Fan Fiction Archive
Brothers Keeper
  Transcribed by mardel

Opening scene: Darien is quicksilver mad and rushing up the hall towards the Keep with Bobby trying to get control over him, part of the time he's on Dariens back then he gets knocked off

Claire: Come and get it

(They finally get him subdued enough so that she can give him the shot. The Official arrives looking angry, as usual)

Official: Hobbes explain, now. Come on lets here it.

Bobby: ( out of breath) Were outside the Cuban embassy. Fawkes did a little now you see me now you dont, got the item, he got caught between a security team and a hard place. Had to go see through longer than anticipated.

Claire: He went quicksilver mad in the Embassy?

Bobby: No, no, no on in the van on the way back. I tried to get him in here in time but he popped

(Meanwhile Darien is recovering, he glares at Claire she then stands up off the floor, walks past the Official)

Official: You say you acquired the item?

Bobby: I got it here for you Chief, here ya go.

Official: Good work gentlemen

Bobby: Here that Fawkesey, you did good  Pal

(Darien is standing near Claires work station and punches out the keyboard in frustration)

Bobby: His eyes arent red Chief

Darien: Hes right you know, my eyes arent red

Claire: Whats wrong Darien?

Darien: Well I've got a glad in my head that makes me go insane if I don,t get a regular shot. I just tried to kill you, I tried to kill Hobbes. My life is driven by fear, But thats not what is wrong, whats wrong is its business as usual.

( Darien walks out)

Official: Where are you going?

Darien: Away

Official: Don't go to far you've got a gland in your head that makes you go insane if you don't get a regular shot.

Darien: And the hits just keep on coming

(New scene at the cemetery,  Darien is at Kevins grave eating a burger. Bobby finds him there)

Voice over: Thomas Mann said a man death is more of the survivors affair than it is his own. Now my version of that would go great on a tee shirt, my brother died and all I got was this lousy gland

Bobby: Still having a private meal together. I can come back later if you want.

Darien: Na just finishing up my bacon cheese burger here, Kevin is dead and doesn't need food any more so I don't think hell mind.

Bobby: Im just saying if you two want a little private time together. I know some people like to talk to the dead.

Darien: A lot of people are pathetic

Bobby: Lots of people have hope Fawkes

Darien: Theyre ahead of me then

Bobby: Leave it to you to out depress a cemetery..Well you could beat around the bush or you could cut the crap and tell me whats on your mind right now.

Darien: Simon Cole

Bobby: The invisible assassin?

Darien: Im afraid of ending up just like him, crazier than dead

Bobby: Dont talk like that, ( Bobby sits next to him on the ground) Even as we speak Claire is coming up with a very safe way to remove that little baby from your head.

Darien: Hobbes she isn't going to find a way to get the gland out, not any time soon

Bobby: You dont trust her?

Darien: Its not her fault, the only person who could help me is six feet under us right now.

Bobby: If its any consolation, one of my shrinks use to tell me you heal the past, live the present, and dream the future.

Darien; What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Bobby: Well I think basically the gland is your hear and now, Ok, your brother is the past and what you got left of him is the memory.

Darien: Hobbes

Bobby: Yeah?

Darien: You're a genius

(New scene the Officials office, with Claire, Bobby, Darien, the Official and Eberts present)

Official: Darien you're insane

Darien: We've established that,

Official: That is the most reckless, unsound and depraved idea Ive ever heard

Darien: Thats why its going to work, look I've worked it all out, its scientific.

( Darien goes to a large White board to draw it out for them)

Darien: This is Simon Cole, now the gland was taken out of him and put into me. Some of his memory RNA went along for the ride. Now the Q gland and the pineal gland teamed up and caused some problems. Simon took over my body when I was sleeping we all remember, it wasnt fun. Now my brain is obviously super sensitive to the effects of memory RNA. Kevin and I have the same genes. Heres what Im thinking, what if we take some of Kevins RNA inject it into me the process would repeat only this time Id have Kevins memory instead of Simons. Kevin knows how to take the gland out and so would I, why are you shaking your head?

Claire: Because Kevins been dead for over a year now any RNA will be degraded by now.

