

Part I


List of language abbreviations in the IED

Abbreviation  Language name

Aeq.    Aequian

Akk.    Akkadian

Alan.   Alanian (=Old Ossetic)

Alb.     Albanian

Anat.   Anatolian

Ang.    Anglian

AngN  Anglo-Norman

Aram.-Iran     Aramaeo-Iranian

Ash.    Ashkun

Ass.    Assyrian

Auk.    Aukshtaitian

Bactr.  Bactrian

Bel.     Belorussian

Br.       British

Bret.    Breton

BVan. Bas-Vannetais

CCl.    Continental Celtic

Chak. Chakavian

Chor.  Chorasmian

CIb.    Celtiberian

Class. Skt.     Classical Sanskrit

Co.      Cornish

Corn.  Cornouillais

Dac.    Dacian

Dan.   Danish

Dard.  Dardic

Dzuk.  Dzukian

EBl.     East Baltic

EGm.  East Germanic

EGmRun.      East-Germanic Runic

El.       Elymian

Elam.  Elamite

Elam.-Iran.    Elamo-Iranian

EMoBret.       Early Modern Breton

EMoIr.            Early Modern Irish

EMoW            Early Modern Welsh

ESl.     East Slavic

Faer.   Faeroese

FriRun.           Frisian Runic

Gal.     Galindian

Gallo-Gk.       Gallo-Gk. (in Gk. authors)

Gallo-Lat.       Gallo-Latin (in Lat. authors)

Gaul.   Gaulish

GaulG Gaulish in Greek letters

GaulL Gaulish in Lat. letters

Go.      Gothic

Gr.       Greek

Hebr.  Hebrew

Hell.    Hellenistic

Hi.       Hindi

HVan. Haut-Vannetais

IE        Indo-European

IIr.       Indo-Iranian

InsCl.  Insular Celtic

Iran.    Iranian

It.-Cl.   Italo-Celtic

Kajk.   Kajkavian

Ken.    Kentish

Khot.   Khotanese (=Saka)

Lak.    Lakonian

Lang.  Langobardian

Latg.   Latgalian

LAv.    Late Avestan

LCo.   Late Cornish

Lep.    Lepontic

Liv.      Livonian

LPBr.  Late Proto-British

Lus.    Lusitanian

Mac.   Macedonian

MArm.            Middle Armenian

Mars.  Marsian

Maz.   Mazanderani

Mcd.   Macedonian

MCo.  Middle Cornish

Med.   Median

Merc.  Mercian

MFr.    Middle French

MIA     Middle Indo-Aryan

MIA     Middle Indo-Aryan

MIc.    Middle Icelandic

Mit.      Mitanni

MnLE Restsprachen east

MnLW            Restsprachen west

MoArm.          Modern Armenian

MoBret.          Modern Bret.

MoCo.            Modern Cornish

MoE    Modern English

MoIA  Modern Indo-Aryan

MoIc.  Modern Icelandic

MoIr.   Modern Irish

MoP    Modern Persian

MoW   Modern Welsh

MP      Middle Persian

Mun.   Munji

MW     Middle Welsh

Myc.    Mycenaean

NEIran.          Northeast Iranian

NGm.  North Germanic

NIA     New Indo-Aryan

non-IE            Non-IE languages

Nth.     Northumbrian

Nur.    Nuristani

NWGk.           Northwestern Greek

NWIran.         Northwest Iranian

OBr.    Old British (i.e. names in Latin sources and inscriptions of the Dark Ages)

OBret. Old Breton

OCo.   Old Cornish (Voc. Corn.)

OCS   Old Church Slavonic

ODan.            Old Danish

OERun.         Old English Runic

OFri.   Old Frisian

OFriRun.        Old Frisian Runic

Og.      Ogam Irish

OGt.    Old Gutnish

OIA     Old Indo-Aryan

OIran. Old Iranian (names in var. sources)

ONRun.         Old Norse Runic

OP      Old Persian

OPhr.  Old Phrygian

Orm.   Ormuri

ORu.   Old Russian

ORun.            Old Runic

Oss.    Ossetic

OssD  Digor

OssI    Iron

OSWBr.         Old South-West British

OW     Old Welsh

P         Proto- (can be prefixed to any language)

Pa.      Pali

Paeon.           Paeonic

Pal.     Palaic

Pam.   Pamir

Par.     Parachi

Parth. Parthian

Pash.  Pashto (=Afghan)

PFU    Proto-Fenno-Ugric

Pis.     Pisidic

Pkt.     Prakrit

Plb.     Polabian

Pol.     Polish

PrIr.    Primitive Irish

PRom.           Proto-Romance

PSab. (Proto-)Sabellian ( = Osco-Umbrian)

PSamn.         Presamnitic

PU      Proto-Uralic

qIE      quasi-Indo-European

Rosh. Roshani

Ru.      Russian

RuCS Russian Church Slavonic

Sar.     Sarikoli

Sarmat.          Sarmatian

Sbn.    Sabinian

SCr.    Serbo-Croatian

SCS   Serbian Church Slavonic

Scyth. Scythian

SEIran.          Southeast Iranian

Sel.     Selian

Sh.      Shughni

Shtok. Shtokavian

Sic.     Siculian

Sid.     Sidetic

Skt.     Sanskrit

Slc.     Slovincian

Slk.     Slovak

Sln.     Slovene

Sogd. Sogdian

Sp.      Spanish

SPic.   South Picenian

SSl.     South Slavic

Sum.   Sumerian (non-IE)

SwG   Swiss German (Schweizerdeutsch)

SWIran.         Southwest Iranian

Taj.     Tajik

Thrac. Thracian

Treg.   Tregorrois

Ukr.     Ukrainian

Van.    Vannetais

Vand. Vandal

Ved.    Vedic

W        Welsh

Wa.     Wakhi

WBl.    West Baltic

WS     West-Saxon

WSl.    West Slavic

Yagh. Yaghnobi

Yaz.    Yazgulami

Yi.       Yidgha

Zhem. Zhemaitian




Root / lemma: abhro-

English meaning: strong, mighty


Middle Irish Prefix abor- ` very much ', Welsh afr- ` very much ', Gothic abrs ` get strong, violent ', adv. abraba ` very much ', bi-abrjan ` before were astonished beside oneself ', Old Icelandic Prefix afar- ` very much ', Illyrian VN Α῎βροι, Thracian PN Α᾽βρο-.

Here maybe Gothic aba (n- stem) ` husband'.

References: WP. I 177, Feist 1 b f., 579 a., W. Schulze KZ. 52, 311 = Kl. Schr. 398.

See also: abh-

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Root / lemma: abh-

English meaning: quick, abrupt

Note: alter r/n- stem


Gr. ἄφαρ ` straightway, forthwith, at once, quickly, presently ', ἄφνω, ἄφνως `suddenly'.

Old Church Slavic abьje ` straight away, directly ', uncertain Old Indic  ahnāya ` directly, straight away, instantly, speedily ' (rather to áhar, áhan- `day ' p. 7).

References: WP. I 177, Feist 1 b f., 579 a., W. Schulze KZ. 52, 311 = Kl. Schr. 398.

See also: abhro-

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Root / lemma: abō(n)

English meaning: ape, *water demon

Note: (Celtic neologism). The animal introduced by traveling merchants can have been named by the Celts with the name of her aquatic demon (see above ab-).


Hes. ἀβράνας Κελτοὶ τοὺς κερκοπιθήκους is maybe ἀββάνας (Akk. Pl.), Old Norse api m. ` monkey ', Old Saxon apo, Old High German affo m., affa, affin f., Old English apa m. `monkey', Old Czech opice, Old Russian opica from Germanic

References: WP. I 51 f.

See also: compare ab-`water' and Schrader Reallex., Hoops Reallex. s. v. ape.

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Root / lemma: ab-

English meaning: water, river


Hittite: hap(a)- ' river', Pal. hapnas, Luw. hapinni- (Tischler 159-160)

Latin amnis f., late m. c (*abnis), Old Irish ab (*aba) Gen. abae `river', besides abann, Welsh afon, Cornish Breton Auon, gall. brit. FlN Abona, Welsh afanc ` beaver, water demon, dwarf '

Middle Irish abac (*abankos) ` beaver, dwarf ',

Swiss -French avañ  `pasture' (*abanko-)

Latvian FlN Abava.

References: WP. I 46 f., WH. I 40, Feist 19a, 579a, GIPatSR. II 134.

See also: compare also āp-2 `water, river' and abō(n) `ape'.

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Root / lemma: ades-, ados-

English meaning: sort of cereal

Grammatical information: n.


Hittite: hattar n. ' corn, grain ', Lyk. ẋʮʮase ' hay, fodder ' (Tischler 220)

Armenian: hat `grain'

Latin ador, -ō̆ris n. ` a kind of grain, spelt ', Gothic atisk (*ades-ko-) `sowing field', m.

Old High German ezzisca Pl. `sowing', Middle High German dial. Esch, Swiss dial. Aesch ` field entrance of a village ', Tocharian AB āti ` grass ' [B atiyo (f.pl.) `grass' (Adams 9)]

(differently Pedersen Tocharian 641). about gr. ἀθήρ ` an ear of corn ' see below andh-.

References: WP. I 45, Feist 61 a, anders WH. I 14.

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Root / lemma: ad-1

English meaning: to, by, at


Phrygian αδ-δακετ `he brings about', Macedonian ἄδ-δαι ῥυμοί (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 69), Latin ad `to, with, in ', preverb and preposition, m. Akk., also Gen. atque, ac ` and in addition, and also, and ', Umbrian ap `in which place, in what place, where, when, after, since, although ' Umbrian ař- preverb, -ař ̌ postposition m. Akk. , Oscan adpúd ` as far as ', Oscan az ` to, toward ' preposition m. Akk ., Old Irish ad- preverb (e.g., ad-glādur  `call upon, appeal to '), Welsh add-, gall. ad- prefix (e.g., MN Ad-iantū: Welsh addiant `longing', Admārus) Welsh â, with vowel ag `with' Germanic *at preverb and preposition mostly with `Dative' = Locative, rare m. Akk., Gothic at ` to, by ', Old Icelandic at ` to, by, against, after ', Old English æt, Old Saxon at, Old High German az ` to, by, in '. 

zero grade:

ved. t-sárati ` creeps, creeps up ', Old High German zagēn (: Gothic *-agan `fear'), Old High German z-ougen, Middle High German zōugen, Old Saxon t-ōgian compared with Gothic at-augjan ` with raised up eyes, point, show '.

References: WP.I 44 f., WH.I 11 f.

See also: Perhaps to ad-2.

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Root / lemma: ad-2

English meaning: to establish, put in order


Umbrian arsie (*adio-) ` venerable, august, divine, sacred, pure, holy (very freq. and class.); of a divinity, and of things in any way belonging to one ', arsmor (*admon) ` a form of religious observance, religious usage, ceremony, rite ', arsmatiam (*admatio-) ` relating to religious rites or ceremonies, ritual ', armamu ` you shall be ordered, set in order, arranged, adjusted, disposed, regulated ', Ařmune epithet of Jupiter to *ad- ` settle, order '

Old Irish ad n. `law', Pl. ada ` ceremonious customs ', from it Adj. `lawful', adas `proper', Welsh addas `suitable', eddyl (*adilo-) ` duty, purpose '.

Germanic *tila- ` suitable opportunity ' in:

Gothic til n., ga-tils ` suitably ', Old English til ` suitable, useful ', Old High German zil ` purpose ', preposition Old English Old Icelandic til ` to, for '.

References: WE. I 12, Devoto Mél. Pedersen 224.

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Root / lemma: ad(u)-, ad-ro-

English meaning: water current


Avestan aδu ` water run, brook, canal ', Venetic-Illyrian FlN Ad(d)ua (Po), (*Aduli̯a) Attel (to Danube in Bavaria), Mons of Adula `St. Gotthard ' (probably named after the rivers streaming there), Upper Austrian FlN *Adra > Attersee, Attergau, FlN Adrana > Eder (Hessen), PN Adria in Venetien (afterwards mare Adriaticum), sizil. FlN Α᾽δρανός and Venetic-Illyrian name of Oder Οὐι-αδούας, further Latvian FlN Adula

References: Vasmer ZslPh. 8, 114 f., Pokorny Urill. 4, 70, 93, 109, 124.

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Root / lemma: agh-(lo-)

English meaning: disgusting


Gothic agls `opprobrious, ignominious', agliÞa, aglō ` hardship ', us-agljan ` press ', Old English eg(e)le ` offensive, unwieldy, unfortunate ', eglan add ` pain ' (English ail ` be hurt; indisposed '), eglian ` to be felt painfully ', Middle Low German egelen ` cause grief ', Gothic aglus Adv. agluba ` δύσκολος, difficult ', aglaitei f. -i n. ` licentiousness, wanton violence, insolence, sexual offense ', Old High German agaleizi f.,-i n. ` discomfort; zeal ', agaleizo ` keen ' Old Saxon aglēto, agalēto Adv. ` sedulous, keen '.

Old Indic aghá- (=Avestan aɣō-) `nasty', n. ` horrible, damage ', aghalá- ` bad '.

Middle Irish ālad n. `wound' (*agloton), Middle Welsh aele(u) `painful', aeleu m. `pain' (*aglou̯-).

References: WP. I 41, Feist 15 a, Specht Dekl. 136, Loth RC. 38, 56.

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Root / lemma: aghl(u)-

English meaning: rainy weather


Gr. ἀχλύ̄ς ` fog, darkness ', Old Prussian aglo n. `rain' (u- stem), Armenian *alj- in aɫjaɫj, aɫjamuɫjkh `darkness' (Meillet MSL. 10, 279).

References: WP. I 41. compare Petersen Aryan and Armenian Stud. 126.

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Root / lemma: agh-

English meaning: to fear


Gr. ἄχος n. ` fear, pain, grief ', ἄχνυμαι, ἄχομαι ` grieving, sorrowing, mourning ' (Aor. ἥκαχε, ἠκαχόμην, Perf. ἀκάχημαι), ἀχεύων, ἀχέων ` mourning, groaning ', ἀκαχίζω `sadden', ἄχθος ` load, grief ' (* ἀχτος), ἀχθεσθαι ` to be loaded, be depressed '.

Maybe nasalized alb. ankth `fear'

Old English ege m. `fear', egisi-grima gl. ` ghost, spectre, evil spirit ', n. es- stem *agiz = gr. ἄχος `get a fright', Old High German egis-līh ' dreadful ', egisōn ` get a fright ', Gothic agis n. ` fear, anxiety, fright ', Old High German agiso, egiso m., egisa f. ` fear, fright figure ', Old English egesa m. ` fear ', Old Norse agi m. (-en- stem) 'Fear', Old High German egī, Middle High German ege f. ` fear, fright, punishment ', Gothic -agan in un-agands ` are not afraid ', af-agjan ` frighten', us-agjan ` frighten somebody ', ` in-agjan ` snub somebody ', preterit present Gothic ōg (ōgum) ` fears me ', ni ōgs ` fear nothing ' (old short vocal subjunctive *ōgiz), Old Norse ōa-sk ` be afraid ', Gothic ōgjan ` snub somebody ', Old Norse ægja `get a fright', ōgn f. ` fright ', ōtti m. ` fear ' Old English ōga f. ` fright '.

Old Irish ad-agor,-agur ` fear '

References: WP. I 40, Feist 14, 380.

See also: hereupon belongs probably also: agh-(lo-)

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Root / lemma: agos-

English meaning: fault, sin, *blood guilt


Old Indic ā́gas- n. `offence, injury, sin, fault', gr. ἄγος ` heavy guilt, blood guilt ', Old Indic ánāgas- ` innocent ', gr. ἀναγής ` innocent, guiltless '; ἀγής, ἐναγής ` curses ', ἄγιος μιαρός, Old English acan, ōc `hurt', English ache, ndd. äken ` hurt, fester, dent, blow ', Middle Dutch akel `grief, wrong, pity', Modern Frisian akelig, aeklig ` wretched, vehement '.

References: WP. I 38.

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Root / lemma: agro- (egro-?)

English meaning: top, first, beginning


Old Indic ágra- n. `point, foremost point or part, tip, front ', agrē (Locative) `at the top, in front, ahead of ', also timewise `in the beginning, first', agrimá- `first, preceding, foremost ', Avestan aɣra- `first, uppermost after time space etc.', n. `beginning; the uppermost, point', Latvian agrs (Adj.) `early', agri Adv. `early, early on', agrums `the early morning',

Maybe alb. ag `dawn, the early morning', agull `dark, bad vision ',

Latin MN Agrippa from *agri-p(e)d- ` breech birth (one who causes great pain at his birth ', Old Indic ágra : Hittite ḫé-kur, ḫé-gur  'cliff summit, rock, crag '. 

Maybe Agrianes Illyrian TN, Agron `Illyrian king'.

References: WP. I 38 f., Pedersen Hittite 183.

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Root / lemma: agu̯(e)sī, aksī

English meaning: axe


Gothic aqizi, Old Norse øx, Old English acus, æx, Old Saxon acus, accus, Old High German achhus, accus, aches, Modern High German Axt, gr. ἰξός ` ax, hatchet ', Latin ascia ` ax of the carpenters '

Maybe alb. ashka `shavings, wood splinter'

References: WP. I 39, WH. I 71, Feist 54 b, Specht Dekl. 150, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 4654.

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Root / lemma: aĝh-

English meaning: plough animal


Old Indic ahī `cow', Avestan azī f. Adj. `pregnant' (from cows and mares), Middle Irish ag (s- stem) m., f. ` bovine animal, cow ', ag allaid 'deer' (actually, ` wild ox '), ál ` brood, throw ', (*aglo-) Welsh ael ds. 

Middle Welsh aelaw ` abundance, fertility ', eilion (*agliones) ` fallow deer, horses ', Armenian ezn `bovine animal'?

References: WP. I 38, Loth RC. 38, 55.

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Root / lemma: aĝro-s

See also: s. aĝ-

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Root / lemma: aĝ-

English meaning: to lead, *drive cattle

Grammatical information: originally limited to the present stem.

Material: aĝō:

Old Indic ájati `drive', ajá- m. `a drove, troop; a driver'; ājí- m./f. `running match, combat', Avestan azaiti ` drive, lead away ', Armenian acem ` lead, bring ';

Maybe alb. Geg (*ἄγω), ago `leader, chief';

gr. ἄγω 'lead' (Aor. Aor. ἤγαγον, ἤξα are new), Latin agō ` to set in motion, drive, lead, negotiate ', Oscan Imperative actud = Umbrian aitu ` o set in violent motion, drive onward, move, impel, urge ', Oscan acum ` drive, urge ', Old Irish ad-aig ` to drive, bring, or take a person or thing to a place, of cattle ', Old Welsh agit, hegit, more recently ëyt (*agīti), Welsh Cornish Breton  a (*aget) `goes',

t- Preterit:

Old Irish ro-da-acht ` driven away ', Welsh aeth (*ag-t) `to put in motion', Old Irish āin ` activity, play ' (from *agnis), gallo-rom. *and-agnis  ` big step ', French andain ` swath, scythe slash ', Old French `wide step', Old Norse aka `driving', Old English ac `however, but, yet'

Tocharian B ak-, AB āk- `travel, lead'

to- participle:

gr. ἀκτός, Latin āctus ' put in motion, moved, driven, tended, conducted', *amb (i)-aktos, actually, ` sent around (: Old Irish imm-aig) messenger, servant ' in gall. (-Latin) ambactus ` vassal, slave ', Welsh amaeth ` servus arans '

from Celtic derives:

Gothic andbahts, Old High German ambaht ` servant ', from which the kinship with Modern High German Amt


As Indo Germanic Instrumental noun in-trā here:

Old Indic aṣ̌ṭrā `goad to drive the livestock ', Avestan aštrā ` whip, scourge '.

Maybe Tokharian: B āk n. `zeal' (Adams 35), AB āk- `lead, guide, drive' (36).


lengthened grade formations:

Old Indic ājí-ḥ m. f. `race, fight ', Middle Irish āg (Gen. āga, u- stem) `fight', āga, āige `leaders', compare also gall. PN Ago-mārus = Old Irish ágmar `warlike'; Com-āgius

Latin only in compounds: ambāgēs, around ` a roundabout way, winding. Hence, in speech, etc., either circumlocution or obscurity ', indāgēs and indāgo,-inis ` surrounding and driving of game ', co-āgulum ` a means of coagulation, a coagulum or coagulator (the curdled milk in the stomach of a sucking animal, the stomach itself, etc.), rennet or runnet; the curdled milk; that which holds or binds together, a bond, tie '

Maybe alb. geg (*co-āgulum) klumësht `milk '

Old Indic samāja-ḥ `meeting, society'

gr. ἀγωγός `leading, leadingly ', ἀγωγή `guidance, management, freight', Hes. ὤγανα `spokes', στρατ-ηγός


o- stem:

ved. ajá-ḥ ̣ ` activity, train; driver ', gr. ἀγός ` leader, military leader ', στρατ-ᾱγός, Attic Ionian στρατ-ηγός 'military leader', λοχᾱγός (originally Doric) ` leader ', Latin prōdigo -igere -egi -actum `to drive forth; to spend, waste', prōd-igus `profuse, extravagant; rich, abounding in. Adv. prodige ' (from prōd-igere), abiga ` plant which has the power of producing abortion; ground-pine ' (` close to miscarriage ' from ab-igere = ἀπάγω, Old Indic apa-ájati ` to drive away, drive off ').

i̯o- stem: 

Irish aige `race', Old Indic in pr̥tanājyam `competition'.

aĝmn̥, aĝmos:

Old Indic ájman- n. ` road, train ', ájma-ḥ ds. (however, jman, pari-jman-, pr̥thu-jman-, jma-yā́- s. ĝhÞem- ` earth '), Latin agmen ` a driving movement or a mass in (orderly) movement, a stream, band, train; esp. milit., an army on the march ' (to neologism agō for *ammen), exāmen ` a swarm; a throng, crowd, shoal. (2) the tongue of a balance; testing, consideration '; then ` to check, to weigh; to consider ' (from *agsmen), ammentum (*agmen-to-m) ` in loop form - possibly in the middle of the spear - fixed with throw straps '

gr. ὄγμος ` field furrow, road of heavenly bodies; swath by mowing '.


lo- stem:

Old Indic ajirá-  ` quick, nimble ', Latin agilis ` flexible, nimble ' is a neologism

gr. ἀγέλη ` herd, crowd ', Latin agolum ` shepherd's stick '.

Gr. ἀγών ` race, competition '; ἄγυια 'street' (part. Perf.), from which about newer *ἄγεια Latin agēa ' a gangway in a ship'; lak. Cretan ätol. ἀγνέω ` leads, brings ', ep. Ionian ἀγῑνέμεναι, ἀγῑνέω ds.

Latin rēmex, rēmigāre, rēmigium, lītigāre ` a rower, oarsman ' and other verbs in -(i)gāre. - Presumably Latin indigitēs ` the local divinities and heroes ' (indigitāre ` a divinity call ', indigitāmenta 'invocation formulae'), as *end(o)-aget- ` the indigenous, native '.

formation development to 'to weigh' (from ` bring in oscillation ') in:

Latin exagium ` a weighing, weight; a balance ', exigere [ex + ago] 'to drive out, push forth, thrust out, take out, expel: -- To weigh, try, prove, measure, examine, adjust, estimate, consider': among other things ` weigh, measure ', exāctus ` precise, accurate, exact ', exiguus ` strict, exact, scanty, small, little, petty, short, poor, mean, inadequate, inconsiderable, paltry ', exīlis (*ex-ag-slis) ` strict, narrow, thin, slender, lank, small, meagre, poor ', exāmen (see above), agīna ` the opening in the upper part of a balance, in which the tongue moves ' (formation as for example coquīna).

gr. ἄγειν also `weigh' (with Akk. of the weight), ἄξιος `weighing as much, of like value, worth as much as' (from *ἄκτιος, on the grounds of *ag-ti-s `weight', actually:) ` from suitable weight ', hence, ` worth, solemnly ', ἀντάξιος 'worth just as much as, equally'.

Latin acnua, āctus quadrātus ` a field measure of 120 feet in the square ', actūtum 'straight away, immediately, forthwith ', agāsō `footman, driver, hostler ', agō, -ōnis `of the priests killing the sacrificial animal' (from agere in meaning ` sacrifice'), agōnium ` a victim, beast for sacrifice '.

Here maybe gall. exacum ` the herb centaury ' if prescribed for *exagum (= *exago-` pure-craving '). But better to *ak̂- ` sharp ', see there.

Further belong here:

aĝes-, ak̂s . . . ` (fulcrum, pivot:) axis - shoulder ':

Old Indic ákṣ̌a-ḥ ` axis', gr. ἅξων ds., ἅμ-αξα `carriage, wagon', Latin axis 'axis', Lithuanian ašìs, Old Prussian assis, Old Church Slavic osъ f. ds .

Old High German ahsa, Modern High German Achse, Old English eax ds ., Old Norse ǫxull (from Proto German *ahsulaz) 'axis', Middle Irish ais 'axis' (*aksi-lā in Welsh echel f. 'axis', Breton ahel).

Latin āla `shoulder', from which the usual meaning `wing', from *agslā (compare Diminutive axilla `armpit') = Old Norse ǫxl, Old English eaxl, Old High German ahsala, Modern High German Achsel, Dutch oksel ds.

without l- formant:

Old High German uochisa, Middle High German uohse, üehse, Old High German uochsana, Old English ōxn `armpit', Old Norse ōst f., ōstr m. `Cervical pit', Old English ōcusta, ōxta m., English oxter `armpit', av ašayạ̄ Gen. Du. ` of both shoulders ', Armenian anut` ` shoulder pit ' (at first from *asnut`).

Maybe German Achsel : Latin axilla; ala; ascilla; ascella : Italian ascella : Spanish axial : French aisselle : Calabrese ma-scidda; sciddra; titiddra; titilla : Albanian Geg sqetlla, Tosc sqetull ` armpit '.

common Calabrese -ll-> -dd- : Sardinian -ll-> -dd-.

aĝ-rā ` rush, hunt ', aĝ-ro-s ` driving, rushing ':

Old Indic in ghasē-ajra- ` to drive consuming, exciting appetite ', Avestan (vehr-kąm) azrō-daiδīm ` doing the hunt, outgoing on prey (she-wolf) ', gr. ἄγρᾱ, Ionian ἄγρη ` hunt, catch ', πάναγρος ` catching everything, catching ', κρεάγρα ` meat tongs ', πυράγρα ` tongs ', ποδάγρα ` prostration, enuflection ', Μελέαγρος originally name of a ` demon which as a quick-tempered fever seizes the limbs ' (?), ἀγρεύς ` hunter ', ἀγρεύω ` catch '; but ἀγρέω ` take ' according to Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 7271  from *ἁ-γρο-;

Irish ār n. ` defeat ' (*agron) ` battle, fight ' (*agrā), actually, ` rush ', Old Cornish hair ` destruction, injury, mischief, harm, misfortune, disaster, loss, detriment, calamity ', Old Breton airou PI. ` an overthrow, destruction, ruin, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage ', gall. VN Veragri ` the immense combatants '.

Maybe Illyrian Agron PN.

aĝ-ro-s ` field, camp '

Old Indic ájra-ḥ `surface, camp, fields ' (without respect on agriculture), gr. ἀγρός ` field, land ' (in contrast to town), Latin Umbrian ager `field', Gothic (etc.) akrs, Old High German ackar, ahhar, Modern High German Acker (Acker and Old English æcer also a certain land measure, ` so much a bottom plate can oxen plow during one day '), Armenian art 'field' (with puzzling t about *atgr-, *atr-, see Pedersen KZ. 39, 352; thereof artak's ` out ', prefix arta-` from').

Old Indic ajríya- ` located in the plain ' = gr. ἄγριος ` on the field, outside growing or living, wildly '; ἀγρότερος ` wildly living ', Latin agrestis ` a countryman, peasant, rustic, rural, crude '. (about Gothic akran, German Eckern ` beechnut ', however, see below *ōg- `grow'.)

Maybe alb. egër `wild, rural, crude', Illyrian TN Agrianes.

References: WP. I 35 f., WH. I 22 f., 89, H. Reichelt WuS. 12, 112.

Page(s): 4-6

Root / lemma: agʷh-no-s

Meaning: `lamb'

Note: (z. T. also *agʷnos?)


alb. Geg kinxhi, Tosc (*ḫengh-) qengji `lamb' common alb. h- > k- in alb. similar to Old Icelandic hunang, Old Swedish hunagh n., Old English hunig, Old Saxon honig, Old High German honag, honang `honey' : alb. qengjë `beehive' not a Germanic loanword. See Root / lemma: kenǝkó- : gold; honey, yellowish

gr. ἀμνός m. f., ἀμνή f. `lamb';

Latin agnus, - ī, fem.-a `lamb' (agnīle `sheep stable', lacking suffix affinity with Old Church Slavic jagnilo ` place where the sheep lamb ', a derivative of the verb jagniti `to lamb')

Vowel stretch:

From an Illyrian abbreviated root an (*an < * agnos)

Old Irish ūan, Welsh oen, Old Cornish oin, Breton oan `lamb', Old English ēanian, English to yean `to lamb', Dutch oonen ds. (from *aunōn from *auna- = Indo Germanic *agʷhno-)


Old Church Slavic (j)agne ̨ `lamb' (with formants -et- broadened around popular names of young animals), (j)agnьcь `lambkins' contain full gradation.

Umbrian habina(f) ` of a lamb ' = Latin haedīnus `of a kid', Latin agninus `of a lamb; f. as subst., lamb's flesh', Latin avillus `lambkin' (*agʷhnelos)

References: WP. I 39, WH. I. 23.

Page(s): 9

Root / lemma: ai-dh-, i-dh-, nasalized i-n-dh-

English meaning: to burn


Hittite: is(sa)na- c.  ' dough '  (Tischler 406-407)

Tokharian: B isćem  ' clay, brick '  (Adams 67)

Old Indian: íṣṭakā f. `brick ' 

Avestan: ištya- n. ` tile, brick; building block

Other Iranian: OPers. išti-, Pers. xišt



Old Indic inddhḗ ` inflamed, is aroused ' (pass. idhyáte, Perf. īdhḗ, part. Perf. Pass iddhá-ḥ),  indhana-m ` lighting '.

Gr. αἴθω ` lights, burns ' (αἰθόμενος), αἴθων, αἶθοψ ` igneous, sparkling ', ἰθαίνεσθαι θερμαίνεσθαι Hes., hylleisch αἰδῶσσα αἴθουσα ` to light up, kindle '; changing by vowel gradation κακ-ιθής Hes. 'ravenously' (W. Schulze KZ. 29, 269 = Kl. Schr. 329).

Maybe alb. (*δῶσσα) ndez ` to light up, kindle '.


gr. αἶθος m. `fire' (αἰθός `burntly') = Old Indic ēdha-ḥ ̣m. `firewood' = Old English ād

Old High German Middle High German eit m. ` glow, pyre '


zero grade probably:

Norwegian Swedish id ` leuciscus idus ' (a bright carp kind), Modern High German dial. aitel ` leuciscus cephalus'

gall. VN Aedui, Old Irish áed `fire', Latin aedēs ` a dwelling of the gods, a sanctuary, a temple ', originally ` the domestic stove ', also aedis = Macedonian ἄδις ἐσχάρα Hes.

From the verbal adjective in -to- derived:

Latin aestās, - ātis `warm season, summer ' (from *aisto-tāt-, Indo Germanic *aidh-to-); aestus, - ūs (from *aidh-tu-) `heat, glow, surf', aestuāre ` cook, surge, roar ';

Old Germanic MN Aistomōdius (` with quick-tempered courage '), Old English āst f. `dried stove', English oast `drying room, drying loft'.

r- formants:

gr. αἰθήρ `the upper air' (Macedonian ἀδῆ), αἴθρα `the cheerful sky' (Macedonian ἀδραιά), αἴθριος `brightly, cheerfully (from the weather)', for what changing by vowel gradation ἰθαρός 'cheerfully'

Old Indic vīdhrá- (=vi-idh-rá́-) ds. 

l- formants:

gr. αἰθάλη, αἴθαλος `soot', Macedonian ἄδαλος; under acceptance of a development from `shining, appearing' ` too apparently ', Old English īdel `vain, pointless, trifling', Old High German ītal, Modern High German eitel.

On Indo Germanic *aidh-lo-  is based:

Germanic ail- in:

Old English ǣlan `burn', āl n. `flame', Old English ǣled m., Old Icelandic eldr (Gen. elds) ` fire, flame '.

Vowel stretch:

From Old English ǣled are borrowed:

Welsh aelwyd, Breton oaled ` from fire, stove ', Middle Irish āel `lime'

However, Germanic and Celtic words could also be formed directly by the root 4. 4. ā̆i- with -lo-suffix.



gr. αἴθος n. `glow, fire' = Old Indic ḗdhas- n.  `firewood'.

Continuing formation:

Old Icelandic eisa f. (*aidh-s-ōn)  `fire', Norwegian `Hearth', Middle Low German ēse f. `chimney, fire stove ', Old High German essa ' chimney, hearth ' see below ā̆s- ` burn ', Avestan aēsma m. `firewood' (*aidh-s-mo-, compare without s Old Indic idhmá-ḥ m. ds.), Lithuanian íesmė `firewood', Lithuanian aistrà f. ` passion '

Old Czech niestějě (fem. Pl.) ` stove ', later nístěj


The íe- > nie- shift is of Uralic origin

zero grades *idh-s-to- in:

slov. istė́je, stė́je Pl. ` stove hole ', Old Indic iṣ̌ṭakā ` of burnt bricks ', Avestan ištya- n. ` brick, (baked brick) '.

To *indh-  goes back:

alb. Geg idhunɛ, Tosc idhëtë, hidhur `bitter', Tosc idhɛrím `bitterness, anger, irritation', hį̄dhitë, hithra Pl. `nettle' (Jokl studies 29). (common alb. Tosc dh- > th- shift)


Alb. and gr. are the only IE languages to preserve the old laryngeal ḫ- .

References: WP. I 5, WH. 15, 20, 843, Trautmann 3, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 347.

Probably to ā̆i-4.

Here also belongs aisk-, if originated from aidh-s-k- .

Page(s): 11-12

Root / lemma: aid-

English Meaning: ` swell '

See also: s. oid-.

Page(s): 11

Root / lemma: aig-1, nasalized ing-

English meaning: disspirited, sick, ill


Alb. kë-ék, keq `nasty, bad, evil' [common alb. old laryngeal ḫ- > k- shift similar in Uralic]

Latin aeger, aegra, -um, aegrotus ` unwell, ill, sick, diseased, suffering, feeble ', Old Norse eikenn dismays ` wild, furious ', (influenced by common Celtic -ns- > -nn-), Old English ācol ` excited, dismayed ', New Norwegian eikja, eikla ` continually with attacks, contradictions, assertions torment ', eikjen `argumentative'.

Tocharian В aik(a)re (= Latin *aegro-), A ekro `ill';


nasalized: *ing-:

Lithuanian ìngis `lounger, idler ', ìngas and angùs ` idle, sluggish '; Latvian îgstu, îgt ` have internal pain, be sullen, morose ', îgnêt ` have disgust ', îgnis ` sullen person ', Lithuanian éngti ` choke, torment ', Old Church Slavic jędza `illness', nslov. jeza `rage', poln. jędza ` fury, witch ' (`gruff, sullen'), Czech jezinka `forest woman', Russian bába jagá  `witch'.


Old Icelandic ekki  `pain, grief ' = Old English inca ` pain, suspicion, quarrel ', Old Frisian inc (d. i. jinc) `angry', Modern English inkle `anticipate, foresee ', inkling ` whispering, notion, indication, sign '.

References: WP. I 9, WH. I 16, 843, Trautmann 70.

Page(s): 13

Root / lemma: aig-2

English meaning: oak


Gr. αἰγίλωψ ` an oaken kind ' (see below), presumably also κράτ-αιγος, κρατ-αιγών ` an uncertain type of tree ' (possibly `hard oak').

The outcome from αἰγίλωψ appears λώψ λώψ χλαμύς Hes., compare . λωπίον, λώπη, λοπός ` bowl, bark ' and Plin. n. h. 16, 6, 13 aegilops fert pannos arentes ...non in cortice modo, verum et e ramis dependentes, Kretschmer Gl. 3, 335. 

Old Norse eik (conservative stem) f. `oak', Old Saxon ēk, Old English āc (English oak), Old High German eih, Middle High German eich, eiche, Modern High German Eiche ` oak '

All other cognates are dubious: gr. ἄιγῑρος (more properly than αἴγειρος, s. Fick BB. 30, 273) possibly 'aspen' could be created as ' tree trembler, (*oak shaker) ' also derivative like οἰκτί̄ρω from *αἰγί̄ρω ` swing, tremble ' (: *aig- ` move violently ');

Latin aesculus `(mountain oak), the winter or Italian oak ' (*aig-sklos?) is still unclear after its formation, maybe Mediterranean word.

Vowel stretch:

Maybe alb. (*aich) ahi, ahu ` beech ' common alb. -j- > -h- similar to alb. (*kraj) > krahu ` arm '.

References: WP. 110, WH. I 20, 844, Specht KZ. 68, 195 f. S. unten S. 18 Z. 1/2.

Page(s): 13

Root / lemma: aig-3

English meaning: to move swiftly, swing, vibrate


Old Indic ējati ` stirs, moves, trembles ', ējathu-ḥ ̣ ` the quake of the earth ', vic̨vamējaya- ` making everything shake ', nasal present iŋgati, iŋgate ` stirs, moves ', Causative iŋgáyati ` sets in motion, touches, shakes ', udiŋgayati ` swings ', samiŋgayati ` sets in shaking movement ' (form relation like between αἴθω: Old Indic indhate);

Gr. here very probably αἶγες τα κύματα. Δωριεῖς Hes. (also Artemidor Oneirokrit. 2, 12: και γὰρ τὰ μεγάλα κύματα αἶγας ἐν τῇ συνηθείᾳ λέγομεν), αἰγιαλός 'strands' (probably from arise the connection ἐν αἰγι ἁλόs ` in the surf of the sea '; differently Bechtel Lexil. 16), αἰγίς ` gale, storm cloud; the shield of Zeus' (probably originally understood as the storm cloud shaken by Zeus, 'thunderstorm shield'), καταιγίς ` gust of wind moving down suddenly ' from καταιγίζειν ` storm, attack down, drive off ' (from πνοαὶ ῎Αρεος, ἄνεμοι, θάλασσα), ἐπαιγίζειν ` attack near, thrust near '; probably also αἰγανέη 'lance' (on the grounds of *αἴγανον ` the catapults ' or 'projectile'); presumably also αἴγλη 'shine', from the flickerof the light and the warm air to the south; common gr.- Illyrian -ks- > -ss-

in addition Germanic name of the squirrel:

Old High German eihhurno, eihhorn

Middle High German eichorn (Modern High German Eichhorn with support of Eiche `oak' and Horn `horn'

Old English ācweorna,-wern

Middle Low German ēkeren, ēkhorn

Old Norse īkorne

New Norwegian also eikorne

Old Swedish ēkorne (was based on the concept ` flexible, swinging itself from branch to branch '; in earliest with one to *u̯er-, u̯ēu̯er- ` squirrel, weasel ' the belonging second limb: *aik-werna)

Old Church Slavic igrъ, igra ` play ', igrati, perfective vъzigrati ` hop, jump, dance '

References: WP. I 11, Trautmann 103.

Page(s): 13-14

Root / lemma: aiĝ-

English meaning: goat


Gr. αἴξ, - γός 'nanny goat'

Armenian aic 'nanny goat'

zero grade:

Avestan izaēna- ` of leather ' (actually, ` of goatskin ' as gr. αἴγειος, compare the same importance relations with *aĝo- ` goat ').


Vowel stretch:

Avestan izaēna- ` of leather '

References: WP. I 8, Specht KZ. 66, 13.

Page(s): 13

Root / lemma: aigʷh-

English meaning: to be ashamed


Old English ǣwan 'despise', 'be disgusted'

Middle Low German eichelen, ēchelen, ēgelen (from *aiwilōn)

Middle High German ekeln 'be disgusted'

Gr. αἶσχος n. `disgrace' (from *aigʷh-s-kos, k- derivative of a s- stem *aigʷhes-, as:)

Gothic aiwiski n. `disgrace, embarrassment '

Gr. αἰσχύνη `shame, sense of honor, disgrace', αἰσχύνω `dishonor, violate, disfigure', med. `avoids me, is ashamed of me', αἰσχρός `ignominious, full of disgrace; rebarbative'

Gothic unaiwisks `unharmed', aiwiskōn act `shameful'

Old English ǣwisc(e) n. `disgrace, offense', Adj. `shameless'

Middle Low German eisch `nasty, hideous'

nnd. eisk, aisch `revolting, rebarbative'.

References: WP. I 7, Feist 30.

Page(s): 14

Root / lemma: aik-

English meaning: to call (?)


Gr. αἰκάζει καλεῖ Hes.

Latvian aîcinât  ` load, shout '.

But καλεῖ can be prescribed for αἰκάλλει `flatters', and aîcinât can be explained as a derivative from aĩ  `hears!' (compare vaicāt `ask' to vai).

References: WP. I 8, Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 12.

Page(s): 15

Root / lemma: ai-2 (*avi-2 )

English meaning: to drive, to overwhelm, harm


present *(a)i-neu-mi :

Old Indic inóti, ínvati, Imperative inuhí, participle -inita- (úpenita- ` pushed, cut into '), ` penetrate into something, master '

Avestan inaoiti, Infinitive aēnaŋhe ` violate, hurt ', ainita (from *an-inita by haplology) ` not violated, not painedly '

from Old Indic énas- n. ` Crime, sin, misfortune '

= Avestan aēnah- ` act of violence, crime ', in addition m. ' evildoer'?

Maybe Slavic vina ` guilt, blame '

Avestan intay-` rape, injury; torture '

Old Indic iná- `strong; m. master ', maybe also īti-ḥ f. `plague, need'

gr. αἰνός `tremendous'

Maybe alb. inat ` anger ' an Avestan loanword.

maybe here-in- in Gothic faír-ina `guilt, reproach'

Old High German firinōn `sin'

Old Icelandic firn n. Pl. `the extraordinary' (compare Weisweiler IF. 41, 29 f.), if original meaning ` act of violence '.

References: WP. I 1, Feist 139/140.

Page(s): 10

Root / lemma: ai-3,

English meaning: to give


Gr. (*aimmai > ainumai) αἴνυμαι `take, pack, touch', only present and imperfect tense.

Venetic MN Aimos, Illyrian MN Aetor.

Note: Identical Avestan = Illyrian = Latin -ae- vowel stretch

Latin ae-mulus ` emulous, rivalling; in bad sense, jealous. M. or f. as subst., a rival, esp. in love ', probably as ` reaches for something ' (Frisk Eranos 41, 53).

Tocharian В ai-, А е-, infinitive В aitsi, А essi `give'; Hittite pa-a-i ` he gives ', 3. Pl. pí(-ia)-an-zi with preverb pe- `there'.


common Hittite vowel stretch:

Hittite pa-a-i ` he gives '

References: Pedersen Groupement 20, Hittitisch 115, Tocharisch 227; Frisk Indo-Germanic 10 f.

See also: Here belongs certainly: ai-ti-, ai-to-

Page(s): 10-11

Root / lemma: ai-5 : oi-

English meaning: important speech


Hittite: hanna- (II)  ' entscheiden, richten '  (Tischler 146 ff); red. hanhanija-  ' tadeln (?) '  (Tischler 148-149)

Tokharian: A, B en-  ' unterweisen ' 

Old Greek: an-ái̯nomai̯ `leugnen, sich weigern ' , a^i̯no-s m. `Rede, Lobrede ' , ái̯nǟ `Ruhm ' , ai̯néō `rühmlich erwähnen, loben, preisen ' , ai̯níssomai̯, att. -ttomai̯ `dunkel, in Rätseln sprechen ' 


Gr. αἴνημι, αἰνέω `praises', αἴνος m., αἴνη f. `significant speech, praise'; αἰνίσσομαι `talks in riddles', common gr.- Illyrian -ks- > -ss-; αἰνιγμα n. `dark speech' (however, ἀν-αίνομαι `says no, deny' -i̯o- appears derivative of the negation ἀν-);

vowel gradation:

Middle Irish ōeth m. `oath'

Old Welsh anutonou Pl., gl. ` the perjured, the perfidious '

Modern Welsh anudon `perjury, act of lying under oath'

= Gothic aiÞs m.

Old Icelandic eiðr

Old English āÞ

Old Saxon ēð

Old High German eid m. `oath' (probably Celtic loanword).

References: WP. I 2, 103, Osthoff ВB. 24, 208 f.

Page(s): 11

Root / lemma: ai-rā

English meaning: a k. of grass


Old Indic ērakā ` a grass kind '

gr. αἶρα ` weed in the wheat, ryegrass, darnel ' αἰρικός, αἴρινος ` from ryegrass, darnel '

Latvian aĩres, aĩrenes ' ryegrass, darnel '.

Vowel stretch:

alb. (*eiira > *egira) egjër, egjra `Lolium temulentum, ryegrass, darnel'

References: WP. I 12, Specht Dekl. 2061.

Page(s): 16

Root / lemma: aisk-

English meaning: bright, shining


Awnord. eiskra ` rage before hot excitement '

Modern Icelandic iskra also from burning pain.

Lithuanian áiškus

zero grade:

Old Lithuanian iškùs `clear, bright '

Russian dial. jáska, diminutive jásoèka ` bright star '

Old Bulgarian jasno Adv. `clear, bright, distinct'

Russian jásnyj `light, clear, bright' from *aiskno-

poln. jaskry, jaskrawy `blinding, dazzling, brilliant ' from *aiskro-

Old Bulgarian iskra ` spark ' etc. from *iskrā.  

Here the FlN Modern High German Aisch (Bavaria), Eysch(en) (Luxembourg)

Modern English Axe from Celtic or Venetic-Illyrian *Aiskā.

References: WP. I 2, Trautmann 4, Pokorny Urill. 70, 113, M. Förster Themse 839.

See also: perhaps originated from *aidh-sk- , or from *ai-sk- in ā̆i-4.

Page(s): 16-17

Root / lemma: ais-1

English meaning: to wish for, search for


Hittite: isijahh- (I)  ' anzeigen, ankündigen '  (fact.) (Tischler 395-396 with criticism)

Old Indian: eṣati, -te `to seek, search ' , iccháti `to strive, seek for, desire, wish ' , iṣyate `to be wished or liked ' , éṣa- `seeking ' , m. `act of seeking or going after ' , eṣá- m. `wish, option ' ; is-̣ (in comp.) `seeking for ' ; ī̆ṣma- m. `name of Kāmadeva, god of love ' 

Avestan: išaiti `sucht ' ; isaiti (*is-sk ' ō); iš (2. Zs.-Glied) `suchend, strebend nach ' , f. `Wunsch, Gegenstand des Wunsches ' 

Armenian: aich `Untersuchung ' 

Old Greek: hī́mero-s m. `Sehnsucht, Liebessehnsucht, Liebe ' , hīméi̯rō `sich sehnen, verlangen '  ' 

Slavic: *jīskātī; *jīskā `Wunsch ' 

Baltic: *ei^šk-ā^- (1) vb.

Germanic: *aisk-ō- vb., *aisk=

Latin: aeruscāre `betteln, bitten ' 

Other Italic: Umbr eiscurent `arcessierint ' 


Old Indic ḗšati  ` seeks, searches ', ēṣ̌á-ḥ m. ` wish, choice ', anv-iṣ̌áti ` looks for

= Avestan išaiti ` wishes '

Old Indic iccháti (*is-sk̂ō) ` looks, wishes, strives, seeks for, desires'

= Avestan isaiti ds.

Old Indic icchā ` wish ', iš ̣ (2. compound part) ` searching, striving after '

= Avestan iš ds., f. ` wish, the object of the wish '

Old Indic iṣ̌ta- ` desiredly ' ī̆ṣ̌má- m. ` name of Kāmadeva, god of love '

Armenian aic̣ (*ais-sk̂ā) `investigation'

Umbrian eiscurent (Bugge KZ. 30, 40) `they will have caused to come, called, sent for, invited, summoned, fetched ' (probably as *eh-iscurent ' they will have driven out, pushed forth, thrusted out, taken out, expelled ')

Latin aeruscāre `to beg, to get money by going about and exhibiting tricks of legerdemain, to play the juggler ' as *aisos-k̂o- `demanding '

Avestan imperative išasā `longs for' (-esk̂o- besides -sk̂o-: isaiti `wishes')

Old High German eiscōn ` research, ask, demand

Modern High German heischen `demand' with h after heissen `hot'

Old Saxon ēscōn, ēscian `demand'

Old English āscian, āxian ` try, demand, ask'

Old High German eisca `demand'

Old English æsce f. `investigation';

in Balto-Slavic with non-palatal k of the present suffix-skō (towards Aryan Armenian -sk̂-), what is not to be explained byy borrowing from Germanic:

Lithuanian íeškau, ieškóti `look'

Latvian iẽskât ` to delouse '

Old Church Slavic iskǫ (and ištǫ), iskati `look', iska `wish'.

References: WP. I 12, WH. 19, Trautmann 67.

Page(s): 16

Root / lemma: ais-2

English meaning: to be in awe, to worship

Material: Old High German ēra

Modern High German Ehre

Old English ār ` relief, considerate treatment, honour, luck '

Old Norse eir ` considerate treatment, peace, also name of the medicine goddess '

Old High German ērēn, ērōn ` honor, spare, betake '

Old English ārian ` honor, spare, betake '

Old Norse eira 'spare'

Oscan aisusis Abl. Pl. `sacrifices'

Marrucinian aisos D. Pl. ` gods'

Paelignian aisis ` gods '

Volscan esaristrom ` sacrifice '

Umbrian esono- ` divine, sacred '

d- extension:

gr. αἴδομαι (from *aiz-d-) ` shies, reveres ', αἰδώς, -οῦς ` reverence, shyness, shame ', αἰδέομαι (*αἰδέσ-ομαι) `αἴδομαι'

Gothic aistan, -aida ` avoid, pay attention '

zero grade:

Old Indic īḍḗ ` reveres, praises, implores '.

References: WP. I 13, WH. I 20, 419, 844; Feist 28 a, Kretschmer Gl. 30, 882.

Page(s): 16

Root / lemma: ai-ti-, ai-to- : oi-to-

English meaning: part, share, allotment, quantity, quota, portion, stake, stock, proportion, cut, contribution


Vowel stretch:

Avestan aēta- ` the proper part '(' punishment '; dual ` guilt and punishment ')

Gr. αἶσα (* αἰτι̯α) ` interest, destiny ', hom. ἴσα, better ἴσσα ` the proper interest ', ἰσσασθαι κληροῦσθαι. Λέσβιοι Hes.; αἴσιος ` promising good talent, favorabe ', αἴσιος ` certain from the destiny, proper ', ἀναισιμόω ` apply, use, consume ', αἰσυμνάω ` dispenses justice, it rules '; διαιτάω (maybe dissimilated from *διαιτιάω) ` be a referee, leads; divide (the way of) life = leads a certain way of life; prescribe a certain measure in food and drinking ', hence, δίαιτα ' referee's office ' and ` life-style, life arrangement ', ἔξαιτος ` well-chosen, particular '.

Oscan Gen. aeteis `partis', aíttíúm `portionum'

Gr. αἴτιος ` responsible, guilty ' (τ after αἰτέω), from which later αἰτία ` guilt, cause '; also αἰτέω, αἰτίζω 'demands' as ` requires his interest ';

vowel gradation:

gr. οἶτος m. 'Destiny'

Old Irish āes n., Welsh oes f. ` period, age ' from *ait-to-, Old Irish āes m. 'People' from *ait-tu-, Welsh oed m. 'Age' from *aito.

References: WP. I 2, Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. II, 82 f. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. 1 4213, 6969, 7057.

Page(s): 11

Root / lemma: ai-tro-

English meaning: [bitter, sharp]


Lithuanian aitrùs ` bitterly, harsh ', aitrà f. `sharpness' (also figurative)

the nasal formation *intro- :

Old Bulgarian ob-ętriti `set on fire '

Belorussian zajátřiè `anger'

Ukrainian roz-jatrýti ša `fester'.

References: WP. I 3, Berneker 269.

See also: perhaps in ā̆i-4.

Page(s): 17

Root / lemma: aiu̯-, ai̯u-

Meaning: `vital energy, vitality'


Vowel stretch:

Old Indic ā́yu- n., a nominalized adjective to āуú- ` flexibe, active '; āyú-ḥ m. ` Genius of the vitality ', thereof derived s-stem ā́yuḥ n., Gen. āyušaḥ ` vitality ' (*ā́iu̯os, Gen. *ai̯us-és); n-stem in the locative. āyuni, Instrumental āyunā; yúh ̣` vitality '

Avestan āyū n. 'Life span', Gen. yaoš, dat. yavōi, Instrumental yavā, of it yavaētāt- ` duration ', yavaējī- ` living always '; yuš m. 'Life span'

Gr. s-stem:

Cypriot υFαις ζαν (= διὰ βίου); locative without suffix. Laconian αἰές 'always'; hom. αἰεί, Attic ἀεί (*αιFεσι), Akk. Attic αἰῶ (*αιFοσα); Dative-Locative without extension in Ionian αἰί, Lesbian ἄι (*αιFι) (afterwards ἀί̄διος 'forever', δην-αιός 'long-living'); n-stem: αἰών m. (and f. after αἰώς) ` vitality, life span ', αἰέν 'always';

alb. eshë ` period of time;  span;  space;  stretch;  lapse ' from *aiu̯esi̯ā (Jokl L.-k. U. 34);

Latin o-stem aevus m. and aevum n. `eternity, age, time, lifetime, or time of life, a period of life '; however, are based aetas f. 'age: of human life, either a lifetime or time of life, age, a period of time, epoch', old aevitas ` lifetime| age| generation; period; stage| period of life| time| era'

Oscan Gen. aítateís, Akk. aítatúm, Paelignian Abl. aetatu ` age, time of life '

Latin aeternus ` of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless, forever' in adverbial *aiu̯i.


Gothic aiws m. ` time, eternity, world ';

 i- stem:

Gothic adverbial aiw (*aiu̯i)

= Old Icelandic æ, ei (also in ei-gi 'not')

Old English ā, ō

Old High German io ` ever, always '

Vowel stretch:

Maybe alb. (*ō) jo `not, no' (common alb. -slav. j- prefix.

Gothic ni aiw 'never'

Old High German neo, nio

Modern High German nie

Old English n-ā, English no ` not, no ';

Old Icelandic lang-ǣr =

Latin longaevus ` of great age, aged, ancient '


Old Icelandic ǣfi, ǣvi f. (*aiu̯i-) ` life, age '


Old High German ēwa f. ` time, eternity '

Old High German ēwidō 'eternity', ēwīg 'forever'

Gothic aju-k-dūÞs f. `eternity' from *ajuki- (= Old English ēce `forever'), with Indo Germanic g-suffix + Indo Germanic-tūti;

Tocharian A āym- `mind, life' whose -m- attributed to āñm- ` life '.

References: WP. I 6, WH. I 21, EM. 21, Feist 30, 32, Benveniste BSL 38, 103 ff, Dumézil BSL 39, 193, Specht KZ. 68, 196, Dekl. 88 ff., Van Windekens 15.

See also: From this derived *i̯uu̯en- (i̯eu̯-3)  'young'; Specht also wants very much risquély be put in addition *aig-, oak ' (= ` vitality '?).

Page(s): 17-18

Root / lemma: ai 1

Meaning: `exclamation'


Old Indic ē exclamation of remembering, address, compassion;

Old Indic ai the same; ayi interjection with the vocative;

Avestan āi interjection of the phone call (before the vocative);

gr. αἴ, αἶ, αἰαἶ exclamation of the surprise, of astonishment or pain (thereof αἰάζω ` sighs, deplores ', αἴαγμα 'sigh');

Lithuanian aĩ and ái ` oh! blows! ' and before vocatives.

References: WP. I 1, WH. I 396, Benveniste Origines 130 f.

See also: see also *aik-.

Page(s): 10

Root / lemma: ai̯os-

Meaning: `metal (copper; iron)'


Vowel stretch:

Old Indic áyas- n.

Avestan ayaŋh- n. `metal, iron';

Latin aes, g. aeris

Gothic aiz (proto Germanic *a(i̯)iz- = Indo Germanic *ai̯es-) ` copper ore, and the alloy of copper, bronze. Transf., anything made of bronze; a vessel, statue, trumpet, kettle '

Old High German ēr `ore', Old Norse eir n. `ore, copper'.

reduplicated Avestan ayaŋ-haēna- ` metallic, iron '

Latin aēnus (*ai̯es-no- )

= Umbrian ahesnes ` of copper, of bronze '

Kurdish asin, hesin

= Tocharian B eñcuwo ˜ iñcuwo `iron' (*anśuwan)

= alb. hekur n/r allophones

Latin aēneus

Old English ǣren

Old Saxon Old High German Middle High German ērīn

Modern High German ēren (ehern)

Indo Germanic ai̯os old borrowing from Ajasja, older Aɫas(ja), the old name of Cyprus, as Latin cuprum : Κύπρος

Latin aestimō, old aestumō `to appraise, rate, estimate the value of; to assess the damages in a lawsuit; in a wider sense, to value a thing or person; hence, in gen., to judge ', Denominative from *ais-temos `he cuts the ore ' (to temnō).

Vowel stretch:

Tocharian B eñcuwo ˜ iñcuwo `iron'

Tocharian A *añcu (id.) (attested in the derived adjective añcwāṣi) and B eñcuwo (iñcuwo is variant on the same order as inte is to ente, q.v.) reflect PTch *eñcuwo. Further connections are uncertain. Schwarz (1974:409) compares Ossetic ändon `steel' or Chorasmian hnèw `id.' and suggests that the Iranian and Tocharian words might be borrowings from some adstratum language in the shape +_ *anśuwan.

References: WP. I 4, WH. I, 19, 20, Feist 31.

See also: To ā̆i-4 ` burn '?

Page(s): 15-16

Root / lemma: akkā

Meaning: `mother (children's speech)'

Material: Old Indic akkā 'mother' (gram.)

gr. ᾽Ακκώ ` nurse of Demeter ', ἀκκώ ' ghost ', ἀκκίζεσθαι ` be coy, position oneself stupidly '

Latin Acca Lārentia ` Laren mother, Roman hall goddess ' (probably Etruscan); also into Small-Asian languages; compare lapp. Madder-akka 'earth mother'.

Maybe alb. Ajkuna `great mother' in alb. epos.

References: WP. I 34, WH. I 5. about Tocharian ammaki see below am(m)a.

Page(s): 23

Root / lemma: ak̂-, ok̂-

Meaning: `sharp; stone'

Material: 1. e/o- and ā-St:

New Persian ās (lengthened-grade form) `millstone, grindstone'

gr. ἀκή `point', lengthened-grade form Ionian ἠκή ἀκωκή, ἐπιδορατίς, ἠκμή Hes., reduplication ἀκωκή ` point, edge ' (as ἀγωγή : ἄγω); after Kretschmer KZ. 33, 567 and Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 348 belongs ἀκούω `hears' as *ἀκ-ους- `having sharp ear' here, see, however, 1. keu-; 

alb. athëtë `sharp, sour', [common alb. -k > -th].

Latin acēre `sharp, cutting, keen. Hence, to taste, biting; to touch, sharp; of sounds, shrill; of smells, penetrating; of sight, keen; of emotions, painful; of understanding, quick, vigorous, energetic', acidus ` sour, acid, tart ', acētum ` vinegar ';

Maybe alb. acar `frost, sharp steel' : Romanian acar ` signalman, pointman, switchman, pin cushion '.

with o:

mbr. convoc ar vilin `sharpen the millstone '

Welsh hogi `sharpen'

Old Welsh ocoluin

Modern Welsh hogalen

Middle Breton hygo(u)len

Modern Breton higolenn ` whetstone ' (with the unclear second component; to explain Breton vocalism of the initial sound by the pretone); (common Celtic -ns- > -nn-)

Maybe alb. (*hok) thuk ` whetstone ' (common alb. -o->-u- shift)

mc. cyfogi ` vomit, fight ', with secondary i̯o-suffix

Old Welsh cemecid

Modern Welsh cyfegydd (*k̂om-ok̂íi̯o-) ` pickaxe ';

with zero grade:

Old Welsh diauc

Modern Welsh diog

mbr. dieuc (*dē-āk̂o-) `decayed, spoiled '

Middle Welsh ym-am-ogawr (*-āk̂ā-r) ` one stirs, is active ' (Loth RC. 45, 191)

mbr. eaug

Modern Breton eok ` ripe, made soft ' (*eks-āk̂o-)

gall. exācum ` centaurion lepton ' (Ernault Gloss. MBret. 201)


Swedish ag m. `marsh grass, Cladium mariscus, edge, blade' (*ak̂o ́-)

Middle High German ag `perch', egle, eglinc ds.

Modern High German Swiss egel, Diminutive egli

Old Swedish agh-borre ds.

Swedish agg `rancor, hatred ', agga `sting, torment'

Norwegian dial. agge `tooth, point' (*ak̂uko- or expressive Gemination?), as well as (with secondary Germanic vowel gradation a : u or from *ak̂uko-  with assimilation a in u?) Norwegian dial. ugg `sting, frightening'

Swedish dial. ugg `point, tooth'

Old Norse uggr `fear'

Norwegian dial. ugge `fin'

Lithuanian akúotas* `awn', ãšaka (*ak̂o-kā) `fish bone, bran'

= Belorussian osoka `sedge', Old Prussian ackons (*ak̂ōno-) ds.


2.         i- and j- stems:

Armenian aseɫn `needle' (from *asiɫn, Meillet Esquisse 43);

gr. ἀκίς, -ίδος ` point, sting ''

Latin aciēs ` keenness, edge; of the mind, penetration, insight; of the eye, a piercing look or keen vision; sometimes the pupil of the eye, or the eye itself. Milit., battle line; hence battle, battlefield '

Old Saxon eggja f.

Old High German etc ekka `point, sword edge'

Modern High German Ecke (proto Germanic *aʒi̯ō, Old Norse egg `edge, cliff backs', eggja `sharpen, spur on'

Old English ecg ` edge, blade, sword'

Middle Irish ecg `edge'

Modern Breton ek `point'

Old English egle Pl. `awns'

English ails

Old Church Slavic osla (*osъla), Russian osëɫok m. `whetstone'

Czech osina f. `awn'.

about Old English eher `ear ' see below s- formant.

3.         u-stem:

Gr. ἄχυρον `chaff' see below s-formant;

Latin acus, - ūs f. `needle; fish name ', acuere `sharpen', acūmen `sharp point; hence the point of remarks, etc.; sharpness of intellect; cunning, trickery', acia (*acu-i̯ā) `thread to be sewed', aquifolium (beside ācrifolium) `holly', aculeus `sting', accipiter `hawk, falcon' (*acu-peter  `quick-flying');

Maybe alb. zero grade (*ccipiter) skifter ` hawk', shqiptar ` eagle-man, Albanian ', (*(a)cu-p(t)ona) alb. Geg shqyponjë, Tosc shqiponjë `eagle', alb. Geg Shqypni, Tosc Shqipëri `land of the eagles, Albania', shqip `language of the eagle-men, Albanian language'.

See Root / lemma: ak̂-, ok̂- : `sharp; stone, fast' + Root / lemma: pet-2, petǝ- : ptē-, ptō- (gr. ptā-) : to fall; to fly = shqipëtar ` eagle, vulture, eagle man, Albanian '

English needle

Italian ago : Spanish : aguja : French : aiguille : Albanian Geg gjyl-panë, Tosc gjil-përë : Aragones agulla : Bergamasco gogia : Bresciano : ocia ; ucia : Calabrese acu ; saccurale ; zaccurafa : Catalan : Furlan gusiele : Galician agulla : Latin acus : Mudnés gàccia : Napulitano aco : Nissart : agùlha : Paduan ago : Piemontese gucia : Portuguese agulha : Romagnolo agòccia : Romanian ac : Sardinian Campidanesu acu : Sardinian Logudoresu acu ; agu : Sicilian ugghia ; ugliola ; zaccurafa : Trentino uza : Valencian agulla : Venetian ago ; ucia ; gucia                                      

gall. acaunum (*akounon) `rock ';

Illyrian ON Acumincum today Szlankamen `salt stone' (Banat)


Hittite: aku- c. 'stone', akuwant- 'stony' (Tischler 10-11 to *ak'- 'sharp')

Old Indian: áśman-, gen. áśnaḥ, instr. áśnā m. `stone, rock; firmament, cloud'

Avestan: asman-, gen. ašnō, abl. ašnäat_ 'Stein, Himmel', asmana- 'steinern'; asǝngō-gav-mi 'Händen aus Stein'; aʮangaina- 'steinern'

Other Iranian: OPers asman- 'Himmel'

Old Greek: ep., ion., poet. ákmōn, -onos m. `Amboss'

Slavic: *kāmɨ̄, gen. -ene

Baltic: *ak-mō̃ (*ak-men-es) (1)

Germanic: *xam-ar-a- m.; *xam-al=; *xum-Vl=

Celtic: Gaul acaunum `saxum'

Russ. meaning: камень, скала

References: WP I 28 f

Comments: Cf. *k(')em-er/n- #2974 'sky, cloud', often united with "stone" by folk etymology (Hitt. forms show that "heaven" was *k(')em- while "stone" was *ak'm-).  

Modern High German Achel f. `ear point, awn' from ndd. aggel (with spirant. g) from Indo Germanic *ak̂u-lā;

Old English āwel m. `fork'

Old Norse soð-āll  `meat fork' (Germanic *ahwala-, Indo Germanic *ák̂u̯-olo-)

gallo-Latin opulus `common maple ' (Marstrander, Corr. Germanic-celt. 18), would be placed Indo Germanic *ok̂u̯-olo-

about Old Norse uggr etc. see e/o-stem

about Old English éar see s-formant

Welsh ebill `drill'

mbr. ebil `peg, nail ' (*ak̂u̯-īli̯o-);


The mutation kw > p, b in Celtic tongues, Latin and gr.

Baltic *ašus in Latvian ass ` sharp, pointed '

Lithuanian ašutaĩ m. Pl. ` coarse horse hair '

= Slavic *ošuta m. ` thistle ' in Church Slavic оsъtъ, Russian osót

Tocharian A āc̨āwe `rough' (Van Windekens Lexique 15)?

see below *ōk̂u-s ` fast (sharp in the movement) '.

4.         With m-formant:


Gr. ἀκμή ` point, edge, sharpness; the highest point, climax, decisive point ' (ἀκμήν Adv., ἀκμαῖος, ἀκμάζω)

Swedish dial. åm ` marsh grass, Cladium mariscus' (Germanic *ahma-, compare Finnish loanword ahma ` equisetum ').


Old Indic aśman- n. ` stone, sky ' (as a stone vault, Reichelt IF. 32, 23 ff.)

aśmará- ` stone '

Avestan asman-` stone, sky '

Old Indic Gen. áśnaḥ, Instrumental áśnā

Avestan Gen. ašnō, Abl. ašnāat̃ with -n- from -mn-

Instrumental Pl. Old Indic aśnāih ̣ after o-stem

Phrygian PN ᾽Ακμονία

gr. ἄκμων ' anvil, meteor, heaven ', ἄκμων ὁ οὐρανός

Lithuanian ãšmens m. Pl. ' edge ', akmuõ, -eñs m. ' stone '.

5.         With n-formant:


Old Indic aśáni-ḥ ` head of the arrow, missile'

Avestan аsǝŋgа-

Old Persian aϑanga- ` stone ' (*ak-en-go, Benveniste Orig. 28) (common Old Persian - alb. -k > -th/ -g > -dh)

gr. ἄκαινα ` point, sting; longitudinal dimension '

Latin acuna ` a cavity, hollow, dip; esp. a pool, pond. Transf., gap, deficiency, loss' see WH. I 9

Gr. ἀκόνη ` whetstone ', ἄκων, - οντος ` spear ' (for older ἄκων, *-ονος after the participle), ἀκοντίζω ` throw the spear ', ἄκανος ` thistle kind, prickly head plant ', ἀκανίζειν ` fruit carry prickly heads ', ἄκανθος `thistle' (from * ἀκαν-ανθος `sting flower'), ἄκανθα ` thistle, sting, thorn, spine, esp. of the fish ', ἀκαλανθίς ' goldfinch ' (from *ἀκανθαλίς), ἄκαθος ` barque ', ἀκάτη, ἀκάτιον ` woman's shoe ' (*ak̂nṭo-)

Latin agna ` ear of grain ' (from *ak̂nā)

Gothic ahana f. ` chaff '

Old Norse ǫgn

Old English egenu f., äegnan Pl.

Old High German agana ds.

Modern High German Ahne, dial. Agen  `stalk splinter of the flax or hemp' (Germanic *ag-, *ahanō, Indo Germanic *ak̂ǝnā)

Lithuanian žem. ašnìs ` edge, sprouting, germinating, sowing '

Latvian asns m. ` germ bursting out '.

6.         With r-formant:

ak̂er-, ok̂er-

Old Irish a(i)cher `sharp (from the hoist)', because of the Gen. Sg. Akeras (PN in the Ogham) not Latin loanword

Old Breton acer-uission `with sharp fingers' (biss), ocerou Pl. `sharpened'

Old Welsh ar-ocrion gl. atrocia

Lithuanian ašerỹs, ešerỹs `river perch'

pol. dial. jesiora (from *aserā) vowel stretch

Old Norse ǫgr ds. (from proto Germanic *agura-, Indo Germanic *ok̂r̥-o-)

West-Norwegian augur (from *ǫ̣gurr, new development from ǫgr), influenced by auga `eye'

Maybe alb. (*(o)gurr), gurrë `stream'

Here also maybe the name of the maple (due to the pointed leaf sections):

Latin acer, -eris n. ` the maple tree or maple wood ' (from acer arbor became Vulgar Latin acerabulus, Meyer-Lübke REW. 93)

Danish ær ds. (Germanic *ahira-)

Modern High German dial. Acher ds. (Germanic *ahura-);

gr. ἄκαστος ἡ σφένδαμνος Hes. (*ἄκαρστος, meaning as πλατάνιστος beside πλάτανος; to stem compare also ἄκαρνα δάφνη Hes.)

gallo Rome. *akaros, *akarnos ` maple ' (Hubschmied RC. 50, 263 f.)

Old High German ahorn `maple'

(from Swiss and other oral kinds would devop certainly ā -, however, ā -would have arisen also of people's etymological distortion, like Middle Low German ānhorn, ālhorn; ahorn (Indo Germanic *ak̂rno-) is up to the declension class = ἄκαρνα, while Latin acernus ` of maple ' is syncopated from *acer-inos; however, that n has probably also arisen from the former adjective material developing formants -no- and not from r/n-stem by accumulation of both elements.

Rather that counts for gr. ἄκορνα (*-ι̯α) ` yellow thistle kind ' ἄκανος ds., maybe here also ἄκορος ` calamus ', ἄκορον ` of a spicy root ', compare with other forms still ἄκινος f. ` odoriferous flower ', ὤκιμον ` basil ' (if here suitablly, named after the sharp smell?).

ak̂ri-, ak̂ro-

Old Indic áśrih ̣ ` corner, edge, border ', catur-aśra-ḥ ̣ `square'

gr. ἄκρος `sharp', ἄκρον, ἄκρα, ἄκρις `point, mountaintops' (also in ἀκροάομαι as `have sharp hearing, sharpen the ear', and ἀκρίς, -ίδος `grasshopper', sshort form for ἀκροβατοῦσα ` tiptoe ', ἀκρίζουσα; ἀκρεμών ` point of the boughs ', see to the formation Brugmann Grdr. II2 1, 241);

Latin ācer, ācris,-e (Old Latin ācra, -um) `sharp, piercing, penetrating, cutting, irritating, pungent'

Oscan akrid ` sharp ', Umbrian peracri- ` fat, plump, corpulent '

= Latin perācer `very sharp'

gr. ἄκρος, also ` uppermost, excellent ', ἀκμαῖoς

Latin acerbus ` acidic, sad, harsh, bitter, unripe ' (from *ăcri-bho-s)

compare gall. AXPOTALVS ` with high forehead '

Old Irish ēr `high' (from *akros)

Lithuanian ašrùs, aštrùs

Old Lithuanian aštras

Old Church Slavic ostrъ `sharp' (t - interpolated wording).

ok̂ri-, ok̂ro-

With shading o-:

gr. ὄκρις f. `sharp' mountain point, corner, edge '

Old Latin ocris m. ` rough mountain '

Latin mediocris ` average, mediocre, of middling size, medium, middling, moderate, ordinary ', actually `to be found halfway up ' (here vowel gradation could be displayed in the compound like in extorris: terra, meditullium: tellūs), Ocriculum, Interocrea, ocrea `splint, a greave, legging'

Umbrian ocar, ukar, Gen. ocrer `mountain, castle mountain '

Marrucinian ocres ` a mountain, mount, range of mountains '

Middle Irish och(a)ir ` corner, edge '

Welsh ochr `edge'.

To the heteroclite paradigm *ak̂-r-(g), *ak̂-n-es (also the i- stem *ak̂i- can have combined with it) compare above ak̂men/mer-, Pedersen KZ. 32, 247, Johansson Beitr. 9, Petersson IF. 24, 269 ff.; as notable the apposition appears thereof from gr. Κράγος ` name of different mountains ', ᾽Ακράγ-ας the 'Agrigentum' which might have signified originally ` rocks, stones'.

7.         With s-formant:

ak̂es- : ak̂s-

Gr. ἄχνη `chaff' from *ak̂-s-nā, afterwards reshuffled ἄχυρον ds. instead of *ἄκυρον; gr. ἀκοσ-τή 'barley' (`awned, bristly ', formation like lat onus-tus, venus-tus); gr. ἠκές ὀξύ, Hes. πυρι-ήκης ` with igneous point ', ἀμφήκης `two-edged', τανύηκης `with long point ' (maybe only with stretch in the compound, after which the length also in simple ἠκές; however, lies lengthened grade *āk- also before in Ionian ἠκή ἀκωκή, ἐπιδορατίς, ἀκμή Hes., ἠκάδα ἠνδρωμένην γυναῖκα Hes., compare to meaning ἀκμή `climax of life').

additional formations in gr. ὀξύς `sharp'

Lithuanian tamsùs : Old Indic tāmas-

Lithuanian tamsa ̀ (in addition ὀξίνη `harrow' Hes.)

Gr. ὄξος `wine vinegar'. - Also *ἀκαχμένος `sharpened' seems to be * ἀκ-ακσ-μένος, Hirt IF. 12, 225. 

Latin acus,-eris ` a needle ' acervus (*aces-vo-s) ` a heap, mass; in logic, argument by accumulation '

Gothic ahs Gen. *ahsis n.

Old Icelandic ax n.

Old High German ahir, ehir n. (Germanic *ahiz), from the Pl. Modern High German ` ear of corn ' f.

Old English ear (*ahuz)

dat. Sg. North Umbrian æhher, eher ds.


Welsh eithin m. Pl. ' gorse, furze' (*akstīno-)

Middle Irish aittenn ds. (with unclear sound gradation); (common Celtic -ns- > -nn-), Lithuanian akstiṘs following 'smoked spit'

= Russian ostъ ` point, ear, spike '

Lithuanian ãkstinas m. ` sting, spur '

= Old Church Slavic ostъnъ m. 'sting'

Czech osten ds.

Alb. (*osten ) hosten `stick for driving cattle' Slavic loanword.

8.         With t- formant:

Old Indic apāṣ̌ṭhá- m. (from *apa-aś-tha) ` barb in the arrow '

gr. ἀκτή ` gruff coast with breaker; headland, elevation '

Tocharian В āc ̨-, āc̨c̨e-` head, beginning ' (from *ak̂-t-).

ok̂etā `harrow, device with points ':


Hittite: akkala- c. ` furrow' -- oder: akkala- c. deep plough' (so Benveniste HIE, otherwise Kronasser EHS 172, Tischler 9-10)

Old Greek: *oksínǟ ˜ -ī́- f.?: oksína 'harrow' Hsch.ж ógmo-s m. `Schwad, Reihe abgemähten Grases oder Getreides; Streifen Land, das abgemäht oder auf andere Weise bearbeitet wird oder werden soll; Ackermass'

Baltic: *ak-ē^t-iā̃ f., *ak-ē^t-ia- c., *ak-ē^- vb.

Germanic: *ag-íʮ-ō f., *ag-ja- vb.

Latin: occa f. `harrow'

Celtic: OCymr ocet, NCymr oged `harrow', Corn ocet `harrow', Bret ogued `harrow'


Latin occa `harrow' from *otika by metathesis from *okitā (Hirt IF. 37, 230)? compare different formations gr. ὀξίνη `harrow';

Old Welsh ocet

Cornish ocet

Breton oguet

Old High German egida

Middle High German eg(e)de

Old English eg(e)de f. (Modern High German Egge renewed from the verb eggen from Old High German egen, ecken, proto Germanic *agjan, on its part only from the Subst. *agiðō revert formation)

Lithuanian akė́èios, ekė́èios ` harrow'

Old Prussian aketes ` harrows', ē instead of e derives from the verb *akēi̯ō [vowel stretch] in Lithuanian akė́ju, akė́ti, besides akė́ju, ekė́ti; the anlaut (initial sound) a- frequently has become e  in an unstressed position a before palatal vowel (Endzelin Lett. Gr. 36).

References: WP. I 28 ff., WH. I 6 ff., Specht Dekl. 24, 69, 125, 271, 331. Specht KZ. 62, 210 ff. (unlikely).

See also: S. under *ok̂-tōu `eight', actually ` both points of the hands (without thumb) '.

zero grades k̂- stuck probably in stems k̂emen-, k̂emel-, k̂ōmen- ` stone, sky ', k̂omor- ` stone hammer ', k̂ēi-, k̂ōi-, k̂ǝi- ` sharpen, whet ', k̂ū̆- ` sharp, spit, spear '.

Page(s): 18-22

Root / lemma: ak̂-1, ak̂ō-

Meaning: `to eat'


Old Indic aśnāti (inserted Infinitive aśi-tum etc.) `eats, consumes', áśanam n. `food', áśna-ḥ `greedy', lengthened grade āśayati `allows to dine', prātar-āśa-ḥ `breakfast'

Avestan kahrk-āsa `chicken eater = vulture' etc.;

gr. ἄκυλος f. `acorn' (as `food', compare formally Old Indic aśú-ṣa-ḥ `greedy'), ἄκολος `bite';

Old Norse agn n. `bait for fish' (*ak̂ǝ-nó-), ǣja `allow to graze' (*ahjan). 

References: WP. I 112 f., WH. I 210 f.

Page(s): 18

Root / lemma: ak̂ru

Meaning: `tear'

Material: Ved. áśru n., later also áśram 'tear'

Avestan asrū- n.

Lithuanian ašara ̀ and ãšara f.

Tocharian А ākär Pl. ākrunt ds.

Old Indic aśrāyāmi, Lithuanian ãšaroju `cries'

The relationship to Indo Germanic *dak̂ru `tear' is unsettled. compare Meillet BSL. 32, 141.

References: WP. I 33, WH. I 746.

Page(s): 23

Root / lemma: akʷā- (more properly ǝkʷā): ēkʷ-

Meaning: `water, river'


Hittite: eku- / aku- (I)  ' trinken ' 

Tokharian: A, B yok-  ' trinken '  (Adams 509)

Latin: ēbrius, -a, -um  ' пьяный, хмельной; напоенный, напитанный ' 

Russ. meaning: пить, напиваться

References: Tischler 103-105 (with discussion)


Latin aqua `water, water pipe' (thereof aquilus `dark', aquila `eagle', actually `the swarthy', aquilō `north wind', actually `the darkening sky')

Hittite: ? akukal(la?)- or akutal(la?)-  ' Waschbecken '  (Tischler 11-12)

Germanic: *a(g)w-ṓ f., *áxw-ō f.; *ō(g)w-já- m.; *a(g)w-jṓ f.

Latin: aqua f. `Wasser, Wasserleitung ' 


= Gothic aƕa f. `river, body of water'

Old Icelandic ǫ́

Old English ēa

Old Saxon Old High German aha

Modern High German Ache ds.

Germanic *ahwō, thereof derived *ahwjō, *awjō `surrounded by the water ' in Old Icelandic ey f. `island, pasture, grassland'

Old English íeg

Old High German -ouwa, -awa

Middle High German ouwe f. `water, peninsula in the river, grassland rich in water';

Maybe alb. (*aquilō) akull `frozen water, ice'

Modern High German Aue

compare Old Frisian ei-land `island', Sca(n)din-avia Kretschmer Gl. 17, 148 ff.

Russian FlN Oká

Pannonian PN Aquincum `stove (*cooking stove where water boils making bubbles)'

apul. FlN Aquilō

Venetic PN Aquileia (also in South Germany)

Vowel stretch

with vowel gradation (Indo Germanic ē) in addition Old Icelandic ǽgir (*ēkʷi̯ós) `God of the sea'

Old English ǽg-weard ` watch at the sea', éagor `sea, flood' (the initial sound after ēa)

Old Indic kām `water'

dak. plant N κοαδάμα ποταμογείτων ` water colonist ' (*kʷa-dhēmn̥)

poln. (North Illyrian) FlN Kwa.

The affiliation from Hittite e-ku-uz-zi (ekuzi) `drinks', 3. Pl. a-ku-wa-an-zi, seems not unlikely. Moreover also Tocharian AB yok-tsi `drink'. Old Irish oiche `water' does not exist; Welsh aig `sea' is neologism to eigion from Latin oceanus.

References: WP. I 34 f., WH. I 60, 848, Feist 18 f., Pedersen Hittitisch 128, Tocharisch 190.

Page(s): 23

Root / lemma: akʷ-

Meaning: `to hurt'


Old Indic áka m ` grief, pain '

Avestan akō ` nasty, bad '

axtis ̀ ` grief, pain, illness '

gr. noun *ἄπαρ, *ἀπνός, thereof  ἠπανεῖ ἀπορεῖ, ἠπανία ἀπορία, ἠπεροπεύς 'swindler'; Verbalst. ἀπ- in ἀπάτη 'deception' (*apn̥tā), reduplication Present ἰάπτω 'damage'.

References: Kuiper Gl. 21, 282 f.

Page(s): 23

Root / lemma: albhi-

Meaning: `barley'

Material: Gr. ἄλφι, ἄλφιτον ` barley, pearl barley, barley flour ', Laconian ἀλίφατα ἄλφιτα ἤ ἄλευρα Hes. (with gradual growth vowel ι; Ehrlich KZ. 38, 55, in ἄλφι : ἄλφατα from which by intersection with ἄλφι then ἄλφιτ-α, -ον - sees a relation as between Old Indic ásth-i : asth-n-áḥ, what would guarante older proto Indo Germanic of the word); alb. elp (elbi) `barley' (N. Pl. *albhī-). Iranian *arbhi- conclusions Vasmer Stud. z. alb.Wortf. I (Dorpat 1921) S. 16 ff. from turko-tatar. etc arba 'barley'.

relationship to *albh- ` white ' assumes Specht Dekl. 68 Old Norse

From Iranian branch the name for barley passed to Altaic family:

Protoform: *àrp`á

Meaning: `barley, millet'

Turkic protoform: *arpa

Mongolian protoform: *arbaj

Tungus protoform: *arpa

Japanese protoform: *àpá

Note: EAS 90, KW 15, Poppe 87. АПиПЯЯ 67. The Mong. form cannot be explained as a Turkism (despite TMN 2, 24, Щербак 1997, 100). The Turkic form is sometimes compared with Proto-Iranian *arba- (corresponding to Gr. alphi), compare. East Iranian forms going back to *arpasyā- (or *arbasyā) (Стеблин-Каменский 1982, 23), but it is not identical (loss of the final syllable is hard to explain); on the other hand, the Jpn. parallel is a strong argument in favour of the Altaic origin of the Turkic form.

References: WP. I 92, Jokl Festschrift Kretschmer 78 f., Kieckers IE. 41, 184, Wahrmann Gl. 17, 253.

Page(s): 29

Root / lemma: albho-

Meaning: `white'


Hittite: alpa- ' cloud' (Tischler 18)

Old Greek: alphó-s m. `weisser Auschlag, lepra' {acc.pl. alphoús `белый' Hsch. - nowhere found!}

Germanic: *alb=, *alft=

Latin: albus, -a `(matt)weiss, weissglänzend'

Other Italic: Umbr alfu `alba'; Osk Alafaternum `Alafaternorum', Pael Alafis


Gr. ἀλφός ` white rash ', ἀλφούς λευκούς Hes. (also ἀλωφός λευκός Hes., s. below), FlN ᾽Αλφειός;

Latin albus ` white, dead white; hence pale or bright; sometimes making bright; fig., fortunate '

Umbrian alfu ` white '

Oscan Alafaternum Alafaternum ` Alfaternorum '

prälig. Alafis ` Albius ' (and many other names partly Etruscan coinage due to Oscan-Umbrian root alf-, as Latin alb-, s. Schulze Latin Eig. 119 f.; etr. Pronunciation from Latin albus also must be that of Paul. Diac. 4 L. as Sabine called alpum); in addition albula, alburnus ` whitefish ', albarus ` white poplar ', albūcus ` asphodel plant ' etc.;

Vowel stretch

Welsh elfydd m. ` earth, world ' from *albíi̯o- (compare Old Church Slavic světъ ` light, world ');

Old High German albiz, elbiz

Old English aelbitu, ielfetu Vowel stretch

Old Norse elptr, ǫlpt f. (Germanic *alƀ-it-, -ut-) `swan', (forms -d- in animal names: s. Brugmann Grdr. II2 1, 467, Charpentier KZ. 40, 433 f., Specht Dekl. 229; also:)

Old Church Slavic lebedь

Russian lebedь lebjadь Vowel stretch

in the vowel gradation:

poln. ɫabędź

Serbian lȁbud

Czech labud' ` swan ' (proto Slavic *olb-edь, -ędь, -ǫdь, compare to the latter suffix form Lithuanian bal-añdis ` pigeon, dove ', actually ` white '; see Meillet Et. 322, MSL. 14, 377, Schulze SBprAk. 1910, 800 = Kl. Schr. 122 f.

named after the color:

Russian lebedá

poln. lebioda, ɫoboda ` atriplex, goosefoot '

Dutch alft, elft `whitefish'

= Old High German etc albiz  `swan'

Latin albula `whitish'

Middle High German albel `whitefish'

Modern High German Albe

Low German alf, albe  `whitefish'

Latin alburnus `a white fish, bleak' ds .;

Modern High German Dialectal Albums ` hard sand under the fertile earth '

Swedish Dialectal alf ds .;

Old Norse alfr

Old English ælf

English elf (from which borrowed Modern High German Elf m., Elfe f.)

Middle Low German alf  ` Аlp, grand, evil spirit '

Middle High German Modern High German Alp, Pl. the Alben (originally probably ` whitish nebulous figures ')

Old High German alba ` insect larva, locusta quae nondum volavit '

Dutch elften f. Pl. ` cock chafer grubs '

Norwegian alma ds. (m from the Gen. Pl. *albna, from which *almna)

Maybe alb. (*u̯elmna) mjellma, Gen mjellme ` swan ' [common Celtic abbreviation] : [common Lithuanian Hittite Albanian -u̯- > -m- shift see Lithuanian mẽdžias `tree' Root / lemma: u̯idhu- : tree : see Hittite ḫamešḫ(a)- Root / lemma: u̯es-r̥ : spring]


The Illyrian TN Albanoi is the plural form Middle High German Modern High German Alp, Pl. the Alben (originally probably ` whitish nebulous figures ') a primitive Indo European people who believed in evil spirits before an elaborate mythology developed later.

Arbën `name of alb. during Middle Ages'

see to these Germanic words esp. Falk-Torp under aame (4, 1428), al (19, 1431), alv (22, 1431), elv I (188 f., 1454), emd (189, 1454); as ` white water ' also the name of Elbe (Latin Albis, Albia, from Germanic *Alƀī, Gen. Alƀiōz =)

Old Norse elfr ` river '

Middle Low German elve ` riverbed '

gall. FlN Albis, Albā (now Aube; contrast Dubis, Dubā, i.e. ` black, deep water ')

Latin Albula

gr. ᾽Αλφειός (see esp. Schulze SBprAk.1910, 797 = Kl. Schr. 120) [vowel stretch]

gall.-Latin Albiōn

Middle Irish Albbu, Gen. Albban (stem *Alb-i̯en-) `Britain' [vowel stretch]

Welsh elfydd or from the white chalk rocks

Latin Alpēs, ῎Αλπεις (high mountains?

in Italian, Ligurian and Celtic areas frequent local name like Alba, Albium

Armenian aɫauni  ` pigeon, dove ', barely for *alabh-n- (Bugge KZ. 32, 1, Pedersen KZ. 38, 313), see below. About the affiliation of *albhi-  *albhi- ` barley ' s. d.

Hittite al-pa-áš (alpas) ` cloud '


To the vowel gradation: beside *albho-s seems to be two-syllable root form in gr. ἀλωφός (also ἐλεφιτίς?) and Armenian aɫauni, and in addition tuned Slavic intonation (Serbian lȁbūd), s. Osthoff IF. 8, 64 f., Pedersen aaO. 

This additional -bho- one syllable is in color names frequent suffix (e.g. Latin galbus Lithuanian raĩbas `in different colors, multicolored, dappled' beside raĩnas; Brugmann Grdr. II2 1, 388 f), *albhos is obtainable in monosyllabic root *al- and on the other hand ἀλωφός is possible according to Brugmann aaO.

Lithuanian al̃vas ` tin ' (` white metal ')

Old Prussian alwis `lead, plumbum'

Russian ólovo `tin' from Indo Germanic *alǝu̯o-? a similar relation, as gr. κορω-νός to Latin curv-us `crooked, curved, bent'

Old Indic palā-la-ḥ (: palāv-aḥ) : Old Prussian pelwo, also go back to a word root *alō[u]-: *alǝu-: *alu- (in Armenian aɫawni and Slavic words);


From Baltic - Slavic the notion for `white metals, whitte color, sick white' passed to Altaic family:

Protoform: *ni̯ā̀lpá

Meaning: `tin, lead'

Tungus protoform: *ńālban

Japanese protoform: *nàmári

Note: An interesting TM-Jpn. isogloss; compare. also Old Koguryo *naimul (see Miller 1979, 8). Jpn. *nàmá-ri < *nàpan-(r)i, with usual regressive nasalization.


Protoform: *ălpa

Meaning: `unable, sick; being at service, man-at-arms'

Turkic protoform: *ălp-

Mongolian protoform: *alba-n

Tungus protoform: *alba-

Korean protoform: *àrphằ-

Japanese protoform: *apar-

Note: Poppe 85, 121 (Turk-Mong.); TMN 2, 110-111.

gr. ἐλεφιτίς is sufficient by the reshuffle to which animal names and plant names are exposed everywhere, in order to ensure in addition still *ale-bh-;

here as ` the shining one ':

gall. alausa ` European  shad, twaite shad '

French aloes

Spanish alosa

gall. GN Alaunos


brit. FlN Alaunos

Modern English Aln

Welsh PN Alun

Armenian aɫauni ` pigeon, dove ' from *alǝu-n-. 

A stem form ali- ` white ' is not provabe, in spite of Specht Dekl. 114, because Hittite ali- ` white ' appears very uncertain (Couvreur H̯ 149 f., Friedrich IF. 58, 94) and gr. ἀλίφαλος, ἀλίφατα, ἄλiξ are to be explained differently.

Here, however, probably (as a ` pale yellow plant '):

hisp.-Latin ala `elecampane ' (Isid.), Spanish -portug. ala ds.

furthermore with -nt-suffix:

Old High German alant ds.

with it etymological identically the fish name:

Old High German alunt  (newer alant)

Old Saxon alund `whitefish, Alant'

= (with grammatical alteration) Old Icelandic - ǫlunn `a fish', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns- > -nn-)

Indo Germanic basic form *al-n̥t-/*al-ont-. The original meaning of al- is probably`white, shining', hence, then also `pale yellow' etc.

A precise separation of the meanings of al- and el- is not always possible, which is why Specht (Indo Germanic Dekl. 59, 160) explained both stems as originally identical, thus al- as el- leads back to el-, with which he associates further (aaO. 114) the color root ar- (see below areĝ-), er- .

References: WP. I 92 ff., WH. I 26 f.

Page(s): 30-31

Root / lemma: aldh-

Meaning: `trough'


Old Norse alda f. ` wave, upsurge, hostility, warfare '

Norwegian dial. olda f. 'trough'

Swedish dial. ålla ` deep cavity '

Old English ealdoÞ, aldot, aldaht ` trough, tub, container '

Modern High German Bavarian alden ` field furrow'.

In addition Balto-Slavic *aldii̯ā- [vowel stretch] in:

Church Slavic ladiji, alъdiji f. ` small boat '

Lithuanian aldijà, eldijà f. ` river small boat '

also Lithuanian eldijė̃lė  ` smoking frying pan'.

Norwegian lodje ` Russian vessel, boat '

Swedish lodja

Middle Low German lod(d)ie, loddige are borrowed from Russian ɫodьjá

= Old Slavic ladiji). Falk-Torp 652 (see also 789 under`olde').

References: WP. I 92, WH. I 35, Trautmann 6.

Page(s): 31-32

Root / lemma: aleq- (*ale-q-)

Meaning: `to hit back, shoot'


Initially -k- suffix is of Baltic German Slavic origiin


Old Indic rákṣ̌ati ` defended, protected, preserved '

Armenian aracel ` graze, protect, watch, guard ' (Pisani KZ. 68, 157)

gr. ἀλέξω ` prevent, protect, fight off ' (so- present; rakṣ̌ati because of this correspondence not more probably to equally meaning root areq-), ᾽Αλέκτωρ, ᾽Αλεκτρυών the epic proper names, after becoming known as the cock were used for the name of this contentious bird (Fick Cstem 9, 169, Kretschmer KZ. 33, 559 ff., Boisacq 1091 f.); ἀλαλκεῖν ' defend, refuse, fend ', ἀλκάθω ` defends, helps ', ἄλκαρ ` Protection, defense, help ', ἔπαλξις ` Protection, parapet, (esp.) battlement of the walls; help ' (*αλκ-τι-ς), ἀλκή ` defense, help ' and ` thickness, strength ' (latter meaning, although in itself from ` vigorous defense ' understandable, maybe by flowing together with another

Middle Persian ark ` work, effort, trouble '

= Gr. ἀλκὶ πεποιθώς Hom.; ἄλκιμος ` strong, hard, potent; from weapons: ` resistable, suited to the fight ';

vowel stretch:

Old English ealgian ` protect, defend ' (*algōjan)

Gothic alhs (f., conservative stem) ` temple '

Old English ealh

Old Saxon alah m. ds.

Proto Norse-Runic aluh ` amulet' (?)

Old Lithuanian elkas, al̃kas m. ` holy grove, place on a hill where one has made of early victims '

Latvian èlks m. 'Idol, god' (Germanic and Baltic words originally ` holier, seclusive or the usufruct deprived grove ');

Tocharian В alāsk `remove'.

References: WP. I 89 f.

See also: S. similar root areq-` close, protect '.

Page(s): 32

Root / lemma: algh-

Meaning: `frost, cold'


Latin algor ` frost, cold ', algeō, -ēre ` freeze, to be cold ', algidus `cold'

Old Icelandic Gen. Sg. elgiar

Modern Icelandic elgur m. ` snow flurry with strong frost, half-molten snow '

Germanic s-stem *alʒiz- disguised itself in Latin algor, Indo Germanic *alghes-.

References: WP. I 91, WH. I 29. compare Petersson Aryan under Arm. Stud. 126.

Page(s): 32

Root / lemma: algʷh-

Meaning: `to earn, price, value, *precious bright metal'


Old Indic árhati ` is worth, earns, is obliged, debit, ', arghá-ḥ ` value, validity, price '

= osset. arɣ ` price, value '

Avestan arǝjaiti ` is worth, amounts for value '

New Persian arzīdan ` earn '

arǝjah- (es- stem) n. ` value, price '.

maybe alb. (*árhati) argat ` worker, serf ', argëtoj ` entertain, reward, please, become lazy ', argomë `barren, unproductive' oriental loanword.

Gr. ἀλφή `acquisition, purchase '

= alb. (*albe-) blej `to purchase '

= Lithuanian algà

Old Prussian Gen. Sg. ālgas ` wage '

gr. ἀλφάνω, ἀλφεῖν ` profit, earn ' (ἀλφεῖν = Old Indic árhati, but by the more complete present ἀλφάνω in the validity embedded as an Aorist), ἀλφεσίβοιος ` cattle earned '.

An additional form on voiced-nonaspirated is Old Indic arjati ` acquires, earns, fetches '.

References: WP. I 91.

Page(s): 32-33

Root / lemma: al-1, ol-

Meaning: `besides; other'


Latin uls ` beyond ', *ulter, -tra, -trum ` ulterior, situated beyond ' ((ultrō, ultra), compounds ulterior, Sup. ultimus

= Oscan últiumam ` the utmost, extreme, the highest, first, greatest, lowest, meanest ';

Maybe alb. ultë, ulët `low', ul `to low, sit below' : Latin ulterior -ius `compar. as from ulter, farther, more distant, more advanced, more remote'.

alb. ul `sit' = Hungarian: ül `sit'

Old Latin ollus ` that, that yonder, that one; emphatically, that well-known; in contrast with hic, the former, (sometimes the latter)' (*ol-no-s, compare below Irish ind-oll and Slavic *olnī), newer olle, ollī `then, next', ollīc ' he, she, that, in that place, yonder, there '; lengthened grade ōlim `in the distant past, once' (probably after im, exim reshaped and with Old Indic par-āri ` third-last year ' [compare πέρ-υσι] to be equated *ōli, Locative adverb, also the glosses olitana `the aged, old, ancient, of long standing ', olitinata ` old, inveterate, ancient, former, of old times ' can reject - ō or ŏ? - )

Umbrian ulo, ulu ` that, that yonder, that one; emphatically, that well-known; in contrast with hic, the former, he, she, it yonder, that '; influenced by is, iste etc. the cognates ollus, olle would be uncolored to ille `that, that yonder, that one; emphatically, that well-known; in contrast with hic, the former, (sometimes the latter)'.

Slavic *olnī (Indo Germanic *oln-ei)

= Old Church Slavic lani

Czech loni

poln. loni ` in the last summer, last year ' (` that year ', compare Latin ollī `at that time, then').

Irish alltar, allaid

= Old Indic áraṇa- ` far, strange '

Vowel stretch:

= Avestan auruna- `wild', árād 'from a distance', ārḗ ` far '

Old Indic arí  ` of strangers, stranger ', ar(i)yá- ` suitable, proper to the stranger ', then Subst. ` hospitable, lord, master, ruler, man '

= Old High German eli-lenti ` foreign land '

Old Indic ā́r(i)ya- ` to ar(i)yá- , suitable, hospitable ', hence, VN ' Aryan', āryaka- ` venerable man ', aryamáṇ- n. ` hospitality ', m. ` guest's friend ' [vowel stretch:]

Maybe Arrianes Illyrian TN.

Avestan airyō (= ārya)

Old Persian āriya (= ariya) ` Aryan '

Avestan airyaman ` guest, friend '

New Persian ērmān ` guest '

sarmat. VN ᾽Αλανοί (osset. *alan)

osset. ir `Ossete', iron `Ossetic' ` Ossetic ' (P. Thieme*), the stranger in the Rigveda, fig. f. d. client d. Morgenl. XXIII 2, 1938; Specht KZ. 68, 42 ff.); 

Old Irish aire (*arios) and airech ` nobleman, of noble people, suitor ', preposition air- ` in front of ', thus ` standing in the first place ', (Thurneysen ZCP. 20, 354)

mythical Irish ancestor Е́remón is scholar neologism to Ériu ` Ireland '. see below ari̯o- ` lord, god, master '.


*) Thus Thieme (aaO. 159 f.) properly puts here reinforcing prefix:

gr. ἐρι-( reduced grade ἀρι-), e.g. ἀρί-γνωτος ` easily recognizable (the stranger) '

Old Indic arí- etc surely must lead back to Indo Germanic *er- . Thieme puts further here Old Indic sūrí- ` master, ruler, lord' as su-ri- ` hospitable ' and ri-śā́das ` worry for sustaining the stranger '.


Old Irish oll Adj. ` honorable, large, extensive ', actually ` above (the ordinary) going out '

= Latin ollus

= Indo Germanic *olnos:

compounds Old Irish (h)uilliu ` farther, more ', Adv. ind-oll ` ultra, extreme ', innonn, innunn ` over, beyond ' (with assimilation in collaboration with inonn ` the same, identical'; (common Celtic -ns- > -nn-) ol-chen(a)e ` in addition, but ', actually ` on the other side (and) therefrom on this side '; ol-foirbthe ' pluperfect, past perfect ', oldāu, oldaas ` when I, when he ', actually ` about (the) outside, what I am, what he is ', inaill ' certain, sure ', actually ` situated on the other side ' (of it inoillus ' confidence, security'; inuilligud 'protection, safety'; with ol(l) ` ultra, beyond ' maybe corresponds ol ` says ' as ` ultra, beyond, further ', originally in the report in a continuous speech). The conjunction ol ` because, since ' related to Welsh ol ` footprint '.

Besides with a:

Old Irish al (with Akk.) ` on the other side, over - beyond ' (simplification from *all in the pretone), Adv. tall (*to-al-nā) ` on the other side, there ', anall ` from on the other side, from there, over here ', with suffixed Pron. of the 3rd person all, allae, newer alla ` beyond, on the other side '; derivatives: alltar ` the world of the dead, the other world, hereafter ', also from ` to savage areas situated on the other side ', alltarach ` otherworld, ulterior, thithertho '.

Gall. alla ` another, other, different ', allos `second', VN Allo-broges

= Middle Welsh all-fro ` exiled, ostracized, banished' (to bro 'land'), all-tud ` foreigner '

Old Welsh allann, (common Celtic -ns- > -nn-)

Modern Welsh allan ' outdoors, outside '

Old Irish all-slige ` the second cutting out '.

Gothic alls

Old Icelandic allr

Old English eall

Old High German all 'all'

In the compound Germanic ala- (without -no-suffix) in:

Old Germanic matron's names Ala-teivia, Ala-gabiae etc

Gothic ala-mans ` all people, humanity '

Old High German ala-wāri ` totally true ' (Modern High German albern)

compare Old Irish oll-athair  (epithet of Irish God's father Dagdae ` the good God ')

= Old Norse al-fǫðr (epithet of Odin), ' all father '.

Latin alers, allers ` taught; learned, instructed, well-informed; experienced, clever, shrewd, skilful ' from *ad-ers, *allers (contrast to iners).

From an adverb *ali ` there, in a specific place, in each case ' have derived:

ali̯os ` other ':

Armenian ail ` other ';

gr. ἄλλος `other' (Cypriot αἴλος), n. ἄλλο, compare ἀλλοδ-απός ` from elsewhere, from another place, strange '

= Latin aliud, forms as in Latin longinquus `far removed, far off, remote, distant'

Gr. ἀλλήλων etc ` each other', ἀλλάττω ` make different, change ', ἀλλαγή ` variation, change, exchange, trade ': ἀλλότριος ` becoming another, strange ', from Old Indic anyátra `somewhere else' corresponding adverb;

Latin alius

= Oscan allo `other things', n. aliud

= gr. ἄλλο

Latin adverb ali: aliēnus 'strange' (from *ali-i̯es-nos), ali-quis, ali-cubi etc; Comparative alter, -era, -erum ` one from two '

= Oscan alttram 'alteram' (from *aliteros-), by Plautus also altro-; in altrinsecus, altrōvorsum the syncope is caused by the length of the whole word; here also alterāre, adulter, alternus, altercāri; 


English otherwise    

 Italian altrimenti    

French autrement    

Spanish de otra manera   

 Albanian ndryshe (*in + de + aresto)   

Galician doutro xeito (*de + otra)  

Irish dá    

Latin aliter    

 Paduan altrimènti

Romanian altfel    

Sardinian Campidanesu bardisi (*b- ar-all)  common Sardinian -l- > -d- shift

Venetian daresto

 Welsh fel ar-all 

From proto Albanian (*in de aresto) ndryshe ` other, otherwise ', ndryshoj ` change '

gall. alios

Old Irish aile (*ali̯os), n. aill (from adverbial all from *al-nā; palat. l comes from aile)

Welsh ail, Breton eil (from *eliüs, Comparative *alii̯ōs)

doubled Old Irish alaile, araile, n. alaill, araill

Middle Welsh etc arall, Pl. ereill (ll from the adverb all);

Gothic aljis `other', but only in compositions, as Old Saxon eli-lendi n. ` foreign land '

Old High German eli-lenti ds. = Modern High German Elend ' woefulness '

Gothic alja-leikō ` other, different '

Old Icelandic elligar, ellar

Old English ellicor, elcor ` other, otherwise '

Old High German elichōr ` further '

In adverbs:

Old English elles

English else ` other, different '

Old Norse alla ` otherwise ' etc.

a comparative formation *alira is Old English elra ` other ';

Tocharian A ālya-kǝ, В alye-kǝ `ἄλλος τις ' (*ali̯e-kǝ, Pedersen Groupement 26, Tocharisch 117); unclear is the absence of palatalization in A ā̆lakǝ ` other ', ālamǝ ` each other', В āläm ` somewhere else', aletste 'strangers';

East Iranian etc hal-ci ` any (thing) available, etc '. 

References: WP. I 84 ff., WH. I 30, 32 f., Feist 33 b, 39 a, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 614.

About the sound change from *ani̯os to *ali̯os see Debrunner REtIE. 3, 1 ff., about angebl. pejorative character of a see Specht KZ. 68, 52, Die alten Sprachen 5, 115. 

See also: About ani̯os s. under S. 37 (an2).

Page(s): 24-26

Root / lemma: al-2

Meaning: `to grow; to bear'


Old Indic an-ala- ` fire ' (' the glutton ')

gr. νεᾱλής ` cheerful, strong ' (νέος + al-; about φυταλιή see below)

Latin alō, -ere, -ul, -itum ` to nourish, support, rear, feed, bring up '; alēscere ` grow up, prosper ', coalēscere 'grow together', adolēscere 'grow up' (adultus ' grown up, adult, mature '), abolēscere ' to perish ' (in addition appears aboleō, -ēre ` destroy, exterminate ' as a Transitive to be newly shaped, partly after (ad)augēscō : (ad)augeō, esp., however, after synonymous dēlēvī, dēleō; the reminiscence in ὄλλυμι, ἀπόλλυμι would be then deceptive; (differently WH. I 4), Latin indolēs ` native constitution or quality; nature, disposition, character, talents ', subolēs ` a sprout, shoot, offspring, progeny ', prōles (*pro-olēs) ` offspring, descendants, posterity; the young men of a race; of plants, fruit ' (of it prōlētārius `a citizen of the lowest class, serving the state only by begetting children'; these three with o from a before dark l, not with Indo Germanic o- vowel gradation); alimentum `food, nourishment', alimōnia,-ium ` food, maintenance '

Maybe alb. Geg alkë ` cream, wool fat, *food ' common alb. Slavic -kë diminutive

Old Irish alim `be nourishing'

Welsh alu

Middle Breton halaff

Modern Breton ala `bear, give birth to'

Welsh al f. `act of giving birth, progeny, people', alaf m. `wealth'

= Old Irish alam f. `herd', of it almae ds .;

Gothic Old English alan (ōl) ` grow up ' (intransitive like Latin adoleō)

Old Icelandic ala (ōl) ` be nourishing, produce '

Gothic aliÞs ` fattened ' (participle of a Causative *aljan = Norwegian dial. elja)

Old Icelandic elskr ` inspired by love ', elska `love'

With t- formant:

Gr. ἄν-αλτος `insatiable, gluttonous'; ῎Αλτις, ἄλσος (*αλτι̯-ος) n. ` holy grove '

Latin altus `high' (i.e. `large-scale grown')

Middle Irish old `height; shores, coast'

Welsh allt `side of a hill, wooded hills'

Old Cornish as, Breton aot, aod 'coast'

Old Saxon ald, Old High German (etc.) alt `old' (actually' grown tall '

Old High German altôn `put off, delay' (`make old');

Maybe alb. geg (*n'alt ) nalt `high' > alb. Tosc (*nalt, lant) lart `high' [n/l allophones].

*alti also in Gothic alds f. ` period, lifetime '

Old English ield ` period, lifetime, age, old age ' (Pl. ielde, Old Saxon eldi `people, humans')

Old Norse ǫld f. `time, age, Pl. people'

*alti̯o in:

Oscan altinúm ` food, provisions, aliment '

= Latin *altiōnum; Old Irish comaltae ` foster brother '

= Middle Welsh cyfeillt `serf, slave'

Modern Welsh cyfaill `friend' (*komal-ti̯os)

Middle Welsh eillt (*alti̯os) `pupil, hero'

Old Irish inailt (*eni-altī) ` servant '

Gothic alÞeis (*alti̯os) ` old '

= Old Irish alt(a)e ` brought up ';

*altro- in:

Old Irish altram ` food ', altru `nursing father'

Welsh athraw `teacher'

Old Norse aldr m. (Gen. aldrs) `age, lifetime, old age'

Old English ealdor `life'

Old Saxon aldar

Old High German altar `old age, age'.

With m- formant:

Gr. ἄλμα n. `grove', φυτάλμιος epithet of Zeus and Poseidon (also Φυτάλιος, name of Poseidon in isthmian Troy, Φύταλος, for what hom. φυταλιή `tree nursery' as an abstract noun, see Bechtel Lexil. 331)

Latin almus `nourishing, feeding (ager), blessing-donating, sweet, kind, sublime'

FlN Thracian Almus, Illyrian (?) Almō (Rom), Almā (Etruria), abrit. *Almā, English Yealm

Tocharian А ālym- ` life, mind '.

d- extensions:

Old Indic íḍ-, íḍā ` refreshment, donation, oblation, gift '

gr. ἀλδαίνω ` allows to grow, strengthens ', ἀλδήσκω 'grows', ἀναλδής ` not thriving; growth restraining ', ἄλδομαι ` brings forth, produce, create ' (καρπούς).

Maybe alb. Geg ardh- [dh- extension as in satem languages] `come, (*climax), be born', ardhuna Pl. `yields, profits'.

dh- extensions: Old Indic r̥dhnóti, r̥náddhi, r̥dháti, ŕ̥dhyati `prospers, succeeds, does succeed, manages'

Avestan arǝdat̃ ` he allows to prosper ', ǝrǝdāt- ` cause prospering '

Old Indic árdhuka- ` thriving ' (Specht KZ. 64, 64 f.);

gr. ἀλθαίνω, ἄλθω `heals', ἄλθομαι ` grows, heals '

Old Swedish alda ` fruit-carrying oak '

Old Icelandic aldin ` tree fruit, esp. eatable (fruit or seed of the oak tree, acorn) '.

References: WP. I 86 f., WH. I 4, 31 f.

Page(s): 26-27

Root / lemma: al-4

Meaning: `to burn'


Old Indic alātam n. ` fire, blaze, coal ' (also úlmukam `fire')

Latin adoleō ` to worship, offer sacrifice, burn a sacrifice; to sacrifice on an altar; in gen., to burn; to smell ', adolēscō, -ere ` flare up (from altars), to grow up, come to maturity, to be heaped up, or perhaps to burn ' (o from a as in etymological-different adolēscere ` to grow up, come to maturity, to be heaped up, or perhaps to burn ' to alō, see below *al-2 `grow'), altāre `fire altar'

with difficult o vowel gradation Umbrian uṙetu ` toward turning to vapor '

Maybe alb. (*ol-) urë ` burning log ' (common alb. o- > u- shift)

New Swedish ala ` blaze, flame '

gr. ἀλάβη ἄνθρακες Hes.

Latin alacer `quick, lively, animated'

Gothic aljan n. `zeal' etc. was possible as ` igneous, quick-tempered '

about Old English ǣlan ` burn ' see *aidh-.

gall. MS Alatus, Middle Irish alad ` multicolored, dappled, striped ' (if originally 'burnt')

= nir. aladh `trout' (alā̆to-).

Maybe alb. alle `red color'.

References: WP. I 88, WH. I 13, EM. 88.

Page(s): 28

Root / lemma: al-5 (*hel-)

Meaning: `to grind'

Material: Old Indic áṇu- ` fine, thin, very small ' (*al-nu-)

Hindi and Bengali āṭā ` flour '

Avestan aša (*arta-) ` crushed, ground'

Armenian aɫam ` grinds', aɫauri (*alatrio-) ` mill ', aleur- ` flour ' (in spite of l instead of ɫ not borrowed from ἄλευρον, Hübschmann Arm. Gr. I 414), aɫaxin ` servant ', aɫij ` young girl ' (Meillet BSL. 37, 72).


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Armenian aɫauri (*alatrio-) ` mill ' : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

Gr. ἀλε: ἀλέω ` grind, crush ', ἀλέται λίθοι ` millstone, grindstone ', ἄλετος and ἀλετός ` the milling, the grinding ', ἀλετών `mill', ἀλετρεύω `grind', ἄλε[F]αρ, Pl. ἀλείατα (stretched from ἀλέατα; Schulze Qunder ep. 225) `flour' (from it contracted *ἀλῆτα called out of the new sg. ἄλητον ἄλευρον Hes.; ἀλητο-ειδής Hippokr., ἀλήτων ἀλεύρων Rhinthon), ἄλευρον (*ἀλε-Fρ-ον) ` wheat flour', ἀλῑνός ` flimsy ' (  ` pulverized, crushed, ground'), ἄλιξ ` miller who grinds the spelt, wheat ' (from it Latin alica `spelt, or a drink prepared from spelt' ds).


Gr. ἔλυμος `millet', ὄλυρα `spelt', οὐλαί, Attic ὀλαί `ground coarse grain' (*ολF-,  not after J. Schmidt KZ. 32, 382 from *αλF-) would be compatible, perhaps, phonetically (then word root would be *el-, *ol-, *el-).

References: WP. I 89.

Page(s): 28-29

Root / lemma: alp-

Meaning: `small, weak'


Hittite: alpanta- (alpant-) 'ill, weak'

Old Indian: álpa-, alpaka- `small, minute, trifling'

Baltic: *al̃p- vb., *al̃p-na- adj., *al̃p-ā^ f., *alp-iā̃ f.

Germanic: *alb-a- m., *alb-i- c.


Old Indic álpa-, alpaka- small, slight, flimsy ' (alpēna, alpāt ` light, fast ')

Lithuanian alpstù, alpaũ, al̃pti ` become unconscious ', alpùs ` weak '

Latvian el̃pe ` taking air, breath ', alpa ̀ ` one time, time, moment in time '.

apposition also from hom. ἀλαπαδνός (from Aeschylos λαπαδνός) 'weak', ἀλαπάζω ` exhaust, make tired, weaken; drain, empty ', Attic λαπάζω ' despoil, pillage', λαπάττω ` empty (the body) ' is doubtful because of their to two-syllables root words compared with the Old Indic and Lithuanian words; also they suit, as well as to them, added to λαπαρός ` slender, thin, having hollow body ', λαπάρα ` flank, swell of the body in the hip ', λάπαθος ` cavity, pit ', λάπαθος ` sorrel, rumex ' in the meaning colouring (`empty, sunken, shrunken '). Quite dubious also alb. (Jokl SBAk. Wien 168, I 48) laps ` be tired of, sick of, bored with '. 

Maybe in e- grade alb. lëpjetë ` sorrel, rumex ' loanword from gr. λάπαθος` sorrel, rumex '

Common alb. Slavic -j- infix.

Maybe Latin lapso -are `to slip, stumble'.

On account of here Hittite al-pa-an-da- (alpant-) `ill, weak, small, flimsy'? 

Proto-Altaic: *ălpa

Meaning: unable, sick; being at service, man-at-arms

Turkic: *ălp-

Mongolian: *alba-n

Tungus-Manchu: *alba-

Korean: *àrphằ-

Japanese: *apar-

Comments: Poppe 85, 121 (Turk-Mong.); TMN 2, 110-111.

Proto-Kartvelian: *ɣalp-

English meaning: weak

Georgian: Gur. ɣalp-

References: WP. I 92, Couvreur Ḫ 106 f., WH. I 786, Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. II, 158.

Page(s): 33

Root / lemma: alu- (-d-, -t-)

Meaning: `bitter; beer'


Gr. ἀλύδ(ο)ιμον πικρὸν παρὰ Σώφρονι Hes., ἀλυδμαίνειν [πικραίνειν?] Hes.

Latin alūta ` soft leather; a shoe, purse or patch, beauty patch ' and alūmen ` alum ' are simply extensions from *alu-. 

The root appears in Northern Europe with the definition ` beer, mead ' (compared to the meaning difference Church Slavic kvasъ ` alum, beer ')

Old Norse ǫl n. ` beer, carousal ', ǫldr n. 'carousal' (*aluÞra-)

Old English ealu(ð) n. `beer'

Old Saxon in alo-fat, Middle High German in al-schaf ` drinking vessel';

maybe alb. alle `red (color of beer?) '

Old Prussian alu n. `mead' (< Old Saxon in alo-)

Lithuanian alùs  m. become as medùs = Prussian meddo n .

Church Slavic olъ (m. become like medъ) ` beer '

also borrowed by Finnish olut ` Beer ' from Germanic

References: WP. I 91, WH. I 34.

Page(s): 33-34

Root / lemma: ambhi, m̥bhi

Meaning: `around, from both sides'


Armenian amboɫj ` entirely, unscathed ' (to oɫj ` healthy ')

gr. ἀμφί ` around ' (ἀμφί-ς ` to both sides ', with the same adverbial -s as z. В. ἄψ, λικριφίς, s.Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 737); 

Latin amb- (before vowel, e.g. ambigō), am-, an- (before consonant, e.g. amputō, amiciō from *am[bi]jaciō) inseparable prefix ` round about, around, all around ', Old Latin also preposition am ` around ' m. Akk. (ambi - for the purposes of `both' also anceps which is against late formation it points to ambō)

Umbrian amb- (amboltu), a- (a-ferum ` to carry round, take round; esp. of the eyes, to turn all round; in religion, to lustrate, purify , by carrying round consecrated objects. Transf., to spread, esp.to spread news '), an- (an-ferener ` bearing round ')

Oscan amvíannud ` a going round, circling, revolving, revolution, detour ', amnúd ` a going round, circling, revolving, revolution, a cause, reason, motive, inducement, occasion, opportunity ' (barely *amb-beno- : veniō, however no- derivation, s. v. Planta II 32, 623)

with -er- extension:

after Latin praeter-eō, intereō (see v. Planta II 455, WH. I 36)

Umbrian ampretu, ambretuto ` ambit, circuit'

Oscan amfret ` flanked '

not Latin trails of the same -er- extension in Latin amfrāctus ` a turning, a bend. Transf., legal intricacies, circumlocution, digression ', rather from am-frāctus); about PN Amiternum s. Schulze Latin Eig. 541; 

with ti- extension (after pos-t, per-t, Buck Elementarbuch 65):

Oscan ampt ` around ' (as Umbrian ambr- at first due to from amf- before consonant simplified am-)

alb. mbi, mbɛ ` over, by, on, in ' (G. Meyer Alb. Wb. 265).


Old Indic abhí-taḥ ` to both sides '

Avestan aiwito ` to both sides, all around, from every direction' (about Avestan aibiš, Old Persian abiš more debatably meaning see Pedersen KZ. 40, 127, Bartholomae IF. 19, Beiheft S. 106; the ending -s in in historical connection with that of gr. ἀμφίς?);

Old Indic abhí  ` around, circum '

Old Persian abiy

Avestan aibī, aiwi  ` about, in regard to, from ' from derived *m̥bhi or Indo Germanic *obhi or continuing in *ebhi

gall. ambi- ` around, circum ' (e.g. ᾽Αμβί-δραυοι ` living on river Dravos '), 

Welsh am- (through i- umlaut em-, ym-)

Cornish Breton am-, em-

Old Irish imb-, imm- `around'

Old High German Old Saxon umbi

Old Icelandic umb

Old English ymb, ymbe ` around ' (absorbed in Gothic from bi ). 


Gothic bi in meaning `around'

with final sound extension in stressed position Old Saxon Old English be-, bī-

Old High German bi-, bī-

Modern High German bei


Vowel stretch has caused the accentuation of the last syllable diminishing the first syllable in Germanic and Albanian

Maybe zero grade in alb. (*(a)mbhei) mbë `at, in', (*(a)mbhii) mbi `on upon'.


ambhō(u) ` both ':

Gr. ἄμφω ` both ' (derivative ἀμφότερος ` each or both of two ')

Latin ambō, -ae, -ō ` both ';

Maybe gr. ἀμφιφορεύς ` a large jar with two handles ' maybe Illyrian shortened ἀμφορεύς [shortened for ἀμφιφορεύς,] I. an amphora, jar, urn, Hdt., etc.

Proto-IE: *ab-, *amb-

Meaning: a k. of vessel

Old Indic: ambarī́ṣa- m.n. 'frying-pan'

Lithuanian: ãbrina-s, dial. ãbrē ' butter can, butter pot '

Lettish: abra, abris ' kneading trough '

Old Prussian: aboros ' laceration ' Voc. 228

Latin: obba, -ae f. ' a vessel large at the bottom '

Celtic: Ir uibne ' small drinking vessel'

References: Fraenkel s.v. ãbrinas

Old Indic ubhāu ` both ' [vowel stretch]

Avestan uwa- ds.

Lithuanian abù (*aubhāu) [vowel stretch]

Old Church Slavic oba ds. (*oubhāu) [vowel stretch]

Gothic bai m., ba n., Gen. (*baddjē) bajōÞs [vowel stretch]

Old Saxon bē thie [vowel stretch]

Old English bā, Þā [vowel stretch]

English both [vowel stretch]

Old High German beide, bēde [vowel stretch]

Old Norse bāðer, Gen. beggja ` both ' [vowel stretch]

= Gothic *baddjē < bai̯i̯ē [vowel stretch]

Tocharian A āmpi, āmpe, В ant-api.

Old Bulgarian obъ

Latin ob `with acc., in front of, before; in return for; because of, on account of')

References: WP. I 54 f., WH. I 36 f., Feist 74 a, 88, Pedersen Tocharisch 82.

Page(s): 34-35

Root / lemma: ames- or omes-

Meaning: `blackbird'

Note: (: mes- : ams- or *oms-)?


Old High German amusla, amsala

Old English ōsle ` blackbird ' [common Celtic abbreviation]

Latin (*mesula) merula ` a blackbird; a fish, the sea-carp '

Welsh mwyalch [vowel stretch]

Old Cornish moelh [vowel stretch]

Breton moualc'h `blackbird' [vowel stretch]

difficult suppositions about Irish smōl, smōlach `thrush').

Maybe through metathesis Welsh mwyalchen `blackbird' = alb. mëllenjë `blackbird'


Common alb. Germanic Celtic plural -n = -m suffix as in mjellmë ` swan, swans ', delme ` sheep ', djelm ` boys ', zjarm ` fire, fires ', shqiponjë ` eagle, eagles '.

Old High German *meisa

Old English māse

Old Icelandic meisingr ` titmouse '.

Norwegian Dialectal meis ` thin, frail person ', meiseleg ` thin and weak '

West Flemish mijzen ` crumble ', mejzel ` a little bit, tiny bits '

References: WP. I 53 f., WH. II 77 f.

Page(s): 35-36

Root / lemma: amǝ-

Meaning: ` move forward energetically '

See also: see below omǝ-.

Page(s): 36

Root / lemma: am-1, mē-

Meaning: `to grab'


Old Indic ámatram n. ` vessel, jug, big drinking bowl '

Armenian aman `vessel'

Latin ampla (*am-lā) ` handle, handhold ', amplus (*am-los) ` extensive, far, spacious, considerabe '.

References: WP. I 52 f., WH. I 41 f.

See also: S. under mē-1.

Page(s): 35

Root / lemma: am-2, mē-

Meaning: ` mow '

See also: see below mē-2 ds.

Page(s): 35

Root / lemma: andher-, n̥dher-

Meaning: `stem, spike'


Only Greek: ἀθήρ ` an ear of corn ', ἀνθέριξ ` stalk point, stalk ', ἀνθέρικος ` stalk, stem of a plant ', ἀνθερεών ` chin ' as ` bearded, shaggy place ', ἀνθρίσκος ` the common chervil ', named after his prickly fruit, ἀνθρήνη, ἀνθρηδών ` wasp, forest bee ', word outcome after τενθρήνη ` corneous '; τανθρηδών ` wasp ' (here maybe ἄνθρωπος from  *ἄνθρο-ωπος ` with bearded face = man ', then ` man, person ', Güntert Heidelberg. SB. 1915, Abh. X?; compare also Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 4264. 

After Kretschmer Gl. 28, 246 from *ανδρ-ὡπός, the rough breathing of ὁράω etc figurative?); from also ἀθάρη (*ἀθαρFᾱ), ἀθήρᾱ ` wheat gruel, spelt miller ' (from Plin. n. h. 22, 121 however identified as ägypt. word)? 

References: WP. I 45.

Page(s): 41

Root / lemma: andh-, anedh-

Meaning: `to grow, bloom, blossom, young woman, young cow '


Old Indic ándhaḥ n. ` Soma plants '

Armenian and ` field '

gr. ἄνθος n. ` flower, bloom ', ἀνθέω ` blossoms ', ἄνθηρός (*-es-ro-) ` blossoming '

alb. ënde (*andhōn) ` blossom, flower ', ë̄ndem ` be blossomed ' (ë from present *ë̄ from *andhō)

Tocharian A ānt, В ānte ` open space, area '. 

Middle Irish ainder, aindir ` young woman '

Welsh anner ` young cow ', Pl. anneirod, (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-)

Old Welsh enderic ` a bull-calf; also of the young of other animals '

Welsh enderig ` bull, ox '

Breton ounner (Trég. annouar, Vannes an̄noér) ` heifer, young cow '

French (l)andier m. ` fire goat, Aries ', also `poppy' (= ` young girl ', compare Italian madona, fantina `poppy')

Basque andere `woman'

iber. FN Andere, Anderca, MN Anderus; maybe Celtic Origin? (*andero- ` blossoming, young '?).

According to Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 339 here gr. ἀν-ήνοθε ` came out, bubbled out; ', ἐπεν-ήνοθε ` reside on top of ', κατεν-ήνοθε ' canopied, covered ', etc.

