A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 42-The Stalemated Seventies I. The Economy Stagnates in the 1970s a. What were the reasons behind the stagnated economy in the 1970s? II. Nixon "Vietnamizes" the War a. What problems did Nixon face in Vietnam and what was his solution b. What was the outcome? III. Cambodianizing the Vietnam War a. What problems existed regarding Cambodia? b. What happened at Kent State? c. What was Nixon's reaction to the home front situation? d. What else did Congress do to mollify the protest? IV. Nixon's Détente with Beijing (Peking) and Moscow a. Who was Nixon's National Security Advisor? b. What did Nixon do to try and work out compromise agreement with the Chinese and Soviets? V. A New Team on the Supreme Bench a. What types of decisions were made by the Warren court? b. What was the significance of... i. Griswold v. Connecticut ii. Gideon v. Wainwright iii. Escobedo and Miranda iv. New York Times v. Sullivan v. Engle v. Vitale and School District of Abington Township v. Schempp vi. Reynolds v. Sims c. How did Nixon change the court? VI. Nixon on the Home Front a. How did Nixon expand the welfare programs? b. What as the Philadelphia Plan of 1969? c. What was the significance of Griggs v. Duke Power Co.? d. What was the impact of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring? VII. The Nixon Landslide of 1972 a. Who did Nixon run against in 1972 and what were the primary issues? VIII. Bombing North Vietnam to the Peace Table a. What were the terms of the negotiations with North Vietnam in 1973? IX. Watergate Woes a. What occurred in regard to Watergate? b. What was the depth of the Watergate involvement? c. What were the charges related to Watergate? X. The Great Tape Controversy a. What were the Nixon tapes? b. Describe the details in relation to the replacement of Agnew with Ford? Why, How, etc. c. What was the "Saturday Night Massacre"? XI. The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act a. What was shocking about the bombing of Cambodia? b. What were the results of the Cambodian bombing? c. What was contained in the War Powers Act of 1973? d. What was the "New Isolationism"? XII. The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis a. What happened in relation to Israel in 1973 and how was the U.S. affected? b. What did the OPEC nations enact an oil embargo? c. What was the effect on the American economy of the oil embargo? How did America change because of the embargo? XIII. The Unmaking of a President a. What happened regarding the move for impeachment and the Nixon tapes? b. How did released tapes hurt Nixon? c. Why did Nixon choose to resign? XIV. The First Unelected President a. Why was Ford looked down on as President and what did he do to contribute to this negative perception? b. What happened at the Helsinki Conference? c. What did détente mean? XV. Defeat in Vietnam a. How did America finally leave Vietnam? b. What was the effect of Vietnam on America? XVI. The Bicentennial Campaign and the Carter Victory a. Who were the candidates in 1976 and who won and why? b. Why was Carter not successful as President? XVII. Carter's Humanitarian Diplomacy a. How did Carter champion "human rights" as president? b. What happened at the Camp David Summit? c. What was the outcome of the Camp David Accords? d. What failures did Carter face in foreign policy? XVIII. Carter Tackles the Ailing Economy a. Why did Carter face "double-digit" inflation? b. Why could Americans never again consider a policy of economic isolation? c. What other problems contributed to the American financial crisis of the late 1970's? d. Why did Carter's solutions not help the American situation? XIX. Carter's Energy Woes a. What happened in Iran in 1979 and why? b. What did Carter do in response to the Iranian crisis and what was the American reaction? XX. Foreign Affairs and the Iranian Imbroglio a. What were the SALT II agreements and why did it meet with problems? b. What happened in Iran on November 4, 1979? c. How did the USSR contribute to the problems in the Middle East the US was faced with? d. How did Carter react to events in the Middle East? XXI. The Iranian Hostage Humiliation a. How did Carter fail in the attempt to release the hostages? b. What was the effect of the hostage crisis on the American psyche?