Darien: Don't give me that, they are still doing tests on mummies, there's got to be something residual something left

Eberts: Actually that may not be necessary

Bobby: You sure you want to shovel up your brother, disturb his rest.

Eberts: Each member of the quicksilver design team was required to make a donation for posterity. Blood, sperm, bone marrow, plasma

Darien: Memory RNA

Eberts: The specimens would be in lab three.

Official: Shut up Eberts

Darien: See we can do this

Claire: Possibly, but I wouldnt recommend it

Darien: Look, look we made a deal I do missions for the Agency, until you find a way to remove the gland, this is a way.

Bobby: He's got a point there Chief.

Official:  The Simon Cole incident almost killed you, you may want to throw away your life, but not on my time and not on my dime.

(New scene: Its night, its raining, Claire is arriving home. Darien confronts her in the pouring rain)

Claire: Oh my God!

Darien: You don't look so surprised.

Claire: I thought you'd come calling

Darien: I just have one question

Claire: don't you want to ask me this upstairs?

Darien: You promised me something once, that if you ever found a way to get the gland out, youd tell me first. That you would put me ahead of the Agency.

Claire: The Official would have locked up all the RNA by now.

Darien: Hobbes smuggled it out while they were watching me, everything is set we are just waiting for you.

(They are now back at the lab, during a really loud thunder lighting storm)

Darien: What is this stuff?

Claire: Melatonin, sleep hormone

Darien: Pineal juice right, helps the RNA do its thing 

Claire: Now this in only secreted at night So I'm going to have to simulate the effect

Bobby: I want to tell you both right now the effect creep me out, I don't want to deal with it.

Claire: Thanks for the editorial comment Bobby now get me the sample.

Bobby: Heres Kevin

Claire: BE really careful now Bobby this is all the RNA we have after this theres no more.

( The lights flicker and go out for a few seconds while she is saying this)

Claire: Alright Darien you know where this one goes.

(Darien moves on to his side so she can inject it into the back of his head.)

Darien: Make it quick,

Claire: There almost there, there we go

Darien: Why does it get like this every time someone tries to mess with the boundaries of science?

Bobby: Some one is trying to say something.

Claire: You should be getting tired do you feel anything?

Darien; No, Ahh ( He grabs his head, curls up in pain)

Bobby: I'll get some water

(Darien groans and the water falls to the floor, the he passes out)

Bobby: Whats going on, is he dead. It should have been me.

Claire: Hes fine hed not dead.

Bobby: I should have taken it, whats Fawkes going to do operate on himself? I should have done it. (Bobby is getting more an more upset)

Claire: It only works with the quicksilver gland

Bobby: I should have said no, when he asked for my help. I should have said no, I said yes.

Claire: Alright Sara Burnhart calm down

Bobby: So this is how it ends friendly fire.

Claire: Bobby if we are going to do this you have to remain calm.

Bobby: Oh God look at him, 

Claire: Neither of us knows.

Bobby: Look at him ( almost in tears)

(Darien comes around and opens his eyes while she is calming Bobby)

Claire: You  have to remain calm, please for me, alright?

Kevin: Hello,  Claire?

Claire: yes?

Kevin: My God I havent seen you in ten years. Where am I?

Claire: Who are you?

Kevin: Kevin, Kevin Fawkes from Cal tech remember? Where are we?

Bobby: How does he know your name?

Claire: Kevin and I went to graduate school together.

Kevin: We dated for a year ( He smiles)

Bobby: You dated?

Kevin: Im sorry I dont believe weve met. Im Kevin Fawkes   

Bobby: Bobby Hobbes, how are ya? ( He shakes Kevins hand just a little)

Kevin: Claire what happened, what am I doing here and what in Gods name am I wearing?

Claire: Kevin today is June 18, 2001

Kevin: 2001?

Claire: On August ninth 2000 you died.

Kevin: I dont follow, today is April first, I was working in my lab. Oh I get it April first did they fly you in?

Claire: Kevin you have to understand

Bobby: Come here buddy, let me show you something

(Bobby takes him across the room to a mirror and show him hes Darien)

Kevin: Darien, what the hell is going on here?

