Fan Fiction Archive
Flowers for Hobbes
  Transcribed by mardel
Opening scene is at the Noble Sperm Bank

Dr: Dr. Sestalk it�s such an honor, it�s not my proclivity to gush, but I was twenty-six when you received the
Nobel Prize. You were like a God to al the Chem. Fellows at Yale.

DrS: Yes, those were exciting times

DR: I�m very honored to meet you. Barbara?

Nurse Barbara: This way Dr Sestalk

They all walk up the hallway past a sign that reads Nobel Sperm Bank

Nurse: Here is your receptacle and your room if you wish we have a wide variety of video and literature.

DRS: that won�t be necessary, thank you.

He goes into the room
Next they switch to the scene inside the cryo chamber where the sperm are stored.
it is being broken into.

Back to the Doctor looking very bored.

back to the storage area a man all in black is pushing thru the wall

Back to Doctor he removes his tie, turns on the lights,

Back to vault, an alarm sounds, man in black runs of it

He runs past security guards carrying coffee, the man in black takes the Dr sample as he is running past.
Opening credits

Voice Over: A Victorian author, John Oliver Hobbes once said all men are the same they always think that something they are going to get is better than what they�ve already got. Now a more recent philosopher Bobby Hobbes said it better

We see Bobby trying to figure out a Rybic�s cube sitting in the Officals office with Darien sitting next to him

Bobby: the Hell with this. ( He throws it over his shoulder and it almost hits Eberts)

Official: Hobbes try not to damage Eberts

Darien: Oh come on man

Eberts: What?

Darien: This is embarrassing you know my junior high school had better AV equipment that we do

Official: I�m glad you noticed our need for a budget boost. Lucky we�ve just been handed an assignment that will solve the problem if we can deliver.

Bobby: Deliver what?

Official: Eberts

Eberts: Last month the Nobel Sperm Bank was burglarized

Bobby: Wait what was that noble sperm?

Official: Nobel as in the prize

Eberts: The Nobel Sperm Bank is a non classified government project that draws from the cr�me de la cr�me, so to speak of American scientists and professionals

Official: A bunch of Nobel lariats have donated hence the name

Eberts: These sperm are then cryogenically frozen and locked in a city facility

Official: Up until now the little guys were stolen, you two are going to bring them back home

Darien: Can�t wait to put that on my resume

Bobby: Counter terrorism, sperm retrieval

Darien: Why we getting this case a month late?

Official: Political correctness

Eberts: This case was first assigned to the US Customs Dept. after the sperm was deemed
a National Asset

Official: Then the profile activists pressured the FBI to take the reins,

Eberts: Because the sperm may now be embryos which means people so it became a kidnapping case.

Official: Except that didn�t fly with anyone

Eberts: So the FBI handed it to us

Official: So here we are

Darien: Do you guys practice that when we�re not here?

Bobby: I think they do

Darien: The timing is

Official: Eberts run the background

Eberts; You will be dealing with very delicate elements here which have temp requirements ( He fumbles with the screen he�s about to show a film on)

Official: Think Tall Eberts

Eberts: I�ve got it

Official: Good

( Eberts begins showing a seventh grade health film about sperm and eggs, the guys get up and leave)

New Scene: Darien and Bobby at the Sperm bank

Dr: I still don�t understand the governments lag time in getting this investigation under way

Darien: Well it�s a long story

Bobby: Doc let me get this straight famous people come in here to

Dr: Have their privacy respected yes

Darien: No seriously you really think these guys have smart genes?

Dr; There is a gene for everything

Bobby: Doc guy comes in wins the prize, you say congrats, here�s a cup there�s a room go in there and you know, (he laughs) you know do what you got to do

DR: This is the old cryo vault in here

Bobby and Darien: The �ol cryo vault

Bobby: It�s cold in here, man if these walls could talk

Darien: They�d say ouch (Darien spot the hole in the far wall)

DR: That�s where the penetration took place

(Darien and Bobby look at him funny)

Bobby: Thanks Doc

Darien: AH man you didn�t

Bobby: Wow burned a hole right through the vent shaft huh? What is that acid?

Dr: The police forensic scientist said it was a

Darien: Stabilizing catalyst

Dr: How�s you know that

Bobby: How�d you know that?

