Name: Peter Andrew Furler
Nicknames: Pete, Baldy, Pietro the jugglar of death
From: Mooloolaba, Australia
Birthday: September 8, 1971
Family: Dad - Bill (their pastour on the road)
           Mom - Rosalie
           Sisters - Debbi, Vicki, Julie
           Brothers - Mark, David

Married: Summer
           On their first date Pete "accidentaly" left his sunglasses in Summer's car. He figured it'd be a good excuse to see her again. After touring in Australia he came back with a bouquet of flowers and stuffed kangaroo and asked Summer to marry him.
Pets: Coco and Bull (his dogs)
Early Years: When Pete was a little younger than 10 he would listen to the radio. He spent so much time listening to the radio that he knew what was going to be played just by the dead air.
           Pete is the only original band member still in the band. He started out as the drummer and has since then transformed into a lead singer. When the band was first trying to put together some musicians there was a guitarist, George Perdikas, who was trying to choose between two bands. Peter convinced him to stick with him. "I said I had a 10-piece dumkit, but what I had done was count all pieces on the kit, not the actual drums themselves." He asked if John James and Sean Taylor would sing and play bass and the band was set. "It was really formed out of the love for music, but a little bit of bordem too."
  Pete has co-written every song
  Scariest moment was surfing with sharks
  Got stuck under the rotating drum kit. The crew had to cut him down as the crowd got sprayed with hydraulic fluid.
  Wears Dolce and Gabana cologne
  Gets dizzy every time he does the rotating drum solo
  Shaves his head everyday
  Always makes sure the band is never a rip-off
  Loves Motocross
  Doesn't believe he's famous
  Fav team - Atalanta Braves
  Fav subject in school - Lunch (It's my fav too! hehe)
  Fav snack - Melba Toast
  Favorite album - Abba Gold
  Favorite Bible verse - Psalm 139
  Favorite Bible story - Story of Joeseph
  Favorite Newsboys song - Elle G.
Peter Furler
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