In spite of the a little bit divergent meaning probably also here with zero grade *n̥dh:

Old Indic ádhvan m. = Avestan advan m. ` way, road ', for what Old Indic adhvará-ḥ ̣ ` religious action (*Soma-) sacrifice, ceremony ' (originally ' course of action, way' - ` ceremonious way ') from *n̥dhu̯ero-

probably also with suffix vowel gradation (*n̥dhuro-) Icelandic ǫndurr m. ` a kind of snow shoe '.

With -r- suffix:

Maybe alb. Geg andra, Tosc ëndërr ` dream, hallucination of Soma plant? ' see below.

References: WP. I 45, 67, P. Benoit ZrPh. 44, 3 ff., 69 ff.

See also: Here belongs probably: andher-, n̥dher-. 

Page(s): 40-41

Root / lemma: andho-

Meaning: `blind, dark'

Material: Old Indic andhá-

Avestan anda- ` blind, dark '

gall. andabata m. ` a gladiator who fought with a helmet without openings ' (to Celtic loanword Latin battuō ` to beat, knock ').

References: WP. I 182, WH. I 46.

Page(s): 41

Root / lemma: an(ǝ)-3

Meaning: `to breathe'


Old Indic ániti `breathes' (also thematically ánati), ánila-ḥ ̣ `breath, breeze, wind', āná-ḥ (maybe `breath' or ` mouth, nose ', āna-nam ` mouth, muzzle, face ' with Indic Vr̥ddhi; `mouth' as `breath, the breathing '); prāṇiti `breathes'

Maybe alb. Geg (*hona) huna, Tosc hunda ` nose ' = Old Indic āná-ḥ (maybe `breath' or ` mouth, nose ' (common alb. -o- > -u- shift) conservative h3 laryngeal similar to laryngeal hidhur ` bitter ' see below.

Avestan ā̊ntya, parā̊ntya ` of the inhaling and exhaling ' (*anti- ` breathing ' with ā and parā; see Bartholomae IF. 7, 59; about ainiti- `mildness' see, however, Old Iranian Wb. 125 f.)

Gr. ἄνεμος ` breath, wind ', ἀνήνεμος (with stretch in the compound), νήνεμος ` windless, calm ', ἠvεμόεις ` rich in wind ' (ἠ- metrical stretch), ἀνεμώλιος (` windy ', i.e.:) ` trifling, in vain ' (dissimilated from ἀνεμώνιος, see last Bechtel Lexil. 44, also 226, about that probably from *μετ-ανεμώvιoς by extreme dissimilation abbreviated ones μεταμώνιος ` in vain, without success '); different Risch 113; compare Frisk Indog. 15; ἄνται ἄνεμοι ἀντάς πνοιάς Hes. are to change in ἀῆται, ἀήτας. Maybe here νεᾱνίᾱς ` youth ' as νεFο-αν- ` new wheeze ', after Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 4263; also ἄσθμα ` breathlessness, suffocation ', aaO. 337. 

Latin animus ` mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit| courage| character| pride; air ', anima ` soul| spirit| vital principle; life; breathing; wind| breeze; air (element) ' from it animal ` animal| living thing/offspring; creature| beast| brute; insect '

Oscan anamúm ` air, a current of air, breeze, breath, wind '

Latin hālō, - āre `breathe, smell' (Denominative *an-slo-; with phoney h, the sound value described here attained and also penetrated in an(h)-ēlāre; about latter see *an 4).

Old Irish anāl, Welsh anadl `breath'

Middle Breton alazn (metathesis)

Modern Breton holan (*anǝ-tlo-)

Middle Welsh eneit, Modern Welsh enaid `soul' (*anǝ-tī-)

abrit. PN Anate-mōros ` warmhearted, bighearted ';

Old Irish animm

nir. anam `soul', Gen. anman (stem *ana-mon; the i- color of the Nom. sg. after neutr. -men-stem s. Pedersen KG. II 61; to the intersection with Latin anima f. `breath, wind, Old Irish Transf., the breath of life, vital principle, soul' see Pokorny ZfcPh. 10 69 f.)

Cornish eneff, Middle Breton eneff (Pl. anaffon)

Modern Breton anaoun `soul' (umlauted Cornish and Breton forms probably loanword from Latin, see Vendryès De hib. voc. 112 f., Pedersen KG. I 170, II 111)

Old Irish osnad `sighs' (uss-anad), further (`catch one's breath = rest, relax ') anaid ` remains, rests, stops ', con-osna ` desist, cease ' (com-uss-an-) etc. (see Pedersen KG. II 455 f., 672)

Middle Welsh anant Pl. ` bards, poets ', cyn-an `word, praise '

Gothic uz-anan (preterit uzōn) `exhale'

with t-formant:

Old Norse ǫnd, g. andar f. `breath, breath of life, life, soul '

= gr. ἄνται

g. anda, -aða ` breathe, gasp '

= Old English ōðian `puff strongly'

Old Norse andi m. `breath, mind, soul'

Old Frisian omma (*an-ma) `breath'

Old English oroð (*ŭz-anÞ-) `breath'

Old High German unst

Old Icelandic Old English yst f. `storm' from *n̥-sti-; 

maybe alb. anda `taste, smell, pleasure' [common alb. n > nd] : Old Norse anda, -aða `breathe, gasp'.


Old Saxon ando

Old English anða, anoða `excitement, rage, sorrow'

Old High German anado, ando, anto `annoyance, rage'

Middle High German ande `feeling of insult'

Old High German anadōn, antōn

Middle High German anden `let out one's rage'

Modern High German ahnden `avenge' under a mid definition `gasp before excitement' (Kluge s. v., -Falk-Torp 5 and 1428 under aand; Schröder Аbl. 9). About second a from Old High German anado, Old English anoða see Specht Phil. Stud. Voretzsch 36. 


Vowel stretch: (*u̯oni̯ā):

Old Church Slavic vonja (*ani̯ā) `smell' (vonjati ` scent, smell ')

(*ǫchati) `smell' in Old Russian uchati etc. (-ch- perhaps imitation from duchati, thus without historical connection of -s- from Latin hālāre `breathe, emit vapor, be fragrant' from *an-slo-);

Maybe nasalized alb. (*unhati) nuhat, nuhas `scent, smell', huna, hunda ` nose'.

alb. Geg âj, Tosc ēnj `I swell, impregnate ', Geg âjun `conceited, puffed' kënjem, gnem `incense' (*kɛ-(a)nemo- Jokl Stud. 37); (Clearly the initial meaning in alb. Geg âj, Tosc ēnj `I swell, impregnate' was `puff with air'.)

Tocharian AB āñm- `life, mind', В āñme `intention', A āñcām (* āntemo-) `existence, living, mind' (K. Schneider IF. 57, 203, Pedersen Tocharian 48); also В onolme, wnolme `living being'?

Armenian holm `wind'

Old Indic ātmán `soul' rather to Old High German ātum `breath', see ēt-men.

Root points beside to two-syllable forms, like Old Indic ani-ti, ani-laḥ, Celtic*ana-tlo- etc, and such like ἄνε-μος, also forms of the monosyllabic word roots, thus Latin *an-slo- > hālō, Old Norse ǫnd (etc).

References: WP. I 56 ff., WH. I 49 f., Feist 538.

See also: ansu-, antro-.

Page(s): 38-39

Root / lemma: anǝt- [nasalized *haanta] vowel stretch

Meaning: `duck'


Old Indic ātí-ḥ ātī f. ` water bird ' (or to Old Icelandic ǣðr, New Swedish åda f. ` eider duck ' from Germanic *ādī- ?);

gr. νῆσσα, Boeotian νᾶσσα (*νᾱτι̯ᾱ Old Indic ātí-ḥ) ` duck ';

Maybe alb. rosa : Rumanian raþã ` duck '

Latin anas f. (Akk. anatem and anitem: G. Pl. also-tium) `duck'

Germanic *anud- and *anid in:

Old High German enit, anut, NPl. enti

Old Saxon anad

Old English æned

Old Icelandic ǫnd

Modern High German 'Duck'; Balto-Slavic * ānt- from *anǝt- in:

Lithuanian ántis

Old Prussian antis

proto Slavic *ǫty, Serbian ȕtva

Old Russian utovь (Akk.)

Ukrainian utjá ` duck'

Latin anatīna (scil. caro) `duck's meat'

Lithuanian antíena ds.


Sicilian caro `duck's meat' derived from Celtic abbreviation of French canard, Wallon canard, Wolof kanara ` duck'

In occidental Romance languages and Albanian the old laryngeal h2- became initial k-:

The Celtic cognate was borrowed in Slavic languages (*canad-ka) with -ka suffix:

Czech kachna : Slovak kaèica; kaèka : Ukrainian качка kachka : Yiddish katshke : Polish kaczka `duck'.

The old laryngeal h2- was preserved in proper Celtic derivatives:

Catalan ànec, Galician ánade, Spanish ánade, Basque ahate, Breton houad, Cornish hos, Welsh hwyad-en; chwad-an; hwyad, Valencian anet.

Swedish anka >  Finnish ankka `duck' are related to:

Proto-Turkic: *Ăŋ(k)ɨt

Meaning: wild duck

Old Turkic: aŋɨt (OUygh.)

Karakhanid: aŋɨt (MK)

Turkish: angut 'огарь', ankɨt (dial.)

Middle Turkic: anqud (Sngl)

Uzbek: anɣirt 'red duck'

Sary-Yughur: aŋɨt

Azerbaidzhan: anGut-boGaz 'длинношеий'

Turkmen: aŋk 'red duck'

Khakassian: āt

Karaim: anqɨt, ankit 'ostrich, vulture, dragon'

Kumyk: haŋqut

References: WP. I 60, WH. I 44, Trautmann 10.

Page(s): 41-42

Root / lemma: anĝhen-

Meaning: `smell, odour; person'


Armenian anjn (for older *anj), Gen. anjin ` soul, being, person '

= Old Norse angi m. ` odour, smell '.

References: Lidén Arm. Stud. 38 f., WP. I 58, Meillet Esquisse 77 ff.

Page(s): 43

Root / lemma: anĝh- (*ḫenĝh-)

Meaning: `narrow, *press'


Verbal: Avestan ązaŋhē `to press', lengthened grade Avestan ny-āzata ` she squeezes herself into her corset ', ny-āzayǝn ` to wedge oneself in ' (with ā = ă; ved. ahēma possibly ` let us arm = gird on the sword ' is remote to the meaning; anāha RV. 8, 46, 5 is unclear)

gr. ἄγχω ` tie up, strangle '

Latin angō ` to press tightly; of the throat, to strangle, throttle; in gen., to hurt, distress; of the mind, to torment, make anxious ';

Vowel stretch: (*u̯ǫziti, u̯ęzati)

Old Church Slavic as i- verb ǫžǫ, ǫziti ` restrain '; in addition with zero grade very probable Old Church Slavic vęžǫ, vęzati ` bind '

anĝhú-s ` narrow ':

Old Indic only in aṁhu-bhēdī f. ` narrow lacuna ' and in the Abl. Sg. n. aṁhōḥ ` crowdedness, quality of tightly packed together, affliction ' (derivative aṁhurá- ` pressed, unhappy ')

gr. in ἀμφήν (see below)

Latin in angiportus (*angu-portus) ` narrow alley, a narrow street ';

Gothic aggwus ` narrow ' [vowel stretch ] (at first from *aggus, as manwus from *manus; w comes from the oblique cases)

Old Norse ǫngr, øngr

Old English enge

Old Saxon engi

Old High German angi, engi ` narrow '

Middle High German bange Adv. (bi + Adv. ango)

Modern High German bange

furthur derivatives with g:

Armenian anjuk ` narrow ', with k Old Church Slavic ǫzъ-kъ ` narrow ' (common Slavic Baltic -k-, -g- suffix)

Welsh e(h)ang (*eks-angu-, Indo Germanic *n̥ĝhu-) ` far, wide, extensive '

Middle Welsh eingyaw ` be restricted, be contained in ... '

Old Irish cumcae (*kom-ingi̯ā) gl. ` compression of the throat, suffocation; of the mind, distress, anguish, trouble ', fairsing ` far, wide ' (*for-eks-ingi-), cumung (*kom-ingu-, Indo Germanic *n̥ĝhu-) ` narrow ', ing f. (*n̥ĝhī) ` crowdedness, affliction '

from *kom-angi̯o- :

Welsh cyfyng, in this way yng (also ing, Morris-Jones, Welsh Gr. 110) ` narrow '

Middle Breton encq (*angi̯o-) ` narrow '.

Maybe alb. eng `deaf and dumb (*narrowed)'

anĝhos-, anĝhes ` oppression, affliction, crowdedness ':

Old Indic áṁhas- n. ` fear, distress, need ' (as well as aṁhatí-ḥ f.)

Avestan ązah- ` badgering, need, captivity ', ązō-jata ` killed by strangulation '

Latin angor m. ` compression of the throat, suffocation; of the mind, distress, anguish, trouble ', angus-tus ` narrow ' (from *anghos-to-s); angustiae ` narrowness; hence, of space, a strait, narrow place; 'spiritus', shortness of breath; of time, shortness; of supplies, shortness, poverty; of circumstances, difficulty, distress; of disposition, narrow-mindedness; of reasoning, subtlety ';

maybe zero grade in alb. (*ngus-tus) ngushtë `narrow'.

Old Norse angr m. ` annoyance, loss, pity, affliction, frustration '

Old Frisian angost

Old High German angust

Modern High German Angst (from *anghos-ti- changing the vowel after *anghu-)

Old Church Slavic ǫzostъ ` restriction, constriction, limitation, narrowing ';

Lithuanian añkštas ` narrow ' (k- insertion, not guttural change) cannot stand for *anž[a]s-tas or *anž-tas.

Words for ` nape ' as ` the narrowest place between head and trunk ' ( the idea also plays a role ` where one strangles one ' in light of this?):

gr. Aeolic ἄμφην, αὔφην ` nape ' (after Schulze GGA. 1897, 909 A. 1, as *αγχF-ήν substantivization of u-Adj. *anĝhú-s by means of forms -en-; 

about αὐχήν see also Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 296), Gothic hals-agga `nape'

Vowel stretch:

Ukrainian vjazy Pl. `neck'

Czech vaz ` neck, nape ' (to vęzati see above)

Old Prussian (as Slavic loanword) winsus ` neck '

also Armenian viz ` neck, throat, cervix '


Root / lemma: augh-, ugh- : nape derived from Root / lemma: anĝh-: `narrow, *press'

Other formations: gr. ἀγχόνη ` cord, choking, strangling '

Latin angina ` the quinsy, as suffocating '

Gr. ἀγκτήρ m. ` braces, bandage ', ἄγχι, ἀγχοῦ, ἀγχόθι ` close to '

(compare French près ` close to, near ': Latin pressus `a pressing, pressure'), compounds ἀ̃σσον ` nearer, very near ' (*ἄγχι̯ον; ἄσσον hence has changed after μάσσων = *μακι̯ων, Osthoff MU. 6, 60 ff.)

Breton concoez ` geode ' (*kom-angeid-; compare also dial. añcoe ` uvula in the throat '; Ernault RC. 7, 314; 19, 314 ff.)

Old Church Slavic ǫzota ` narrowness '.

Gall. PN Octodurus absents, because Irish ochte ` narrowness, straitness ' does not exist.

Van Windekens (Lexique 5) puts here Tocharian A aṃc̨är ` weak. flimsy (?)'.

References: WP. I. 62 f., WH. I 47.

Page(s): 42-43

Root / lemma: angʷ(h)i-

Meaning: `snake, worm, *fish (*hedgehog = snake eater)'

Note: egʷhi-, ogʷhi- and eĝhi- ds.; at least two etymological different, but early the crossed kinship whose relations still are often unclear.


Root / lemma: angʷ(h)i- : `snake, worm, *fish' derived from an extended Root / lemma: anĝh- (*henĝh-): `narrow, *press'

Material: Latin anguis

= Lithuanian angìs (f.)

Old Prussian angis ` serpent, snake '

Vowel stretch:

Latvian ùodze f. ` snake '

Old Church Slavic *ǫžь

Russian už

poln. wąž ` snake '

Armenian auj (Gen. -i) ` snake ' (Meillet Esquisse 154, Dumézil BSL. 39, 100)

Middle Irish esc-ung ` eel ' (*`water snake ', esc ` water ' + *angʷhō)

Welsh llys-yw-en, Pl. -yw-od ds. (Fick II4 15; brit. zero grade from ŋg before u̯ see Pedersen KG. I 107).

In addition with zero grade and voiced-nonaspirated (the latter could be in itself also in the Latin and Balto-Slavic):

Old High German unc ` snake, adder '

gr. (illyr). ἄβεις ἔχεις Hes. (*n̥gʷi-). Note: common Illyrian gʷ- > b-.

To these forms with voiced-nonaspirated at first is ἴμβηρις ἔγχελυς, Mεθuμναῖoι Hes. (*engʷ-ēri-: to ι compare Solmsen Beitr. 1215), where because of r- suffixes are to be connected Balto-Slavic *anguria- in:

Slavic *ǫgorь m.

Russian ug(o)rь

poln. węgorz

Czech úhoř

Serbian ȕgor

sloven. ogǫ́r ` eel '

Lithuanian ungurỹs ds. 

(assimilation from *angurỹs, compare Finnish ankerias)

Old Prussian angurgis ` eel ' (Church Slavic ągulja, jęgulja ` eel' probably from Latin). Hirt IF. 22, 67 connects these gr. and Balto-Slavic eel names to an independent equation (nevertheless, compare the r-suffix of Old High German angar etc, see below). 

Another Indo Germanic equation for ` eel ' is perhaps:

gr. ἔγχελῦς f.

Latin anguilla (see esp. W. Meyer KZ. 28, 163, Johansson KZ. 30, 425, J. Schmidt KZ. 32, 369, Osthoff IF. 4, 270, 292, Hirt IF. 22, 67, Indo Germanic 619 f.)

although the details are still unclear (in the Gr. *ἀγχέλυος assimilated etc. to ἐγχέλυος, or ε and the pure gutural through the influence from ἔχις; in Latin-illa instead of-ella after the fluctuation in real diminutive under determining influence i  of anguis?).

With r- suffix:

Gr. ἴμβηρις ` eel'

Maybe in -dz- > gj ending stem:

Maybe from Greek Illyrian ἔγχελυς ` eel ' > alb. ngjalë ` eel ' [common Albanian Slavic γχ- > dz-] Illyrian TN Encheleae ` snake men? ' : Hungarian angolna `eel' [from native Illyrian TN Paeones].

In the meaning ` worm, maggot ' and with r-suffix (compare above ἴμβηρις etc) :

Old High German angar ` grain maggot' ' engirinc ` larva '

Modern High German Engerling

Lithuanian ankštiraĩ̃ ` maggots, cock chafer grubs, grubs ' (and similar forms, see Trautmann Old Prussian 301)

Latvian anksteri ` maggots, cock chafer grubs '

Old Prussian anxdris (i.e. anxtris) `adder'

Russian ug(o)rь ` blister, raised bubble on the skin that is filled with pus, fin ' (also ` eel', see above)

poln. wągry ` blister, raised bubble on the skin '

Without nasal formants:

Gr. ἔχις m. (f.) `snake', ἔχιδνα ds. (for *ἐχίδνια, Specht Dekl. 377)

Old High German egala ` leech, bloodsucking worm '

Danish Norwegian igle ` a parasite sheet worm in the viscera of the animals and in the skin and the branchia of the fish '.

Moreover gr. ἐχῖνος

Old High German Old English igil

Indo Germanic *eĝhinos

Modern High German Igel, actually ` snake eater '

Lithuanian ežỹs

Church Slavic ježь ` hedgehog (snake eater) '.

Armenian iž ` snake, viper ' can be put as *ēgʷhis to ὄφις (Meillet Esquisse 75)

gr. ὄφις ` snake ' (*ogʷhis)

Welsh euod (*ogʷh-) ` sheep worms ' (common alb. Celtic gʷ- > d-)

Old Indic áhi-, Avestan aži- ` snake '. 

It is uncertain apposition from Old Saxon egithassa

Middle Low German egidesse

Old English (corrupted) āÞexe

Old High German egidehsa

Modern High German Eidechse with ewi-, egi-, Indo Germanic *ogʷhi- = Gr. ὄφις (Zupitza gutturals 99 after Kluge; Falk-Torp under øgle) + Germanic *Þahsiō, Old High German *dehsa ` spindle, newel '. 

Whether in this variety so order is to be brought that *aŋgʷhi- and *eghi-, *oghi- (ĝh) an intersection form would have caused *egʷhi-, *ogʷhi- , remains undecided. Taboo images have also probably helped in it.

References: WP. I 63 ff.. WH. I 48, Specht KZ. 64, 13; 66, 56 f., Havers Sprachtabu 44 f.

Page(s): 43-45

Root / lemma: ank-1

Meaning: `need, necessity'


Maybe alb. Geg hek, Tosc heq `suffer'.

Gr. ἀνάγκη ` necessity, compulsion ' (normally as reduplicated respectably), Ionian ἀναγκαίη ds. (from ἀναγκαῖος ` indispensable, necessary ', ἀναγκάζω ` compelled, forced, obliged ');

Old Irish écen (éc- from *ank- or *n̥k-)

Middle Welsh anghen

Welsh angen

Cornish Breton anken `need, necessity', in Irish also `spoliation, act of violence'.

Old High German āhta ` hostile pursuit '

Modern High German Acht

Old English ōht (proto Germanic *anχtō)

Germanic EN Āctumērus (i.e. n. Āχtumēraz, 1. year A.D.Brugmann Grdr. I2382)

Irish écht (*anktu- or *n̥ktu-, *enktu-) ` manslaughter'

Hittite ḫi-in-kán, ḫé-en-kán (ḫenkan) ` death, epidemic, plague '.

References: WP. I 60. Pedersen Hittitisch 183 f., Hendriksen Unters. 28, Benveniste Origines 155.

Page(s): 45

Root / lemma: ank-2, ang-

Meaning: `to bend, bow, *flex;  wangle;  turn;  curve, snake coil, anchor'


Hittite: hink- (I)  ' sich verneigen '  (Tischler 250)

Old Indian: aṅká- m. `hook, curve ' ; áṅkas- n. `curve, bend ' , aṅkuśá- m. `hook, esp. an elephant-driver ' s hook ' ; áñcati `to bend, curve, incline ' 

Avestan: aŋku-pǝsǝmna-  ' mit Haken, Spangen sich schmückend ' , aka- m.  ' Haken, Zapfen ' , ąxnah  ' Zügel ' 

Other Iranian: MPers anèītan  ' biegen, krümmen ' 

Old Greek: aŋkṓn, -ō^nos, pl. dat. aŋkási `Ellbogen ' ; pl. áŋkoi̯nai̯ `Arme ' ; áŋkistro-n `(Angel)haken; áŋkǖra `Anker ' ; aŋkálǟ f. `gekrümmter Arm, Armvoll ' , aŋkǘlo- `gebogen, krumm ' , aŋkǘlǟ `Haken, Türangel ' 

Slavic: *ǭkotь (см. Фасмер) крюк

Baltic: *an^k-ā^ (1) f.

Germanic: *ang-en- m., *ang-ṓ f.; *ang-Vl-ō f.

Latin: ancus `qui aduncum brachium habet ' ; Rom *ancu `Ellbogen; Wegkrümmung ' , Lat pl. ancrae `convalles vel arborum intervalla ' 

Celtic: MIr ēcath `Fischhaken ' 


Old Indic añcati

Middle Persian ancītan

Old Indic zero grade ácati ` bent, crooked ', participle -akna- (with ā-, ny-, sam-),-akta-(with ud-, ny-) 'crooked, bent'; aŋká-ḥ m. ` bend, hook, bend between breast and hip ', áŋkas- n. ` bend, inflection, curve, crook '

= gr. τὸ ἄγκος ` valley, gulch, canyon, gorge '

Old Indic aŋkasám ` side, points '; aŋku- in aŋkūyánt- ` curvatures, bends, searching side ways ';

Avestan anku-pǝsǝmna- ` with hooks, adorning themselves with clasps '

Old Indic ankuc̨á-ḥ ` hook, fishhook, elephant's sting ', aŋkurá-ḥ ` young shoot, scion (originally germ point, crooked germ), hump, tumefaction, a heavy swell '

= gr. ἀγκύλος ` crooked '

German Angel ` fishing rod '

Old Norse ōll, āll ` cotyledon, germ, sprout, bud ' see below [common Celtic abbreviation]

Avestan Aka m. ` hook, bait ', ąxnah `rein'

gr. ἀγκών ` bow, elbow ' (D. Pl. ἀγκάσι to ἀγκή = ἀγκάλη), ἐπ-ηγκεν-ίδες ` fixed planks in the ribs of the ship ', ἄγκοινα ` all writhed, humped, curved, stooped ', ἄγκιστρον ` fishhook '; ἀγκύλος ` crooked ', ἀγκύλη ` strap, thong, brace '

= Old Norse ōl, āl ds.

Gr. ἄγκυρα ` anchor '; ἀγκάλη ` elbow, bay, all stooped '; τὸ ἄγκος (see above).

maybe Ancyra -ae f. capital of Galatia, in Asia Minor. (ancient district in central Anatolia - a Celtic, (Illyrian?) settlement).

With o:

ὄγκος ` barbed hook '

= Latin uncus ` hooked, curved; Subst. hook '

Gr ὄγκῑνος =

Latin uncīnus ` hook, barbed hook '; ungulus ` a finger-ring, a ring ', ungustus `hook-shaped stuff '

Gr. ὄγκη ɣωνία Hes.; 

Maybe from also Latin unguiculus -i m. `a finger or toe-nail', unguis -is m. `a finger or toe-nail; of animals, claw, hoof', ungula -ae f. `a hoof, claw, talon' : Rumanian unghie `nail' : alb. thua (*hungula) ` nail ' (common alb. solidification of laryngeal h3 > ho- > ku > thu-).

Sanskrit: áṅgāra-

First attestation: RV+

Part of speech: [m]

Meaning: `coal'

Proto-Indo-Iranian: Hangāra-

Cognates in other languages: Lith. anglìs [m] `coal' : Albanian (*h2ang-l-.) thëngji [m] `ash'

Sanskrit: áṅghri-

First attestation: VS+

Part of speech: [m]

Meaning: `foot'

Proto-Indo-Iranian: Hanghri- {1}

IE form: h3engwh-l-

IE meaning: foot

Cognates in other languages: Lat. unguis [m] `nail, claw'; Gr. ὄνυξ [m] `nail, claw, hoof'; alb. (*h3ono-) thua, thoi `finger nail', (*h1engwh -r-a) thembra `heel', (*h2ongwh -r-a) thunddra ` hoof'


Sanskrit: aṅgúri-

First attestation: AV

Part of speech: [f]

Meaning: `finger, toe'

Proto-Indo-Iranian: Hanguri-

Other forms in Indo-Aryan: sv-aṅgurí- [adj] `with beautiful fingers' (RV); aṅgúli- [f] `finger' (VS+); daśāṅgulá- [n] `length of ten fingers' (RV)

Page in EWAia: 49

See also: aṅguṣṭhá-; áṅga-

Avestan: YAv. zairimiiaŋura- [m] `turtle, i.e. whose toes are in a house (?)' ( V 13.6)

Ossetic: ængwylʒ / ængulʒæ [m] `finger'

IE form: h2eng-ul-

IE meaning: joint?

Certainty: +

Page in Pokorny: 46

Cognates in other languages: Lat. angulus `corner, angle' [m] (< *h2eng-ulo-); OHG enchil [m] `ankle, joint' (< PGm. *ankuli-)


Sanskrit: aṅguṣṭhá-

First attestation: ŚB+

Part of speech: [m]

Meaning: `thumb'

Proto-Indo-Iranian: HanguštHa-

Page in EWAia: 49

See also: aṅgúri-

Avestan: YAv. aṇgušta- [m] `toe'

Khotanese: haṃguṣṭa- `finger'

IE form: h2engu- {1}

Cognates in other languages: Lat. ungustus `crooked stick' (Paul. ex Fest.) ?

Notes: {1} [AL] *HanguštHa- seems to be derived from the word for `finger', but its formation is unclear.


Latin ancus `somebody having a crooked arm', ancrae ` an enclosed valley, valley, gorge' (` curve, canyon, a bay; an inlet ' as τό ἄγκος = Germanic *angra-);

Old Irish ēcath ` fish hook '

= Welsh anghad ` clutch, hand ' (to craf-anc ` claw ') from *aŋkato-

= Old Church Slavic ǫkotь ` hook ';

gallorom. ancorago, ancora(v)us from *anko-rākos ` Rhine salmon, hook salmon '

schwd. Anke ` Lake of Constance trout '

(gall. *anko- ` curved, hooky ' and *rāko- ` in front ' from *prōko-, Welsh rhag ` before ');

Old High German ango, angul ` fish hook, sting '

Old Icelandic angi

Old English onga ` point, sting ' (*aŋkón-)

about Gothic halsagga ` cervical bend, nape ' see rather anĝh-

*angra (= Latin *ancrae) in Old Norse angr ` bay, curve ' (in local names like Harðangr),

Maybe zero grade alb. (*ingul) ngul `jab, stick, hook'

Old High German angar

Modern High German Anger (Germanic VN Angrivarii)

Old Icelandic eng (*angiō-) ` grassland, meadow '

Old High German awgul (= gr. ἀγκύ-λος, see above)

Middle High German angel `the part of  a blade that  is connected to the handle (of a sword) by a tang '

Old Norse ǫngoll ` fishhook '

Old English ongel ` a fishing-hook. Also, a rod and line '.

Maybe zero grade in alb. (*ingelos) ngec, ngel 'be stuck, be hooked' : ngul ` to jab, claw '.

Latin-Germanic VN Anglii

Old English Angel, Ongel as ` resident of the Holstein bay '

Old Icelandic PN Ǫngull

with original initial stress:

Old Norse ōll, āll ` cotyledon, germ, bud ' (*anhla-)

Old Indic aŋkurá-ḥ

Norwegian dial. ange ` germ, point, prong ' from *ankón-

Old Norse ōl, āl f. ` long strips, thongs, riems ' (*ánhulō) [common Celtic abbreviation]

Gr ἀγκύλη, or at most *anhlō, standing near gr. ἀγκάλη

Slavic jęèьmy ` barley ' as ` thistly, thorny, spiky '

Lithuanian anka f. ` noose, snare, loop ' (= gr. ὄγκη γωνία Hes.)

Old Church Slavic ǫkotь ` hook ' (see above); 

Tocharian A añcäl ` bow, arch, curve ', āṅkar- ` fangs, bulwark '; also A oṅkaläm, В oṅkolmo ` elephant '? Van Windekens Lexique 6, 13, 82. 

ang-, esp. to the name of extremities (compare Gothic liÞus ` limb, member ': *lei- ` bend '):

Old Indic áŋgam ` limb, member ', aŋgúli-ḥ, aŋgúri-ḥ f. ` finger, toe ' (thereof aŋgulīyam ` a finger-ring, a ring '), aŋguṣ̌ṭhá-ḥ ` big toe, thumb ' = Avestan angušta- m. ` toe ', Armenian ankiun, angiun ` angle ' and añjalí-ḥ m. `two cupped hands held together'; 

Maybe alb. glisht, gisht : Persian: انگشت (angosht) : Hindi: उंगली (u.nglī) f : Urdu: اُنگلی (u.nglī) f ` finger '.


alb. gli-sht ` finger '- similar ending formation to Old Church Slavic prъstъ `finger' see Root / lemma: per-2 : to go over; over

gr. ἄγγος n. ` bucket, bowl ', ἀγγεῖον (*αγγεσ-ιον) ` vessel ', actually ` twisted vessel '; 

Middle Irish aigen ` frying pan ' is dial. additional form of *aingen ds.; 

Old High German ancha, enka f. ` neck ' and ` thigh, osseous tube, bone tube ' (*ankiōn-)

Old Norse ekkja ` ankle, heel '

Diminutive Old High German anchal, enchil (reinterpreted anklão m., anchala, enchila f.

Middle High German Middle Low German enkel

Old Frisian onkel, onklēu

Modern High German Enkel, 

Maybe in -e- grade Illyrian TN Encheleae (Enchelleaee) Illyrian TN associated with the coils of the snake, Ilirus and Kadmos.

Old English (reinterpreted) ancléow

English ankle

Old Norse ǫkkla (*ankulan-) ` ankle on the foot '

also Latin angulus (which is unrelated to Old Church Slavic ǫg(ъ)lъ ` angle, nook ') ` m. a corner, angle; nook, esp. either a quiet corner, retired spot or fig., an awkward corner, strait ' (besides with o- grade Latin ungulus, ungustus see above).

References: WP. I 60 f., WH. I 46, 49 f., Meringer WuS. 7, 9 ff.

Page(s): 45-47

Root / lemma: an-1

Meaning: `male or female ancestor'

Note: babble-word



an-: `male or female ancestor' is probably not a babble word but [common Celtic abbreviation] of Root / lemma: au̯o-s : grandfather >*aventro- = *au̯en-tro- . Common IE suffix -tro defining relatives in the family compare mo-ther, fa-ther, bro-ther, sis-ter

Armenian han `grandmother'

gr. ἀννίς μητρὸς ἤ πατρός μήτηρ Hes., compare Inschr. ἀνώ

Latin anna f. ` nursing mother '; (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-)

Illyrian EN ῎Ανα, ῎Αννύλα, Annaeus etc, as well as Messapic Illyrian ana = πότνια Illyrian origin (W. Schulze KZ. 43, 276 = Kl. Schr. 214, Krahe IF. 46, 183 f.)

Latin anus, -ūs `an old woman; also used like adj., old', also Anna -ae f. sister of Dido; 'Anna Perenna', an Italian goddess.

Maybe alb. Tosc aneja `mother'

Old High German ano

Middle High German ane, an, ene

Modern High German Ahn ` grandfather, great-grandfather, forefather '

Old High German ana

Middle High German ane ` grandmother, great-grandmother, ancestress '

diminutive formations are:

Old Norse Āli (*anilo) [common Celtic abbreviation]

Old English Anela

Old High German Anelo family names

Middle High German enel ` grandfather, grandson '

Old High German eninchil

Middle High German enichlīn

Modern High German Enkel (`the young ancestor')

The grandson was looked by Indo Aryans as an effigy or substitute of the grandfather; compare gr. ᾽Αντίπατρος. Against this represented view of W. Schulze KZ. 40, 409 f. = Kl. Schr. 67 f. endorsed Hermann, Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss. to Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse 1918, 215 f.,

Bavarian enl, änl

Austrian ǣnl, ānl ` of grandfathers, grandson '

Prussian ane `old mother'

Lithuanian anýta `mother-in-law'

Hittite an-na-aš `mother'; ḫa-an-na-aš (ḫannaš) `grandmother', Lycian χñ̃na ds. (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Armenian aner ` father of the woman '

    Probably rightly Schmidt puts{arranges} IN MY OPINION concentration camp. 47, 189 poor. aner ` father of the woman{wife} ' moreover. A similar education{formation} is like in lat. matertera 'mother's sister', cymr. ewythr 'uncle', acorn. euitor; bret. eontr (urkelt. *aventro-, see Pedersen Kelt. Gr. I 55). *anero has the original meaning{importance} ` a little bit like the forefather '.

    It is unsafe{uncertain} ahd. hevianna from which reshuffled mhd. hebamme. Because ahd.*anna 'woman{wife}' is not to be covered, Kluge11 238 origin from *hafjan (d) j ō accepts{assumes} ` the lifting ' from which the later Umdeutungen have originated. However, cf PBB. 30, 250.


References: WP. I 55 f., WH. I 50, Pedersen Lycian under Hittite 26, 66.

Page(s): 36-37

Root / lemma: an-2

Meaning: there, on the other side


Gr. ἄν ` probably, possibly, in any other trap ' (ἐάν from εἰ ἄν, Ionian ἤν from *ἠ ἄν, ἄν from αἰ ἄν)

Latin an ` conj.: in direct questions, or; in indirect questions, or whether ', secondarily interrogative particle, extended anne

Old Irish an-d ` here ' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-)

Gothic an ` then, now '

Lithuanian an-gu ` or '

Old Prussian anga-anga ` whether = or whether ' (common Baltic -g- suffix)

Maybe alb. (*ane) andej `there' : Old Irish an-d `here' [rather common alb. shift n > nd].

Thereof derived:  

ani̯os ` other ' in: 

Old Indic anyá- ` other '

Avestan anya-, ainya-

Old Persian aniya- ds. compare above S. 26. 

anteros `other' (from second) in:

Old Indic ántara-

Ossetic ändär `other'

Gothic anÞar ds.

Old Icelandic annarr `other, second', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-)

Old High German andar

Old English ōÞer `other'

Old Prussian anters, antars (*antras) `other, second'

Lithuanian añtras

Latvian ùotrs beside Lithuanian añtaras

East Latvian ũtors ds.

Slavic *ǫterъ, *ǫtorъ in:

Czech úterý m. ` Tuesday '

Upper Sorbian wutory `other, second' [vowel stretch]

About Old Church Slavic vъtor-ъ `second' s. u̯i- ` asunder, apart '.

Perhaps alb. dial. jatër, jetër, alb. [ attribute të `of' + anter], tjetër `other, second' where të is the alb. attribute particle. (common alb. Slavic -j- infix).

References: WP. I 56, 67, II 337, WH. I 44, Trautmann 10/11, Debrunner REtlE. 3, 1 ff.

Page(s): 37-38

Root / lemma: an4, anu, anō, nō

Meaning: a preposition ("along a slanted surface, etc.")

Note: (compare the summary by Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 798 f., also about the syntactic). 


Avestan ana

Old Persian anā (Proto Aryan *ana or *anā) ` about there ' (m. Akk. or Instrumental), ` along, on ' (m. Akk.)

Avestan anu

Old Persian anuv ` after, according to; up there ' (m. Akk.), ` lengthwise, along ' (m. Locative), also preverb;

Old Indic ánu ` after (timewise m. Akk., Аbl., Gen.), after (order), after there, along, behind, according to, with regard to, against ' (m. Akk.), Adv. ` on it (auslaut-u appears to be comparable in Lesbian Thessalian ἀπύ beside Attic ἄπό. Against Wackernagels explanation from Indo Germanic *enu ` along, according to ' see WH. I 677; to-u see below ap-u); Armenian am- in am-baṙnam ham-barnam ` I raise, uplift ', ham-berem ` I endure ' maybe from -an (the h by mixture with a borrowed sound from Persian ham- ` together '; 

Ionic-Attic ἄνα, ανά ` on, upwards, along ', Doric Boeotian Arcadian Cypriot ἀν, Lesbian Thessalian Arcadian, z. Part Cypriot ὀν, isolates Arcadian Cypriot ὐν (from ὀν) ds. (the monosyllabic form appears the original and to be extended ἀνά only after κατά; compare Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 622; it is likely according to Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 275 ὀν originated from ἀν; Adv. ἄνω ` upward, up ';

A Latin remainder appears an-hēlō ` breathes strongly and with difficulty ' (an + *anslō)

Umbrian an-, (en `in' become synonymous and with it alternately, hence, en-tentu beside:) an-tentu `intendito ', anseriato `observatum ', anglar `oscines ' (*an-klā to clamo) etc 

Maybe here Old Irish an-dess ` from the south ' etc;

Gothic ana (m. dat. mid Akk.) ` on, in, against, because of, about '

Old Norse ā Adv. and preposition m. dat. and Akk. ` on, in ', m. dat. ` on, in, up, by ', m. Akk. ` after, up, on, against '

Old Saxon an

Old English on

Old High German aua, an [vowel stretch]

Modern High German an (*ana or *anō, *anē) preposition m. dat. and Akk. and Instrumental ` on, up, in, to, against ';

Lithuanian anóte, anót m. Gen. ` accordingly, according to '

about the first on proto Slavic *on going back to Slavic Slavic vъ(n)- ` in, on ' see Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 828 and *en `in'. 

With zero grade of the first syllable, thus initial sound n:

Lithuanian nuõ m. Gen. ` from down, from away ' (these where from meaning only from the connection with the ablative originated anew), as a Nominal prefix nuo-, as a Verbal prefix nu- (proklit. abbreviation as in pri- beside priẽ), let. nùo m. Gen. ` from', as prefix nuo-;

Old Prussian no, na m. Akk. ` on (where), against, about there ', as prefix ` after; from away ' (see also BezzenbergerKZ. 44, 304);

Old Church Slavic na m. Akk. and Locative ` on there; up, on, in ' (in addition after prě : prě-dъ neologism na-dъ ` upside, above, about ' m. Akk. and Instrumental and preverb);

Old Indic nā- perhaps in nādhitá ` pressed ', see below nā- ` help '

Lithuanian -na, -n ` in (direction where) ', postal position with verbs of the movement

Avestan na-zdyah-

Old Indic nḗdīyas- ` closer '(' * moved near '); root sed- ` sit ';

Gothic nēƕ

Old High German nāh Adv. ` near' as ` looking near, turned near ' (with root oq ʷ- as 2nd part); see Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 798 f., where also about the ambiguous Old Indic ádhi ` about, on', Old Persian adiy `in' (*-n̥dhi or *edhi, *odhi?).

maybe alb. (*nāh) nga `from' [common alb. Baltic -g suffix]

Gothic anaks adv. ` suddenly, straight away '

Old Bulgarian naglъ ` suddenly, abruptly ' (?), s. Feist 42. 

References: WP. I 58 f., WH. I 43 f., 49, 677, Feist 41 a, 373, Trautmann 200.

Page(s): 39-40

Root / lemma: ansā, ansi-

Meaning: noose, snare


Latin ānsa ` clutch, handle, a handle; (hence), occasion, opportunity ', ānsae crepidae ` the eyelets on the straps of the shoe soles through which the shoelaces were pulled '

= Lithuanian ąsà f. (Akk. ą̃są) ` pot handle, loop with the knot apron '

Latin ansātus ` having/provided with handle/handles; equipped with a thong for throwing '

= Lithuanian ąsótas ` (furnished with or having a handle) with a handle '

Latvian uosa ` handle, loop, eyelet '


Old Prussian ansis ` hook, pot hanger, kettle hanger '

Latvian ùoss (Akk. ùosi) ` handle ' [common Celtic abbreviation]

Maybe alb. (*ues) vesh ` handle, ear ' [common Celtic abbreviation]

Old Icelandic ǣs f. (*ansjō) ` hole in the upper edge of the shoe leather for pulling through of the straps ' [common Celtic abbreviation]

= Middle Low German ȫse f. `ring-shaped handle, loop' [common Celtic abbreviation]

Late Middle High German Modern High German Öse [common Celtic abbreviation]

West Germanic word to Ohr `ear' = alb. veshi (*uesi) `ear' [common Celtic abbreviation]

Middle Irish ē(i)si Pl. ` rein ' [common Celtic abbreviation]

gr. ἡνία, Doric ᾱνία ds. (*ἀvσιᾱ) [common Celtic abbreviation]

Maybe truncated alb. (*enha) ena `pot (*pot handle)' [common alb. -s- > -h-].

References: WP. I 68, WH. I 51, Trautmann 10.

Page(s): 48

Root / lemma: ansu-, n̥su-

Meaning: ghost, demon


Root / lemma: ansu-, n̥su- (*ḫenku-r-): ghost, demon, derived from Root / lemma: ank-2, ang- : `to bend, bow, *flex;  wangle;  turn;  curve, snake coil, anchor'.



Hitt has-(II, I) ' testify, bear ', hassa-' grandson, granddaughter '; h.l. has (a) - 'generate{produce}', hasmi-'progeny'; Lyd. eśa-'grandson'; Lyk. B qzze, qezm̃mi, ẋzzãta ̃ (Shevoroshkin), Lyk. A qehn ̃ 'progeny'. 'Grandson{grandchildren}' in HL may be a result of contamination: cf. Hitt. of hammasa-' small{little} child ', Luw. hamsa-, h.l. hamasa-'grandson'


Hittite: hassu- c.  ' king' , h.l. hasusara-  ' queen


Old Indic ásu-

Avestan aŋhu- ` breath of life, breath, life, spirit, world ', ásu-ra-

Avestan ahura- ` ruler, lord ' (*n̥su-)

Venetic ahsu- (= āsu-) ` cult effigy, cult figure '

= Germanic *ansuz ` god, ace '

Old Icelandic āss

Runic a[n]suR

Old English ōs ` ace '

Gothic-Latin anses ` demigods '.


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Old Indic ásu-ra-, Avestan ahura- ` ruler, lord ' : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

References: H. Güntert Der Aryan Weltkönig 102, Feist 52 b.

See also: Perhaps to an(ǝ)- ` breathe '.

Page(s): 48

Root / lemma: ans-

Meaning: favourable


Gothic ansts f.

Old High German anst, (zero grade) unst

Middle High German gunst from *ge-unst

Old English ēst ` favour, mercy '

Old Norse ōst, ǭst ` favour, love '

Old High German abanst, abunst

Old Saxon avunst

Old English æfest `distrust, resentment, disfavor '

Middle High German gund m. ` favour '

Old Norse ǫf-und f. ` disfavor '

preterit present Old High German an, unnum (Infinitive unnan, preterit onsta, onda) ` grant ' (gi-unnan) [un-nu-m from *unz-nu-m-]

Old Saxon Old English unnan ` grant, concede, wish '

Old Norse unna (ann, unnom, preterit unnan from *unÞa) ` love, grant, concede '. is an old present the neu-, nu- class, wherefore the new Sg. ann. 

(under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-) whose root beginning as Germanic an-, un-, has in ansts the suffix compound -s-ti- (see Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 437), while Middle High German gund, Old Norse ǫfund contained -ti-. 

However, is because of basic Germanic *anst(s) root probably as Germanic ans-, uns- to begin (Kluge ZfdtWtf. 9, 317, Brugmann Grdr. II2 3, 332),  unnum consequently originated from *unz-num (Indo Germanic *n̥s-nu-me), whereupon then Sg. ann, and new weak preterit *un-Þa (Old High German onda, Old Norse unna) beside Old High German onsta, Old Saxon gi-onsta; then also Middle High German gund, Old Norse ǫfund (suffix-ti-) new creations have become after s- part to unnum, unnan.

Also gr. προσ-ηνής `friendly', ἀπ-ηνής ` unkind, hard ' (: ab-unst) is the most likely = *προσ-, ἀπ-ανσής (see Brugmann aaO.).

In divergent formal judgement Bechtel Lexil covers. 49 gr. - ᾱνής on neutr. Subst. *ănos whose suffixale zero grade lies as a basis Germanic *an-s-ti-.

References: WP. I 68, Feist 53.

Page(s): 47

Root / lemma: antro-m

Meaning: cave, hole


Hittite: hari- c.  ' Tal '  (Tischler 172-173)

Armenian: ayr  ' Spelunke, Grotte ' 

Baltic: *ar-mō̃ (-men-) c.


Armenian ayr, Gen. Pl. ayric ` cave, hole ', gr. ἄντρον ds. 

References: WP. I 561, Schwyzer Mel. Boisacq II 2341, KZ. 68, 222, Gr. Gr. I 532, Pisani KZ. 68, 161 f.

See also: Perhaps to an(ǝ)-` breathe ', as originally ` vent, air vent '.

Page(s): 50

Root / lemma: ant-s

Meaning: forward, before, outer side

Material: Old Indic ánta-ḥ ` end, border, edge ' (therefrom antya-ḥ ` the last ');

Alb. (*ánta) ana `side, end'.

gr. Gen. Sg. κάταντες (= κατ' ἀντες) ` down the forefront ', Dative-Locative ἀντί (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 5486, 6225), Akk. εἰσ-άντα ` in the face ' (*ant-ṃ), ἔν-αντα, ἄν-αντα, κάτ-αντα etc (W. Schulze, Kl. Schr. 669, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 632under), adverbal ἄντα ` towards, opposite ', thereafter ἀντάω ` meets '; about ἄντομαι see Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 722 under.; about ἄντην s. Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 687; 

Old Irish étan (*antono-) ` forehead '; perhaps here Middle Welsh enhyt, Welsh ennyd ` time, moment ' (*ant-iti- to Old Indic ití- ` gait, way '), Middle Welsh anhaw ` old ' (*ant-au̯o-), nir. éata ` old; age ' (*ant-odi̯o-?), compare Loth Rc. 48, 32; 50, 63; (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Hittite ḫa-an-za (ḫant-s) ` forefront ', therefrom ḫa-an-te-iz-zi-iš (ḫantezziš)= *ant-eti̯os; 

Lycian χñtawata ` leader ' (Pedersen Lycian under Hittite 17);  

Tocharian A antule ` outside, to ... before ', antus `also'. 

Hittite: ḫant- c. 'forehead', ḫanta 'towards', ḫandai- (I) ' order, lead '; Luvian ḫantili- 'former, previous, prior, first ', ḫanda(i)- ' decide, order ', Lycian ẋñtawata ' leader, king ', Lycian ãnTẽ- ' prescribe, determine ' (Tischler 149ff)

Tokharian: A ānt, B ānte ' forehead, front ' (PT *ānte) (Adams 43)

Maybe alb. hunda ` nose' : Hittite: ḫant- c. 'forehead'.

see also under anti̯os.

In addition as pristine cases:

anti `in the face of'> ` towards, opposite, against ', etc.

Old Indic anti Adv. `opposite itself, before itself, near', from what antiká-ḥ `near', n. `nearness'.

Armenian and `there', ǝnd preposition `for, instead of ' m. Gen. and ` along, about (in, on) somewhere there ' m. Akk. (compare Gothic and), in meaning 'aside' m. Abl. and ` with, by ' m. Locative (which has dwindled vowel in the final sound is not determinable; anlaut ǝ-  from a-), as preverb 'on'; in addition andranik ` firstborn, the first (earliest) ' (Bugge KZ. 32, 2; compare to meaning Latin ante ` before, of place or time ' and the above mentioned words for 'forehead' as a 'front'), probably also anc̣anem ` to go past ' (Pedersen KZ. 39, 425, compare gr. ἄντομαι; c̣ from t + the aoristic s, compare the Aor. ē-anc̣). 

Maybe alb. andej `there, in the other side, opposite'.

Gr. ἀντί ` in view of, towards, opposite, before; for, instead of ' m. Gen., also preverb, e.g. ἀνθίστημι; hom. κατ' ἄντηστιν ` in the opposite point of view, against ' is fine to Bechtel Lexil. 46 from  *ἄντι-στι-ς reshuffled after ἄντην ἵστημι; ἀντικρύ, Attic ἄντικρυς ` almost, against ' (ambiguous ending), ἀντιάω, ἀντιάζω ` meets '. 

Latin ante (from *anti, compare antistō, as well as antīcus, antiquus) preposition m. Akk. spatially ` against, before ', timewise `before', also preverb (e.g. antecedō), antid-eā, -hāc ` before ', antid-īre ` lead the way ' (-d after prōd); in addition anterior ` earlier ', antārium bellum ` war before the town ', antīcus ` the front ' (c after posticus ` behind '), antīquus ` old ' (the ending and the contraction in temporal meaning after novus; Indo Germanic *anti +*okʷ- ` looking '), antēs, -ium ` rows or ranks (from soldiers, vines))', originally possibly ` fronts ' (about antae see, however, under *anǝtā ` door post '). 

Hittite ḫa-an-ti (ḫanti) ` in front, esp., in particular '. 

Hittite: hant- c.  ' Stirn ' , hanta  ' gegenüber ' , handai- (I)  ' ordnen, führen ' ; Luw. hantili-  ' erster ' , handa(i)-  ' entscheiden, ordnen ' , Lyk. ẋñtawata  ' Anführer, König ' , Lyd. ãnTẽ-  ' verordnen, bestimmen '  (Tischler 149ff)

Tokharian: A ānt, B ānte Stirn, Front (PT *ānte) (Adams 43)

Old Indian: ánti adv. `before, in the presence of, near ' , antiká- `near, proximate ' , n. `proximity ' ; ánta- m. `end, limit, boundary ' , antya- `last ' 

Old Greek: antí praep. `angesichts, gegenüber, anstatt ' , hom. ánt[ǟ]n, ánta adv. `gegenüber, ins Gesicht ' 

Baltic: *añt-i

Germanic: *ánʮ-ia- n.; *and=; *und=; *únʮ=; *andi- m.; *and-ia- m., n.

Latin: antiae pl. `muliebres capilli demissi in frontem ' ; ante `vor, vorher ' , antīcus, -a `der vordere ' , antīquus, -a `vorig, alt, wichtig(er) ' ; pl. antēs, -ium `Reihen (von Berittenen, Weinstöcken, Pflanzen)  '  etc.

Other Italic: Osk ant `usque ad ' , antkddum `occidionem ? ' 

Celtic: OIr ētan `Stirn '  < *antono-


anta `against there ' (direction); to -a see Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 622 f. 

Gothic and preposition m. Akk. ` up there, about there, along '. With therefrom more divergently meaning the nominal prefix and verbal prefix Germanic anda-, and  `against, opposite', also in verbs normally ` from - away ': Gothic anda-, and (e.g. andniman ` accept ', andanēms ` agreeable, pleasant ', andbindan ` unbind, untie, be confined '), Old Norse Old Saxon Old English and, Old High German ant-, int-, Middle High German Modern High German ant-, (e.g. create Antlitz, Antwort).

compounds Old Norse endr, enn ` earlier, formerly, again, after ' (endr = Gothic andiz-uh ` either '), Old English end `before' (*andis), Old High German enti ` earlier, yore ' (Germanic *andiaz), Middle High German ent, end Konj. ` previous, before ' (e.g. Falk-Torp 192, 1455).

Lithuanian añt, older anta m. Gen. ` after-there, up, on '.

About gr. ἄντα see above. 


A weaker vowel gradation form (*n̥t-) shows Gothic and m. dat. ` ἀντί, for, around ', unÞa- (*n̥to-) in unÞa-Þliuhan ` escape', Old English oð- (*unÞ-) in oðgangan ` escape', ūðgenge ` fleeting' = Old Norse unningi, undingi (*unÞ-, *and-gangia-) ` escaped slave ' (Brugmann Grdr. II2, 803).

Other meaning points Gothic und m. Akk. `until, to', Old High German unt in unt-az `until, to' and unzi (= untzi) `until, to', Old Saxon und `until, to', unti, unt (and + te ` to '), unto (and + tō), English unto ` to, until ', Old Norse unz (and es) `until, till that ', Old English (with grammatical change) oð ` in addition, besides, until, to ', Oscan ant m. Akk. ` up to' (likewise from *n̥ti, see Walde Kelten and Italiker 54; because of Germanic and not to place exactly attuning meaning = Latin ante ` before', e.g. v. Planta II 443), Lithuanian iñt `after' (rather contamination from in and ant).

The fact that these forms show an extension preposition *en, *n̥ `in' (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 629 f., where also about gr. dial. ἔντε), is possible as then Lithuanian iñt  with į̃ `after' corresponds in the application. However, could be of this one additional use adjustment as a result of the sound resemblance and Indo Germanic *n̥t (-i, -a?) ` until, to ' belong as ` up against there, on the opposite side over ' to anti; also the words for the `end' (see below) are originally the purpose waving on the opposite side, and with Old Saxon unt  is also ant (and + te) preposition m. Akk. ` wholly, completely ' synonymous what, even if only new intersection are from unt with and-, however, the concept relationship of both explained.

anti̯os `against, recumbent before ' (formed from the adverb anti): 

*anti̯ó- (Germanic *andja-) in Gothic andeis, Old Norse endir, Old Saxon endi, Old English ende m., Old High Germananti, enti m. and n., Modern High German Ende; also gr. ἀντίος `against' (in addition ἐναντίον ds., ἐναντίος ` situated against; opponent ') probably goes back (compare Schwyzer Gr. Gr.I 379) to *ἀντιός.

Against it is from *anto- (see above) derived ánti̯o- in Old Norse enni n., Old High German andi, endi n. ` forehead ' = Latin antiae ` the hair growing upon the forehead, forelock '.

A quite different word is Modern High German and, Old High German unti, anti, enti , Old Saxon endi, Old English English and `and', Old Norse en(n) ` and, but ', with Old Indic áthā̆ ` thereupon, thereon, then, ditto ', Avestan aϑā̆ ` also ', Oscan ant m. Akk. ` all the way to, up to, towards ', Lithuanian iñt m. Akk. `after' (however, see above), Tocharian В entwe `also' belongs to *en, n̥ `in'. 

Maybe alb. in (*ende) edhe `and, also', zero grade (*ende) dhe `and, but'.

References: WP. I. 65 ff., WH. I 53 f., Feist 46, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 619, 621, 629 f., 632 f., 722, 726, II (B V 2 b d 3).

Page(s): 48-50

Root / lemma: apelo-

Meaning: strength

Material: Gr. ἀν-απελάσας ἀναρρωσθείς Hes., Ionian εὐηπελής ` strong ', hom. ὀλιγηπελίη ` swoon, Ionian ἀνηπελίη ἀσθένεια Hes., Elis: MN Tευτί-απλος (after Prellwitz BB. 24, 214 ff., Kretschmer Gl. 18, 205 here ᾽Απέλλων, ᾽Απόλλων, with vocal gradation Thessalian ῎Απλουν; after Sommer IF. 55, 1762 rather pregreek); Illyrian MN Mag-aplinus, Aplus, Aplo, Aplis, -inis, FN Aplo, -onis; gall. VN Dī-ablintes ` the powerless, the weak ' (from *-aplentes); Germanic GN Matronis Aflims, Afliabus ` effective magic ', Old Icelandic afi n., Old English afol, abal n. ` strength '.


The Root / lemma: apelo- : `strength' seems related to Root / lemma: abhro- : `strong, mighty' [the shift l > r].

References: WP. I 176, Feist la, Kretschmer Gl. 24, 250.

Page(s): 52

Root / lemma: ap-1 (proper ǝp-) : ēp-

Meaning: to take, grab, reach


From the reduced Root / lemma: ghabh- : `to grab, take', derived Root / lemma: ap-1 (exact ǝp-) : ēp- : `to take, grab, reach, *give' > Root / lemma: ēpi- : `comrade' >  Root / lemma: ai-3 : `to give'.

Maybe alb. Tosc (*ḫe-ip-mi) ep, jap, Geg nep (*na `us' + ep `give') `give us (*take)' : Hittite e-ip-mi (ē̆pmi) `take', 3. Pl. ap-pa-an-zi (apanzi) : gr. ἅπτω ` give a hand.


Hittite: ep(p)- / ap(p)-  ' fassen '  (Tischler 107-108)

Old Indian: āpnóti `to reach, meet, fall upon ' 

Avestan: apayeiti `erreicht ' 

Latin: apīscor `erreiche, erlange ' , coēpī `habe angefangen ' , apere `comprehendere vinculo, ritu flaminum adligare ' , aptus `angefügt, verbunden, angepasst ' , ? ammentum `der in Schlingeform in der Mitee des Wurfriemens befestigte Wurfriemen; Schuhriemen ' 

Comments: Greek háptō `anheften, (an)knüpfen, anzünden ' , háptomai̯ `anfassen, berühren ' , haphǟ́ `das Anzünde, das Berühren, der Griff etc. ' , hápsos n. `Verbindung ' , hámma n. `Schlinge, Knoten, Band ' , háptrǟ f. `Docht einer Lampe '  < *sabh- or *jabh-.

In e- grade:

Hittite e-ip-mi (ē̆pmi) ` takes ', 3. Pl. ap-pa-an-zi (apanzi).

hom. ἤπαφον ` cheat'.

Maybe alb. Tosc (*ḫ2ap) jap, nasalized alb. Geg (*ḫ1enp) nep ` give' common ḫ > j- Slavic Albanian.

In a- grade:

Old Indic āpnṓti ` achieved, attained ', more recently āptá-ḥ ` clever, suitable, trusted '; Avestan apayeiti ` achieved, reached ', 3. Pl. āpǝnte from *āpu̯antai;

About Old Indic āpí-ḥ ` friend ', gr. ἤπιoς ` friendly' see below ēpi-.

Armenian unim ` own' (*ōp-n-?), ǝnd-unim `attain'; (common arm. Celtic alb. abbreviation).

gr. ἅπτω ` give a hand, attach, pick a quarrel, light, kindle ', ἅπτεσθαι ` touch ', ἁφή ` touch, adherence etc. ' will be delievered in spite of the spirit here. Kretschmer Gl. 7, 352 assumes influenced by ἕπω; hom. ἀφάω (ἁφάω) ` touch, palpate, feel, finger ', Ionian ἀφάσσω ds., common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-;

hom. ἀπαφίσκω, ἤπαφον (with Aeolic o: ἀποφεῖν ἀπατῆσαι Hes.) ` cheat, barter, exchange ', ἀποφώλιος ` phantasmic, delusive, fallacious ', κατηφής `low-spirited' (actually ` got down '). 

Pedersen KZ. 39, 428 puts with gr. ἅπτω Armenian ap` ` the hollow hand ' (o-stem, however, Locative y-ap`i as -i-stem, thus probably older neutr. -os-stem) together, which word should correspond to gr. ἅψος ` joint, hinge '; because of p` (= Indo Germanic ph) nevertheless, uncertain (compare Meillet BSL. 36, 110); 

Latin apīscor ` touch, reach, attain, come to, come by ', adipīscor ` to come up to, overtake; hence to obtain. Perf. partic. adeptus, used passively, = obtained ', coēpi ` has begun, commenced ', later coepī.

The connection with Latin *apiō, *apere ` to bind together, unite, joint, connect, link, tie round ' (imperative ape ` hinder, prevent, restrain '), aptus ` as partic. fitted, fastened, connected. Transf., depending on; also prepared, fitted out; fitted up with, equipped with, with abl. (2) as adj. suitable, appropriate, fitting. Adv. apte ', cōpula (co-apula) ` a link, bond, tie, connection; a rope, a leash; plur. grapnels ' is probably certain. Maybe is derived from a common primary meaning ` touch, summarize '.

Also Latin apud `at, near, by, with, in' will be best of all suit here. The primary meaning would be ` in close connection ' (compare juxtā). One has derived from the part. Perf. neutr. *apu̯od (from *apu̯ot ` having reached '). Additional form apor, apur (mars.-Latin apur finem) points on originally-d;

Latin apex, -icis ` cusp ', esp. ` the top of the conical cap of the Roman 'flamines', or the cap itself; hence any crown, tiara, helmet; fig., highest honor, crown; gram., the long mark over a vowel ', maybe belongs to *apiō; compare also EM. 60;

In o- grade:

Tocharian A oppäc̨c̨i `clever, gifted ' (Van Windekens Lexique 82);

References: WP. I 45 f., WH. I 57 f., 60, 847, Pedersen Hittite 128, Couvreur H̯ 93.

Page(s): 50-51

Root / lemma: ap-3, āp-

Meaning: old; damage

Material: Old Indic apvā́ ` illness, failure ', Avestan (from an -es-stem) afša- m. ` damage, evil '; Lithuanian opū́s ` weak, sore, frail ' (Charpentier KZ. 40, 442 f.), presumably gr. ἠπεδανός `frail, weak' (Bezzenberger BB. 1, 164; to the ending see Risch 98; differently Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 530). 

References: WP. I 47, Specht Dekl. 345.

Page(s): 52

Root / lemma: apo- (pō̆, ap-u, pu) (*ḫ2apḫ3o-)

Meaning: from, out, of, without


Root / lemma: apo- (pō̆, ap-u, pu) (*ḫ2apḫ3o-): `from, out, of' derived from Root / lemma: abh- (*ḫ2abh-): `quick, abrupt' < Root / lemma: abhro- (*ḫ2abhro-): `strong, mighty' < root m̥bh-(ro-): < with l-formant (nebhelā): < Root / lemma: (enebh-2): nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- : ` wet, damp; water; clouds '.

Gradually Root / lemma: apo- (pō̆, ap-u, pu) (*ḫ2apḫ3o-): `from, out, of' became the prefix pḫ1e-, pḫi-, pḫ2a-, pḫ3o-.


In a- grade:

Hittite: ḫapparnuwasḫa- c. 'sunbeam, rays of sunshine', ḫappin(a)- ' open flame '.

References: Tischler 162, 165.

Old Indic ápa ` off, away, back ' as adnominal Рräp. m. Abl. ` away from ', Avestan Old Persian apa ` away from '; about privatives *ap- in Iran, and Gr. see Schwyzer ZII. 6, 230 ff.; gr. ἄπο, ἀπό m. Gen. (= *ablative) ` away from, ex, from '; Macedonian ἀπ-, ἀβ-; 

alb. prapë ` again, back ' (*per-apë); Latin ab m. Аbl., ` prep. with abl. (1) of motion or measurement in space, from, away from. (2) of time, from, after. (3) of separation, difference, change, from ; so of position or number, counting from ; and of the relation of part to whole, out of, of. (4) of origin and agency; esp. with passive verbs, by, at the hands of, because of. (5) viewed from, on the side of : 'a tergo', in the rear; hence in connection with, as regards ' (before voiced consonant from ap, still in aperiō from *ap-u̯eri̯ō; perhaps also in aprīcus, s. WH. I 59; about Latin af s. just there 1; abs = gr. ἄψ ` back, again '; out of it as- before p-, as-portō; ā before voiced consonants), Umbrian ap-ehtre ` from without, from the outside; on the outside, outwardly ' (about other, unsafe Oscan-Umbrian Belege s. v. Planta I 209, 426, II 454 f.); 

Gothic af prefix and preposition m. dat. ` from, away from, from here ', Old Norse af Adv. and preposition m. dat., Old English æf, of, Old Saxon af, Old High German aba, ab- ` from, away from ', Modern High German ab-.

compare also Lithuanian apaèià ` the lower part ' (as ` turned away part ', *apoti̯ā, to Old Indic ápatya- n. ` progeny ' and Hittite ap-pé-iz-zi-ia-aš (appezii̯as) ` back '.

As Celtic derivatives are taken up from *apo Old Welsh Modern Welsh o ` ex-, from, of ', a.-Middle Cornish, a.-Modern Breton a ds. However, comes for this poor in sound brit. form rather affiliation to Old Irish ō, ua in consideration (Thurneysen Gr. 524), so that of all Brit. it remains quite unsafe.

In Hittite a-ap-pa (apa) ` behind, back ' (compare gr. ἀπο-δίδωμι ` give back, return ') have maybe collapsed Indo Germanic apo and epi (Pedersen Hittite 188, Couvreur H̯ 94 f., Lohmann IF. 51, 324 f.).

Derivatives: apо-tero-, ap-ero-, ap-i̯o-, ap-ōko- and above apoti̯ā, apeti̯o-. 

Old Indic apataram Adv. ` farther away ', Old Persian apataram Adv. ` apart, somewhere else ', gr. ἀπωτέρω ` farther distant ' (ἀπωτάτω ` very far away '); maybe Gothic aftarō ` from the back, backward ', aftuma, aftumists ` the last ', Old English æftemest ds. and Gothic aftra ` back, again ', Old High German Old Saxon aftar Adv. ` behind, after ' and Рräp. m. Dative ` after, behind, according to ', Old English æfter ds..

In e- grade:

Old Norse eptir Adv. and Рräp. m. Dative and Akk. ` after ', aptr Adv. ` back, backward '. 

For this Germanic However, words relationship also stands with gr. ὄπιθεν, Indo Germanic *epi, *opi to the consideration (Schulze KZ. 40, 414 Anm. 3), compare still Gothic afta `behind', Old English æft ` behind, later ', Gothic aftana `from the back', Old Norse aptan, Old English æftan, Old Saxon aftan, Middle High German aften ` afterwards'.

Old Indic ápara- ` back, later, following, other ', Adv. -ám ` after, later ', Avestan Old Persian apara- ` back, later, following ', Adv. -ǝm, -am, Sup. Old Indic apamá-, Avestan apǝma- ` the one farthest away, the most distant, the last ';

Gothic afar Adv. and preposition with dat. and Akk. ` after, afterward ', Old High German avar, abur (latter from *apu-ró-m, as Old Norse aur- ` bottom, lower, nether, back ' in compound, see Falk-Torp, 11 f.) ` again, once more, against it ' (Modern High German aber), Old Norse afar ` esp., very much ' (compare to meaning Old Indic ápara- also ` outlandish, peculiar, extreme, extraordinary ', Lidén Stud. 74 ff.; Old English eafora, Old Saxon aƀaro ` descendant '). see still * āpero- ` shore '.

maybe alb. (*apar) parë `first, top', afër `*away, close', afërm `relative, descendant', (*āper-) prej `from'.

Gr. ἄπιος ` remote, far '

In e- grade:

(probably also Old Norse efja f. ` bay in a river in which the current runs back ', Old English ebba m. ` low tide ', Old Saxon ebbia f., mndd. ebbe, where borrows from Modern High German Ebbe, as ` ebb, the outward movement of the tide; the return of tidewater towards the sea '). 

Old Indic ápāka- ` recumbent apart, distant, coming from the front ', Armenian haka- as 1. composition part ` against ', hakem ` piegare ad una parte, inclinare ', Old Church Slavic opaky ` again ', Church Slavic opako, opaky, opaèe ` back, inverted ', in which, admittedly, forms can be partly also related to *opi, gr. ὄπιθεν (compare Latin opācus ` shaded, shady; dark, shadowy, obscure ' = ` turned away from the sun '; 

Literary formation by (Brugmann Grdr. II2 1, 482). Besides Old Norse ǫfugr ` after, turned backward ', Old Saxon aƀuh, avuh, Old High German abuh, abah ` turned away, inverted, wicked ' (Modern High German äbig, äbicht), Old English *afoc in English awkward, from *apu-ko-s (or from *opu-ko-s : ὄπιθεν, so that in the vowel gradation to Gothic ibuks ` being on the decline ', Old High German ippihhōn ` roll back '? Johansson PBrB. 15, 230, in the consonant relegating to πυ-γή, see also Falk-Torp under avet). 


Avestan pa-zdayeiti ` let to move away, scare off '; Latin po-situs, pōnō `to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit' from *po-s[i]nō, po-liō, po-lūbrum, pōrcet `to keep off, keep back, to hinder, restrain' from *po-arcet; alb. pa m. Akk. ` without ', pa- `un-' (Gl. Meyer Alb. Wb. 317); Old Frisian fån ` from, of ', Old Saxon fana, fan, Old High German fona, fon m. Dative (= *Abl.) ` from, of ' (Old High German -o- is after Persson IF. 2, 215 to derive from Indo Germanic *pu beside *po).


alb. pa without = Khotanese: pa ̊ `away, without' (initially meaning without water

Sanskrit: ápa

First attestation: RV+

Part of speech: [adv, prev]

Meaning: `away, off'

Link to RV concordance: ápa

Proto-Indo-Iranian: Hapa

Other forms in Indo-Aryan: ápa ̊ [pref] `without' (RV+) in several nominal compounds, like ápodaka- (RV) adj. `waterless', ápa-śīrṣan- (TS+) adj. `without a head', ápa-rūpa- (AV 12.4.9) n. `monstrosity'

Page in EWAia: 82

See also: apamá-; apatarám; ápara-; ápāñc-; ápatya-

Avestan: Av. apa ̊ [pref] `away, from'

Old Persian: apa ̊ [pref] `away, from'

Khotanese: pa ̊ `away, without'

Other Iranian cognates: a

IE form: h2epo

IE meaning: away

Certainty: +

Page in Pokorny: 53 - 55

Idioms: `to open': Skt. ápa vr̥- ˜ Lat. aperīre; `completely away, off': Skt. ápāpa (RV 05.034.03) ˜ Gr. ἀπαφίσκω `to deceive' (if from *ἀπ-απ- `to keep off'; Dunkel's etymology).

Cognates in other languages: Gr. ἀπό, ἄπο [adv, prep] `far (from), away (from)'; Lat. ab [prep] `from, away'; Go. af `from, away from, since'

from Sanskrit: áp-

First attestation: RV+

Part of speech: [f]

Gramm. forms: apā́ [instr.sg.], apás [gen.abl.sg.], ā́pas [nom.pl.], apás [acc.pl.], adbhís [instr.pl.], adbhyás [abl.pl.] (with dissimilation), apsú [loc.pl.]

Meaning: `water'



A similar form pursues Trautmann Old Prussian 389 in Old Prussian pan-s-dau `thereafter'. Is totally unsafe whether Armenian oɫork ` polished, slippery, smooth ' contains according to Lidén Arm. stem 60 ff. o- from *po-. 

Maybe suffixed alb. pas `behind, back' pastaj `later, thereafter'.

Against it here in spite of often divergent meaning (Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 808 considers absorption from Indo Germanic *upo, and for Slavic po in meaning ` behind, after ' m. Locative probably properly origin from *pos): Old Church Slavic po ` after, in, with, about a little bit there ' (Lithuanian pō with Gen. under dat. `after', with Instrumental `under'), as essential only more perfective verbal prefixes Lithuanian pa-, Old Church Slavic po- (as nominal prefix Old Church Slavic pa-, Lithuanian pa and pó-, compare e.g. Old Church Slavic pamьněti ` remember ', pamętь ` memory');

Maybe alb. nominal prefix pa- in pḫ2ë-lor, plor ` ploughshare ', pḫ2ë-rrua ` stream '.

Old Prussian pa- essential in nominal, pō- in verbal compound, compare Trautmann 203, Meillet Slave comm.2 505.

About Slavic po-dъ ` below, under ' see Brugmann Grdr. II2 2, 733 f. - S. still Indo Germanic *po-ti and *po-s. 

Maybe alb. (*po-s) poshtë `below, under' from the same root as Slavic languages Slavic po-dъ `below, under ' from Root / lemma: apo- (pō̆, ap-u, pu): (from, out, of) not from Root / lemma: pē̆d-2, pō̆d- : (foot, *genitalia).

ap-u stands beside *apo (Lithuanian see below *pu) in Arcadian Cypriot Lesbian Thessalian ἀπύ, in Old High German abo = aba, Old Norse au-virði n. ` contemptuous person ' (Falk-Torp 11 f.), compare also above *apu-ro- beside *apero-, *apu-ko-, and *pu beside *po. That -u maybe enclitic Particle ` and, also ' (Feist Зa, 508a, WH. I 87). compare also Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 182.

pu (see оbove *apu) mostly in meaning (` turned away ' =) ` behind, back ': 

Old High German fona (see above), Old Indic punar ` again back ', gr. πύματος ` the last '; quite uncertain Latin puppis ` the poop or stern of a vessel; poet. the whole ship '.

maybe alb. pupa ` the poop or stern of a vessel ' : poln. pupa `bottom'.

References: WP. I 47 ff., WH. I If., 842, Feist За, Trautmann 11.

Page(s): 53-55

Root / lemma: appa

Meaning: father

Material: compare gr. ἄππα, ἀπφά, ἄπφα, ἀπφῦς (Theokrit) ` dad '; Tocharian В appakke ` father ' (this -(a)kke from ammakki `Mutter'). 

References: WP. I 47.

See also: compare also pap(p)a.

Page(s): 52

Root / lemma: apsā

Meaning: asp

Material: Old High German aspa, Modern High German Espe, Old English æspe, Old Norse ǫsp f. ds., Latvian apse (from *apuse), Old Prussian abse ds., North Lithuanian apušìs f., Lithuanian apušė̃, epušė̃ f. ` aspen, trembling poplar ' (after Bezzenberger BB. 23, 298 supposedly free diminutive-formation from *apsā), Russian osína (*opsīna) ` aspen ', poln. osa, osika, osina ` aspen '.

The fact that in this aspen name the sound result -ps-, is not the original -sp-, confirm among others türk.-osm. apsak ` poplar ', tschuw. ėwës ` aspen ' as a loanword from the proto Armenian to Pedersen KZ. 30, 462. Specht places because of gr. ἀπελλόν αἴγειρος, ὅ ἐστι εἰ̃δος δένδρον Hes. a root noun ap- .

References: WP. I 50, Specht Dekl. 60.

Page(s): 55

Root / lemma: ar 4 (er, or?), r̥

Meaning: now, also, interrogative particle

Material: Gr. ἄρα, ἄρ, ῥα (from r̥) ` now, thus, consequently ', Cypriot ερ, ἀ̃ρα interrogative particle (*ἦ ἄρα; γάρ, maybe from γ' ἄρ); likewise zero grade Lithuanian ir̃ ` and, also ', Latvian ir `also', Old Prussian ir `and, also' (= gr. ῥα, zero grade Lithuanian ar̃, Latvian ar as an introduction of an interrogative sentence, Old Lithuanian also er with the same Baltic vacillate from a- and e- as between Latvian ar ` with, in ' and Old Prussian er ` to '; Tocharian В ra- emphat. particle. 

References: WP. I 77, Trautmann 12, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 342, 622.

Page(s): 62

Root / lemma: ardh-

Meaning: pole

Material: Armenian ardn ` lance, spear ': Lithuanian ar̃das m. ` pole scaffold for drying flax ', old ardamas ` a (light) pole or spar, a sprit, which crosses the sail diagonally (and serves to make it taut) ' (see to meaning Bezzenberger GGA. 1885, 920)'? Petersson KZ. 47, 245 (Lithuanian words not better according to Leskien Abl. 329 to ardýti ` split, distinguish ', see below er- ` rare, loose, crumbly '). 

References: WP. I 84.

Page(s): 63

Root / lemma: ardi-, r̥di-

Meaning: point, edge

Material: Old Indic ali ` bee, scorpion ' (from *aḍi, Indo Germanic *r̥di) = gr. ἄρδις ` head of the arrow, sting '; Old Irish aird (*ardi-) ` sharp, peak, point of the compass ', Old Norse erta (*artjan) ` stir up, stimulate, tease ' (another interpretation from erta under er-, er-d- ` set in motion '). 

References: WP. I 83 f., Lüders Schriften 429.

Page(s): 63

Root / lemma: areg-

Meaning: to lock

Material: Old Indic argala-ḥ, argalā ` latch, bolt ', Macedonian ἄργελλα ` bathing hut, bath hut ', from which borrows alb. ragál f. ` cottage, hut '; kimmer. ἄργιλλα (*arg-el-i̯ā) ` subterranean dwelling '; Old Saxon racud, Old English reced m. ` building, house '. 

References: WP. I 81, WH. I 63, Jokl IF. 44, 22.

See also: compare *areq- ` protect, close '.

Page(s): 64

Root / lemma: ar(e)-ĝ- (arĝ-?), r̥ĝi- (*her-(e)-ĝ-)

Meaning: glittering, white, fast


Old Indic r̥ji-pyá ` darting along ' epithet of the bird śyená- (`eagle, falcon'), Avestan ǝrǝzi-fya- (compare. gr. ἄρξιφος ἀετὸς παρὰ Πέρσαις H., αἰγίποψ), Armenian arcui (< *arci-wi) `eagle' prove that from Root / lemma: er-1, or- : `eagle, *fast' derived extended Root / lemma: ar(e)-ĝ- (arĝ-?), r̥ĝi- : `glittering, white, fast' and its subsequent zero grade Root / lemma: (*a)reĝ-1 : `right, just, to make right; king'.


In e- grade:

e-vocalism shown by  those of Osthoff MU. V, S. V, and MU. VI 33 considered for Gothic unaírkns ` impure, unclean ', aírkniÞa ` cleanness, genuineness ', Old High German erchan ` right, just, real, true, genuine ', Old Norse jarknasteinn, (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old English eorcnanstān ` precious stone, jewel ' (in addition also Old Norse jarteikn n. ` emblems ' from *jar[kn]-teikn, Lidén by Noreen Old Icelandic Gr.3 ̨p. 281, 6); compare also Feist 25b.

Maybe alb. (*ḫerg-) jargë `white saliva' Common ḫ- > j- Slavic Albanian; ḫ- > i̯-, y- Old Indic Tocharian.

As securely one cannot consider the affiliation of Germanic words, however, was concerning the vocalism intersection from Germanic *ark- = Indo Germanic *arĝ- with *erk- = Old Indic árcati, Indo Germanic *erk- at least conceivable.

In a- grade:

Hittite ḫar-ki-iš (ḫarkis) `white'.

Tocharian A ārki, В ā̆rkwi `white' (*arĝu̯i̯o-), ārcune ` epithet of the royal title ', A ārki-śoṣi ` white world ' (compare Welsh elfydd S. 30);

Maybe alb. harc, harca Pl. `rocky landscape'; alb. has preserved the old laryngeal ḫ-.

Old Indic árju-na-ḥ ` bright, white '; rajatá- ` whitish ', rajatám híraṇyam ` whitish gold, i.e. silver ', rajatám ` silver ' with flashy, in spite of Osthoff MU. VI 33 not from zero grade r̥ (or likewise) deducible vocalism compared with Avestan ǝrǝzata- n., Old Persian ardata- ` silver ' (r̥-) : TN Illyrian Ardiaei common alb. - Illyrian -ĝ- > -d-.

Maybe Albanian argjend : Bresciano arzent : Romagnolo arzént : Zeneize arzento `silver' (common Avestan Slavic g- > dz-, z- = common alb. dz- > gj-).

Latin argentum, Oscan aragetud `silver', Old Irish arggat, Middle Irish airget, Welsh arian(t), Cornish Middle Breton argant, Modern Breton arc'hant ` silver ', gall. PN Arganto-magus; arcanto-dan ` coin minter, mint-master, the master or superintendent of a mint ', Armenian arcat` `silver', Tocharian A ārkyant N. Pl. f.; with other formation gr. ἄργυρος `silver' (in spite of these equations the knowledge of the silver for the primeval times stands not sure, see about that point and about the borrowing question Schrader RL.II2 394, G. Ipsen IF. 39, 235 f., Festschr. Streitberg 228), Messapic argorian (: ἀργύριον) ds., argora-pandes (*arguro-pondi̯os) `quaestor, state treasurer '.

Thracian ἄργιλος ` (*white) mouse ', FlN ῎Αρζος (*Argi̯os).

Gr. ἀργός ` white, fast ', in compounds ἀργι- : ἀργι-κέραυνος ` with shining thunderbolt ', ἀργι-όδων ` with brilliantly white teeth ' (thereafter also *ἀργινός for ἀργεννός, further formation to ἀργινόεις, epithet of towns situated on white lime or chalk mountains); ἀργαίνω ` is white '. 

ἀργός probably after Wackernagel Verm. Beitr. 8 f. from *ἀργρός dissimilated, wherefore i-stem ἀργι- of compounds behaves as Avestan dǝrǝzi-raϑa- ` possessing steady chariot ' to dǝrǝzra- ` solid '. With ἀργός phonetically same Old Indic r̥jrá- connotes also ` shining ', is in this meaning with ἀργός `white' etymological identical (in addition also Old Indic ŕ̥jīti-, r̥jīka- ` radiating '). Old Indic r̥jrá- ` fast ', Ṛji-śvan- ` the allied Indras ordering about fast dogs ' = gr. ἀργός `fast' (likewise of dogs, also already proto linguistic epithet, see Schulze Kl. Schr. 124), ἀργί-πους ` fleet-footed ', horses Πόδ-αργος, upholds Persson Beitr. 828 from ἀργός (r̥jrá-) ` white ' different word (to the root reĝ- ` straight, right, directly ' in Old Indic r̥jīšá- ` rushing straight for ', r̥ji-pyá ` darting along ', etc), against Bechtel Lexil. 57, the concept of the lights allows to have flowed from that of the quick movement (compare ` as quick as a flash, at lightning speed ') as well as Schulze aaO. Sides of the same observation considered as to try illuminating power, brightness of the color, and quickness of the movement (compare Latin micāre `move rapidly to and fro, vibrate, flicker; to shine, glitter, sparkle').

ἄργεμον, ἄργεμα n. ` the whiteness (in the eye, nail)', ἀργήεις, Doric ἀργᾶς (*ἀργᾱFεντς `shining'; es-stem in ἐναργής ` perspicuous, clear ', ἀργεσ-τής epithet of νότος, ` elucidative, brightening ' (see lastly Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 5001), ἀργεννός ` white sheen, white luster, white-gleaming ' (*ἀργεσ-νός); maybe also in ἀργειφόντης epithet of Hermes (` in slaying brilliance '?). 

On account of es-stem Avestan аrǝzah- ` afternoon and evening ' so that belongs together etymologically, at least half the meaning is quite doubtful, see. Bartholomae Old Iranian Wb. 202, Bechtel aaO. 

Maybe alb. (*аrǝz-) errët `dark', err `darken' : Avestan аrǝzah- ` afternoon and evening '

ἀργής, -ῆτος, -έτ&ι, -έτα ` white-gleaming '; ἄργιλλος and ἄργῑλος ` white clay ' (Latin loanword argilla, argīla): ἄργυ-ρος see above, ἄργυ-φος, ἀργύ-φεος ` shining white ' (in the word ending probably to root bhā- ` shine ', Prellwitz BB. 22, 90, Bechtel Lexil. 57 f.).

Maybe Galician arxila : alb. argjilë `white clay, mud' ` white clay ' (common Avestan Slavic g- > dz-, z- = common alb. dz- > gj-).

Latin argentum see above; arguō `to put in clear light; to declare, prove; to accuse, blame, expose, convict ', argūtus `to the eye, expressive, lively; talkative to the ear, piercing, shrill, noisy; of omens, clear, significant; of persons, sagacious, cunning; (since Cicero also:) beaming, shimmering ' and ` shrewd '. 

About that of Uhlenbeck KZ. 40, 552, 560 considered for Lithuanian áržuolas, ąžuolas, dial. áužuolas, East Lithuanian dial. úžolas ` oak ', see rather Bezzenberger KZ. 42, 263, Trautmann Old Prussian 301, whereupon anž- (compare Old Prussian ansonis) the original form is (different Zupitza KZ. 36, 66, Germanic gutturals 214). 

By Hirts (Abl. 124) basic *ar(e)ĝ- cause Germanic words difficulty, however, see above. The basis of a 2th root vowel (areĝ-) is given only by Old Indic rajatám ` whitish ', thus dubious. 

References: WP. I 82 f., II 362 f., WH. I 66, 848, Feist 25, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 260, 447, 481, Frisk Nominalbildg. 4.

Specht (Dekl. 1141) places because of gr. ἄρμη λευκή Hes. a color root in ar-, he equates with al- (see above S. 31).

Page(s): 64-65

Root / lemma: arenko-

Meaning: a kind of cereal, type of grain


Latin arinca ` variety of grain, olyra (which resembles spelt) ' (`Galliarum propria' Plin. n. h. 18, 81; foreign, presumably gall. word, despite Niedermann ĕ and ĭ 30 not genuinely Latin), gr. ἄρακος ` leguminous plant growing as a weed among lentil plants ', ἄρακοι ὄσπριόν τι. τὸ δε αὐτὸ καὶ λάθυρον Hes. 

Because of the meaning difference quite doubtful equation; no objection offers sure enough the not sufficing confirmation from ἄρακος in ὄροβος ἐρέβινθος. Non-related in spite of Fick II4 16, 17 are gr. ἄρτος ` bread ' (to dark origin, see Boisacq 84), Middle Irish arbar ` grain ' (see *ar- ` to plough, plow '), arān ` bread '. 

References: WP. I 84, WH. I 67.

Page(s): 66-67

Root / lemma: areq-

Meaning: to guard, lock

Material: In detail Osthoff IF. 8, 54 ff. m. Lithuanian 

Armenian argel ` hump, block, check, fence, hurdle, barrier, drawback, obstacle, hindrance, balk, impediment ', denominative argelum ` resist, hold from, hold back '; maybe with o- gradation orm ` wall, mural ' (*ork-mo-?); 

gr. ἀρκέω ` resist, reproach, protects, helps; express disappointment, be sufficient, be enough ' (ἀρκέσω, ἤρκεσα) probably from *ἀρκέι̯ω; ἄρκος n. ` protection, cover, shelter ' (Alkman); ἄρκιoς ` sufficing, enough ', αὐτ-άρκης ` oneself enough ', ποδ-άρκης ` with sufficing  feet, fast ' (see also Bechtel Lexil. 279 f.);

Maybe alb. (*ἄρκος) argësh `crude craft supported by skin bladders, crude bridge of crossbars, harrow', zero grade in alb. (*argo-) rrogë `alpine meadow (to be guarded)'.

Latin arceō, -ēre ` to shut in; to keep at a distance, hinder, prevent, keep away ', arca ` a chest, box; esp. a money-box or coffin; also a cell ' (actually ` fastener, shutter ', compare arcānus ` shut, closed; hence silent, secret, confidential '; from Latin derives Gothic etc arka ` boxes, money boxes, ark '; 

maybe alb. arkë ` box, money boxes, ark '.

Old High German arahha, archa ` ark ' and from Germanic again Old Church Slavic raka ` burial cave', Old Prussian arkan Akk. Sg. `ark'), arx ` fortified hill, castle, fort ', arcera ` canopied chariot ' (suffix after cumera, compare WH. I 63) Oscan trííbarakavúm ` to build, erect, establish; to create, frame ' (constitutes beforehand *trēbark- ` to enclose a house, to put up a fence around a house ');  

Old High German rigil, Middle High German rigel ` latch, bolt ', Middle English rail (Old English *reogol), Güntert Kalypso 136; 

Lithuanian rãktas `key', rakìnti ` to lock, shut '; 

Hittite ḫar(k)- ` hold, clamp, to hang (kill s.o. by hanging them) ', Götze and Pedersen Muršili 50.


Maybe alb. (*ḫark-) varg `row, chain, ring'; common prothetic alb. v- before bare initial vowels.

Through the meaning little is recommended to citation of Welsh archen ` clothes, shoe ', Breton arc'henna ` wear shoes ' (Middle Irish acrann ` shoe, clothes ' probably reconverted with metathesis from arc-, Stokes KZ. 41, 381). (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-),

About that of W. Foy KZ. 35, 62 as ` castle hill ' interpreted Old Persian mountain names arkadri- see Justi IA. 17, 106 (supposedly (H)ara-kadriš ` mountain ravine, mountain gorge '), but in addition again Bartholomae Z. Old Iranian Wb. 105 Anm. 1, 116. 

Against apposition (Bruckner KZ. 45, 108 Anm.) recommends meaning from Slavic raèiti ` want, grant '.

As form mit o-gradation (or at most with or = r̥) covers Latin Orcus ` Orcus, the infernal regions. Transf. the god of the lower world; death, realm of the dead ' (uncertain ` lock, seal, shut, trap, close, lock up, shut up, close up '?). 

References: WP. I 80 f., WH. 62 f., 848.

See also: Similarly aleq- ` refuse, protect ' and areg- (see d.).

Page(s): 65-66

Root / lemma: ar(ǝ)-

Meaning: to plough


Hittite: hars- (I)  ' aufreissen, beackern '  (Tischler 182-183, with doubts) ?

Tokharian: A, B āre `aratrum '  (A < B) (Adams 49)

Armenian: *aratro-m > araur `Pflug ' ; *arāmōn > haravunkh `Ackerland ' ; varem `den Boden bebauen, besamen, ackern; führen, treiben ' 

Old Greek: aróō, aor. arósai̯, ft. herakl. arásanti `pflügen, ackern, pflanzen, bauen ' , arótǟ-s, arotḗr `Pflüger ' , árotro-n, kret. áratro-n `Pflug ' , ároto-s m. `das Pflügen, (gepflügtes) Land, Saatland, Saat(zeit), árōma `bebautes Land, Saatfeld ' , árosi-s `das Pflügen usw. ' 

Slavic: *òrjǭ, *orā́tī; *órdlo; *ortājь

Baltic: *ar^- (2) vb. tr., *ar^-tl-a- c.

Germanic: *ar-a-/*ar-ja- vb., *ar-ʮ-ō f., *ár-ʮl=, etc.

Latin: arō, -āvī, -āre `pflügen, ackern ' 

Celtic: MIr airim `pflüge ' ; Cymr arddu `pflügen ' , arddwr `Pflüger ' ; MIr arathar; Cymr aradr, Corn aradar, MBret aeazr, Bret arar `Pflug ' ;


Armenian araur ` plow ' (*arātrom; Hübschmann Arm. stem I 21); 

gr. ἀρόω (ἤροσα, ἄροτος) ` plough, till ', ἀρότης, ἀροτήρ ` plowman ', ἄροτρον ` plow '; with original vocalization of the 2nd syllable herakl. αρά̄ςοντι, gortyn. ἄρατρον. ἀρόω etc placed after Persson Beitr. 669 an Indo Germanic *aro- besides *arǝ- ahead (compare Tocharian āre), or appeared instead of ἀράω at the same time with the reshuffle many denominative causatives in -άω to such in -όω after in addition basic o- formation, under special influence from νεόω ` plow up the land anew '. 

Latin arō, -āre ` to till, plow, farm, cultivate. Transf., to furrow, wrinkle; of ships, to plow the sea ' (for the older *arǝ-mi), arātor ` ploughman, husbandman ', arātrum ` plow ' (-ā- for *-ă- after arāre); 

Middle Irish airim ` to plough ', Welsh arddu (from *arj-) ` to plough ', arddwr ` plowman ', Middle Irish ar n. ` arable land ', Welsh ar f. ds., Middle Irish ar-án ` bread ', arathar (*arǝtrom), Welsh aradr, Cornish aradar, Middle Breton arazr, Modern Breton arar ` plow '; Middle Irish airem (*ari̯omō), Gen. aireman ` plowman ', also PN Airem-ón; 

Gothic arjan, Old Norse erja, Old English Old Saxon erian, Old High German erran, Middle High German ern ` to plough, till ', Old Norse arðr ` plow ', Old High German art ` furrowed land ', Old English earð, ierð f. ` furrowed land, yield ' (see also under *ar- ` yield, acquiesce ' about Modern High German Art), Middle High German arl, Modern High German Arl, Arling `plow' (from loanword from Slavic *ordlo? genuinely Germanic after Meringer IF. 17, 121); 

Lithuanian ariù, árti `to plough', árklas (*arǝ-tlom) ` plow ', arklỹs ` horse ' (as ` a plow animal '); artójas ` tiller, plowman ' (*arǝ-tāi̯a-), Old Prussian artoys ` tiller ' (with secondary zero grade Lithuanian orė̃ ` ploughing time ', compare gr. πολύηρος πολυάρουρος Hes.), Latvian ar'u ` to plough ', ara, āre ` arable land '; Lithuanian armenà ` superficially furrowed layer of earth ';

Maybe alb. ara ` arable land '.

Old Church Slavic orjǫ, orati `to plough'; ralo (Serbian rȁlo, poln. radɫo) `plow' (*ar(ǝ)- dhlom: Lithuanianárklas), ratajь ` plowman '; about Slavic *ora- s. Trautmannn 13; 

toch AB āre `plow'. concerning this pertains: 


Armenian haravunk`  ` arable land ' (Scheftelowitz BB. 29, 58), Latin arvus, -a, -um ` plowed, plowed land ', esp. arvum ` plowed land, a field; in gen., a region ', Umbrian arvam-en `in plowed land' (= Latin fem. arvas A. Pl.), ar(u)via ` crops, field crops '; Middle Irish arbor (*aru̯r̥) ` grain ', Dative arbaim, Gen. (already Old Irish) arbe (*aru̯ens), Pl. N. A. arbanna (r/n-stem: Stokes KZ. 37, 254, Pedersen KG. I 63, II 106; therefrom airmnech ` the man who owns a lot of grain ', Corrnac's Gl., with -mn- = -vn-, Stokes KZ. 38, 458); (common alb. Celtic -v- > -b-), gr. ἄρουρα ` arable land ' (formally not yet clearly; probably after Benveniste Norns 113 from *ἀρο-Fρᾱ, extension of ἀρο-Fαρ from *aro-u̯r̥, compare Middle Irish arbor. Unglauhhaft Otrębski KZ. 66, 78). 

Through its old e- divergence Welsh erw f. ` field ', Pl. erwi, er-wydd, Cornish erw, ereu ds., Old Breton Middle Breton eru, Modern Breton ero ` furrow ' belong against it to Old High German ero ` earth ', gr. ἔρα, Armenian erkir ` earth ' (for the latter supposes Pedersen KZ. 38, 197 likewise *eru̯- as a basis), however, have taken over like the use for farmed field of one *ar(ǝ)u̯o-. 

Hittite: ? irha-  ' border ' , h.l. irha-  '  boundary, meist pl. fines ' , luw. irhatt-  ' série, cercle ' , Lyk. ere (?) -- cf. #59, Hitt arha-  '  boundary  '  usw.

Tokharian: ? B yare  ' gravel '  (Adams 483, without defin. etymology)

Armenian: erkir `Erde '  (k nach erkin `Himmel ' )

Old Greek: érǟ f. `Erde ' ; érazde `zur Erde ' ; polǘēro-  ' rich in land '  Hsch., acc. eresi-mḗtrēn = tḕn geōmetrían Hsch.

Germanic: *írʮ-ō(n-) f., *árʮ-ō f.

Celtic: MIr ert `Erde, Grund ' ; es-ert `Mann ohne Grundbesitz ' ; Cymr erw, pl. erwi, erwydd f. `Feld ' , Corn erw, ereu `Feld ' , OBret, Mbret eru ` furrow ' , NBret ero ` furrow


From the lack of Aryan correspondences may not be closed against the acquaintance with the plow in indo Germanic primeval times.

References: WP. I 78 f., WH. I 69, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 362, 683.

After Specht KZ. 68, 422 furthermore to root *erǝ- (er-5) ` disjoint, sever ' as ` tear the ground open '? 

Page(s): 62-63

Root / lemma: ario-?

Meaning: master, lord


Root / lemma: ario-? : master, lord, derived from Root / lemma: ar-1*, themat. (a)re-, schwere Basis arǝ-, rē- und i-Basis (a)rī̆-, rēi- : to move, pass: gr. ἄριστος ` best in birth and rank, noblest'.

Material: Old Indic ar(i)yá- ` mister, convivial ', ā́r(i)ya- ` Aryan ', āryaka ` venerable man '; Avestan airyō, Old Persian ariya- ` Aryan ';

gall. PN. Ario-mānus (GIL, III 4594); Irish aire (gl. primas) besides airech, where is to be formed *arjo- and *arjako-, which to Old Indic āryaka behaves as gr. μεῖραξ `youth' to Old Indic maryaká- `male' (Pedersen Celtic Gr. II 100). Against it belongs Middle Irish ruire not here, but from ro + rī ` king of kings '.

About Old Indic aryamán n. ` hospitality ', m. ` guest's friend ', Avestan airyaman-, New Persian ērmān ` guest ', see above under al-1.

W. Krause (rune inscriptions 539) should read properly Proto Norse arjostēR N. Pl. ` the most distinguished, the noblest ', thus would have to be attached indeed an Proto Norse *arjaR ` posh, lofty, noble, plush, gentle, kingly, polite, courtly, elegant, genteel, stately, highbred, exclusive ' and an Indo Germanic *ari̯o-, in the Old Indic phonetically with a derivative from arí- ` alien, stranger ' would have collapsed.

Celto-Germanic PN Ario-vistus however, proves nothing, because Ario- could stand for *Hario-. Also Old Irish aire, airech ` suitor ' are ambiguous, see above under al-1. 

Maybe Arrianes Illyrian TN.

References: WP. I 80.

Page(s): 67

Root / lemma: ar-1*, themat. (a)re-, heavy basis arǝ-, rē- and i-basis (a)rī̆-, rēi-

Meaning: to move, pass


Root / lemma: ar-1*, themat. (a)re-, heavy basis arǝ-, rē- and i-Basis (a)rī̆-, rēi- : `to move, pass'

and Root / lemma: er-3 : or- : r- : `to move *stir, animate, fight, struggle, rise; to spring up, be born' derived from the same root Root / lemma: er-1, or- : `eagle'.


In e- grade:

*) E.-M. 74 determine because of Armenian eri ` horse’s hock or point of shoulder, shoulder of animals ', y-eriurel ` fit;  blend in;  fit on;  suit;  adapt;  key;  tune;  adjust;  accommodate;  readjust;  bring into line; mate ' posit a basic form *er- . But Armenian eri derives after Liden Mél. Pedersen 88 f. back to Indo Germanic *rēito-, *rēiti ! compare Trautmann 242. 

In a- grade:

Hittite: ara- n. ' wealth, welfare, well-being, happiness, prosperity, fortune, right, propriety ', c. ' friend ' (Tischler 50)

Old Indian: adv. áram `readily, fitably, suitably'; ártha- n./m. `aim, purpose, cause'

Avestan: arǝm `passend, entsprechend', arʮa- n. `Sache, Angelegenheit, Obliegenheit, Rechtsstreit'

Old Greek: aréskō `befriedigen, gefallen', aretǟ́ f. `Tüchtigkeit, Stärke usw.'

Avestan arānte ` they settle, get stuck ', Old Indic ará-ḥ ` wheel spoke ', aram, álam Adv. (áraṃkar-, alaṃkar ` prepare;  get ready;  make up;  get up;  dress;  trim;  prink ' and ` be in service;  serve;  do one's service;  accommodate;  be of service;  be of help;  be of use ', for what probably аrа-tí- ` servant;  manservant;  valet;  servitor;  follower ' and rā-tí- ` willing;  eager;  prompt;  ungrudging;  unhesitating ', Avestan rāiti ` compliant, servant ') ` suitable, enough '; Avestan arǝm ` suitable, accordingly ' (arǝ̄m-piϑwā ` midday ' = ` the time suitable for the meal ', next to which ra-piϑwā ds. With zero grade ra- besides *ara-, from what arǝm Adv., Bartholomae Old Iranian Wb. 189, 1509), ratu- m., ` judge, arbitrator ' and ` period (of time) ' (common primary meaning possibly ` the act of arranging something (neatly) ', from which ` the act of arranging the law ' and ` right time '); Old Indic ar-p-áyati ` puts, fixed, clamps, cleats, affixes, appends, fastens, fixates, fortifies'; about Hittite ḫar-ap- (ḫarp-) ` to arrange, situate, put down  '? compare Couvreur Ḫ 114 f.;

Armenian aṙnem ` produce;  do;  make;  cook;  render;  cause;  proffer;  offer;  hold out;  volunteer;  give;  contract;  fix;  put;  matter;  get;  have;  take;  win;  pull down;  put down ', y-ar ` , I consent, conjoin, continue, press so ' (arar ` has done, has made ' = gr. ἄραρε), whereof yarem ` add, subjoin, splice ' (Bugge KZ. 32, 21), ẹ̀ar ` bad;  poor;  unsavory;  unsavoury;  poorly;  inferior;  unsatisfactory;  low;  stale;  foul;  hard;  lamentable;  decayed;  wrong;  faulty;  amiss;  maladjusted;  uneasy;  evil;  unkind;  wicked;  corrupt;  off;  unhealthy;  chronic;  ill;  sick ' with negative ẹ̀ [= oẹ̀] ` not suitable ' (Bugge aaO. 23);

gr. ἀραρίσκω, Perf. ἄρᾱρα ` join together ', ἄρμενος ` annexed, appended, attached, appendaged, suitable ', ὄαρ ` wife ' (probably after Brugmann IF. 28, 293, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 434 here with prefix *o-, barely to root*ser- or root *u̯er-, ἀ-Fείρω); in addition ὀαρίζω ` have close relations with '; also ` chats confidentially '; χαλκο-άρας ` ironclad, armoured ', also χερι-άρας τέκτων Pind., ἄρ-θρον ` limb, member, joint (wrist, ankle) ', ἀρθμός ` connection;  connexion;  contact;  touch;  liaison;  tie;  splice;  affiliation;  junction;  conjunction;  coupling;  communication;  link-up;  interconnection;  link;  line;  combination;  association;  incorporation;  compound;  relation;  relationship;  marriage;  wedding;  society;  union;  juncture, friendship ', ἄρθμιος ` joins, unites, unifies, combines, conjunct, collective '; with t- suffixes homer. δάμ-αρ-τ- ` housewife ' (` the woman in charge of the house '), Aeolic δόμορτις Hes.; πυλάρτης ` Hades as the one who locks the gate(s) to the underworld ' (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 451, 5); ἀρε- in ἀρέσκω ` even out, ease, reconcile, settle, redress, compensate for, equalize, balance, make up for, make good, give satisfaction ', ἀρέσκει μοι ` It suits me, I like it ', ἀρέσκεσθαι, ἀρέσσασθαι ` come to an agreement, come to an agreement with somebody; make oneself inclined, reconcile ', common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-; ἀρετή ` ability; competence; efficiency ', ἀρείων ` better ' (in respect probably stands ἀρι- ` very much, very ' in compounds, wherewith Reuter KZ. 31, 594a 1 also Old Indic ari-gūrtá-, -ṣ̌tutá- as ` keenly praised ' would like to compare; uncertain because of gr. ἐρι- ` very much, very ' see Boisacq s. v., above S. 24 Anm.); ἄριστος ` better, best ', ἀριστερός ` left, on the left '.

With lengthening θυμ-ήρης ` appealing well, complacent ', ὅμηρος ` husband; hostage, pledge ', ὁμηρέω ` to meet '; after Birt Philol. 87, 376 f. was ῎Ομηρος actually ` companion, the blind person who goes with his leader '.

From Slavic perhaps poln. ko-jarzyć ` attach, connect, combine, remember ' (e.g. Miklosich EWb. 100, Berneker 31, 532).

Maybe alb. kujtoj ` attach, remind, remember ' an early Slavic loanword.

About maybe related gr. ἄρα, Lithuanian ir̃ s. 4. ar ` now, thus '. 

Tocharian A ārwar, В ārwer, ārwar ` ready ', А аräm, В ere ` face ' (compare Latin figura `a form, shape, figure'). Van Windekens BSL. 41, 56, Duchesne-Guillemin in the same place 173. 

t-formations: r̥t-, art- ` joint together '.

Old Indic r̥tá- n. ` suitable, right ', r̥tám n. ` well attached, holy order ' (to meaning see Oldenberg GGN. 1915, 167-180; not ` sacrifice;  victim;  oblation;  offering '), r̥tēna ` rite ', Avestan arǝta-, ǝrǝta- n., Old Persian arta- (in compound) ` law, right, holy right '; Avestan aša- under, ` what is sure, true ', Old Indic r̥tāvan(t)- ` proper, fair ', Avestan ašā̆van/t/-; Old Indic r̥tú-ḥ ` certain time, order, rule ', r̥tí-ḥ f. ` kind, way ' (to ours root after Kluge PBrB. 9, 193; see also Meringer IF. 17, 125, B. Geiger WZKM. 41, 107), Avestan aipi-ǝrǝta- ` appoints, destines, firmly assigned ';

Armenian ard, Gen. -u (= gr. ἀρτύς, Latin artus, -ūs, compare also on top Old Indic r̥tú-ḥ) ` structure, construction, ornament ' (Hübschmann Arm. Gr. I 423, Bugge KZ. 32, 3), z-ard `apparatus, ornament '; ard ` just now, now, currently ' (= gr. ἄρτι) (Bartholomae Stud. II 23, Bugge aaO., Meillet Esquisse 36), ardar ` fair, just, right ' (Hübschmann Arm. stem I 21, Arm. Gr. I 423; Persson Beitr. 636 a 2 considers for it also Indo Germanic dh; compare Avestan arǝdra- ` faithful, reliably, loyal to belief, pious, godly ' and the other undermentioned dh- derivatives), ardiun `struttura (Pedersen KZ. 40, 210); 

gr. ἁμαρτή `(at the same time) simultaneous ' (Instrumental  *ἁμ-αρτός ` joint together, concurring, coincidental '), ὁμ-αρτέω ` connect oneself to somebody, accompany ' (due to *ὅμ-αρτος); ti-stem in ἀρτι-Fεπής (`well versed in word structure '), ἀρτί-πο(υ)ς ` with healthy feet ', ἀρτί-φρων ` able-minded, with sharp mind, with a sturdy mind ' (presumably also in ἄρταμος ` butcher, slaughterer; murderer ', whereof ἀρταμέω ` slaughter, cut up, divide ', after J. Schmidt Krit. 83 f. from *ἀρτι- or at most *ἀρτοταμος ` workmanlike cutting ', compare Old Indic r̥ta-nī- ` justly leading ', r̥ta-yuj ` properly harnessed '); probably also ἀρτεμής ` fresh and healthy ', probably dissimilated from *ἀρτι-δεμής to δέμας ` with a well-built body '; ἄρτι ` just ' of the present and the most recent past (compare above Armenian ard ` just now, now ' and ard-a-cin ` newborn ' as gr. ἀρτι-γενής; morphologically not yet quite clear, perhaps Locative); ἀπ-αρτί ` exact, just ', ἄρτιος ` adequate, just, complete ', ἀρτιάζω ` plays rightly or oddly ', ἀρτίζω ` finishes, prepares ', ἄρσιον δίκαιον Hes., ἀνάρσιος ` hostile ', ἐπαρτής ` prepares ';

ἀρτύν φιλίαν καὶ σύμβασιν, ἀρτύς σύνταξις (= Latin artus `narrow, tight') Hes., ἀρτύω, ἀρτύνω ` joins, prepares ', ἀρτύ̄νας, ἄρτῡνος, ἀρτῡτήρ title of a public servant or official of Argos, Epidauros, Thera. 

Latin artus ` narrow, tight (in space and time), close; 'somnus', fast, sound; of supplies, small, meager; of circumstances, difficult, distressing ' (Adv. artē, originally instrumental as ἁμαρτή); ars, -tis ` skill, method, technique; 'ex arte', according to the rules of art. (2) an occupation, profession. (3) concrete, in plur., works of art. (4) conduct, character, method of acting; 'bonae artes', good qualities ' (actually ` articulation, assemblage, pack a gift properly ' = Middle High German art), in addition the compounds in-ers ` unsophisticated, sluggish, untrained, unskillful; inactive, lazy, idle, calm; cowardly; ineffective, dull, insipid ', soll-ers ` clever, skilful ', allers, alers ` taught, learned '; artiō, -ire ` insert tightly, wedge, crowd, join fast, press together ' (more recently artāre); artus, -ūs ` the joints; 'dolor artuum', gout; poet., limbs ', articulus ` in the body, a small joint; in plants, a knob, knot; of time, a moment, crisis; in gen., a part, division, point ';

Lithuanian artì ` near ' (Locative ti-stem); 

Middle High German art f. ` kind, manner and way ', Old Norse ein-arðr ` simple, sincere', einǫrd ` reliability;  dependability;  trustworthiness;  sureness;  steadiness '; 

Tocharian В ar(t)kye ` rich, valuabe ' (?). 


A.        From the light basis ar-. 

Armenian y-armar ` suitable, adequate ' (Bugge KZ. 32, 21); 

gr. ἁρμός ` seam, assemblage, joint ', ἁρμοῖ ` just, recently ' (ἁρμόζω ` connect, join, adapts, orders ', ἁρμονία ` connection, alliance, regularity, harmony '), ἅρμα ` chariot ' (about these words see Sommer Gr. Lautst. 133, Meillet BSL. 28, c.-r. 21 f. [*arsmo-?], Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 306; farther Lithuanian by Boisacq 79), ἁρμαλιά ` assigned food, provisions '; 

Latin arma, -ōrum ` defensive arms, armor, weapons of war; hence war, soldiers, military power; protection, defense;in gen. tools, equipment ', armentum ` herd of horses or cattle, cattle for plowing '. 

Hence sounds in Old Norse jǫrmuni ` bovine animal, horse ' and the PN Gothic *Aírmana-reiks, Old English Eormenrīc, Old Icelandic Jǫrmunrekr, Middle High German Ermenrīch; the same first part to the name from a little bit big also e.g. in Ermunduri ` great Thuringia ', Old Norse jǫrmungrund ` the wide earth ' = Old English eormengrund, Old High German irmindeot, Old Saxon Irmin-sūl, and in the short form Herminones. 

However, Brückner KZ. 45, 107 rightly challenges, that ` cattle, horses ' is the original and ` large ' out of it derived meaning and decides vice versa for ` large, serene' a starting point because of Slavic raměnъ ` immense, strong, violent, sudden ' (from here Lithuanian er̃mas ` immense , monstrous ', Latvian ęr̃ms ` monkey, clown, strange appearance '?), as ` shot up ' to *er-, *or- (orior etc; compare formal ὄρμενος), not as ` sturdy, stout, well built, massive ' belongs to *ar- ` to join, connect '.

Old Church Slavic jarьmъ ` yoke ' (e.g. Miklosich EWb. 100, Berneker 31), sloven. jérmen ` yoke strap, strap '; with zero grade initial sound and themat. vowel: Old Church Slavic remenь, Serbian rè́mēn etc ` strap '; Specht Dekl. 149 f. 

Tocharian В yarm, AB yärm ` measure '. 

В. From the heavy base аrǝ-mo-: r̥̄-mo- ` arm '. 

Old Indic īrmá-ḥ `arm, shoulder' (originally ` shoulder joint ', compare ἄρθρον, Latin artus `joints') = Avestan аrǝmа- ` arm ', osset. ärm ` cupped hand ', älm-ärịn, ärm-ärịn ` elbow ', Latin armus ` shoulder or shoulder-blade; also, of an animal, the side, the uppermost part of the upper arm, scapula ' (from *ar/ǝ/mos), gall. aramō ` bifurcation, point of separation ', (Wartburg I 119, Jud by Howald-Меуеr Röm. Schweiz 374 ff.), Old Prussian irmo f. ` arm ', Lithuanian ìrmėdė (`gout ', i.e.:) ` gout in the joints ', irm-liga ` gout, arthritis ' (see Trautmann Old Prussian 347);

zero grade Lithuanian žem. Pl. tant. armaĩ ` Vorderarm am Wagen ' (ibd.), Old Church Slavic ramo, ramę, Serbian rà́me `shoulder', Gothic arms, Old High German etc arm ` arm ', аrm. armukn ` elbow ' (Hübschmann Arm. Stud. I 21). 

Root form rē-, rǝ-: 

Latin reor, rērī ` to think, suppose, judge ' (the most primitive metering and counting is accompanied by the putting on top of each other or layers of the pieces to be counted), participle ratus ` in the opinion, sense ', but also ` determined, settled; calculated, certain, valid, legal ', ratiō ` a reckoning, account, consideration, calculation; a reason, motive, ground; a plan, scheme, system; reasonableness, method, order; a theory, doctrine, science; the reasoning faculty '; after EM. 793 here (prō)portiō from portiōne =prō ratiōne;

Gothic *garaÞjan (only participle garaÞana) ` to count ', Old Norse hundrað, Modern High German Hundert (*raða n. ` number ' = Latin rătum `to ratify, confirm, make valid'; s. Fick III4 336); Old High German girad ` even (only from numbers) ', Modern High German gerad (only from numbers divisible by 2; different from gerad = straight ahead), with new vowel gradation Old Norse tī-rø̄ðr actually ` count after tens ' (Fick III4 336); Gothic raÞjō ` number, bill, account ', Old Saxon rethia ` account ', Old High German radja, redea ` account, speech and answer, story ', Old Frisian birethia ` accuse ', Old Saxon rethiōn, Old High German red(i)ōn ` talk ' (determines the precise correspondence from raÞjō with Latin ratio `a reckoning, numbering, casting up, account, calculation, computation' e.g. Kluge11 s. v. ` speech ' to the assumption of borrowing Germanic words under influence from garaÞian; more properly Falk-Torp 886 raÞjō to determine as primary -i̯ōn-derivative from Germanic rooot *raÞ-[garaÞjan]).

Whether here also Old Norse rǫð ` row, line, series, chain, range, string, tier, battery, file, turn, run, procession, rank, order, progression, number, set, bank, esp. increment lining along the shore ', Middle Low German rat f. ` row, line, series, chain, range, string, tier, battery, file, turn, run, procession, rank, order, progression, number, set, bank '? (Fick III4 337; ` row;  line;  series;  chain;  range;  string;  tier;  battery;  file;  turn;  run;  procession;  rank;  order;  progression;  number;  set;  bank ' as ` added on each other, stratified '?).

Old High German rāmen ` strive for something, strive, aim ', Old Saxon rōmon `strive ', Middle High German Middle Low German rām ` aim, purpose, target ' our *rē-maybe suit as ` to arrange in one's mind, calculate ', if, besides, this (the previous newer proves) Subst. rām must have been as formation with formants-mo- starting point.

dh-extension rē-dh-, rō-dh-, rǝ-dh-: 

Old Indic rādhnṓti, rā́dhyati ` prepares (suitably), manages; gets, succeeds, with which has luck; contents, wins somebody ', rādhayati ` manages, gives satisfaction ', rādha-ḥ m., rādhaḥ n. ` blessing, success, relief, gift, generosity ';

Maybe alb. radha `row', radhit `count'.

Avestan rāδaiti ` makes ready ', rāδa- m. ` social welfare worker ', rādah- n. ` appropriate for oneself, making oneself available, willingness (in religious regard) ', Old Persian rādiy (Locative Sg.) ` weigh ' (compare Old Church Slavic radi see below), New Persian ārāyad, ārāstan ` decorate;  adorn;  bedeck;  trim;  attire;  array;  drape;  gild;  emblazon;  embellish '; Old Irish imm-rādim ` considers, thinks over ', аcуmr. amraud ` suppose, think, mean ', Modern Welsh amrawdd ` conversation ' with ders. meaning as Old Irish no-rāidiu, no-rādim ` says, tells ', Middle Welsh adrawd ` tell ' and Gothic rōdjan, Old Norse rø̄ða ` talk ' (compare further also placed above Modern High German Rede, reden; no-rāidiu and rōdjan, like Slavic raditi, causative-iterative *rōdhei̯ō ); Gothic garēdan ` whereupon be judicious, take precautions ', urrēdan ` judge, determine ' (compare to meaning esp. Latin rērī), undrēdan ` procure, grant ', Old High German rātan ` advise, confer, contemplate, plan, incite, indicate (riddle), request, to look after something, procure, provide, get ', Old Saxon rādan, Old Norse rāða, Old English rǣdan (latter also ` read ', English read), Subst. Old High German rāt m. ` available means, council, piece of advice, advisement, decision, intention, precaution, stock, supply ', similarly Old Saxon rād, Old Norse rād, Old English rǣd; Old Church Slavic raditi ` take care;  be accustomed;  look after;  care for;  be in the habit;  tend;  provide;  supply;  cater;  fend;  ensure;  insure ' (Serbian râdîm, ráditi ` work, strive ', rad ` business, work '; see Uhlenbeck KZ. 40, 558 f.), radi ` weigh ', next to which *rǝdh- in Old Church Slavic nerodъ ` neglect (of duty?) ', sloven. rǫ́dim, rǫ́diti ` provide, take care '.

Maybe (*r¹d) alb. Geg randë `heavy (weight)', randonj `weigh'. aor. ra `fall, strike' [nasalized form], , re `care, attention', roje `guard', ruanj `to guard'.

Root form (a)rī̆-, rēi- (see Person root extension 102, 162, 232; Beitr. 741): 

Gr. ἀραρίσκω (if not neologism, see above S. 56), ἀριθμός `number', νήριτος ` countless ', Arcadian ἐπάριτος `ἐπίλεκτος, select;  choice;  exquisite ', ἀριμάζει ἁρμόζει Hes.; 

Latin rītus, -ūs ` conventional kind of the religion practise, usage, ceremony, rite, manner ', rīte ` in due form, after the right religious use, with proper ceremonies, properly, fitly, rightly ' (Locative one beside rī-tu-s lying conservative stem *rī-t-); 

Old Irish rīm `number', āram (*ad-ri-mā) ds., do-rīmu ` counts ', Welsh rhif `number', Old Norse rīm n. ` reckoning, calculation ', Old Saxon unrīm ` immense number' ', Old English rīm n. `number', Old High German rīm m. ` row, order, number ' (the meaning ` verse, rhyme ' from Old Norse and Middle High German rīm probably after Kluge10 s. v. Reim from French rime, which has derived from rythmus).

Maybe also *rēi- ` thing ' (Latin rēs `a thing, object, matter, affair, circumstance' etc) after Wood ax 226 must be added as root noun meaning ` stacked up goods, piled-up possessions '.

Maybe is to be added also *rēi- ` thing ' (Latin rēs etc.) to Wood ax 226 as a root noun meaning ` having stacked up property '.

In addition probably as dh-extension rēi-dh- (compare above rē-dh- besides rē-): 

Gothic garaiÞs ` arranged, certain ', raidjan, garaidjan ` prescribe, determine ', Old Norse g-reiðr ` ready, easy, clear ', greiða ` disentangle, order, arrange, manage, pay, disburse, remit ', Middle High German reiten ` get everything set up, prepare, arrange, count, calculate, pay ', reite, gereite, bereite, Old High German bireiti ` ready ', antreitī ` series, ordo ', Latvian riedu, rizt ` order ', raids ` raring, ready ', ridi, ridas ` device, clamp '. 

Quite doubtfully is not borrowed by Persson aaO. considered affiliation from Old Church Slavic orądije ` apparatus, instrumentum ' (from Old High German ārunti ` message ', see Pedersen concentration camp. 38, 310), rędъ 'order', Lithuanian rínda ` row ', Latvian riñda ` row, number '. On condition of that these continue Indo Germanic d, not dh (*re-n-d-), one adds (e.g. Fick I4 527, Pedersen aaO., see also EM. 711) thus the following kin in: ὀρδέω ` put on a fabric ', ὀρδικόν τὸν χιτωνίσκον. Πάριοι, ὄρδημα ἡ τολύπη τῶν ἐρίων Hes., 

Latin ōrdior, -īrī, ōrsus sum (from weaverr's language, Bréal MSL. 5, 440) ` to begin a web, lay the warp, begin, commence, make a beginning, set about, undertake ', exōrdior ` to begin a web, lay the warp, prepare to weave ', redōrdior ` to take apart, unweave, unravel ', ōrdo, -inis `a series, line, row, order' (also Umbrian urnasier seems to be = ordinariis `of order, usual, regular, ordinary', Linde Glotta 3, 170 f.; differently Gl. 5, 316), the connection agrees with ar- `put;  place;  fix;  formulate;  ordain;  decree', which would have been needed then also by the weaving mill, to (Persson root extension 26, Thurneysen Thessalian under artus, -ūs), so would be justified vowel from *or-d-ei̯ō as a causative iterative vocalism.

Is even more doubtful, from after Reichelt KZ. 46, 318 as k-extensions of the bases arǝ-, ar- with the same application to the weaving mill are to be added:

Maybe alb. (*arānea) arnoj `to repair, mend, sew, weave', arnë `patch, piece of fabric' from Latin arānea, -eus ` spider '?

Gr. ἀράχνη ` spider ', Latin arāneus ` of a spider; n. as subst. a cobweb ', arānea, -eus ` spider ' (*arǝ-k-snā; the word ending to *snē- ` to spin; weave, interweave, produce by spinning ' as ` a net spinner, a woman, a girl (or a spider) that spins a net '?); supposedly in addition (Walter KZ. 12, 377, Curtius KZ. 13, 398) gr. ἄρκυς ` net ', ἀρκάνη τὸ ῥάμμα ᾡ τὸν στήμονα ἐγκαταπλέκουσιναἱ διαζόμεναι Hes. (see also Boisacq 79), wherefore after Bezzenberger BB. 21, 295 Latvian er'kuls ` spindle; a bunch of oakum, a wad of oakum (for spinning)' (which can stand for *arkuls). Lidén IF. 18, 507 f. puts it better ἄρκυς to Slavic *orkyta, Serbian ràkita ` red pasture ' and Latvian ẽrcis, gr. ἄρκευθος ` juniper ' as shrubs with branches usable against lichen.

References: WP. I 69 ff., WH. I 69, 70, Trautmann 13 f.

See also: S. unten arqu- and erk-.

Page(s): 55-61

Root / lemma: ar-2 or er-

Meaning: to distribute

Grammatical information: with Indo Germanic nu-present 

Material: Avestan ar- (present ǝrǝnav-, ǝrǝnv-, preterit Pass. ǝrǝnāvī) ` grant, allow to be given; do guarantee ', with us- and frā `( as an allotment) suspend and assign ', frǝ̄rǝta- n. ` allotment (of sacrifices ), offering ' (Bartholomae Old Iranian Wb. 184 f.);

Armenian aṙnum ` I take ', Aor. aṙ (Hübschmann Arm. Gr. I 420; meaning from medial ` I allot to myself, I assign to myself, I allocate to myself, I appropriate to myself ' compare Old Indic dálāmi ` give ': ā datē ` to take something, to accept something '; also in:)

gr. ἄρνυμαι ` acquires, tries to reach, conceives, acquire esp. as a price or wage ', durative compared with ἀρέσθαι ` acquire, win ', Aor. ἀρόμηv, ἠρόμην; μισθάρνης, μίσθαρνος ` potboiler, day laborer, wageworker ', ἄρος n. ` usefulness, profit, use ' (Aesch.);

Hittite ar-nu-mi ` I bring ' (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 696) belongs probably rather than a causative to 3. er- ` start to move '.

Hittite: (ar-nu-zi) arnuzi ` take there, bring here'.

The full grade vocalisms of the root guaranteeing forms are absent. 

Hittite: arnuzi `hin-, herbringen'

Avestan: ar- `gewähren, zuteil werden lassen', mit us- und frā- `(als Anteil) aussetzen und zuweisen', frǝ̄rǝta- n. `Zuweisung (von Opfern etc.), Darbringung'

Armenian: arrnum, aor. arri `ich nehme'

Old Greek: árnümai `erlangen, erwerben, gewinnen', áros n. `Nutzen'; ártos (m.?) = bólos tis, kaì ho Athēnaíōn ksénos' Hsch.

Germanic: *ar-n-ē-, *ar-n-ō- vb.


References: WP. I 76 f.

Page(s): 61

Root / lemma: ar-3

Meaning: nut

Note: (extends by -ēi-, -ōi-, -u-) 


In a- grade:

G. Meyer Alb. Wb. 17 combines gr. ἄρυα τὰ ΏHρακλεωτικὰ κάρvα Hes., alb. arrë f. ` walnut-tree ', For the relation to Lithuanian ríešutas, ruošutỹs ` hazelnut ', Latvian rieksts ` nut, hazelnut ', Old Prussian buccareisis ` beechnut ' (see Trautmann Old Prussian 314) accepts Specht Dekl. 62. 

In o- grade:

Old Church Slavic orěchъ ` nut '.

References: WP. I 77.

Page(s): 61

Root / lemma: ar-5

Meaning: to refuse; to lie

Note: (with n- formant)

Material: Gr. ἀρνέομαι (*ἀρνε-F-ομαι) ` refuses ', ἄπαρνος, ἔξαρνος ` refusing, denying everything ', ἀρύει ἀντιλέγει βοᾳ Hes.; 

alb. rrêm ` false ', rrêmë, rrênë ` lie ', nërrój (from *rrënój) ` denies everything ' (rr from rn; Pedersen KZ. 33, 542 Anm. 2). Is even more doubtful whether Armenian uranam ` denies everything, refuses ', urast ` denial ' would be used (with ur- from ōr-). 

References: WP. I 78, Meillet BSL. 26, 19, Esquisse 111, 142.

See also: see also ōr-, ǝr- `reden, rufen'.

