Fan Fiction Archive
Frozen in Time
Transcribed by Lisa

(Dariens voice over. Ok, now one of the downsides of hanging with Bobby Hobbes is that you sort of develop a sense of paranoia. On the other hand, like Henry Kissinger said, 'even paranoid people have enemies.)

(Darien is at a flea market, looking at clothes, a woman is watching him.

He notices and pulls her aside to find out what is going on.)

D: Kate?

K: I followed you from your apartment, I had to make sure no one was watching

D:I thought you were in London?

K: I was but I ran, you have to help me

D: Ok I will

K: Theyre gone all of them theyve disappeared, youve got to help me


Scene the Officials office Darien in the chair on the left, Kate the chair on the right.

O: Miss Easton I thought the last time we spoke it was made quite clear no more

quantum computers.

D: Its an internet computer

O: Its the same thing, to much power in to little hands. By coming here she places not just you, but this entire Agency in jeopardy.

D: The worse thing about this is you cant figure out how any of this will benefit the Agency.

O: You got that right

K: Darien Ill just

D: Hang on a minute, Ok look somebody is after her. Ok two of her co-workers are missing, Im thinking kidnapped, one went into hiding. See what Im saying here?

O: What are we supposed to do?

D: What do you mean, she needs a safe house

O: What safe house?

D: Youre in the spy business, you dont have a safe house?

O: It was either a safe house or the electric bill. You want a safe house?

D: I do

O: Im sure she will be very safe at your house

K: No

D: How about a couple of guys to keep an eyes on her? Thats the least you could do

O: No, no I can do much less, but Ill see about dispatching a couple of men.

(At Dariens apartment in the kitchen area, Darien is making salad. Kate is folding clothes from her bag.)

K: When all this happened you were the only person I could think of thatd help.

D: Thats what friends are for right?

K: I was so scared on the flight over, I was all scrunched up in my seat in the fetal position.

D: Always good for hiding.

K: What I could really use is some stretching

D: Go ahead knock yourself out

(He starts to cut up vegetables but keeps checking out Kate as she does stretches)

D: The first thing we need to do is find you missing friend

K: Hit o Rama

D: Whats that?

K: An internet code name, for secrecy we dont even know each others real names.

(Voice over: Now you know the last time I saw Kate she was a genius in distress He is still watching her do her stretching)

K: He E-mailed me about the two other members of the group disappearing, then I couldnt get in touch with him I ran.

(Voice over: We kissed and I almost went invisible)

K: Need some help?

D: No Im good you get the kinks out

K: I was so glad to see you, when Im with you I feel safer

(Voice over: Hey but that was months ago, nothings changed.

Dariens hand quicksilvers as he is cutting veggies, Then his side goes invisible too)

D: Oh crap

(He hides behind the counter top)

D: Wine could you pour us a couple of glasses

K: you OK?

D: Oh crap ( Darien ducks down behind the counter and pulls on a jacket and kitchen over mitts, and an apron to hide his condition )

K: Are you cold?

D: Yeah its drafty in here, ( Darien looks sheepishly around for effect)

K: There is another reason Im glad Im here

D: Whats that?

K: There is something Ive been wanting to tell you and its not the sort of thing you say over the phone.

D: Kate I want you to know, Im like a fireman, Im on call 24/7 any thing you need. I want to be there for you, do you understand what Im saying?

K: I appreciate that Darien

D: Its really good to see you Kate( Darien looks like he wants to kiss her)

K: Thats what I wanted to talk to you about

D: Im thinking maybe we should talk later

K: Im engaged

D: Engaged?

(She nods, the quicksilver falls off Darien at the news)

D: Thats great Kate

K: I hope that doesnt change things?

D: Of course not, no. Heres to Kate and her future husband.

( They clink glasses and Darien drinks all of his down in one long swallow.)

(At the Agency Claire and Darien are walking towards the Keep)

C: No. Absolutely not.

D: What are you saying, we dont do favors for one another around here?

