news?

Callum: Sir, your problem would be solved. There would be no casualties from the old research unit. Your record would be spotless.

Grimmond: And when she's fully recovered, she'll testify before the committee about her ten years of suffering. How do you think that might color their opinion of our proposal for further human testing? Hmm?

Callum: Sir, we're talking about the life of a soldier that used to be under your command.

Grimmond: Yes, we are. A soldier who took an oath to die for her country. Same oath you took.

Callum: I understand, sir.

Grimmond: Assuming they find her alive... You're going to replace the antidote with a placebo. All of it. Is that clear?

Callum: Yes, sir.

Grimmond: Good.

(The limo engine starts and Grimmond gets in. Cut to a scene of Gloria's family in their driveway. They are obviously trying to wash the car, but somewhere along the way it became a water fight. The father is on one side with a bucket of water and a sponge, while Keith and Kelly are on the other with hoses. The father stops when he sees Gloria, still wearing her blue robe from the lab, standing at the front of the driveway. From here in, the father will be referred to as "Ben" since that's what Gloria calls him.)

Ben: (breathing hard) May I help you?

Gloria: (watching her family) Oh, please don't stop on my behalf.

Ben: You want me to call someone for you?

Gloria: No, please. Just... enjoy the children.

Ben: (glancing at the kids) Do you need help with something? (the kids head towards the house) Maybe some money?

Gloria: No.

Ben: (looking closer) Have we met?

Gloria: I don't think so.

Ben: (putting down the bucket) Come on, guys. Let's go inside. (they all head for the front door)

Gloria: (stepping forward) Do you know... Gloria Howard?

(They all stop)

Ben: (turning) Gloria was my wife.

Gloria: "Was"?

Ben: She passed away. She was killed in Desert Storm.

Gloria: Is that what they told you? Ben, don't believe everything you're told.

Ben: (walking towards her) How do you know my name?

Gloria: I know much more than that.

Ben: Answer my question. How do you know my name?

Gloria: Gloria told me.

(Cut to Fawkes and Hobbes standing behind the van. Hobbes is slipping into a white jumpsuit and is wearing a gas mask.)

Darien: What is this?

Hobbes: (muffled) It's a hazmat suit.

Darien: What?

Hobbes: Ha... (takes off the mask) Hazmat. Hazardous Materials. You'd be wearing one too if you had any brains.

(Cut back to the family)

Ben: You knew Gloria before she died?

Gloria: You might say that.

(cut to Darien)

Darien: You know what? I'm not waiting around anymore, okay? (starts running down the street towards the Howards' home with Hobbes following) Hey, don't touch that lady!

(Ben and Gloria both look to see what the commotion is)

Hobbes: (muffled) Everybody freeze!

Gloria: (to Ben) Always remember that I love you. (she starts to run. Darien catches up with her.)

Darien: Ma'am, ma'am! (gets in her way. She stops) No, no, no, look, look, look, I'm not going to hurt you!

Hobbes: (muffled, to Ben and the kids) We're federal agents. Please, don't move. We're here to secure the area.

Darien: If you just come along peaceful, actually... Claire's waiting. (Gloria tries to run and Darien grabs her. She pulls his arm away and bites his hand hard enough to draw blood.) OW! (He falls to the ground, looking at the wound in horror.)

Gloria: (as Hobbes handcuffs her) Oh, my God... I didn't mean to...

(The scene quicksilvers to a hall at the Agency. Hobbes leads Gloria down the hall to where the Official and Claire are waiting.)

Hobbes: Package delivered, sir.

Official: Good work, Bobby.

(As Claire checks to make sure Gloria is all right, they all hear coughing coming from further down the hall. They look up to see two agents leading Darien in. He has prematurely aged, his face sagging slightly and his hair receding to a point near the back of the head. He is practically being dragged by the two agents.)

Darien: (looking up) Well, you didn't tell me it works this fast.

(Claire looks shocked, then turns to Gloria. Gloria hangs her head, ashamed. Cut to a scene of Callum checking Gloria's vital signs. She's back in the room Darien freed her from. The door opens and Claire enters. Callum looks a bit nervous at the interruption.)

Claire: What are you doing?

