Chapter 3 Outline—AP US History Mrs. Sanchez Settling the Northern Colonies I. The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism A. What were the basic teachings of Calvinism and how did it affect the early American colonies? B. Who were the "visible saints" and the "elect" in Puritan society? C. Who were the separatist and why were they driven out of England? II. The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth A. Why did the separatist leave Holland for America? B. Describe the group that sailed aboard the Mayflower. C. What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact? D. What were the early experiences of the Pilgrims at Plymouth? E. Why was the tiny settlement of Plymouth important? III. The Bay colony Bible Commonwealth A. How were the Puritans different from the separatists? B. Describe the scope of the Bay Colony settlement in size. C. What did the Bay Colony mean when they said they would be "a city on a hill"? IV. Building the Bay Colony A. Who received the right to vote (the franchise)? B. What rights did the congregation have over the ministers in Massachusetts? C. What was the "Protestant ethic"? V. Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth A. How was dissension treated in Massachusetts? B. Who was Anne Hutchinson and what were her beliefs and fate? C. Who was Roger Williams and what were his beliefs and fate? VI. The Rhode Island "Sewer" A. How was Providence different than the Massachusetts colony? B. What happened to the character of Rhode Island as a result of those that settled it? VII. New England Spreads Out A. Who helped establish Connecticut? B. What was the significance or contents of the Fundamental Orders? VIII. Puritans versus Indians A. What were the early relationships between the colonist and Indians like? B. What were some of the early areas of conflict between Indians and colonist? C. What events took place surrounding King Philips War? IX. Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence A. What was the New England Confederation B. Why was the confederation important in the scheme of colonial history? C. How did the king lash out at controlling Massachusetts? X. Andros Promotes the first American Revolution A. What was the Dominion of New England and why was it created? B. Who was Sir Edmund Andros? C. What kinds of things did Andros do to curb colonial power? D. What caused the fall of the Dominion of New England? E. What was the effect of Massachusetts losing its charter in 1691? XI. Old Netherlanders at New Netherland A. What were the strengths of the Dutch? B. What were the accomplishments of the Dutch West India Company? C. What problems existed within New Amsterdam? XII. Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors A. How did Swedish rule end in the colonies? XIII. Dutch Residues in New York A. How did the English take New York? B. What was the effect of the short period of Dutch rule in the Americas? XIV. Penn's Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania A. Who were the Quakers and what did they believe? B. How did William Penn acquire land in the Americas? C. Why can it be said that Pennsylvania was the best advertised of all the colonies? XV. Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors A. Describe key features of the citizenry of Pennsylvania. B. How did the people of Pennsylvania feel about William Penn? C. What other Quaker establishments existed? XVI. The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies A. What were the middle colonies? List them. B. What were some of the key characteristics of the Middle Colonies? C. How could it be said that the middle colonies were the most American part of America?