Claire: Today is June 18, 2001, you died Aug 8, 2000. Your body is buried in the Frances Jefferson Memorial Cemetery Row five, plot two. About ten minutes ago we injected your memory RNA into a host brain, your brothers.

Kevin: Memory RNA

Claire: Yes, yes to gain temporary access to your knowledge

Kevin: Im familiar with the concept but its only a theory, pop science from the sixties.

Claire: There is an X factor your quicksilver gland has formed a bond with the pineal gland  and..

Kevin: wait how do you know about that, Oh my God, they put it in, it works It works what about the nerve transference was there enough for a trans, does the snowflake effect come off, please tell me the stuff comes off?

Bobby: You dont know that?

Kevin: Of course the stuff come off I can see him in the mirror.

Bobby How come he doesn't remember it comes off?

Claire: I cant Ahh, The samples were taken months before Darien came onto the project. He cant remember because as far as Kevin is concerned it hasnt happened yet.

Kevin: I cant get it to work

Bobby: What your brother does is breath

(Kevin takes several deep rapid breaths)

Bobby: No, like this, you have to be real cool just lose, like ( He breaths slowly) Lose, loosen up.

(Claire goes to get her snake and scares him with it and he Quicksilvers)

Kevin: Ahhh Oh my God, this is so cool

Claire: Are you OK?

Kevin: this is my dream, Im living my dream

Bobby: Youre living your dream, youd better come back and wake up. My friend. Because we brought you back so you could help your brother get the thing out.

(the Official arrives)

Official: Whats going on?

Claire: Were just  chatting. ( Kevin unquicksilvers then)

Kevin: Charlie you've lost weight

Official: Excuse me?

Kevin: Youve been taking the metabolism supplements

Official: You did it?

Claire: yes

Official: un do it

Claire: You want us to let Kevin die?

Official: Kevin is already dead.

Kevin: How did I die Charlie?

Official: Claire you are in serious trouble

Kevin: How did I die?

Bobby: You were shot, murdered

Kevin: Murdered?

Bobby: By a piece of trash named Arnaud

Kevin: Surly not Arnaud DeTeal?

(New Scene: Dr. Ryndel and Arnaud in a apartment)

Dr. Ryndel: Arnaud you are more handsome than I remembered.

(Arnaud pulls off his mask and stalks about the room looking headless)

Arnaud: Merde

DR: I know how you feel

Arnaud: You know how it is to walk down the street dodging people left and right? Living the life of a recluse? Forbidden to dine at my favorite restaurant? This man is dead, destroyed ( he rips up a picture of  himself)

DR: Cut out the Greek melodrama youre not destroyed

Arnaud: As long as Im invisible, I may as well be dead

DR: If we could get the quicksilver file

Arnaud: Worthless, like you, theres only one man who can help me

DR: Tell me his name well find him

Arnaud: His name is Kevin Fawkes he is in Frances Jefferson memorial Cemetery row five plot two.

(New scene: the Officials office)

Official: Is that all you have to say in your defense?

Claire: Kevins RNA is stable as long as I keep Dariens melatonin level, I can control when and how long the effect lasts.

( The Official just glares at her)

Claire: I can control it!

( Kevin comes into the office dressed in a suit, in a hurry to talk to Claire)

Kevin: These toxicity levels are

Eberts: Sorry Sir, he insisted

Kevin: Your files show a aberration in the gland, I never accounted for, what are these references to, counter agent and quicksilver madness? I dont follow.

Claire: Kevin with out your knowledge Arnaud engineered a mutation in the glands genetic code

Kevin: Mutation?

Claire: The quicksilver chromosome acts as a cerebral inhibitor a toxic agent it can only be flushed from the system with a counteragent.

Kevin:  I cant figure out how to remove the gland with out knowing exactly what Arnaud did to it.

Official: Then we are out of luck, hes gone deep underground

( Eberts sees that Kevin is about to need and chair an positions one for him as he realizes what hed done to his brother)

Official: He can use invisibility now himself we cant find him

Bobby: Well now Chief thats not exactly true, I think I know someone who can lead us to DeFohn.

( Bobby and Darien/Kevin in the van watching Dr. Ryndel)

Bobby: Meet Dr. Elizabeth Ryndel, Arnauds girlfriend.

