A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 29-The Path of Empire I. Imperialist Stirrings a. What factors contributed to the United States beginning to look outward at the end of the 1800s? b. What individuals also contributed to our outward looking and how? c. What was argued in Alfred Thayer Mahan's book and how did it contribute to the US quest for world domination? d. What was James G. Blaine's "Big Sister Policy" and what was the outcome? e. What areas of conflict arose in the late 1800's for the US? II. Monroe's Doctrine and the Venezuelan Squall a. What was the background behind the Venezuelan land dispute? b. How did Olney and Cleveland deal with the dispute? c. What was Britain's response? d. What was the reaction in the US? e. Why did Britain back down and how did Germany help the US? f. How did the Venezuelan crisis enhance the status of the Monroe Doctrine? III. Spurning the Hawaiian Pear a. How did the US gradually get involved in Hawaii? b. What issues produced problems for the US and Hawaii? c. What was Queen Liliuokalani's plea and how did the US respond? d. Why did Cleveland withdraw the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii in 1893? e. What is the significance of the question of annexing Hawaii? IV. Cubans Rise in Revolt a. Why did the Cubans rise in revolt in 1895? b. What were the strategies employed by the Cuban insurgents? c. Where did American sympathies lie in the revolt and why? d. What did General Weyler do to the Cuban insurrection? e. What was the reaction in America on the part of the citizenry and the President? V. The Mystery of the Maine Explosion a. What was yellow journalism and what was its role in drawing America into Cuba? b. What was the significance of the de Lome letter and what did it contain? c. What happened to the Maine and what was the outcome of the investigation? d. What was the result of the Maine's explosion? VI. McKinley Unleashes the Dogs of War a. What were the different views in support of or against the war? b. Why factors influenced McKinley's views regarding the war? c. What was contained in the Teller Amendment? VII. Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila a. Why was the American army unprepared for war? b. What were the advantages of the US navy and who was responsible and how? c. Where was the site of the first battle of the Spanish-American war and what were the details? VIII. Unexpected Imperialistic Plums a. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo? b. How did the situation in the Philippines lead to the annexation of Hawaii? IX. The Confused Invasion of Cuba a. Who were the "Rough Riders" and who lead and who organized them? b. What role did the rough riders play in the war? X. Curtains for Spain in America a. What problems plagued the American forces in the war? XI. McKinley Heeds Duty, Destiny, and Dollars a. What was the outcome of the 1898 Treaty of Paris? b. What issues arose for America in deciding what to do with the Philippines? c. What did the US finally do to acquire the Philippines? XII. America's Course (Curse?) of Empire a. What was the Anti-Imperialist League? b. What were the concerns of the league? c. What were the issues raised by expansionist in favor of the US position in the Philippines? d. What was Rudyard Kipling's cry of America and what did it mean? e. What was Bryan's role in the debate? XIII. Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba a. What was contained in the Foraker Act of 1900? b. What was decided in the Insular Cases? c. What did Americans accomplish in Cuba? d. What was contained in the Platt Amendment? XIV. New Horizons in Two Hemispheres a. What was the importance of the Spanish-American war for the US?