Lil Guppies Swim Center

Lil’ Guppies wanted a fun, inviting logo design that showed their professionalism, along with inviting a family-friendly atmosphere. They have been a trusted business in the local community for over 15 years.

Business Identity
Lil Guppies

The colors of light blue and dark blue represents a water theme; the orange represents the color of a fish. The swoosh in the logo represents an ocean wave. The company’s tag line is “Your child will swim like a fish”. The logo is consistent with the tag line. The fish is inviting to parents and children. The design is balanced.

Initial Design Concepts
Lil GuppiesThe script font is whimsical, yet professional. Scuba School is in a sans serif font. The text is easy to read and can be easily seen from a distance. Putting words and visuals together helps to build the Lil’ Guppies brand. Good design commands attention and enforces professionalism. It’s exciting, engaging, and fun. It’s what sets us above the competition.
Lil Guppies

The design of this logo would be appealing to families with young children. The comical fish would draw in the kids. The logo projects fun and professionalism at the same time. The image portrayed is warm and inviting. Ensure that the Lil’ Guppies logo is used in products that reflects positively and is inline with our company beliefs and values.

TShirt Design & Screenprinting
Lil Guppies

This is another design that has been taken from beginning to completion. Included are additional initial concepts and completed design on a tshirt.

DESIGN TOOLS USED: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator