Chapter 15 Outline-AP US History Mrs. Sanchez Chapter 15 Reading due by Monday November 6, 2000 Forging the National Economy I. The Westward Movement A. Contrast of Myth to Reality of Pioneer Life B. Self-Reliance, Rugged Individualism II. Shaping the Western Landscape A. Changes to the Landscape B. Attitudes toward natural landscape C. George Catlin III. The March of Millions A. Countries Growth B. Largest Cities C. Problems of Urbanization D. Immigrants-Where from? E. Why come to America? F. "America Letters" IV. The Emerald Isle Moves West A. Potato Famine B. Where Irish settled? C. Problems of the Irish D. Politics V. The German Forty-Eighters A. Why come to America? B. Contributions to American Culture VI. Flare-Ups of Antiforeignism A. Prejudice toward Immigrants B. Roman Catholics C. Nativist reaction VII. The March of Mechanization A. Industrial Revolution B. Factory System C. Why not embrace industrialization sooner? VIII. Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine A. Samuel Slater B. Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin 1. Why developed? 2. Why important? 3. What changes did it introduce? 4. Importance of New England IX. Marvels in Manufacturing A. American made items B. Growth of the Factory System C. Interchangeable Parts D. Sewing Machine E. Importance of New Inventions F. Morse X. Workers and "Wage Slaves" A. Problems in the Factory System B. Wage System 1. Benefits 2. Politics C. Labor Organization D. Commonwealth v. Hunt XI. Women and the Economy A. Lowell, Massachusetts B. Opportunities for Women C. Catharine Beecher D. Women's Sphere E. Changing Families F. Cult of domesticity G. Change in Childcare XII. Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields A. Western Farming B. John Deere C. Cyrus McCormick D. Changes technology creates in Farming. XIII. Highways and Steamboats A. Problems in Transportation B. Lancaster turnpike C. National or Cumberland Road D. Robert Fulton's Clermont E. Importance of the Steamboat XIV. "Clinton's Big Ditch" in New York A. Erie Canal 1. Details 2. Importance XV. Pioneer Railroad Promoters A. Benefits of the Railroad B. Obstacles to the Railroad C. New Inventions for the Railroad XVI. The Transport Web Binds the Union A. Why build westward? B. Importance of transportation C. Changes to the economy XVII. Wealth and Poverty A. Economic inequality B. Myths of "Rags to Riches" XVIII. Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders A. Need for overseas transport B. Cyrus Field C. Problems D. Golden Age E. Stagecoaches F. Pony Express