Introduction to Computing: What you see yourself in 10 years from now?
Virtual University
Of course, it is not an easy task to imagine oneself ten years into the future, considering the very many things that, between now and then, could influence my decisions and overall long-term ambitions. Until recently, I admit I had not put a great deal of thought into the ‘future’, in this context the ‘future’ commencing once my academic life, the one I am familiar with, ends, and my professional life begins. So ask me where and what I will be in ten years time, and I suppose I will not have a satisfactory answer, aside from the obvious ones, such as being comfortably wealthy and healthy, both in body and in mind. However, I have come to realize that to get somewhere in life, a predetermined path has to be planned out and then, the task of how to get there. I plan to post-graduate from university in about two years from now. I am currently a part time student at Virtual University. About a year ago, I was an undergraduate student, after that I decided that it was not what I really wanted to do as it involved not only a huge commitment, but also a passion. Therefore, I enrolled in Virtual university.
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I hope I have complete my task of Introduction to Computing course.