Fan Fiction Archive
Flash to Bang
  Transcribed by mardel

Opening scene: A very tall office building, then inside Darien is running up the stairs. Bobby is hiding in the bushes outside.

Bobby: Prairie dog to stair master comeback

Darien: Yeah

Bobby: The tip from out sources is good I�ve got chrysali here

Darien: Chrysalis?

Bobby: Chrysali it�s plural

Darien: Ah God I hate that I�m going to use that work

Bobby: How close are you to the roof Fawkes?

Darien: Just crossing 30 ( He�s lying he�s on 18)

Bobby: Don�t you fricking lie to me Fawkes

Darien: How about I jump in the elevator here

Bobby: Negative they will be monitoring it, resume contact when you reach the  summit over

Darien: Roger, delta, orgenino

(The bad guys arrive in a truck and set up )

(Bobby watches from the bushes)

Stark�s men:  come back with your twenty?

Darien: Two chrysalis attempting to get free cable they must be stopped. 

Bobby: this is very bad I�m going in

(The bad guys on the ground light up a laser pointed at the clouds)

Bobbt: Put your hands in the air and hold your position

(He shots a short round of automatic weapons fire at the bad guys)

(Darien on the roof goes quicksilver and tried to interfere with the men

there he gets hit by a blot of lighting triggered by the laser and

falls to the roof)

Intro music and voice over as usual

Darien wakes up in a hospital a Doctor enters

Dr: Hello: I�m Dr. Murrah, can�t remember your name?

Darien: Of course I can remember my name

DR: You are on the neurological wing of Cabreo hospital, you were brought in two hours ago. We think you may have suffered a lighting strike from an electrical storm that broke out over down town this morning.

Darien: I�m OK?

DR: physically you check out fine

Darien: Why don�t I remember?

DR: You probably are suffering from side effects common to lighting strike victims memory loss is one of them.

Darien: Your saying that I have total amnesia?

DR: No take a deep breath and relax, you seem cognizant enough. What can you
remember? Start anywhere

Darien: I remember me, I can feel who I am, I know who I am, I just can�t remember

DR: Facts?

Darien: Yeah my phone number, my name, my birthday �..ah crap

DR: We�ve taken X-rays

Darien: Oh crap, I say that  Oh crap, it�s like my saying, I say that

DR: Good what else?

Darien: Darien looks upset and lays back on the bed again.

Scene change in the Official�s office.

Alex: Maybe he was kidnapped by chrysalis?

Bobby: When we lost contact Fawkes said he saw two of them on the roof, this is bad
my friend very bad

Alex: Did we ever find out what chrysalis was up to?

Claire: Yes, triggered lighting experiments nothing new, the Japanese have been doing it for the past two years.

Offical: Not off the back of a truck in under five minutes I�ll bet

Bobby: I�m sorry to be the voice of Fawkes here folks but who cares? we need to direct our efforts into finding our missing comrade

Eberts: Actually he maybe in room 216 of Cabreo hospital. I used agent Monroe�s k21 station to access the Health and Human Services data base to scan for

Everyone together: EBERTS!

Eberts: Cabreo general hospital room 216 lists a lighting strike victim as John Doe

Alex: Look the ER log says he was recovered from the Mutual Finance Building

Bobby: That Fawkes

Eberts: Sir, this is not a secure data base, it is lightly encrypted others can access it

Offical: Get over there now

(Alex,  Bobby and Claire all rush out)

(Darien is having his picture taken in his hospital room)

Nurse: One with you smiling, he�s going to take that down to the station and they are going to run it on the six o�clock news and the eleven news. We�ll see who calls in. We did this once before with a woman who was in a car accident and her little girl was watching TV and we got them back together.

Darien: Doris do you really think I might have a little girl?

Nurse: You might

Daien: That would be cool

DR: Excuse us please nurse, I want you to take a look at something

( He holds up an X-ray)

Darien: What�s wrong?

DR: your X-ray turns up something, I want you to take a look with me

Darien: what is that

DR: It appears to be a type of brain tumor we call a neoplasm. I�ll need your permission to run a few tests. There is no indication of malignancy

Darien: What are you talking about take a look at it, it�s the size of a medicine ball

Nurse: excuse me there are some people here to see you Darien

Darien: Darien?

DR: Who his family?

Nurse: His co-workers

(Stark walks into the room with two other men.)

Stark: Hello Darien

Darien: Is that really my name?

Stark smiling real big: It sure is, you gave us quite a scare young man

Darien: And you are?

Stark: You boss, ironically I�m also your friend

DR: Hello I�m Dr. Murrah

Stark: Hello Dr I�m Jared Stark, CIA thank you for taking such good care of our Darien. We�ll be taking him off your hands now.

Dr: I�m not going to just let my patient walk out of here because a few badges are flashed.

Stark: I understand Doctor, if we could just get on the phone to our superiors I�m sure we can straighten this all out

Darien: Thanks Doc,  Hey I work for the government?

(The doctor leaves with Stark)

(They release Darien and he is walking out with Stark and the other two men.)

Darien: So how old am I anyway? Let me guess 28 right? By the way how much do I make? Do I have a girlfriend? What why are you smiling? She�s hot right Whoa wait a minute we�re driving in this?

(Darien notices the limo)

Darien: Woo Hoo I love amnesia

(Bobby and Alex arrive in the van)

Darien: What�s going on?

Stark: they are trying to kill you

(Darien jumps into the limo and locks the doors)

Stark: Darien open the door, this is not amusing!

(Darien drives off)

(Bobby and Alex are shooting at the bad guys)

(Bobby follows Darien and runs down the ramp where the limo took a wrong

(Darien has gone quicksilver from the scare)

(Bobby doesn�t see him in the limo)

Bobby: Fawkes, Fawkes it�s me

(Alex on the two way radio to Bobby)

Alex: Hobbes chrysalis is on the run, where is Fawkes?

B: He�s gone, disappeared, I�ve got a feeling this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better

(Arnaud is watching the television, a report comes on about a amnesia victim they show Darien�s picture)(Arnaud is still stuck invisible from the last episode he was on.)

Arnaud: Now what an interesting twist

(Darien walks into a police station)

Darien: Hello my name is Darien, I think some people are trying to kill me, and I can turn�.. I need help.

(Darien is waiting on a bench in the hall of the police station)

Detective: Darien Fawkes?

Darien: Yeah I guess so ,You tell me.

Det: I�m Det. Moran, come with me

Darien: I want to tell you I appreciate you guys taking the time to talk. I didn�t feel there was anyone else I could turn to

DET: I understand

( They put him in a lock up room)

  Darien: Hey, hey what�s wrong man?

DET: You have three prior convictions

Darien: You don�t understand I work for the government

DET: All I see here is a couple of B&E�s and the attempt to molest a senior citizen, we figure you for one of the guys from the gun play this afternoon at Cabreo hospital.

Darien: I�m probably to secret to be listed, see I can turn invisible

DET: Stick with the amnesia kid, it�s a better story

Darien: Hey, Hey come on

(Detective walks away)

(Bobby and Alex arrive at the police station)

Alex: Are you sure this is the right percent?

Bobby: Police band radio never lie Monroe, they called in an APB on an amnesia victim.

Alex: Hi we�re federal agents

Bobby: You�re holding one of our own my friend, we need him back

Alex: name of Darien Fawkes

Bobby: He�s about six one six six with the hair

Officer: I don�t remember him being a criminal

Bobby: That�s the guy

Officer: Why don�t you just holster your fancy government badges and take a seat in our waiting area

(Bobby and Alex walk back towards the offices, not the waiting area)

(Darien to himself I�ve got to get out of here, he practices going invisible He whoops loudly when it works, and a passing police officer goes to look in his holding room, Darien slips past him)

Alex: No what you don�t understand is that I have the power to get you and SGT. Sarcastic thrown off the force

DET: You just try it, this is our house,

Officer: I think we should arrest her    

Alex: Fine then I�ll arrest you

DET: You are under arrest

Alex: You are under federal arrest

Bobby: Great now everybody is under arrest, you bring the cuffs, you bring the soda pop we�ll have a  party, but where is Fawkes?

(Darien leave invisible) He unquicksilvers behind a tall hedge outside the hospital)

Darien: Boy am I going to have fun with this

(One of Starks�s men hits Darien and stuffs him into the limo)

(They drive out to a park)

Stark: I though this might be a good place for us to continue our conversation

Darien: Ok let go over this one more time, I work for you

Stark: you work for me

Darien; the government somewhere?

Stark: The CIA yes

Darien: We�re friends?

Stark: We have been through a lot together

Darien: There now see I�m having a hard time believing, my friends would punch me in the face then drag me off in the middle of nowhere?

Stark: Darien when you went to the police we were very concerned, as our only invisible agent we didn�t want your cover to be blown.

Darien: bout that the invisible thing what is that exactly

Stark: What do you think it is?

Darien: It�s got to do with the tumor in my head right?

Stark: very good, what else do you remember?

Darien: There is this one thing, I always say, so if we�re friends �. I always say it so you�ll know what is it?

Stark: What are you talking about?

Darien: Oh come on you know Oh�

Stark: Oh boy

Darien: Wrong answer Jared

Stark: Fine Darien you�re not with friends let talk enemies

(Arnaud arrives in a convertible car, and starts shooting at Stark and his men)

(Darien rabbits toward the car, and drives off in it)

(Arnaud sits up in the back seat with a mask of his face so he can now be seen

and a blanket wrapped around his shoulders)

Arnaud: Hello Darien

Darien: Ahhhh! Who the hell are you? where did you come from?

Arnaud: Darien don�t you remember me I�m Kevin your brother

Darien: My brother

Arnaud: Is there an echo in here?

Darien: No I don�t believe you

Arnaud: I saved your life back there

Darien: Yeah, you know so did a lot of people today, then next thing you know they are  trying to kill me

Arnaud: And that�s my fault?  You never change

Darien: Ok Kevin if you really are my brother prove it

( Arnaud takes off the blanket so Darien can not see him)

Arnaud: Welcome home

(Back at the agency in the officials office)

Claire: We should be clear on this, Darien doesn�t really have amnesia he�s going to slowly regain his memory in bits and pieces, as his synapses unscramble themselves

Offical: How long

Claire: could be weeks  or months

Offical: He�s probably going hog wild with the Invisibility all ready

Claire: yes and he�s forgotten it come with a price

Offical: Right

( Bobby and Alex arrive back at the office)

Bobby: Sorry chief, agent Monroe felt the need to arrest everything in sight.

Alex: Chrysalis has Fawkes I know it

Bobby: Will you stop with that already they had him, now he�s on his own

Alex: They know about quicksilver madness  they will have to come to us for counter agent

Offical: we are way ahead of you on that

Eberts: We�ve put out word for stark to contact us

(Alex and Eberts stare at each other)

Alex: Hello Eberts

Eberts: Miss Monroe

( Bobby makes a face at their friendly little exchange, as does Claire)

Bobby: So you�re going to wish , you�re going� wait and you�re going to hope for a phone call is that it?

Offcial: You got a better idea?

Bobby: Organize a search, mobilize every agent find Fawkes before the cops do or chrysalis for that matter

Eberts: Given our resources our man power to success ration is extremely unbalanced

(Bobby glares at Eberts)

Bobby: Hey pal if you think Bobby Hobbes is going to sit around and wait for Stark to make a phone call think again

( The phone rings)

Claire: Not a very long wait was it?

Offical: Quiet everyone,  this is him ( He answers the phone on speaker mode)

Stark: I assume you want to gloat

Claire: So you are saying you don�t have Darien?

Stark: I�m not above giving a bravo to a well executed plan but do not insult my intelligence I saw your other invisible agent rescue him, I saw it with my own eyes. You took his at a cost, now we know you have an act up your sleeve. If I look at it  that way I�d call this a tie.

Alex: He�s lying

Bobby: Didn�t he just say, Fawkes is with Arnaud

Alex: How would Arnaud get involved in this?

Offical: That�s enough, I�m splitting you two up. Hobbes you pursue the Arnaud angle. Monroe you pursue the Chrysalis one.

Bobby: Fine

Alex: Fine (the both leave through separate doors)

Claire: Not exactly a marriage made in heaven is it?

(Darien and Arnaud in a hotel room together)

Darien: I don�t know what to say

Arnaud: It�s not everyday you learn you were a engineered test tube baby

Darien: I just don�t know why would the government go to all the trouble of creating someone like you and me, then want to kill us?

Arnaud: we are fugitives bro  we left them

Darien: Fugitives?

Arnaud: They wanted to use us to kill people, people that oppose the capitalist r�gime

Darien: Looks like I picked a bad week to get hit by lighting

Arnaud: IS that what they told you�.. bastards

Darien: yeah

Arnaud: You weren�t hit by lighting Darien, it�s called electro shock interrogation, torture  they tried to smoke the truth out of you, but you wouldn�t give it up

Darien: What did they want to know?

Arnaud: Me they wanted me

Darien: Why you?

Arnaud: I�m smart so they think I�m more valuable. But you�re the brave one, always have been, sure you look up to me, but I look down to you and you always are there break my fall.

Darien: You know what your starting to look familiar to me your face

Arnaud: Sounds about right, anyway we have a lot of work to do we have to break our brother out of jail

Darien: I have another brother?

(Bobby had gone to visit Arnaud�s brother in jail)

Bobby: Well, well, well look who�s here. I asked them to bring you out here so I could see the look on your face. you were expecting some one else am I right?
Like your brother.

Huiclov: My brother use to bride a guard so we could meet in a room, the guard got caught, I haven�t seen him since.

Bobby: No I doubt it, guy like him can�t operate with out a flunky especially when he�s stuck invisible, he needs you.

Huiclov: He has a woman for that

Bobby: Dr. Ryndel she�s out of the country, she�s wanted. You look me in the eye right now and you tell me you haven�t see your brother in a month.

Huiclov: How could I see him?

Bobby: Yeah, thanks you been a big help.

(Bobby leaves, and goes to ask the jail guard in charge of the files who�s been
visiting Huiclov)

Bobby: Hey how ya doing, I need to find out the last person who visited Huiclov DeFhon please.

( Guard looks it up, Dennis Thornton, he�s the only guy who ever visits him once
a month)

Bobby: Got you now you Swiss miss mother�.

(New scene Darien is practicing quick silvering things)

Darien: Damn

Arnaud: Again

Darien: I can�t remember how  to do it

Arnaud: You have to re-learn it for Johnny

Darien: Why can�t Johnny turn himself invisible and walk right out of jail?

Arnaud: He was the control part of the experiment he can�t turn invisible at all.

Darien: Then why don�t you do it?

Arnaud: We were engineered differently, Johnny can�t do it al all I�m stuck invisible Only you can control when and how you�re seen. Only you can Quicksilver objects and it�s a sore spot and I wish you�d stop rubbing it in.

Darien: Don�t get mad at me, I don�t remember that

Arnaud: Do you have any idea how this mask chaffs me? How expensive it is to grow and maintain of course not you�ve forgotten.

Darien: Must be hell living like that permanently invisible

Arnaud: What do you know about it?

Darien: I can imagine waking up everyday, not being able to see yourself in the mirror. Not knowing what your eyes look like, seeing everything in that weird silver vision. It�s like you only you on another planet totally alone.

Arnaud: You know when you walk down the street other people get out of your way of if they are rude they don�t. People take that for granted.

Darien: It�s Ok bro� I�m here for you

(Arnaud gets up and moves away. Darien picks up a picture on the side table and this time he quicksilver�s it no problem)

Darien: Hello

Arnaud: Finally remembered good.

Darien: I remembered some other stuff

Arnaud: Like what

Darien: The name Arnold, no Arnaud does that make sense?

Arnaud: Yes he was a scientist on the Quicksilver Project, brilliant but misunderstood. We�ll talk about that later. We have to break our brother out of jail.

Darien: How are we going to let him know when the break out is going down?

Arnaud: I�ve got that covered.

(Bobby shows up at Dennis�s apartment. Knocks on the door)

Bobby: Dennis Thornton?

Dennis: What do you want?

Bobby: I want to talk about Huiclov, your incarcerated buddy.

Dennis: You got a warrant?

Bobby: I think I forgot the warrant will this do? ( Bobby pulls his gun and points it through the door)

Dennis: Hey, man come on man�

Bobby: Let�s blow past the essay portion of the test dirty bag and go straight to the  true false. You were paid to visit him sit at the visitors counter and hold up the phone while an invisible Swiss freak stand next to you and whispers into it?

Dennis: He makes me wear ear plugs� I don�t know what he says.

(Bobby tightens his hold on Dennis)

Dennis: Don�t kill me

Bobby: Where is Arnaud?

Dennis: I don�t know

Bobby: Where is he!

Dennis: I don�t know he always calls me, look man he pays me a grand a visit, that�s my rent Ok?

Bobby: That�s aiding and abiding pal, I want you to call him right now, pick up the phone and call him.

Dennis: I told you he calls me I don�t know his number

Bobby: Listen pal you think Bobby Hobbes is going to sit around waiting for Arnaud to make a phone call think again.

(The Phone rings)

Bobby: That�s him pick it up 

Dennis: How do you know who it is?

Bobby: Little trick I do, come on pick it up, make sure he tells you where he is.

Arnaud: Dennis we need to make another visit fast

Dennis: No man you didn�t pay me for the last time, I�m not going to do this if I don�t get my money.

Arnaud: Excuse me

Dennis: How about I come to you, get the money then we go to prison?

Arnaud: Out of the question

Dennis: Then forget about it, find someone else

Arnaud: Wait I�ll pay you for the last time and for this time, but I come to you. Not the other way around

Dennis: Ok good, fine

(He hangs up the phone)

Bobby: Good, Monroe should love this one

Dennis: So what are you going to do to me?

(Bobby reaches for the phone, then pulls out a role of duct tape and covers Dennis�s mouth with it)

(Arnaud arrives and Bobby grabs him and throws him across the room. Then kicks him once for good measure)

Darien: Hey, hold on hold on�

Bobby: Fawkes what are you doing man, it�s Bobby, Bobby Hobbes your partner Partner.

Darien: Well guess what partner you�re to late. Kevin told me everything

Bobby: That�s not Kevin, Fawkes he killed Kevin, that�s Arnaud. What other lies did you tell him Arnaud de freak( Bobby kicks him again)

Bobby: You see

( Darien hits him over the head with a vase and Bobby is knocked out)

Bobby: Ah crap (as he drops)

Darien: Ah crap ?

(New scene)

After the break

Darien: That is a hell of a coincidence  there he said ah crap, wait what are you going to do?

(Arnaud has taken Bobby�s gun and is about to shot him)

Arnaud: I�m going to kill him

Darien: You can�t do that

Arnaud: Sure you can watch me

( Darien pushes Arnaud away from standing over Bobby up against the wall.)

Darien: No man you�re losing it

Arnaud: He killed our father

Darien: I thought we were test tube babies?

