The Beginning of the End of the Great Deception

The 16th Amendment

The Missing 13th Amendment

Arrow Custom Plastics

Free Enterprise Society

Freedom Above Fortune (Joe Banister)

Freedom Law School


Pay No Income Tax (Irwin Shiff) (1-800-829-6666)

The Law that Never Was (Bill Benson)

We The People Organization (Bob Shulz) (518-656-3578)

Download the United States Code

You Can Legally Stop Paying Income Taxes

Tax Freedom and Litigation


Are you a Patriot?


Schulz Traveling Across U.S. To Save The Constitution


Income tax and the IRS


Chief Justice Admits No 'Failure To File' Income Tax Law Exists


"If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff, the entire system will collapse."

Senator Henry Bellmon, 1969



"I don�t like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of �from each according to his capacity and to each according to his needs�. That�s socialism. It�s written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what�s happening to him".

T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1956



"Fear is the key element for the IRS in achieving its mission. Without fear, the IRS would have a difficult time maintaining our so-called system of voluntary compliance."

Santo Presti, former IRS Criminal Investigation Agent



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