Goofy Picture Pages
If you see comments written in different colors here are what they mean:
Green = Juliet

Yellow = Blondie

Blue = Angel
White = All of us
Goofy Picture Page #1
Goofy Picture Page #2

Goofy Picture Page #3

Goofy Picture Page #4

Goofy Picture Page #5

Goofy Picture Page #6

Goofy Picture Page #7
Goofy Picture Page #8
Goofy Picture Page #9
More coming soon!!!
We told you that he was in the bath tub!!!  We just didn't tell you what he was doing!
Please remember that we love all the members of 'N Sync (why else would we make this site?).  We are not  trying to make fun of them we're just making comments on the pictures.  Please don't take offense.
Want our pictures?  Just link our site!
BUT!  Make sure you upload the pictures onto your own server.  If you don't we will hunt you down and make sure your site is deleted.  And trust us, we will know if you don't.  Geocities tells us everytime it happens.  We're not trying to be mean, it's Geocities rules.
To Site Map
Justin, J.C., Lance, Chris, Joey, Group
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