C: Not with out authorization

D: But I need verification

C: And I need authorization from the Official, before I can do any thing

(The door to the Keep slides open, Bobby is laying on the exam table with is suit jacket covering him)

C: Bobby? What are you doing here?

B: Its like the only place in the building to grab a nap. I asked the chief for a couch, hes like where would find room for a couch? Not in my office. I said

you get a couch Ill find room for it in my office.

D: Hobbes, that was interesting but could you tell Claire about the scientist search

B: What Scientist search?

D: You know the Scientist search I was telling you about yesterday?

B: What Scientist search?

D: The scientist search we talked about, member we got some coffee

B: Oh, the scientist search, why didnt you say?

D: Yeah, that one

(Bobby walks over to Claire and kind of leans in a little)

B: You see we did this thing, yesterday, there is this scientist and we were searching

C: Boy you really suck at this,( Claire is appalled at Bobbys poor attempt of fool her)

B: Im a grand master if I had the slightest bit of advanced notice there.

D: Look you guys remember Kate Easton? Shes in trouble

Bobby and Claire together: Again?

(Next scene Bobby and Claire at her computer, Darien returns with take out coffee)

D: You guys having any luck?

C: I think we have something to show the Official

D: Chemist, Austrogist, Climatology. Im sorry I thought we were looking for missing computer scientists.

B: Youre computer geeks arent the only lab coats that are MIA

C: Yes, over the past few months 16 scientists have gone missing

B: 18 if you count Kates two friends.

D: So what is the connection?

C: Im not sure but there are way to many coincidences here for this to be random. Choice of victim, time of disappearance

B: No ransom, no witnesses, no prints and the same MO

C: It looks like they arent after the computer

D: They after them

C: Right

B: It gets better, show him

C: This was taken at one of the lab buildings.

( She brings up a photo of a man laying on the ground with water surrounding him)

C: He was a security guard

B: His lungs were flooded, drowned to death on a concrete floor. Sound familiar?

(Voice over: Yeah, it did. The last time I met this chick we kissed and I almost died. A clip of Allinora kissing Darien then he pulls away and she sprays him with

water. She says Your country has enemies you dont even know exist.)

D: Crap

B: My sentiments exactly

(Dariens phone rings)

D: Fawkes

K: Darien the security guards arent there

D: What are you talking about?

K: I dont know the radiator hose must have broken or something, there is water

in a big pool around the car

D: Kate stay there, lock the door

(Darien runs out of the lab)

B: Fawkes where ya going? ( Bobby grabs his coat and follows) Later (he tells the Keeper)

(The van arrives at Dariens place. They find the car, the water and one guard

down. Hobbes calls it in on his cell phone.

D: Hobbes come on. (Darien runs for his apartment and finds the second guard

rolling down the stairway as he get there. Bobby is only a few steps behind him

with his gun drawn he yells)

B: Freeze!

K: Darien help me    

B: Back away!

A: I dont take orders from you. ( She and her male partner are bringing Kate down the stairs)

B: Youll answer to me. ( He tells his partner)  let her go

D: Let her go

( Allinora injects knock out juice into Kates neck, and her partner carries her over his shoulder down the stairs farther.)

A: If I inject more her heart stops permanently. Back up, any heroics the body

count go to three

B: I say shes bluffing

A: Try me

B: Shes bluffing

D: Ive seen bluffs my friend, shed not one of em

(The bad guys escape with Kate. Bobby fires a few rounds at the car for effect)

(New scene at the WorldNet Office building. Our guys and a young woman are

arguing as she passes out files to desks in her office.)

YW: Absolutely no

D: Wait we havent even asked for anything yet

YW: I know what you want, personal information about one of our internet subscribers, right?

B: Listen we happen to be..

YW: Let me guess federal agents

B&D: Thats right

B: This is a matte of

YW: National security and golly gee, you just didnt have time to get a court order

B&D: Thats right

B: But we were going to

D: The place was closed

YW: Why didnt you say so, national security. What do you boys want to know?

