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In the study of Angels, many have a fascination with the "fallen" angels. Myth and legend have taken the concept of these angels and created many horror stories. Movies and books have been created to give us all a sense of fear and loathing about the fallen.

When I first began this website, I told myself that I would not put any fallen angel information here, that the pages were to be for only good purposes and intent, but since that time I have received a number of requests to do so. So in an effort to please the masses *G*, I have done some research about these angels. I hope that this information will help to ease the discomfort these angels seem to cause in the heart of man.

When we talk about the Fallen Angels, we must first consider the legend of the Watchers, on the previous page. This legend has been passed down through generations to create one myth of "fallen" angels.

We then have to go back to the legend of The War In Heaven. Many religions have this concept in their teachings so I will place information here about these viewpoints as I research more.

There are several accounts of what happened to cause the War in Heaven, but the generally accepted one involves the creation of humanity.

God desired that all angels in heaven bow down to humanity, (as in to serve and protect mankind), and Lucifer refused. He wasn't the only one, and this became a major bone of contention among the angels. *Note* A good example of how this story might go, read Memnoch, The Devil by Anne Rice.

At the same time as Lucifer disobeying God in heaven, the Watchers, angels who were evidently something different than the being of pure living fire that most of their companions were, went down to earth on a mission from God to teach human beings certain tasks.

As legend states, these angels saw that the women of earth were beautiful and became lustful for them. They mated with them, and as a result were cast from heaven. A great war rose up. The heavenly host was victorious, and Satan, (or the Hebrew ha-Satan, the adversary), and his followers were tossed out of heaven and into hell, a place of eternal fire and torment.

Milton's Paradise Lost describes Satan's new home as a place of constant despair for the evil one and his companions. They spend a time bewailing their lost heaven, a place of infinite beauty and happiness. It is this despair that Milton insists drives Satan to plot against God for the rest of time, and for that, he must escape the gates of hell, guarded by Sin and Death. Sin, who was Satan's lover in heaven and once an angel herself, releases Satan. That is only the beginning of what has been a long-standing relationship between the devil and humankind.


Originally, in the old testament, the name satan is a word for an office, and the angel investing that office is not apostate or fallen. He becomes this way in the new testament when he emerges as Satan(capital S), the enemy of God. Originally ha-satan was a great angel, Chief of Seraphim, and head of the order of virtues. Through a misleading of Isaiah 14:12 he has been identified with Lucifer.

Lucifer, on the other hand, is called "light-giver". He is equated with Satan. This is the scripture which gives the misrepresentation:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning," an apostrophe which applied to Nebuchadnezzer, king of Babylon. It should be pointed out that the authors of the books of the OT knew nothing of fallen or evil angels, and do not mention them, although, at times, the Lord "put no trust," in his angels and "charged them with folly," which indicates that angels were not all that they should be. The name Lucifer was applied to Satan by St. Jerome and other church fathers. Lucifer connotes star, and applies (or originally meant to apply) to the morning or evening star (venus).

Another name still is Los. The agent of divine providence, "the laborer of ages." Since his fall, he has spent 6000 years trying to give form to the world :"I am that shadowy Prophet who, 6000 years ago/Fell from my station in the Eternal bosom."


This shows that Satan, Lucifer, Los, and the other names, can actually be good angels too because through the years, the names have been mixed up. Now it makes one think...God's name never gets mixed up, Jesus' name never gets mixed up, the prophets don't, then why Satan? Because it could be just a myth where the details have changed over the years. Its like all faiths say, God is the one thing that remains constant. And I guess this is true:)

We must also remember that God allows things to happen in our lives. The Bible says God created ALL things. This also means evil, the fallen, the dark side of the force, if you will *G*. Without the balance, there is no way to appreciate the good in our lives. Just suppose that the war in heaven was needed, that God allowed it, and that the evil one was assigned the task of trying to create the dark side? If it was not allowed, it would not have been done. Yes, Im sure the angels had their free will too, and if the evil one, whatever name you want to call it, chose not to be a part of this plan, Im sure that God would have found someone else to help him. Hell has not really been created yet. The Bible says "Heaven and Earth shall pass away", meaning that there will be a new heaven and a new hell on the day of reckoning. Of course these are my opinions and theories on the matter. I'm not saying Im correct, but it does give one thought to ponder.