Callum: Just checking her over. (walks out past Claire, averting his gaze.)

Gloria: (to Claire) How is he?

Claire: (approaching the bed) Who?

Gloria: Agent Fawkes. I feel horrible.

Claire: Why would you bite him, Gloria?

Gloria: Because I thought he was sent to kill me.

Claire: (laughs in disbelief) Why would he want to kill you?

Gloria: (defeated) Your people want me dead. One way or the other.

Claire: (indignant) That is not true!

Gloria: You told my family I was dead. Why did you do that... if you expected me to ever go home?

Claire: I didn't tell them that, Gloria. The Department of Defense told them.

Gloria: But you didn't set them straight, did you? You didn't tell them the truth.

Claire: (closes her eyes) No. (shakes her head) I didn't do that.

Gloria: You haven't been telling the truth to anybody.

Claire: I tried to... It's just been very difficult...

Gloria: (pulling her blankets up and turning her back to Claire) I want to sleep now.

(Cut to the Keep. Darien is sitting in his chair with a light shining on him. Hobbes takes a step towards him, pointing his finger.)

Hobbes: If you had listened to me and worn a hazmat suit like I told you to, we wouldn't be in this mess.

(Darien looks up. He already looks older than he did in the hallway before. His face is lined with wrinkles.)

Darien: (raspy voice) What do you mean "we"?

Claire: (entering from behind the chair) How are you feeling?

Darien: (softly) Great. Like a...(licks his lips) like a million years old.

Claire: (puts a stethascope to his back) Breathe in.

Darien: Are you gonna tell me why the Agency developed this awful stuff? Kind of a weird bio-weapon, isn't it?

Claire: I told you the Agency didn't develop it. (moves the stethascope) Breathe in.

Darien: (nodding) Oh, they didn't. Okay, okay, I'll bite. Who did?

Claire: You don't need to know that.

Hobbes: (leaning against the fridge as Claire walks to a table) Whoa, whoa don't start with the 'need to know' crap. We need to know. What you think we don't need to know -- we need to know about it! All right? They're going to blame me! Quicksilver takes on a whole new meaning now, all right? More like slowsilver. Or dead silver. Game over. I'm out of a job.

(Claire is standing with her back to both of them.)

Darien: Don't you think I have the right to know why I'm the subject of two Agency experiments?

Claire: (slams down a tray and angrily screams) It WASN'T the Agency! (she turns around and takes a breath) It was the counter-bio unit of the Department of Defense. During Desert Storm. The experiment actually wasn't all that nefarious. It was a, a genetically engineered super vaccine to help protect against biological weapons. I was a junior researcher. We had tested the vaccine extensively. I was positive it was safe.

Darien: And you tested it on Gloria.

Claire: She volunteered. Almost immediately after injection, she began demonstrating the symptoms of Werner's Syndrome. I was mortified. I stayed up for four days trying to figure out what went wrong.

Darien: What'd you find out?

Claire: (after a moment) I had selected the wrong sequence with which to attach the new genes. The vaccine mutated a gene on Chromosome eight that causes Werner's Syndrome.

Darien: Ah. Well, I guess, in other words, uh, it was your fault.

Claire: (pause) Yes. It was my fault.

Hobbes: So if this happened back in Desert Storm, how come Gloria isn't, like, 5,000 years old now? I mean, considering how fast Mr. Slowsilver here is aging.

Claire: This version doesn't work that way. It converts all your cells immediately. It changes them to a state very similar to that of a 70-year-old and then it keeps on going normally. Gloria's now more like eighty.

Darien: So I guess that document that I found about, you know, suffering and dying was... was about...

Claire: Gloria.

Darien: Gloria.

Hobbes: So how come she's a ward of the Agency now and not the Department of Defense?

Claire: Well, because the general in charge didn't want to expend the resources for me to find a cure. His attitude was that Gloria was a casualty of war.

Darien: So why is the Agency paying for it?

(Claire approaches Darien's chair)

Claire: After your brother died, they needed somebody to run the quicksilver program. I was the only one with the necessary expertise and they necessary clearance.

Hobbes: So you made a deal with the fat man.

Claire: Yes. I would work on quicksilver. In return, the Agency would house Gloria and finance my work towards finding a cure.

Darien: Please tell me you're close.

Claire: We have a new trial antidote. We need to do some more testing on it, but I'm pretty sure it's going to work.

Darien: (looks up at her) Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Will you give it to me?

Claire: No, no. It's too dangerous.

Darien: (firmly) Give it to me. (looks at Hobbes)

Claire: Wait here. (walks away)

(Cut to a shot of Claire entering the main room of Lab 2. Callum is there, looking into a microscope.)

Claire: You got batch three ready?

Callum: Yeah, two batches.

Claire: Let's do it.

(Callum gets the syrum and fills a syringe with it. Claire looks through the glass into Gloria's room)

Claire: You know what? You should give Gloria hers. She trusts you more right now.

Callum: (stands) You got it. Here's Fawkes' batch.

(He hands her a separate vial and turns, going into Gloria's room with his syringe. Claire walks to the main door, stopping and watching Callum as he approaches the bed and prepares the shot. She finally turns and exits. Cut to a scene of The Keep. Claire is preparing Darien's syringe as Hobbes looks on. She injects him and Darien inhales sharply. He closes his eyes for a moment, resting his head against the chair. Suddenly, he begins to shake violently, his entire body wracked with tremors. Claire runs to her table.)

Claire: (to Hobbes) Hold him!

(Claire returns with what looks like a popsicle stick, planning to stick it between his teeth to avoid damage. The shaking stops before she can do it. Claire checks his vital signs.)

Claire: Okay, he's alive.

(Cut to a quick shot of the exterior of the Agency, and then to Gloria's room. Callum approaches her bedside and looks down at her. She appears to be sleeping. As he turns to walk off...)

Gloria: It didn't work.

Callum: (stops, turns and smiles) Well, maybe it takes time.

Gloria: How soon will I die?

Callum: Who says you're going to die?

Gloria: Cut the crap, Justin. When?

Callum: (frowning) In the next few days. I'm sorry.

Gloria: Don't be. (Callum nods) It's a relief.

(Fade to a shot of Darien Fawkes, young again and still laying on the chair. Claire is checking his vitals and walks towards a table)

Claire: You seem to be completely free of the Werner's.

Darien: Hey, Doc, you know I meant well, right?

Claire: Yeah, I know. (turns and leans against the table) And you really thought that I was related to Gloria?

Darien: Believe me, nothing would surprise me around this place.

Claire: As well it shouldn't.

Darien: Since we're, you know, kind of bonding here there's actually something else I should apologize for, Claire.

Claire: (turns) How do you know my name?

Darien: Well, that... that right there, that's what I want to apologize for. I was sort of spying on you.

Claire: (shocked) What? How dare you?

Darien: Now, look, I just wanted to know who the prinout was about so I just-- I was following you around a little. I'm sorry, okay? That's... actually how I knew about Gloria.

Claire: You followed me ar... where? (puts her hand on the top of the chair) What did you see, exactly?

Darien: Well, let's just say I saw a... different side of you.

Claire: (closes her eyes) What side did you see, exactly?

Darien: It's good. A good side. A very good side.

Claire: What's that supposed to mean?

Darien: Your human side. Hey, I think in the scheme of things, it's really not all that important, you know? I mean...
What's important is that the antidote worked and Gloria can see her family now, you know?

Claire: (shakes her head) No, actually, the, uh, the antidote didn't work on Gloria. (turns back to the table.)

Darien: Wait a minute, what? What do you mean it didn't work? Why not?

Claire: (fiddling with a syringe) I don't know. Maybe it had something to do with how advanced her disease was or maybe it worked on you because of the quicksilver gland or the counteragent. We're still studying the blood.

Darien: Can I see her?

(Scene quicksilvers out to Gloria's room. Claire and Darien are both there. Darien sits on the edge of Gloria's bed. She glances at him, then looks again. She obviously recognizes him. After a moment...)

Gloria: (smiling) So it didn't work on you either. (Darien looks at Claire to see she's smiling. Obviously Gloria has a sense of humor.) I'm glad it did. At least I don't have to feel guilty about that.

