A.P. U.S. History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 28-The Revolt of the Debtor I. The Republicans Return Under Harrison a. What difficulties were faced by the Republican party at the beginning of Harrison's term? b. Why was the Congress of the 1890 term called the "Billion Dollar" Congress? II. Political Gravy for All a. What happened in regard to the surplus in the 1890's? b. What was contained in the Pension Act of 1890? c. What was in the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 and what was its purpose? d. What problems did the McKinley Tariff create? III. The Populist Challenge in 1892 a. How did the People's Party (Populist) change the election of 1892? b. What was contained in the People's Party platform? c. What happened at Homestead? d. What were the significant trends and outcomes of the election of 1892? e. What were some of the efforts to hurt Southern blacks involvement in politics in the late 1800's? f. What changes happened over time in regard to the Black vote and the Populist party? IV. "Old Grover" Cleveland Again a. What were the effects of the Depression of 1893? b. Why did Cleveland want the Sherman Silver Purchase Act repealed? V. Gold Shortages and Job Shortages a. What were the dangers to the American economy of going off the gold standard? b. What did J.P. Morgan's bank do to help out the government in regard to the gold crisis? c. What problems did the deal with Morgan create for Cleveland? d. What were the demands of Coxey and his army? VI. Cleveland Crushes the Pullman Strike a. Describe the situation behind and leading to the Pullman strike. b. On what grounds did Olney want to interfere in the Pullman strike and how? c. What did organized labors cries of "government by injunction" mean? VII. Democratic Tariff Tinkering a. What was contained in the Wilson-Gorman Bill? b. Why did Cleveland allow the Wilson-Gorman Bill to pass? c. What happened with the income tax feature of the Wilson-Gorman Bill? d. Who was Coin Harvey and what was the importance of his writing? VIII. McKinley: Hanna's Fair-Haired Boy a. What was Hanna's role in the making of McKinley? b. What were Hanna's political beliefs? c. What was contained in McKinley's platform? IX. Bryan: Silverite Messiah a. Why did Cleveland lose the support of the people by 1896? b. What was the importance of the "Cross of Gold" speech? c. What effect did Bryan have on the Democratic party? X. Hanna Leads the "Gold Bugs" a. What effect did the campaign of Bryan have on the overall campaign? XI. Appealing to the Pocketbook Vote a. How could it be said that "fear was the strongest ally of Hanna, and the worst enemy of Bryan"? XII. Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders a. Why was the election of 1896 important? XIII. Republican Standpattism Enthroned XIV. Inflation Without Silver