A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 35-The Politics of Boom and Bust Chapter 35 Due by Friday, March 2, 2001 I. The Republican "Old Guard" Returns a. What were Harding's flaws? b. Who did Harding gather as the "best minds" of the party and what were their purposes? II. GOP Reaction at the Throttle a. How did the Old Guard hope to improve on the laissez-faire doctrine of the past? b. How did Harding affect the Supreme Court? c. How did the Supreme court dismantle progressive legislation? d. How were corporations allowed to relax during the Harding administration? III. The Aftermath of War a. How did government standards change towards... i. the railroads? ii. the shipping business? iii. labor? iv. veterans? IV. America Seeks Benefits Without Burdens a. What were some issues regarding America and its foreign relations? V. Ship-Scrapping at the Washington Conference a. What took place at the Washington disarmament conference? b. What was contained in the Five-Power Naval Treaty of 1922, the Four Power Treaty, and the Nine Power Treaty? VI. Hiking the Tariff Higher a. What was the purpose of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law? VII. The Stench of Scandal a. What were the scandals surrounding... i. Colonel Charles R. Forbes? ii. Albert B. Fall? iii. Harry M. Daughtery VIII. Calvin Coolidge: A Yankee in the White House IX. Frustrated Farmers a. What problems did farmers face after the war? b. What schemes developed to bring relief to the farmers? X. A Three-Way Race for the White House in 1924 a. Who were the candidates and what were the issues in the 1924 election? XI. Foreign-Policy Flounderings a. In what areas of the world did the US violate its isolationist feelings? b. How had the financial position of the US changed in the post-war era? c. What was a way out of the financial crisis and how did Europe react? XII. Unraveling the Debt Knot a. What problems did reparations leave Germany with? b. What was contained in the Dawes Plan of 1924? c. How can it be said that the US harvested a bumper crop of ill will? XIII. The Triumph of Herbert Hoover, 1928 a. Who was Albert E. Smith? b. How did radio play a part in the election of 1928? c. Who was Herbert Hoover? d. How did the campaign deteriorate to below-the-belt tactics? XIV. President Hoover's First Moves a. What groups were left out of the prosperity of the 1920's? b. What was the purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act c. What did the Farm Board do to try and help the beleaguered farmers? d. What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930-- was it good or bad for farmers? e. What was the foreign reaction to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff? XV. The Great Crash Ends the Golden Twenties a. What problems were building toward the crash of the stock market? b. Describe events around the crash of the stock market. c. What was the extent of the crash on the American economy? XVI. Hooked on the Horn of Plenty a. What were the causes of the Great Depression? b. What was the effect of the Great Depression on the American spirit? XVII. Rugged Times for Rugged Individualists a. What did rugged individualism mean to Herbert Hoover? b. Why did Hoover not do more to aid the plight of the American people? c. What programs for relief did Hoover introduce? d. Why did Hoover's measures for relief not work? XVIII. Herbert Hoover: Pioneer for the New Deal a. What were the programs Hoover introduced and what were their purposes? b. How did Hoover change governments attitude from that of the 1800's? XIX. Routing the Bonus Army in Washington a. Who was the Bonus Army and what were their aims? b. How did Hoover respond to the Bonus Army and what was the American reaction? XX. Japanese Militarist Attack China. a. What were the actions of Japan in the 1930's? b. What was the reaction of the League of Nations to the Japanese attack of Manchuria? c. What was the American reaction to the Japanese aggression? d. What was the Stimson doctrine? e. What was the Japanese reaction to world boycotts? f. How can it be said World War II was born in 1931? XXI. Hoover Pioneers the Good Neighbor Policy a. Discuss how Hoover implemented the Good Neighbor Policy.