Dear Doomguy,
My pet Cacodemon hasen't been doing well recently, It looks a bit pale instead of it's red color. I think it's sick, but i'm not sure. Every time i feed it it vomits it back out in 10 minutes tops, and it seems to be very upset about something. And also instead of it's normal hissing sound it make a ear-piercing screech. What is wrong with my cacodemon?
Emperor Master


Emperor Master,
I believe that you're Cacodemon is sick. I'm not a vetinarian, but I have a feeling he has been in contact with cacobane. Cacobane is a plant which is very rare that affects Cacodemons in a very odd way, while harming nothing else. Besides shotgun-toting marines, cacobane is the only thing dangerous, and possibly deadly to Cacodemons. But from your description, it doesn't sound like your caco will die. It sounds like he is not currently exposed to this caco-harming plant, but is recovering from a particulary bad exposure from before. Where from, I cannot say, but perhaps you were in a place where cacos were disliked. Someone could have been out to get him. That is one possibility. However, how it happened isn't important. It sounds like your caco is nearing the end of the sickness caused by it, and will be red, and healthily eating soon enough. If it makes you feel better, you can take it to a specialist, or just go for the free anti-caco hissing earplugs. And it's probably just upset because it sick. Don't worry. In a couple of days it should be better.
Dear doomguy,
I was noticing that my firehurling imp was having a case of bad breath, mabey caused by the countless marines it devoured. it has become so bad that none of the other imps will talk to it. can you recommend any product that would subdue the horrible stench?

thank you,


There are many places that sell imp care products. Just ask in your local CVS, Rite-Aid, KMart, or exotic pet store. There are usually many people (and imps) at these store who know where you are coming from, and have had firsthand (and first person shooter) experience. The most popular (and expensive) brand is Impsterine (which comes in artificial red, yellow, and orange colors), but there is also the generic brand Imp Mouthwash. Also in the aisle however, there are other things you may be interested in. There is imp cologne/perfume, imp underarm deoderant, imp razors (for those who think imps have hair), imp leather polish (for those who think imps have leathery hide), and imp face and body soap (for those who think imps have human-like skin). There are also products for making better and bigger fireballs, and ground marine beef (made by top name brands like Meow Mix, Fancy Feast, and Alpo, with special flavors like fish and marinated), and imp treats, which taste like toxic waste and blood. Basically, all your imp needs are available at any store near you, unless you are stranded in Hell, in which case there, ironically, is pretty much nothing.

where is the best place to find cheatcodes for doom?



There are many places to find cheatcodes. You can do a search in your local search engine. You can pick up a book at your local bookstore. You could ask a friend if he or she knows of any good sites. Or you could stick around as Prof. Doomguy tells them to you.

"idkfa"=Full keys, armor, and ammo
"idfa"=Full armor, and ammo
"idspisopd"=No clipping (Ultimate Doom); "noclip"=No clipping (Doom II, Final Doom)
"iddt"=Once, full map, twice, full map with items/enemies, third, back to normal, four times while holding "Alt" in multiplayer, enemies location
"idbehold!"=Gets item where "!" is item, and can be replaced with "I" (Blur Artifact), "R" (Radiation Suit), "S" (Berserk Pack), "A" (Automap), "V" (Invulnerability Artifact) and "L" (Light Amplification Goggles)
"idclev!!"=Warps to level "!!" where in Ulimate Doom, "!!" equals "Episode# Mission#", and in Doom II/Final Doom equals "Mission##".
"idmus!!"=Plays music from level "!!" where in Ulimate Doom, "!!" equals "Episode# Mission#", and in Doom II/Final Doom equals "Mission##".
"idmypos"=Player's coordinates
"idchoppers"=Gets you the Chainsaw
"fhhall"=Kills all monsters on level
"fhshh"=Monsters don't notice you unless you shoot somewhere in the room, or at them. Doors don't cause them to.
Email Doomguy here, at [email protected] and ask him questions.
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