With that said, please don't ask me to put up names of the Fallen Angels. I won't do it. Why? Because too many people want to try to call on these angels for the wrong reasons, and I don't want to be the helping hand in that matter.

The Origin of 'Satan'

a different view

This dual identity in Judaeo-Christian myth between the Messianic Star and a celestial Anti-Christ, Satan, reflects the very same duality used by the ancient Egyptians.  We have already seen how the dark star can take on the guise of the Messianic Horus, or the evil red-haired Seth.  An isolated Kurdish sect maintains a belief in ‘Shaitan’, as well as a strong tradition connected with the Flood.  The Yezidis live in the highlands of Eastern Turkey and believe that Shaitan is the ‘true force of divine power in the world, and that they themselves are descendants of Seth, the third son of Adam’ (4).  In the same way as we reduce the ancient ‘Shumer’ to ‘Sumer’, Shaitan can be reduced to ‘Saitan’.  That this ancient and rather bizarre tradition is maintained at all is remarkable, given the persecution that the Yezidis have brought upon themselves for their ‘Satan-worship’.  But the link with the Flood and the landing of the Ark of Noah in the very same mountains, might give us an insight into how a celestial ‘Satan’ was linked with the Flood in the first place.  We will explore the nature of that destructive potential in the next chapter.

The Book of Revelation contains much detail about the ‘Beast’ and the ‘Dragon’, that I presume to be a description of the red Star, the ‘planet’ Nibiru.  There are many references also to the seven angels, who are the 7 moons of Nibiru.  The Beast is both number 8, and also one of the seven:
“As for the beast that once was alive and is alive no longer, he is an eighth – and yet he is one of the seven, and he is going to perdition” 

The Beast  is the brown dwarf, a ‘planet’ that once shone brightly with its own light when primordial.  It now gives out little visible light, and is a dark star.  It is technically the 8th star in the configuration, yet its presence is really the essence of the 7 planetary ‘stars’ (moons), as it defines the Nibiruan system.

"a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns; on his heads were seven diadems, and with his tail he swept down a third of the stars in the sky and flung them to the earth.” 

The number usually associated with the Beast is 666.  In his book ‘The Cosmic Code’, Zecharia Sitchin has explored the meaning of this numerical figure using the methods of Gematria.

He has speculated that the meaning of this figure has less to do with the Greek word LATEINOS, depicting the Roman Empire, but instead was derived from the Hebrew  SiTRO, which means ‘his secret’ or ‘his hidden thing’(3).

Sitchin then shows a link with the Sumerian-derived account of the Celestial Battle in the form of Psalms 18:
“The Earth shook and trembled,
the foundations of the hills were shaken…
There went up smoke from his nostrils,
A devouring fire went out of his mouth…
He made darkness his secret,
By a watery darkness and celestial clouds covered.”  Psalms 18: 8-12  [His emphasis]

Sitchin has not finished there.  Taking the Biblical names for the planets of the Celestial Battle, Tehom Rabah, Sitchin concludes:
‘…then a numerical approach to the enigma of the “666” would suggest that the Book of Revelation was speaking of the Return of the Celestial Lord in a re-enactment of the Celestial Battle; for the sum total of the numerical value of Az [“then”] + Tehom + Rabah is 666” (3).

He may be correct, as we are about to see.  Zecharia Sitchin generally steers clear of Christian mythology, but this reference within the Book of Revelation to hidden knowledge about Nibiru strongly implies that the Christian religion itself is built upon such hidden teachings.  The direct references to be found within the Book of Revelation begin to make a lot of sense when one bears in mind the image of the red coloured Celestial Lord with its seven attendant moons.

Ancient Sumerian religious texts described Nibiru as ‘the Lord’, and I think this was a device used by the early Christians, who appear to have understood this material well, but whose fledgling religion became irreconcilably altered through the reformation of Christianity by the Literalist Roman Church in subsequent centuries.  Given that, it might be useful to try and make sense of these verses.