D: Youre being sarcastic

B: She is being sarcastic. Youve got a little attitude problem. Little attitude.

Id like to speak with your superior.

YW: Hes right over there.( She points out a tall black man in hair braids with a

Flag burning is a right tee shirt. Then walks off.)

D: This is great we dont find Hitorama and we dont find Kate. And by the way that is the stupidest code name Ive eve heard. ( the last part as Grouch)

B: I think its time for your thing

D: what

B: Your thing just do it

( Darien looks around the office and notices a poster with Fur is Murder and a picture of a baby harp seal on it)

D: wait a minute

B: Youve got a idea, dont ya?

YW at her desk computer: Why didnt you say you were from the Dept. of Fish and Game?

D: Its never worked before

YW: You people deserve a lot more respect

B: Thank you, its nice of you to say that

YW: Its true

B: Yeah, but its nice of you to say that, I was just thinking. do you like lobster?

YW: Dont push it

B: Just a small offer

YW: Here it is diorama is Herto Yoseka it says hes a computer programmer

B: Its a cover

D: Yeah hes not going to put down whale meat smuggler is he?

YW: I guess not

Bobby laughs

D: Is there an address of any kind?

YW: No but I could check the lat phone number he dialed in from

B: Can you do that?

D: That would be perfect

B: that would be good

( the young woman is now noticing how cute Darien is. Darien is just worried

about finding Kate. Bobby is vexed he struck out.)

(New scene, they find the house Yoseka is hiding in, in the middle of no where)

B: Just go slow, guys could be coming at  from any of these windows

D: Im just goin knock, Hobbes, Hobbes come on

B: Im goin slow, last time I almost got turned into Swiss cheese

D: You mean those witness protection guys?

B: Thats right

D: what do you want me to do? Pretend Im a singing telegram guy?

B: Listen, this guy is on the lamb, hes scared, hes going to be dangerous.

But we are the light

D: the light

B: Authority, safety we can heal his physic wounds, but first we have to display

our presentation. You dont just knock you  go slowly.

D: Please stop, the guy is freaked out enough if you start yelling federal agents

hes going to wig out even more

(Bobby tried to physically stop Darien from knocking on the door, then rushes

for cover when Darien evades him)

D: Mr. Yoseka

B: Fawkes youre being stupid ( Bobby had taken up a defensive position gun drawn)

D: Mr. Yosheka

( A rifle barrel appears from the hole in the door and fires at Bobby)

D: Were federal agents

B: Retreat ( He runs for better cover farther from the house )

(The gun fires again and Darien runs for cover)

D: Is it possible he didnt hear me say we are federal agents?

B: (Yelling) Were federal agents

Y: Yeah and Im Brittany Spears

(Several more shot are fired by Yosheka)

B: Yeah and you shoot like her too!

D: You know what Im thinking? We hang here

B: what are you nuts? If we could find this guy so can the bad guys

D: Thats what Im saying, we wait till blowfish shows up, grab Brittany here and boom take us right to the missing scientists.

B: You want to use this guy as bait?

D: Thats what Im saying

B: Thats very devious of you my friend, Im impressed

D: You should be

B: You keep this up and Im going to start being paranoid about you

D: Dont worry about that you know Im your protg

B: Thats right and dont you forget it

D: Ready

B: Lets go

( The guys jump up and run for the van, then hide in the woods and wait.)

B: So which one is Brittany Spears?

D: The one married to Matt

B: Damon?

D: no

B: Dillion, McConahay?

D: No hes a friend

B: Lablonc?

( Allinora shows up with two guys to help her. Yosheda fires at them, then the shooting stops )

D: I think  his gun is jammed.

( The bad guys take Yoseka prisoner first by hitting him, then injecting him

with the hypo, they put him in their car and drive off, our guys follow)

(While tailing the bad guys they talk in the van)

B: So Fawkes in all the excitement I didnt get the chance to talk to you about your reunion

D: Reunion?