Darien: No. Look, I want to know why it didn't work on you.

Gloria: (quietly) Because they don't *want* it to work on me.

Darien: Who doesn't?

Gloria: (looks at Claire) Your agency.

Darien: (looking at Claire) Is that true?

Claire: No, of course not. I told you, I dedicated the past ten years to reversing this.

Darien: I'm just curious, who gave her the shot?

Claire: Justin did.

Darien: Justin? (Callum walks past the door, reading a report. He doesn't acknowledge them) Justin who? I mean, how well do you know the guy?

Claire: Justin Callum. He was assigned to me when Gloria was brought in. He's been working as hard on this as I have.

Darien: Answer the question. How do you know he gave her the right shot?

Claire: Why wouldn't he?

Darien: Because maybe Gloria's right. Maybe the Official assigned him to keep you from finding a cure.

Claire: But why would he do that?

Darien: Because Gloria being sick is the only thing keeping the Keeper.

(Callum leaves)

Darien: Well, there's one way to find out, huh? Give her the antidote yourself. This time, make sure it's the same one you gave me. Why not, huh? What's it going to hurt? Hmm?

Claire: All right.

(Claire goes to the fridge and retrieves a vial.)

Darien (to Gloria) It's okay.

Claire: This is the same vial I took yours from. (to Darien) Help me.

Darien: Sure. (prepares Gloria's arm) There?

Claire: Mm-mm. (To Gloria) If he's right, this isn't going to be pleasant.

Gloria: (indicating herself) And this *is*?

(Claire puts something between Gloria's teeth to keep her from biting her tongue or gnashing her teeth. Gloria sighs as Claire injects her, then groans and tenses up. She relaxes against the pillows.)

Darien: Well, does that reaction look familiar? Hmm?

(Claire looks confused and upset for a moment. Cut to her and Darien storming into the Official's office. He is sitting behind the desk, working on a paper.)

Official: (muttering) I gotta get a lock...

Claire: Who is Justin Callum?

Official: (not looking up) He's your lab tech in lab 2.

Claire: You know what I mean. Did you assign him to purposely derail my research?

(The Official looks up)

Official: Now why would I do that?

Claire: To keep me working here.

Official: (points to Darien) Did he put this idea in your head?

Darien: Guilty.

Official: You really think that low of me, Fawkes?

Darien: Well.... yeah.

Official: (chuckles) Yeah, it does sound like something I might do. But, point of fact, I didn't assign Callum. The
Department of Defense did.

Claire: General Grimmond?

Official: Yeah.

Claire: (closes her eyes and covers her face as realization dawns.) Oh, I should have bloody seen that!

Darien: Wait... wait, wait, I don't understand. Why would the Department of Defense want to see you fail?

Claire: No, not the Department of Defense. Just General Grimmond. He doesn't want the failure of his program public.

Darien: Oh, I got you... So, if you cure Gloria, she goes free, then the whole world hears about his little fiasco, huh?

(looks at the Official and slaps his hand on the desk before heading to the door.)

Official: Where are you going?

Darien: I'm going to go bust that scrawny little rat's ass.

Official: (stands, then firmly) No!

(Claire and Darien both look at him.)

Darien: Why not?

Official: Because I've been waiting for this opportunity for ten long years. (takes off his glasses and smiles)

(Fade to Callum, approaching Gloria's bedside. She's on her side and completely covered. Callum slowly turns her over... to reveal that she is young once more! He gasps, then turns and runs out. Gloria watches him go as the scene quicksilvers to a shot of Callum pacing nervously in the park. He sees Grimmond approaching.)

Grimmond: What happened?

Callum: Well, sir, I'm not sure. Somehow Gloria got injected with the antidote.

Grimmond: (angrily) Well, now, how could that happen, Callum?

Callum: I'm not sure, sir. I switched the vials like you ordered, I gave her the placebo injection myself. They must have given her some of the antidote they made for the other guy.

Grimmond: "The other guy"?!

Callum: Yes, sir. The agent that brought back her in - she bit him.

