Capital District Interfaith Alliance
Interfaith Alliance of New York State

Capital District Chapter TIANYS Meeting Report
October 9, 2006

Members present: Rev. Joyce Hartwell, Hervie Harris, Alice Schrade, Barbara DiTommaso, John Amidon, Pat Beetle, Lou Ismay, Deb Riitano, Joe Norton, Bernie Fleishman, Mr & Mrs Ed Tick, Jean Cowan, Anne Marfey, Al Siegel, David Hoag, Carolyn Hoag, Andy and Rev. Mari Clark, June Gurnett, Aryeh Wineman, Rob Curtiss, Lois Quillinan, Lou Ismay, Jean Cowan, Ed Bloch, Florence Skiff.

The meeting was called to order by B. Fleishman and invocation was given by Rev. Joyce Hartwell.

Edward Tick, Ph.D., clinical psychotherapist and Executive Director of Soldier's Heart, was introduced. He specializes in the treatment of war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and is working to establish organizations across the nation to promote understanding and support. The VA says that about 30% of returning veterans suffer from post traumatic stress syndrone. Psychologists say it is more like 100%. Even those not in the battlefield are effected. For example a man stationed at Fort Dix, sending men to war and rreceiving the returning injured and in body bags are traumatised. Those setting up defense systems have night mares about those who could be killed by their work. The effects of this stress shows up in increased domestic violence, divorce, and other social problems.

Witnessing violence separates people from "normal" society. It changes a person permanently. Tick says he would call it post terror soul disorder. Every function of soul can be lost or dmaged. Cognitive functions change. There is loss of trust for authority, and intolernce of routine. Life cannot be normal again. The warriors are sent out, not to kill, but to presere and protect what is most important to society. It is the job of society to support them. To tell them to forget the past and stay in the present is to deny the past. One of his stratgies is to take people back to the battlesite, to meet the people they battled against.

He listed 5 strategies or principles:

1. Reconciliation. Talk to the people that survived the same hell. Turn "an eye for an eye" upside down to mean return an eye for one that was taken.

2. Return - go back to the place of combat and embrace the truth.

3. Restoration of the impulse for service and morality.

4. Rehumanization of the other. In war, the enemy is dehumanized.

5. Redemption - pay attention to the pain, do not try to squash the symptoms. Share the burden of guilt. Have meaningful memorial services in places of worship.

Dr. Tick left some copies of his book,"War and the Soul". After speaking to us he was leaving immediately to take a group of veterans to visit Viet Nam.

In the future he plans to start local programs to help veterans.

Treasurer's Report. Carol Tyrell sent printed copies of the treasurer's report. The balance as of September 20th was $3,847.65

Electoral/Campaign Reform: No report.

Barbara DiTomaso said a group went to talk to McNulty. He seemed mostly interested in getting more Democrats in Congress. Sen. MeNulty was surprisingly unreceptive to discussion of the Iarael/Palestine situation and was not interested in rights for Palestinians.

Motion was made to give Community Baptist $150 for use of the building for our meetings. Seconded and passed.

Violence/Peace Activities/Anger Management: John Amidon said there were 11 signed up for the anger Management program this fall. He said the Consultation Center needed the $25 which had been authorized previously.

Economic/Criminal Justice: Bernie Fleishman attended the Oct. 3 meeting of ARISE. The committee getting employment for people on probation and pardon has been active.

One problem in Albany developments is that the mayor has appointed only one person to represent the 40% black in Albany and 8000 who are below the poverty level. He shows little interest in problems of the low income people. J. Amidon said the races are very separated in Albany.

Spring Conference: Harriet was not present to report on 2007 conference progress. There will be a meeting Oct. 10, 2:30 at her house.

At the Nov. 13th meeting of TIANYS - Dr. Propp will be speaking about "Universal Health Care".

"Stop the Hate" program will be later the usual this year. Deb Riitano had to leave before reporting on this and the 2007 dinner planning.

Other meetings: Carol Tyrell will speak about HIV/Aids at the CACC meeting tomorrow.

October 20, UNA Dinner at Siena, Carol Bellamy speaking. Contact Christine Corvalski, 458-8315 for tickets.

The Albany Presbyters have a purchased a van for the NEST program which provides rides for family to visit inmates. They are in need of drivers, perhaps once a month. Contact Al Siegel, 785-0116 for more information.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Florence Skiff

Next Executive Committee Meeting: 9:00 a.m, October 30th at Friendlys on Rte 7.

Next Membership Meeting: 9:00 a.m. November 13th, 2006 at Latham Community Baptist Church.

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