Activist, Writer, Performer

Imani Henry's performances are made possible

by the generous contributions of:


African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change,

Antonieta Gimeno & Pat O'Brien,

Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation,

The Audre Lorde project,

The Brooklyn Arts Exchange,

Collette Carter, The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies,

Fast Friday Productions,

Jesse Ehrensaft-Hawley, The International Action Center,

The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force,

The National Writers Union,

Henri Nereaux, Marya Warshaw & Jane Rafferty,

The WOW Cafe Theatre


Administrative & technical support provided by:


BF Sound, DYKE TV,

Rosamond King of Eating Artist Services,

Akilah Oliver, Elena J. Peckman,

Peoples Video Network,

Ivory Sampson, Lallan Schoenstein,

Daniel Soltis & Workers World Party



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