Do you know "Eiffel Tower"? Yap! It is located in Paris, Perancis. It would be nice to be

 there, right? More than that if we can understand about the language or having a lots

 conversation. This vocabulary below might help you to do that :)


Je (jze)                         =          Saya

Tu (tu)                         =          Kamu

Il (il)                             =          Dia ( Laki – laki )

animasi  bergerak gif

Elle  (el)                       =          Dia ( Perempuan )

On (ong)                     =          orang / sesuatu

Nous (nu)                   =          kami

Vous (vu)                    =          kalian

Acheter (asyete)        =          Membeli

Aimer (eme)               =          suka

Agreable (agreeable) =          menyenangkan

Cher (syer)                  =          mahal

Bon marche ( bong marsye) = murah

Ami (ami)                    =          Teman

Se coucher (se kusye)            =          Tidur

Fils (fis)                        =          Anak laki – laki

Fille (fiy)                      =          Anak perempuan

Pere (per)                   =          Ayah

Mere (mer)                 =          Ibu

Tante (tongt)             =          Bibi

Frold (froa)                =           Dingin



   Bonjour monsier                        Bonsoir monsieur                      Bonne nuit mademoiselle                

(bongjzu mesyu)                        (bongsoa mesyu)                            (bon nuitmadmoazel)

  Selamat pagi                                   Selamat sore                                   Selamat malam


        Salut               Merci Beaucoup                    Je vous en pris                            Bienvenue

        (salu)               (mersi boku)                          (jze vuzang pri)                          (Binvenyu)

Halo!          Terima kasih banyak            Terima kasih kembali                   Welcome