In His final teachings before His ascension, presumably back to Heaven, Jesus is said to have promised to return to Earth, prior to the Apocalypse, and save those faithful to Him by ascending them to Heaven.  This was meant to have happened during the lifetime of the early followers, a claim that was either misunderstood, or simply not met.  As such, the prophecy of Armageddon has remained with us down the centuries.  It is linked with the appearance of a celestial ‘Satan’, that appears to resemble a ‘great red dragon’.  We have already come across the ‘dragon’ imagery used to describe the dark star, and here we have it complete with 7 heads and 7 crowns, which would indicate to me the 7 moons.
“The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.  They represent also seven kings, of whom five have already fallen, one is now reigning, and the other is yet to come; and when he does he is only to last for a little while”  Revelation 17: 9-10

The seven hills are allegorical for 7 celestial mountains, or planets, in the sense that Alan Alford has studied in great depth (2).  The woman sat on the ‘hills’would indicate to me the presence of life on these moons, in a similar way that Gaia is the goddess of the Earth.  The 10 horns are less easy to explain astronomically, and the Book of Revelation indicates that they are Kings who have yet to reign.  This mirrors the verse above about the 7 Kings, of whom 5 have already reigned.  This might correlate with the individual reigns of god-Kings for each Sar, or orbit of Nibiru.  I wonder if these interpretations make reference to the number of Nibiruan passages left, in the same way that the demi-god reigns in the Egyptian and Sumerian King Lists allude to the passages of the Celestial Lord?  In which case, which passage is the one that spells disaster?

The verse containing the reference to a tail encompassing a third part of heaven certainly brings a comet to mind.  The tail described is vast.  The line also describes a casting of the stars down to Earth.  This is either meteoritic bombardment, or the movement of the heavens as seen from Earth.  Perhaps there will be another tilt of the axis of the Earth, with a repeat of the ‘sky falling’.  Does the overall sense of this describe an astronomical phenomenon associated with the dark star Nibiru?  I think that it does, and the link between this vision of Armageddon and the return of the Messiah further strengthens the case in my mind.  In the Christian religion, the duality is between Christ and Satan.  While Satan destroys the world physically, the faithful are spiritually elevated by Christ.



These the Last Words …

The Conclusion.

These are the end of times, the end of Satan's 6 days (6,000 years) that JEHOVAH granted him to prove who is and isn't worthy to be in Heaven. All those that Satan can turn away from the word of JEHOVAH, THE TRUTH, are not worthy to reside in Heaven and will not reside in Heaven.

At the end of this time Satan will be given a new place to dwell, no longer will he be in Hell/ Hades, he will be imprisoned permanently in a place called the Eternal Fire, the Sun, the first planet. All those that have followed Satan and rejected JEHOVAH will follow Satan to his new home. All those that sold their souls and all those that worship Satan will all follow Satan to his new home. From the Eternal Fire there will be no more releases, the souls that end up there will suffer Eternally.

The imprisonment in the Eternal Fire is known as the Second Death. Nobody that goes there will have Life again, their souls will suffer there forever. Nobody will have power in the Eternal Fire, all souls will be equal in their suffering states.

The Last Seven Years.

These are the last seven years. Satan will do his best to take all people on Earth with him to the Sun, it is his promised destination as punishment. Nobody else is supposed to go there but some people have chosen to follow him.
These remaining years are like seven remaining minutes of his game. You can only expect him to pull out his best tricks in order to deceive anyone he can. He has a large number of agents in every race that will help him to achieve his objective and they can be anyone and no-one. These are people that sold their souls to Satan in this Lifetime or a Lifetime in the past. They all have nothing to lose.

Satan has a number of techniques that will ensure people will go with him to the Eternal Fire.

World War 3. The objective of this war is to make the whole world bow down to a One World religion. The religion will be his Satanic church. It is written that all those that worship in this church, they will follow Satan and be imprisoned in the Eternal Fire.