Darien; I�m smart, yeah it�s pretty cool, it dissolves the metal with a chemical reaction. No heat build up at all you just push your way thru

Bobby: No heat build up, push right thru?

Darien: That�s right

Bobby: Genius

Darien: Thank you

Bobby: Where�s this coming from? how do you know this?

Darien: I know the dude that makes it

Bobby: You know the dude

Darien: that�s right

Bobby: Friend of yours?

Darien: Well not exactly

Voice over: You ever here the term honor among thieves, that�s a myth, fear among thieves maybe, basic relationship is you stab my back and I�ll stab yours. Now if you look at it that way Manny Merik is a very honorable guy.

(Darien sneaks up on Manny as he is working out on a stationary bike)

Darien�s voice: What�s up Manny ( Darien still invisible ties him to his bike)

Then he unquicksilvers and steps forward

Manny: Fawkes, Fawkesy

Darien: good to see you Manny

Manny: How did you get past the security system?

Darien: You mean the camera, motion sensors and silent alarm? Just out smarted them

( You�re all clear He calls Hobbes from Manny�s phone after turning off the alarms from the computer screen)

Darien: So Manny Merik the Einstein of thieves

Manny: Darien Fawkes the eternal want to be, you still scaling high rises like an Chimp?

Darien: I pretty much use the front door now, how about you? You still using the destabilizing compound to crack safes?

(Manny slips out of the rope and try�s to make a run for it, but Bobby stops him)

Bobby: Be nice

Darien: Look Manny, the stuff you stole is worth a hell of a lot more to the government than it is on the black market.

Bobby: Where�s the white stuff, the sperm?

Manny: I don�t know what you are talking about

Darien: Maybe this will jog your memory

( Darien sprays some of Manny�s reagent on his table and it melts)

Manny: Stop it, stop it! I can�t believe this Darien, we were friends, lifting buddies.

Darien: That�s funny the only thing I remember you lifting were my finger prints off
some free weights. Then planting them at the scene of a job you pulled that
provided me with some quiet time to think about our friendship. It was about fifteen months. ( Darien punches him)

Bobby: Hurts doesn�t it?

Darien: Ok one more.

Manny: Ok guy�s name is Gailson commissioned the job, he�s a university professor.
I did the job for scale with an understanding I�d share in the profits.

Darien: Nice

Bobby: what profits?

Manny: He�s going to turn people into genius.

New Scene at the university Dr Gailson and a student

DRG: This is a wavier of consent it says you take full responsibility for purposes of the experiment, it�s a stand form, but look it over.

Student: You�re going to make me smart right?

DRG: You will still have to study if you want to learn, but it will take a fraction of the time now.

Student: Where do I sign?

Darien and Bobby while walking across the campus

Bobby: Did you go to college Fawkes?

Darien; Yeah a couple of year why?

Bobby: Get kicked out?

Darien: Dropped out, after your brother get his third PHD, above average starts to lose it�s luster.

Bobby: You hit the streets started steeling hub caps and what not?

Darien: Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven at least that was kind of the idea. Hey
how about you where did you go to school?

Bobby: School of life my friend, theater of war

Darien: What you didn�t finish high school?

Bobby: Hey I was excepted at West Point thank you. Turned �em down, told them I wanted to see some action first.

Darien: That�s right amen, brother be all that you can be

Bobby: Now you�re talking

Darien: Hey we go

Bobby: Yo according to Mensa I�m a genius

Darien: It�s Mensa

Bobby: What ever

Darien; You�re telling me you belong to Mensa?

Bobby: Not really

Darien: But in your heart where it really counts

Bobby: I took the one line test, kicked it�s fricking butt

Darien: So you didn�t join cuz, it�s hard?

Bobby: Because , whatever

Darien: You�re busy

Bobby: You know what screw Menso

Darien: It�s Mensa

Bobby: whatever, elitists. Intelligence is experience, it�s about effort. Thomas Edison said genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

Darien: You got the BO to prove it

Bobby: Jealousy is a very ugly emotion my average friend

Darien: Above average thank you very much.

Bobby: Hey I smell as sweet as a honey suckle rose there Penelope

New scene the doc is giving the student a shot, Darien and Bobby arrive

Bobby: Got that whole Oedipus thing going

DRG: You�re in the wrong room

Darien: No we�re good you�re the bad guy right?

Bobby: Federal Agents

Dr Gailson makes a run for the window and he and Bobby have a fight that lasts a little longer than usual, Bobby get cut during the fight)

Darien: I guess that�s a big yes, we�re you going?
This is taking a while, (Bobby gets hurt) That looks bad

Bobby: It�s just a flesh wound

New Scene the padded room:

Official: You are in hot water Dr. you�d better talk before it boils.

DRG: you don�t need to threaten me

Official: Damn right I don�t

Darien is watching from the observation room, then Bobby joins him.

Darien: Hey Hobbesey check out the Official he�s really grilling him

Bobby: Is he resisting?

Darien: No not really

DRG: It�s not complicated if our species is to survive natural selection has to be replaced by scientific selection.

Official: I don�t care about your philosophy I just what to know if you used everything you stole

DRG: I used four samples to create the retro virus the rest is locked in a storage freezer in
my lab

Official: Excuse me could you explain the retro virus to me so I know what to charge you with?

DR: I�ll put it in laymen�s terms so you�re able to grasp it

Official: Gee would you?

DRG: the male reproductive cell carries the DNA of the man who produced it, height, color, diseases

Official: Intelligence

DRG: I extract that gene attach it to a viral vector inject it into the subject, it spread the gene grafted to it to the chromosomes in the existing brain cells. When those cells
reproduce a genius is born.

Darien: You know I got to tell you sometimes I wish I spoke mad scientist.
And then genius is born, muhahaha.

Official: How many subjects did you test?

DRG: four, two male two female

Official: Need I ask if this process is safe?

New Scene: in the lab

Claire: It�s extremely dangerous, gene splicing is suppose to occur in a fertilized egg not
in an adult. Actually we should track down those people he infected right away.

Darien: we had to let him go

Claire: oh no

Darien: He hadn�t done anything wrong

Claire: that�s not good

Bobby: Claire I think I got a little infected,

Claire: I need a blood sample

Darien: I thought it was just a flesh wound

Bobby: From the glass shard from the retro virus, I got a little exposed here

Claire: better you than Darien

Bobby and Darien together: What?

Claire: I�ve examined Glison�s little virus if you had been infected instead of Hobbes you�d be dead already. Get in the chair

Bobby: Oh I love it when you take charge

Darien: Why would I die if I was infected and he wouldn�t?

Claire: Ah come on why else the quicksilver gland

Darien: that bastard

Claire: The gland uses more brain cells

Bobby: right the new gene would reappropriate the nerve cells for other functions, communication between the central nervous system and other parts of the body would shut down. Don�t worry kid, I�ll watch your back anyday, we are partners, right? It�s my job.

Claire: I think the gene may already be producing cells

Darien: Hobbes you are sounding smarter

Bobby: Oh I�m smart, I�m smart

Claire; He means smart like me

Bobby: Oh we feeling a little threatened there Keepie?

Claire: You�d have to act your age first

Bobby: Ouch

Official; I want you two to accompany Dr Gailson back to his lab to get the sperm samples, along with all the project files.

Darien: you got it come on brianyack

Bobby: When we get back I�ll balance your budget for ya

Official: what�s going on here?

Claire: we may have a problem

Darien: Ok if Kate traveled 135 miles in four fewer hours than it took Christine to travel 945 miles

Bobby: Alright

Darien: If Kates speed was three times that of Chirs�s what was the speed of Christine.

Bobby: The distance of Kate over 12 minus Christine�s distance over four.

Darien: This is cool

Bobby: It�s kid stuff

Darien: Ok a man had to get, a fox, a sack of corn and a chicken across a river. He has a
row boat but he can only carry him and one other thing. IF the fox and the chicken are
left together the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and corn are left together the
chicken will eat the corn. How does the man do it?

Bobby: come on man he takes the Chicken over leaves the chicken come back gets the fox, takes the fox, leaves the fox, takes the chicken leaves the chicken takes the corn to the fox goes back and gets the chicken bing, bang, boom happy?

Darien: Yes

Bobby: I�m the

Darien: You are king of the smartypants my friend(They low five each other)

Doctor: Hobbes do you feel any increased grasp of spatial relations?

Darien&Bobby: Shut up

Darien: Okay, how about this one there is only one other word you can make out of insatiable

Bobby: Banalities which is what these questions have become

Doctor: It doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't think for yourself.

Bobby: I beg your pardon?

Doctor: Both of you, you follow orders, you should see the bigger picture, realize you are slamming the door on discovery

Darien: Alright why don't you do me a favor, cut the crap Doc. You're about do ra me not science.

Bobby: That's right you were all set to sell intelligence on the black market am I right?

Darien: Yeah, to dumb rich people

Doctor: Progress

Bobby: Didn't I tell you to shut up?

They reach his lab and find a female student there, she is half clothed, bare foot and walking on the broken remains of his equipment, glass, papers, everything. She has also written formulas all over the walls.

Doctor: Melody?

Melody: Hello Doc

Darien: I'm thinking maybe she's one of the test subjects

Doctor: What are you doing here?

Melody: I came to thank you, to tell you I'm grateful

Doctor: Grateful?

Melody: For helping me to see so much

Bobby: What do you see Melody?

Melody: More than they will allow us to

Darien: Hey look Melody we want to help you

Melody: You can't even begin to comprehend what's wrong with me, or is it what right?

Bobby: Melody I was engrafted with the gene, I can't really articulate it but I think I know what you are trying to say here

Melody: You haven't begun to see

Bobby: See?

Melody: You will

Doctor:I'm sorry,

Melody: So was Nobel that's why he created the peace prize. Because he was sorry for all the lives lost to his accomplishments. (She picks up a vial of liquid)

(Bobby it looking at all the chemicals she has pulled out and figures out what she had done )

Bobby: That's nitroglycerin

Melody: Knowledge is power

Doctor: No!

Bobby grabs Darien and pushes him out into the hallway just as she throws down the vial and the explosion throws Bobby and Darien against the wall of the hallway. Killing Melody and the Doctor.

New scene: At the Keep

Voice over: A brooding German guy named Shopenhower said that with increased intelligence comes an increased capacity for pain, so if ignorance is bliss then enlightenment is pure hell

Darien: Hey

Claire: I've been trying to call you since yesterday

Darien: Yeah well after we almost died the Official gave us the day off, wasn't that nice

Claire: I read the report

Darien: What report?

Claire: So one of Gavison test subjects set off the explosion. I've been reading his files, she's an A student, internship, very ambitious.

Darien: you should have seen her yesterday, she was wacko

Claire: If you were a cave man that suddenly understood television you'd react the same way

Darien: Say what?

Claire: An adult's neural pathways are set, if genes open up new pathways, our brains aren't meant to operate on all cycles at once

Darien: What you said something about a cave man?

Claire: Yes, it's like a cave man suddenly understand Television, but he can't explain it to anyone, because he'd also have to explain, what electricity, electronics, economy, acting
not to mention the notion of culture, civilization

Darien: Okay stop you're making my head spin

Claire: See who knows what Melody understood, but couldn't explain

Darien: Who knows Hobbes is going to know

Claire: Where is he?

Darien: Up stairs with the boss man. Look is there any way to stop this thing or reverse it or anything?

Claire: yes there is probably some sort of enzyme to block off the pathways. I've been looking for an answer and just can't seem to find one. I'm not smart enough.

Darien: Yeah you are

The Official enters the Keep with two other men

Offical: Pack it a lot of effort went into those canisters, don't drop it. Boys after yesterday's disaster it seems we still have three loose ends in the form of those other test subjects.

Darien: Ah, four loose ends you forgetting about Bobby

Official: Right, he's infected where is he?

Claire: He's not with you?

Official: I thought he was with you (To Darien)

Darien looks very worried and rushes out

New scene: Bobby's apartment he's watching about six televisions at once and working on a Rubik�s cube which he finishes and places with eight other's he solved

Darien: What's going on?

Bobby: Sh his is interesting

Darien: What, look you didn't show up for work and we didn't know where you were

Bobby: Obviously you did or you wouldn't be here.

