An answer to a semi-frequently asked question: Why don’t you update more often?

The short answer is…I have no fucking idea what the fuck I wrote down. I mean look at this:

Can you decipher it? I didn’t think so. If you think I write imperfectly in person, you can see that at 2:00 A.M. when I’m half asleep my writing isn’t exactly pretty and that’s the only time new ideas come.

In addition, it is all written on the back of these medical notes I found in my parent’s folder:

Sorta creepy, don’t you think? I’m still looking for the one with the skeleton structure of a foot on it, because I wrote a brilliant parody of baby got back on it.

But on the bright side, I’ve got 20 or more pages of work written up…somewhere. Sadly they all look like this:

I spend more time deciphering what the fuck I wrote than actually writing it. Like right now I’m staring at a paper that says, “Something something paper something death cactus something (bad drawing of a cactus) something caramel.” Feel free to email me possible suggestions what that could mean, I’m stumped.
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