Page(s): 62

Root / lemma: aro-m (*dher- > ĝher-)

Meaning: reed, twigs for catching birds, swallow


Common Aryan Albanian d- > g- shift

Material: Gr. ἄρον n. ` bistort, kind of reed ', ἀρί-σαρον ` therefrom a small kind '; 

Latin harundō `a reed; meton., for an object made of reed, a fishing rod; limed twigs for catching birds; a pen; the shaft of an arrow, or the arrow itself; a shepherd's pipe; a flute; a weaver's comb; a plaything for children, a hobby-horse'; to formation compare hirundō `a swallow' and nebrundines : νεφροί `the kidneys'.


Maybe alb. dalëndyshe `a swallow' : Latin harundo -inis f. `a reed; meton., for an object made of reed, a fishing rod; limed twigs for catching birds' : hirundo -inis, f. `swallow'.

Common Aryan Albanian d- > g- : Latin g- > h-  shift.

Similar phonetic setting alb. dimën `winter' : Latin hiemo -are `to winter, spend the winter' [see Root / lemma: ĝhei-2 : ĝhi- : `winter; snow'

Latin and alb. prove that the original Root / lemma: aro-m : `reed' was (*ĝher-, ĝhel- < dher). From Illyrian-alb.- Latin (*harundinis ) dalëndyshe `a swallow' [common alb. dh- > ĝh-] derived gr. χελιδών `swallow', therefore from Root / lemma: ghel- : `to call, cry' derived Root / lemma: aro-m : `reed' (*ĝher-) where r/l allophones.

From Persson De orig. gerundii 59 added Latin arista ` the beard of an ear of grain; hence the ear itself; also a harvest ', aristis ` holcus, a green vegetable ' is defeated because of his suggesting to genista f. ` the broom-plant '  suffix strongly to the suspicion  to be Etruscan (see Herbig IF. 37, 171, 178).

From Mediterranean language?

References: WP. I 79, WH. I 635 f.

Page(s): 68

Root / lemma: arōd-, arǝd-

Meaning: a kind of waterbird


Hittite: arda-MUS̆EN c. 'ein Vogel' (Tischler 69)

Old Greek: erōdió-s, erōi̯dió-s, arōdió-s, rhōdió-s m. `Reiher'

Slavic: *rodā: SrbCr. ròda `Storch'

Germanic: *art-ō(n-) f., *urt-ō f., *art-il-ōn- f.

Latin: ardea f. `Reiher'


Gr. ῥωδιός, ἐρωδιός ` heron ' (ἐρῳδιός folk etymology in ending after -ίδιος), Latin ardea `a heron' ds. (*arǝd-), Old Norse arta, Old Swedish ärta ` teal ', Diminutive Old Norse ertla, Norwegian erle ` wagtail ', Serbian róda ` stork ' (*rǝdā́).

Maybe truncated alb. (*ῥωδιός) rosa, rosë `duck', rika `duckling, duck', Rumanian (*rada) raþã `duck'.


Alb. and Rumanian prove that from Root / lemma: anǝt- : (duck) derived Root / lemma: arōd-, arǝd- : (a kind of waterbird) [common rhotacism n > r]

References: WP. I 146 f., WH. I 64.

Page(s): 68

Root / lemma: arqu-

Meaning: smth. bent

Material: Latin arcus, -ūs (stem is in -qu- from, compare Oldd Latin Gen. arquī, further argues, arquitenēns) ` a bow, arch, arc; esp. the rainbow ', arquātus, arcuātus (morbus) ` icteric, yellowed as if from jaundice, jaundice, relating to jaundice; m. as subst., a sufferer from jaundice ', probably actually ` rainbow-colored, green and yellow looking ' (compare Thessalian); arcuātus also ` arched-shaped, bow-shaped, supported by arches, covered (carriage) '; Umbrian arc̨lataf ` a round cake; acc.pl. ', wherefore v. Planta I 341, Götze IF. 41, 91 (*arkelo- with loss of the labialisation); Gothic arƕazna f. ` dart, arrow ' (arƕa-zna, compare hlaiwazna), Old Norse ǫr (Gen. ǫrvar) f. ` dart, arrow ', Old English earh f. ds. (English arrow), Germanic *arhvō.

Maybe alb. hark `bow' [alb. is the only IE tongue that has preserved the old laryngeal ḫ-]

For the basic approach arqu- (and not arqu̯-) would speak Russian rakíta, Czech rokyta, Serbian rokita etc ` a kind of willow tree ', where *arqūta (Miklosich EWb. 226, Torbjörnsson BB. 20, 140) forms the basis, and gr. ἄρκευθος ` juniper ', which word with with all likelyhood concerning this is to be drawn Lidén IF. 18, 507; in addition ἀρκευθίς ` juniper berry '. 

Indeed, Lidén takes relationship with gr. ἄρκυς `net' (see Bezzenberger BB. 21, 285) in for what one compares under ar-1, S. 61.

Another connection for gr. ἄρκευθος and Russian rakíta etc seeks Endzelin KZ. 44, 59 ff., which more properly compares Latvian ẽrcis, ẽcis (*ẽrcis) ` juniper ';

further ẽrcêties ` torment oneself, grieve, straiten ', ẽrceša ` a very quarrelsome person '; Latvian ẽrkš(k')is ` thorn shrub ' would be to Endzelin mixture from *erkīs and Lithuanian erškė̃tis ` a thorn plant ' corresponding as regards the root of the word form; gr. ἀρ- then would have to contain zero grade from *er-. S. under erk-.

References: WP. I 81, WH. I 64, EM. 69.

Page(s): 67-68

Root / lemma: aru̯ā (*heru̯ā)

Meaning: intestines

Material: Gr. ὀρύᾱ f. ` bowel ', Latin arvīna f. ` grease, fat, lard, bacon ', originally ` intestinal fat '? (compare Old High German mitta-garni ` recumbent fat in the middle of the bowels '); ἀρβίννη κρέας. Σικελοί Hes. is Latin loanword


Gr. (*horua) ὀρύα, alb. (*ĝhorna) zorrë `bowel' [common alb. ĝh- > z-] prove that Root / lemma: aru̯ā (*heru̯ā): `intestines' derived from Root / lemma: ĝher-5, ĝhor-nā : `bowels'. This discovery might shed light on the origin of the old larygeals in PIE.

References: WP. I 182, II 353, WH. I 71.

Page(s): 68

Root / lemma: ast(h)-

Meaning: ` bones '

See also: s. ost(h)-.

Page(s): 69

Root / lemma: ati, ato-

Meaning: over, etc.

Note: compare to the meaning question esp. Brugmann Grdr. II2, 844 f. the colouring of the beginning vowel stands firm through Latin-Celtic (Greek) as Indo Germanic a-, and it gives no good reason before, Balto-Slavic, Germanic (and Aryan) forms can be attributed to Indo Germanic *o-, by the book - following rules in a (very) strict way just because it would be a textbook example of vowel gradation to e-  formed from *eti bildete. With eti (see there) at least equality meaning and exchange existed in the use. Is ati reduction grade to eti?

Material: Old Indic áti `about- onto (adnominal m. Akk.), exceedingly, very much ' (Adv. and preverb), Avestan aiti-, Old Persian atiy- ds. Adv. (as 1. compound part and preverb (before i- ` go ' as ` go by, pass by ' and bar- ` carry, bear ' as ` bring over again, to carry '); Aryan ati can also represent Indo Germanic *eti. 

Gr. presumably in ἀτ-άρ ` however ' (compare αὐτάρ from αὖτ ᾽ἄρ; Brugmann-Thumb 623, KVG. 616; by connection with ἄτερ, Gothic sundrō, the Attic it remained kind of unexplained). Latin at ` but, yet, moreover; sometimes introducing an imaginary objection, but, you may say ' from increasing - to opposing ` beyond it ', what latter meaning in at-avus, at-nepos (not in apprīmē , see Skutsch AflL. 12, 213). 

Gall. ate- (from *ati-) in Ategnātus (= Middle Breton (h)aznat, Modern Breton anat ` acquainted, known ') , abrit. Ate-cotti ` the very old ', Old Irish aith-, preceding ad- ` against, un- ', Middle Welsh at-, Modern Welsh ad-, ed- (Belege e.g. by Fick II4 8, Pedersen KG. II 292);

here as *ate-ko-n probably Middle Irish athach n. ` a certain time ', Welsh adeg m. ds., compare gall. ATENOVX (name of 2th half month), Thurneysen ZcP. 20, 358?

Gothic аÞ-Þan ` but, however ' (very doubtful is against it derivation from Gothic Old Saxon ak, Old English ac ` however ', Old High German oh ` but, however ' from *aÞ- + ke = gr. γε; differently, but barely appropriate Holthausen IF. 17, 458: = gr. ἄγε, Latin age ` go! well! ').

Lithuanian at-, ata-, more recently also ati-, in nominal compound atō- ` back, off, away, from, up ' (see Brugmann Grundr. II2 2, 844 f.), Old Prussian et-, at- (probably only from Baltic at-, Trautmann 46); 

Old Church Slavic ot-, otъ ` away, since, ex, from ', adnominal m. d. Gen.-Аbl., introduces Meillet Ét. 155 f. back to gen.-ablative *atos (in front of, before; in return for; because of, from = Old Indic ataḥ ` thenceforth '? rather Pron.-stem *e- with ablat. Adv.-forms -tos); Indo Germanic *ati (and *eti) would be in addition Locative; both remain very unsafe.

The double aspect Lithuanian ata-: atō- reminds in pa-: pō (see *apo), (see *apo), and it is doubtful about whether one may see in ablative *atōd a kind of o-stem formation. In the Slavic the form on long vowel is formed further in Russian etc. otáva ` grommet ', as Old Prussian attolis, Lithuanian atólas, Latvian atãls, atals ` grommet ' speaking for Indo Germanic older short vocalized form Lithuanian ată- = Indo Germanic *ato- (compare to ending *apo, *upo):

Old Irish do-, to- prefix `to' with (Indo Germanic?) zero grade of anlaut vowels (Meillet aaO., Stokes BB. 29, 171, Pedersen KG. II 74), probably also Illyrian to-, alb. te ` to, by ' (Skok by Pokorny Urill. 50). 

References: WP. I 42 f., WH. I 75, 421 f., 863.

Page(s): 70-71

Root / lemma: at-, *atno- 

Meaning: to go; year


Gr. ἔνος `year' : Latin annus `year' (*atnos ) `year' : Old Indic hā́yana- `yearly', hāyaná- m. n. `year' prove that Root / lemma: en-2 : `year' : Root / lemma: at-, *atno- : `to go; year' : Root / lemma: u̯et- : `year' [prothetic u̯- before bare initial vowels] derived from Root / lemma: ĝhei-2, ĝhi-, ĝhei-men-, *ĝheimn- : `winter; snow'.

Material: Old Indic átati ` goes, walks, wanders '. Moreover Latin annus `year' from *atnos (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-) = Gothic Dative Pl. aÞnaam `year'. compare Fick I2 338, W. Meyer KZ. 28, 164, Froehde BB. 16, 196 f. (meaning development like with Germanic *jēram `year' to i̯ē- ` go ').

Maybe alb. Geg (*ant) vajt, Tosc vete, vajti aor. `to go', (*iti) viti `go around, year, all year around' [common alb. prothetic v- before initial bare vowels - proof of ancient laryngeal ḫ.

Latin has followed alb.s t > nt > n, clearly Latin annus ` year ' derived from Old Indic (*antanti) átati]


Etruscan follows alb.s  Etruscan Avil : year,  Avilxva :yearly // derivated from Avil, by adding a adjectival suffix -xva.

Oscan-Umbrian corresponds akno- `year, festival time, sacrificial time ' (with -tn- to -kn-, Brugmann IF. 17, 492). Received the word is durable in compounds Latin perennis ` the whole year; continuously ' [perennis -e `lasting throughout the year; durable, perennial', perennitas -atis f. `duration, perpetuity', perenno -are `to last many years'.], sollennis ` festive, annual, customary, returning or celebrated annually, solemn, ceremonial, ritualistic; usual ' (additional form sollemnis absolutely analogical results; Thurneysen AflL. 13, 23 ff., after omnis?); Umbrian sev-acni-, per-acni- `sollennis', Subst. ` victim, sacrifice, sacrificial offering '. 

References: WP. I 42 f., WH. I 51, 847.

Page(s): 69

Root / lemma: augh-, ugh-

Meaning: nape


Root / lemma: augh-, ugh- : nape derived from Root / lemma: anĝh-: `narrow, *press'

Material: Charpentier KZ. 46, 42 places together Old Indic uṣṇíhā f. ` neck ' (only Pl.) and gr. αὐχήν ` nape, throat, straits '.

In uṣṇíhā before lies diminutive suffix -ihā̆-, gr. -ιχα- . The beginning is *ugh-s-n-íghā the first gh is reduced being produced by dissimilation. To *ugh-s-no stands *au̯gh-en- in gr. αὐχήν compared with here Armenian awj ` throat ', awji-k ` cervical collar '; Aeolic ἄμφην ` nape, neck ', Aeolic αὔφεν ds. must be separated therefrom, in spite of Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 296; about gr. δάφνη: Cypriot δαύχνα ` laurel ' better WH. I 775 f. (compare above S. 43 and Hoffmann Gr. Dial. II 500, Meister Gr. Dial. I 120). 

References: WP. I 25, Adontz Mél. Boisacq 10.

Page(s): 87

Root / lemma: aug-

Meaning: to glance, see, dawn


Probably Root / lemma: aug- : ` to glance, see, dawn ' derived from Root / lemma: au̯es- : ` to shine; gold, dawn, aurora etc.'.

Material: Gr. αὐγή ` shine, ray, daylight; eye ', αὐγάζω ` shines, illuminates; sees ', ἐρι-αυγής ` shining very much '; 

alb. agój ` dawns ', agume ` aurora, morning, dawn ' (see Persson Beitr. 369); 

It seems Albanian cognate has wrong etymology.

Maybe Basque N egunsenti : Estonian : N agu : Albanian : N agu, agim : Turkish : N ağarma ` dawn, daybreak'.

Turkish V gün ağarmak : alb. agon : ` to dawn '

Estonian N aeg : Turkish N gün, gündüz, dönem, zaman : Basque egun ` day '

Turkish N güneº : Basque eguzki N ` sun '.

from also Slavic iugъ ` south ' (Fick KZ. 20, 168), Russian užinъ, užina? 

Probably wrong etymology since Slavic iugъ `south' : alb. jug `south' must have derived from Latin iugum -i n. `a yoke' - a constellation in the southern night skies. see Root / lemma: i̯eu-2, i̯eu̯ǝ-, i̯eu̯-g- : to tie together, yoke

References: WP. I 25.

Page(s): 87

Root / lemma: au1

Meaning: interjection of pain

Material: Old Indic o, Latin au `Oh! ', Old English ēa, Middle High German ou(wē), Modern High German au, Latvian aũ, àu (disyllabic au, avu with displeasure, refusal, astonishment, surprise), poln. au, Czech ounder 

References: WH. I 78.

Page(s): 71

Root / lemma: au-2, au̯-es-, au-s-

Meaning: to spend the night, sleep

Material: Armenian aganim `spends the night ', vair-ag ` living in the country ', aut ` spend the night, night's rest, station '.

Gr. ἰαύω ` sleeps ' from reduplication *i-ausō, Aor. ἰ-αῦσαι, next to which not reduplicated Aor. ἄεσα, Infinitive ἀFέσ(σ)αι; αὖλις, -ιδος ` place of residence, camp, stable, night's lodging ', αὐλίζομαι ` is in the court, spends the night ', ἄγραυλος ` spending the night outside ', αὐλή ` court, courtyard, dwelling ' (originally probably ` the fenced in space around the house in which the cattle is rounded up for the nighttime '); from ἰαύω comes except ἰαυθμός ` Night's lodging ', 

μηλιαυθμός ` sheep stable ', ἐνιαυθμός ` place of residence ' (: hom. ἐνιαύειν ` have his rest accommodation ') also gr. ἐνιαυτός actually ` rest, rest station ', therefore the solstices as resting places in the course of the sun (solstitium), then ` year, solstice, anniversary ' (different Specht Indo Germanic Dekl. 15, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I, 4245, s. also en- ` year '). 

A heavy base *au̯ē-, *au̯ō- probably to be added hom. ἀωτεῖς ὕπνον (from Schulze Qunder ep. 72 directly to ἰαύω put under formal comparison from ἐρ(F)ωτάω : εἴρομαι from *ἔρFομαι) and ἄωρος (Sappho), ὦρος (Kallimachos) `ὕπνος'  (Benfey Wzl.-Lex. I 298), wherefore Old English wērig, English weary, Old Saxon wōrag, wōrig ` tired, weary ', Old High German wuorag ` inebriates '; about Old Indic vāyati ` gets tired '; see however, root au̯ē- ` strive oneself, exert '.

References: WP. I 19 f. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 690.

See also: About u̯es- ` stay' see below special article.

Page(s): 72

Root / lemma: au-lo-s (: ēu-l-) [*heu-l-]

Meaning: tube, hole, *street

Material: Gr. αὐλός m. ` pipe flute, long cavity ', ἔν-αυλος m. ` riverbed ', αὐλών m. f. ` mountain valley, gulch, ditch, canal, strait '; 

Old Church Slavic ulьjь, Lithuanian aulỹs and secondarily avilỹs ` beehive ', originally the cavity in the tree in which the swarm settles;


[probably Old Church Slavic avilỹs ` beehive ' < vaulỹs; but prothetic v- before bare initial vowels has been attested in Illyrian, alb. and Slavic tongues; maybe through metathesis au > ua alb. Tosc (*hau-lo-) huall, Geg huell, hoje Pl. ` beehive, cavity ' = Latin alvus ' beehive, cavity' [common alb. shift l > j], alb. hollë `narrow, thin', alb. is the only language to have preserved the old laryngeal ḫ-. Clearly the Latin cognate derived from Illyrian and Slavic cognates.

From (*halvus, alhwus)  Latin alvus `beehive, cavity' derived Rumanian albinã `bee', Portuguese abelha `bee', Spanish abeja `bee', French abeille `bee' [common Italic and Greek -hw- > -b-.

Old Church Slavic ulica f. ` street, - in a built-up area -  hollow, ravine, gorge, narrow pass ', Lithuanian aũlas f., Old Prussian aulinis ` bootleg ', Old Prussian aulis ` shinbone '. 

Maybe zero grade in alb. Tosc udhë ullë 'road, street' [the common alb.-Illyrian-Latin -dh- > -ll-, -d- > -l- shift]<

Maybe Root / lemma: au-lo-s (: ēu-l-) : `tube, hole, *street' derived from Root / lemma: u̯eĝh- : `to move, carry, drive' [common alb. -ĝh- > -d-]

Armenian uɫ, uɫi ` way ' and (compare the meaning ` belly ' from Latin alvus) yɫi ` pregnant ' (with vowel gradation ū, Pedersen KZ. 39, 459; derivatives uɫarkem and ylem ` send in ')*);


*) Armenian word with the vowel gradation Indo Germanic ū̆. from with the same Latvian ula, ulá ` wheel hub '? (would be the ` tubularly hole ' in which the axis is inserted; Lidén IF. 19, 321).


New Norwegian aul, aule and (with Indo Germanic ēu- as a high step to au-) jōl ` angelica silvestris ', Old Norse (huann-) jōli ` the hollow stems of angelica archangelica  ', both plants call in Norway also sløke, whose basic meaning likewise ` tube, pipe ' is (Falk-Torp 474 and 1492 under jol and from Schroeder to Germanic vowel gradation 58 f. likewise boat name jolle `dinghy').

Here with Latin metathesis of aul- to alu̯- also alvus m. f. ` belly, womb, stomach; hold of a ship, beehive ', alveus ` a hollow, cavity, trough; hence boat; also the hold of a ship; bathtub; bed of a stream; beehive; gaming-table ', although time and limitation of the metathesis are still totally unclear (see Thurneysen IF. 21, 177, Sommer Hdb.2 78).

References: WP. I 25 f., WH. I 34 f., different Banateanu REtlE 1, 122.

Page(s): 88-89

Root / lemma: au-3 (au̯e); u̯ē̆-

Meaning: from, away, of

Material: Old Indic áva ` from, down ', mostly prefix from verbs and Subst., rarely preposition m. Abl., Avestan Old Persian ava prefix ` down' and (while more the purpose than the starting point of the movement came to the consciousness) ` whereupon to, to what, near ' (e.g. avabar- ` to take there, carry away ' and ` to take there, procure, supply, get '), also preposition m. Akk. ` there, there in '; therefrom Old Indic ávara- `inferior' and Avestan aorā ` after, below, down ' (after parā extended from avarǝ);

Avestan avarǝ Adv. ` below, down '= Old Indic avár RV. I 133, 7; Old Indic aváḥ (avás) ` down ', whereof avastād ` under '; without auslaut vowel (compare Avestan ao-rā̆) Old Indic ō- e.g. in ō-gaṇá-ḥ ` single, pathetic ' (: gaṇá-ḥ ` troop, multitude '; Wackernagel Old Indic Gr. I 54); 

gr. αὐ- probably in αὐχάττειν ἀναχωρεῖν, ἀναχάζεσθαι Hes. (Schulze Qunder ep. 60); 

Illyrian au- ` (of motion), towards, to (a person or place), at ' in proper names? (Krahe IF. 49, 273); 

Latin au- ` away , off, gone ' in auferō `to take away, bear off, carry off, withdraw, remove' (= Avestan áva-bharati, Avestan ava-bar-), aufugiō `to flee away, run away, escape'; 

gall. au-tagis `διάταξις?' (Vendryes BSL. 25, 36);

Old Irish perhaps ō, ūa ` from, with, by ', as a preposition m. dat., Old Welsh hou, more recently o `if', o preposition `from';

Old Prussian Lithuanian Latvian au- ` away, from ' (e.g. Latvian au-manis ` not- sensical, nonsensical '), Old Church Slavic u prefix ` away, from ', e.g. u-myti ` to give a wash, wash away ' (u-běžati ` flee  from '), as preposition m. Gen. ` from ' (with verbs of the desire, receive, take) and, with fading of the concept of the starting point, ` by, from '; 

maybe alb. particle of passive u `by, from' used before verbs in passive voice.

Hittite preverb u- (we-, wa-) ` here ', a-wa-an ` away ' (Sturtevant Lg. 7, 1 ff.). 

thereof with t-forms aut(i)o-: gr. αὔτως ` unavailingly, in vain ', αὔσιος ds. and Gothic auÞja- (N. Sg. *auÞeis or *auÞs) ` desolate, leave ' (*`remote '), auÞida ` desert ', Old High German ōdi, Modern High German öde, Old Norse auðr ` desolate '; Old Irish ūathad ` item, particular, sort '. - goes to the frightening wilderness, wilderness also Middle Irish ūath ` fright, terrible ' (are to be kept away Welsh uthr ` terrible ', Cornish uth, euth, Breton euz ` fright ')? At least is their connection with Latin pavēre ` to quake with fear, panic; transit. to quake at, tremble ' everything rather than sure, see pou- ` fear '.

Beside aut(i)o- steht perhaps changing through vowel gradation u-to- in alb. hut ` in vain, blank, vainly ', u̯e-to- (see unten *u̯ē̆-) in gr. οὑκ ἐτός ` not free of charge, not without reason ', ἐτώσιος (F by Homer) ` in vain, without success, pointless '. 

Maybe truncated alb. (*hot) kot ` in vain, without success, pointless '; alb. is the only IE language to preserve the old laryngeal ḫ- > k-.

to combine *u̯ē̆̆-  with *au̯- probably under *au̯e-: 

Latin *vĕ- in vēscor `to eat, feed on; to use, enjoy' originally ` whereof to eat up ' (: esca), from which back formation vēscus ` greedy; fastidiously in food (*merely nibbling off); underfed '; 

again alb. eshkë `fungus' : Latin esca `food, victuals, esp. as bait'. Prothetic v- added to bare initial vowels is an alb.-Illyrian.

vē- to indication faulty too much or too little, vē-cors ` senseless, mad, moves, treacherous ', vē-grandis ` diminutive, not large, tiny ', vēsānus ` mad, insane; of things, furious, wild ', Vē-jovis, Umbrian ve-purus (Abl. Pl.), wheather `(ἱερὰ) ἄπυρα'. 

u̯o-: Gr. Fο- in Arcadian Fο-φληκόσι, Attic ὀ-φλισκάνω, ὀφείλω, Lesbian ὀ-είγην ` open ', Attic οἴγω, more recently οἴγνυμι (Prellwitz2 345, Brugmann IF. 29, 241, BSGW. 1913, 159). 

u̯es-: With Old Indic avás `down' attached together formant Germanic wes- in Modern High German West, Old High German westar ` westwards ', Old Norse vestr n. ` westen ', Adv. ` in the west , against west ' (*u̯es-t(e)ro-, compare Old Norse nor-ðr), Old High German westana ` from west ' etc (Brugmann IF. 13, 157 ff.; about the explanation of the Wisigothae as ` West-Goths, Visigoths ' s. Kretschmer Gl. 27, 232). 

Here (after Brugmann aaO.) the initial sound of the word for evening, Indo Germanic u̯esperos and u̯eqeros, see there.

Relationship from Indo Germanic *au̯-, u̯ē̆- with the Pron.-stem au-, u- ` yonder, over there ' as ` on the other side, from there ' is conceivable.

References: WP. I 13 f., WH. I 79, 850, Trautmann 16.

Page(s): 72-73

Root / lemma: au-4, u- (: u̯ē̆-, u̯o-)

Meaning: that; other

Material: au̯o: Old Indic Avestan Old Persian ava- ` that '; Old Church Slavic Old Russian ovъ- - ovъ- ` on the one hand - on the other hand which appears - other ', ovogda - ovogda ` one time - the other time ' (from this correlative use only poln. ów corresponds to English deictic "I" and Serbian òvaj a deictic word meaning "that", also New Bulgarian -v [*u̯o-s] developed).

u-: Old Indic amú- (Akk. Sg. amúm etc) `that, yonder', arise from Akk. Sg. m. *am (= Indo Germanic *e-m `eum ') + *um (Akk. Sg. of ours stem u); s. Wackernagel-Debrunner III 550 f. 

Tocharian A ok, В uk ` still ', A oki ` as, and ', A okāk ` up to ', perhaps only *u-g (zero grade to Gothic auk); from in addition В om(p)ne, omte ` there '? 

Particle Old Indic u ` thus, also, on the other hand, there again, against it ', emphasizing esp. after verbal forms, Pron. and particles (nō ` and not, not ' = ná́ u, athō = atha u), gr. -υ in πάν-υ ` even very much ', 

Gothic -u interrogative particle (also the enclitic -uh from -u-qʷe, s. Brugmann IF. 33, 173); this u also in Old Indic a-sāú m. f. `that, yonder', Avestan hāu m. f., Old Persian hauv m. `that, yonder', Wackernagel-Debrunner III 529, 541. 

Particle Old Indic u-tā, in both parts ` on the one hand - on the other hand, soon - soon, - as ', or only in the second part, a little bit opposing ` and, thus ' (nachved. in ity-uta, kim-uta, praty-uta), 

Avestan uta, Old Persian utā `and, and also'; gr. ἠύτε ` just as ' from *ἠF(ε) + υτε (originally ` as on the other hand ', ` as, also '), but hom. εὖτε `ὅτε' from εὖ + τε after Debrunner IF. 45, 185 ff.; δεῦτε is formed in addition to δεῦρο; also οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο most probably from ὁ, ἁ, το + υτε with additional final inflection; 

West Germanic -od in Old Saxon thar-od, Old High German thar-ot ` thither, there ', Old Saxon her-od, Old High German her-ot ` here ', whereupon also Old Saxon hwarod ` whither, where ', Old High German warot ` whither, where ' (from *ute? or from *utā̆? Also *aute, *auti, see below, would be possible basic form). 

Here Avestan uiti, Gatha-Avestan ūitī ` so ', but not Latin ut and utī, Old Latin utei. 

Beside u, utā etc. stands with the vowel gradation Indo Germanic au-: 

gr. αὖ ` on the other hand, again ', *αὖτι ` again' (extended to Ionian αὖτις, gort. αὖτιν, after antique grammarians for ` right away, there ', where from αὐτίκα ` at the moment, straight away ', αὖ-θι`on the spot, here, there ', ατε ` again, thus, further '; Latin aut (*auti) ` or', autem ` however ' (to the form see WH. I 87), Oscan aut, auti ` or ' and ` but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however ' (to meaning see v. Planta II 465);

maybe alb. Geg o `or' from Italian o `or'

Umbrian ute, ote `aut'; perhaps Gothic auk ` then, but ', Old Norse auk `also, and', Old English ēac, Old Saxon ōk, Old High German ouh ` and, thus, but ', Modern High German also = gr. αὖ-γε ` again '.

Pedersen Pron. dém. 315 supposes gr. αὖ suitable form in the initial sound of from alb. a-që ` so much'. - Brugmann BSGW. 60, 23 a 2 lines up in gr. αὐ-τς as ` (he) himself  -  (he) of his own, self '; other interpretations see with Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 613 f.

Maybe alb. (*aut-) vetë `self' [common alb. prothetic v- before bare initial vowels].

With r-forms Old Iranian avar ` here', Lithuanian aurè ` see there! ', zero grade Umbrian uru ` that, that yonder, that one; emphatically, that well-known; in contrast with hic, the former ', ura-ku `ad illam', ures `illis' (orer ose rather with ŏ = ŭ as = Lithuanian au); perhaps δεῦρο ` here, well, all right, well then (an obsolete interjection meaning "come now") ' (δεύρω after ὀπίσσω , inschr. δεῦρε after ἄγε) from *δέ-υρο (δε ` here ' + αὐρο ` here '), Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 612, 632.

u̯ḗ-, u̯o-:  meaning `or' (= ` on the other hand ') esp. in Old Indic vā ` or ' (also ` even, yet; meanwhile; probably, possibly '; also confirming vāi), Avestan Old Persian vā ` or ' (particle of the emphasis and assurance),

Old Indic Avestan vā - vā ` either - or ', gr. ἠ-(F)έ, ἤ (with proclitic emphasis, proclitic stress for ἦ-(F)ε, as yet in the second part of the double question), 

Latin -vĕ `or' (also in ceu, sīve, seu, nēve, neu), also probably Irish nó, Old Breton nou `or' (if from *ne-u̯e ` or not ' ' with fading the negative meaning originally in negative sentences, Thurneysen Grammar 551; 

not more probably after Pedersen KG. I 441 a grown stiff imperative *neu̯e of the verb Irish at-nói ` he entrusts with him ', gr. νεω); Tocharian В wa-t ` where'.

compare also Old Indic i-vá (: va = ἰ-δέ: δέ) ` just as, exactly the same way ', ē-vá ` in such a way, exactly the same way, just, only ', ēvám ` so, thus ' (behaves to be confirmed vāi and vā - vā as ē-na- ` this ' to nā - nā ` in different way ', originally ` thus and thus '; with ē-vá  corresponds gr. οἶ(F)ος ` only' (` * just only '), Avestan aēva-, Old Persian aiva- `an, one' (compare with no- demonstrative Indo Germanic *oi-no-s ` an, one ').

References: S. esp. Brugmann Dem. 96 f., Grundr. II2 2, 341-343, 350, 731 f. m. Lithuanian II2 3, 987,

Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 629, 632, 804, Boisacq s. v. αὖ, etc

WP. I 187 f., WH. I 87, 209, Van Windekens Lexique 78, 80.

Page(s): 73-75

Root / lemma: auqʷ(h)- : uqʷ(h)- and beside it probably as andere lengthened grade u̯eqʷ(h)-

Meaning: cooking pot

Material: Latin aulla, aula, vulg. ōlla ` jar, pot ' from *auxlā, Diminutive auxilla (Faliscan olna in ending after urna); probably alb. anë f. ` vessel ' (from *auqʷnā? Jokl. Stud. 3); Old Indic ukhá-ḥ m., ukhā́ ` pot, saucepan '; Gothic aúhns m. (*ukʷnós) ` oven, stove ', with grammatical variation Old Norwegian ogn, Old Swedish oghn ds. 

Maybe alb. (*ahna) ena `dish' : Indic AnvA `oven, furnace'.

Besides forms with probably only to single-linguistic labial: gr. gr. ἰπνός, older ἱπνός ` stove' (after Fick III4 29 between, Oštir WuS. 5, 217, Güntert Abl. 25 from *u̯eqʷ-nós; not *uqʷnós, s. Boisacq m. Lithuanian), after E. Fraenkel KZ. 63, 202 from *ὑκFνός through dissimilatorischen sound change?? (W. Schulze GGA. In 1897, 908);


Common gr. - celt. -kʷ- > -p-, -gʷ- > -b-.

Breton offen f. ` stone trough ' in spite of Loth RC. 43, 410 barely from *uppā; Old English ofnet ` small vessel ', ofen, Old High German ovan, Old Norse ofn ` stove, oven ' (likewise leadable back in *ueqʷnos; beginning u̯- caused as in wulfa- ` wolf ' the development from -lv- to -f-, during Gothic etc auhns goes back to Indo Germanic *uqʷ-nós; then the loss of w- in Ofen then must be explained indeed from influence of this sister's form *uhna-). 

From the assimilated form Old Swedish omn, mundartl. umn `stove' is probably borrowed Old Prussian wumpnis `oven', umnode ` bakehouse, oven, kiln, stove '. S. Meillet MSL. 9, 137, Meringer IF. 21, 292 ff., Senn Germanic loanword studies, Falk-Тоrp under ovn, weigand herdsman and clever under Ofen.

To the objective see Meringer aaO., Schrader Reallex. 592 f.  

References: WP. I 24, WH. I 84, 850, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 258.

See also: (compare S. 84 f. aug-: u̯eg-, oldest au̯eg-)

Page(s): 88

Root / lemma: aus-

Meaning: to draw (water), ladle, *shed blood

Root / lemma: aus- : `to draw (water), ladle' derived from the stem: au̯/е/-, au̯ent-: of Root / lemma: au̯(e)-9, au̯ed-, au̯er- : `to flow, to wet; water, etc.'. 

Material: Gr ἐξαύω ` scoops, extracts, takes from ' (simple αὔω), ἐξαυστήρ μέτρου ὄνομα, καταῦσαι ἐξαντλήσαι, καταδῦσαι, καθαῦσαι ἀφανίσαι (Spritus asper after the former present tense *αὕω from *αὔσω, Sommer Gr. Lautst. 2 f.)

with zero grade *us- ἀφ-ύω, ἀφ-ύσσω (latter from Aor. ἀφύσσαι) ` scoops ', common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-;

ἀφυσμός ἀπάντλησις Suidas and ἀρύω ` scoops ', originally *Fᾱρ (: Old Indic vār ` water ')*ὔ[σ]ω ` scoops water ', ἀρυστήρ ` vessel for ladling '.

Old Norse ausa ` to scoop ', austr ` scoop, backwash, the shocks, wake ', ndd. ūtoesen ` to draw (water), ladle, scoop ', schwäb. Öse ` vessel for ladling '. 

Lat hauriō, -īre, hausī, haustum ` to draw up, draw out or in; to drink up, absorb, swallow; to shed blood; to drain, empty a receptacle; in gen., to derive, take in; also to exhaust, weaken, waste ', then also ` slurp, tie, suffers ', poet. ` wounds ', with secondary h as casual in humerus. 

References: WP. I 27 f., WH. I 637, 869, W. Schulze Kl. Schr. 190 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 6444.

Page(s): 90

Root / lemma: au̯eg-, u̯ōg-, aug-, ug-

Meaning: to magnify, increase

Note: with s-forms au̯ek-s-, auk-s-, u̯ek-s-, uk-s-

Material: Old Indic ugrá- `immense' (compounds Sup. ṓjīyas-, ṓjiṣ̌ṭha- ` the stronger one, strongest ') = Avestan ugra- ` strong, hard ' (compounds Sup. aojyah-, aojišta-). 

Latin augeō, -ēre ` to increase, augment, enlarge, spread, extend ', auctor (= Umbrian uhtur) ` a promoter, producer, father, progenitor, author etc', auctiō ` an increasing; hence, from the bidding, an auction ', augmen(tum) ` an increase, growth, a kind of sacrificial cake ' (= Lithuanian augmuõ ` increase, growth ', Old Indic ōjmán- m. ` strength '), augur ` a seer, soothsayer, diviner, augur ' from *augos ` aggrandizement ' (WH. I 83);

Gothic aukan (preterit aíauk), auknan ` increase ', ana-, bi-aukan ` to append, subjoin, add on ', Old High German ouhhōn, Old Saxon ōkian ` increase ', Old English ēacian ` increase ', īecan ` increase ', Old Norse auka (preterit jōk and aukaða) ` increase ', stem participle Old English ēacen, Old Saxon ōkan ` increased, pregnant '; 

Lithuanian áugu, áugti (lengthened grade) ` increase, grow ', auginù, -ìnti ` allow to grow, educate, bring up ', changing through vowel gradation pa-ūgė́ti ` grow up ', ũgis ` growth, annual growth ', Latvian aûdzêt, aûdzinât ` gather ', Old Prussian auginnons particle Perf. Akt. ` drawn, pulled ', Old Latvian aukts ` high ' = Latin auctus `to increase, augment, enlarge, spread, extend', Latvian aũgt ` grow ', as also Thracian Αὐθί-παρος ` high ford ', Old Prussian Aucti-garbin, aucktai-rikijskan ` authority ', aucktimmien ` chief ',

next to which with s of -es-stem (see below) Lithuanian áukšttas, Latvian aûksts `high' (: Latin augustus ` consecrated, holy; majestic, dignified '), Old Prussian auck-timmiskan f. (Akk.) ` authority ', Old Prussian aūgus ` costive, constipated ' (as ` increasing '), Lithuanian áugumas, Latvian aûgums ` increase, growth ';

es-stem Old Indic ṓjas- n. ` vigorousness, strength ', Avestan aojah-, aogah- (also r-stem aogarǝ) ` vigorousness, strength ', Latin augustus see above (also Lithuanian etc áukštas); in addition with s in the verb: 

Common Satem Slavic Illyrian hau- > va- phonetic mutation in:

Old Indic vákṣaṇa-m ` strengthening ', vakṣáyati ` allows to grow ', Avestan vaxšaiti ` allows to grow ', next to which with the weakest root grade Old Indic úkṣati ` 'gains strength ' (Perf. vavákṣa), Avestan uxšyeiti ` grows '; common Old Indic ĝh- > kṣ-

Gothic wahsjan `grow' (= Old Indic vakṣayati, Indo Germanic Iterative-Causative *u̯okséi̯ō; with it that combined ō- gradation Perf. wōhs to the paradigm; see Brugmann IF. 32, 180, 189); 

gr. ἀ(F)έξω ` grow, increase ', ἀέξομαι ` grows '; αὔξω, αὐξάνω ` grow, increase ', Latin auxilium ` help, aid, assistance, support, succor ' (originally Pl. -iа ` strengthening, reinforcements ', N. Pl. auxilis ` auxiliary troops, or in gen., military power '); 

Old Norse vaxa, vexa `grow', Old High German wahsan, Modern High German wachsen, wuchs, wherefore e.g. Gothic wahstus ` accretion, growth, body size ', Old High German wa(h)smo ` growth ' ;

Tocharian A oksiš ` grows ', A okšu, В aukšu ` old '; after Van Windekens Lexique 79 also here AB oko ` fruit ', A okar ` plant '; against it Pedersen Tochar. 227. 

Here with zero grade u̯ōg-: Gothic wōkrs m. ` interest ', Old English wōcor f. ` progeny, interest ' (compare gr. τόκος in the same meaning), Old High German wuohhar m. ` yield of the ground, fetus, progeny, profit, interest, usury ' (in addition steir. wiech ` extensive, excessive, rich in leaves ' as umlaut? 

A little bit differently Schroeder Abl. 57 f.), there in not with s expanded root form au̯eg- the grade u̯eg- is covered in Old Irish fēr, Welsh gwair ` grass, herbage '; probably with the same vowel gradation Old Indic vā́ja-ḥ ` strength, property, wealth, the prize (won in a contest) [The Greeks gave a wreath of laurels to winners in the Pythian games], race ', originally ` quick, successful, energy ', Oldenberg ZdMG. 50, 443 ff. 

References: WP. I 22 f., WH. I 82 f., 850, Feist 67, 541, 572, Pedersen Tochar. 227.

Page(s): 84-85

Root / lemma: au̯ei- (ǝu̯ei-?) (*ḫekʷei-)

Meaning: bird, *water bird


Both Root / lemma: au̯ei- (ǝu̯ei-?) (*hekʷei-): bird, *water bird : Root / lemma: akʷā- (*ǝkʷā): ēkʷ- : water, river, derived from zero grade of Root / lemma: ĝhāgʷh- : young of an animal or bird; common gr. gh- > h-.

Material: Old Indic víḥ, vḗḥ m. `bird' (Gen. vēḥ, Akk. vim), Avestan vīš ds. (G. Pl. vayąm, also with themat. case from stem vaya-), Middle Persian vāi, vāyandak `bird', Old Indic vayas- n. ` fowl, bird', vāyasa-ḥ ` bird, crow '; verbal Avestan ā-vayeiti ` flies up ' (from divinities), Old Indic vēvīyatē ` flutters '.

Gr. αἰετός ` eagle ', Attic ἀ̄ετός, αἰβετός, ἀετός Περγαῖοι Hes. (*αFι̯-ετός);

alb. vi-do, vito, vidheze ` dove ';

Latin avis f. `bird' (therefrom auca `bird, esp. goose ';

Back-formation from Diminutive aucella from *avicella; false by WH. I 79) = Umbrian avif Akk. Pl. ` birds ' (aviekate D. Sg. ` the taken auspices ', aviekla ` relating to an augur or augury ');

Welsh hwyad, Old Cornish hoet, Breton houad ` duck ' from *au̯i̯etos? (Pedersen KG. I 55). Armenian hav ` bird, cock, hen ' can have indeed suggestion -h, but also as *pǝu̯- belong to *pōu̯- ` the young, boy ' (Slavic pъta ` bird ' etc).

References: WP. I 21, WH. 84, 850.

See also: In connection with it stand most probably the words for `egg', see below ōu-.

Page(s): 86

Root / lemma: au̯(e)-10, au̯ē(o)-, u̯ē-

Meaning: to blow

Grammatical information: participle u̯ē-nt-

Note: in Slavic languages often from the ` throw dice ', i.e. to the cleaning of the grain of the chaff by throwing of the grains against the wind.

Material: I. belong to light root form au̯(e)-: 

Hittite: huwant-  ' wind '  (Tischler 328 ff)

Tokharian: A want-, wänt- B yente  ' wind '  (PT *w ' ente) (Adams 505)

Old Indian: vā́ti `to blow (of wind) ' , ptc. prs. vānt-; vāyú- m. `wind, air ' ; vā́ta- m. `wind ' ; vāsa- m. `perfuming, perfume ' 

Avestan: vāiti `weht ' , vayu- m. `Wind, Luft ' , vātō `Wind ' 

Old Greek: áēmi, ptc. prs. acc. áenta `wehen ' ; áu̯rǟ f. `frische Luft, leiser Luftzeug ' , āḗr, -éros f. `Nebel, Gewölk ' , áella, aeol. áu̯ella f. `Sturmwind ' ; aetmón = tò pneu^ma Hsch., áetma = phlóks, hoi dè tò pneu^ma Hsch., ātmó-s m., ātmǟ́ f. `Dampf, Dunst, Rauch ' , aütmǟ́ f. `Atem, Hauch, Dunst ' 

Slavic: *vḗjātī, *vḗjǭ; *vьjātī, *vьjūgā, *vīxrъ; *vḗtrъ

Baltic: *wē^-j-a- (1) c., *wē-j-aw-ā^ (1) f., *wē^s- (-ja-) (2) vb. tr., *wē^-s-a- (1) adj.

Germanic: *wi-nd-a- m., *wē-a- vb., *wá-ʮ-il-a- m., n., *wá-ʮ-al-a- m., *wḗ-ʮl-ō f., *wē-t-a- vb., *wēt=, *wḗ-s-a- n., *wē-s-ia- vb.

Latin: ventus, -ī m. `Wind ' 

Celtic: Cymr awel f. `Wind, Hauch ' , OCorn auhel `aura ' , MCorn awel `Wetter ' ; Cymr gwynt `Wind ' 


a. Gr. ἄος (if not late neologism), -ᾱής (see below II a). 

b. Middle Welsh awyð ` violent gust of wind ', Old Cornish awit ` air ' (*au̯eido-); 

c. u̯e-dhro- presumably in Old Norse veðr n. `wind, air, weather', Old Saxon wedar n. ` weather, bad weather ', Old High German wetar ` weather, scent, free air, wind (of animals)' and Old Church Slavic vedro ` cheerful weather ', vedrъ ` jovial, merry (from the weather) ';

u̯ĕ-d- perhaps in gr. ἑδανός ` fragrant '; in u̯ĕ-dh- correlates Persson Beitr. 664 doubting still ἐθμή ἀτμός, καπνὸς λεπτός, ἀτμή Hes.).

d. r-, l- derivatives: gr. αὔρα ` aerial breath, draft ' (places light root form au̯ĕ- ahead, as ἄελλα, ἀετμόν, Wetter, see below); but ἀήρ, Gen. ἠέρος ` smoke, fog, air ' stays away, see below u̯er- ` bind, hang up '.

Also Albanian ajër : Furlan ajar : Latvian ârija : Maltese arja : Sardinian Campidanesu àiri; aria `air'.

Gr. ἄελλα, Aeolic αὔελλα ` storm ' (*ἄFελ-ι̯ᾰ); Welsh awen ` inspiration ', awel f. ` wind, breath ', Old Cornish auhel `aura, heaven, breeze ', Middle Cornish awel ` weather ', brit. loanword Middle Irish ahél (h hiatus sign), aial ` wind, breath '. According to Thurneysen Grammar 125 Old Irish oal ` mouth ' from *au̯elā.

e. au̯-et- in gr. ἀετμόν τὸ πνεῦμα Hes., ἄετμα φλόξ Et. M., ἀτμός (contracted from ἀετμός) ` vapour, smoke, smoke ', with zero grade, but analogical absorption of ἀ-: ἀυτμή ` breath, draft of the bellows, the wind, smell, hot aura of the fire ', ἀυτμήν ds.

II. belong to heavy root form:

a. uē-, uǝ-: Old Indic vāti, Avestan vāiti ` blows ', gr. ἄησι ds., Cypriot ζάει (read ζάη with  ζ from *dj-) Hes. (that α in ἄησι perhaps prothetic; from light root form come gr. ἄος πνεῦμα Hes.;

maybe alb. (**u̯ē-nts) vesh `strike, blow, hit'.

ἀκρᾱής ` sharp blowing ', δυσᾱής ` adverse blowing ', ὑπερᾱής ` excessive blowing ' with stretch in compound); besides the participle *u̯ē-nt- ` blowing ' (Old Indic vānt-, gr. Akk. ἄεντα) stand *u̯ē-nto-s ` wind ' in Latin ventus, Gothic etc winds, Old High German wint, Welsh gwynt ` wind ', wherefore Latin ventilāre `(*expose to a draught, brandish, fan), oscillate, vibrate', ventilābrum ` throw shovel ', Gothic diswinÞjan ` separate the grain (the wheat) from the chaff ', winÞiskaúrō ` throw shovel ' (Germanic Þ, next to which with grammatical variation d in:) Old High German wintōn ` winnow, fan ', winta, wintscūvala ` winnowing shovel ', Old English windwian ` to expose to the hoist, winnow, fan ' (English winnow); Tocharian A want, В yente ` wind '. (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

About Hittite hu-u-wa-an-te-eš (h(u)u̯anteš) ` hoist ' (?) see Forrer by Feist 565, places the word as ` (hurrying) clouds ' to hu-wa-a-i ` runs, flees ', which also belongs here; see Couvreur Ḫ 119 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 6804 .

n- present: gr. αἱνω from *ἀFά-ν-ι̯ω (compare to the formation Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 694) and ἁ̄νέω from *ἀFανέω ` clean the grains by shaking up of the chaff, sieves ', Fᾶναι περιπτίσαι Hes. (delivers γάναι περιπτύσαι; see also Bechtel KZ. 46, 374);  is based on such zero grade n- present, but in meaning `blow', thus Old Prussian wins `air', Akk. winnen `weather'? (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

i̯o-present (or from root form *u̯ēi- ?): Old Indic vāyati ` blows ', Avestan fravāyeiti ` goes out' ', Gothic waían waíwō, Old English wāwan, Old High German wājan, wāen ` blow ', Old Church Slavic vějǫ, vějetъ `blow' and ` winnow, fan ' (therefrom Russian vě́jalo, sloven. vėvnica, poln. wiejaczka ` winnowing shovel, a winnowing-fan '); nominal: Lithuanian vė́jas ` blow '; Old Indic vāyú-ḥ, Avestan vāyuš ` blow, wind, air '.

For root-like value of -i- leads the sound grade *u̯ī̆- to the following words in which give space, however, partly to other views: Old Church Slavic vijalь, vijalica ` storm, weather ', Russian vьjálica ` snow flurry ' (also vějálica!), vьjuga ` blizzard, snowstorm ', zavьjátь ` snow-covered, covered with snow ', Czech váti (*vьjati) ` blow ' (only Slavic developments from vortonigem věj-?);

Russian-Church Slavic vichъrъ (*u̯ēisuro-) ` whirlwind ' (in any case, at first to Russian vichatь ` shake, move ', vichljatь ` toss, fling ', s. Brugmann Grundr. II1 1049, Pedersen IF. 5, 70, and probably as ` whirl, swing in the circle ' to *u̯eis- ` turn ');

Lithuanian výdra, vidras ` gale ' (see Leskien Bild. 438; in Lithuanian very rare forms -dra - compare really Lithuanian vė́tra ` storm ' - urges to caution);

hom. ἄιον ἦτορ, θυμὸν ἄισθε, αίσθων from breathing out or letting out the vitality (to last meaning Bechtel Lexil 21 f.), gr. root ἀFισ-; Middle Welsh awyð s. 82 above. 

b.         au̯ē-d-: Old High German wāzan, wiaz, Middle High German wāzen ` blow, exhale, inflate ', wāz ` gust of wind ', Lithuanian vėdìnti ` ventilate, cool '; at most gr. ἀάζω ` breathes ' from *ἀFάδ-ι̯ω (rather, however, gr. neologism of after other verbs in -άζω);

presumably also (from *au̯ǝ-d-ro-) Lithuanian áudra m. ` storm ', n. ` thunderstorm ', Old Prussian wydra ` blow '. About Old Indic ūdhar n. ` chillness, cold ', Avestan аоδarǝ, aota ds. compare Persson Beitr. 11. 

c.         u̯ē-lo- perhaps in Latin ēvēlātus ` scattered, dissipated, fan away, winnow thoroughly', whence vēlābra `something winnowing the grain' (Paul. Fest. 68, 3) and in Old High German wāla m. n. ` fans ' (if not from *wē-Þla, see below)?

d.         u̯ē-s-: Old Indic vāsa-ḥ, vāsaka-ḥ ` fragrance ', vāsayati ` fills with fragrance ', saṃvāsita-ḥ ` makes stinking '; Icelandic vās ` frigid aura ', væsa ` exhale, blow, breathe ', Dutch waas ` white frost, ripe, smell, fragrance ', Lithuanian vė́stu, vė́sti ` cool off, become chill or become aerial ', vėsà ` chill air, coolness ', vė́sus ` chilly, aerial '.

e.         t- further formations: Old Indic vāta-ḥ, Avestan vātō ` blow ', Old Indic vātula-ḥ (see below), gr. ἀήτης ` blowing, wind ', ἀήσυρος ` windy, aerial ' = Old Indic vātula ` windy ' (also ` mad;  crack-brained;  demented;  mind-boggling;  insane;  crazy;  unbalanced '; in addition also perhaps gr. ἀήσυλος ` sacrilegious, outrageous, wanton, wicked ' after Brugmann BSGW. 1901, 94; in spite of αἴσυλος ds. not after Bechtel Lexil. 15 to Old Indic yātu-ḥ ` spook, ghost ');

Latin vannus ` winnowing-fan ' (from *u̯at-nó-s, compare the Diminutive vatillum originally ` a small winnowing shovel '; from Latin comes Old High German wanna, Old English fann ` winnowing-fan ', also Modern High German Wanne); (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Old Norse vēl, vēli ` whisk, tail ' (about syncopated *veÞla- from *vaÞila-), Old High German wedil ds.; Old High German wadal ` tail, fan ', Adj. ` wandering, fickle, beggar ', wadalōn ` sweep in a curve, rove ' (proto Germanic  *waÞla-, Indo Germanic *u̯ǝ-tlo-), Old English waÞol ` wandering ', wǣdla ` beggar, poor ', wǣdl ` poverty ', wǣdlian ` beg, be poor ' (proto Germanic  *wēÞla-), next to which Old High German wallōn ` wander, gad about, pilgrimages ', Old English weallian ` wander;  roam;  travel;  journey;  drift;  float;  rove;  stray;  migrate;  hike;  walk;  ramble;  tramp ' (from *wāðlṓ-ja-n); Old High German wāla ` fans ' (from *wē-Þla- or *wē-la-, see above); Lithuanian vė́tra ` storm', thunder - storm', Old Church Slavic větrъ `air, blow', Old Prussian wetro `blow'; Lithuanian vė́tyti `winnow, fan'.

About Old Indic úpа-vājayati `make (fire / embers) blaze by blowing air onto (it / them)' (composed from Pāṇini as Causative to vā-) see Wackernagel KZ. 43, 292.

Maybe alb. vatra, vatër `hearth, (place where one blows the fire)'

Maybe here gr. ἄεθλος (see au̯ē-11 ` strive oneself ') as ` gasp, pant, wheeze '?

References: WP. I 220 f., Feist 565 a, Trautmann 345, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 680.

Page(s): 81-84

Root / lemma: au̯(e)-9, au̯ed-, au̯er- (*ḫ2aḫ1u̯e > au̯e-)

Meaning: to flow, to wet; water, etc.


The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic *ḫu̯e- > gw- > g-.

Material: a) (*ḫ2au̯ent-) au̯/е/-, au̯ent-:


The following mutations have taken place: Root: akʷā- > aku̯/е/-, aku̯ent- > au̯/е/-, au̯ent-:

Hisp. FlN (*ḫ2avo-) Avo[s] > Spanish Ave, PN A[v]o-briga; gall. FlN Aveda > prov. Avèze (Gard), Avisio portus (Alpes-mar.);

Old Indic (*ḫ2avo-) avatá-ḥ m. `fountains, wells' (*au̯n̥tos), avaṭá-ḥ `cistern, tank' (with prakrit. ṭ from t), Italian FlN Avēns in Sabine land (therefrom Aventīnus m. hill of Rome?), Aventia (Etrurian), gall. Aventia, spring nymph of Aventicum > French Avenches (Schweiz), numerous FlN Avantia (*au̯n̥tiā) > French Avance, La Vence, abrit. *Avantīsā > Welsh Ewenni; (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-),Old Lithuanian FlN Avantà, Latvian avuõts (*au̯ontos) ` sources, wellspring, spring '.

b)        (*ḫ2au̯ed-) au̯ed-, aud-, ū̆d-;


The zero grade of Root / lemma: akʷā- `water, river' has been suffixed in nasalized -(n)dor, -(n)tor: *(a)ku̯/е/-, *(a)ku̯entor, *(a)ḫu̯entor) >*(a)ḫu̯ed-, (a)u̯ed-, (a)ud-, ū̆d-:

heteroklit. r/n-stem u̯édōr, u̯ódōr (Nom. Sg.), udén(i) (LocativeSg.), udnés (Gen. Sg.) ` water ', compare J. Schmidt Pl. 172 ft., Pedersen KZ. 32, 240 ff., Bartholomae PBrB. 41, 273. 

Old Indic ōdatī ` the soaking, the flowing ', ōdman- n. ` the waves, floods ', ōda-ná-m ` mash boiled in milk ', Avestan (*ḫ2au̯od-)aoδa- m. ` wellspring, fount '.

Old Indic (*ḫ2au̯natti-)unátti (*u-n-ed-ti), 3. Pl. undáti ` soaked, moistened '; Avestan vaiδi- f. ` water run, irrigation canal '.

Old Indic udán(i) Locative, udnáḥ Gen., udā́ Nom. Akk. Pl. ` water ' (Nom. Akk. Sg. udaká-m); from r-stem derived samudra-ḥ ` sea ', anudra-ḥ ` waterless ' (= gr. ἄνυδρος);

(*ḫ2au̯dro-)udro-s ` water animal ': Old Indic udrá-ḥ ` a water animal ' = Avestan udra- m. ` otter ' (= gr. ὕδρος, Old High German etc ottar, compare also Latin lutra and with ū Lithuanian údra, Old Church Slavic vydra ds.);

Maybe nasalized:

English                      otter                             

            Italian                         lontra                          

            Spanish                     nutria ; lutria               

            French                       loutre                          

            Galician                     lontra

            Bresciano                  lùdria                          

            Catalan                      llúdria                          

            Romagnolo               lùdar                            

            Valencian                  lludria                          

            Zeneize                     lùddrao

Albanian lundra

from -(e)s-stem Old Indic utsa-ḥ ` spring, well ', compare Old Irish uisce (*udeski̯o-) ` water ';

Maybe from (common Germanic guttural extension in *ude-s-ko-) Old Indic utsa-ḥ ` spring, well ' = Khotanese: ūtcā `water' (< guttural extension in *uda-èā- ?) = Other forms in Indo-Aryan: udaká- [n] `water' = Old Irish uisce (guttural extension in *uide-sko-) ` water ' = Alb. uji, older ujtë, ujtë, Pl. ujra, ujna ` water ' (common alb. Iranian -d- > -l- > -j-, -i- phonetic mutation). Cognates in other languages: Hitt. u̯ātar [nom.acc.sg.], obl. u̯itēn- `water';

Luwian wida- `watery'

D-LPl ú-i-da-an-za: 45 ii 6.

See Watkins, Flex. u. Wortbild. 376. Cf. perh. witam[ ] at KBo

XXIX 37,4. Contra Starke, StBoT 31.567f, witi, ˚witaš and witaz are Hittite!

The intervocalic -i- has been recorded in all Occidental Romance languages influenced by the Illyrian substratum.

English                      water                           

            Aragones                  aigua                          

            Asturian                     agua                            

            Bresciano                  aiva                             

            Catalan                      aigua            

            Dzoratâi                     îguie                             

            Furlan                        aghe                            

            Galician                     auga                            

            Leonese                    augua                                     

            Ligurian                     *aigua                                     

            Nissart                       aiga                             

            Occitan                      aiga                             

            Portuguese               água                            

            Provençal                  *aigo                            

            Valencian                  aigua                          

Armenian (*gwet) get ` river ' (basic form *u̯edō, Sandhi form to u̯edōr, compare under Slavic voda; it corresponds also Phrygian βεδυ `water', i.e. *vedū from *u̯edō, Kretschmer Einl. 225).

Maybe alb. (*gu̯et) det `sea' : Armenian get ` river ' common alb. gu̯- > d-.


Maybe Phrygian βεδυ `water' : nasalized Illyrian Bindus `water god' [common Illyrian gu̯- > b-].

The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic *ḫue- > gw- > g- ; gw- > b- Illyrian Greek.


Hittite: watar n. (r/n), dat.-loc. weteni (Friedrich 249-250)

Tokharian: B yot  ' vital fluid, broth '  (Adams 511)

Old Indian: unátti, undati `to flow, spring (as water); to wet, bathe ' , udaká-, loc. udán(i), gen. udnáḥ, instr. udnā́ n. `water ' ; samudrá- m. `sea, ocean ' , anudrá- `waterless ' ; útsa- m. `spring, fountain ' 

Avestan: vaiði- f.  ' Wasserlauf, Bewässerungskanal ' 

Armenian: get `Fluss ' 

Old Greek: hǘdōr, -atos n. `Wasser ' 

Slavic: *vodā

Baltic: *wan^d-ō̃ (-en-es) (2), *un^d-ō̃ (-en-es) (2), *und-a- n., *und-[a]- m.

Germanic: *wat-an-, *wat-ar- n.

Other Italic: Umbr utur, abl. une Wasser

Celtic: *udeskjo- ? > OIr u(i)sce `Wasser ' 

Albanian: ujɛ Wasser


Gr. ὕδωρ, ὕδατος (*υδ-n̥-τος) `water' (with metr. elongation ῡδωρ); from r-stem derived ἄνυδρος ` waterless ', ὕδρος, ὕδρᾱ ` water snake ', ἐνυδρίς f. ` otter ', ὑδαρής, ὑδαρός ` watery ' (ὑδαλέος ds. with suffix exchange; similarly ὕλλος ` water snake, ichneumon ' : ὕδρος = lak. ἑλλά̄ : ἕδρα), ὕδερος ` dropsy ', ὑδρία ` water bucket ' (: Latin uter); from n-stem (compare ὕδνης ` watery ') derived ΏΑλοσύδνη actually ` sea wave, wave, the billow ' (?),epithet of Amphitrite and Thetis (Johansson Beitr. 117;

from also ὑδνον ` truffle ' as ` juicy '??), as well as probably Καλ-υδών, -ύδνα (-ύμνᾱ), Καλύδνιοι, -ύμνιοι (see Boisacq 998 a)?

es-stem τὸ ὕδος `water' is only late poet. Nom. Akk. to Dative ὕδει. 

Macedonian PN ῎Εδεσσα from *u̯edesi̯ā, Kretschmer RIEt Balc. 1, 383.  common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-.

Alb. ujë `water' (after Pedersen KZ. 34, 286; 36, 339 not from *ud-ni̯ā, but from *ud-; or, nevertheless, from *udō?).

Latin unda, f. ` water, fluid, esp. a wave; fig. a stream of people ' (with n- infix from the present; compare Old Prussian wundan n., unds m. `water' and Old Indic unátti, undáti as well as Lithuanian vanduõ, -eñs, vándenį, žem. unduo, Latvian ûdens m. f. `water', and in addition Schulze EN. 243, Brugmann Grdr. II2 3, 281, 283, Trautmann 337); uter, utris ` hose, tube ' (*udri-s `* water hose ', compare gr. ὑδρία), lutra ` otter ' (l- after lutum ` mud, mire, dirt; clay, puddle ').

Umbrian utur n. `water' (= ὕδωρ), Abl. une (*udni).

Old Irish u(i)sce `water' (*uidesko-), odar ` brown ' (*udaros), coin fodorne ` otters ' (`water dogs ').


Old Irish u(i)-sce : alb. Nom. (*u-i-) uj-ë, uj-i `water', Gen. i ujit `of the water' = Hitt. u̯ātar [nom.acc.sg.], obl. u̯itēn- `water' = Luwian wida- `watery', Luwian ú-i-ta-an-ta-al-li-an `of the water(s)' genitive intervocalic -i- vowel.

Gothic watō (n-stem), Dative Pl. watnam `water'; Old Swedish vætur (æ = Indo Germanic e? rather umlaut from Germanic a in the -in- case, see Bartolomae aaO.), 

Old Icelandic vatn n. (takes o-stem, compare Gothic Dative Pl. watnam), vatr, nord. sea name Vättern; Old High German wazzar, Old Saxon watar, Old English wæter (*u̯odōr) `water';

Old Icelandic otr, Old English otor, Old High German ottar m. `otter, water snake', in addition FlN Otter, old Uterna; with nasalization within the word (compare above to Latin unda) probably Gothic wintrus, Old Icelandic vetr, Old English winter, Old High German Old Saxon wintar ` winter ' as ` wet season ' (Lidén PBrB. 15, 522, Falk-Тоrp under vinter; not better to Irish find ` white ', see below su̯eid- ` shine ');

perhaps to Wasser also Old High German Old English wascan, Old Icelandic vaska, Modern High German waschen, wusch (*wat-sk-); with lengthened grade ē of the root shaped from Old Icelandic vātr, Old English wǣt, English wet ` wet, soaked '. 

In Germanic also with Þ Old English waðum m. ` wave ', zero grade Old Icelandic unnr, uðr, Pl. unnir ` wave ', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old Saxon ണthia, ūðia, Old English ȳð, Old High German undea ` wave, billow, flood ', like from a root variant *u̯et-, however, it is found nowhere else; Johansson Beitr. 117 f. sees therein the t of the type Old Indic yakr̥-t. 

Lithuanian vanduõ etc (see above); Lithuanian údra, Old Prussian udro f., East Lithuanian údras, Latvian ûdris m. ` otter '; Old Church Slavic vydra, Serbo-Croatian vīdra (Balto Slavic ūd- : Lithuanian vánd-eni; see finally Trautmann 334 m. Lithuanian; to ū compare Pedersen Ét. Lithuanian 54 f.); 

Maybe alb. vidra `sea otter' Slavic loanword.

Old Church Slavic voda `water' (become Fem. because of the ending -a, here for Indo Germanic -ō[r]); lengthened grade Old Church Sllavic vědro `κάδος, σταμνος' (with ὑδρία attuning well in the meaning, s. Meillet MSL. 14, 342, Trautmann 337);

Hittite wa-a-tar (*wātar ) `water', Gen. úе-te-na-aś (e-grade as Phrygian βεδυ, a of Nom. from e?). Nom. Pl. ú-wi-ta-ar, with unsettled vocalism in spite of Pedersen Hittite 167.

Hittite: heu- c. ' Regen '  (Tischler 238ff); hur-nai-/-ija- (I), hur-nu- (I)  ' besprengen, befeuchten ' , Pal. huwarninai  ' besprengt '  (Tischler 305-306)

Old Indian: avaṭá-, avatá- m. `a hole, vacuity in the ground ' , aváni- f. `stream, river, bed of a river ' 

Old Greek: án-au̯ro-s m. `Giessbach, Strom ' 

Baltic: *jū^-r-ā^ (1), -jā^, -iā̃ f., -ia- (1) c.; *jau^-r-ā^ (1) f.

Germanic: *au-r-a- m., *au-r-ag-a- adj.; *ū-r-a- n., *ū-r-ag-a- adj.

Latin: ūrīnārī `tauchen unter Wasser ' , ūrīnātor `Taucher ' 




The origin of labialized Old laryngeals as in: Hittite ḫuek-, ḫuk- ` adjure ' : Tocharian A wak f., В wek `voice'

common Armenian Celtic Illyrian *ḫue- > gw- > g- [see Root / lemma: u̯ekʷ- : to speak].

Therefore the original Hittite root was as in Genitive Gen. úе-te-na-aś `of water' (*ḫúе-te-na-aś) which became the zero grade wa-a-tar (*ḫwātar ) `water'.

c)         (*ḫ2au̯er-) au̯er- ` water, rain, river ' (u̯ēr- : ūr-; to the vowel gradation Persson Beitr. 604, Anm. 2). 

1.         u̯ēr-, u̯er-: Old Indic vā́r, vā́ri n. `water', Avestan vār n. `rain' (with themat. inflection Iranian Avestan vār ` to rain ', med. ` allow to rain, let rain '), Old Indic vārī f. `water', Avestan vairi- m. `sea'; 

Truncated Tocharian (*ḫwātar ) A wär, В war `water';

Armenian gayṙ ` marsh, mud ' (*u̯eri̯o-);

Hittite: warsa- c.  ' Regenguß?? '  (Friedrich 247)

Tokharian: A wär, B war  ' Wasser '  (PT *wär) (Adams 577 suggesting rather *udro-)

Old Indian: varī f. pl. `streams, rivers ' ; vār, vāri n. `water ' ; varṣá- n., varṣā́ f. `rain ' ; várṣati `to rain ' 

Avestan: vairi- m.  ' See ' ; vār-  ' Regen ' 

Armenian: gayrr `Sumpf, Schlamm ' 

Old Greek: hérsǟ, ep., poet. eérsǟ, dial. aersā̆, Pind éersa f. `Tau ' 

Germanic: *war-ō f.; *war-an- m., *wēr-an- m., *wēr-ō f.; *war-ja- n.

Celtic: MIr feraim `giesse ' , ferad `Feuchtigkeit ' ; Cymr gweren `liquamen ' ; MIr frass Regen



The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic Illyrian *ḫue- > gw- > g-.

gr. perhaps in ἀρύω ` scoops ', if *Fὰρ ὔ[σ]ω (see *aus- ` scoop, draw water, ladle '); 

alb. (after Jokl SBAk. Wien 168 I 30, 89, 97) vrëndë ` light rain ' (nt- participle);


The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic Illyrian *ḫue- > gw- > g-.

alb. hur-dë, hurdhë ` pond, tank, marsh ' (*ūr-), shurë ` urine ', shurrë (*surna) (postverbal) f. ` urine ' (prefix sh from Latin ex or Indo Germanic *sm̥ + ūr-në; or + gr. οὐρέω?);


Albanian preserved the old laryngeal ḫ- > s- like satem languages alb. (*sūrīna) shurra ` urine ' : Hittite šehur  ` urine ' : Latin ūrīna ` urine '. But in alb. hur-dë ` pond, tank, marsh ' alb. preserved ḫ- laryngeal like centum languages.

Welsh gwer m. ` suet, sebaceous, tallow ';


The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic Illyrian *ḫue- > gw- > g-.

Maybe zero grade (*ḫ2au̯er- > *ḫu̯er-) in Welsh gwer m. ` suet, sebaceous, tallow ' : Armenian ջուր (ǧour) ` water ' : alb. (*ur) ujë ` water '.

Old Norse vari m. ` liquid, water '.

2.         (*ḫ2au̯er-) ūr-, au̯er-: Latin ūrīna ` urine ' (in which meaning influenced by οὖρον?), ūrīnor, -ārī ` to dive ', ūrīnātor ` a diver ';

Maybe alb. urela `water-pit' : Basque ura `water'.

Old Norse ūr `fine rain', ȳra ` to rain subtly ', ūrigr ` dew-covered', Old English ūrig ds.; 

perhaps Old Norse ūrr, Gen. ūrar (u-stem), Old English ūr, Old High German ūro, ūrohso, Latin loanword ūrus ` a kind of wild ox ', Swedish Dialectal ure ` randy bull, a bull in heat ' (`*one that scatters, drops, one that inseminates ' as Old Indic vr̥šan- etc, see below); 

root form (*ḫ2au̯er-) au̯er- in Thracian FlN Αὔρας, gr. (Persson IF. 35, 199) *αὔρα `water, spring ' in ἄναυρος ` without water, of brooks '  (about gr. θησαυρός and Κένταυρος compare Schwyzer Gr.Gr. I 267, 444); 

in FlN: Italian Met-aurus (Bruttium), Pisaurus (Umbrien), gall. Avara > French Avre, Aura > French Eure, Aurana > Modern High German Ohrn (Württemb.), Ar-auris > French Hérault, Vi-aurus > French Le Viaur; Old Prussian Aure, Lithuanian Aur-ytė; Old Norse aurigr ` wet ', aurr ` wet, water ', FlN Aura, Old English ēar ` sea '; 

Old Prussian wurs (*ūras) `pond, pool', iūrin Akk. Sg., iuriay Pl. fem. `sea', Old Latvian jūri- m., Latvian jũ'ra, Lithuanian jū́rės, jū́rios Pl. fem. `sea, esp. the Baltic Sea ' (see above to Latin ūrīna; j- presumably suggestion after J. Schmidt PL 204);

Lithuanian jaurùs ` swampy, marshy ', jáura, jáuras `marshy place, marshy ground, swamp bottom' from *eu̯ǝr- (see Berneker IF. 10, 162, Trautmann 335 m. Lithuanian).

3.         Verbum: Lithuanian vérdu, vìrti ` bubble, surge, cook ', versmě ` wellspring ', vỹrius ` whirlpools ', atvyrs ` counterstream on the shore ', Latvian ver̂du, vir̂t ` soak, bubble, boil, cook ', atvars ` whirl ', 

Old Church Slavic vьrjǫ, vьrěti ` stream, bubble, surge, boil, cook ', virъ ` whirlpool ', izvorъ ` wellspring (bubbling water) ', wherefore with from ` cook ' developed meaning ` heat ', Latvian wersme ` glow ', Old Church Slavic varъ ` heat '.

About possible affiliation of *u̯er/e/nā ` alder ' see there.

4.         extension (*ḫ2au̯ers-) u̯er-s- `rain, dew ': Old Indic varśá- n. ` rain, rainy season, year ' (varšati ` it is raining '), gr. οὖρον ` urine '; ἔρση, ἐέρση ` dew ', Ionian Attic οὐρέω `urinate ' (causative *u̯orseiō, F- proved by the augmentation ἐούρησα), οὐρία ` a water bird ';

Middle Irish frass `rain' is older fross (u̯ros-tā, in spite of Pedersen KG. I 44); Hittite wa-ar-ša-aš `rain'(?) seems an Old Indic loanword.


English                      dew                             

            Italian                         rugiada                                   

            Spanish                     rocío                            

            French                       rosée                          

            German                     Tau                              

            Russian                     роса                            

            Arabic                        صقيع                                   


            Basque                      ihintz                            

            Bengali; Bangla                   ওশ                                

            Brazilian Portuguese                      rocio                            

            Breton                        glizh ; gwlizh ; selin                          

            Calabrese                 ruggiàna                                 

            Dutch                         dauw                          

            Finnish                       kaste                          

            Galician                     orballo ; resío ; rosada                                  

            Guarani                     ysapy                                      

            Gujarati                      ઝાકળ                             

            Hebrew                     טל                                

            Hindi               ओस                               

            Hungarian                 harmat                                    

            Irish                drúcht                                      

            Latin               ros                               

            Lombardo Occidentale                   *rosàda o rusàda??                                     

            Mapunzugun                        mulug ; mulfen                                   

            Marathi                      दव                                

            Mudnés                     guàza                                      

            Persian                      شبنم                                    

            Polish                         rosa                             

            Portuguese               orvalho ; rocio                                    

            Punjabi                      ਸ਼ਬਨਮ ; ਤ੍ਰੇਲ                                

            Reggiano                  guaasa                                   

            Romagnolo               gvàza                                      

            Romanian                 *rugiada??                             

            Sanskrit                     तुहिनम्                                      

            Sardinian Campidanesu                rosu                             

            Sicilian                       sirinu                            

            Venetian                    guasso ; aguasso                             

            Welsh                        gwlith                          

            Xhosa                        umbethe                                 

            Yiddish                      toy


Maybe alb. (*u̯er-s- ) vesa `dew' = gr. ἐέρση ` dew'.

English                      dew                             

            Breton                        glizh ; gwlizh ; selin                          

            Mudnés                     guàza                                      

            Reggiano                  guaasa                                   

            Romagnolo               gvàza                                      

            Venetian                    guasso ; aguasso                             

            Welsh                        gwlith                          

(*ḫ2au̯rsen-) u̯r̥sen- ` discharging semen = virile ', Old Indic vr̥šán- `virile', m. ` manikin, man, stallion '. 

thereof derived Avestan varǝšna- `virile', Old Indic vŕ̥ṣ̣a-, vr̥ṣabhá- `bull', vŕ̥ṣṇi- `virile', m. `Aries, ram' (= Avestan varǝšni- ds.), vŕ̥šaṇa- m. ` testicles ';

Specht (Dekl. 156) places here (from Germanic *gwrai-njan-) without s-extension Old High German reineo ` stallion ', Old Saxon wrênio ds., Old English wrǣne ` horny, lustful '; Old High German wrenno ` stallion ' is back-borrowed from Middle Latin (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

u̯ersē/i-: Latin verrēs, -is `boar', Lithuanian ver̃šis `calf', Latvian versis `ox, rother, cattle'.

References: compare in general Persson root extension 47, 85 f., Johansson KZ. 30, 418, IF. 2, 60 ff., Persson Beitr. 604 f., 845 (also against connection of u̯ers- with ers-). About Finnish vesi, stem vete `water' s. Mikkola Mél. van Ginneken 137. 

WP. I 252 f., 268 f., WH. I 81 f., Pokorny Urillyrier 93, 105, 159, 169, Specht Dekl. 18 f., Trautmann 20, 334, 337, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 519, 548, 838.

Page(s): 78-81

Root / lemma: au̯es- (*ḫ2au̯ḫ1es-)

Meaning: to shine; gold, dawn, aurora etc.


Root / lemma: au̯es- : to shine; gold, dawn, aurora etc. derived from Root / lemma: aug- : to glance, see.


Old Indic uṣā́ḥ f. Akk. uṣā̆́sam, Gen. uṣásaḥ ` aurora ', Avestan ušā̊, Akk. ušā̊ŋhǝm, Gen. ušaŋhō ds. (ušas-tara- ` eastern '), next to which Old Indic Gen. Sg., Akk. Pl. uṣáḥ, Avestan Locative Sg. uši-[δā̊, s. *demā-` to build '] either from a root noun *us-, or as *us-s- to s-stem; Old Indic uccháti = Avestan usaiti (*us-sk̂éti) ` shines in (from the morning) ', Perf. Old Indic uvāsa, Aor. avasran ` they shone  '; uṣar-, usr ` dawn, aurora, early morning, prime of the day, red sky ', uṣar-búdh- ` early awake ', usrá- ` early morning, reddish ', also figurative ` cow ', m. `bull' (Frisk, nominal formation 3); 

u̯es-, u̯ōs- in Old Indic vasar-hán- `striking in the morning, early morning', vāsará- `early morning', m. ` day ' (compare in addition also the related root under particular catchword r/n-stem *u̯es-r-, u̯es-n- ` springtide, spring ');

gr. hom. ἠώς *(āusōs), Gen. ἠοῦς (ἠόος), Attic (with accent innovation) ἕως, Doric ἀ̄ώς, ἀFώρ, changing through vowel gradation Aeolic αὔως ` aurora ' (proto gr. αυ[σ]ώς), Boeotian ἄα and Αἰαίη (*ἀαίη); 

ἄγχαυρος ` near the morning ', αὔριον ` tomorrow ' (*αυσρ-); hom. ἤιε Φοῖβε ` radiative morning '; ἠι-κανός ` rooster, cock ' (*āusi- ` singing in the morning early morning ');

Latin aurōra f. `aurora, the morning, dawn, daybreak ' (for *ā̆usōsā); auster (*aus-t(e)ro- = Germanic *austra-) ` souther, southerly wind ', austrālis ` southern ';

presumably also aurum, Sabinian ausom `gold' as `*reddish'; to Lithuanian áuksas (k - unexplained), Old Lithuanian ausas, Old Prussian ausis `gold';

Maybe Italian oro : Spanish oro : French or : Bresciano or : Breton aour : Calabrese oru : Catalan or : Corsican oru : alb. (*oru) ari `gold' [similar to alb. ahu, ahi ` beech '] : Papiamentu oro : Reggiano or : Irish ór : Lombardo Occidentale òr : Sardinian Campidanesu oru : Sardinian Logudoresu oro : Scots Gaelic òr : Valencian or : Venetian : oro : Galician ouro : [Hungarian arany : Basque urre loanwords] : Ligurian ouru : Manx oar : Occitan aur : Portuguese ouro : Romagnolo àur : Romanian aur : Romansh aur : Welsh aur `gold'.                                    

perhaps Tocharian A wäs `gold', but compare Armenian os-ki `gold', Finnish vas-ki ` copper '; perhaps Vesuvius (differently under eus- ` burn ');

The origin of labialized Old laryngeals:

common Armenian Celtic *ḫue- > gw- > g- ; Tocharian gw- > w-.

Middle Irish fāir ` sunrise ', Welsh gwawr `aurora', Breton gwere laouen `morning star ' (*u̯ōsri-, Pedersen KG. I 82); 

Germanic *austrō in Old English ēastre ` spring goddess ', ēastron Pl. ` Easter ' = Old High German ōst(a)ra, ōstarūn; against it with Indo Germanic -t(e)ro-, Old High German ōstar `easteern' and Adv. ` the after east ', Modern High German Öster-reich, Old Norse austr n. ` East ' and Adv. ` eastwards ',

Old English compounds ēasterra ` more to the east ', in addition Ostrogothae, older Austrogoti as ` the eastern Goths '; Old High German ōstan ` from the east ', Old English ēaste f. `East', Old Norse austan ` from the east '; *āusōs in Old English ēarendel ` morning star ', Old High German MN Orendil; 

Lithuanian aušrà f. `aurora', aũšta ` day is breaking', Latvian àust ds.; Lithuanian auštrìnis (vějas) ` north-east wind ', Latvian àustra f. ` daybreak ', àustrums m. `East'; in vowel gradation žem. apýūšriai m. ` daybreak ';

Old Church Slavic za ustra `τὸ πρωΐ ' (about utro, jutro `morning' from *aus(t)ro- compare Trautmann 19, Mikkola Ursl. Gr. 179 and Berneker 462 f. m. Lithuanian, wherefore Brückner KZ. 46, 212, in poln. ŭścić ` shine ' reconstructs Slavic *usto `lustre, shine'), ustrъ ` relating to summer ' (see Pedersen IF. 5, 69). 

compare to vowel gradation J. Schmidt KZ. 25, 23 f., Hirt Abl. 134, 147, Reichelt KZ. 39, 69. 

References: WP. I 26 f., WH. I 86, 87 f., Trautmann 19, Specht Dekl. 10, Wackernagel-Debrunner Old Indic Gr. Ill 213 and 281 f., Kretschmer Gl. 27, 231; Leumann IF. 58, 121 ff., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 349, 514, 557.

Page(s): 86-87

Root / lemma: au̯ē-11 (u̯e-d(h)-?)

Meaning: to try, force

Material: Solmsen Unters. 267 f. connects Old Indic vāyati, -tē ` gets tired, is exhausted, tires ' with gr. ἄεθλος ` drudgery, contest ' (*ἄFε-θλος), ἄεθλον, ἀ̃θλον ` fight, cut-throat price, battlefield ', whereby ἀ- assumes either suggestion vowel is or a more full root form *au̯ē̆- besides *u̯ē-. With it at most compatibly is Zupitzas KZ. 37, 405 comparing the gr. words with Middle Irish feidm ` effort ',

fedil ` persistent, persevering ', Old Irish ni fedligedar ` (he, she) does not stay ' (whereby formal measure relationship would be comparable as *mē- ` (apportion by measure), allot, (*cut) ' : *med-, *u̯ē- `blow' : Old Norse veðr, Modern High German Wetter), wherefore Pedersen KG. I 110, Welsh gweddil ` remnant, leavings ' (out of it Middle Irish fuidell) places; here Tocharian В waimene ` difficult, hard '?

However, the arrangement is quite unsafe in all its parts. For vāyati ` exert itself ' as basic meaning in would put the question through the meaning ` dry up ' from vāna ` dry ', upa-vāyati ` be extinguished by drying up, dry up ', 

upavāta- ` become dry '; and in ἄεθλος takes turns most of course - θλο-as suffixal, while the dental Irish words root-like d or dh is, thus at best surely exists distant relationship.

References: WP. I 223, Van Windekens Lexique 149.

Page(s): 84

Root / lemma: au̯iĝ-

Meaning: a kind of grass, oat

Material: Latin avēna ` oats or wild oats, made only as a cattle feed; hence oaten pipe, shepherd's pipe; in gen., any stalk, straw ' (presumably after arēna, terrēnus to occurred suffix exchange for *avīna from *au̯iĝ-snā);

Lithuanian avižà, Latvian (Pl. f.) àuzas, Old Prussian wyse ` oat ', Old Church Slavic ovьsъ, Russian ovësъ `oat' (s from z probably probably because it occurs at the end of the word in conservative Nom. *ovьz), but αἰγίλωψ ` a wild grass kind, straw, stalk or likewise ' barely as *αFιγιλωψ here. 

After Specht Dekl. 298 would be assumed rather Indo Germanic *au̯i- besides *au̯es- (*au̯esnā > avēna). 

References: WP. I 24, WH. I 81, Trautmann 21.

Page(s): 88

Root / lemma: au̯-5, au̯ē-

Meaning: to weave

Material: Unextended in: Old Indic ṓtum, ṓtavē (from der set-basis vā́tavē) ` to weave ', Perf. ūvuḥ, participle ūtá-, vý-uta- (also das present váyati ` weaves ' can be after Wackernagel Old Indic Gr. I 94 an -ei̯o-present v-áyati, so that Fut. vayišyati, vāya- `weaver' only in addition one would be new-created), ṓtu- m. ` woof of fabric ', vāna- n. ` the weaving '. 

To the existence of a heavy base is to be stuck against Wackernagel because of vā́tave ` weave, twist ', vānam (W. must understand ūtá- as neologism to váyate after hūtá- : hváyate).

dh-extension 1. au-dh-, 2. (a)u̯-ē̆dh-, u-dh-: 

1.         Armenian z-aud ` strap ' (z-audem ` connects, ties together '), y-aud `strap, limb, joint ' (y-audem ` join together '), aud `shoe'; 

Lithuanian áudžiau, áudžiu, áusti `to weave', ataudaĩ Pl. ` woof ', ũdis ` a unique fabric, the weaving ', ũdas ` eel line ' (vowel as with áugu ` increase, sprout ': ūgỹs ` annual growth ');

Russian uslo ` fabric ' (uzda ` bridle '?), see below eu- ` pull '. It goes back to the image of the weaving or spining and that of her assigned fate goddess: 

audh- ` luck, possession, wealth ': Illyrian PN Audarus, Audata (: Germanic Audo-berht), paion. PN Audō-leōn (Krahe IF. 58, 132), Welsh udd (*audos) ` master, mister ' (different Lewis-Pedersen 14), Breton ozac'h ` landlord ' (*udakkos), Loth RC. 41, 234; Old Saxon ōdan, Old English ēaden, Old Norse auðinn ` granted from the destiny, grants ', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old Norse auðna ` destiny, luuck ', auðr ` wealth ', Old English ēad ` possession, wealth, luck ', Old Saxon ōd ` possession, prosperity ', Old High German al-ōd ` full and free possession ' (Middle Latin allodium), Middle High German klein-ōt ` jewel ', Gothic audahafts ` makes happy ', audags ` blessed, fortunate ', Old High German ōtac ` happy, rich '.

2.         Old Norse vāð f. ` fabric, piece, stuff, as comes ready of the loom, drag net ', Pl.vāðir ` gowns, clothes ', Old English wǣd (*wēði-) f. ` clothes, rope ', Old Saxon wād ` clothes ', Old High German wāt, Gen.-i ` clothes, armament '; 

Old Norse vaðr m. ` rope, string, fishing line ', Swedish Norwegian vad n. `drag net' (Old Norse vǫzt f. ` spot for fishing at sea from *waða-stō), Middle High German wate, wade f. `drag net, trawl net ', Middle High German spinne-wet ` spinning web '.

References: WP. I 16 f., WH. I 88.

See also: Maybe here u̯ebh- `to weave', u̯edh- ` bind, connect ' (wherefore as nasal form probably u̯endh-),see there; also perhaps u̯ei- ` twist, spin ', (a)ueg- `to weave etc' (u̯er- `` twist, spin '?), u̯es- ` wrap '. 

Page(s): 75-76

Root / lemma: au̯-6, au̯ed-

Meaning: to speak

Material: Gr. hom. αὖε Imperf. ` (he, she) called (out), shouted ', ἄβα τροχὸς ἤ βοή Hes. 

Old Indic vádati ` lets the voice resound, talks ' (Perf. ūdimá, participle uditá-), vádanam ` the sounds, talking, mouth ', úditi-ḥ f. `speech', vādayati ` allows to sound, plays (a music instrument), allows to speak ', vāditram ` musical instrument, music ', vāda- ` sound letting, m. sound, call, sound, statement, battle of words ';

in the lengthened grade and the meaning compares itself in next Old Church Slavic vada ` calumny ', vaditi ` accuse '; 

nasalized Old Indic vandate, -ti ` praises, praises, greets with respectt ', vandanam ` praise, price, reverential greeting ', vandāru- ` appreciative, praising '; see still Uhlenbeck Old Indic Wb. under vallakī ` a kind of sounds ', vallabha-ḥ ` minion, favourite '.

Gr. γοδᾶν [i.e. Fοδᾶν] κλαίειν Hes., ΏΗσί(F)οδος `qui ἵησi Fόδαν, i. e. ἀοιδήν`, γοδόν [i.e. Fοδόν] γόητα Hes.; 

zero grade ὑδέω, ὕδω (brought out somewhere from the Alexandrines) ` sings, glorifies ', ὕδη φήμη, ᾠδη (Theognostos καν. 19, 26) (ὕμνος ` ballad, song ' rather to the wedding call ὑμήν: other interpretations verz. Walde LEWb.2 under suō, Boisacq s. v., again different Risch 50).

Lithuanian vadinù, vadìnti ` shout, call '.

au̯-ē-d- in ἀ(F)ηδών ` nightingale ' (ἀβηδόνα ἀηδόνα Hes., Aeolic ἀήδων and ἀήδω, the zero grade ἀυδ- in αὐδή ` sound, voice, language ' (Aeolic αὔδω Sappho), αὐδάω ` shouts, speaks ', αὐδήεις, Doric αὐδά̄εις ` speaking with human voice '. 

au̯-ei-d- in ἀ(F)είδω (Attic ᾄδω) ` sings ', ἀ(F)οιδή (Attic ᾠδή) ` song ', ἀοιδός ` singer ', ἀοίδιμος ` singer '. Differently Wackernagel KZ. 29, 151 f. 

Tocharian В watk-, AB wätk-, В yaitk- ` command, order  '. 

References: WP. I 251 f., Specht KZ. 59, 119 f., Van Windekens Lexique 155.

Page(s): 76-77

Root / lemma: au̯-7, au̯ē-, au̯ēi-

Meaning: to like; to help, *desire

Material: Old Indic ávati ` desires, favors above others, promotes, patronizes ' = Avestan avaiti ` provides, helps ' = Old Irish con-ōi ` protects '; Messapic αFιναμι ` I bid (s.o.) farewell? (to wish s.o. to be strong to be healthy) ';

Old Indic ávas- n. ` satisfaction, favour, assistance ' = Avestan avah- n. `help' (in addition probably Old Indic avasá- n. `nourishment'), compare gr. ἐν-ηής `favorable' (*εν-ᾱFής); Old Indic ōman- ` favorable, helping ' = Avestan aoman- ` supporting, helping ', Old Indic ōmán- m. ` favour, assistance, protection ', 

ōma-ḥ ` comrade '; Old Indic avitár- m. ` patron, sponsor, patronizer ' (from which 2-syllable root form as Fut. avišyati, Perf. 2. Sg. āvitha, as well as participle ūtá- and:) ūtí-ḥ ` delivery, help'; 

Armenian aviun ` violent desire, longing; esp. irrational whim, caprice, or immoderate passion, lust ' (Petersson Et. Misz. 8);

gr. -ᾱFονες in 22. part of Greek family names ( ᾽Ιάονες)? compare Kretschmer Gl. 18, 232 f., different Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 487, 3; 521; ἀί̄τᾱς (Theokrit) ` friend, lover '; 

Latin aveō, -ēre (basis au̯ē[i]- as in preceding) ` be eager, have a wild desire, long for, desire ', avidus ` desiring, longing for; esp. greedy for money, avaricious ' (therefrom audeō, -ēre ` to be daring; to dare, venture, bring oneself to '), avārus ` covetous, greedy ';

Old Irish con ōi `protects', Welsh ewyllys `favor, wish desire', Cornish awell ` desire', abr. a-iul `unaided, wantonly, voluntarily', Middle Breton eoull, youll ` favor, wish desire ', as a name component in gall. Avi-cantus (=Old Breton Eucant), Old Welsh Euilaun , also in Old High German names as Awileib, Awo; compare Gothic awi-liuÞ `χάρις, εὐχαριστία'; Middle Welsh ri-m-aw ` he grants to me ', Welsh ad-aw (with negat. at-) ` leave ', Old Breton di-eteguetic `abandoned, forsaken, deserted, destitute' (*di-at-aw-etic). 

Falk-Torp 1407 adds also an: Old High German ōdi, Old Saxon ōthi, Old English Adj. īeÞe, Adv. ēaÞe ` easy, comfortable ', Old High German ōdmuoti, Old Saxon ōthmōdi `modest', Old English ēaÞmōd `modest', Old Norse auðmjūkr ` to move easily, willing, modest ',

auðkendr ` to recognize easily '; basic meaning is ` willing ', from which ` to make easy '; formal Germanic to-participle-formation to awi- (example Germanic auÞia- ` deserted;  flat;  waste;  empty;  abandoned;  blasted;  desolate;  bleak;  grey;  gray;  barren;  stuffy;  dull;  tedious '?). Rather uncertainly. 

If also Old Lithuanian auštis ` refresh oneself ', ataušimas ` refreshment ', Latvian ataust ` recover, refresh ', ataũsêt ` invigorate, refresh ' are used, the zero grade lies to them *aus - of in Old Indic ávas-, gr. ἐν-ηής present as a basis es-stem . Or = Lithuanian áušti ` get cold ', áušyti ` cool '?

Tocharian B au-lāre, A olar ` comrade '; as dubious В omaute ` longing ', w-är(īn)- ` crave, long for', A w-aste ` protection ' with angebl. zero grade the root rather here wa- ` give ', A 1.Sg. wsā (Pedersen Tochar. 186). 

References: WP. I 19, WH. I 81, 850, Van Windekens Lexique 9, 79, 153, 157.

Page(s): 77-78

Root / lemma: au̯o-s (*ḫouḫḫaš)

Meaning: grandfather


The original root was Hittite ḫu-uḫ-ḫa-aš (*ḫouḫḫaš) `grandfather' branched into Root / lemma: au̯o-s: grandfather in centum languages and Root / lemma: sūs-: parent : alb. (*ḫuḫḫaš) gjysh `grandfather' in satem languages; old laryngeal centum ḫ- > a-, e- : satem ḫ- > s- ;


Hittite: huhha- c. (Tischler 260ff)

Tokharian: B āwe  ' grandfather '  (Adams 56)

Armenian: hav, gen. havu `Grossvater ' 

Old Greek: ? ái̯ă f. `Erde '  (? < `Mutter ' ), Cyren. áia = hüpò Kürēnaíōn tēthìs kài mai^a '  EM 27:24

Slavic: *ūjь `Oheim ' 

Baltic: *aw-a- m., *aw-ā^ f., *aw-ī^n-a-

Germanic: *aw-ōn- f.; *aw-an- m.; *aw-un xaim-a-z

Latin: avus, -ī m. `Grossvater, Ahn ' 

Celtic: OIr haue, aue `nepos ' , MIr ōa, ua `nepos ' ; Cymr ewythr `Oheim ' , OCorn euitor `Oheim ' , Bret eontr `Oheim ' 



Proto-Celtic: *āwyo- 'descendant, grandchild' [Noun]

Old Irish: aue > ua, ó [io m], Ogam AVI [Gen s]

Middle Breton: eontr < *awontro-

Cornish: eviter gl. patruus < *awontro-

Gaulish: aua (Cavaillon) 'granddaughter'

Proto-Indo-European: *h2ewh2o- 'grandfather'

IE cognates: Hitt. hūhha-, Lat. auus 'grandfather', OIc. áe, Arm. haw.

Notes: MW ewythr 'maternal uncle', MBret. eontr, and MCo. eviter < PCelt. *awontro-, another derivative from the same PIE root. PCelt. *āwyo-, implied by OIr. aue (and perhaps by MW wy-r 'descendant') is a vrddhi-derivative to PIE *h2ewh2o- 'grandfather'.


Armenian hav `grandfather' could go back also to *pap-, would be au̯os only north - west Indo Germanic On account of here Hittite (*ḫouḫḫaš) ḫu-uḫ-ḫa-aš (ḫuḫḫaš) `grandfather'? Lycian *χuga ` grandfather on the maternal side ' appears to speak rather of Asia Minor origin.


common Germanic Baltic -k- suffix = Hittite -ḫḫ- suffix


Note: common vowel stretch Hittite ḫou- > ḫu- (vowel -o- was absent in Hittite).

Armenian hav, Gen. havu `grandfather', Latin avus ` grandfather; poet., in gen., an ancestor '; fem. Latin avia `grandmother' (see finally Leumann-Stolz5 204), dubious gr. αἶα as ` primordial mother earth ' (compare Brugmann IF. 29, 206 ff., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 473;

Latin also -ḫu̯- > -v-.

different Jacobsohn Phil. 67, 484 f., Kretschmer Glotta 5. 307); avītus ` of a grandfather, ancestral ' is probably shaped after marītus, older i-stem in Lithuanian avýnas ` brother of the mother ';

differently Jacobsohn Phil. 67, 484 f., innkeepers Glotta 5. 307); avītus ` ancestral| of one's ancestors| family; of/belonging to a grandfather ' is formed probably after marītus, old i-stem in Lithuanian avýnas ` brother of the mother ';

i̯o-derivative Old Prussian awis `uncle', Old Church Slavic *ujь ds. (ujka `aunt'), Old Irish (h)áue ` a grandson, a nephew ', Middle Irish ó(a), úa ds.; en-stem: Gothic awō `grandmother', Old Norse afi `grandfather', āi ` great-grandfather ', Old English ēam, Old Frisian ēm, Old High German ōheim, Modern High German Oheim, Ohm (after Osthoff PBrB. 13, 447 *awun-haimaz ` the one who lived in grandfather's home '), after R. Much Germanic 205 from *auhaim < Indo Germanic *au̯os k̂oimos ` dear grandfather', compare Welsh tad cu [*tatos koimos] `grandfather'), Latin avunculus ` brother of the mother ' (probably caressing diminutive an  *avō, -ōnis); Welsh ewythr, Old Cornish euitor, Breton eontr `uncle' (*au̯en-tro-).

The stem called originally the grandparents on the maternal side, become through the words for `uncle or aunt on the maternal side ' probably, s. Hermann GGN. 1918, 214 f.


Latin avus ; avos > Italian avolo, Galician avó, Catalan avi, Portuguese avô ; vovô, Spanish abuelo, French aïeul, Albanian (*güelus) gjysh, Asturian güelu, Caló tesquelo, Judeo-Spanish agüelo, Leonese guelu ; güelu, Sardinian (Limba Sarda Unificada) (*yayu) giaggiu, Sardinian Campidanesu abu ; avu ; ayayu, Sardinian Logudoresu avu ; abu ; yayu, Valencian yayo `grandfather'

Clear influence of a substrate Anatolian Hittite (*ḫouḫḫaš) ḫu-uḫ-ḫa-aš (ḫuḫḫaš) `grandfather'? Lycian *χuga ` grandfather on the maternal side '.

A early borrowing from Estonian (*avana-isa) vana-isa > Finnish iso-isä, Hungarian (*vana-gy-papa) nagy-apa ; nagy-papa `grandfather'.

References: WP. I 20 f., WH. 88 f., 851, Pedersen Lycian under Hittite 25 f., Risch Mus. Helv. 1, 118 ff.

Page(s): 89

Root / lemma: ā̆bel-, ā̆bōl-, abel-

Meaning: apple


Root / lemma: ā̆bel-, ā̆bōl-, abel- : `apple' derived from Root / lemma: om- (*ḫamel): `raw, bitter, *sweet'.


Maybe Old Indic: abalá- m. `the plant Tapia Crataeva' {`Crataegus roxburghii' (H. Ebel KZ VI, 1957:216)} [It is a proof of the European origin of the cognate].

Latin Abella (Oscan town, city in Campanien) malifera `apple-bearing', after Verg. Aen. 7, 740, might have received her name after of the apple breeding and reject on the basic form *ablonā. The apple is not named possibly only after the town.

In the Celtic the names are to be distinguished for `apple' (*ablu) and ` apple tree ' (*abaln-). Gall. avallo ` fruit ', Aballō (n-stem) PN, French Avallon, abrit. PN Aballāva, gallo-rom. *aballinca ` Alpine mistletoe ' (Wartburg);

Maybe Illyrian PN Aulona

Old Irish ubull (*ablu) n. `apple', Modern Welsh afal, Pl. afalau, Cornish Breton aval m. `apple', but Middle Irish aball (*abalnā) f. `apple tree', Old Welsh aball, Middle Welsh avall Pl. euyill (analogical) f., Old Welsh aballen, Modern Welsh afallen `apple tree' (with singulative ending).

The same vowel gradation forms in the Germanic:

Crimean Gothic apel (Gothic *apls?), Old High German apful, afful, Middle High German apfel, Old English æppel (English apple), Old Norse epli n. (apal-grār `apple-gray') `apple'. Germanic probably *ap(a)la-, *aplu-. Further Old Norse apaldr `apple tree', Old English apuldor, æppuldre, Old High German apholtra (compare Modern High German Affoltern PN), Middle High German apfalter `apple tree' (*apaldra-). 

The Baltic shows clear tracks in Indo Germanic completely isolated l- declension *ābōl, G. Sg. *ābeles. 

lengthened grade of the suffix appears mostly in the word for `apple': East Lithuanian obuolỹs, Latvian âbuolis (-ii̯o-stem), West Lithuanian óbuolas, Latvian âbuols (o-stem) from Indo Germanic *ābōl-; 

Normal grade mostly in the word for `apple tree'; Lithuanian obelìs (fem. i-stem), Latvian âbels (i-stem), âbele (ē-stem) from Indo Germanic *ābel-; but Old Prussian woble f. (*ābl-) `apple', wobalne (*ābolu-) f. `apple tree'. 

Old Bulgarian ablъko, jablъko, poln. jabɫko, slov. jábolko, Russian  jábloko `apple' (*ablъko from *āblu-) etc; Old Bulgarian (j)ablanь, sloven. jáblan, Old Czech jablan, jablon, Russian  jáblonь `apple tree', from Indo Germanic*āboln- (influences the sound form of *ablo `apple'). 

Although a uniform basic form is not attachable, it becomes both Latin Celtic Germanic Balto Slavic forms only around ancient relationship and barely around borrowing act. With respect to Latin abies ` fir'  etc. very uncertain.


The oldest IE cognate is Luvian: *šamlu(wa)- `apple-(tree)'; Attestations: [HittErgSg] ša-ma-lu-wa-an-za: 145 iii 18. GIŠH̲AŠH̲UR-an-za: XLIV 4+ Vo 26. GIŠH̲AŠH̲UR-lu-wa-an-za: XLIV 4+ Vo 28.

Commentary: Above analysis most likely, but textual tradition is corrupt. Luvian nt. nom.-acc. sg. šamluwan=za also possible. Cf. Starke, KZ 95.153f, and Soysal, Or 58.174ff.

From the common IE shift m > mb > b derived *šamlu(wa)- > Root / lemma: ā̆bel-, ā̆bōl-, abel- : `apple' in Germanic languages while in Romance languages took place the coomon Illyrian alb. sa > zero, Luvian *šamlu(wa)- `apple-(tree)' > Latin malum -i n. `an apple, or other similar fruit'; alb. Geg mollë `apple'.

Also Proto-Slavic form: jemela; jemelo; jemelъ; jьmela; jьmelo {2} [Page in Trubačev: VI 26-27]: Russian oméla `mistletoe' [f ā], Old Russian imela `mistletoe' [f ā], Czech omela (dial.) `mistletoe' [f ā]; omelo (dial.) `mistletoe' [n o]; jmelí, melí (dial.) `mistletoe' [f iā], Slovak jemelo (dial.), hemelo (dial.) `mistletoe' [n o]; imelo, jmelo (dial.) `mistletoe' [n o], Poln. jemioɫa, jamioɫa `mistletoe' [f ā]; imioɫa (dial.) `mistletoe' [f ā], Upper Sorbian jemjel `mistletoe' [m o], Lower Sorbian jemjoɫ, hemjoɫ `mistletoe' [m o], Serbo-Croatian òmela (dial.) `mistletoe' [f ā]; ìmela, mèla `mistletoe' [f ā], Slovene jemę́la (dial.), omę́la (dial.) `mistletoe' [f ā]; imę̄la, mę̄la `mistletoe' [f ā], Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: emel-;  Lith. ãmalas, ẽmalas `mistletoe' [m o] 3b, Latv. amuols; ęmuols (BW); amuls; āmals; āmuls `mistletoe, clover' [m o] {1}, Old PRussian emelno (EV) `mistletoe'.

Bibliography: Anikin 1998: 334-336, Andersen 1996: 133-135

Notes: {1} The forms with ā- may show the influence of âbuõls `apple, clover'. {2} This plant name is probably a borrowing from the Illyrian Venetian substratum language. The Slavic forms with *jьm- must be due to popular etymology (the mistletoe's sap is used to produce bird-lime), compare. OCS imati `to take'. An etymological connection with PIE *h1m- `to take' is doubtful, as is the connection with *H3eHm- `raw' .

maybe gr. Compounds: ἁμάμηλίς plant growing in the same time as the apple-tree, `medlar', = ἐπιμηλίς.

Probably Tocharian B: māla* 'a kind of intoxicating drink'; Paradigm: [-, -, māla//]

Examples: se ṣa[māne] mot māla trikelyesa śakse yokäṃ pāyti `whatever monk drinks alcohol or intoxicating beverage through befuddlement or brandy, pāyti' [māla = BHS maireya] (H-149.X.3b1/2 [Couvreur, 1954b: 48]), tumeṃ pärwettsai mālasa yokalle `then it [is] to be drunk with an aged drink' (W-33a5).

Derivatives: mālatstse* `drunken': aräñcacu epreta Mārä[nts]= ādañc mālatsai ... ṣpyarkatai-me `O courageous and brave one, thou hast destroyed Māra's drunken bite' (241a2/3).

References: WP. I 50, WH. I 3, E. Fraenkel KZ. 63, 172 ff., Trautmann 2.

Page(s): 1-2

Root / lemma: ā̆ĝher-, ā̆ĝhen-, ā̆ĝhes- (or ōĝher etc) (*dā̆ĝhen)

Meaning: day

Grammatical information: Heteroklit. Neutrum.

Material: Old Indic áhar, áhaḥ, Gen. áhn-as, Avestan Gen. PI. asn-ąm `day'. In Germanic is found anlaut d- by influence from proto Germanic *ðā̆ʒwaz (Indo Germanic *dhō̆gʷho-, s. *dhegʷh- ` burn ') ` warm season ' (: Lithuanian dãgas ` summer heat '): the o-stem Gothic dags, 

Old Icelandic dagr, Old High German tac m. `day' is from neutr. es-stem reshaped (Gothic PN Δαγίσ-θεος = *Dagis-Þius, Old High German Dagi-bert etc), also in vowel gradation, Old English dǽg (*dōʒiz), Pl. dōgor n. `day' (Gothic fidur-dōgs `fourth day '), Old Icelandic døgr n. `day or night ' besides there is n-stem Old Danish døgn n. `day and night'. 


From Root / lemma: dhegʷh-: `to burn, *day' derived Root / lemma: ā̆ĝher-, ā̆ĝhen-, ā̆ĝhes- (or ōĝher etc): `day' the same as Root / lemma: ak̂ru : `tear' derived from Root / lemma: dak̂ru- : `tears'. The phonetic shift da- > a-, zero is a common Baltic. Compare Root / lemma: del-5 : `long': Baltic with unexplained d-loss (see below): Lithuanian ìlgas, f. ilgà, Latvian il̃gs, Old Prussian ilga and ilgi Adv. `long' : Hittite Nom. Pl. da-lu-ga-e-eš (dalugaes) `long', da-lu-ga-aš-ti (dalugasti) n. `length'. This is a sound proof of Aryan migration from the Baltic region to North India.

References: WP. I 849 f., WH. I 467, Feist 113 f., Sievers-Brunner 121, 243, Wackernagel-Debrunner III 310 f.

Page(s): 7

Root / lemma: ā̆ĝ-

Meaning: goat


Root / lemma: digh- : `goat' derived from a zero grade of Root / lemma: deiĝh- : `to prick; tick'. From the older root Root / lemma: deiĝh- : `to prick; tick' derived Root / lemma: aiĝ- : `goat' and  Root / lemma: ā̆ĝ- : `goat' [common Baltic - Illyrian - alb. de-, da- > zero]. Hence the gr. cognate derived from proto Illyrian

Material: Old Indic ajá-ḥ `he-goat', ajā́ ` she-goat ', Middle Persian azak `goat', New Persian azg ds.;

alb. dhī́ `goat' (G. Meyer BB. 8, 186, Pedersen KZ. 36, 320, 335; probably from *adhi, as sii `eye' from asii);


Maybe a zero grade in alb. (*ā̆ĝhi) dhī́ ` goat ' [the common alb. shift -ĝh- > -d-], older alb. Geg (*ā̆ĝhi) edha `goats, sheep'.

Lithuanian ožỹs (*āĝi̯os) `he-goat', ožkà `goat', Old Prussian wosee `goat', wosux `he-goat'; 

Old Indic ajína-m `fur, fleece'; 

Lithuanian ožìnis ` belonging to he-goat ', ožíena ` billy goat's meat ';

Church Slavic (j)azno (*azьno) ` skin, leather '.

References: WP. I 38, Trautmann 22. compare also aiĝ-.

Page(s): 6-7

Root / lemma: ā̆ier-, ā̆ien-

Meaning: day, morning

Grammatical information: n.


Root / lemma: ā̆ier-, ā̆ien- : `day, morning' derived from a reduced Root / lemma: ā̆ĝher-, ā̆ĝhen-, ā̆ĝhes- (oder ōĝher etc.): `day'.

Material: Avestan ayarǝ, Gen. ayąn n. `day'. 

Gr. Locative *ἀ(ι̯)ερι- in ἄριστον (from *ai̯eri-d-tom, to ed- `eat') ` breakfast ' (uncontracted ἀέριστον still produceable Hom. Ω 124, π 2); lengthened grades *ἀ̄(ι̯)ερι in the derivative ἠέριος ` early morning ', contracts in ἦρι `in the morning '. Different Risch 105. 

Gothic air, Old Icelandic ār, Adv. ` early ' (likewise Locative *ai̯eri), in addition comparative Gothic airiza ` earlier ', Adv. airis = Old English ǣr, Old High German ēr, Modern High German eher, ehe; superlative Old English ǣrest, Old High German ērist, Modern High German erst. 

References: WP. I 3, Feist 24b.

Maybe to ā̆i-4. 

Page(s): 12

Root / lemma: ā(i)ĝh- : īĝh-

Meaning: to need

Material: Avestan āzi-š m. ` desire ', np. az ds., Avestan āza-š m. ` striving, eagerness, zeal '; changing through vowel gradation Avestan izyati ` strives, striving for ' and ī̆žā ` striving, zeal, success, prosperousness ' Old Indic īhā `desire', īhatē ` strives whereupon'; 

gr. ἀ̄χήν `poor' = ἠχῆνες κενοί, πτωχοί Hes. (by support of words, with ἀ- privative out of it ἀεχῆνες πένητες Hes., and ἀχενία ` lack, poverty '), κτεανηχής πένης Hes., changing through vowel gradation ἰχανάω `longs for ', ἶχαρ ` desire '; 

Tocharian A ākāl, В akālk ` wish, longing '. Different Pedersen Tocharian 42. 

References: WP. I 40, Van Windekens BSL. 41, 55; unwahrscheinlich Bartholomae IF. 5, 215.

Page(s): 14-15

Root / lemma: ā̆ik̂- : ī̆k̂-

Meaning: spear, pike


Both Root / lemma: ak̂-, ok̂- : `sharp; stone' and Root / lemma: ā̆ik̂- : ī̆k̂- : `spear, pike' are reduced roots of an older root *heĝʷ-el created through metathesis from Root/ lemmna **helĝʷa. This older root was solidified by Church Slavic: (*heĝʷ-el) igla `needle' [f ā]

Slavic languages inherited the common da- > zero from the older Baltic-Germanic languages. The phonetic shift da- >  zero is a common Baltic. Compare Root / lemma: del-5 : `long': Baltic with unexplained d-loss (see below): Lithuanian ìlgas, f. ilgà, Latvian il̃gs, Old Prussian ilga and ilgi Adv. `long' : Hittite Nom. Pl. da-lu-ga-e-eš (dalugaes) `long', da-lu-ga-aš-ti (dalugasti) n. `length'.

Hence from Root / lemma: dhelg- : `to stick; needle' derived the alledged Baltic Root/ lemmna **helĝʷa from which Church Slavic: (*heĝʷ-el) igla `needle' [f ā], then Both Root / lemma: ak̂-, ok̂- : `sharp; stone' and Root / lemma: ā̆ik̂- : ī̆k̂- : `spear, pike'.

Material: Gr. αἶκλοι αἱ γωνίαι τοῦ βέλους Hes., gr. ἰκτέα ἀκόντιον Hes., Cypriot ἰκμαμένος or ἰχμαμένος (in the latter pitfall from *ἰκσμαμένος) ` wounds ', gr.αἰχμή `spear, spit ' (*aik-smā), Old Prussian aysmis ` spit, broach ', Lithuanian iẽšmas, jiẽšmas ` spit, broach ', (basic form *aik̂mos or Gr. exact congruent *aik̂-smos); from moreover Old Prussian ayculo, Church Slavic igla etc `needle', with g instead of ž (compare S.181)?

Maybe a borrowing in  alb. halë `needle, fishbone, awn' from Ukrainian: hólka `needle' [f ā]; ihlá (dial.) `needle' [f ā]

Proto-Slavic form: jьgъlà

Accent paradigm: c

Page in Trubačev: VIII 213-214

Church Slavic: igla `needle' [f ā]

Russian: iglá `needle' [f ā]

Ukrainian: hólka `needle' [f ā]; ihlá (dial.) `needle' [f ā]

Czech: jehla `needle' [f ā]; ihɫa (dial.) `needle' [f ā]

Slovak: ihla `needle' [f ā]

Polish: igɫa `needle, pin' [f ā]; jegɫa (dial.) `needle, pin' [f ā]

Slovincian: jìe̯glă `needle' [f ā]

Lower Sorbian: gɫa `needle' [f ā]

Polabian: jḁglă `needle' [f ā]

Serbo-Croatian: ìgla `needle' [f ā], ȉglu [Accs]; jìgla (dial.) `needle' [f ā]; jàgla (dial.) `needle' [f ā]; Čak. iglȁ (Vrgada) `needle' [f ā], ȉglu [Accs]; Čak. iglȁ (Novi) `needle' [f ā]; Čak. ȉgla (Vrgada) `needle' [f ā], ȉglo [Accs]

Slovene: ígla `needle, kingpin' [f ā]; jǝ̀gla (dial.) `needle, kingpin' [f ā]

Old Prussian: ayculo `needle' [f ā]

also alb. Geg gjilpanë n. f. `needle' is a compound of (Nominative) *gjil- `needle' + (Genitive) peni  `thread'; alb. common zero grade *ilga > *gil- `needle' corresponds to zero grade in Serbo-Croatian: ìgla `needle' [f ā].

Latin īcō (analogical īciō), -ĕre ` hit, wound, strike, smite; esp., to strike a bargain ', ictus ` slash, blow, stroke; in music, beat ', probably also Avestan išarǝ ` instant, (very short space of time) ' = gr. ἴκταρ ` near ' (as ` adjoining, adjacent ') and ἴγδη, ἴγδις ` mortar ' (also ἴξ, ἴκες ` worms damaging the vine ', from which ἶπες ds. could be reshuffled after the related to meaning κνῖπες, σκνῖπες, θρῖπες; different Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 299.

Here possibly Old Norse eigin n. ` a sprout that has just emerged from a seed ' (`point, cusp'), Swedish Dialectal äjel m.ds. (Fick4 III 2) and Low German īne ` awn, ear of corn' (Bezzenberger Federal Railway. 27, 166).

References: WP. I 7, WH. I 670, Trautmann 3, 4.

Page(s): 15

Root / lemma: ā̆i-4

Meaning: to burn

Material: from Old English āfor ` sharp, violent ', Old High German eibar, eivar ` harsh, bitter, pungent, rough, shaggy, bristly; shivering with cold. Transf., wild, savage; unpolished, uncouth; frightful, horrible ' derived from *aibhro- not is to be connected certainly.

Maybe but here gr. ἰαίνω `warms up ' from *i(i̯)-ani̯ō; see below eis-1 ` move, shake violently '. 

See also: S. under ai-dh-, ā̆i̯er-, ai̯os-, aisk-, ai-tro-.

Page(s): 11

Root / lemma: ā̆l-3

Meaning: to wander, roam

Material: Gr. ἄλη `the vagrancy, the wandering about ', ἀλάομαι (horn. Pf. ἀλάλημαι), ἀλαίνω ` wanders about ', ἀλήτης ` beggar ', ἀλητεύω ` wander, begging around ', ἅλιος ` in vain ' (Spiritus asper admittedly, still unexplained, s. Boisacq 44, also against the assumption of anlaut F-);

from a basis alu-, aleu- gr. ἀλύω ` to be deeply stirred, excited, from grief, to be distraught, beside oneself, from perplexity or despair, to be at a loss, perplexed, wander, roam about ', ἀλύσσω ds. (Hom.; Fut. ἀλύξει Hippokr.), ἀλύκη ` restiveness, worry, concern, fear, alarm ', ἄλυσις (from ἀλύω) ` angst ', ἄλυς, -υος (Plut.) ` idly hanging around, boredom '; common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-; with the concept ` wander around, not to come near to, around a dangerous place or thing ', also ἀλεύομαι, ἀλέομαι ` avoid ', ἀλύσκω (*αλυκ-σκω, compare Aor. ἤλυξα) ` escape ', ἀλυσκάζω ` avoid, flee ', ἀλεείνω ds., ἀλεωλή ` defense ' (*ἀλεFωλή formation as φειδωλή).

Hittite: halluwai- c. ' squabble, quarrel ', Luvian halwat- 'protest?'.


*) ἀλαζών ` fibber, boaster, bragger ' (actually dragging around juggler, mountebank), derives after Bonfante (BSL. 37, 77) from Thracian VN ᾽Αλαζόνες.

**) ἀλύ̄ω, ἀλυίω from *ἀλυʒι̯ω compare Schulze Qunder ep. 310 f., Lagercrantz Z. gr. Lautg. 89 with Old Indic roṣati, ruṣyati ` be cross with, be angry ', but from Uhlenbeck Old Indic Wb. 256 is placed more right to Lithuanian rústas ` unfriendly, unkind '.  


Mit ā-: ἠλάσκω ` wanders around ', ἠλαίνω `be demented ', Med. ` wander around ', ἠλέματος (Doric ἀ̄λέματος Theokr.) ` foolish, futile, vain ', ἠλίθιος `trifling, in vain, brainless', ἠλεός ` confuses, beguiles; bewildering ', (besides Aeolic equivalent ἆλλος an *ά̄λιος in:) hom. ἆλλα φρονέων `φρένας ἠλεός' ` dazed, unconscious ' (from Doric *ᾱλεός derives Latin ālea ` a game of dice, game of hazard; hence chance, risk, uncertainty, blind luck ').

Latin ambulō `to walk, go for a walk, travel, march' (Umbrian amboltu `a walk, a stroll'); (Latin alūcinor `to wander in mind, dream, talk idly' is probably borrowed from ἀλύω under formal support in vāticinor ).

In addition Latvian aluôt, aluôtiês ` wander around, get lost ', with ā Latvian āla ` half-mad person ', āl'uôtiês ` behave foolish, gestures clownish '.

Tocharian AB āl- ` distinguish, remove '.

References: WP. I 87 f., WH. I 33, 38, EM. 43 (places ambulō to gr. ἐλαύνω, stem el-).

Page(s): 27-28

Root / lemma: ālu-, ālo- (*ḫālu-)

Meaning: a bitter plant

Material: Old Indic ālú-ḥ, ālukám- ` bulb, onion, round esculent radix '; Latin ālum, ālium ` garlic ', Oscan *allō from *ali̯ā probably as foundation of gr. ἀλλᾶς ` sausage (*stuffed tubular casing)'; Latin ālum or ālus ` Symphytum officinale L., comfrey, blackwort ' a plant appreciated for its roots (perhaps gall. word? s. Thesaurus). 

References: WP. I 90 f., WH. I 30, 33.

See also: Probably to alu-. 

Page(s): 33

Root / lemma: āmer- (āmōr, āmr̥)

Meaning: day

Material: Gr. horn. ἦμαρ, -ατος, Attic ἡ⛤έρᾱ (Asper probably after ἑσπέρα, Sommer Gr. Ltst. 123), otherwise ἀ̄μέρα `day' (with Lenis, hence not to Indo Germanic *sem- ` summer '; 

Lithuanian bei Boisacq s. v., wherefore Fick KZ. 43, 147); Armenian aur `day' (from *āmōr about *amur, *aumr; Meillet Esquisse 55). To the stem formation s. still J. Schmidt Pl. 195 f., to Ionian μεσᾰμβρίη ` midday ' Boisacq under μεσημβρίᾱ. Van Windekens (Lexique 80) places here Tocharian A omäl, В emalle `hot', from Indo Germanic *āmel-. 

References: WP. I 53, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 305, 481, 518.

Page(s): 35

Root / lemma: āno-

Meaning: ring

Material: Armenian anur ` neckband, ring ', Latin ānus ` circle, ring ', Old Irish āinne (*ānīni̯o-) m. ` ring, anus '. (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Latin annulus > Bolognese anèl : Bresciano anèl : Furlan anel : Galician anel : Portuguese anel : Paduan  anèo : Provençal anèu : Wallon anea : Reggiano : anél : Romagnolo anèl : Romansh anè : Romanian : inel : Italian anello : Spanish anillo ; anilla : Catalan anell : French anneau : Aragones aniello : Asturian aniellu : Corsican anellu : Leonese aniellu : Lombardo Occidentale anell : Napulitano aniéllo : Calabrese 'neddu ; aniellu ; aneddu ; anìaddru : Pugliese anìadd : Sardinian Campidanesu aneddu : Sardinian Logudoresu aneddu : Sicilian aneddu : Viestano nidd' ` circle, ring ' [common Calabrese, Pugliese, Sardinian, Sicilian, Viestano -ll- > -dd-] > through metathesis Albbanian (*aneddu) unazë ` circle, ring ' common alb. d- > z- similar to alb. gaz ` joy' < Latin gaudium ` joy'.

References: WP. I 61, WH. I 55, Pedersen Litt. 2, 80.

Page(s): 47

Root / lemma: āpero-

Meaning: shore


Root / lemma: āpero- : ` shore ' derived from Root / lemma: apo- (pō̆, ap-u, pu) (*ḫ2apḫ3o-): ` from, out, of ' < Root / lemma: ā̆p-2 : ` water, river ' < Root / lemma: ab- : ` water, river ' < Root / lemma: abō(n) (*ḫ2abō-): ` ape, *water demon ' < Root / lemma: abh- (*ḫ2abh-): ` quick, abrupt ' < Root / lemma: abhro- (*ḫ2abhro-): ` strong, mighty ' < root m̥bh-(ro-): < with l-formant (nebhelā): < Root / lemma: (enebh-2): nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- : ` wet, damp; water; clouds '.

Material: Gr. ἤπειρος, Doric ἄπειρος f. ` shore; mainland '; Old English ōfer, Middle Low German ōver, Middle High German (md.) uover, Modern High German Ufer; but Armenian ap`n ` shore ' requires Indo Germanic ph and hence, stays away.

relationship to *apo `since, from, ex', Old Indic ápara- ` back, later ' as lengthened grade formation becomes adopted by Specht Dekl. 23. 

References: WP. I 48.

Page(s): 53

Root / lemma: ā̆p-2 (*ḫā̆p-2)

Meaning: water, river


Root / lemma: ā̆p-2 (*ḫā̆p-2): ` water, river ' derived from Root / lemma: ab- (*ḫ2abh-): ` water, river ' < Root / lemma: abō(n) (*ḫ2abō-): ` ape, *water demon ' < Root / lemma: abh- (*ḫ2abh-): ` quick, abrupt ' < Root / lemma: abhro- (*ḫ2abhro-): ` strong, mighty ' < root m̥bh-(ro-): < with l-formant (nebhelā): < Root / lemma: (enebh-2): nebh-, embh-, m̥bh- : ` wet, damp; water; clouds '.


Hittite: ḫap(a)- ' river ', Pal. ḫapnas, Luvian ḫapinni- (Tischler 159-160)

Tokḫarian: A, B āp 'water, river' (Adams 44)


Old Indian: ap- f. (pl. ā́paḥ, gen. apā́m) `water ' ; nīpa- `situated low, deep ' , anūpá- `situated near the water, watery ' , dvīpá- m.n. `island, peninsula, sandbank ' , antarīpa- n. `island ' 

Avestan: afš, acc. āpǝm, instr. apā(-èa)  ' Wasser ' 

Old Greek: ǟ́pei̯ro-s, aeol. ā́perro-s f. `Festland (im Gegensatz zu dem Meer und den Inseln), Küste ' 

Baltic: *ap-iā̃ f., *up-iā̃ f. -ia- c., *ūp-iā̃ f.

Germanic: *ōfVr=

Latin: amnis, -is m./f. `Fluss, Srtrom, (dicht.) Strömung, Wasser ' 


Old Indic ā̆p- f. `water', e.g. Pl. Norn. ā́paḥ, Akk. apáḥ, Gen. apā́m, Avestan Nom. Sg. āfš, Akk. Sg. āpǝm, Instrumental Sg. apā(-ca), Old Indic ā́pavant- `watery', in older contraction with reduplication-stem in -i, -u auslaut prefixes (Kretschmer KZ. 31, 385, Johansson IF. 4, 137 f.) pratīpá- ` directed against the stream ', nīpá- ` low lying, deep-recumbent ', anūpá- ` situated, lying in water ', dvīpá- ` island, sand bank in the river ', antarīpa- `island'; the same contraction with in -o ending 1. part in gr. river names Ἰνωπός ` name of a stream on Delos', ᾽Ασωπός ( : ἰνόω, ἄσις; Fick BB. 22, 61, 62); gr. `Ᾱπία `Peloponnes', Μεσσ-απία ds., lokr. Μεσσ-άπιοι, Illyrian Μεσσά̄πιοι (different Krahe ZONF. 13, 20 f.) common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss- and Āpuli of Lower Italy,, river names ᾽Απιδών (Arcadia), ᾽Απιδανός (Thessaly), Thracian (*ḫ2ā̆pos) ῎Απος (Dacia), Illyrian (*ḫ2ā̆psos) ῎Αψος, Apsus, apul. PN Sal-apia (`saltwater '); here as vestiges Venetic-Illyrian immigration part of the West German apa- names, as Erft (*Arnapia), and all FlN with -up-, as Modern High German Uppia-Bach (Tirol), French Sinope (Manche), brit. harbour Rutupiae, sizil. Κακύπαρις (compare Lithuanian Kakupis), compare the Thracian FlN ῝Υπιος, ῝Υπανις;

Old Prussian ape `river', apus `spring, fountain, stream, brook', Lithuanian ùpė, Latvian upe `water' (u is perhaps reduplication-stem from Indo Germanic o, a, Trautmann Bsl. Wb. 11; or belongs up- rather to Old Church Slavic vapa `sea'?). Here Ach- (*aps-) in Welsh FlN, gall. Axona? 

