And I Waited For You...
Installment One - Page Two
    The girls� score was tied, and they were on the last question, the winning
question. I crossed my fingers for the pretty girl. I don�t think Ike or Tay
even cared which one won, they don�t seem to notice how annoying the obsessive
girls are sometimes.

     �And the winning question is�� The radio announcer said to the girls. �How did
Taylor break his arm when he was little?�

     For some reason I wanted to jump up and knock the blond girl over so she
couldn�t answer, I wished I had done it even more when her hand actually did hit
the buzzer, and she shouted out the answer. The correct answer. I swear I felt a
part of me sink. Why do we always get the dumb fans?

      �And Miss Ashley Branson is The Winner.� The DJ shouted.

     Security quickly moved to escort the other girl outside. I call her the other
girl because I refuse to call her �the loser�.

     �What are they doing?!� I asked Isaac. �She doesn�t at least get to say �hi� to

     �Zac, what do you think it would be like if all our fans got to say hi to us?�

      �But I thought��

     �Zac don�t worry about it, why are you getting so worried about her? Look, if I
could decide, I�d say she got to meet us, but I cant decide, the radio station
decides, and they�re making her leave. So what do you want me to do about it?�
Taylor said.

     I watched her as she was guided through the doors and left the room. Why does
this always happen to me? �Be right back� I told Isaac, as him and Taylor
started walking out to meet Ashley Branson.

     �What?!� Taylor asked. �Where are you going? We have to meet the winner, Zac,
we really don�t have time for this right now.�

     �I�m just umm�I have to go to the bathroom, I�ll be RIGHT BACK.� I promised. I
squeezed through the crowd of radio workers, and made it to the doors where the
other girl had left.

     I can�t believe I didn�t even hear someone say her name yet.  I don�t know,maybe
I just think it�s weird because I�m obsessing over her. No, I�m not obsessing
over her, I just, I just want to meet her �cause I feel bad. No, that�s not
really the truth either�erg, this sucks, why does everything always have to go
so rough with me.  Tay and Ike, no problem, smooth as a baby�s ass. Me, rough as
a stormy ocean.

     I went down a long hallway, the same way I had come in, and followed it down to
the big double doors. She had to be here somewhere, my god, I was running trying
to find her and I�m sure they�re just walking her out. Going through the doors I
looked to my right � nothing. When I turned to my left I could have sworn I saw
her, but as I ran down the hall I found it was just a few people who worked at
the station, strolling down the corridor with their hot coffee�s.

     Reluctantly giving up, I went back up to the studio to meet the blonde girl who
had won. On the way there I tried to think of reasons why it shouldn�t be too
bad hanging out with her, but as I opened the doors and stepped into the
studio�she screamed.  Suddenly I lost all of those good reasons, and wanted to
scream too.

~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~     ~*~    ~*~

     I looked at my watch, 8:30. God had this day sucked. Ashley Branson had turned
out to be everything I thought she was, and even managed to be a little bit
more.  Somehow she had managed to squeeze Taylor�s ass about five times
throughout the day, and take about five pictures every two minutes, (that�s just
a figure considering she had to change her film seriously 12 times�is that even
legal?). And even worse, I never managed to even find out the other girl�s name,
let alone get to talk to her. This sucks.

     �Can I have some ice cream?� Mac asked my mom, while coming down the
stairs.�Please?� He begged, �I�ve been really good.�

     �Sorry Mackenzie, Jess and Avery just ate the rest of it.� My mother called
from the kitchen.

     �Oh�� Mac said quietly, �Well umm�nevermind then I guess.�

     He sat down next to me on the couch without saying a word. I could tell he felt
bad, I knew exactly how he felt. Ike and Tay always teamed up and did stuff
together when I kind of got left behind a lot, well, at least when I was
younger, not so much anymore. Jessica and Avery do the same thing to Mac, I
guess since they�re 13 and 11, they think they�re too cool for Mackenzie.

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