The Beast. Nasir Olu Jones, some people's favourite rapper. This is Satan's chosen man to help mislead the world to where Satan is destined, the Eternal Fire. He has said on his song "If I Ruled The World (imagine that)" that we'll walk right up to the Sun hand in hand …
You won't be walking there but you will end up there if you follow him. He is the Beast from the Earth spoken of in the book of Revelation and New York is Babylon. Nas once said, "When I was twelve I went to hell for snuffin' Jesus."
He is the false prophet, the man Satan will use to lead black people to revolution in America. After murdering the good men that could have led to revolutions; Martin Luther King, Malcom X and more recently Tupac Shakur, Satan's plan is to bring in his own leader, Nas. Nas is the beast.
He is the man that will be totally energized by Satan and the power of demons. He is the one that will perform miracles by the power of demons and claim that they are by the power of GOD, he will claim that he is GOD's son.

The Mark Of The Beast. This is a microchip the size of a grain of rice that will be inserted into people's hands and heads if they accept it. Accepting this mark is a ticket to the Eternal Fire. It is a selling of one's soul since you will be under control upon the injection of these chips. An advanced form of slavery is what it will turn out to be.

Promises and gifts. Satan will promise and give anything in these last seven minutes. He has nothing to lose. The price of his gifts and false promises are a person's soul.

The sale of a soul. Your soul is your personal energy, it is exactly what makes you you. A soul is the essence of every Life, it is the part of you that never changes, it constantly feels. Selling your soul means that he possess you. At the end of time when he is finally locked up, all the souls that he possesses will follow him. He controls and owns them if they were sold to him.
Anyone that sold their soul needs to consult JEHOVAH and repent for their mistake before it is too late. He is the only one that can save you.
A soul is invaluable, no price can be put on it, only a deceived person would sell their soul.

Blasphemy. In Matthew 12:31 Jesus said that all manners of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven onto men: but the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven onto men. Whosoever speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven, neither in this world or in the world to come. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the Heart the mouth speaks.
Blasphemy is another route that Satan plans to use in order to take people with him to his eternal prison. All those that he can influence to blaspheme the Holy Ghost will go with him. Watch your mouth, it is written that on Judgement Day every idle word will be made accountable for. "For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned." - Jesus, Matthew 12:37.

Fear. You can expect Satan to use all human fears against us. He will use our fears especially of death to makes us worship him or receive the mark of the beast. Because it is the end of his time you can definitely expect him to play dirty, he is Satan the father of all foul-play.

If you have a fear of death you need to overcome it quickly. If that is what Satan needs to use to take you then realise that he will.
I think that the first thing must be that in your heart you want to follow JEHOVAH and that you don't want to burn with Satan. After that you need to concentrate on your own mind. You need to block out all the games of the world to keep you fearing. It could be music, it could be films, it could be the radio. All these need to be blocked out and replaced. The replacement should be the word of GOD, the Holy Bible, especially the words of Jesus. These are what helped me overcome my fears of death. I know that upon death I will see Heaven and the angels that surround me at present.
If I get the opportunity I will take a drink of liquor to ease my mind of any stresses caused by the parts of fear that are hardest to suppress. Brandy works for me.

Death is at it's hardest before you die but after being inflicted with … Death becomes easier and there is no need to fight it. The road to Heaven is only as long as you choose to make it. You have to find your own reason to die for. If it's Christ or the word of GOD, Heaven is that much closer. Be about the truth and choose Christ. When it's all said and done Christ will remain Eternally while those that hate him will burn Eternally.

In Matthew 16:24, Jesus said, " If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his Life will lose it: and whosoever will lose his Life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? "

Within these seven years two thirds of Earth's population (3.5 billion people = two thirds) will die [Zechariah13:7 - Zechariah 14]. Be it from war, famine or disease or any other way.

Satan plans to bring humans to extinction before he leaves. He will not succeed in his effort. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that these days will be cut short for the sake of the elect (the remaining third of people).
It is because of the time being cut short that at the end of Christ's 1000 year reign (the 7th day- the Sabbath), that Satan will be released for a short while as written. After that short while Satan will be thrown into the burning lake known as the Eternal Fire (the Sun).
Nobody but JEHOVAH knows who the elect are and so it would be foolish for anyone to assume that they are a part of the elect, everyone needs to follow the word as written in the book of Revelation. The elect and the 144,000 are two different groups of people.

When it comes down to death we all have to be strong in mind and remain brave. If certain people in our lives need to be cut off then so be it. It's a thin line between two destinations at the end of time, be fair to yourself. Keep Your Head Up, realise that comfort awaits you and that you are welcome. Choose Christ and keep your Faith in JEHOVAH.

In Matthew 18:8, Jesus said, " Wherefore if your hand or your feet offend you, cut them off, and cast them from you: It is better for you to enter into Life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if your eye offends you, pluck it out, and cast it from you: It is better for you to enter into Life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. " - The time has come for us all to apply this parable to our lives. There may be things or people in our lives that could prevent us from entering the Kingdom of GOD and they must be cut off to save ourselves. It could be a brother, a dad, a car, a job, a partner … etc. Everyone of us has to analyse our own Life, the answers to what needs cutting off lay there. Jesus was saying that it is better to leave certain foul things/ people behind if they will cause us to be cast into the Eternal Fire. The wages of sin is death, the second death. Make sure there is nothing that will cause you to end up there. Remember that this world is currently Satan's, it's better to cut it off and cast it away as he will be very very soon. Don't be a part of his world and be cut off also.

Hatred. In today's world hate is more rampant than it ever has been, this is no coincidence. Satan's job is made a lot easier if he can cause us to hate each other. Before Jesus ascended he commanded that the disciples should Love one another and to teach the world to Love one another. Love preserves us as a human race, hate destroys us as a human race. Today there are so many ridiculous reasons for us to hate each other. We have grown to hate each other as different races and also within our races we have found reasons to hate one another. I'll tell you like this, Judgement Day is approx. seven years away. The hate-play of nowadays is exactly what Satan plans on using against every one of us. He caused the hate amongst us using his subtle techniques and now he wants to capitalise on his work. He wants us to destroy each other.
Take a step back from the big picture and look in. Humans hating each other is caused by silly things, will we let Satan's mission be successful?
All hate comes from Satan, he is the source. He used human natures to breed in today's hate. Satan is the one we should hate, his ways are not for our good but his deceiving has caused us all to be blind. Racism is bullshit if I may use the expression. We are all supposed to live here on Earth together in harmony, with Peace and Love.

The Word Of JEHOVAH, THE TRUTH. The book of Daniel, the book of Revelation, the book of Gospels [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John], the words of Jesus. These form the guide of these times. Those that follow the words in these books especially from the Holy Bible, these people will be on the right path.
A big part of Satan's game-plan is to find ways of removing people from the path of righteousness. He'll do this by deceiving people that the words are false. Everything I've been speaking about is based on the words of JEHOVAH as written in the Bible. It is all true.
Don't allow anyone to mislead you from the path, leave those that want to do wickedness to do their wickedness, just do what you know will ensure your place in Heaven. The Bible won't steer you wrong, make sure you read it for yourself and in full, not a quote here and a quote there. A quote here and there amounts to a lack of understanding of the bigger picture. A lack of understanding cannot be afforded today.

Churches. I won't name any other denominations of Christianity as anti-Christ today because I don't know of any other than the Roman Catholic church. I know that very shortly they will show their true colours.
All I will say is that if any church leads people to think that accepting the mark of the beast [defined above, see Revelation chapter 13 - 14.] then that church is Satanic or it's pastor's are Satanic. The mark of the beast goes against Jesus and GOD. There will be other churches that will deceive people also.

I do think that churches could have been doing a lot more to prepare people for these times. People spend six days out in the world and can see a crazy world getting worse by the month. When they get to church it's as if the world outside doesn't exist, everybody's singing as if there's nothing important to discuss.
In the times approaching I expect more and more people that are believers in GOD but don't attend church, to find their way to church and every church's turnout will increase. I just feel that the hierarchies of today's churches are infested with entrepreneurs and freemasons. All church goers need to be aware of the possibility of devils in their church. Follow no man, follow the word of GOD that you can read for yourself in the Bible.

Seven Years of Tribulation.

The seven years before Jesus returns will be very problematic. Satan will be free to roam in his physical form and when he is freed all of Hell will be released with him. It will be the last minutes for all of them and so you can expect complete and utter mayhem on Earth.

