PWP asks << What objective reason is there to hold to morals? >>

To answer such a question, it seems one would have to have a working idea of
what 'morals' and 'morality' are. So, I looked up these often undefined
terms in my Bibles to find a definition for each, and these terms do not
appear once in all those ancient pages. These terms seems to have escaped
the Bible's authors, and consequently, the Bible nowhere gives definition to

Another question which should be addressed before I think PWP's questions
are even considered, would be: Does man need morality? And, if so, why?
Again, I could not find the answer to these questions in the Bible, because
these terms do not even appear in any of my Bibles.

Likewise, I tried to find the term 'objective' in my Bibles, and again I
struck another dry well. Clearly, the Bible has no authority on that which
it neglects to define, and thus it is inadequate on these grounds alone to
serve as a moral guide. It doesn't even define the terms in question!

PWP asks << What reason, other than "personal feelings", can be used? >>

I certainly would like to see more Christians ask themselves such questions.
It seems that they only ask them when they can direct these questions at
someone else.

According to my view, morality is a code of values which guides man's
choices and actions. No, as mentioned above, you will not find this
definition in the Bible. Indeed, the Bible speaks extremely little about
values, taking them completely for granted, and again, failing to define the
term in question. More inadequacy.

Again, according to my view, a morality proper for man is based on a
metaphysics of objective reality (e.g., reality does not conform to
consciousness), and an epistemology of reason (e.g., consciousness must
conform to reality). For the mystic (including Christians, Muslims, etc.),
morality has its basis in subjective metaphysics (e.g., reality conforms to
a form of consciousness, e.g., "god's will") and the epistemology of faith
(e.g., "I just know god exists!" - i.e., consciousness does not need to
conform to reality in order to "know").

Already the distinctions here provide such a gulf of disagreement that any
answers which I provide in response to PWP's questions would probably be
rejected out of hand, since he insists that reality is the expression of a
consciousness (e.g., "god's divine plan" which Christians claim for their
side) and he rejects reason (because he embraces faith). Quite simply, one
cannot reason with those who have surrendered their reason. (That's why we
take guns into jungles to protect ourselves.)

PWP asks << Where is this objective morality, >>

In objective philosophy.

PWP asks << and what possible basis could it have? >>

As I mentioned above: objective reality and reason.

PWP asks << And if I choose to not follow it, how can you condemn me and say
that I am wrong? >>

How can I condemn those who reject morality? That's easy: by reasoned
judgment. That's how.


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