What is "Self" Defense ?

by Jeremy C. Bays


In the late 1950s Jame Mitose asked us the thought provoking question “What is Self-Defense?”  A book by the same title was published a little later with his answers.  You can look at the book online at http://www.tracyskarate.com/History/Mitosebook/masterpage.htm

Today that same question still burns in the minds of the martial artist as well as those in the legal profession.  This article is an attempt to make some things clear BEFORE any violent encounter.  There is no time in the mist of a violent attack to sort through these issues and questions.  Some of the questions presented have no good answer.  We need to look deep into ourselves to decide our course of action.


“SELF”- Defense

 Taken at face value this is the defense of ones self from harm or injury.  This includes everything from violent attacks in a dark alley to slipping on a patch of ice in a parking lot.  The goal is to keep YOURSELF safe and free from harm.

 For most people this definition is lacking.  I have small children that need to be protected.  They rely on me for their defense.  In the strictest sense, this is not self-defense.  We need to ask ourselves “How far goes my circle of defense extend?”  Do family members rely on me for defense?  Do friends and co-workers rely on me for their protection?  Are you employed as a bodyguard or a security officer?  If so, who relies on you for their defense and safety? 

 These are questions that each martial artist must answer in their mind every time you are in the company of others.  Are these people in need of my protection or are they willing and able to protect themselves in times of danger?  Please remember that danger is not only limited to an attack.  It can be something as simple as hurting one’s toe to something as complex as a terrorist attack.


 “SELF” Defense and the Law.

 Every state has various laws that describe the term “self-defense”.  Some states will take into account the presence of a child, older adult, or disabled person as an extension of yourself, or in other words, someone that is legally dependant upon you for there protection.  Not all states are so straightforward with their legal descriptions.  The best source of information is the local police or sheriffs department.  They will be able to answer, or direct you to someone that can answer, your many questions about this issue.

 Please do not play the MACHO game.  It is wrong to assume that someone is in need of your protection when in all honesty they are not.  Some people might find this offensive, rude, or even grounds for filing charges.  On the other hand, it is just as much of a crime to watch someone get hurt when YOU could have done something about it.  It is a delicate tightrope that we choose to walk.

 We begin this tightrope walking the moment we entered the dojo (training hall) for the first time.  We gained knowledge and experience that places us at a position above other people.  We have trained the skills we need to defend against numerous attacks, but should we put them to use?  That question is still in the hands of YOU and only YOU !!

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