B: Yeah with Kate

D: it was fine

B: Did she stay over?

D: um

B: yeah did our little computer scientist exam your hard drive?

D: You are the dirtiest bird

B: Im just asking OK

D: shes engaged

B: Struck out?

D: no

B: struck out

D: No, I did not strike out

B: It happens

D: Hobbes the woman is being married ok?

B: Shes getting married? well thats the best time. Shes about to lock herself to one man for the rest of her life. The drums of passion are beating, for one last combustions, fiery rhythmic explosion  my friend.

D: Pull over please

( The bad guys are pulling up to a semi truck off the road)

(The next exchange I never did understand)

B: Capriati maybe

D: Hobbes stop please, youre obsessed

B: Watch a little sports on television, Im allowed

( The bad guys carry Yoseka into the semi truck, with a cry chamber and lock

him inside. Our guys watch from the woods again.)

D: whats going on in there?

B: Doesnt matter to me as long as they keep leading the way

D: It matters to me

B: You know whats wrong with you. You keep getting to involved in cases, hed

just a pawn, you keep thinking of it in those terms, it will make it much easier

to solve cases.

D: Its hard when there is a person involved. Im going to check it out

B: Go easy on the juice there Frankie

(Darien goes invisible, and throws a box of bees at the two guys guarding the truck so he can sneak inside the truck. Allinora is watching as the cryo chamber

freezes Yosehda. Darien pulls the hose off the chamber but the vapor shows her

where he is. The male guard tried to fight with Darien)

(Mean while Bobby has approached the truck and shot one guard in the shoulder

and then shots the gun out of the hand of the second man.)

(Back in the truck Allinora yells for her partner to Keep him busy

She opens the chamber, the truck lurches forward. She pushes Yosheda

out of the back of the truck on top of Bobby. Bobby is knock out for a second.

Allinora tried to give him the kiss of death, Darien stops her, and injects her

with the hypo)

B: Shes going to give kissing a bad name.

(New scene: Allinora is pacing in the padded room, she throws a cup at the two way glass. Bobby and the Official are in the observation room.)

B: If I had my way, she wouldnt be able to lift that cup.

O: Ill handle this interrogation Bobby.

B: Sir, she tried to kill me

O: No Bobby you lack objectivity, not with standing my expertise in this area.

B: Sir Ive broken people like her in nano seconds.

(Meanwhile in the lab)

D: It looked to me like they were going to freeze dry the guy

C: Yes, its called cryogenics, freezing humans for future revival, its been around

for sometime, the trouble is no one has been able to reverse it.

D: Freezing is easy, its the thawing thats hard

C: Yes, exactly the brain suffers a severe mechanical disorientation as a result of the freezing. He should be dead, I shouldnt have been able to revive him.  These people have developed some way to stave off the delirious effects.

D: So when we find Kate

C: Its not that simple

(Back at the padded room)

O: lll start off with the Alice in wonderland technique, then the WexlerMendelson sensory depravation and finish her off with Stemler-Roche-DeBuilt.

(The Official tell Bobby, as he removed his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves.

He enters the padded room.)

A: Before we start Im totally inoculated against the Alice and wonderland technique  as well as the Wexler Mendelson and please dont waste my time with the Stemler-Roche-Debuilt

( The Official looks crushed, and turns to leave the padded room)

O: Shes all yours ( He tells Bobby)

(Back at the lab)

C: I extracted this from his blood

D: That was in his blood?

C: Yes they developed a glycerin compound that acts as a vascular antifreeze, thats why I was able to revive him.

D: So we can use the same ting on Kate right?

C: Yes, but my tests show it degrades after 48 hours, any attempts to thaw the victim after that will kill them

D: Kate was taken about 36 hours ago so..

C: 12, yeah

D: Wed better get moving

(Darien leaves the lab and goes to the padded room)

D:  Whats going on?

O: Hobbes is with our guest

D: Hows it going?