Besides Celtic-Latin ab-, see below ab-.

Johansson IF. 4. 137 f. goes to explanation the b-form from through ᾽Απιδών, ᾽Απιδανός as well as by Old Indic ábda-ḥ m. `cloud' and with āpaḥ paradigmatic welded together Instrumental Dative Pl. Old Indic adbhiḥ, adbhyaḥ, presumed stem *ap(ǝ)d- (perhaps ` giving water ', with dō- ` give ' belonging to the 2nd part) from: *abdō(n), Gen. *abdnés, from which *abnés; from obl. case arose from Latin amnis, was compensated during in Celtic *abdō(n) : *abnés to *abā (Middle Irish ab), *abonā (hence Middle Irish abann). (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

References: WP. I 46 f., WH. I 40, 846, Krahe Gl. 20, 188 ff., Pokorny Urillyrier 110 ff., 130 f., Krahe Würzburg. Jahrb. 1, 86 ff.

Page(s): 51-52

Root / lemma: ā̆s-, therefrom azd-, azg(h)-

Meaning: to burn


Hittite: hassa- c.  ' Herd, Feuerstelle ' , Luw. hassaniti  ' hearth '  (Tischler 196-197)

Tokharian: A, B ās-  ' dry out, dry up '  (PT *ās-) (Adams 57-58)

Old Indian: ā́sa- m. `ashes, dust ' 

Armenian: azazaem `dörren ' , aèiun `Asche ' 

Old Greek: ázdō `dörren, trocknen ' , ázda f. `Trockenheit, Hitze ' , azdaléo- `dürr ' , Laconian acc. áddau̯o-n `ksērón '  (Hsch.), azdau̯tós `palai ótēs kài kónis '  (Hsch.)

Slavic: *ozdītī (Czech, OPol ozd `Malzdarre ' , Czech, Slovak ozditi `Malz dörren ' )

Germanic: *as-k-ō(n-) f., *ask-ian- n.

Latin: āreo, -ēre, -uī `trocken, dürr, ausgedörrt, verschmachtet sein ' , āridus, -a `trocken, dürr ' , ardeō, -ēre, arsī `brennen, glühen, entbrannt sein ' ; āra f. (OLat āsa) f. `Aufbau zum Opfern, Altar ' 

Other Italic: Osk aasaí `in ara ' , Umbr ase `arae ' 


In e- grade:

Old High German essa f., Modern High German Esse (*asi̯ōn), Proto Norse aRina, Old Icelandic arinn ` exaltation, elevation, hearth, fireplace ', (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old High German erin ` floorboard, ground, bottom ' (*azena);

In a- grade:

Hittite ḫa-aš-ši-i (ḫaši) Locative ` on the hearth ' (ḫašaš).

Tocharian AB as- present, ās- Perf. and causative ` dry up ', A āsar ` to dry ';

Hittite: ḫassa- c. ' hearth, stove, fireplace ', Luvian ḫassaniti 'heartḫ' (Tischler 196-197)

Old Indic ā́sa-ḥ ` cinder, dust ' (about ásita-ḥ ` black ' s. *n̥si- ` dirt-color, dark color '); Latin āra ` altar; hence refuge, protection; 'arae', plur., name of certain rocks at sea ' (= Oscan aasaí `in the altar', Umbrian are ` altars ' etc), āreō, -ēre `to be dry', āridus `dry, arid, dry, parched, thirsty' (therefrom ardeō ` to burn, glow, be on fire; of bright objects, to gleam; of feeling (esp. of love), to burn, smart; of political disorder, to be ablaze ', participle Pass. assus ` dried, roasted; n. pl. as subst. a sweating bath '), ārea ` a level or open space, site, courtyard, threshing floor; esp. a playground; hence, in gen., play ' (actually ` burnt-out, dry place ');

Hittite: arha- c. ' boundary, Gebiet; Ufer (des Meeres), arha (Adv.) 'hinaus, fort', Lyd. aara- 'Hof, ländl. Besitz' (with doubts Tischler 55-56)

Old Indian: āré `far (from)', ārā́t `from a distant place'

Baltic: *ā^r-ā^ (2) f., *ā^r-a- (2) c., *ār-u- adj.

Latin: ārea f. `freier Platz, Bauplatz; Dreschtenne, Hofraum, Rennbahn, Gartenbeet, Gottesacker, Glatze'


Perhaps here Middle Irish ān ` igneous, radiant, noble ' (*ās-no-). About gr. διψά̄ω, πεινά̄ω s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. 1, 724.

Because r in Hittite a-a-ri (āri) ` becomes hot ' does not belong to the stem, it must be distinguished Latin āreō `to be dry, be parched' not from āra `a structure for sacrifice, altar'. 

Formant extensions:

azd- in gr. ἄζω (*az-d-i̯ō) ` parch, dry ', ἄζα f. ` dehumidifier, dirt ', ἀζαλέος ` dry, inflaming ', ἄδδαυον ξηρόν. Λάκωνες Hes. (-δδ from -zd-); Czech apoln. ozd ` a device for drying malt or a room for drying malt ', Czech slov. ozditi ` to dry malt '.

azg- Armenian aèiun `ash' (Meillet Esquisse 29), gr. ἄσβολος (*ἄσγ-βολος) `soot' (`ash - throw ').

Maybe truncated alb. (*ἄσγ-βολος) blozë ` soot' a Greek loanword.

Germanic *askōn in Old Icelandic aska, Old English asce, æsce, Old High German asca, Modern High German Asche.

Maybe zero grade Latin cinis -eris m. f. `ashes' < Armenian aèiun `ash'; alb. (*(a)ski) hi `ash' [common alb. ski- > hi-].


Root / lemma: ken-2, kenǝ-, keni-, kenu- : `to rub, scrape off; ashes' must have come from zero grade of an extended Root / lemma: ā̆s-, therefrom azd-, azg(h)- : `to burn' into ā̆sk-en with the suffix -en. This assumption is proved by alb. Geg (*askini) hini `ash' [common alb. ski- > hi-].

azgh-? in Armenian azazim `dries' (Meillet Esquisse 33, EM. 70), Gothic azgo `ash' (*azgōn). About the difficult relation from Germanic *askōn : *az-gōn s. Feist 72b; again different Specht Dekl. 201, 219. Also the conclusiveness Armenian examples are not quite flawless.

References: WH. I 61, 65, 848, Feist 72, Trautmann 22, Pedersen Hittitisch 27, 164.

Page(s): 68-69

Root / lemma: āt(e)r-

Meaning: fire, *blow the fire


Root / lemma: āt(e)r- : `fire, *blow the fire' derived from a suffixed Root / lemma: au̯(e)-10, au̯ē(o)-, u̯ē- : `to blow' with common IE formant -ter.


In a- grade:

Hittite: ḫat- (II,I) ' wither, wilt, become shriveled, dry out' (Tischler 213)

Avestan ātarš (Gen. āϑrō) m. `fire', wherefore Old Indic átharvan- ` fire priest ', loanword from Avestan aϑaurvan-, aϑaurun (das ϑ from āϑrō) ds.; 

Armenian airem ` burns, lights ' (due to from *air from *ātēr); Serbian vȁtra `fire', Ukrainian vátra ` fire, stove ', poln. vatra `straw cinder ' are borrowed after Jokl WZKM. 34, 37 ff. from Rumanian vatră ` stove ', these again from Alb. (Geg votrë, votër  with v-suggestion before alb. ot- from *āt-, perhaps Iranian loanword). 

Perhaps as `burnt' also Latin āter ` dead black, dark; poet. clothed in black. Transf., dark, gloomy, sad; malicious, poisonous ' = Umbrian atru, adro ` black, coal-black, gloomy, dark '; but Latin Ātella = Oscan Aderl[ā] (*Ātrolā, e.g. v. Planta I 551), Latin Ātrius = Oscan Aadíriis (v. Planta II 768, Thurneysen 1А. 4, 38, Schulze Latin Eig. 269, 578) are suspectly Etruscan origin.

Maybe Illyrian Adria `deep, dark water, sea'.

Possibly affiliation from Irish áith (Gen. átho) f., Welsh odyn f. ` oven, stove ', s. Fick II4 9. 

References: WP. I 42, WH. I 75 f., 849 f.

Page(s): 69

Root / lemma: ā̆tos, atta (ḫatta)

Meaning: father, mother


Root / lemma: ā̆tos, atta (ḫatta): father, mother derived from Root / lemma: pǝtḗ(r) Gen. pǝtr-és, -ós (*pḫǝtḗ(r)): father

Common Hittite Albanian Celtic Armenian Aryan ph- > h-, zero phonetic mutation


Maybe Sumerian:

ada, ad:         n., father; shout; song [AD archaic frequency: 36; concatenates 3 sign variants].


In a- grade:

Hittite at-ta-aš (attaš) `father'.

Old Indic attā `mother, older sister ', atti-ḥ ` older sister ', osset. äda, gr. ἄττα ` old man, old fellow, father ', dial. Akk. ἄτειν, ἄττειν `grandfather', Latin atta m. `father; term of endearment of the children towards the father ', Gothic atta `father' (Diminutive Attila), Old Frisian aththa ds., Old High German atto `father, forefather, ancestor' (tt by running always besides unpostponed neologism), alb. (*h2at) at, Pl. etër `father'.

In e- grade:

Diminutive Old High German Ezzilo `father'.

In o- grade:

Old Church Slavic оtьcъ `father'; alb. (*h3ot-si̯ā) joshë ` (on the maternal side) grandmother'.

Common ḫ- > j- Slavic Albanian; ḫ- > i̯-, y- Old Indic Tocharian.

In a- grade:

A similar *ā̆to-s in Germanic *aÞala, *ōÞela appears the basis from Old High German adal ` sex, gender ', Modern High German Adel, Old Saxon athali, Old English æðelu N. PL ` noble parentage ', Old Icelandic aðal ` (the rudimentary basis of an organ or other part, esp. in an embryo) anlage, sex ', Tocharian A ātäl ` man '; here also Avestan āϑwya- ` name of the fathers Θraētaona's' as ` from noble parentage '?

The affiliation from gr. ἀταλός ` in a juvenile manner, childish ', ἀτάλλω ` gathers, waits and is in habit ' and ` jumps cheerfully like a child ', reduplication ἀτιτάλλω ` draws up (reduplication under influence from τιθήνη ` nurse '?), is denied by Leumann Gl. 15, 154.

In e- grade:

Adj. Old High German edili, Old Saxon ethili, Old English aeðele ` noble, aristocratic '

In o- grade:

lengthened grade Old High German uodal, Old Saxon ōthil, here Gothic haimōÞli n. ` genotype ', compare with the same vocal length Old High German Uota (actually ` great-grandmother '), Old Norse ōðal `(fatherly) genotype ' (compare also Old High German fater-uodal, Old Saxon fader-ōðil ` property inherited from a father, patrimony ');

In e- grade:

Old English ēðel, Old Frisian ēdila ` great-grandfather ';

One on the most different linguistic areas to itself always newly pedagogic babble-word (e.g. elam. atta, magy. atya `father', türk. ata, Basque aita ds.). Similarly tata.

References: WP. I 44, WH. I 77, 850, Feist 62, 233, Trautmann 16.

Page(s): 71

Root / lemma: ā

Meaning: interjection

Note: often new-created

Material: Old Indic ā exclamation of the meditation;

gr. ἆ exclamation of the displeasure, pain, astonishment; ἆ, ἀά exclamation of the surprise and complaint; in addition ἄζειν ` groan ';

Latin ā, āh exclamation of pain, the displeasure;

Lithuanian à, aà exclamation of the surprise, the reprimand or mockery, ā exclamation of the astonished question (of loud new creations);

Gothic ō exclamation of the displeasure, the admiration; Old High German ō exclamation of pain; Middle High German ō exclamation of pain, the admiration, suspended thus to the vocative.

References: WP. I 1, WH. I 1, Loewe KZ. 54, 143.

Page(s): 1

Root / lemma: baba-, (*bal-bal-)

Meaning: barbaric speech

Note: also bal-bal-, bar-bar- with multiple dissimilations, onomatopoeic words

Material: Old Indic bababā-karōti from the crackle of the fire; gr. βαβαῖ, παπαῖ ` upon my soul, damn it all! ' (out of it Latin bаbае, pаpае ds., as babaecalus perhaps ` fop, dandy ' from *βαβαίκαλος), βαβάζω ` chats, talks indistinctly ' (different is the sound conceivability from βαβράζω ` chirps ');

Latin babit (gloss.) `he/ she shall make happy, gladden, bless', babiger (gloss.) `stupid'; Italian babbo `father' (Welsh baban `kid, child' is English loanword);

Maybe alb. baba `father' : bebe `child'

alb. bebë ` the newborn kid, child'; English baby `kid, child', Swedish Dialectal babbe `kid, child, small boy ' (see also unter bāxmb- ` swell '), Middle High German bābe, bōbe ` missis;  old woman, mother' (about buobe ` boy ' see below bhrātēr `brother'); Lithuanian bóba, Old Church Slavic baba ` old woman '; Serbian-Church Slavic bъbl'u, bъbati ` stammer ', Serbian bòboćem, bobòtati ` clatter with the teeth ' etc; Latvian bibināt ` babble, murmur ', Old Prussian bebbint ` mock '.

balbal- (babal-, bambal-, from which bam-b-, bal-b- ):

Old Indic balbalā-karōti `stammers'; Bulgarian blаbо́l'ъ, bъlból'ъ ` chats ', Lithuanian balbãsyti ` babble ', serbokr. blàbositi ` stammer ', Russian bolobólitъ ` chat, drivel ', Czech beblati `stammer'; Latin babulus ` chatterbox, a babbler, fool '; Modern High German babbeln, pappeln, English babble, Norwegian bable, Swedish babbla, Old Icelandic babba `chat';

Latin balbus ` stammering, babbling ', balbūtiō ` to stammer, stutter; hence in gen.to speak obscurely ', Old Indic balbūthá-ḥ name (actually ` stammerer ');

Mayne alb. (*balbus) belbëzoj `babble'

Czech blb ` gannet, gawk ', blblati, bleptati `stammer, stutter'; Serbian blebètati, Lithuanian blebénti `babble'; gr. βαμβαλύζω (out of it Latin bambalō), βαμβακύζω ` my teeth are chattering', βαμβαίνω ` stammers '. 

Mit -r-: Old Indic barbara-ḥ ` stammering ', Pl. name of non-Aryan people (provided that here r on Indo Germanic r and Old Indic l in balbalā goes back to Indo Germanic l), gr. βάρβαρος ` not Greek, speaking an unintelligible / incomprehensible language ' (from which Latin barbarus) `βαρβαρόφωνος ` from incomprehensible language ' (barely after Weidner Gl. 4, 303 f. from babylon. barbaru ` stranger, foreign, alien '), Serbian brboljiti, brbljati `babble' (see also under bher- ` to drone, buzz, hum '), Latin baburrus ` foolish, silly ', gr. βαβύρτας ὁ παράμωρος Hes. (about Latin burrae `trifles, nonsense' s. WH. I 124).

Here perhaps also Old Indic bāla-ḥ ` young, childish, simple ', possibly also Slavic relationship from Russian balákatь ` twaddle ', balamútь ` babbler, stunner, head turner '. - not reduplicated presumably also gr. βάζω ` talks, patters ', βάξις `speech', βάσκειν λέγειν, κακολογεῖν Hes.; 

but gr. βάσκανος ` invoking, imploring, exorcising; bewitching, casting a spell; spreading malicious gossip, speaking badly of; slanderous; envious, jealous ', βασκαίνω ` bewitches, envies ' has derived as magic word through borrowing from nördl. language, perhaps Thracian or Illyrian, from to bhā- ` speak ' belonging to present *bha-skō ` speaks, discusses ' (φάσκω; this also in Hesychs βάσκω?) (Kretschmer Einl. 248 f.);

Latin fascinum ` giving it the evil eye, spell casting, invocation (exorcism (?)); the male member; initially (at first) as a preventative against being bewitched ', fascināre ` enchant, bewitch, envy ' are borrowed from gr. and are adapted only in f- folk etymology in fārī etc.

After Specht Dekl. 133 here Latin Oscan bl-ae-sus ` lisping, babbling '; different WH. I 107 f.

Maybe alb. (*phlas) flas `speak' not from Latin fābula `a narration, narrative'.

References: WP. II 105 f., WH. I 90, 94, Trautmann 24 f.

Page(s): 91-92

Root / lemma: badi̯os

Meaning: gold, brown

Note: (only Latin and Irish; maybe from one, at most not Indo Germanic, language of ancient Europe?). 

Material: Latin badius ` brown, chestnutcolored, bay '; Old Irish buide `gold, yellow' (compare to Lautl. Old Irish mag `field', Gen. muige; gall. Bodiocasses because of о rather for boduo-, about which under *bhaut- ` hit '). Gr. βάδιος, βάδεος derives from Latin

References: WP. II 105, WH. I 92.

Page(s): 92

Root / lemma: baitā or paitā?

Meaning: goatskin

Material: the relation from gr. βαίτη ` tent or skirt from (nanny goats) fur ' to Gothic paida f. ` body skirt, petticoat ', Old Saxon pēda `skirt', Old English pād ` mantle ', Old High German pfeit ` shirt, shirtlike vestment, shirtlike piece of apparel ' is decided there, that Germanic word is borrowed from gr. words; 

from Germanic again Finnish paita and perhaps alb. petkë, petëk ` clothes '; gr. βαίτη is probably Thracian loanword or goes back to alb. forms in Illyrian *paitā ? 

References: WP. II 104, Feist 381 f., Bonfante BSL. 36, 141 f.

Page(s): 92-93

Root / lemma: bak-

Meaning: stick, to hit

Material: Latin baculum ` a staff, walking stick ' from *bac-(c)lom, older *bak-tlom; vestiges of -cc- in Diminutive bacillum, for which repeatedly delivers baccillum, compare also imbēcillus `(without support) weak, frail ' from -baccillos. Pisani (REtIE. 3, 53) places baculum as *bat-lo-m to battuō, that he considers as Oscan- Umbrian loanword (from *bakt-).

Gr. βάκτρον, βακτηρία, βακτήριον ` a staff, walking stick ', βάκται ἰσχυροί Hes. (Contrast from imbēcillus), probably also βακόν πεσόν Hes. 

Gr. βάκλα τύμπανα (i.e. ` club ') Hes., otherwise ` club, shillelagh, stick ', is probably borrowed from Latin

Middle English pegge, English peg ` pin, peg ', Modern High German pegel `pole'; but Middle Low German pegel ` mark in a vessel for liquids (from a ring or small existing plugs) ', Old English pægel m. ` wine pot ', English pail ` bucket ' from Middle Latin pagella ` col, column, yardstick '.

Lithuanian bàkstelėti ` bump, puff ', Latvian bakstît ` poke ' (or to onomatopoeic word Lithuanianbàkst?). 

Against it Old Irish bacc (nir. bac) ` stick, a crook ', Welsh bach ` corner, hook ', Breton bac'h ` heel, stick ' (from ` clutch, crutch of the stick '), are in the Island-Celtic or already in the occurred through Latin back-formations from baculum.

References: WP. II 104 f., WH. I 92.

Page(s): 93

Root / lemma: bal-bal-

See also: see below baba-

Page(s): 93

Root / lemma: bal-, balbal-

Meaning: to shake, dance


It seems Root / lemma: bal-, balbal- : `to shake, dance' derived from Root / lemma: baba-, (*bal-bal-): `barbaric speech' through an Old Indic intermediary (see above).

Material: Old Indic balbalīti ` whirls ', balvá- ` crooked '; gr. (in Sicily) βαλλίζω ` dances ', out of it borrows Latin ballāre ` dance '.

Maybe alb. (*bal-) valle ` dance' [common alb. b > v shift]

References: WP. II 109, WH. 1, 95, Wackernagel Old Indic-Gr. I 181.

Page(s): 93

Root / lemma: band- (*bḫend-)

Meaning: drop


Considering Phrygian βεδυ `water' : nasalized Illyrian Bindus `water god' Root / lemma: band- (*bḫend-): `drop' derived from a zero grade of Root / lemma: au̯(e)-9, au̯ed-, au̯er- (*aku̯ent-): `to flow, to wet; water, etc.'

Material: Old Indic bindú-ḥ `drop' (probably for *bandú-ḥ under influence of índu-ḥ `drop'), related to Cornish banne, banna, Breton banne `drop' (from which is borrowed Middle Irish banna, bainne ` drop, milk '), really Irish buinne ` to gush forth, spring up, flood ' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-); Illyrian FIG Bindus (*Bendus), apul. fons Bandusiae?


Old Indic (*bḫind-) bindú-ḥ `drop' : Illyrian FIG Bindus prove that Illyrian- Phrygian were the intermediaries of satem and centum languages.

In Greek, between consonants and initially ḫ1 > e, ḫ2 > a, and ḫ3 > o. In Indo-Iranian languages such as Sanskrit, each laryngeal becomes i,

References: WP. II 110, Petersson Heterokl. 204 f., А. Мауеr Gl. 29, 69 ff.

Page(s): 95

Root / lemma: bar-bar-

See also: see below ba-ba-

Page(s): 95

Root / lemma: bata-

Meaning: murmur, babble

Material: Old Indic bata interjection of the astonishment ` oh, blow ', batá-ḥ ` weakling? '; Old Breton bat, Modern Breton bad ` numbing, dizziness ', bada, badaoui ` talk thoughtlessly ', bader, badaouer `mouth monkey', Old Cornish badus ` moonstruck ', gr. βατταρίζω ` stammers ', βαττολογέω ` chats pointless stuff ' (compare Blaß-Debrunner7 p. 40 appendices).

References: WP. II 105.

Page(s): 95

Root / lemma: bau

Meaning: sound of barking

Material: Gr. βαὺ βαὺ ` dog barking ', βαΰζω ` barks, blasphemes ', Βαυβώ ` bugbear, Hecate ', Latin baubor, -ārī ` to bark gently or moderately '; a little bit differently uses Lithuanian baũbti ` bawl, bellow ' from ox, baũbis cattle God as ` bawler ', Serbian bau bau ` fright word ', baùkati ` get a fright ' etc 

Maybe alb. (*baubi) bubi ` dog'.

Gr. βαυβάω `sleep' is, like βαυβών ` penis', folklike code word.

References: WP. II 104, WH. I 99, W. Oehl IF. 56, 119.

Page(s): 95

Root / lemma: baxb-, bhaxbh-, paxp-

Meaning: to swell

Note: (as baxmb-, s.d.)

Material: Old Indic pippala-ḥ ` berry, paradise fig tree ', pippalaka-ḥ ` breast nipple '. piplu-ḥ ` pimple, mole, mark on the body ("witch's tits" - any kind of mark on the body that a witch could use to suckle a demon) ' (probably actually ` blister, vesicle '); Latin papula ` a pimple, vesicle ', papilla ds. ` nipple, teat, breast '; Lithuanian pãpas ` nipple, teat, breast, tit ', popà ` ulcer ', pupuolo ` thick bud ' (u can be Redukt.-stem to a, or assimilated in following uo, but also the root derived form pup- ).

Unchanged or neologism Swedish-Norwegian Dialectal pappe ` women's breast ', Middle English pappe, English pap ` nipple, teat, breast '; besides u- forms see below p(h)ū̆- ` inflate, swell '.

Also besides under baba- combined babble and child words, like English baby, stand Middle High German buoben Pl. ` feminine breasts ', West Flemish babbe `growth, swelling, lump ' (Indo Germanic bh or in the onomatopoeic word unpostponed b) which will belong from the image of the inflated cheeks in our circle.

References: WP. II 107.

Page(s): 91

Root / lemma: baxmb-

Meaning: a kind of noise

Material: Gr βόμβος m. (out of it Latin bombus) ` a boom, deep hollow noise ', βόμβῡξ, -ῡκος ` fleas ', βομβύκια ` humming insects ', βομβύλη ` narrow-necked vessel ' (as ` gurgling '), βομβυλιός or -ύλιος ` bumblebee ' (and ` narrow necked vessel '); about βαμβαίνω ` clatters with the teeth; stammer, lisp ' see below baba-;

Maybe Italian bombo : Spanish abejorro; bombo : French bourdon : Aragones bombolón : Asturian babarón : Catalan borinot : Galician abellón : Latin Bombus terrestris : Valencian borinòt ` bumble bee; humblebee ' : Lithuanian bim̃balas, bim̃bilas Albanian : bumballa  ` gadfly, horsefly '.

alb. bumbulit  ` it thunders ';

Germanic with by neologism prevented sound movement Old Icelandic bumba ` drum ', Danish old bomme, bambe ` drum ', holl. bommen `to drone ' (compareauch Modern High German bum bum; a little bit similarly Modern High German bammeln, bimmeln ` ring, sound ');

Lithuanian bambė́ti ` hum ', in vowel gradation bim̃pti ds., bim̃balas, bim̃bilas ` gadfly, horsefly '; Russian-Church Slavic búbenъ, bubonъ ` drum ', Russian bubnítь `chat, babble', poln. bęben ` drum '. 

References: WP. II 107, Trautmann 26, WH. I 111.

Page(s): 93-94

Root / lemma: bdel-

Meaning: to suck

Material: Gr. βδάλλω ` sucks ', βδέλλα ` leech '; Modern High German zullen ` suck in a sucking sac ', zulp ` piece of cloth used for soaking up liquid ', Dutch tullen ` drink, booze, sup ', Modern High German tulken ` suck, drink with large gulps, quaff '? Kretschmer KZ. 31, 423; 

very uncertain because of more similar Germanic words like Norwegian tūna ` drink a lot '  (see Falk-Torp under tylde). If the connection applies, was Indo Germanic initial sound bd-, or it is gr. β - perhaps in child language? - from πι-= ἐπὶ shortened prefix (be- `suck'?).

References: WP. II 119.

Page(s): 95

Root / lemma: bed-

Meaning: to swell?

Material: Old Indic badva-m ` troop, heap; a certain high number '; Old Church Slavic (etc) bedro ` thigh '; Armenian port (*bodro-) ` navel, belly, center '.

Wrong etymology, probably it derived from Root / lemma: bhedh-1 : `to pierce, dig see there'.

Maybe here Swedish Dialectal patte ` woman's breast, nipple ', Icelandic patti ` small child ', English pat ` small lump (from butter) '; the forms standing besides with Germanic b-, Old Danish arsbatte `buttock',

Swedish Dialectal batt ` of small heaps ' then showed the same auslaut fluctuation as b(h)eu-, b(h)ū̆- ` inflate, swell ', wherewith root b(h)ed- (: b(h)u-d-, -t-) had the origin from the image of the inflated cheeks together.

Latin bassus ` stout, fertile, fat ', roman ` low, menial ', stays away.

References: WP. II 109, WH. I 98, 477, 851, Kretschmer Gl. 22, 258 f.

Page(s): 96

Root / lemma: bel-1

Meaning: to cut off

Material: Perhaps Armenian pelem ` excavates, digs ', at most also Middle Irish belach ` cleft, gap, pass, way ' and Celtic *bolko-, -ā in Welsh bwlch m. ` fissure ', Breton boulc'h ds., Middle Irish bolg f. (das g after tolg ds.)? 

References: WP. II 110; about not existierendes Old Indic bāra `Öffnung' s. Wackernagel under Debrunner KZ. 67, 171 f.

Page(s): 96

Root / lemma: bel-2

Meaning: strong

Material: Old Indic bála-m n. ` force, strength, power ', bálīyān ` stronger ', báliṣṭha-ḥ ` the strongest '; gr. βελτίων, βέλτερος ` better ', βέλτιστος, βέλτατος ` best ' (this -τ- by reorganization from *βελί̄ων, *βέλιστος after φέρτερος etc); 

Latin dēbilis ` feeble, weak '; Old Church Slavic (*bol-(i̯)is-ios) boljьjь `greater', bolje Adv. ` more, rather, to a greater extent, plus ' and ` very, more '. Uncertain Dutch-ndd.-Frisian pal ` motionless, steadfast '.

With lengthened grade Old Indic bālá-ḥ ` young, childish ', m. ` boy, kid, child', f. ` girl '. 

Maybe in i- grade alb. (*bālá) bila ` girl ', bir 'son, boy' : Old Indic bālá-ḥ, where l/ r are allophones.

References: WP. II 110 f., WH. I 326 f.

Page(s): 96

Root / lemma: bend-, bn̥d-no-

Meaning: spike, needle, penis, nail, horn etc.

Note: perhaps in following Celtic and Germanic words:

Material: Middle Irish benn ` horn, summit ' (*bn̥d-no- or *bend-no-?), bennach ` pointed ', Welsh bann m. ` hill, summit, horn (*bn̥d-no-)', Middle Breton ban ` eminence, overhang, haughtiness, pride ', gall.*ande-banno- > French auvent ` (*protection roof) canopy, shield, shelter ' (actually ` big horn '), Jud Rom. 49, 389 f., gall. dial. lacus Bēnācus, if for Bennācus, ` the horned ' (Sirmione), from *benno- (Indo Germanic *bend-no- or*bn̥d-no-); (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), West- Flemish pint ` cusp, point ', Middle Low German pint `penis', Middle High German (Middle Low German) pinz ` awl ', Old English pintel `penis' (English pintle also still ` peg '), Norwegian pintol `penis', wherefore probably with vowel gradation Modern High German-Bavarian pfouzer, pfunzer ` sharpened cudgel, club '; with Celtic forms to suitable n-suffix (*penn- from *bend-n-) Old Low German pin ` wooden pin, peg, small stake ', Middle Low German pin, pinne ` pin, point, nail, peg ', Middle High German pfinne f. ` nail ', Old English pinn ` peg, staff, stick', Late Old Icelandic pinni m. ds., vowel gradation *pann- in East Frisian penne = pinne, ndd. pennen ` latch a door (with a bolt) ', Old English on-pennian ` open (*the pen)', English pen ` enclose so as to prevent from escaping; shut in, confine (shut in a pen) ', Old English penn m. ` pen, fold '. 

Maybe alb. pendë `pair of oxen tied together' [common alb. n > nd shift] homonym to alb. pendë `feather' : Latin penna `feather'.

References: Johansson KZ. 36, 347 f. (also against borrowing of Pinne from Latin pinna, in which Kluge11 sticks).

WP. II 109 f.

Page(s): 96-97

Root / lemma: b(e)u-1, bh(e)u- (*bheHu- > bhHu-iH-t)

Meaning: expr. sound of hitting

Material: New Persian būm `owl'; Armenian bu, buēè `owl' (without consonant shift in onomatopoeic word), gr. βύᾱς m., βῦζα f. `eagle owl ', βύζειν ` cry like an 'eagle owl ', Latin būbō ` eagle owl ', Bulgarian buh ` eagle owl ', Russian búchatь ` shout vaguely and persistently long ';

Maybe alb. (*buph) buf `owl' : Rumanian bufniþã;  buhã `owl'

Lithuanian baublỹs ` great bittern ', baũbti ` roar, bellow ', bubenù ` drones vaguely '; Latin būtio ` great bittern ', būteo ` a falcon's kind '; gr. βοή ` call, cry, shout ', βοάω ` shouts, cries ' (out of it Latin boāre ` shout, cry '), βωστρέω ` call, cry for help ' (*βοFαστρέω), seem to be shaped from such bū̆- as rhyme words to γοή, γοάω (see root gō̆u-).

With ending in a guttural sound: Old Indic búk-kāra-ḥ ` roar of the lion ', bukkati ` barks ' (Avestan buèahin- ` he who is prone to howling and snarling / hissing ', buxti- ` howl, hissing '?), gr. βύκτης ` howling '.

Maybe Hungarian bagoly `owl (*horned bird?)'

Perhaps Middle Irish bōchna `sea' (`*roaring breaker'; basic form *boukaniā); Lithuanian bùkèius ` stammerers ', Latvian bũkšk̨êt ` resound vaguely '; Slavic buk- (from zero grade of *bouk-) in Russian-Church Slavic buèati `drone, roar ', Serbian bûèēm, búkati ` roar ', búèīm, búèati ` roar (from the sea) '; 

Maybe alb. (*buèati) buças ` roar (from the sea) '

*būk- in Russian etc byk `bull (*roar of the bull)'; about angebl. *bŭk- in Old Church Slavic bъèela, bьèela `bee' (compare Russian byèátь ` hum, from bees ') see below bhei- and WH. I 555; nasalized poln. bąkać ` talk in a low voice, murmur ', bąk ` great bittern ', old `cry like a great bittern (bird that booms/ roars like an ox during mating '; in the application to vague blow push Russian búkatь, búchatь (*bouk-s-) ` bump, hit that resounds ', buch ` fall! ', Serbian búhnuti ` break out', bušiti ` hit, throw, fall, fall with noise ', Lithuanian bukùoti, Latvian baũkš ` description of sound produced by a strong blow ', presumably also buka `punch' (also Lithuanian bukùs ` dull' here as ` become dull through hitting '?); Middle High German buc ` blow, push ' (without sound movement by continual running beside neologism), puchen, buchen, Modern High German pochen, Dutch beuken ` hit, bump ', Swedish boka, bauka, buka ds. (however, also ` dig, spade, thrash about ', as Old Icelandic bauka; this different word? see also WH. I under faux), English to poke ` bump, sting ', Norwegian pok, pauk ` crude cudgel, club ', perhaps Middle Irish būalaim `hit' (*bougl ..., or to bhāu-d- `hit').

Maybe from the extended Root / lemma: b(e)u-1, bh(e)u- : `expr. sound of hitting' derived Root / lemma: bheg-, bheng- : `to break' in: alb. (*beuka) buka `bread' : Phrygian βεκός `bread', actually `crumb'.

References: WP. II 112 f., WH. I 111, 119, 124, 470.

Page(s): 97-98

Root / lemma: b(e)u-2, bh(e)ū̆- (*bheHu- > bhHu-iH-t)

Meaning: to swell, puff

Note: Explosive sound of the inflated cheek, like pu-, phu see d .; running beside primeval creation crosses the sound-lawful development, so that e.g. Germanic forms with pu- from Indo Germanic bu-, but from unpostponed Indo Germanic or new pu- are explainable. From the concept of the inflated cheek the meaning ` swell, plump bloated (then convex) of the most different kind ', also ` make bulge, stuff, darn ' and ` blow, cough  '. Originally differently the onomatopoetic words b(e)u-1 for vague onomatopoetic sounds and bu- ` lip, kiss '.

Material: Gr. βῦ ἐπὶ τοῦ μεγάλου ἐλέγετο καὶ Σώφρων βύβα, ἀντὶ τοῦ μεστὰ καὶ πλήρη καὶ μεγάλα ΕΜ; presumably here also βουνός ` hill ' (dialect), βουνιάς ` a turnip kind ', βουvίζω ` piles up ', βούνιον ` any plant of the Umbelliferae family '; reduplication βουβών ` the groin, glands near the genitals, part. in morbidly swollen state '; Modern Icelandic pūa ` blow, breathe '.

Reduplicates as βύβα, βουβών also Lithuanian bubsù, bubsė́ti ` throw up bubbles ' (from water or fermenting dough), Middle Low German bubbeln ` throw up bubbles, surge ', Swedish bobba ` bombast, grandiloquence, fin, insect ', bubba ` louse ' and ` Trollius europaeus '  (with Indo Germanic bh or with consonant shift prevented by new creation of b), Old Norse bȳfa (*bhūbhiōn-) ` big, lumpy foot ', Norwegian dial. būve, būva ` thicker, uncouth, clumsy person, scarecrow, also a word for male member '.

With certain bh-: Old Indic bhū́-ri-ḥ ` rich, a lot, immense ', compounds bhū́yas-, bhávīyas-, superlative bhū́yišṭha-ḥ, Avestan būiri- ` plentiful, full, complete ', compounds-Adv. baiyō ` (more, timewise =) longer, on longer than ', superlative bōištǝm ` most, greatest number of things, very much, most possible '; Armenian bavel, bovel ` suffice '; Lithuanian būrỹs ` heap (houses), amount (sheep, birds, also rain)', Latvian bũra ` heap (people)';

without r-suffix: Old Church Slavic bujь (*bhou̯i̯o-) ` wild, cruel, brainless ', Russian bújnyj ` growing vehemently, wildly, excessively '; from here ndd. bö, böje, Dutch bui ` gust, gust of wind, shower '?;

Maybe alb. bujë `fuss' a Slavic loanword.

gr. φόα ἐξανθήματα ἐν τῷ σώματι Hes.; with lengthened grade *bhōu- gr.-Ionian φωΐδες, Attic φῷδες ` blisters '; gr. φαῖσιγξ, φαῦστιγξ ` blister, bubble ' (with Abl. ǝu besides ōu). 

Also the root bheu- ` become, originate ' is probably developed from ` swell ', compare the meaning of Old Indic prábhūta-ḥ ` rich, numerous ' (: bhávati) with that of bhū́ri-ḥ. 

extensions with l are perhaps: Old Indic buri-ḥ, buli-ḥ (unbel.) ` buttock, vulva ' = Lithuanian bulìs (also bùlė, bulė̃) ` buttocks ', gr. βυλλά βεβυσμένα Hes., Middle Low German poll ` head, point, treetop ' (*bulno-), Middle Low German pull, poll `(bloated) shell, pod ', English pulse ` legume '; changing through vowel gradation Middle Low German puyl ` bag ', puyla `swelling, lump, growth'; with bh-: Gothic ufbauljan, only in participle ufbaulidai ` (*inflated), conceited, haughty ', Old High German paula f. ` a pimple, bubble ', Old English bȳle, Old High German pūlla, Middle High German biule `swelling, blister', Old Norse beyla ` hump, outgrowth ', Old Swedish bolin, bulin ` swollen '; Old Irish bolach `swelling, blister' (*bhulāk-, at most bhol- to bhel- `to swell'); Armenian boil, Gen. Pl. bulic̣ ` crowd, amount, herd ', Serbian búljiti ` open the eyes wide in a stare, to goggle '.

Dental extensions: gr. βύτανα κόνδυλοι, ὁι δε βρύτανα Hes. (but βυτίνη λάγυνος ἤ ἀμίς. Tαραντινοῖ Hes., origin Germanic-rom. kinship of Modern High German Bütte, Latin buttis ` barrel, cask, keg, cask', corresponds gr. πῡτίνη ` demijohn, wickerbottle, carboy ', see pū̆- ` inflate, bloat '); here probably poln. buta ` pride ', bucić się ` brag, boast '. 

Old Indic budbuda-ḥ ` blister, bubble ', gr. βυζόν πυκνόν, συνετόν, γαῦρον δε καὶ μέγα Hes. (*budi̯o-, perhaps ` distended, bloats '? Yet see below βύζην S. 101); Norwegian pūte ` pillow, cushion ', pūta ` bulky woman ', Swedish puta ` be inflated ', puta `pillow, cushion' (dial. ` female pudenda '; with the same application perhaps gr. βύττος γυναικὸς αἰδοῖον Hes.), English to pout ` push the lips forward, usu. as an expression of displeasure, sullenness, or flirtatiousness; show displeasure, sulk ' (`*to swell'), pout ` a young domestic fowl, a chicken, a young turkey, pheasant, pigeon, guinea-fowl ', Old English æle-pūte ds. (capitō, actually ` big-head '), Dutch puit ` frog '; 

with Germanic -d- (-Þ-): ndd. puddig ` swollen ', Old English puduc `swelling, lump, growth, wart ', Middle English ndd. podde ` toad ' with not yet cleared meaning development Old English pudd ` water ditch ', Middle English podel,English puddle, Modern High German Dialectal Pfudel ` a small pool of muddy water, esp. one formed on a road or path after rain ', as also (with Germanic t) Norwegian Dialectal pøyta, westf. pōt (*pauta) ` slop, puddle, pool '; as a convex curvature in addition perhaps Old English pott, Old Frisian Middle Low German pot ` pot, pan ' (different Kluge11 under Pott); 

compare Armenian poytn, Gen. putan ` pot, soup pot, jug ' from *beud-n- or *boud-n-.

With Germanic b-: Old High German būtil, Middle High German biutel `sac, bag, pocket'; Icelandic budda `sac, bag, purse', Old English budda ` dung beetle ', Middle English budde ` bud ' and ` beetle, chafer ', budden ` redound ' (`*to swell'), English bud `bud', to bud `redound', Middle Low German buddich ` thickly inflated ', nndd. budde ` louse, cock chafer grub; fright picture '; Middle Low German buddelen, bod(d)elen ` throw bubbles, foam ', Norwegian Dialectal boda ` roar, bubble, from the water '; Old Norse boði ` breaker, surge, breakers, surf '; Middle High German butte, Modern High German Hagebutte; 

besides with Germanic -tt-: Middle Low German botte, Dutch bot `bud', Middle High German butze ` lump, mucus; goblin, fright figure ', Modern High German Butze(n), Butz ` fright figure; lumps, mucus, crowd; cores ', etc, ndd. butt ` clumsy, dull, coarse ', Middle High German butzen `to swell';

besides with -t- after long vowel or diphthong Middle High German buzen ` swell, jut out, bulge (from the belly, the eyes) ', Old High German bōzo ` a bundle of flax ', Middle High German bōze ` ds.; ridiculous person, knave, boy ';

perhaps Lithuanian budėlė̃ ` a kind of mushroom ', Slavic *bъdъla in Czech bedla ` a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrella-like cap with gills on the underside ', bedly Pl. ` oral fungi, funguettes in oral or nasal cavity '; from Armenian here besides poytn (see above) also ptuɫ, Gen. ptɫoy ` fruit ' and ptuk, Gen. ptkan ` green branch, young shoot ' and ` breast, nipple, teat '. 

Old Irish buiden `troop, multitude, crowd', Welsh byddin, Old Breton bodin ds. has root-like u and belongs likewise here.

Labial extension: Old English pyffan `blow out, puff out', English puff ` puff, blow, be inflated ', Norwegian puffa, ndd. puffen.

guttural extensions:

Latin bucca ` the cheek, esp. when puffed out. Transf., a declaimer, bawler; a parasite; a mouthful '; Middle High German pfūchen, Modern High German (p)fauchen (can contain unpostponed Indo Germanic p, compare Lithuanian pũkšti ` pant, gasp, wheeze '); Swedish puk ` swelling, lump, growth, tubers ', Old Norse poki m. `sac, bag, sack, bag', English poke ds., Modern High German dial. Pfoch `sac, bag', Old English pohha, pocca `sack, bag, sac, bag', English pocket `pocket', mndd. nndd. pogge, pugge `frog, toad; swelling, lump, growth in the abdomen with cows and mares ', Old English pocc `blister', Modern High German (actually ndd.) Pocke, dial. Pfoche `blister'; Old Norse pūki m. ` devil ', Old English pūca, pūcel, English puck ` fairy demon, ghost ' (from Germanic derived Irish pūca ` ghost ', perhaps also Latvian pūk'is `dragon'); zero grade ndd. pōk ` subnormal person in growth ', Norwegian Dialectal pauk ` small, weak person, knave, boy ' (about Gothic puggs `sac, bag, purse', Old Norse pungr, Old English pung ds. and scaz-(p)fung `purse' s. though Feist 385). 

With Germanic b: Middle English Modern English big (*bugja-) `thick, big, large, conceited '; Norwegian Dialectal bugge ` mighty man ', Middle English bugge (English bug) ` a lump of (semi-)dried nasal mucus, booger; chafer, bedbug; bugbear, spectre, bogeyman ', Modern High German Dialectal bogg(e) ` booger, the core in fruit or the carpels of an apple or a pear, bugbear, spectre, bogeyman '.

Here presumably Germanic *buh- (Indo Germanic *bhuk-) in Old High German buhil ` foreland, hill ', Old Icelandic bōla f. `swelling, blister, shield boss ' (*buhlōn-) and *bū̆k- (Indo Germanic *bhū̆g-) in Swiss Bücki ` keg ', English buck ` bucket, pale ' and Old Icelandic būkr ` belly, body '; Old English būc `belly, crock, pitcher', Old High German būh, Modern High German Bauch, in addition Latvian bugarains ` tubercular ', buga ` hornless cow ', budzis `swelling, blister, unripe Fruit '; but Lithuanian baũžas `hornless', bužỹš ` scarecrow, bogie, spectre ', būžỹs `bedbug, louse', búože ` club, mace, joint, pinhead ' (úo probably from ōu, compare above S. 99 φωΐδες) can contain Baltic ž  as single-linguistic forms and are based on the unextended root.


From German cognates derived: Italian bucare, Bresciano buzà, Calabrese bucara, Galician esburacar, Napulitano sboscià, Venetian sbusare, Albanian shpoj ` to hole '.    


Gr. βῡνέω > (*βῡνέσω, to υ: s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 692), βύω (*βυσω), βεβυσμένος, βυστός ` to cram, fill, chock, stuff, ram up ', βύστρα, βύσμα ` bung, clot, thrombus ', βύζην (βυσ-δην) ` crushed, thrusted, thronged, full '; alb. mbush ` fill '; Middle Irish būas ` sac, bag, pocket, belly' (*bhousto-, compare Old Icelandic beysti ` ham '),


alb. mbush ` fill ' [common alb. shift b- > mb-].

Old Norse pūss `pocket, sac, bag', Icelandic pose, Old English pusa, posa, Old High German pfoso `sac, bag'; with the more originary meaning ` blow, inflate, bloat, to swell', Old Swedish pȳsa ` pant, sniff, snort ', Middle High German pfūsen `pant, sniff, snort, sneeze ', sich pfūsen ` self inflating, inflated ', Modern High German Dialectal pfausen, Old English pos ` catarrh, waterfall ', English pose ` a cold in the head, catarrh ', mndd. pūsten `pant, sniff, snort', pūster ` bellows ', Modern High German pusten (actually ndd.) Dialectal pfausten, Old Norse pūstr ` slap in the face, box on the ear ' (as French soufflet to souffler); Norwegian pūs `swelling, lump, growth', peysa, pūsna ` to bloat, bulge, swell ', Swiss pfūsig `swollen', Modern High German Pfausback, with ndd. anlaut Pausback (besides Bausback with Germanic b-, see below); Norwegian Dialectal pusling ` toddler, fairy demon, ghost, goblin ', Swiss Pfosi `toddler, clumsy, stupid person ' (`short and thick'); Norwegian pūs, pøysa ` mud puddle ', Old Norse pyss ds. (in place names).

Mit Germanic b (= Indo Germanic bh, partly perhaps unpostponed or the new b): Old English bōsom (Germanic*būs-mo(n)-), Old High German buosam, Middle High German buosem, buosen, Modern High German Busen, Middle High German būs ` vanity, arrogance, pomposity, flatulence, bloatedness, inflatedness, bumptiousness, conceitedness, vaingloriousness, swelling fullness ', būsen ` indulge oneself ', Modern High German bausen ` to booze, bouse, quaff, tipple, carouse, swell', Baus ` abundance, tumor, inflation ', Bausback, Bausch ` swelling, turgescent, bulgy cushion, stuffed breast ', Middle High German būsch ` bulge;  bead;  lip;  torus;  wreath;  roll;  bulb, wad, plumper ', Old Norse busilkinna ` woman  ( with chubby cheeks), (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), a chubby-cheeeked woman ', Norwegian baus ` proud, rollicking, wanton, violent, quick-tempered ', Old High German bōsi ` stonyhearted, bad ', Modern High German böse, Middle English bōsten, Modern English to boast ` brag, boast ' (`*blow up '), Modern High German beysinn ` thick, wide and large (from clothes)', būstinn ds., (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old Icelandic beysti `ham', MModern High German Dialectal Baust ` bulge;  bead;  lip;  torus;  wreath;  roll;  bulb ', bauste(r)n `to swell', Old High German biost, Modern High German Biest-milch (actually ` fat milk '), Old English bēost, bȳsting, English beastngs, biestings ds., Norwegian Dialectal budda (*buzdōn-) ds. (insecure is, whether Swedish Dialectal buska ` fresh, fermenting beer ' and associated with it as *beuza-  is to be added Old High German bior, Old English bēor ` beer ' as ` frothing at the mouth, foaming, bubble-throwing, blistering '; about other interpretations of beer see Kluge11 and Weigand-Hirt).

Russian búchnutь `to bloat, bulge, swell, gush, well up', sloven, bûhnem, búhniti `to bloat, bulge, swell, sich inflate, bloat', búhor ` vesicle, blister ', kasch. bucha ` pride, hauteur ' (*bauṣā). 

There is used probably the following group which meaning ` blasting forth, sallying forth ' from `swell' can be developed: Old Icelandic bysia ` stream out with big power '; Norwegian Dialectal bøysa ` storm forth '; Swedish busa ` dismay, hurtle out '; East Frisian būsen ` be violent, roar, make a noise, attack ' (and ` live the high life, high on the hog  / or high off the hog, have a luxurious lifestyle ', compare above Middle High German būsen `indulge oneself'), būsterig ` stormy ', Old Church Slavic bystrъ ` board up;  strand;  take away;  bring;  mishit;  wallop;  thrash ', Russian býstryj ` fast, sharp sighted, rapid from the current ' (*bhūs-ro-). 

References: WP. II 114 f., Trautmann 28, 39.

Page(s): 98-102

Root / lemma: bē, bā

Meaning: sheep's bleating

Material: Gr. βῆ, Latin bēbō, -āre ` bleat, shout, from a young deer', bālāre and Vulgar Latin bēlāre ` bleat ', Modern High German bäh, Slavic (e.g. Ukrainian) békati ` bleat ', Latvian bę̃, bęku, biku Interj. ` bleating, grousing, blatant ', Old Icelandic bekri ` Aries, ram ', Swiss bäckeln `(*from the alpine chamois)'; similarly Old Irish béiccithir ` bellow, roar ', Welsh beichio `bellow', perhaps also Old Indic bēkurā `voice, sound, tone', all single-linguistic neologisms. Similarly Old Irish béiccithir `roars', Welsh beichio `mugire', perhaps Old Indic bēkurā ` voice, tone ', all single-linguistic new formations.

References: WP. II 121, WH. I 95, 99.

Page(s): 96

Root / lemma: bhabhā

Meaning: bean

Note: compare to Sachlichen Hoops Waldb. 350, 400 f., 464 f., Hehn Kltpfl.8 221, 570, Schrader RL.2 159 f. 

Material: Latin faba (Faliscan haba) ` the broad bean ' (in addition the PN Fabius, Fabidius etc and the island Fabāria),

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift

Russian etc bobъ, Old Prussian babo ds. Probably reduplicated babble-word and as `inflated, bulged pod, tumescence ' related to gr. φακός m. `lentil': alb. bathë f. `broad bean' (*bhak̂ā).

Note: common alb. shift -kh > -th also -gh > -dh

Also Old Icelandic baun, Old English bēan, Old High German bōna `bean' (Baunonia Frisian island by Plinius) have originated probably through dissimilation from *baÞnā to *ƀaunā.


The assumption of a duplicated Root / lemma: bhabhā (bha-bhā) seems to be wrong. Common Latin kʷ > p corresponds to common gr. gʷ > b : gr. φοῖβος `clean, gleaming', φοιβάω, φοιβάζω `clean', ἀφοίβαντος ` smudges ' (*bhoigʷ-o-), ἀφικτός, ἀφικτρός (*bhigʷ-) `impure, unclean'. That means gr. φακός m. `lentil' and alb. bathë f. `broad bean' derived from an intermediary root (*bhak̂ʷā) and that one from Root / lemma: bheigʷ- : `to shine'.

Obviously Germanic forms *baÞnā derived from Illyrian *bathna (alb. bathë f. ` broad bean '); common alb. nasalization  t > nt > n.

References: WP. II 131, WH. I 436.

Page(s): 106

Root / lemma: bhag-1

Meaning: to divide

Material: Old Indic bhajati ` allocates, apportions, divides ' = Avestan bag- (bažat̃) ` be determined as an interest ', Old Indic bhaga-ḥ ` property, luck ', Avestan baga-, baγa- n. ` favorable interest, attractive lot '; Old Indic bhaga-ḥ ` allocator, master, mister, epithet of Savitar and another Āditya ' = Avestan baγa- ` master, mister, god ', New Persian baɣ ` god ' : Old Church Slavic bogъ `god' (formal also = gr. -φάγος);.

Maybe suffixed alb. (*baɣ-) bagëti `sheep (animal god)'

Proto Indian (Mitanni) PN Bagarriti (= *bhaga-rīti- ` blessing stream '), GN Bagbartu (= *bhaga-bhr̥t- ` blessing donator '), klein Old Saxon VN Βαγαδά(F)ονες (= *bhaga-dā-u̯on- ` making a donation '), Kretschmer KZ. 55, 95, Gl. 18, 232; 

Old Indic bhaktá-m `repast, meal' = Avestan baxta- participle `as alloted lot '. n. ` assigned lot, fate determination, esp. bad luck '; Old Indic bhakšati ` enjoys, consumes ' = Avestan baxšaiti ` has or gives lot ', Desid. Old Indic bhikšate ` requests ';

Phrygian Βαγαῖος Ζεὺς Φρύγιος Hes. (perhaps of Iranian origin); or from to gr. φηγός ` oak '? S. under bhāgó-s;

gr. φαγεῖν `eat', στο-φάγος ` eating grain ', etc; because of gr. φαγόνες σιαγόνες, γνάθοι Hes. perhaps here (Much Zfdt Wtf. 2, 283) Old Saxon (kinni-) bako, Modern High German Backe; 

Slavic *bogъ `lot' in Old Church Slavic ubоgъ, nеbоgъ ` poor ', bogatъ `rich', Old Church Slavic bogъ `god' (proto extension or Iranian loanword); GN Daždi-bоgъ ` bestowing wealth ';

Tocharian A pāk, В pāke `deal, portion', A pāc̨iṃ `treasure, tribute'. 

References: WP. II 127 f., W. Schulze KZ. 60, 138 = Kl. Schr. 469.

Page(s): 107

Root / lemma: bhag-2

Meaning: sharp

Material: Cretan φάγρος ` whetstone ', ἀκόνη, φοξός ` pointy heads, pointedheads, pointheads ' (from *φαξός after λοξός ` crooked *(with a pointed angle'?) would compare from Lidén Arm.-stem 57 ff. with Armenian bark (could be = φάγρος) ` bitter, sharp from taste; violent, angry ' compared, yet bark could belong also to Indo Germanic *bhorgʷo-s .

References: WP. II 128.

Page(s): 107

Root / lemma: bhardhā (*bharĝheh2 > bhardheh2)

Meaning: beard


Root / lemma: bhardhā : `beard' derived from the fussion of suffixed Root / lemma: gʷer-1, gʷerǝ- : `to devour; throat' + zero grade gʷ(h)i- `snake, worm, fish' Root / lemma: angʷ(h)i- : snake, worm, *fish'.


Maybe alb. Geg (*gʷer- gʷha) verza ` (*throat), gill of fish' Latvian bārda `gill of fish' : Latvian: bā̀rda `beard' [f ā]; bārzda (dial.) `beard' [f ā] : Greek βράγχια, βαράγχια ` gill of fish' = Root / lemma: gʷer-1, gʷerǝ- : ` to devour; throat ' + zero grade of Root / lemma: angʷ(h)i- (*egʷhi-, ogʷhi- and eĝhi-): `snake, worm, *fish (*hedgehog = snake eater)'

Latin barba `beard' (assimilation from *far-ba);

Old High German bart, Old English beard `beard' m., therefrom Old High German barta, Old Saxon barda, Old Icelandic barða ` hatchet, beards ', because the iron stands like a beard in the handle; from the Germanic Old Church Slavic brady ` axe, hatchet '; 

Old Church Slavic brada `beard', Russian borodá ds., also `chin', Serbo-Croatian bráda, Akk. brâdu `beard' etc; 

Old Prussian bordus `beard' (unclear after Trautmann 27); 

Latvian bā̀rda and (see to zd under) bārzda, Lithuanian barzdà, Akk. bar̃zdą `beard'; 

Latin (*bharĝhʷeh2-to-) barbātus, Old Church Slavic bradatъ, Lithuanian barzdótas `having a beard, bearded'. [common Latin-Illyrian ĝhʷ > b-, Bakltic ĝhʷ- > dz-].

Maybe Rumanian bãrbat `man, jack, male, husband, spouse (bearded man?)'.

Lithuanian and partly Latvian -zd- is probably through the analogy the Baaltic correlation (*barzdā) caused from Old Church Slavic brazda, Russian borozdá ` furrow '.

Maybe alb. brazda ` furrow ' a Slavic loanword.

just as Slavic *bъrъ ` millet, sorghum ' (see below bhar- ` bristle ear ') will be based also Indo Germanic *bhar-dhā `beard' on *bhar- ` bristle, stand up ', next to which extension *bhares- ds. 

References: WP. II 135, WH. I 96, Specht Dekl. 87.

Page(s): 110

Root / lemma: bharekʷ- or bherekʷ-

Meaning: to stuff

Material: Gr. φράσσω, φράττω (*φρακι̯ω from *bhr̥kʷ-) ` encloses, crams into, crowds together ', common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-;

φρακτός ` locked in ', with secondary γ: Aor. ἐφράγην (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 760), φραγμός etc, epid. φάρχμα from *φάρκσμα, δρύ-φ[ρ]ακτος ` wooden shack, shed ', in addition φύρκος τεῖχος Hes.; 

Latin farciō, -īrе ` to fill full, stuff full,, cram ', fartus ` stuff, fill up, gorge oneself, cram into ', perhaps frequ-ēns, -tis `crowded, numerous, full; of places, full, frequented, populous; of time, repeated, frequent, constant; of persons, often doing a thing; of things, often done or used ';

Note: common Latin ph > f shift

Middle Irish barc f. `onrush (esp. the waves, billows)'; whereas derives Middle Irish barc f. ` fortress ' probably from gallo-rom. *bar(i)ca ` framehouse, a wooden house ' (compare Bollelli L'It. dial. 17, 147 f.); 

Tocharian A prākär, В prākre ` firmly fixed in place; not easily moved; physically stable ' (Van Windekens Lexique 100). 

References: WP. II 134 f., WH. I 456 f., Loth RC. 38, 303 f. Zweifel by EM 332.

Page(s): 110-111

Root / lemma: bhares- : bhores-

Meaning: point, stubble (with formants)

Note: With s-extension

Material: bhars-

Latin fastigium (*bharsti-) ` the gable end, pediment of a roof; hence a slope, either up or down; of measurements looking up, height; looking down, depth; abstract, high rank, dignity; principal point in a subject ', here perhaps fastus, -ūs m. ` pride, haughtiness, arrogance ' (tu-stem), in addition fastīdium ` loathing, squeamishness, disgust, dislike; hence scorn, haughtiness, disdain ' (from *fasti-tīdium, to taedium); s. also Pisani Rc. R. Ist. Lomb. 76, 2, 17 f.; 

Old Irish barr ` top, point, summit, foliage ', Welsh Cornish bar, Breton barr ds., abrit. PN Cuno-barros ` fierce, furious like a battle dog ', gall. *barros ` bush, treetop ' (M.-L. 964). 


Middle Irish borr `stout, proud, swollen', Middle Welsh bwrr ds., Cornish bor `fat'; 

Old High German parrēn ` stand up stiffly ', parrunga `pride', Old Icelandic barr- `needle, conifer ', Old English bærs, bears, Middle High German bars, Modern High German Barsch, Old High German bersich ` barse, perch '; vowel gradation Swedish agh-borre (*borzan, Indo Germanic *bhr̥s-) ds.;

ndd. (out of it Modern High German) barsch (*bhors-ko-) `coarse, stern, rough'; Middle English burre, borre ` burdock, roughness in the throat ', English bur(r) ds., Danish-Swedish borre `burdock', Swedish sjö-borre ` hedgehog ', Norwegian dial. borren, byrren `stout, proud'.

Maybe alb. Geg burrë `man, valiant man, proud man', burrni `pride, bravery' mburr `be proud, boast' [common alb. b > mb].


Maybe alb. Geg burrë `man, valiant man, proud man', burrni `pride, bravery' mburr `be proud, boast' [common alb. b > mb] proves that Root / lemma: bhares- : bhores- : `point, stubble' derived from an extended Root / lemma: bher-1 : `to bear, carry' (see below).

bhr̥sti-, bhorsti-

Old Indic bhr̥ṣṭí-ḥ f. ` prong, spike, cusp, peak, edge, point ' = Germanic *bursti- in Old Icelandic burst f. `bristle, ridge of the roof ', Old English byrst f. `bristle', Old High German burst, borst m. n., bursta f. `bristle', Middle High German burste ` bristle brush ' (from Pl. from burst ` bristle mass '); Slavic *bъrsti̯o- in Russian boršèь ` acanthus ', boršè ` red turnip soup ', etc

With formants -dho-, -dhā-:


Old English breord, breard m. `edge, bank, border, shore, surface, plain, area ' (*brerdaz), besides briord (*brerdia), Old Swedish brædder ds., New Swedish brädd, etc 


Alb. breth, bredhi `fir';

Maybe alb. (*bhrez) brez ` belt, edge, border '.

Old Irish brot ` sting, prick ', Old Cornish bros, Breton broud ds., compare Middle Irish brostaim ` spur on, drive on, goad, incite, arouse ' from *bhros-t- (Loth RC. 42, 70), mistakenly O'Rahilly Ériu 13, 169 f.; Old High German brart `edge, border, stem, stem bar, stem post ', Swedish dial. bradd.

bhrezdh-, bhrozdh-

Middle Irish brataim ` loots, robs ' (in addition bratán ` salmon ') = Welsh brathu ` sting, bite, drill through '; *bhrozdh- or *bhr̥zdh- to Germanic *bruzd- in Old High German brort `edge, border', Old English brord m. `cusp, peak, germ, sprout, leaf ', wsächs. brerd (*brozdi-),

Old English bryrdan ` sting, goad, stir, tease, irritate ', Old Icelandic broddr ` cusp, peak, grain germ, cutting edge ', Old High German gibrortōn ` to hem, gird, border '; = Balto-Slavic *bruzdā- in Old Church Slavic brъzda, Russian brozdé `bridle, rein',

Lithuanian bruzdùklis, old `bridle, rein', currently` peg, plug, toggle '. Whereas is Lithuanian brìzgilas, Old Prussian bisgelan `bridle, rein' probably borrows from proto Germanic ƀriʒðila- (Old English brigdels `bridle, rein', bregdan ` flax, wattle, braid '). Different Specht Dekl. 142. 

References: WP. II 131 ff., WH. I 461 f., 546.

Page(s): 109-110

Root / lemma: bhares-

Meaning: barley

Material: Latin far (actually farr), farris n. ` spelt, grain, meal ' from *far(o)s, *far(e)zes (respectively *fars, *fars-es) = Oscan far, Umbrian far; Latin farīna ` meal, flour ' (from *farrīna), farreus = Umbrian farsio, fasiu ` made of spelt or wheat, meal ';

Note: common alb. ph- > f- shift

maybe alb. farë `seed, barley seed'

Gothic bariz-eins (= Latin farīna) `from barley', Old Icelandic barr m. ` corn, grain, barley', Old English bere `barley' (*bar(a)z-, respectively *bar(i)z-); but Slavic *barsina- in Old Church Slavic brašьno ` nourishment, food ', Serbo-Croatian brȁšno `meal, flour', Russian bórošno ` rye flour ', after Jokl Miletiè-Festschr. (1933) 119 ff. rather to bher-1 ` bear, carry '. 

Maybe alb. bar ` grass, pasture, fodder' : Old Icelandic barr m. `corn, grain, barley'.

References: WP. I 134, WH. I 455 f., 864.

See also: compare also bhares- S. 109.

