A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 40-The Eisenhower Era Chapter 40 Due by Thursday, April 27, 2001 I. The Advent of Eisenhower a. What almost cost Nixon his chance at the vice-presidency and what was the Checkers Speech? b. How did the Checkers Speech demonstrate the power of television? c. What was the outcome of the Korean conflict? II. "Ike" Takes Command a. What was the first challenge Ike faced as president? b. What was the extent of McCarthy's charges? c. Why did McCarthyism flourish? d. To what extent did McCarthy influence the federal government? e. What events led to McCarthy's downfall? III. Desegregating the South a. Describe life for African-Americans in the South. b. What were some cases of violence against blacks that violated the "system" in the South? c. What changes began to occur in the lives of African-Americans in the 1950's? d. What were some notable events in the civil rights movement of the 1950's? IV. Seeds of the Civil Rights Revolution a. What did Truman do to try to improve civil rights but what was the response of Congress and later Eisenhower? b. How did Earl Warren confront the situation? c. What happened in Brown v. Board of Ed. and what case did it reverse? d. What was the reaction to the Brown decision? V. Crisis at Little Rock a. Categorize Eisenhower's attitude toward integration. b. What event forced Ike to act? c. What was the purpose of the SCLC? d. Describe the "sit-in" movement. e. What was SNCC and how did it compare to more mainstream groups like the SCLC and the NAACP? VI. Eisenhower Republicanism at Home a. What changes did Eisenhower institute in the federal government? b. What took place in "Operation Wetback" and why? c. What changes did Eisenhower propose for the Native Americans? d. What was the plan behind the Interstate Highway Act of 1956 and what did it include? e. Economically speaking, how the country do during the Eisenhower administration? VII. A New Look at Foreign Policy a. Who was John Foster Dulles and what was his contribution to American foreign policy? b. What was the Strategic Air Command and massive retaliation? c. What was the US reaction to the rebellion in Hungary? VIII. The Vietnam Nightmare a. What were the goals of the nationalist of Indochina and who was their leader? b. How had the US responded to the Vietnamese nationalist and why? c. What happened at Dienbienphu and what was the outcome? d. What were the promises of Eisenhower to the Ngo Dinh Diem regime? e. What was the purpose of SEATO? IX. A False Lull in Europe a. What was the Warsaw Pact? b. What events caused a supposed thawing of the Cold War tensions? X. Menaces in the Middle East a. What did the CIA do in Iran and what was the long-term consequence? b. Describe the Suez Canal crisis, what happened? What was the US's position? What was the outcome? c. What turning points in history were marked by the Suez crisis? d. What was contained in the Eisenhower Doctrine? XI. The Voters Still Like "Ike" in 1956 a. What were the issues of the election of 1956? XII. Round Two for "Ike" a. During his second term who did Ike most rely upon and why? b. What happened to Adams and Dulles? c. What happened in the 1950's with regard to the teamsters union? d. What was contained in the Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959? XIII. The Race with the Soviets into Space a. What was the significance of Sputnik to America? b. What was the "missile gap" and how did America respond? c. What was contained in the National Defense and Education Act? XIV. The Continuing Cold War a. What were events in Lebanon? b. What happened at the Summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev? c. What then happened at Paris and why? XV. Cuba's Castroism Spells Communism a. Why did Latin America resent the US? b. What had been the US position is Cuba? c. What did Eisenhower do to try and halt the spread of communism in Latin America? XVI. Kennedy Challenges Nixon for the Presidency a. Discuss the candidates of the 1960 election XVII. The Presidential Issues of 1960 a. How did Kennedy's Catholicism play a role in the election? b. How did television contribute to Kennedy's election? XVIII. An Old General Fades Away a. What was in the 22nd amendment? b. When did the flag reach fifty stars and with what additions? XIX. Changing Economic Patterns a. Describe the growth of suburbia in the 1950's. b. What changes in technology took place? c. Describe changes in the aerospace industry. d. Describe changes in the work force. e. How were women's roles changing in the 50's? f. Who was Betty Friedan and what was in The Feminine Mystique? XX. Consumer Culture in the Fifties c. What changes took place in consumer culture? d. What was the significance of television? e. What effect did television have on religion and who was most notable? f. What changes were notable in sports and why was that indicative or trends in the country? g. What changes occurred in music and morality? h. Who were the critics of the new age and what did they have to say? XXI. The Life of the Mind in Postwar America a. Who were notable authors and trends of the 50's?