Grimmond: My orders were to destroy *all* of the antidote and replace it with a placebo, not some of it, not most of it, ALL OF IT! (shoves Callum slightly)

Darien: That wouldn't be very nice. (He unquicksilvers behind Grimmond, waggling a microphone in one hand)

Grimmond: Who said that? (turns and sees Darien)

Darien: Hey, how are you. Could you speak just a little bit louder and right into the mic and could you say the part again about destroying the antidote? That would... no? (Hobbes' van pulls up behind them) Never mind. I'm pretty sure they got it. (into the mic) Hey, did you guys get that?

Hobbes: (getting out of the van) Got it right here.

(The Official climbs out of the back of the van)

Darien: Got it? Got it. Really, some... very incriminating stuff. I think you'll be pleased.

Grimmond: (shocked) How...? (to Callum) Did you know about this?

Callum: No, sir!

Official: General Grimmond! Long time no see.

Grimmond: (bitterly) You.

Official: Yeah, me. (smiling) Ain't life ironic?

Grimmond: What do you want? (patronizing) You want your old job back?

Official: Are you kidding me? I love my current job. I don't have to take any crap from buzzheads like you. (two cars pull up and officers dressed in black rush Callum and Grimmond, arresting them) Called in a few of my old buddies from the Internal Investigations Division. (leans forward) I believe they'll be court-martialing you now.

Darien: Ooh, ouch.

Hobbes: That's not good.

Darien: That's bad.

Hobbes: (holding the tape up, to an officer in black) Soldier. That's uh, some of my best work. Vintage Bobby Hobbes here.

Darien: *Your* work?

Hobbes: (over his shoulder) That's right. (Turns and salutes the soldier)

Darien: Thought it was *our* work.

Hobbes: (to soldier) Carry on.

Official: Well done, boys. (holds his hands out for a slap)

Darien: (looks at his hands) We don't do that anymore.

(Hobbes reaches out and slaps one hand as the scene fades out. The scene opens once more on the door of the Howard's home. Claire knocks and Ben answers.)

Ben: Claire! What a nice surprise!

Claire: Are the children here?

Ben: (turns) K and K, Claire is here!

(Behind Claire, Hobbes and Darien are standing next to the van. The back door is closed. Ben sees them and steps onto the porch)

Ben: What's up? (Keith and Kelly come out as well)

Claire: Well, I have a surprise. (sees Keith and Kelly) Hi. Hi. I... I have something wonderful to show you. Now, this might be a little bit hard to accept, but I assure you this is happening.

(She nods at Darien and Hobbes. Hobbes turns and opens the back of the van. After a moment, Gloria steps out wearing a blue dress. Ben is shocked and starts down the steps. Gloria comes to meet him halfway up the walk.)

Ben: (shocked) Gloria?

Gloria: (smiling) Don't believe everything you're told.

Ben: Oh!... (kisses and hugs her tightly. Keith and Kelly come down off the porch and join in the hug.)

Gloria: (to Keith and Kelly) Oh, my gosh, look at you guys!

Hobbes: (approaching them, badge out) Folks? Federal agent, folks. We need to discuss a few particulars here. (no one is paying attention to him) Folks, you understand you're all going to be priviledged to classified information that's vital to the national security of this country. (they continue to hug, not listening to a word he says)

(Claire moves down to the van, leaning next to Darien)

Hobbes: I need to discuss...

Gloria: Thank you.

Hobbes: It's my pleasure.

(Gloria and Ben reach out, pulling Hobbes into the hug.)

Claire: Feels good, doesn't it?

Darien: Yeah. (pause) How 'bout you? Huh? What are you going to do now?

Claire: What do you mean?

Darien: Well, I mean... there's no reason for you to work at the Agency any more.

Claire: Oh, that's not true. I have a very important reason. (looks at him) Assuming you're still going to be there.

Darien: (looks at her for a second) Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I could stick around for a while. (looks back at the family.)

Darien: (vo) Just when you think you know all the payoffs that exist...

Hobbes: (extracting himself from the hug) Carry on... (moves back towards the van)

Darien: (vo, continued) Money, gold, jewels... needle in the arm... another one sneaks up and surprises you. Just like people often do. (looks at Claire as the scene fades to...)

End credits (shown while the song Claire danced to in her bedroom plays)
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