All revolutions are doctrinal. For it stands to common sense that you cannot upset all existing things, unless you believe in something outside them, something positive and divine.
— G.K. Chesterton

A thinking person must come to the conclusion to reject the current system in its entirety. This national crisis makes a total change necessary. The European and worldwide crisis can only be resolvable through a radical political transformation.
What the world needs is in some ways a revival of the past. This past may be called "mythical" in the sense that it is not the past of official history but what the myths tell us of former ages. We emphasize the revision of conventional history to create a true view of the past, which has been destroyed by various developments under the name of progess.
The nations of the modern world are largely governed by political parties. A study of this fact will reveal that a political party is, by definition, a body which represents part of the nation, rather than the whole of the nation. Thus, in a typical "democracy" we have parties which represent different interests. The party principal promotes the division within the population to the detriment of the National Interest, the common good and the freedom of the individual. To the idea of division based upon class, religion or status, we counterpoise the idea of national unity. An unity based upon the need to seek the temporal and spiritual welfare of every citizen; upon the notion that true unity is a consequence of an all embracing justice; upon the recognition of a nation as a community of communities. A political party necessarily promotes conflict and hatred; we reject these nihilistic tendencies and seek the promotion of co-operation, love of family and community and a sense of honour, tradition and common cause.
Basically, one can say it is best to avoid dramatic social and political change but the current situation and the revolutions
Europe has gone through call for a new revolution in reverse. Our aim must not not be creating a new society and not attempting to create revolutionary new modern state. It is necessary to restore a traditional one. We are conservative in the sense that we try to restore the past and in the sense that we do not belive in liberal democracy. We reject such doctrines as liberalism, individualism, materialism, and communism. The revolt means a struggle against modernism, Capitalism, American-Zionist imperialism, against the decay of the West in all its expressions: in a word, against Globalism and Mondialism, the project of homologation of peoples and continents to the totalitarian one-way thinking of the America-centred New World Order.
The Wesern nations need to regain the heroic spirit of this lost past through radical social, cultural and moral transformations. The necessary changes cannot be brought about by tinkering within the System, or by relying on the System's own institutions. They can only spring from a Counter-Revolution. This revolution must begin in the hearts and minds of individuals, then spread by example to involve whole communities in alternative structures. Once we cease to depend on the old State, it can be swept aside. This means to create a new type of total culture in which values, politics, art, social norms, and economic activity are all part of a single organic national community. This changes must attempt to transform society in order to overcome perceived sources of national weakness. There is hardly one healthy part of the nation's existing political and social life to be retained. Since a change cannot be made by evolutionary development, we therefore try to bring about revolutionary change. In this way and in this sense we are revolutionary and opposed to conservatism as the strive to maintain the present state and avoid dramatic social and political change. The decadence of our society is such that we can only be a revolutionary movement with its objective nothing but a total and complete transformation of our society and its life principal.
Modern liberal-capitalist society cannot be "reformed". Between the soul destroying materialism of this system, with its attendant curses of mass unemployment, drug addiction, sexual deviancy, and spiritual and cultural degeneration, and the New Social Order sought for the good of our People, there is an unbridgeable gap. The crisis will end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose, and greatness. We need to take drastic action against our nation's "inner" enemies. The end result of this conservative revolution will be the emergence of a new man and new woman. This new man and new woman will be fully developed human beings, uncontaminated by selfish desires for individual rights and self-expression and devoted only to an existence as part of the renewed nation's destiny. The worst Age, the current Age of Iron would then necessarily be followed by a new Golden Age. Though for the time being one cannot hope to bring about the dawn of a New Golden Age he still has the choice to fight the demons in himself and within society to form distinguished individuals and a state of order. "I don't believe that philosophy taken in its narrow theoretical meaning, is able to influence politics. It has to be turned into ideology or universal vision of the world. Such an example was given by Enlightenment, Marxist dialectic materialism and by certain philosophical ideas, which were included in the concept of German national socialism." (Julius Evola, excerpt from an interview)
The “differentiated person” feels like an outsider in this society and feels no moral obligation toward society’s request that he joins what he regards as an absurd system.  Such a person can understand not only those who live outside society’s parameters, but even those who are set against such (a) society, or better, this society. (Julius Evola, Cavalcare la tigre, p. 179.)
Again, we can see that the various facets of the contemporary social and political chaos are interrelated and that it is impossible to effectively contrast them other than by returning to the origins.  To go back to the origins means, plain and simple, to reject everything that, in every domain, whether social, political and economic, is connected to the “immortal principles” of 1789 in the guise of libertarian, individualistic and egalitarian thought, and to oppose to it a hierarchical view.  It is only in the context of such a view that the value and freedom of man as a person are not mere words or pretexts for a work of destruction and subversion.” (Julius Evola, Gli uomini e le rovine, Rome: Edizioni Settimo Sigillo, 1990, p. 64.)

"The actual western «civilization» is awaiting for a substantial revolution without which it is destined, sooner or later, to collapse. It has realized the most complete perversion of every rational order of things. Kingdom of subjects, gold, car, number, in it there no way to breath any more, neither liberty, nor light. The West has lost the meaning of command and obey. It has lost the meaning of the action and Contemplation. It has lost the meaning of hierarchy, of spiritual power, of man-gods. It doesn't know the nature anymore. This not for the western man, a living body made of symbols, of Gods and rituals, a splendid cosmos, in which man moves freely, as «a kingdom in a kingdom». It has decayed in an opaque and fatal appearance, of which the profane sciences try to ignore the mystery with small laws and small hypotheses instead. The west doesn't know the Wisdom anymore: it doesn't know the stately silence of the dominators of itself anymore, the calm illuminated of the Clairvoyants, the superb «solar» reality of those people in which the Idea made himself blood, life and power. To the Wisdom have taken over the rhetoric of the «philosophy» and of the «culture», the teachers' kingdom, the journalists', the sportsmen', the scheme, the programs, the proclamation. To it have taken over the sentimental contamination, religious, humanitarian, and the race of the "speakers" who get excited and run, intoxicated, while exalting the «to become» and the «practice», because the silence and the contemplation frighten them. The west doesn't know the meaning of State anymore. The state-value, 1'Imperium as synthesis of spirituality and royalty as street to the «upper-world», as it was known to the great ancient civilizations, from China to Egypt, from Persia to Rome and to the Sacred Roman Empire of the German Nation, has been submerged in the bourgeois poverty of a trust of slaves and merchants. What the war is, the one war wanted in oneself as a superior value both to win and to lose as that sacred way of spiritual realization for which the celestial centre of Wotan, the Walhalla, is privilege of the fallen heroes on the battleground; for this reason in Islam the «holy war», jihad, is synonymous of «God's way»; for this reason in Aryan India the warrior appears beside the ascetics and in the classical ancient world the "mors triumphalis" is interpreted as victory on the death. What such a war is, they don't know, these formidable «activists» of Europe, that don't know more warriors but only soldiers, and that a little war has been enough to terrorize them and make them revert in the rhetoric of the humanitarianism, of the pacifism and of the sentimentalism. Europe has lost simplicity, has lost the centrality, Europe has lost life. The democratic evil and the Semitic poison corrode it in all of its roots, even in the right, even in the sciences, even in the speculation. Leaders, human beings that stare out not because of violence, not because of greed for profit, not because of ability of exploiters of slaves, but instead for irreducible and transcendent qualities of life there aren't any. Europe is a great headless body, possessed and shaken by an anguish that nobody dares to express, that has gold for blood, cars and factories for meat, newspapers for brain. A shapeless body that turns on itself in anguish, pushed by dark and unpredictable forces, that implacably crush anyone who attempts to oppose to it or even just to escape the mechanism. All of this was the famous western «civilization» able to do.
This and the claimed result of the superstition of the «Progress», away from the imperial power of Rome, from the Doric Hellas, from all the other exemplary forms of the great primordial Aryan civilizations.
And the circle closes more and more around the few that are still able to feel the great disgust and the great revolt."
(JULIUS EVOLA, Pagan Imperialism, Lipsia 1933)
It is true to say that people cannot stage a revolution without leadership, just as the leadership cannot fulfill a revolution without the people's forces. The leadership and the people are in fact, two sides of the same coin.
"Our momentary situation takes the form of a great battle--a battle which may take more than one war to resolve it, or which may be resolved by a sudden cataclysmic happening, entirely unforeseeable to us now. On the surface of history it is the unforeseen that happens. The most human beings can do is to be prepared inwardly." (Francis Parker Yockey )

The signs are unmistakable on the not too distant horizon of the apocalyptic events summarized by the name of the "Antichrist" (Dajjal) and the appearance of the Savior (Jesus [a.s.], Imam Mahdi [a.s.], Kalki, Maitreya). We must recognize the times in which we are living. It does not follow that we know the hour of judgment, for no one can know that. On the contrary, there are also indications of the possibility of a "global Intifada" which would shake off the approaching menace and thus delay the hour for several decades, or centuries. Now, what is the Dajjal, the Antichrist? In one sense, certainly, he will be a man, the highest ruler of the counter-hierarchy, a negative Chakravartin, who will rule the new world order of Mammon in person. But primarily he is nothing other than the resistance of the ego, of materialistic cravings, against the new irruption of eternity into time which will end this dark age and begin a new cycle.
Obviously the preparation for the Antichrist has been helped along by the fact that a majority of mankind is concerned only with material things and with an ever-increasing quantity with the loss of all quality, and furthermore, deflected from any inwardness through the demon of the mass-media, pornography, and drug consumption. In this spiritually poisoned atmosphere, a vague need for salvation and liberation is felt: the "New Age" points in that direction, with Satanism and parts of Theosophy as its conscious aspect, and a great number of adherents of the great religions (charismatics, ecumenists, etc.) as its unconscious. The "Antichrist" will appear in the guise of a savior and preach one of these current parodies of the traditional teachings. His appearance presumes several things: a globalized civilization with the capacity for direct technical communication, which has clearly been present for several years; an almost complete disappearance of past moral assumptions, the so-called "change of values" or, better, "collapse of values"; the dulling of the heart through the incessant flooding with violent and sexual images, which no one can escape even when rejecting this perversion. The latter blocks any "intelligence of the heart," which alone allows one to distinguish the Antichrist from the true Savior, as both apparently promise the same for the masses. This applies outside the Islamic lands, since
Russia and China, too, have been infected for a decade with the Western consumer civilization. The significance does not lie in a sum-total of "sins" like a record incurring punishment, as those unfortunate "Christian fundamentalists" imagine it, but in the blinding of the inner organ of sight through dulling it and encapsulating it in the ego.
The decision must be made today to slay the Antichrist in the great Jihad in one's own breast, so as to be able to face him in the outer world. The first is the spiritual duty and the legitimate initiation, which is to be accomplished today, and not an aesthetic gathering of the fairest spiritual blossoms that former ages have brought forth. And last of all is the "political" task that remains: not to quarrel about ruling systems or over Left and Right, but to oppose the "great Satan"! The coming of the personified Dajjal can be stopped, if one can succeed in breaking the grip of mankind's enemy on the globe. An economic collapse at the "right" moment may be part of the plan of the New World Order, but the world-usurer's system could also collapse at the "wrong" moment, bringing the mega-machine to a halt. But this does not lie in our hands. Other uncertainties include natural catastrophes, not least a pole-shift, which is always connected with the restitution of the Golden Age and the primordial, Hyperborean Tradition, and which strangely enough is even predicted for the not too distant future by materialistic science.
We are not very optimistic that the course of events will change much, in view of the principle that the world of outer appearances is merely the projected soul-condition of mankind. The concrete deserts are inside us; unbridled desires preconditioned the deluge of advertising; long before the dissolution of states, the soul-hierarchy was destroyed within us. What appears as an obstacle may in the last resort bring about the intended result (but also vice versa). He who thinks that, given the depressing state of the world, he can only save his own soul will certainly not save it, because he obviously clings so much to his ego that he will die with it. As approaching the hour of death, the life of the beyond already enters the dying person, so that a happiness, inexplicable in medical terms, often comes shortly before the final crisis, the conscious witnesses of the last hours are blessed with the reflection of the new Golden Age of the next human cycle. Evola speaks of this, when he closes his Revolt against the Modern World with these reassuring words: "although the Kali Yuga is an age of great destruction, those who live during it and manage to remain standing may achieve fruits that were not easily achieved by men living in other ages."

