Chapter 5 Outline-AP US History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 5 Reading due by Thursday, September 7, 2000 Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution I. Conquest by Cradle A. Population trends II. A Mingling of Races A. Melting pot-How so? 1. Pennsylvania Dutch 2. Scots-Irish (also pp. 86-87) a. Where did they settle? 3. Other ethnic groups B. What then is the American, this new man? III. The Structure of Colonial Society A. Contrast with Europe B. Problems in the Social Strata IV. Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists A. Problems faced, Views by the masses. V. Workaday America A. How did they make money, and what was prominent where? B. Triangular Trade C. What was manufactured? D. Effect of American trade with foreign (non-English) markets VI. Horsepower and Sailpower A. Problems with Roads B. Importance of the Tavern VII. Dominant Denominations A. Church of England B. Congregational Church C. Problems and Status of Each VIII. Great Awakening A. Problems in the Puritan Church B. Jonathan Edwards C. George Whitefield D. Old lights v. New lights E. Impact of the Great Awakening IX. Schools and Colleges A. Where was the education? B. Who received the education? C. Atmosphere in schools D. Colleges X. Culture in the Backwoods A. Leisure time, when did it happen, and what did they do with it? B. Art and Architecture-its status C. Phillis Wheatley D. Benjamin Franklin-Poor Richard's Almanack XI. Pioneer Presses A. Importance of Books, Newspapers B. John Peter Zenger-What happened, why important? XII. The Great Game of Politics A. Forms of Government B. Bicameral legislature C. Governors-who were they? problems? D. Colonial Assemblies-how did they exert their power? E. Who ruled where? F. Voting Rights XIII. Colonial Folkways A. What was life like? B. How did it differ from one area to another? C. What similarities exsisted?