Darien: You didn't answer your phone Hobbes

Bobby laughs

Darien: Come on your scaring your partner here

Bobby laughs some more, then turns off the TVs

Bobby: Where are we going?

New scene: Back at the Official's office

Eberts: Never mind he's here now (He returns the phone to the cradle)

Official: Oh good, you're here. Hobbes where the Hell where you?

Bobby: In a place you'd never understand

Official: Well you were there to long, now you're late. Make a note.

Darien: SO what's the word

Eberts: Linda Keller, Scott Celphon and Jamie Monger have not responded to any of the
calls we've made

Darien: Those are the student lab rats?

Official: Right, track them down, bring 'em in

Bobby: Maybe they want to be left alone

Official: Excuse me?

Bobby: They've committed no crime, they should be left alone

Official: Hobbes they may pose a threat to society, to themselves, it's for their own good

Bobby: I disagree

Official: Don't worry you aren't going, you are to report to the Keeper

Bobby: For my own good

Official: For an examination

Bobby: I have better things to do with my time

Darien: Eberts you have they files on those kids maybe if I take a look

Official: Hobbes that was no a request

Bobby: This is a refusal, no

Official: No?

Eberts: Oh no

Darien: Guys, guys, guys let's calm down here, we're all on the same team, you know

Bobby: You have no real power you're a bueauracate you're power trickles down thru the system you're a paper pusher, a desk jockey a toothless tiger

Official: Hobbes one more word out of you and you are out of this organization

Bobby: Here's two I quit (Bobby hands the Official his badge and leaves the office,

Darien follows him into the hall)

Darien: Hey what the hell just happened you can't just quit?

Bobby: Fawkes you know what your problem is? You�re defined by your limitations, argue for your limitations and sure enough they�re yours.

Darien: I just wish you could hear yourself

Bobby: I always knew I was to intelligent for government work a cog in a machine. The pay is a joke. But now I'm more.

Darien: Yeah finally a guy who�s as smart as his ego always hoped

Bobby: Smarter

Darien: will you just stop okay, you're not thinking clearly here okay?

Bobby: oh I'm thinking very clearly, Fawkes. For the first time I can see, I've sabotaged
my career and my personal life because of some insecurities, I may have had about my
abilities. But I see past that now.

Darien: Hobbes the thing you're forgetting here is these aren't your abilities

Bobby: Were you born with a quicksilver gland? It's a gift Fawkes, a beautiful gift and I have the gift now

Darien: Yeah well I'd like to be free of my gift. Look, look listen to me the Keeper is working on a way to reverse this thing

Bobby: I know how to reverse it, Fawkes. I don't want to reverse it, I understand things now, things that you'll never, ever, ever understand. No one ever respected me here, really. No one ever really cared, about me here.
No one. ( He locks eyes with Darien for a second, then leaves)

New scene: Darien and Claire at the college.

Darien asks a bunch of kids : Hey is Jamie in?

Student: I don't know can't you find your friend?

Darien pounds on the door to the hall the rooms are in :Hey open up

He borrows a hair pin from Claire an picks the lock.

Claire: She's probably calling the campus police now

They find the three missing students,

Darien: Ah crap. Are they dead?

Claire: Catatonic

Darien: they lost their minds?

Claire: More like they found them, and it was more than they could handle. What we are most likely seeing here is sever autisium brought on by synaptic over load.

Darien: Why do you think they are naked?

Claire: Who knows maybe they reached some kind of epiphany. We will never know now they are gone. They were the only ones smart enough to stop this thing The only one smart enough to save Hobbes is Hobbes. From what I've seen he's not going to do that

Darien: Oh he's going to do it trust me

New scene: Bobby's apartment again.

He is typing at his computer alone

Bobby: I don't want to be disturbed, you will leave here now. I want to be left alone.

Darien voice: No can do that, it's for your own good

Bobby: I'm beyond good I'm beyond evil I deal in truth now, truth only and that doesn't leave much room for you

They have a fight, Bobby throws flour on Darien so he can see him and knocks throws him into the coffee table, smashing it.

Bobby: Get out of my life

Darien: Now!

Claire darts Bobby and he goes down

Bobby: All you had to do was ask

Bobby wakes up in the padded room

Official: Fawkes exactly what are you planning to do?

