Natural Solutions Magazine Spread & Cover

Customer desired one article presented two different ways for regional magazines.

Presented as Informational Article

The honey magazine spread was a fun project which included two layouts. The first layout that I chose was an informational piece. The graphic background included all things that you think about with honey. Blue skies, yellow bee hives and buzzing bees are included in the piece. The information is grouped into five separate sections, making it easy to read, as well as fun, which would keep the reader’s attention. The title of the article is graphical, along the lines of a logo. The bees play into the word “Ama-zzz-ing”.

Natural Solutions Magazine

Natural Solutions Magazine

GNatural Solutions Magazine

The “Amazing” logo and the background graphics were created in Illustrator. They were imported into InDesign and then created in a magazine type layout. The mockup was created in Photoshop.

GNatural Solutions Magazine

The mock up includes the piece as would be seen on a tabletop, complete with a magazine cover to give it authenticity.

Presented as Sales Article

To show the diversity in how information can be portrayed, the very same wording was used for another article on honey, this time taking a marketing format as you would see in many magazines.

Natural Solutions Magazine

The subject of each paragraph is lined up with a product the user would be interested to purchase. This tactic is used quite often in magazine articles. A little information with a little marketing, especially bright, inviting images, keeps the reader’s attention.

Natural Solutions Magazine

Natural Solutions Magazine

Natural Solutions Magazine

For the mockup, I again included a layout as you would see on a coffee table with a corresponding magazine cover, again for authenticity.

DESIGN TOOLS USED: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop