Here are some addresses that you can use to contact 'N Sync. (Of course it's always possible that we don't know what we're talking's happened before:P)
Here is 'N Sync's Fan Club E-mail address:[email protected]
Germany addresses'N Sync c/o BMG AriolaSteinhausestr. 1-381677 MunchenGermanyFanclub 'N SyncP.O. Box 0617 94307 StraubingGermanyHOT-LINE: 09426-850399 (Germany)'N Sync c/o 'N Sync Fan ClubAm Gartenschwimmbad 1053474 Bad NeuenahrGerma
U.S. Addresses'N Sync Fan ClubP.O. Box 692109Orlando, Florida 32869-2109 HOT-LINE: (407) 352-2478'N Sync P.O. Box 5248Bellingham, Washington, 98227
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