Residence:     Washington, D.C. (U.S.A.)

Education:     Working on Bachelor's degree at the University of Maryland

About the GUTTU Experience:
It was my lifelong dream to be in the movies, and directing is my all-time favorite job. Making "GUTTU" was quite possibly the most exciting experience of my life (next to my Adventure in Himachal Pradesh, of course!) Being raised my entire life in the U.S., I found Bangalore new and different from what I was used to. But the weather was beautiful, the people were friendly, and the film industry was vibrant with new talent! It was a little scary at first, because my Kannada was not that good, and I was new to the ways of the Indian film industry, but eventually I got the hang of things. My relatives in India, my executive producer and the entire "GUTTU" team helped me learn the ropes of Indian culture in general and the Bangalore entertainment industry in particular. Overall, it has been a valuable learning experience for me. I thank my cast and crew for their hard work and dedication, which helped make my dream possible!

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