Fan Fiction Archive
Transcribed by Ottinger
Character Abbreviations

GM= General McGoldrick        PO= Police Officer
TC= The Chameleon               CC= Charlie the Chauffer
BG= Barney Gaughn                LB= Leila Bach
DF= Darien Fawkes                TK= The Keeper
BH= Bobby Hobbes                 AM= Alan McGoldrick
TO= The Official                    DFVO= Darien's Voice Over
AE= Albert Eberts Plus additional agents


(Scene - GM is shown playing a round of golf while BG searches for his golf ball. GM whistles as he hits his ball toward the hole, imitating a bomb dropping. He chuckles to himself, but stops as he sees TC approaching. TC gives a thumbs up and a short wave as GM grabs his golf bag and walks toward him. BG pauses in annoyance as he waits for the two men to leave the hole.)

GM: Morning. Have we met?

(TC doesn't answer, but instead pulls out a silenced gun and fires twice, hitting GM in the chest. BG becomes frightened and runs to his golf cart with TC in hot pursuit. BG begins to drive away, but is thrown from off by a shot to the back of the cart. He rolls a short distance, coming to a stop on his stomach.)

BG: Help! Help!

TC: Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you.

BG: I didn't see anything!

TC: I know. I know.

(With that, he pulls out a gun-like weapon and fires it at BG. A pulse of energy hits the man in the face, and before he closes his eyes, we can see them turn bright white. He gives out short scream of pain as TC stands over him.)

DFVO: There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story, until it happened to me. Okay, so here�s how it works. There�s this stuff called quicksilver, that can bend light. Some scientists made it into a synthetic gland, and that�s where I came in. See, I was facing life in prison, and they were looking for a human experiment. So, we made a deal. They put the gland in my head, I walk free. The operation was a success, but that�s where everything started to go wrong.


(Scene - CU of bronze figurines being arranged by The Official)

DFVO: "One nation, under God, invisible." That's how I learned the pledge as a kid. Now that I'm grown up, and working for Uncle Sam, there's another saying that makes a little more sense: It's some thing from the Bible, something about the blind leading the blind.

DF: (Entering with Hobbes) Hey, you gonna collect all six? You get a free Happy Meal.

TO: They're commemorative. Sit.

DF: (He and Hobbes sit) Woof.

TO: Yesterday, General Irwin McGoldrick, retired war hero, marine, was executed at point blank range on the fifth hole of his country club's golf course.

AE: Irwin McGoldrick is the father of Alan McGoldrick.

DF: The Alan McGoldrick?

AE: Yes. The 'Software Tycoon'. He has personally set up a ten million dollar reward for the capture of his father's assassin.

TO: And every one of those dollars is tax-free if we get to him first.

BH: Get who?

TO: The Chameleon .

AE: A world-class terrorist that has filled the void left by 'Carlos the Jackal'.

DF: Oh really? What void is that? A bad guy named after an animal?

BH: Try international assassin that no one's ever seen, smartass.

TO: Gentlemen, we have a limited window of opportunity. The Chameleon disappears for at least six months after each hit.

DF: Ok, wait. If no one's ever even seen this guy, how are we even sure he's the culprit?

AE: The CIA has offered up their Chameleon files on holographic display disk.

TO: Eberts, we can't afford holographic displays.

AE: Uh... yes, sir. Fortunately I've been able to transfer the format to be read by our tridimensional data viewers.

DF: Tridimensional data viewers.

(Eberts hands them a green and a purple viewfinder.)

BH: Oh, I love these! (Takes the purple one)

DF: No, no, no. I want the purple one.(Takes the purple one from Hobbes and hands him the green one)

AE: (Using a red viewer) Now, the first slide of of Gen. McGoldrick. Next is Barney Gaughn, a civilian who witnessed the assassination.

DF: W-what a minute. What happened to this guy?

BH: The Chameleon is a consummate pro with a sick logic. He only kills those he's contracted to hit.

TO: Anyone else who gets in his way, he blinds.

DF: Blinds?

AE: Permanently. He uses a blinding laser -- a military weapon banned by the Geneva Convention.

TO: So they can't ID him, ever.

AE: Throughout his career, the Chameleon has assassinated fifteen, and blinded thirty-five.

TO: Which brings us to how we are going to catch him.

AE: The blinded victims are largely a random group; police... bodyguards... and paparazzi photographers. Therefore, no on ever thought to look for-

TO: -the possibility of a pattern.

AE: We ran these names through a public search engine. One name surfaced, linked to the others... Um... (Motions to use the veiwers again.)

DF: Oh...

AE: Leila Bach, 26, a fashion print model.

DF: Nice.

BH: Easy, junior.

TO: She's also blind.

DF: Ok, guys, come on, please. A blind fashion model?

BH: It's Leila. You don't know Leila?

DF: No, I don't know Leila-Oh, you know Leila?

BH: I know her. She doesn't know I know her, but... yeah.

AE: Based on the data that links Ms. Bach to three of the Chameleon's blinded victims, we believe that she in turn, has a link to the Chameleon.

TO: Your mission, and you have no choice but to accept it, is to follow Leila Bach and see where she leads.

(Scene - a fashion shoot with models wearing swim wear. As Hobbes and Darien enter, a young lady leads Leila away from the rest of the group. Hobbes is loving every second of it while Darien looks mildly annoyed.)

BH: It's beautiful today! I love this day! Come on, man, it's beautiful; the girls, the glamour. Look at this. Look at this.

DF: Well, it's not as glamourous as it looks.

BH: What are you talking about? What, were you - were you a model?

DF: I was a lot of things. You know, something's kind of buggin' me about the Chameleon.

BH: (With a growing smile) You were a model?

DF: Let's just say he can blind these people who see him...

BH: (Thinking it's funnier) You were a model?

DF: ...why don't they just describe him to a sketch artist?

BH: (Constantly interrupting Darien so that they are over lapping each other) You were a model?

DF: Why don't they just describe him...

BH: (Highly amused) When did you model?

DF: You answer mine, I'll answer yours. (Hobbes stares at him with a huge grin) Go!

BH: Alright, a sketch artist is sketchin' the perp, right. "Is that bigger, or smaller?" The cheeks, the nose, the lips, you know? A blind person is really gonna help him out.

DF: Alright, so he can't ajust it, alright.

BH: Where did you model?

DF: I did some head shots for local hair salons. (Hobbes starts cracking up) What! I needed the money! What! You'd do it!

BH: A little dark secret from the past.

(Hobbes is saying something about 'Your pretty little head' while Darien's talking to him.)
DF: Can we stay on task here, please?

BH: I'm on task, Fabio!

DF: Oh we are! Really?

BH: Oh, I am on task! I am not he one askin' the stupid questions about a sketch artist.

DF: Stupid, huh? Stupid?

BH: My question is, why kill Gen. McGoldrick, ok? The guy is a retired general.
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