Kevin: Now shed the one who put the new gland in his head?

Bobby: Her defense in court was that he abused and threatened her life. She helped him out of fear, I dont believe a word of it.

Kevin: Thats terrible, what are we doing here?

Bobby: What do you think this is her home, youre going see thru and follow her.

Kevin: What I dont know Im unfamiliar with

(Bobby gives him the two way radio thing, and pushes him out the door)

Bobby: Go on shoom

( Kevin follows her invisible)

Kevin: Hobbes were on four. I held my breath the entire ride

Bobby: Nice work  

Kevin: Im going to follow her

Bobby: No, you will stay put and wait for me, copy? Fawkes acknowledge?

( Elizabeth slams the door on him several times and he unquicksilvers and falls to the floor of the apartment gasping)

DR: Arnie its not my fault

Arnaud: Fawkes here?

DR: I didnt know I was being followed until was here. I felt the chill just like you told me

Arnaud: I didnt know I was being followed?!? This is my mortal enemy and you brought him to my home?

(Kevin stands up and breaths hard, he tries to quicksilver again, but only his arms disappear)

Arnaud: What the hell are you doing? Ok heres where I kick your ass again

( Arnaud beats Kevin up)

Arnaud A little to easy, ( He picks up a meat cleaver) Elizabeth get out!

DR: Arnie NO!

Arnaud: Get Out!

Arnaud: so Fawkes any last words?

Kevin: what genetic coding did you use to reverse the toxicity?

Arnaud: what?

Kevin: you heard me Doogie, who ghost wrote your code?

Arnaud: I wrote my own code, and Doogie you know the last person who called me that was your brother and look what happened to him?

Kevin: You sure seemed proud of it after the bio tech conference in Prague.

Arnaud: what did you say?

Bobby: Damn it Kevin I told you to wait

(Arnaud throws the meat cleaver at Bobby it lands in the door beside him head)

Bobby: Quicksilver your eyes

Kevin: My eyes? ( Kevin tries but he isnt successful)

Bobby: Quicksilver your eyes so we can see him, do it

(Arnaud pushes past Bobby and escapes)

(New scene: At the lab)

Bobby: I cant work under these conditions, I refuse.

(Claire is patching up Kevin)

Claire: Give it a rest Bobby

Bobby: Thats easy for you to say, cause you dont have to explain to the Official that we lost Arnaud because the guy who invented the quicksilver gland isnt exactly a genius at using it.

Kevin: Do he and Darien get along?

Bobby: Actually we do, in fact your brother kind of thinks of me as a mentor. I think we ought to bring him back..

Claire: Bobby

Kevin: Hes right its been nearly eighteen hours, we ought to give his body a rest. If you just drain the melationin out my RNA shouldnt be effected.

Claire: Right youll dormant, the only way to permanently dissolve the RNA is with an anti peptide solution.

Bobby: You know what you guys finish up science class here, wake me when we get there. Ill be up stairs getting chewed out. Happy?   (Bobby leaves the keep)

Kevin: The anti peptide solution, you know how to make it?

( Claire show him the ready shot)

Kevin: You made this too? ( Hes looking at the monitor)

Claire; Yes we needed something to gage the toxic levels

Kevin: So do I need a shot of the counteragent?

Claire: Ah no, actually that would flush out the melatonin and Id be finishing this conversation with Darien.

Kevin: (Looking at the tattoo) This reminds me of a doodle you use to make on your course books, same on over and over you really had thing for the little guy.

Claire: It really is you isnt it?

( Kevin looks up at her and they lock gazes for a moment, then he looks down again, he seems more shy than Darien)

Kevin: Why didnt you call me after Cal tech?

Claire: Because you were on a top secret Government project your phone number wasnt exactly listed.

Kevin: Oh yeah

Claire: Besides a phone works two ways you know,

Kevin: I know, but you were on a top secret Government project and you number wasnt listed either. Id have warned you about Darien if Id known you were going to be transferred here.

Claire: Oh, you know hes come a long way from the petty larcenist you grew up with

Kevin: Really dont tell me hes starting to act responsible?

Claire: Youd be surprised

Kevin; Its good to see you again Claire.

( They touch hands, then he smoothes his other hand over top of hers so that her hand is trapped between his two)

Claire: its hard to believe youre gone

Kevin: Im here now

( He leans  in to her they embrace, then kiss, slowly, tenderly at first then more

Claire: I cant,  I cant do it  ( she rushes out of the lab)

(New Scene: Arnauds place)

Arnaud: I know what I saw

DR: Kevin is dead they cant bring him back

Arnaud: He said things to me only Kevin would know

DR: Maybe they found some old files, his diary.

Arnaud: He even sounded like Kevin

DR: You are a man of science. Think. Eliminate the improbably, anything that is left that isnt impossible is the truth.

Arnaud: With Kevin Fawkes you can never eliminate the impossible.

DR: Im leaving ( She goes out)

Arnaud: Bye, then to himself, Ok hes back and thats good because that means Im back.

( New scene the lab again)

Claire: Who are you?

Darien: Darien

Bobby: Are you sure?

Darien yeah oh yeah, how long have I been out?

Claire: Twenty one hours three minutes.

Darien; Oh crap it worked, how did he look, sound, you know what I mean. Did he tell you how to remove the gland, whoa is it out already?

Claire: Kevin didnt figure out how to remove the gland yet

Darien: What do you mean yet?

Bobby: Its a long story Fawkes

Darien; Ouch

Bobby: Easy Buddy.

Darien: What happened to me, what in Gods name am I wearing

( Hes still in the suit)

Bobby: Kevin and I had to take a little excursion out in the field

Darien: The Field

Bobby: Yeah unfortunately your brother doesnt seem to have the same physical prowess as you

Darien: Then what are you doing taking him places? I get beat up enough I dont need his help.

Bobby: we were after Arnaud

Darien: Arnaud whats he got to do with any of this? We brought Kevin back so he could do one thing, get this gland out of my head, not to get me killed for his own personal agenda.

( Claire slaps him)

Claire: You have no idea what Kevin had been through, if you could just stop thinking about yourself for one second, then maybe youd understand

Bobby: Easy back off, easy slow down

Claire: I cant deal with either one of them right now ( She leaves the room)

Bobby: You Ok?

Darien: this whole thing is getting out of hand, Ive got to talk to him

Bobby: talk to who?

Darien: Kevin

( Kevin wakes up from a bad dream about pushing Darien out of the way when He was shot by Arnauds men. Hes in Dariens apartment with the TV remote taped to his hand, he plays the tape )

(Darien on the tape says:

Hey Bro its me, figures this would be the best way to say HI, Hi, we dont have much time so I have to make this short and sweet.

Kevin you have got to find a way to get the gland out Ok please. You probably dont remember this you got me out of prison so I could test the gland. I tested it, it works, now its time to pass the torch. Alright, I kind of wanted you to hear this from me because you who Im trusting here Kevin. Now if you need an ally Im thinking Bobby Hobbes, hes the man, hed nuts but you can trust him. I guess to be totally honest man at the end of the day its just you and me.

Like when mom died, Im serious here Kev, Im counting on you here, alright?

Before I go to sleep, which means you wake up, I wanted to say thank you. I dont know how much they told you but you died saving my life and if I could go back in time, Id have it happen the other way.

( Darien gets choked up and leaves the sceen)

Voice of Arnaud: And the academy award goes to Darien Fawkes, bravo. (He knocks Kevin out with a book and drags him off)

Arnaud voice: Make me think I should visit my brother more

(new scene: Arnauds place, hes wearing one of his masks as himself)

Arnaud: I just thought we should talk face to face for old times sake

Kevin: I dont understand

Arnaud: why I betrayed you?

Kevin: No why someone would go to the trouble of crafting a face thats uglier than the real one.

Arnaud: Ok now pleasantry over, this is the model of the gland in my brain. I just want it to work more like the gland in you brain and please dont forget about the part that lets me shut if off. 

Kevin: what if I dont? Youll kill me again?

Arnaud: No of course not Im going to kill your brother.

( Kevin starts to work on the lap top, then he gets an idea. He fakes the pain from impending quicksilver madness)

Arnaud: Now what?

