A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 41-The Stormy Sixties Chapter 41 Due by Monday, May 7, 2001 I. Kennedy's "New Frontier" Spirit a. What changes did Bobby Kennedy begin as Attorney General? b. What was the purpose of the peace corp? II. The New Frontier at Home a. What problems did Kennedy face at the beginning of his presidency? b. What events occurred between Kennedy and the steel industry? c. What popular programs did Kennedy propose? III. Rumblings in Europe a. What was the purpose and significance of the Berlin Wall? b. What were the plans for the European Common Market? c. What role did Charles de Gaulle play in derailing the plans for the common market and NATO? IV. Foreign Flare-Ups and "Flexible Response" a. Describe situations and US roles in... i. the Congo ii. Laos b. What did McNamara's proposal of "flexible response" entail? V. Stepping into the Vietnam Quagmire a. What were the problems with "flexible response"? b. How and why did Kennedy increase US involvement in Vietnam? VI. Cuban Confrontations a. What was the purpose of the Alliance for Progress? b. Who began the plans for the Bay of Pigs? c. Describe events during the Bay of Pigs. d. What was the result of the failure of the Bay of Pigs on US/Soviet relations? e. Describe the events and reactions in the Cuban Missile Crisis? f. What was the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis? g. What was the policy of détente and where did its origins begin? VII. The Struggle for Civil Rights a. What was the Ink for Jack campaign? b. What were some reasons behind the stalling of Kennedy? c. Who were the freedom riders and what events motivate JFK to move on Civil Rights? d. Describe events related to the desegregation of the University of Mississippi. e. What events brought the US's attention to the situation in the South? f. What was the purpose of the "March on Washington"? g. What other examples of violence occurred in response to the move for and end of segregation? VIII. The Killing of Kennedy a. Describe events and key individuals related to Kennedy's death. IX. The LBJ Brand on the Presidency a. What was contained in and created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964? b. What other programs were created by Johnson? c. What was the "Great Society"? X. Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964 a. What happened in the Tonkin Gulf episode? b. What was Johnson's reaction and what was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? XI. The Great Society Congress a. What three major programs did Johnson create as part of his War on Poverty? b. What were the reactions to the War on Poverty? XII. The Black Revolution Explodes a. What was contained in the Voting Rights Act of 1965? b. What was contained in the 24th Amendment? c. What was the "Freedom Summer" of 1964 and what events darkened it? d. What happened in Selma, Alabama in 1965 and what was Johnson's response? XIII. Black Power a. Describe the events in the Watts riots of 1965. b. What new phase began in the struggle for black civil rights? c. Who was Malcolm X and what were his background and beliefs? d. Who were the Black Panthers and Stokely Carmichael and what changes did they propose? e. What did the term Black Power mean to different groups? f. What were the reasons behind rioting in the North? g. What was the nationwide response to King's death? XIV. Combating Communism in Two Hemispheres a. What happened in the Dominican Republic? b. What was Operation Rolling Thunder? c. What factors did Johnson not consider when escalating his war in Vietnam? d. What was the argument to keep America in Vietnam? XV. Vietnam Vexations a. What problems were created for the US worldwide by their involvement in Vietnam? b. What took place in the Six-Day War? c. What were the protests in the US against American troops in Vietnam? d. What were the problems with the American presence in Vietnam? e. What clandestine activities did the government involve itself in during the era? XVI. Vietnam Topples Johnson a. What took place in the Tet Offensive and what was the outcome? b. What challenges was Johnson facing as the election of 1968 approached? c. What was contained in Johnson's address to the nation on March 31, 1968? XVII. The Presidential Sweepstakes of 1968 a. Who were the candidates in 68? b. What happened at the Democratic National Convention? c. Who was George Wallace and what did he support? XVIII. Victory for Nixon a. What problems did Nixon face upon his election? XIX. The Obituary of Lyndon Johnson a. What was the legacy of LBJ? XX. The Cultural Upheaval of the 1960s b. What was the legacy of the 1960s? c. Describe the life of young people in the era. d. What sparked the sexual revolution of the 1960's? e. What was the importance and contents of the Kinsey report?