Arnaud: The Dr that raised us, the man we thought of as our father. That man shot him in cold blood so we have to take revenge don�t you think? Then get rid of the evidence.

Darien: I�m getting a lot of conflicting messages here

Arnaud: Yeah, well here�s a clear one, stop whining.

Darien: What did you say?

Arnaud: You know it was an act of cowardice just like this that got our brother caught by the authorities in the first place. You always are a cry baby who needs someone to wipe his nose.

Darien: Are you always this much of a bastard

Arnaud: Yes, and you respected me and did as you were told

Darien: Kevin, I forgot that so from now on treat me as a equal. IF you kill him you are on your own.

Arnaud: It�s the stress getting to me, we need to stop this arguing and start thinking about our brother.

Darien: Johnny

Arnaud: Yes, Johnny

Darien: They probably know what we are up to by now

Arnaud: We�ll have to move sooner than planned, we�ll do it for Johnny.

( Darien quicksilvers at the prison and follows a guard inside with Arnaud.)

(Arnaud voice: Smile you in grate I�m setting you free)

Huiclou: I like it here

Arnaud: Shut up now and listen your name is Johnny

Darien: Hey Johnny ( Darien unquicksilvers)

(Back at Dennis�s apartment, Bobby is tied up on the floor)

(He�s talking to himself, pain is candy for the focused mind)

(Alex arrives) Alex: What happened you called me 20 minutes ago and said everything was under control.

Bobby: That was 20 minutes ago

(She cuts him free)

(Back at the prison)

Huiclou: No, no, no I can�t

Darien: Come on Johnny it�s not that bad it�s not even that cold

Huiclou: I�m scared

Arnaud: This is ridiculous, Darien just quicksilver him

Darien: I don�t know man

Arnaud: Now what?

Darien: I�m getting a bad head ache here, this guy looks nothing like me and what�s with the accent here

Arnaud: Ok Johnny was from a different sperm sample than us, he was separated from us at three, taken to Switzerland to become a super solider. He would remain neutral in every kind of situation, he was tortured terribly   and he�s your brother and you love him so quicksilver him now before we all get shot!

Huiclou: Oh my God

Darien: You should have heard him earlier. Ok just hold on come here Johnny it�s Ok ready here we go

( Darien quicksilvers�s him then himself and they sneak out of the prison)

Arnaud voice: Run for the Sebring

Huiclou: No, no I�d rather be their prisoner then yours Arnaud

Darien: Arnaud? (Then he remembers about who Arnaud really is)

( Bobby and Alex arrive in the van)

Bobby: Federal Agents lock him up  (Bobby grabs Arnaud brother, turns him over to a couple of guards)

Alex: where is Fawkes going? 

(Darien  chases Arnaud and catches up with him on the far side of parking area)

Arnaud: Don�t tell me you�re ungrateful too. Don�t you remember when you were six and you broke you leg, I carried you all the way home, you cried the whole way.

Darien: I remember Arnaud,

Arnaud: Well good

Darien: I remember ( Darien starts to choke Arnaud, but then the pain hits his head and he falls down)

Arnaud: well I knew my little invention would come in handy, Au revoir Fawkes that�s French for the next time I see you I�m going to kill you

(Bobby and Alex run over with a shot of counter agent, Bobby inject it)

Bobby: Easy Buddy, Here you go, remember that? 

Darien: It�s hard to forget that

( Final scene is Arnaud in yet another hotel room, then Stark and some of his men show up)

Arnaud: It can�t get worse

( His door opens and Stark is there)

Stark: We want to make a deal

Arnaud: I�m not interested, I wan to be visible again

Stark: We have the resources to help you with that, we just want to know what you know about quicksilver

Arnaud: On one condition

Stark: You are in no place to make conditions

Arnaud: Just for laughs then, I help you you help me kill Darien Fawkes

Stark: Shake on it

Arnaud: Alright

(Arnaud turns and half of the flesh mask is gone and shakes Starks hand with his invisible one)

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