Kevin: You precious little mutation, Ahhh

Arnaud: Calm down you big baby, Ive got the thing that will fix you right up, so you can get back to work. A little shot of counteragent. Doesnt that feel good another five more minutes of this your head feels like its going to explode you start choking me slapping me around. Trust me Ive seen it all before. ( He give Kevin the shot) Ok get up, go on get up

(Darien is back now)

Darien: thanks for the shot Arnie   

Arnaud: Darien?

( Darien picks Arnaud up) You can pick on me all you like but dont you ever pick on my brother.

Arnaud: We need to talk

( Darien throws him out the hotel room window, but a car breaks his fall and he escapes)

(Back at the Lab)

Claire: this is the code Arnaud wrote for the quicksilver madness

Darien: Can you unwrite it?

Claire: No it doesnt work that way, but Ill tell you if Kevin got a look at this he could tell you how to remove the gland.

Darien: Bring him on. (They fade and come back again)

Claire: Kevin?

Kevin: Claire? I made it

Bobby: what happened to you?

Kevin: Didnt Darien tell you?

Bobby: He didnt know he woke up in Arnaud hotel room, called us from there we figured Arnaud kidnapped you, it that right?

Kevin: Arnaud had gone permanently invisible just like Simon Cole

Bobby: Good

Kevin: No its not good, none of its good. everything I foresaw for the gland, my lifes work its caused so much pain for so many people. I never should have  gone through with it.

( The Official arrives)

Official: I have a whole stack of case file that say otherwise. They say the gland has worked for good ends, saved lives, Thank you. Now that said have you figured out how to safely extract it?

Kevin: I believe so

Official: Give him what he needs

Kevin: the first step involves gene therapy, Im ready to write the steps. Id just
like to go somewhere private to do so.

Claire: Alright use lab four.

Bobby: Lets go, Ill show you the way

( As they are walking down the hall to the other lab)

Kevin: Hobbes how long have you known Darien?

Bobby: I guess its been about a year now, seems longer.

Kevin: hes a handful?

Bobby: Ive got to admit when I first met him I though he was just a lazy, selfish, snot nosed punk.

Kevin: Believe me I use to live with him

Bobby: This place has changed him, hes changed now hed just a snot nosed punk. Less lazy.

Kevin: Less selfish?

Bobby: You may not believe this but Ive seen your brother risk his life for other people including yours truly.

Kevin: Hobbes does he ever come and see me, visit my grave?

Bobby: Sure all the time, sometimes he plants a little American flag, by the tomb stone.

Kevin: A flag, Darien?

Bobby: Yeah, veterans do it for fallen heroes, Just a little something I taught him

( they reach the lab)

Bobby: Well 

Kevin: Hobbes do me a favor, take care of him for me.

( Kevin is alone in the lab, he write a note to Darien)

James Bevel wrote that if a man doesnt have any thing to die for, he probably has nothing to live for either. At first you may not understand why I did this, in fact Im sure you wont. I can only hope youll forgive me, until you do. I've decided not to tell them how to remove the gland. Even though you may fear it I believe it has made you a better man, closer to your true self. I know youll get there, Im proud of how far youve already come.

( During this writing of the note they show Claire discovering the ani peptide shot is missing. She rushes to stop Kevin, she gets Bobby to help they try to reach the Lab in time, but Kevin has broken the door lock. Bobby Has to dismantle it before they get the door open)

Darien: Kevins gone.

( Final scene: At the cemetery again)

Voice over: Leonardo Devinchi said our lifes made up by the deaths of others. It not good but Ive learned it true, twice.

Bobby: Hey Pal whats going on?

Darien: Just talking to the dead

Bobby: Means youve got hope

Darien: It Means Im trying to understand. He knew how much I needed this thing out of me.

Bobby: You think he betrayed you?

Darien: No its just I feel like Im on my own again.

Bobby: Well youre not Fawkes you got a lot of people looking out for you. Kevin was a good man, what he did for you, he did out of love.

Darien: NO offence Hobbes, you didnt know Kevin, dont tell me about him.

( Darien walks off, Bobby stops a second to put a small American flag on the grave then follows Darien)

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