Imani Henry and Renita Martin
(credit: Anglea Jimenez)


Step Right Up All the beautiful & colorful  Divas, Muscle Men, B-Boys, 2-Spirits, Amazons & Our Str8 Kin  for a new monthly party.

Imani Henry Presents
Carnival @Sputnik
Satursday, October 24th, 2009
10pm – 4am
262 Taaffe Street – Sputnik, Brooklyn , NY

Enjoy Show Stopping Performances by
Jennifer Miller of Circus AMOK and Ashley Brockington, Hostess & Producer of Cabaret Cataplexy  

Dance All  Night to the best of 4 decades of R&B, Soca, House, HipHop, Reggae, Bhangra and Salsa with DJs AK-Right and Dooga tearing up the decks
 $7 w/flyer, $10 without, 21+.

for invite:
for more info call 646. 709. 8057

LGBT, marriage and the economic crisis, by Imani Henry

Around the world, tens of thousands of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people and their supporters are demonstrating as part of the Nov. 15 National Day of Action against the passing of Proposition 8, a ballot initiative that bans LGBT marriage in California....



  (photo credit: Angela Jimenez; sculptures: Mr. Bajour)

Upcoming performances

Before and After T, By Jacob Anderson-Minshall, April 6, 2006, SF Bay Times

Imani Henry Crosses Genders and Genres, By Margaret Rhee, March 10, 2006 in L.A. Theatre | Permalink:

Tenants Fightback from New Orleans to Harlem:

Police brutality covered up 'Non-lethal' TASERs still kill-- By Imani Henry

Hip-Hop Fridays: Racist Vilification Of Hip-Hop by Imani Henry --Black

Actor keeps edgy play well centered--Boston Globe review, 2003

Cutting Edge--The Theater Offensive’s annual assault, BY LIZA WEISSTUCH

June 02,2003 interview with Gender Talk Radio

Interview with Imani Henry [Sable Magazine: go to lounge/people]




Hosted by

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