"If God does not exist, everything is permitted." (Fedor Dostoevsky)

The famous critical diagnosis of Friedrich Nietzsche that "God is dead" and his concomitant insight into the devaluation of all values in the name of enlightenment reason together with the experiences of the first world war have especially led german intellectuals to question and challenge the political heritage of the French Revolution and the intellectual heritage of a self-destructive enlightenment reason, as they perceived it. Against these two mutually reinforcing paradigms of political and cultural modernity these intellectuals then tried to reestablish a way of thinking that is premised on regaining firm ground for social, cultural and political development in transsubjective and transhistorical powers such as God, tradition or a mythological notion of nature.
It is necessary to be clear as to the significance of these ideological traditions. They embrace in fact some of the most significant theorists of European politics: Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Junger, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Ernst Niekisch, Friedrich Hielscher and Otto Strasser of Germany and a veritable host of publicists of inter-war
These thinkers have been categorized by the German New Right theorist Armin Mohler as part of the broad ‘Conservative Revolution’ in 1920’s/1930’s
Germany. This non-Nazi German system was examined for qualities which supported an ‘anti-American’/anti-consumer capitalist /anti-liberal, politics. Certainly, the ‘revival’ of the principles of the Conservative Revolution, lie at the basis of much of the present activism of the Euro-nationalist forces. The neo-conservative current in the German Weimar Republic babtised "Coservative Revolution" by Mohler movement was an elitist political enterprise that sought to restore Germany to her original spiritual and worldly standing as leader of the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Constituted of such intellectuals as Oswald Spengler, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, and Edgar Julius Jung, the neo-conservatives aimed at destroying the foreign socio-political ethos of the Liberal Weimar Republic which had been forced on Germany by her foes.
In the context of
Germany-before-Hitler, these theorists offered an alternative to the disaster for any idea of European Revolution, which Hitler symbolised, and ultimately – became. For Spengler, the issue was not German revanchism and eastern expansion, but the international position of the "white world"; this leader of the ‘Conservative Revolution’ school desired the moulding of a new state of ‘Prussian-Socialism’, the inter-linked union of the classes. For Schmitt, a new European political idea would overcome the old narrowness of the nations; this Conservative Revolutionary saw each state, supreme over the former divisions of class and party, individualism and liberal weakness, perfecting a cooperative European commonwealth. For Jünger, a new state must perfect the total mobilization of the people towards modernization and the creation of real social wealth; this leader of the ‘National Revolution’ school saw a new ‘Worker’ of brain and brawn, utilizing technology to conquer the future. For Moeller van den Bruck, the ‘young peoples’ of Germany and Russia were in revolt against the Western capitalist path; this thinker who spanned the three schools called upon youth to reject materialism and capitalist atomism and seek a higher mission. For Niekisch, there was the call of a new ‘barbarism’ against capitalist rationalism; this prominent ‘National Bolshevik’ urged a revolutionary alliance with communist Russia (he predicted it would soon become ‘national’), to overturn the burgeoning international capitalism and argued for a union within Germany of all revolutionary anti-liberal forces against the status quo. His fellow ‘National Bolshevik’, Hielscher, recognized in the various oppressed nationalities of the earth, potential allies not enemies in a massive program to strangle the false-international order of capitalism. For Strasser, the man who quit the Nazi party for his principles, there was a blending of the schools in his ‘Black Front’ party, a plan to revitalize Europe in a commonweath, neither capitalist nor Marxist, based upon organic social classes and a genuine division of wealth and responsibility.
This line of thought has not only inspired a great number of German intellectuals in the post-war era, including famous authors such as Oswald Spengler, Thomas Mann and Carl Schmitt, but also strongly influenced for example the work of Ernst Forsthoff, Arnold Gehlen and Helmut Schelsky.