A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 34-American Life in the "Roaring Twenties" Chapter I. Insulating America from the Radical Virus a. How did the Russian revolution affect American attitudes after WWI? b. What was the Red Scare? c. Who were A. Mitchell Palmer and "Billy" Sunday? d. What events highlighted the Red Scare? e. How were anti-red fears manifested in local laws and activities? f. What was the affect of anti-red sentiment on union activity? g. What happened in the case of Sacco and Vanzetti? II. Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK a. How was the Klan of the 1920's different from the Klan of the 1860's? b. Historically speaking what was the importance of the rise of the Klan in showing the attitudes of the period? III. Stemming the Foreign Flood a. How was intolerance for immigrants manifested during the 1920's? b. What were the details of the Emergency Quota Act and the Immigration Act? c. What was the negative consequence of closing the door to immigrants to America? IV. The Prohibition Experiment a. What were the legal means used to enforce Prohibition? b. Where was Prohibition the most and least popular? c. What problems arose with the enforcement of Prohibition? d. What ways were found to get around prohibition? e. What ways was the noble experiment not a failure? V. The Golden Age of Gangsterism a. How did crime thrive during Prohibition? b. Who was Al Capone and what was the extent of his crimes (convicted and non-convicted)? c. How did the gangster influence spread? d. What events led to the Lindbergh Law? VI. Monkey Business in Tennessee a. What were some of the changes occurring in education in the 1920's? b. What were the contributions of John Dewey? c. What conflicts developed between the progressive education and fundamentalist? d. Describe the events, personalities and outcome around the Monkey Trial. VII. The Mass-Consumption Economy a. How could the economy be described during the 1920's? b. What changes in the economy were evident during the period? c. What was the role of admen in the new age? d. What was the premise of the book, The Man Nobody Knows? e. What notable changes occurred in sports? f. What was the importance of buying on credit in changing America? VIII. Putting America on Rubber Tires a. How did the automobile change the country? b. Describe the early automobile industry. c. Who was Frederick W. Taylor and why is he important to the development of the American automobile industry? d. Why was the introduction of the Model T relevant? IX. The Advent of the Gasoline Age a. What changes in American life were directly or indirectly related to the automobile? X. Humans Develop Wings a. Wilbur and Orville....blah, blah, blah b. How did aviation grow before 1920? c. Who was Charles Lindbergh and why was he important in American history? (it wasn't because of his trip) d. How did the airplane change society? XI. The Radio Revolution a. Who was Guglielmo Marconi? b. What was the first the first presidential election telecast and by who? c. How did the radio change America? XII. Hollywood's Filmland Fantasies a. What was the first motion picture? b. What was the first talkie? c. How did the growth of movies change America? XIII. The Dynamic Decade a. What changes in population patterns were noticed in the 1920's b. Who was Margaret Sanger? c. What was the goal of the National Women's Party? d. What effect on the churches developed during the period? e. Who was the flapper and what did she stand for? f. What changes occurred in society? g. What was the sacred music of the 1920's? h. What was the Harlem Renaissance? i. Who was Langston Hughes? j. Who was Marcus Garvey? XIV. Literary Liberation a. Describe the new generation of writers. b. Discuss the different writers of the period. i. H.L. Mencken ii. F. Scott Fitzgerald iii. Ernest Hemingway iv. Sherwood Anderson v. Sinclair Lewis vi. William Faulkner vii. Ezra Pound viii. T.S. Elliot ix. Eugene O'Neill c. What was the importance of the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright? XV. Wall Street's Big Bull Market a. Describe the atmosphere on Wall Street during the decade. b. How was the economy beginning a downhill slide? c. Who were the Mellonites and what did they try to accomplish? Was it successful?