I remember pulling into your driveway and seeing you. You stumbled down your front steps running out to my car. We were always perfect for each other in that sense, klutzy boisterous teenagers. I smiled as you tumbled into the seat next to me and shut the door. There was always a grin on your face such as the one you wore that day. I remember it perfectly. I backed out and you started chattering away to me immediately. You always did and I loved it. I loved listening to the sound of your voice whether you were singing or just talking to me. I especially loved it when you whispered to me, when you whispered in my ear and when you whispered and smiled at me. Your smile. I loved that too. There�s not enough room to name everything I loved about you. But I sat there listening to you ramble as was accustomed to us. But I didn�t mind. I rambled too. I just drove that day not knowing where I was going, nor caring. Every once in a while you would interrupt yourself to tell me to turn left or right, yet never missing a beat in your story and I would nod in response. Eventually I just turned into to a random park and we got out of the car. You were a whole foot taller than me, as you still are, so when I walked in front of you, you just placed your head on top of mine and wrapped your arms around me. We sat down on the nearest bench, your arms still around me and we talked. This time it wasn�t about random happenings or the nothings that usually filled the silence around us. This time it was about us, the future, our relationship. I mostly remember me tugging on your ponytail and letting your hair flow out of the band. I remember your hair tickling my bare shoulders as I was wearing a tank top that day. I remember your hands and me and your whispers in my ear as if what we had to say was private. While it may not have been, we made it more personal that way. We were secluded, isolated; there was no one around us. I remember that was the first time we confessed our deepest desires to one another. The way those three words rolled off your tongue still gives me chills up and down my spine. I whispered it back, pleased that you had said it. No, I was more than pleased; I was overjoyed; it was euphoric. And though we sat there for hours it seemed much shorter than it was. I was with you and I was happy. You made me truly happy. Though I may have seemed happy on the outside when not around you, it was you who made me feel alive. You who made me feel real. I dreaded the time that was inevitable, the time that we were to part. Even though I�d see you the next day; that seemed too far off. And as soon as I got home after dropping you off I�d called you. We talked for hours more about everything and nothing at the same time. It was amazing how we always seemed to do that.

Now it�s a year later and we no longer are. I still can�t be sure of what happened; how it happened. All I know is it�s nothing now. Our relationship disintegrated somehow over the last few months and I can�t tell you why. In my mind we did everything right. Somewhere life around us fell apart and you moved on. And all I can say is that I still love you.


Sara. 22. Traveler. Music. Concerts. Hanson. PMB. Queer As Folk. Hotel Babylon. Beer. Wine. Tattoos. Piercings. Non-Smoker. Anti-Drugs. MORE
date : 9.17.07
time : 9:44 pm
wearing : shorts, tank top
eating : nothing
drinking : nothing
listening : tv
watching : hotel babylon
thinking : i need to go work out
adores : gale harold
chatting : andrew
hanson - blue sky
hanson - dancin' in the wind
maroon 5 - wake up call
jennifer lopez - get right
justin timberlake - future sex/love sound
wash car
vacuum car
check air in tires
new windshield wiper
road trip playlist
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