(The Official turns up the sound)

A: You could use some stronger mouth wash

B: Maybe that is part of my interrogation technique

A: You have no technique shorty

( The Official turns the sound off again)

O: I had to turn it off, it was to painful

(Bobby comes back into the observation room)

B: Sorry Boss, I tried to stay professional in there, but when she gets personal

D: Ill go in there

O: Think you can do better?
D: It doesnt look like I could do worse

O: Be careful shes very good

D: Thanks for the encouragement

(Darien goes into the padded room with Allinora)

A: Finally, I though those other two fools would never leave. How do you put

up with them Darien?

D: I manage. Its Ellen right?

A: Allinora

D: Allinora thats a start keep going

(She looks at him like yeah right, Darien goes over to the mike and unhooks it so

they cant listen in)

D: Ok just you an me

A: Kate Easton tell me about her

D: Old friend she need a place to crash

A: How bad do you want to save an old friend?

D: Bad what are you offering

A: My freedom for hers

D: Aint going to happen, look I want them all

A: Youre dreaming my organization would never allow that, They would kill me first. Those scientists are more important than you know.

D: Alright lets say I bust you out, how can I trust you to take me to Kate?

A: How can I trust you wont free the others?

D: Looks to me like you dont have much of a choice

A: Looks like neither one of us does.

(Allinora approaches Darien and looks into his eyes)

A: What do you thing do we have a deal?

D: No, I dont think so (he leaves)

(Later a guard brings in her food, she is about to look to see what he brought

when the guard outside her door is knocked out with her hypo injector)

D: Come on

A: You reconsidered?

D: Yeah, some one once said opinions where made to be changed, how else can you get at the truth. Come on.

They hurry toward the exit, and see a guard at the other end of the hall.

D: Ah crap,

The guard moves towards the emergency alarm

D: Ah crap,

Then the Official and Hobbes arrive

O: Fawkes what the hell do you think youre doing?

B: (Bobby pulls his gun and aims it at them) Back away Fawkes, back away and no one gets hurt.

( Darien and Allinora run the other way, Bobby shots off a few rounds and hits the wall several times.)

( The Official glares at Bobby and wicks him in the back of the head with his hand) O: Hey, what the hell do you think youre doing?

B: Im just trying to make the break out look real

O: The two of you better do a good job of repairing the holes in the wall

B: Well repair em, dont worry about it, I know a guy

( Darien and Allinora in his car, she is staring at him)

D: Did I ever tell you its not polite to stare?

A: I was just wondering, what its like

D: What disappearing?

A: Yes

D: Ill show you (Darien touches her hand and she goes invisible for a few seconds)

A: That was amazing

D: Thank you, I showed you mine.

A: I dont have my X-rays with me.

D: I dont follow

A: Did you ever hear of ediperdomi carcinoma?

D: no

A: Neither did I, a doctor told me I had it in my lung, and Id be dead by Christmas. I couldnt believe it, I never even smoked.

D: So is that when they made you an offer you couldnt refuse? Is that when it was

A: I didnt find out till later there were strings attached.

D: I guess you had a death sentence and I had a life sentence

A: Either way I guess we had no choice

(Shift scene to Bobby and Claire in the van)

B: How we doing?

C: The signals strong

B: All we got to do is follow the rat to the cheese

(Back to Darien and Allinora)

D: Think they give free samples, Im dieing for a snow cone right now.

( He pulls up to a warehouse)

A: Theyre closed, its a library now.

D: Thats funny all the libraries I used to hang at had lion statues out front.

A: Im told the idea started during the dark ages. A group of monks started hording books hiding them in secret places all over the world.

D: Maybe Im wrong but wasnt the idea so people could read them?

A: They werent collecting them they were trying to save them.

D: what for a swap meet

A: The church knew how screwed up things were getting. They were trying to preserve the entire body of knowledge is case we were all whipped out.

D: Really like a plague, species annihilation, nuclear disaster that type of thing?

A: Exactly

My organization is just repeating what the church attempted way back then

D: Dont tell me youre starting a book club

A: Not quite saving books is useless with out the minds that created them.

(She show him the cryo chambers, there are dozens of them)

D: Excuse me what exactly is this catastrophe you are expecting?

A: They havent told me, here she is.

( Darien looks at Kate in her chamber)

A: looks like we got here just in time

D: Yeah just in time

(Bobby arrives at a warehouse and jumps out of the van)

C: Good luck

B: Thank you, sit tight ( he tell his back up guys) I do love my job ( he pulls his

45 and moves to open the door to the warehouse, he checks inside its empty)

A:  Here you are risking your career for one person

D: Yeah silly aint it, are you saying there is nobody youd do that for? No one to

do it for you?

A: I guess not

D: Can you hurry up here

A: dont worry this is top flight equipment, unlike your agency

D: What is that supposed to mean?

A: A GPS tracking beacon

D: I dont know

A: There is a reason that off the shelf stuff is so cheep. Those GPS units always seem to get jammed. You lied to me!

D: Yeah, Aint life a bitch? ( Allinora is joined by a male assistant who points a gun to Dariens head)

A: And then you die

D: Hey could you just, I remember you saying you didnt want to see me dead.

A: Im just going to freeze you for safe keeping. Wed like to take a look under

your hood, take you apart and see what makes you tick.

D: I dont know if you know this but the surgeon general has said that taking me

apart would be hazardous to my health. Did you get the memo on that?

Let go of me( to the man with the gun to his head)

(Allinora injects him with her hypo, Darien falls over, and the man carries him

over his shoulder to a empty chamber.)

Voice over( Good news is next to Spiderman, Harry Houdini was kind of a hero of

mine. That guy could escape from damn near anything,( During the voice over we see Darien lifting the mans wallet and taking money and a credit card)

Straight jackets, milk cans, and of course the famous water torture cell. The bad news is Houdini nearly died when he first added ice to his act.)

They lock him in a chamber and moments later he uses the credit card to open

the lock and slips out while invisible.)

A: That smart bastard, water, (she checks the hypo) Check Fawkess chamber.

(Darien opens Kates chamber and starts to free her, then he has to defend

himself, he hits the guy in the head and puts him in the chamber.)

D: no, no

A: I can rupture her lungs before youre half way to me

D: Look shes of no use to you if shes dead

A: Its no good for us if shes free either

D: youre looking at a lose, lose.let her go, Hey you owe me.

A: I suppose I do, take her to a hospital.

D: thank you

A: we are even now, remember that the next time we see each other.

Darien rushes out with Kate in his arms. He takes her to a hospital)

D: Help me here

Nurse: What happened?

D: treat her for sever hypothermia

(Kate is wheeled away)

(Darien makes a call to Bobby from the phone in the hall of the hospital)

B: Yeah?

D: hey Hobbesey

B: Fawkes where the hell are you?

D: They knew you were tacking me, they messed with the signal

B: Did you find the popcycles?

D: yeah I did

(Bobby drove to the second warehouse put the place is empty when the get there)

C: Do you think weve got the wrong place again?

(Bobby picks up a small Chrysalis pin from the floor)

B: Right place just a little to late.

(IN Kates hospital room, Darien is waiting beside her bed)

D: Hey easy now

K: Where am I?

D: Hospital youll be Ok

K: and Hitorama?

D: found him safe and sound

K: the others?

D: No. Look were arent giving up, who ever did this is still out there

K: That makes me feel better

D: Best we can do right now. Look the Agency is suggesting we arrange for a new identity for you and your fiance. You know I wish you both all the best.

K: thank you

(Claire and Bobby are watching through a window)

C: She is a very lucky girl

B: Wish we could have found the others

C: We never could have thawed them

B: Yeah I suppose, bad choice  either way

C: This catastrophe Darien was talking about do you know what it is?

B: I do not, and that is the part that scares me.

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