There will be punishments from JEHOVAH to all those that worship the beast and his image and all those that receive the mark in their hands and head.

The weather. It is written that the sun will be given power to scorch all those that live on Earth. The number of natural disasters will be uncountable. Hurricanes, twisters, earthquakes, floods, droughts … etc. etc.

Desolation(s). These will be caused by the beast when he sets up his image to be worshipped. It is written that he will give it a mouth to speak. I expect it to be an inverted crucifix.

Why is it seven years? In John 11:9 Jesus said that there are twelve hours in a day. Today we say that there are twenty-four hours in a day.
There are twelve hours in a day and twelve hours of night in a day. In this respect each day of ours is worth two days of the New Testament calculation of days. Three and a half years is really Seven years, three and a half days is really seven days.
This falls in line with the Ethiopian calendar which is 8 years behind the Gregorian calendar. September is the beginning of 1994 and there will be seven years until 2001, the end of time.

There will be a lot of confusion regarding the end of time, the return of Jesus and if it will take seven years or not. There will be two people that will prophesy for the time period in concern, these are the two witnesses. The two people that witnessed Christ in the flesh and he didn't have to tell them that he was Christ. Huh? … You'll understand soon enough.
These two witnesses will have the answers to all questions that might be asked about the times and they will tell everyone on the streets, they will be dressed in sackcloth as written in Revelation chapter 11. Do not try to harm them.  

The Return of Christ.  


It will be like a thief, in the night. No-one but the Father knows the hour of his return but when he does return the things that will happen are written in the book of Revelation. All enemies of JEHOVAH will be destroyed and the first Judgement Day will commence.
The warrior side of Jesus will be seen, does he play? I don't think so. It will be the Riders trampling on the punks and the vultures will eat all their flesh.

If any fool thinks that he will rule the world and live happily ever after because Satan said so, that fool needs to finish reading the book of Revelation, the words of JEHOVAH, THE TRUTH. Jesus is coming with great Glory and Power, you will be dealt with and shown no mercy, you are a punk, a counterfeit from birth. You will be carried and thrown into your permanent prison where you will find no ice to cool your torment. Who will laugh last?

You are playing a game of the Hare and the Tortoise. There's no telling when that tortoise will catch up with you, what a day it will be.

Satan has seven minutes remaining …


I'd like to say a few last words to all the people in my Life that have witnessed me composing all my long letters and thought I was losing it. I tell you that I never lost it and that my mindset even improved since I turned around from the world. I have no regrets about how things turned out, this is the Life I chose.
To all the people I had to cut off because a misunderstanding of where I was going, I say to you "One Love". To all the people that were genuinely concerned about me when I stopped university and started growing my hair, I say to you "One Love". How can I be mad with you?
I know that you will understand why I did what I did very shortly.
To all the people that felt I was bugging them with all the Emails, to you I say "One Love", you'll understand why shortly.
To all the people that call themselves Atheists and Scientists, I say "One Love", your entering a time where you will realise that you know nothing. All the laws of physics that you thought would help you understand the Universes and use to dethrone the mysteries of The Most High, all those will be thrown back in your face. It is now that you will know that you know nothing. How many of your laws will be defied? … There will be no more atheists when these times are finished. You must respect JEHOVAH.
To all my enemies I say "One Love - get your minds right", time is running out and Satan's game is tactics to take you to where you ought not to be.

The past two months of telling people the real deal and what is going to happen made me understand a lot. I understand how people before me have felt and I see that Satan deliberately makes false people talk nonsense so that when the truth does come it becomes like a "Cry Wolf" series and no-one will listen to them.
I will remind all people about the time of Noah and the building of his ark. It was a time when wickedness and unrighteousness was in abundance. GOD was displeased at what he saw and was ready to destroy. He found only one family that he thought should be saved, Noah's family. He told Noah his plans of destroying the wicked to cleanse Earth, GOD gave Noah instructions to build an ark and told him about the animals …

When Noah was building the ark I'm sure that many people came and asked him why he was building an ark and why he was collecting animals. He would have told them why and that a flood was coming shortly. They in turn would have laughed at him, insulted him and made him feel like he was crazy. That didn't stop Noah, he knew what he was talking about and that GOD had given him instructions to follow.
When he finished making the ark, he and his family got in the ark with all the animals. The floods came and washed away every living soul on Earth. Noah was right all along, it's just that he was the only one on Earth that knew it. I wonder if he laughed when he was in the ark?

… There's a time for everything and everything that has been written will come to pass. The Word Of GOD is a Sharp Double Edged Sword, it is THE TRUTH and is eternally the undisputed champion. Blessed are those that recognise it as so.

That concludes my Last Words. These are a renewed set of Last Words because I have another set of words that were to be my last words. Those words are currently unreleased, however they will be soon, they're on the streets of London and I'm sure they'll find their way onto the internet.

Spread Knowledge is the September8 movement. It is the spreading of all knowledge and the spreading of all secrets and CONspiracies hidden from the 85% mass of Earth's population, the knowledge is for all people of all races not just for one race. These are the days of Revelation so let it be revealed now. LET THE WORLD KNOW … 





The anti-Christ is the rapper called NAS ...... 

Why I say Nas is the ANTICHRIST (Beast from the Earth: Revelation 13:11) Tuesday, 9th October 2001
EDITED: Thursday, 27th June 2002

The Raekwon the chef album, "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx" (1995)

At the back of the album where all the tracks are listed and numbered there is a picture of Raekwon, he is making a salute that means three sixes (666).
If you put your left index finger and your left thumb together as a circle and stick up your other three fingers and view it straight forward you should see three sixes. Raekwon does this salute on his album and so does R.Kelly on his album called R.Kelly.

"Only Built 4 Cuban Linx" has 18 tracks (6+6+6 = 1 8) . The total CD time is 73:35 (7+3+3+5 = 1 8) . The barcode on this CD has many sixes consecutively (one after another.

Song number 12 (6+6) is called "Verbal Intercourse", Nas is on this song. The first two letters are V and I. In Roman numerals VI means 6. 12+VI = 18 (6+6+6).

Nas' first album is called "Illmatic". One song on there goes "Whose world is this? It's mine it's it's mine." - This is currently Satan's world. On this album Nas said "I Love comitting sins and my friends sell crack." Also "About Gods I don't believe in none of that sh*t your facts are backwards ..."

In 1996 Nas came with his second album called "It Was Written". The two main songs were "Nas Is Coming" and "If I Ruled The World (imagine that)". The antichrist is the man that will rule the whole world some time soon. Nas Is Coming is like how Christians would say that Jesus Is Coming, there were many shots at Tupac on that song but subliminally, if you knew then you knew but if not it's just another song. The album was called It Was Written. I wonder what he means?

On "Nas Is Coming" Nas said "A provocative plan could bring an eye to my hand as the pyramids will stand on the top of the sand." He was referring to the back of the one dollar bill where there is a pyramid and the eye of Lucifer. The symbols are freemasonic. Novous Ordos Seclorum = New Order of the world. Annuit Cleptus = our enterprise is crowned with success. It is called the Great Seal, the majority of Americans do now know what it means though. (asleep)

In 1999 Nas came with his third album entitled, " I am ...". Jesus Christ told the Jews in his day that before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:57). To say "I am ..." is to say that you are God, JEHOVAH says "I am that I am."

In 1999 Nas came with his fourth album called "Nastradamus". Now he's calling himself a prophet. His song "New World" is an advertisement of The New World Order that is being set up at present. The chorus goes "Welcome to the New World new beginning, a new way to play, a new way of living, cash is the past, a new way of spending, a new Life for man children and women." The "Nastradamus" song's video shows Nas dancing inside the Sun (the eternal fire).

Nas has "GOD's son" tattooed on his belly. On Nas' first appearance on a track "Live at the BBQ" Nas said "When I was twelve I went to Hell for snuffin' Jesus". There is even a picture of Nas as a child holding a statue of Jesus in a headlock.

I think that Nas thought that Tupac was Jesus Christ, why? Because he waited 3 years after Tupac's death before he released his last two albums. It Is written in the book of Daniel (9:26) that after the 62 weeks that the Messiah will be cut off and from then commences the last seven weeks (years). In the middle of the Seven is when the antichrist will begin his reign. When I talk about the seven year tribulation I speak of the first half being war and the second half being the Satanic church's ruling. Nas' song "New World" starts off with a "Happy New Year" countdown, meaning, he thought that he would begin his reign at the start of the 2000 new year. (my personal thoughts). - Tupac died September 13th 1996, 42 months later was March 2000.

On "Verbal Intercourse" Nas said "When I'm deceased by then the beast will rise like yeast to conquer peace leaving savages to roam on the streets." On this song he was called "Nas Escobar". Nas recently had plans to release an EP called "Death Of Escobar" which shows that the time of his death and what he thinks will happen is closeby.

The song "Hate Me Now" uses a sample from the same music in the film called "The Omen", which was all about the birth of the antichrist. In the video to the song Nas goes up on the cross (like Jesus).

The true calendar is the Ethiopian calendar, by it we are currently in 1994. Nas' year of birth (our 1973) is 1966 by the Ethiopian calendar.

On "One Mic" Nas speaks about drinking blood, he says: Only if he had one god to teach him to do things His son did (Christ) " ... pure, like a cup of virgin blood, mixed with 151, one sip will make a nigga flip ..." - A Beast is a vampire, they get power from blood from their various witchcraft rituals.

The "S" in Nas' logo is a snake (a cobra/ serpent), NaS.

Nas' name adds up to 666 as it say in the Bible, let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast ... it is 666.

In Revelations 13: 18 It says: Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Nas' name adds up to it. Here's how you calculate....

A=6 I=54 Q=102 Y=150
B=12 J=60 R=108 Z=156
C=18 K=66 S=114
D=24 L=72 T=120
E=30 M=78 U=126
F=36 N=84 V=132
G=42 O=90 W=138
H=48 P=96 X= 144

It's the six times table (surprise surprise) up to 26 since there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
Using this system you will see that

N+E+W+Y+O+R+K = 666 [ Babylon, the Empire's State (Babylon's premier site) ]
C+O+M+P+U+T+E+R = 666 [ The Internet/ Matrix: The Future Internet/computer games ]
S+U+N+M+O+O+N = 666 [ Sun Myung Moon - a man claiming to be a replacement for Jesus Christ, but is no-one.] - see
S+A+N+T+A+C+L+A+U+S = 666 [So-called 'Father Christmas']

N+A+S+I+R = 366
B+I+N = 150
O+L+U = 288
D+A+R+A = 144
J+O+N+E+S = 378

[Nas' full name]

O+L+U+J+O+N+E+S = 288 + 378 = 666

So there you have it. Check out anything I've said and then you'll be on the same page as me. I noticed a lot of things bit by bit before it finally hit me. Nas is not hiding who he is, he's just not saying who he is directly. There's too much here for me to call this a coincidence, and that's why I take it all very very seriously, as you should.

Nas is Satan's begotten son, "Damien". Satan counterfeits just about everything that JEHOVAH does, Satan does it in order to deceive the world. Satan's plan is to deceive people of other races especially, black people will see Nas coming other peoples may not.

To request more information on these End Time prophecies, please send an Email to '[email protected]' and make your subject be 'GIMME SOME MORE'. I will send you My 7 day theory II: explanations of the book of Revelation; the New World Order will be Islamic, there will be a war between Christians and Muslims, and Babylon (England & America's system) is due to fall. It is called the 7 day theory because it outlines the 7 years of tribulation that occur before the return of Jesus Christ with his Saints.
Know the Truth: The only way into God's Kingdom is through Jesus Christ, he is the way, the truth and the light; no-one gets into Heaven unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Any religion or 'prophet' that says differently has a satanic function: to mislead. Beware, because some religions seem to be so 'peaceful' but their overall function leads people away from Jesus Christ and so leads them away from God (JEHOVAH). Jesus Christ is the one begotten Son of God: Jesus Christ shares the same heart as God, it means that he is God in human form.

"Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words." - Proverbs 23:9

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