Darien: What ever it takes

Darien enters the padded room carrying a chair

Darien: You know I've found with a straight jacket that if you roll your shoulders you get slack. Just a option, it's there if you want it. So Hobbes, I'm going to have to ask you to tell me how to stop the effect of the retrovirus.

Bobby: Since I'm not going to do that I suggest we conserve our energy and you let me go

Darien: Let you go, no.

Bobby: then you can waste your energy while I conserve mine.

Darien: You know that the other test subjects are gone right?

Bobby: the tone in your voice implies they are dead, they are far from dead Fawkes

Darien: You don't care if that happens to you

Bobby: I don't expect you to understand

Darien: No go ahead try me shoot

Bobby: There is a core difference between us biological determination versus biological potential

Darien: Oh actually you are doing to have to clarify

Bobby: It's the difference between a man who will sacrifice everything to propagate himself, and a being who will sacrifice himself to what is larger than himself. You are a man, I am a super man.

Darien: you're superman, I'm the invisible man why don�t we just get wonder woman and we could really party you know what I'm saying?

Official: This isn't working

Claire: No, no it is they are talking

Bobby: You can't eve begin to fathom the concepts and ideas dancing on the horizons of my mind.

Darien: Yes, that's what I'm trying to say here Hobbes. What's the point of knowing the
answers if you can't tell anyone, what's the use of being God if all you buds are human?

Bobby: Friendship is an illusion, Fawkes. A cultural expression of the pack mentality.
for survival.

Darien: What's wrong with survival?

Bobby: It's just another illusion the weak survival the strong evolve

Darien: Yeah, you ready to die?

Bobby: We both know that can't harm me now Fawkes

Darien: (Darien pulls out a syringe with the Super agent in it) Yeah, we both know it will kill me right? So it's pretty simple here to save me you're going to have to tell me how to stop it. (Darien pushes the syringe into his leg and puts his thumb on the plunger)

Bobby: Fawkes, Fawkes

Official: What the hell his he doing?

Claire: AH

Bobby: I will not do that

Darien: Yeah you will, you'd die for me Bobby> See that's what I know, not just because it's your code, or your job. It's 'cause I'm your friend and if you think that is an illusion then you're just plain ignorant.

Bobby: You�re making a big mistake

Darien: See you don't know everything Bobby, see I'm pretty sure the one thing about me you don't know ( Darien inject the stuff into his leg)

Bobby Looks shocked, they stare at each other for a few seconds

Bobby : It's an intermolecular liaise enzyme ratio three to one, reaction temp. 200 degrees.
It will block the gene Nome, the nerve cells will atrophy and die.

Bobby: I can't believe you did that partner

Darien: Neither can I (Turns and looks at the mirrored window)....Claire!

Claire: (slams open the door to the room)I can syntheses that enzyme

Darien: get this stuff out of me ( They both rush from the room)

Tag scene: Bobby wakes up in the lab:

Bobby: Wow how long have I been asleep?

Darien: If Tom has three times as many apples as Susan and Susan has a quarter as many as Joe, who has four. How many does Mary have if she has two more than Joe?

Bobby: Ah okay, Ah Tom's got the... what's the chick's name?

Official: Welcome back Bobby

Bobby: Thanks chief

Claire: So Bobby I'm going to need to see you later for some tests

Bobby: I'll play a nice game of Doctor with you anytime Keepie

Darien: I say he passes

Claire: Brilliantly

Bobby: You look good today, that's a nice dress.

Darien: I like those boots you see those?

Bobby: How you doing you alright?

Darien: Yeah, I'm alright she was able to block the gene before it reached any of my cells

How about you do you remember anything?

Bobby: Yeah, I just don't understand it, you know? It's like everything that I know is forever on the tip of my tongue.

Darien: yeah, well that�s probably where you should leave it, get some rest alright.

Voiceover: There's an old saying that every man's a genius until he opens his mouth.
I decided to save Hobbes the trouble.

Bobby: Fawkes, listen man I just want to say, you know ...ah what you did back there.

Darien: I'd do it again.

Bobby: You can count on the same thing here my friend.

Voice over: 'Nuff said.
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