Page(s): 111

Root / lemma: bharu-, -u̯o-

Meaning: fir-tree, tree, forest

Material: Old Icelandic bǫrr m. `tree', Old English bearu, Gen. bearwes m. ` wood, forest, shrubbery, bush ', Old High German bara-wāri ` forest ranger...a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside, priest '; Slavic *borъ in Russian-Church Slavic borъ, Pl. borove ` fir, spruce, spruce forest ', Serbo-Croatian bȍr, Gen. bȍra ` pine tree ', Czech bor m. ` pinewood '. 

References: WP. II 164, Trautmann 26 f., Hoops Waldbäume 362.

Page(s): 109

Root / lemma: bhar- : bhor- : bhr̥-

Meaning: bristle, stubble, sharp point

Material: Mit vokal. formant:

Gothic baíra-bagms ` mulberry tree ', English black bear-berry `uva ursi', Norwegian bjørneber `rubus caesius' are reinterpreted after the bear's name *bara- ` shrub, bush ' = ` briar '; 

from proto Slavic. *bъrъ (*bhor-) derive Russian dial. borъ, kir. bor, Gen. bru `kind of millet, sorghum', Serbo-Croatian bȁr ds.

Other formations with g are: 

Old Irish bairgen f. `bread' (*barigenā or *barigonā), Welsh etc bara m. ds. (*barag-, compare Latin farrāgō ` mixed fodder for cattle, mash; a medley, mixture '). 

With formants -ko-:

Middle Irish barc ` spear shaft ', Welsh barch f. `spear, javelin', Slavic bьrkъ in Serbo-Croatian brk `cusp, peak, germ, sprout, whisker, moustache ', Czech brk ` keel, pinion of birds, primary feather, quill-feather ', also probably Russian bérce, bérco ` shinbone ', dial. `pole' (Berneker 119).

Perhaps here (with consonant increase) *brokko- ` badger ', Middle Irish brocc, Welsh mbr. broch ds., whether originally ` pointy or sharp snouted, rat faced, incisive looking, spiky ' to Latin (Celtic) broccus ` to with protruding teeth ', gall. *broccos `cusp, peak, spiky', French broche `spear' etc Unclear is, to what extent Middle Irish brocc ` smut ', Gaelic brocach ` mottled, speckled, *tabby ', Welsh broch ` rage, fury, din, fuss, noise, scum, froth, foam ', nbr. broc'hed ` mad, wicked, evil (= stung, bitten)' are to be owed to secondary semantic change or belong to different stems.

It is striking poln. (Venetic-ill). FlN Brok, perhaps signifies ` river badger'.

References: WP. II 134, 163, 164, WH. I 455 f.

Page(s): 108-109

Root / lemma: bhasko- (*bhedh-sko)

Meaning: bundle, heap


Root / lemma: bhasko- : `bundle, heap' is a truncated formation of an older root *bhedh-sko from which derived both Root / lemma: bhedh-2 : `to bow, bend' and Root / lemma: bhasko- : `bundle, heap' (see below). The alledged root *bhedh-sko derived from bhegh- [common Illyrian -gh- > -dh-].

Material: Macedonian βάσκιοι δεσμοὶ φρυγάνων and βασκευταί φασκίδες (these genuine gr. vowel form), ἀγκάλαι Hes.; perhaps here gr. φάσκωλος ` leather sack '; 

Latin fascia ` bandage, band, girdle, girth, strap, land stripe ', fascis ` alliance, bundle, parcel; the fasces with excellent hatchet as a token of the imperious power ';

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift

Maybe alb. bashkë `together, bound', bashkonj `put together, unite', bashkë `fleece (a bundle of wool)'.


Alb. proves that from an early root *bhegh- [common Illyrian -gh- > -dh-] derived Root / lemma: bhedh-2 : `to bow, bend' and Root / lemma: bhadh-sko- : `bundle, heap' (see below).

Middle Irish basc ` collar, neckband ', abrit. bascauda ` brazen rinsing boiler ' (perhaps originally an earthen and burnt vessel formed about a twisted skeleton good as basket), Welsh baich ` burden, load ', Middle Breton bech, Modern Breton beac'h ds.; gallo-rom. *ambi-bascia `load', alyonn. ambaissi ` kneader for the sheaves ' (Jud Rom. 47, 481 ff.).

References: WP. II 135 f., WH. I 97, 459 f.

Page(s): 111

Root / lemma: bhā̆d-

Meaning: good

Material: Old Indic bhadrá-ḥ ` joyful, gratifying, lucky, good ', n. ` luck, salvation', sú-bhadra-ḥ ` lovely, superb, pretty, splendid ' = Avestan hu-baδra- ` lucky '; 

Gothic batiza `better', batista `best', Old Icelandic betre, betstr, Old English bet(e)ra, betst, Old High German bezzir(o), bezzist, Modern High German besser, best; in addition das Adv. of comparative Old Icelandic betr, Old English bet (*batiz), Old High German baz (*bataz, congealed Neutr. ` benefit ');

Old Icelandic bati m. ` improvement, salvation', Old Frisian bata m. ` benefit, advantage ', Middle High German bazze ds.; Gothic gabatnan ` acquire benefit ', Old Icelandic batna ` become better ', Old English batian, Old High German bazzen ds.; 

with vowel gradation Gothic bōta f. `benefit', Old Icelandic Old English bōt ` improvement, replacement ', Old High German buoz(a) f. `improvement, penance, atonement '.

References: WP. II 151 f., Feist 83, 103, 174, J. Weisweiler Buße (1930).

Page(s): 106

Root / lemma: bhāghú-s

Meaning: elbow, arm

Material: Old Indic bāhú-ḥ m. `arm, esp. forearm; with animals forefoot ', Avestan bāzāu-š `arm', Gen. bāzvō (Armenian bazuk from Iranian); 

gr. πῆχυς, Aeolic-Doric πᾶχυς ` elbow, forearm ', Old Icelandic bōgr, Akk. PL bōgu `arm, shoulder', Old English bōg `shoulder, arm; twig, branch', Old High German buog (Modern High German Bug) `shoulder, hip, haunch, point of shoulder of animals ';

Tocharian А В poke, В pauke `arm'. 

References: WP. II 130.

Page(s): 108

Root / lemma: bhā̆gh-

Meaning: ` mud, marsh '

See also: s. bhō̆gh-.

Page(s): 108

Root / lemma: bhāgó-s

Meaning: beech

Grammatical information: f.

Material: Gr. φηγός, Doric φᾱγός f. `oak' (compare Specht KZ. 66, 59); Latin fāgus f. ` beech ';

Maybe alb. ahu ` beech ' : Spanish haya, French hêtre, fayard, foyau, fau, fagette, faye, Fayette, Italian faggio, Aragones fau, Bresciano fò, Breton favenn, Calabrese fagu, Catalan faig, Furlan fajâr, Galician faia, Irish feá, Manx faih, Piemontese fò, Portuguese faia, Romagnolo fàz, Sardinian Campidanesu fau, Valencian faig, Venetian fagaro, fagher, Welsh ffawydden ` beech '.

gall. bāgos in PN Bāgācon, Bāgono-; Old High German buohha `beech' (bōkōn-, compare silva Bācenis ` resin ' by Caesar and Middle Latin Bōcōnia ` Rhön -an area in Germany '), 

Old Icelandic bōk f., Old English bōc, bēce (bōkjōn-), in addition Gothic bōka f. ` alphabetic letter ', Old Icelandic bōk, Old English bōc, Old High German buoh f. n. ` book (as the wood of rune-tablets) ', Old High German buohstap `alphabetic letter', actually ` beech stick for scratching '. 

Modern Icelandic beyki n. `beech forest' is (because of bæki ds.) writing variant from *bӧ̥̄ki, a late collective to bōk; also is to define perhaps Modern Icelandic beykir ` cooper '. Unclear is mir Old Icelandic buðkr, bauðkr ` first aid kit, medicine box ', after Cleasby-Vigfusson 85b a loanword from Middle Latin apotheka ` bin, box, case, crib, tank, bucket ' is soil?

Slavic *buza- : *bъzъ- ` elder ' in Russian buz m. : slov. bɛz, Russian dial. boz stay away probably; also Kurdish būz ` a kind of elm ', goes back to older vūz (from Indo Germanic *u̯igós). 

Middle High German būche, biuche ` lye ', biuchen, būchen ` boil or wash in lye ' belongs rather to root bheug(h)- ` clean, sweep '. 

Indo Germanic side by side from bhāug- (:bhǝug-: bhū̆g-) and bhāg- is extremely unlikely; compare W. Schulze KZ. 27, 428 = Kl. Schr. 55. 

Perhaps after E. Leumann (KZ. 57, 190) to Avestan baga- ` interest, portion, lot, fate ', also ` fortune cookie tree ', because marks were scratched into it by pilgrims. 

References: WP. II 128 f., WH. I 445 f., 863 f., E. Passler in `Frühgesch. under Sprachw.' (Wien 1948).

Page(s): 107-108

Root / lemma: bhā-1, bhō-, bhǝ- (*bheh2-1)

Meaning: to shine

Material: Old Indic bhā (in compound) ` shine, light, lustre ', bhā́ti ` shines, (he) appears ', bhā́ti-ḥ `light', bhā́na-m n. ` the shiners, apparition ' (compare Old Irish bān `white', Old English bōnian `polish'), bhānú-ḥ `light, ray, sun' (: Old Saxon banu-t), bhā́ma-ḥ `light, shine'; 

Avestan bā- `shine, appear, seem' only with ā- (avā̊ntǝm ` the resembling, the similar '), frā (fra-vāiti ` shines out ') and vi- (vi-bā- ` gleam, shine ', Benveniste BSL. 32, 86 f.), vīspō-bām(y)a- ` all gleaming ', bāmya- `light, gleaming ', bānu- m. `light, ray';

Armenian banam (*bhā-n-) ` open, reveal, divulge, uncover, expose ' (if actually ` point, allow to become visible '), Aor. ba-t`si, compare gr. φαίνω and alb. bâj; 

gr. πεφήσεται ` will appear ', *bhǝ-n- in present φαίνω (*φανι̯ω instead of *φά-νω Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 694) ` makes visible, points ', φαίνομαι ` appear, seem, shine, gleam ' (ἐφάνην, Aor. ἔφηνα); 

φᾰνερός ` obvious, apparent, clear ', φανή ` torch '; φάσις ` rising of a star ' (see also under bhā-2), φάσμα, -ατος `apparition, facee, omen, sign ' (compare πεφασμένος);

ἀμφαδόν, ἀμφάδιος ` apparent, manifest, obvious ' (ἀνα-φ-); φάντα λάμποντα Hes. (to *φᾱμι = Old Indic bhā́ti); compare ἀργύ-φεος, ἄργυφος ` glossy white'; 

alb. Geg bâj, Tosc bënj (= φαίνω) ` make, seem ' (originally probably ` bring to an apparition ');


Alb. uses a taboo explanation which reflects the religious aspect of the cognate.

Old Irish bān `white', oíb f. (*opi-bhā) `apparition, beauty';

Old Saxon banut ` touchwood, tinder '; Old English bōnian `polish' (i.e. `make gleaming'), ndd. (and out of it Modern High German) bōnen ` scour, rub, clean, beans ', Middle High German büenen ` beans (*white) ' (from Gothic bandwa, -wō ` mark, token, sign ', bandwjan, Old Icelandic benda ` give a mark, token, sign ' here belong - perhaps as u̯-derivative of participle bhā-nt- ` shining, seeming ' -, is doubtful. Lithuanian by Feist 79 f.); 

Upper Sorbian baju, bać so ` burn indiscernibly, gleam ', Lower Sorbian bajom, bajaś se `gleam, flicker'; 

Tocharian A paṃ `clear, bright' (*bhǝno-), pañi `beauty', В peñijo ds. (Duchesne-Guillemin BSL. 41, 164); A pākär, В pākri, a-pākärtse `open, distinct'; A pā-tsänk, В pa-tsäṅk ` window ' (-tsänk etc `gleam, shine'), Van Windekens Lexique 78 f.; В pate, A pāt (in compound) `apparition' (*bhā-ti-), Pisani Re. R. 1st. Lornb. 78, 2, 28.

s-extension bhō-s-: Old Indic bhā́s- n. (ved. also disyllabic), Instrumental bhāsā́ `light, shine, glory, magnificence, power ', subhā́s- ` having beautiful shininess ', bhā́-sati ` glares, gleams ', bhā́sant- `gleaming', bhā́saḥ n. `light'; 

gr. φώσκει διαφάνει Hes., διαφώσκω ` begins to shine' are perhaps (from πι-φαύσκω) reshaped after φῶς, also φωστήρ `lustre, shine, shiner'

Doubtful is, whether Middle Irish basc `red', Old English basu, baso `purple' (*bhǝs-ko-, -u̯o-) are to be connected, to Gothic weina-basi ` grape ', Old High German beri ` berry ', actually ` red berry '? In addition the full grades MN Old High German Buoso, Old Icelandic Bōsi etc? 

u̯-extension bhā-u-: Old Indic vi-bhā́va-ḥ, vi-bhā́van- ` radiating, shining, seeming'; 

gr. hom. φάε (*φαFε) ` gleamed, appeared ', φαέθων, -οντος `gleaming',, φαεσί-μβροτος, Pind. φαυσί-μβροτος ` for the bright people shining ',

φάος (Aeolic φάυος, pamph. φάβος) Attic kontr. φῶς, Gen. φωτός, φάους, `light, salvation', whereof *φαFεσ-νός in Lesbian φάεννος, Ionian φαεινός, Attic φᾱνός `gleaming', 

hom. φαείνω ` gleams '; πιφαύσκω ` allows to shine; points, shows, evinces; make known '. Different Specht KZ. 59, 58 f. 

Is Germanic *baukna-, in Old Frisian bāken ` emblem, landmark, mark, fire signal ', Old Saxon bōkan `mark, token, sign, emblem, landmark', Old English bēacen `mark, token, sign, banner, ensign, flag', Old High German bouhhan `mark, token, sign' from such Germanic *bau- shaped after *taikna- `mark, token, sign'?

References: WP. II 122 f., WH. I 454 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 694, 709.

Page(s): 104-105

Root / lemma: bhā-2 (*bheh2-2)

Meaning: to speak

Material: Old Indic probably in sabhā ` congregation, meeting ' (`*conversation, discussion'; bhā- in Old Indic indeed otherwise - up to bhánati, see below - only in the meaning `shine, appear, seem, shine'); 

Armenian ban (*bhā-nis), Gen. -i `word, speech, reason, judgement, thing', bay, Gen. bayi `word, verbalism ' (*bhǝ-ti-s = gr. φάτις); bay particle ` (he, she) says ' (= φησί, also bam = φημί, bas = Lesbian φαι from *bhāsi);

gr. φημί, Doric φᾱμί `say', φήμη, Doric φάμᾱ ` knowledge, shout, call, revelation ' (= Latin fāma `a report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition'; ἀφήμονες ἄρρητοι, οὐκ ὀνομαζόμενοι Hes. and only with Apuleius meeting affāmen ` harangue, speech ' needs to be no old equation); 

φάσκω ` say, believe ' (also βάσκανος, Latin fascinum, see below *baba onomatopoeic word), φάτις f. ` rumor ', φάσις ` language, speech, assertion, announcement '; with vowel gradation φωνή `voice'; 

Latin for, fārī (from *fā-i̯ō(r) = Church Slavic baju, Old English bōian) `speak';

Latin fācundus ` eloquent, fluent, ready of speech ', fātum ` an utterance, esp. a divine utterance; hence destiny, fate, the will of a god ', fāma ` a report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition ' (Denominative Oscan faamat perhaps ` calls '), fābula ` talk, conversation; a tale, story, fable, drama, myth ' (*bhā-dhlā), fās actually `divine command or law; sometimes fate, destiny; in gen. right, that which is allowed, lawful', probably from (ne)fās is with infinitive fās (s-stem) ` it is (not) to be pronounced ' (different EM 333);

in addition diēs fāstus ` day on which the praetor could administer justice, court-days. Transf. a list of these days, with festivals, etc., the Roman calendar; a register, record; a list of magistrates ', fāsti ` the list of these days, calendars '; as derivative of a participle *bhǝ-tó-s, Latin fateor, -ērī, fassus ` to confess, admit,, allow; to reveal, make known ' = Oscan fatíum ` speak ', Latin Fātuus `speaking by inspiration', epithet of ` foretelling Faunus';

Maybe alb. (*fateor) fajtor `guilty (*confess, admit guilt)', then truncated alb. faj `guilt'.

Old Icelandic bōn, bøn ` request, prayer ', Old English bäen ` request, soccage ' (*bhā-ni-s; or with ō-gradation as gr. φωνή?); Old English bōian `brag, boast' (as Latin fōr from *fāi̯ōr, Slavic bajǫ);

Russian-Serbian-Church Slavic baju, bajati `tell, discuss, heal, cure', Church Slavic basnь ` fable, spell, charm ', Old Church Slavic balьji, Gen. -ьję ` physician, medicine man, magician '. 

At a present *bh-en- based on Old Indic bhánati ` speaks '; from *bhǝn-u̯- (or in Germanic reshuffling after spannan) Old High German bannan reduplication verb. ` summon by proclamation (esp. to arms); curse or damn; pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon ', Old English bannan reduplication verb ` summon, order ', Old Icelandic banna schw. Verb. ` forbid ', whereof Old High German ban, PL banna ` order under penal threat ' (Modern High German Bann, Bannwald), Old English gebann, Old Icelandic bann n. ` forbid, ban '. (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Tocharian A pā-, pā-c̨- ` beg ' (Van Windekens Lexique 87 f.). 

After Kuiper (АО. XII 262) here (*bhǝ-s-) Old Indic bhiṣ̌ákti `heals', bhiṣ̌áj- `physician, medicine man, magician', Younger Avestan -biś- ` healing '; about Avestan bišazjāt̃ compare Kuiper Nasalpras. 44 f. 

References: WP. II 123 f., WH. I 437 f., 450, 458 f., 525 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 674 f.

Page(s): 105-106

Root / lemma: bhāso- or bhēso-

Meaning: a kind of a large bird of prey

Material: Old Indic bhāsa-ḥ ` a certain bird of prey '; gr. hom. Attic φήνη ` an eagle kind, probably Vultur monachus ', was possible from *bhās-nā or *bhēs-nā; also *bhānā (to bhā-1). 

References: WP. II 135.

Page(s): 111

Root / lemma: bhāt- : bhǝt-

Meaning: to hit

Material: Latin fatuus ` foolish, idiotic, silly, awful, tasteless from taste ' (*from beaten the head, dull); gall. loanword Latin battuō, -ere, more recently battō ` to beat, knock ', out of it back-borrowed Welsh bathu ` strike coins, mint ', 

Illyrian Batto `appellation for rebellion leaders', alb. batoj `rock the boat'

compare also gall. anda-bata ` blind combatant, gladiator fights with a helmet without openings ' with ā: Russian batъ ` oaken stick, cudgel, club ', Serbo-Croatian bátati ` hit, knock ', perhaps also (with ă) Russian bótatь ` trample, swing ' etc; 

perhaps Old Danish bad ` fight, struggle, damage, pity ', Middle Low German bat `damage, pity, misfortune', Modern High German Blutbad. 

Unclear is the relationship to *bhāu-t- (see below); it must be assumed instead of *bhāt- is perhaps *bhu̯āt-, or lies a root *bhā- with variant formant the basic, which is perhaps present in Latin fāmex, -icis ` a bruise, contusion, bloodshot ' (*haematoma, effusion of blood resulted from blow)?

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift

References: WP. II 126 f., WH. I 46, 99, 452, 464.

Page(s): 111-112

Root / lemma: bhā̆u-1 : bhū̆-

Meaning: to hit

Material: a) With present formation -d-: 

Latin fūstis (*bhūd-sti-s) ` a knobbed stick, cudgel, staff, club ' (= gall. būstis in aprov. bust ` tree stump ' etc), fūsterna ` knot, burl, burr, stump, snag ';

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift, maybe alb. fut, fus `hit, insert, copulate'

Old Irish bibdu `culpable, fiend ' (*bhe-bhud-u̯ōts), Middle Irish búalaim `hit' from *bhāud-l- ... (or *boug-l- ... to Modern High German pochen above S. 98); probably also Old Irish bodar `deaf, stuns, dazes, deafens, baffles', Welsh byddar `deaf' (*budaro-); 

Old Icelandic bauta (-aða) `hit, bump, poke', Old English bēatan (bēot), Old High German boz(z)an (biez or schw. Verb) ds., Middle High German boz, bōz, būz m. `blow, knock', Modern High German Amboß, Old English býtel `hammer', 

Middle Low German botel ds., Middle High German bæzel `beetle, hammer', Old Icelandic bøytill ` penis of horses '; Old Icelandic butr ` short piece of a tree trunk '; with expressivem tt: ndd. butt `dull, clumsy' (in addition the fish name Butte),

Middle High German butze ` truncated piece, clump ', Old English buttuc `bottom, piece land', Norwegian dial. butt `stump, clot, chunk' (also wood skid). But Old English bytt ` flask, a large cask or barrel, used esp. for wine, ale, or beer ' derives from Latin buttis ` barrel, vat, cask ', also Welsh both `flask'; 

Old Icelandic beysta `knock, hit' (*bhaud-sti-, compare Latin fūstis); with -sk-suffix perhaps Middle High German būsch `cudgel, club, blow, knock' (*bhūd-sko-), perhaps different from būsch ` wad, bulge;  bead;  lip;  torus;  wreath;  roll;  bulb ', see above S. 101. 

b) with t-formants:

Alb. mbüt, mbüs `suffocate, drown', skut. müs `slay, kill', compare përmismë ` downfallen ';


Common alb. b > mb

Alb. mbüt, mbüs `suffocate, drown' : Old Irish bā(i)dim ` go under, dive, submerge; sink, drown', Welsh boddi ` drown, flood ', Cornish bedhy, Middle Breton beuziff ` drown '; Welsh diffoddi ` extinguish, annihilate, erase ' from *di-spad- (*dī-eks-bad-).

From Root / lemma: gʷā̆dh- : to sink, submerge, derived Root / lemma: bhā̆u-1 : bhū̆- : to hit.

Latin confūtō, -āre ` to check, repress; by speech, tto put down, silence ', refūtō, -āre ` to drive back, check, repress; to refute, disprove ' (mit ū from previously au), probably also fūtuō, -ere ` have sexual relationshs with (a woman), to sleep with';

maybe alb. (*fūtuō) fut `have sexual relations with (a woman), penetrate, insert, cheat'

Old Irish fo-botha (*butāt) `threatens', verbal noun fubthad; Gothic bauÞs `deaf, dumb, mute'. 

References: WP. II 125 ff., WH. 1 259 f., 573 f.

Page(s): 112

Root / lemma: bhāu-2

See also: s. bhā-1

Page(s): 112

Root / lemma: bhebhru-, bhebhro-

See also: s. bhē̆r- `braun'

Page(s): 113

Root / lemma: bhedh-1 (bhedh-1 > *bhedh-r)

Meaning: to pierce, dig


Hittite: {peta- `to dig '  - source?}

Old Greek: bóthro-s, bóthǖno-s m. `Loch, Grube, Graben, Vertiefung ' 

Baltic: *bed- (*bed-a-) vb. tr, *bed-r-iā̃ f.

Germanic: *bad-ja- n., m.

Latin: fodiō, -ere, fōdī, fossum `graben ' , fossa f. `Graben ' 

Celtic: *bed- > Cymr bedd `Grab ' , Corn beth `Grab ' , Bret béz `Grab ' 


Latin fodiō, -ere, fōdī ` to dig; also to dig out; to excavate. Transf. to prick, prod, jog ', fossa `ditch, trench, channel', fodicāre ` sting repeatedly, dig, jog ';

Maybe alb. fushë ` field (surrounded by trenches during Middle Ages) ', Bolognese (Bologna Northern Italy) fàtta ` field (surrounded by trenches during Middle Ages) ' from Latin fossatum `a place surrounded by a ditch; a ditch; a dike; a mound' = alb. fushatë ` military campaign ', also alb. fshat `village, fortified settlement ' > Romanian sat `village, fortified settlement ' (common alb. -o- > -u- phonetic mutation).

English                      pit                                 

            Italian                         fossa                                       

            Spanish                     foso                             

            French                       fosse                          

            Galician                     foxo                             

            Latin               fossa                                       

            Venetian                    fossa


            Catalan                      fossat                                      

            Sardinian Campidanesu                forada                                     

alb. fushatë ` military campaign '

Albanian belongs to the Occidental Romance group.

gall. bedo- `canal, ditch, trench, channel' (Wartburg I 313), Welsh bedd, Cornish bedh, Breton béz ` grave '; gall. *bodīca ` fallow field ' (M.-L. 1184);

Gothic badi n. `bed', Old English bedd ds., Old High German etc betti `bed, a garden-plot (to be) filled with plants; a place where osiers, willows, etc., are grown ', Old Norse beðr m. ` bedspread, eiderdown ' (Indo Germanic *bhodhi̯o-), originally ` a bed burrowed in the ground ', compare Modern High German Flußbett, Beet, English bed also ` garden bed, garden plot ';

Maybe The connection with Ukr. dial. bedrá `large pit, valley, swamp', Pl. ubiedrze `slope, steep bank' and Lith. bẽdrė `swamp, valley', Latv. bedre `pit' > Armenian port (*bodro-) ` navel, belly, center ' > Old Church Slavic (etc) bedro ` thigh ' (taboo Slavic cognate) [Root / lemma: bed- : to swell?].

Lithuanian bedù, bedžiaũ, bèsti `prick, bore, dig', badaũ, badýti `prick, bump, poke', bãdas `hunger', bẽdrė f. ` pit, pothole ', Old Prussian boadis ` prick, sting ', em-badusisi ` he/she sticks ';

Old Church Slavic bodǫ, bosti (s-Аor. basъ) `prick', bodl' m. `thorn, backbone ' (*bod-lь);

Alb. boshti ` spindle' a Slavic loanword.

Tocharian A pat-, pāt- `to plough';

perhaps also Hittite píd-da-i (can also be read pádd-da-i ) ` makes a hole into the earth ', compare Pedersen Hittite 77.

Perhaps here gr. βόθρος, βόθῡνος m. `pit, pothole', Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 262, Zus. 2. Different Petersson Heterokl. 128 ff. 

Probably in addition Celto-Germanic bodu̯o-, -ā `fight, struggle' in gall. PN Ate-boduus, -uā, Boduo-gnātus, Old Irish bodb f. `crow, battle goddess in the form of a crow '; 

Old Icelandic boð f. (*badwō), Gen. bǫðvar, Old English beadu f., Old Saxon Badu-, Old High German Batu- (in PN) `fight, struggle'. 

References: WP. I 126 ff., 188, WP. I 99, 521 f., 866, Trautmann 29.

Page(s): 113-114

Root / lemma: bhedh-2

Meaning: to bow, bend

Material: Old Indic bā́dhatē `throngs, presses, plagues', Desid. bī́bhatsatē ` is shy of something, feels disgust ', jñu-bā́dh- ` bending knee '; 

alb. bint, med. bindem ` be bent (*be convinced, pressured) ', bashkr ` together ', bashkonj ` unite, assemble ';


Alb. proves that from an early root *bhegh- [common Illyrian -gh- > -dh-] derived Root / lemma: bhedh-2 : `to bow, bend' and Root / lemma: bhadh-sko- : `bundle, heap' (see above).

Gothic bida `prayer', Old High German beta f. `request', Gothic bidjan (sek. -bidan) ` bid, beg, ask, pray ', Old Icelandic biðja, Old English biddan, Old High German bitten, Old Icelandic knē-beðr m. ` knee pad ', Old English cnēow-gebed n. `prayer' (compare Old Indic jñu-bādh-);

Maybe alb. Geg me u betu `to vow', Tosc betohem `I vow, swear'

Lithuanian bodùs ` unsavory, distasteful ', bodė́tis ` nauseate before '; 

Tocharian В peti, A poto ` worship, veneration '.

References: WP. II 130 f., 140, 185, WH. I 461, 495, Feist 89 b; different Kluge12 60.

Page(s): 114

Root / lemma: bheg-, bheng-

Meaning: to break

Material: Old Indic bhanákti, Perf. babháñja `break, rupture' (only afterwards after reshuffled the 7th class), bhaŋga-ḥ `break; billow' (compare Lithuanian bangà `billow'), bhañji-ḥ ` diffraction, declension, crooked way, sale, step, wave '; 

Armenian bekanem `break', bek `broke'; 

but Phrygian βεκός `bread', actually ` crumb ' (?)has unexplained k; 

With -u- grade: also alb. (*beuka) buka `bread' : Phrygian βεκός `bread', actually ` crumb '


From an extended Root / lemma: b(e)u-1, bh(e)u- : `expr. sound of hitting' derived Root / lemma: bheg-, bheng- : `to break', Root / lemma: bhenĝh-, bhn̥ĝh- (Adj. bhn̥ĝhú-s) : `thick, fat', Root / lemma: bheug-1 : `to flee, *be frightened', Root / lemma: bheug-2, bheugh- : `to clear away, free', Root / lemma: bheug-3, bheugh- : `to bow', Root / lemma: bheug-4 : `to enjoy, *consume, bite' as taboo words.

Old Irish bongid, -boing `breaks, reaps, harvests, wins (*gains) ' verbal noun búain (*bhog-ni-), enclitic -bach, -bech (*bhogo-m), Thurneysen Grammar 447, 461; Pass. preterit -bocht, perhaps = bocht ` poor ';

dropping the nasal of the preterit buich has probably secondary u (compare Old Irish mag `field', Dative muig < *mages), so that it is not necessary, to go back in *bheug(h)- `bend'; 

Middle Welsh di-vwng ` inflexible '; to meaning `defeat, conquer' compare Old Irish maidid ` break out' = `defeat'. Toо grade point at also Middle Irish boimm `morsel, bite, mouthful' from *bhog-smn̥;

Lithuanian bangà `billow, heap, lashings, pelting rains ', prabangà ` excess ', Latvian buogs ` a dense crowd ', in addition Lithuanian bangùs `rash, hasty, violent' (from brooks and downpours), bingùs ` gamy ' (of horses), bengiù, bengiaũ, beñgti ` finish ', pabangà f. `termination'; Prussian pobanginnons ` moves, weighs '; in the meaning `finish, end' come into being through vowel gradation derailment forms with ei, ai (compare Endzelin Latvian Gr. 60) in Latvian beĩgas Pl. ` end, inclination, slope ', Lithuanian pabaigà ds., beigiù and baigiù `end', Latvian bèidzu ds.;

here Latvian buoga also stands for `stony place', here belongs probably also Russian búga ` flooded tract of forest '; different about beig- (to bhei- `hit') Kuiper Nasalpräs. 184. 

The following forms are to be kept away because of the auslauts and because of meaning and to indicate probably as onomatopoeic words:

Germanic *bang- `hit' in Old Icelandic banga `hit', bang `din, fuss, noise', English bang `knock, hit', with vowel gradation Middle High German Middle Low German bungen `drum'; ndd. bengel ` club, cudgel, boor ' = Modern High German Bengel, English dial. bangle ` gnarled stick ', Old Norse epithet bǫngull. 

In addition with intensive consonant increase:

Germanic *bank- in Old Swedish banka, abl. bunka `hit, knock', obd. bunken `knock, bump, poke', Middle Low German bunken, Dutch bonken `hit, thrash'. 

Latvian bungã `drum', bunga `blow, knock' derive probably from Middle Low German

Maybe alb. bungë, bunga Pl. `kind of oak, Quercus sessiflora (stick for beating?)'

References: WP. II 149 f., WH. I 503, 541, Trautmann 26.

Page(s): 114-115

Root / lemma: bhegʷ-

Meaning: to run

Material: Hindi bhāg- `flee';

Maybe alb. mbath (bag-) ` flee ' common alb. k- > th-.

gr. φέβομαι, φοβέομαι `flee, be afraid ', φόβος `escape, fear', φοβέω ` startles', φοβερός `frightening, timorous'; Note: common Illyrian gʷ- > b-.

lengthened grade Lithuanian bė́gu, bė́gau, bė́gti `run, flee', bėgas, bė̃gis m. `escape, run', Latvian bêgu, bêgt `flee', with vowel gradation kausat. boginù, bogìnti ` flee something, to get there quckly '; 

Slavic *běgǫ in Russian běgu (Infinitive běžátь), Ukrainian bihú (Infinitive bíèy) `run', in addition as neologism Old Church Slavic priběgnǫ, priběgnǫti etc `flee', as well as Old Church Slavic běžǫ, bežati `flee' etc; 

Tocharian A pkänt (pkät) `remote, distant, apart, separated' (Van Windekens Lexique 96). 

References: WP. II 184 f., Trautmann 29, Meillet Slave commun2 220, 235, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 717.

Page(s): 116

Root / lemma: bheidh-1 (*bheidh- > bhoidh-eh2)

Meaning: to advise, force

Material: Gr. πείθομαι ` lets me persuade, follow ' (Aor. ἐπιθόμην, hom. πεπιθεῖν, πιθέσθαι; Perf. πέποιθα `trust'), Akt. (sek.) πείθω, Aor. ἔπεισα `persuade, convince', πειθώ, -οῦς ` persuasion ', πιστός (for *φιστος) `reliable, loyal, faithful, relying', πίστις, -ιος, -εως `loyalty, reliance', hom. ἐν πείσῃ `in reassurance ' (*πειθ-σ-);

e- grade in:

alb. (*bḫ1eidḫ1e) bē f. `oath, vow, pledge' (*bhoidhā = Old Church Slavic běda `need'), East Geg per-bej `curse, hex' (in addition neologism (*bḫ1eidḫ3a) besa f. `faith, belief, pact, covenant, loyalty');

Phonetically Old Church Slavic běda `need' = alb. besa `faith, belief, pact, covenant, loyalty'.

Maybe TN Illyrian Besoi : alb. besoj `believe, have faith'.

Latin fīdō, -ere, fīsus sum ` to trust, believe, confide in ' (fīsus is to- participle), fīdus `reliable'; foedus (*bhoidhos), by Ennius fīdus (*bheidhos) n. ` trusty, true, faithful, sure ', fidēs ` trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith ', Dius Fidius ` the god of faith, a surname of Jupiter '; Umbrian combifiatu (*bhidhiā-) `you shall trust, confide, rely upon, believe, be assured'; about Oscan Fiisiais, Umbrian Fise, Fiso, Fisovio- s. WH. I 494;


Alb. alb. fē, fēja `religion', fejonj `perform engagement ceremony (marriage vows?)' : Reggiano fèid `religion' : AN fed, OFr. feid, feit : Latin fides ` to trust, believe, confide in '.

Gothic baidjan `constrain, oblige', Old Icelandic beiða, Old English bædan, Old High German beitten `urge, press, push, arrogate' = Old Bulgarian causative běždǫ, běditi `constrain, oblige', poběditi `defeat, conquer', běda f. `need'; 

here probably also Gothic beidan `wait, hold on', Old Icelandic bīða, Old English bīdan, Old High German bītan ds., Swiss beite = Old High German beitten, but in the meaning `wait, hold on'. basic meaning `await' from `trust' or `oneself constrain, oblige'.

References: WP. II 139 f., 185 f., WH. I 493 f.

Page(s): 117

Root / lemma: bheidh-2

Meaning: ` bind, twist '

See also: s. bhidh-.

Page(s): 117

Root / lemma: bheid-

Meaning: to prick, pierce

Material: Old Indic bhinádmi (participle bhindánt- = Latin findēns, bhinná-ḥ besides bhittá-ḥ = Latin fissus), bhḗdāmi `split, carve, rupture etc', bhidyátē ` is split '; (Old Indic under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

probably gr. φείδομαι (reduplication Aor. hom. πεφιδέσθαι) ` with which are stingy, avoid sparingly; spare; avoid a thing ' (basic meaning partly perhaps ` separate myself from something = take myself away ', above all but ` pinch off, stingy, from what cut off oneself only a little ');

Latin findō, -ere, fidī (probably Aor. as Old Indic Opt. bhidēyam, Old English bite, Old High German bizzi ` to split, cleave, divide, halve '), fissum ` split, cloven ', fissum n., fissūra f. `cleft, fissure';

Gothic beitan `bite', Old Icelandic bīta `bite; penetrate (from sword )', Old Saxon Old English bītan, Old High German bīzzan `bite' (= Old Indic bhḗdati, gr. φείδομαι); Causative Old Icelandic beita ` allow to bite, allow to graze ', Old English bætan `rein, curb, restrain, hunt, chase', Old High German Middle High German beizen `ds., corrode', Old Icelandic beizl ` set of teeth, bridle, rein' (*baitislan), Old English gebǣtu N. Pl., gebǣtel n. ` set of teeth '; Old Icelandic biti m., Old English bita m. `morsel, mouthful', Old High German bizzo m., bizza f. `morsel, mouthful, nip'; Gothic baitrs `bitter' (`bitting from taste ');

changing through vowel gradation Old Icelandic bitr `biting, sharp, painful', Old English biter, bitter, Old Saxon Old High German bittar `biting, sharp, bitter'; Old Icelandic beiskr ` sharp, bitter' (*bait-skaz); Gothic beist ` sourdough ' (*bhei[d]-sto-); Old English bitela `biting', bitel `beetle, chafer', English beetle;

Maybe alb. bisk `branch, twig (*beam?)'.

Old Icelandic beit n. `ship' (originally ` hollow dugout canoe ' to Old Icelandic bite `balk, beam'), Old English bāt m. `boat', Middle English bōt, out of it borrows Modern High German Boot and perhaps Old Icelandic bātr ds.; Middle Low German beitel, bētel `chisel', Middle High German beizel `sting, prick' (: Old Indic bhēdurá-ḥ, bhēdirá-ḥ `thunderbolt').


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Old Indic bhēdurá-ḥ, bhēdirá-ḥ `thunderbolt' : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

The fact is that bheid- extension to *bhei(ǝ)- `hit' seems possible. 

References: WP. II 138 f., WH. I 500 f.

Page(s): 116-117

Root / lemma: bhei(ǝ)-, bhī- (*bheiH- > bhiH-ti̯o- > bhiH-tueh2)

Meaning: to hit

Material: Avestan byente ` they fight, hit' (H. Lommel KZ. 67, 11); 

Armenian bir ` big stick , club, mace, joint' (*bhi-ro-);

gr. φῑτρός m. `tree truck, wooden log', φῑμός m. `toggle, muzzle';

Maybe alb. (*bheiH) bie `hit, strike', bie `fall, die', causative, subjunctive bjeri `strike' = bjer `bring' : [Common ḫ- > j- Slavic Albanian; ḫ- > i̯-, y- Old Indic Tocharian].

Alb. and Armenian prove that Root / lemma: bhei(ǝ)-, bhī- : `to hit' derived from Root / lemma: bher-1 : `to bear, carry' through an Illyrian -r > -j.

In o- grade:

Venetic PN φohiio-s-, Illyrian VN Bοιοί ` the combatants, fighters ' (: Russian boj), gr.-Illyrian PN Bοῖον ὄρος, VN Βοιωτοί, Celtic-Illyrian VN Boii; Messapic βίσβην δρέπανον ἀμπελοτόμων, βισβαῖα κλαδευτήρια Hes.; 

Latin perfinēs ` break through, break in pieces, shiver, shatter ' Hes.;

Old Irish ben(a)id `hits, knocks' (*bi-na-ti), ro-bīth ` was hit ', bīthe `beaten', fo bīth ` weel ' (= ` under the blow '), Middle Breton benaff ` cut, bite', Old Welsh etbinam ` to mangle ', without n-Infix Old Breton bitat ` cut loose, cut off ', Welsh bidio ` cut a hedge ', bid ` thorn hedge ', Middle Irish fid(h)b(h)a `sickle' = Old Welsh uiidimm ` lignite ', Modern Welsh gwyddyf `scythe, pruning knife' = gallo-Latin vidubium `hack, mattock, hoe ' (*vidu-bion ` wood hoe '), compare Middle Irish PN Faíl-be ` (*weapon, magic wand for killing wolves) wolf killer' (*vailu-bios); Old Irish binit f. `rennet, cleaver' (`incisive', *bi-n-antī), Middle Irish bian `skin, fell, fur', Old Irish bīáil `hatchet', Old Welsh bahell, Modern Welsh bwyell, bwyall ds., Middle Breton bouhazl ds. (*bhii̯ǝli-), Old Irish bēimm n. `blow, knock' (*bhei-smn̥), Cornish bommen ds., gall. *biliā `tree stump', French bille; 

Old Icelandic bīldr ` head of the arrow, bloodletting iron ' (*bhei-tlo-); Old High German bī(h)al `hatchet' (*bheiǝ-lo-), hence probably Germanic *bilja- and not *biÞla- in Old High German Old English bill n., Old Saxon bil `sword', Middle High German bil, billes `stone mattock ', Modern High German Bille f. `hack, mattock, hoe', Middle High German billen ` to hoe, chip, trim ', Old High German bilōthi, bilidi, Modern High German Bild; Old High German billa f. `sourdough'; with formants -li- Old English bile m. `bill, beak, neb', additional form to English bill;

Old Church Slavic bijǫ (bьjǫ) biti `hit', Serbo-Croatian bȉjêm bȉti, Russian bьju bitь ds., Alb. bije, bie ` strike, hit ' therefrom with formants -dhlo-: Russian-Church Slavic bilo n. ` a louse rake or comb ', Serbo-Croatian bȉlo ` the transverse piece of wood at the front of a wooden rake (to rake leaves with) ', Czech bidlo ` shaft, pole', Russian bíɫo `beetle, hammer'; (*bhiH-tueh2)bítva `fight, struggle, blow, knock' (: Messapic βίσβη), Old Church Slavic bièь `whip, scourge' (from Slavic Modern High German Peitsche); in vowel gradation Old Church Slavic (*bhoiH-o-) u-bojь m. `murder', Serbo-Croatian bôj, Gen. bȍja `battle', Russian Czech boj ds. (: Illyrian Boii).

References: WP. II 137 f., WH. I 503 f., 506, Trautmann 33, Lidén KZ. 61, 12, Karstien KZ. 65, 154 f.

See also: S. above under bheid-.

Page(s): 117-118

Root / lemma: bheigʷ-

Meaning: to shine (?)


From Root / lemma: ĝhu̯oigʷ- : `to shine; star' derived Root / lemma: bheigʷ- : `to shine' (sse above) common ĝhu̯- > Greek ph- > Old Indic bh-.

Material: Old Persian *bigna- `lustre, shine'? in PN Bagā-bignа-, ᾽Αρια-βιγνης; 

gr. φοῖβος `clean, gleaming', φοιβάω, φοιβάζω `clean', ἀφοίβαντος ` smudges ' (*bhoigʷ-o-), ἀφικτός, ἀφικτρός (*bhigʷ-) `impure, unclean'. Note: common Illyrian gʷ- > b-.

About Φοῖβος ᾽Απόλλων compare Kretschmer Gl. 15, 199. 

References: WP. II 138, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 299.

Page(s): 118

Root / lemma: bhei-

Meaning: bee

Note: with n-, k- or t-extension

Material: The short form still in Old Icelandic bӯ-fluga, Alemannian bī, Bavarian beij; besides forms with n (barely extracted only the weak  Dekl.), as Old High German bini n. `bee', vowel gradation bīa f. (*bī-ōn- = Old English béo, English bee), bīna (Modern High German dial. Bein); 

Old Church Slavic bъèela, bьèela ds. (*bhikelā); Welsh bydaf ` beehive ', Old Prussian bitte, Lithuanian bìtė, bitìs, Latvian bite `bee'.

Gall. *bekos `bee' (M.-L. 1014), Old Irish bech m. `bee', Gaelic speach `prick, sting', Welsh beg-eg(y)r `drone' deviate of vowel (taboo causing distortion?). 

References: WP. II 184 f., WH. I 555 f., Specht Dekl. 46.

Page(s): 116

Root / lemma: b(h)e1 and b(h)eĝh (*bhe- ĝh)

Meaning: outside, without

Material: Old Indic bahiḥ (-š) ` outdoor, outward, outside from ' (m. Abl.); 

Maybe alb. (*bhe-) pa ` without'.

Old Prussian bhe `without' (preposition m. Akk.), Lithuanian bè `without' (preposition m. Gen., and nominal prefix), Latvian bez `without' (preposition m. Gen., and nominal prefix); 

Old Church Slavic bez etc (dial. also be) `without' (preposition m. Gen., and nominal prefix). Here also Lithuanian be `still, yet ' (`*in addition '), bèt ` however, but' (formation as ne-t `but'), bė̃s, Latvian bē̆st ` possibly, perhaps' (*bhe + est, Endzelin Stud. Baltic 7, 32 f.). 

On account of here Old Irish bés ` perhaps', vorton. from *béis < *bhe-esti? 

References: WP. II 137, Trautmann 28, Endzelin Latvian Gr. 497 f.

Page(s): 112-113

Root / lemma: bh(e)lāg-

Meaning: weak, ridiculous

Material: *bhlāg- or *bhlōg- in Belorussian bɫáhyj ` evil, bad, nasty ' (hence borrowed Latvian blāgs, Lithuanian blõgas ` feeble, weak '), bɫažić ` romp ', gr., Russian blagój ` obstinate, nasty ', 

dial. blažnój `stupid', poln. bɫagi ` bad, nothing worth '; barely to gr. φελγύνει ἀσυνετεί, ληρεῖ Hes., because in heavy Slavic word, which points gr. light basis; see below (s)p(h)elg-.

Here (apparently with expressive Gemination), however, Latin flaccus ` flabby; of men, flap-eared '.

References: WP. II 183 f., 680, WH. I 507 f.

Page(s): 124

Root / lemma: bheld-

Meaning: to knock, hit

Note: perhaps originally d-present of the onomatopoeic word bhel-

Material: From Germanic probably in addition Middle Low German bolte(n) ` bolt for a door, dart, arrow', Old High German bolz, Modern High German Bolz, Bolzen, Old English bolt ` bolt for a door, dart, arrow', Swedish bult ` bolt for a door ' (*bhl̥d-), 

perhaps also Modern High German Balz, Vb. balzen and bolzen, Norwegian Dialectal bolt m. ` male forest bird; tomcat, male-cat', Modern High German Bolze `tomcat, male-cat'; Norwegian Dialectal bolta `rumble, storm ahead', 

Old Danish bolte ` curl up, roll oneself ', Swedish bulta `knock', Swedish Dialectal bultra `wallow, romp', Norwegian Dialectal bultra `rant, roister, romp', abl. Norwegian Dialectal baltra `wallow, romp'; 

Lithuanian beldù, -ė́ti and béldžiu, beḓlsti `hit, knock', vowel gradation bildu, bildė́ti `din, drone, rumble', báldau, -yti `knock, stark rumble', baldas `pestle'; Latvian bel̂zt `hit' (perhaps contamination from *belžu = Lithuanian béldžiu with telz- `hit', Mühlenbach-Endzelin Latvian-German Wb. 278).

References: WP. II 184, WH. I 560 f.

Page(s): 124

Root / lemma: bheleg-

Meaning: to shine

Note: extension from bhel- ds.

Material: bhelg-: Old Indic bhárgas- n. `radiative lustre, shine' (*bhelgos); Bhŕ̥gavaḥ, Pl. ` mythical priests of the flash fire '; Latvian bal̃gans `whitish';

Maybe alb. bardhë ` white'.

perhaps here Old Church Slavic blagъ `good', Russian (old and mtdarl.) bólogo Adv. `good', actually `light' (contrast `dark': `mad, wicked, evil'); Tocharian AB pälk- `burn, gleam, shine, get hot ', A pälk, В pilko `look', A polkāṃts `stars' (: Lithuanian bãlgans), В empalkaitte `careless, neglectful' (Negation + *palk- `gleam, shine' besides pälk-);

bhleg-: gr. φλέγω `burn, singe, ignite ', φλεγέθω `singe, to set on fire; intransitive burn, be in flames', φλέγμα n. `blaze; inflammation; mucus', φλεγμονή f. `inflammation, ignition; ferventness, passion; rutting', φλεγύας ἀετός ξανθός Hes. (Adj. `fiery red') φλόξ, φλογμός `flame';

Latin flagrō, -āre `to blaze, burn, glow, flame, also to glitter. Transf., to glow or burn with passion; to suffer from ', wherefore probably flamma ` a flame, blazing fire; Transf. a source of light, torch, star, lightning; luster, glitter; the fire or glow of passion; devouring flame, destruction ' as *flagmā, Oscan Flagiuí perhaps ` an interpreter of lightning ';

Maybe alb. (*flagrō ) flegra ` (*ardent, passionate breathing) nostrils', flakëroj `I shine', flakë `fire';

besides flăg- (reduced- grades *bhlegró-, *bhlegmā́ or because of φλογμός, φλόξ rather *bhlogmā) stand zero grades bhl̥g-, Latin fulg- in Latin fulgō and fulgeō, -ēre, fulsī ` to flash, to lighteen; in gen., to shine, glitter gleam; fig., to be distinguished, to shine ', fulgor, -ōris ` lightning; in gen., glitter, brightness; fig., brightness, glory, lustre, shine', fulgus, -uris ` a flash or stroke of lightning; sometimes an object struck by lightning; in gen., brightness ', fulmen (*fulgmen) ds.;

Middle Irish imblissiu ` pupil (of the eye); orb ' (*m̥bhi-bhl̥g-s-, Vendryes RC. 40, 431 f);

Old High German blecchen (*blakjan), Middle High German blecken ` become visible, allow to see ', Modern High German blecken ` show the teeth '; Old High German blecchazzen, Middle High German blecken ` flash ', Middle Dutch Modern Dutch blaken ` flame, burn, glow', Old English blæcern, blacern ` candlestick, flambeaux ', Old Icelandic blakra `blink, glitter, flash'; here probably as `burnt (compare Low German blaken from blackening lamp flame), sooty ', Old English blæc `black', n. `ink', Old High German blah ds.;

nasalized Germanic *blenk-, *blank- in Middle High German Modern High German blinken, Middle High German blinzen (*blinkatjan), Modern High German blinzeln (besides with Germanic g older Danish blinge `blink, glitter, flash' , s. Falk-Torp under blingse); Old High German blanch, Middle High German blank `blinking, gleaming, gleaming, white', Modern High German blank, Old English blanca m. `steed' (actually from bright color, compare:) Old Icelandic blakkr `sallow, paled', poet. `steed' (`dun horse, grey, *white horse  '), Old Swedish blakker `sallow, paled, dun (horse)', but also `black, dark' (from Germanic borrows French blanc, Italian bianco). From this nasal form also Prussian blingis ` pallid ';

Lithuanian blágnytis ` sober oneself up; lighten up', Old Lithuanian blinginti `shine'. 

A variant on -ĝ- perhaps in Latvian blãzt ` shimmer ', blãzma (blāĝ-ma) ` reflection of moonlight on the water '.

References: WP II 214 f., WH. I 510 f. 865, Pedersen Tocharian 162, 218, Van Windekens Lexique 17, 98, EM. 398.

See also: Beside bheleg- stands synonymous to bhereĝ-, see there. 

Page(s): 124-125

Root / lemma: bheleu-

Meaning: to hit; weak, ill

Material: Old Cornish bal f., pl. -ow `disease, malady', mbr. baluent;

Gothic balwa-wēsei ` wickedness, malice, cowardice ', balwjan `torment, smite', Old English bealo `evil, mad, wicked, evil', Old Icelandic bǫl, Dative bǫlve `misfortune', Old High German balo, Gen. balawes ` ruin'; Gothic bliggwan (*bleuu̯an) `hit', Old High German bliuwan, Modern High German bleuen ds., Middle English blowe `blow, knock', Old Icelandic blegðe m. (*blauu̯iðan-) `wedge';

Old Bulgarian bolъ `sicker', bolė́ti ` be ill '.

Proto-Slavic form: bolěti

See also: bōlь

Page in Trubačev: II 187-189

Old Church Slavic: bolěti `be ill, be in pain' [verb]

Russian: bolét' `be ill' [verb], boléet [3sg]; bolét' `ache' [verb], bolít [3sg]

Ukrainian: bolíty `suffer pain, be ill' [verb], bolíje [3sg]; bolíty `ache' [verb], bolít' [3sg]

Czech: boleti `ache' [verb]

Slovak: boliet' `ache' [verb]

Polish: boleć `ache' [verb]

Slovincian: bùolĕć `ache' [verb]

Upper Sorbian: boleć `ache' [verb]

Lower Sorbian: bóleś `ache' [verb]

Bulgarian: boljá `be ill' [verb]; bolí `ache' [3sg]

Serbo-Croatian: bòljeti `ache' [verb]

Slovene: bolẹ́ti `ache' [verb]

Indo-European reconstruction: bhol(H)-eh1-tei

Page in Pokorny: 125

Other cognates: Go. balwjan `martyr' [verb]; OIc. bǫlva `curse' [verb]

Notes: {1} The possibility exists that we had *bhle(H)u- (Gk. φλαυ̃ρος `inferior, bad', OIc. blauδr `timid'?) alongside *bhel(H)- (compare. Pokorny 125, 159).

About Modern High German Block etc see below bhel-5. 

References: WP. II 189, Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. II 150, Feist 79, 100, Specht Dekl. 133.

See also: Besides a root form bhlēu-: bhlǝu- : bhlū-, see there. 

Page(s): 125

Root / lemma: bhelĝh-

Meaning: to swell

Note: (extension of bhel- `inflate, bloat' etc) 

Material: Old Indic barhíš- n. ` sacrificial grass, (*sacrificial bed of straw) ' = Avestan barǝziš- n. `cushion, pillow, cushion', New Persian bāliš `pillow, cushion'; Old Indic upa-bárhaṇa-m, upa-bárhaṇī f. `cover, cushion'; 


Clearly alb. bar `grass, straw' derived from Indian languages. Hence alb. is a direct descendant of Sanskrit. Clearly alb. belongs to satem family.

Whether with Asp.-Dissimilation against forms -ha- here Old Indic bárjaha-ḥ `udder'? 

Irish bolgaim `swell', bolg f. `bubble', bolg m. `sack, bag, belly, husk, trouser ', Middle Irish bolgach f. `swelling, blister, bubble, blister; pox', bolgamm `gulp', Welsh bol, bola, boly `belly, sack, bag', bul ` seed capsule, seminal shell ' (PL. of boly), Breton bolc'h ` linen pod ', vann. pehl-en (from *pehl-) ds., gall. bulga `leather sack' (out of it Old High German bulga ` water container made of leather '); gall. Belgae ` the angry (*a warlike people in the north of Gaul) ';

Gothic balgs m. `hose', Old Icelandic belgr m. ` stripped animal skin, bag, belly', Old High German Middle High German balg `bag, hose, bellows, sword scabbard ', Old English bielg, byl(i)g `sac, bag', English belly `belly', bellows `bellows' (Germanic *ƀalʒi- m., compare Old Prussian balsinis; perhaps hat also Old Indic barhiṣ-, Avestan barǝziš- Indo Germanic -i-s- as extension dieses i-stem);

Old Icelandic participle bolginn `swollen', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Causative belgja `make swell up', Old Saxon Old English belgan stem-verb ` be angry ', Old High German belgan `swell up', refl. `be angry with', Old Frisian participle ovirbulgen `angers'; 

Old Icelandic bylgja `wave', Middle Low German bulge ds.; *bul(h)stra- in Old Icelandic bolstr m. `pillow, cushion', Old Englishbolster n. `pillow, cushion', Old High German bolstar ds., Dutch bolster `fruit skin, husk'; 

Old Prussian balsinis `pillow, cushion' (*bholĝhi-nos), pobalso ` feather bed ', Latvian pabàlsts m. ` pillow ' (and `pad', see above S. 123); slov. blazína `pillow, cushion, mattress, a downy or feather bed; pad, ball of the foot or ball of the thumb, heel of hand [anat.] ' (and `roof beam, crossbeam of the sledge, stake, stanchion', see above S. 123), Serbo-Croatian blàzina `pillow, cushion, feather-bed'; Russian bólozenь m. ` weal, callus, swelling, blister, clavus, corn' (but Russian dial. bólozno `thick board'). 

Here probably as Venetic-Illyrian loanword Old Prussian balgnan n., Old Lithuanian balgnas, Lithuanian bal̃nas `saddle' (probably from `pillow, cushion'). Further Balto-Slavic forms see above S. 123. 

References: WP. II 182 f., WH. I 122. compare about gr. μολγός `leather sack' Vendryes BSL. 41, 134 f.

Page(s): 125-126

Root / lemma: bhel-1, Balto-Slavic also bhelǝ- (*bhēl-1 > bhēlH-o-)

Meaning: shining, white

Note: to bhā-1 standing in the same relationship, as stel- to stā- `stand', del- `split' to *dā(i)-  `divide' 

Material: Old Indic bhālam n. `lustre, shine, forehead', sam-bhālayati `glances' (lengthened grade); balākā ` a crane's kind ' with b- after baká-ḥ ` a heron's kind '; 

Armenian bal ` pallidness, paleness ';

Maybe alb. balë `badger (animal with white spots in the snout)', balo `a dog with white spot on the forehead'.

compare Skt. bhālam `brightness, forehead', Welsh bal `having a white spot on the forehead'

gr. φαλός `white' Hes., φαλύνει λαμπρύνει Hes., φαλι(F)ός `gleaming, white, white-fronted ', φαληρός, Doric -ᾱρός ds., φαληρίς, Doric -ᾱρίς ` coot (*bald-headed) ', φαλακρός ` bald-headed '

Note: Doric φαληρός -ᾱρίς ` coot (*bald-headed) ', φαλακρός ` bald-headed ' related to alb. alb. balë `forehead, (*shining forehead, *bold as a coot)'.

Doric παμφαλάω `look shyly around'; βαλιός `white, it is white-mottled ' is probably Illyrian loanword; 

Illyrian *balta `swamp, marsh, white clay', out of it Latin blatea f., `excrement lump', adalm. balta ` sea swamp '; Ligurian *bolā `swamp, marsh' (M.-L. 1191b), FlN Duria Bautica (from *Baltica), perhaps here mare Balticum (Venetic-Illyrian?) `Baltic Sea ' (Einhard, 9. Jh), compare Bonfante BSL. 37, 7 f.;

Maybe Spanish barro : French boue : Albanian baltë : Czech bláto : Polish b³oto : Venetian paltan : Zeneize bratta ` mud ' : Romanian baltã ` bog, marsh' : Lithuanian balta ` white ' : alb. (balāgā) bardhë ` white' common alb. -g > -dh.

Notes: Cf. also the Rythabalt meadow and the placename Namuynbalt is the equivalent of Namoyumpelk (pelk `swamp'). For the semantics compare. Pol. dial. biel, bielaw, Bel. bel' `swampy meadow' (Trubaèëv II: 180). Proto Slavic *bolto is sometimes considered an "Illyrian" substratum word. In this connection not only the above-mentioned forms from the Balkan Peninsula are adduced, but also Romance forms such as Lomb. palta, Piém. pauta.

alb. balë, ballë `forehead, (*bold as a coot?) ' (= Old Prussian ballo ds.), balásh ` white horse or ox ', baltë f., balt m. `slime, mud, swamp, marsh, white clay';

Maybe alb. (*balakha) balluke `hair fringe'.

Latin fulica (compare Old High German belihha) and fulix f. `coot' (*bholik- with dial. u); but whether fēlēs, -is f. ` a polecat, cat, marten; hence a thief ' here belongs, is dubious because of mēlēs, -is f. `marten, badger';

Maybe through metathesis alb. (*bulika) bukël marten, bukur beautiful (beautiful and slender like marten)

Celtic belo- `luminous, white' in Welsh beleu (*bheleu̯o-) `marten', Old Irish oíbell m. `blaze, glow, heat' (f. `spark, glowing coal') = Welsh ufel m. `spark, fire' (*opi-bhelo-), Middle Irish Bel-tene ` festival of 1st May ' (= beacon), gall. GN (Apollo) Belenos, (Minerva) Belisama (Super Latin), FlN Belenā > French Bienne, (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Swiss Biel; OOld French baille ` paleness ' (out of it Middle Breton baill ds.) could on vowel gradation gall. *bali̯o- go back, compare frz PN Bailleuil < *Bali̯o-i̯alon; gall. belsa `field' from *belisā;

Gothic bala m. ` bald horse, horse with a blaze ' (from Belisar's steed [Belisar was a Byzantine commander]), English dial. ball ` horse with white paleness ' (out of it Welsh bal ds), Middle English balled, English bald, Danish bældet ` naked, bald, bleak ', Old High German belihha (compare Latin fulica), Modern High German Belche `coot', BergN Belchen (to suffix s. Brugmann Grundriß II 1, 511, Specht Dekl. 213 f.), lengthened grade Old Icelandic bāl `flame', Old English bǽl ` pyres, funeral piles ' (*bhēl-). 

Whereas are Germanic *pōl- in Old English pōl, English pool, Old High German pfuol `pool', vowel gradation Dutch peel (*pali-) `morass', Old English pyll, English pill (*puli̯a-, older *bl̥i̯o-) probably from Venetic-IH. borrows (see above *bolā); different Petersson Heterokl. 205;

Lithuanian bãlas `white' and ` snowdrop ', balà f. `white anemone' and m. `swamp, marsh, moor, fen, pool', balù, balaũ, bálti `become white'; Latvian lengthened grade bãls ` pallid, pale, wan '; Old Prussian ballo f. `forehead' and *balo `swamp, marsh' in PN;

Maybe alb. balash ` white cow ' : Lithuanian: bãlas `white'.

Old Church Slavic lengthened grade bělъ `white' (*bhēlo-), f. `splint in wood', poln. dial. biel f. ` marshy wood, forest', Russian dial. bil `swamp, marsh'; vowel gradation bala (*bhōlā) in Russian bala-ružina ` puddle, slop ', Ukrainian balka ` marsh ';

Maybe alb. balgë ordure, manure

Lithuanian báltas (*bholǝtos), Latvian bal̃ts `white', North Sea Baltin̨a ezers;

Slavic substant. neutr. Adj. *bolto- (*bholǝto-) `swamp, marsh, pond, pool, sea' in Old Church Slavic blato `sea', Serbo-Croatian blȁto `sea, ordure', Russian boɫóto `swamp, marsh';

Lithuanian bá'lnas `white' (with glottal stop, Indo Germanic *bholǝnos), balañdis ` baptism ', balánda ` orache ', Russian lebedá, Serbian lobòda ds.; 

Slavic (*bholH-neh2) *bolna f. (with trail tone, Indo Germanic *bholnā) in Czech slov. blána ` membrane, skin, cutaneously', Russian boɫoná ` sickly outgrowth on trees, sap-wood, (dial.) lump ', bóɫonь f., `splint in wood', originally identical with Czech blana `meadow, grassland', poln. bɫoń f., bɫonie n. ds., Russian boɫonьje n. ` deeply situated meadows ';

perhaps Tocharian В palsk-, pälsk, A päl(t)sk ` cogitate ' (*see, compare Old Indic sam-bhālayati); 

whether here gr. φελλός (*bhel-so-), `cork, oak cork ', φελλεύς ` rocky ground ', ἀφελής `even (*of land, ground, etc.: level, flat, not hilly or sloping; of uniform height) ', φολίς ` scale, flake (ones of reptile)'?

References: WP. II 175 f., WH. I 108 f., 559 f., W. Schulze Berl. Sbb. 1910, 787 = Kl. Schr. 111, Trautmann 25, 29 f., Specht Dekl. 116 f.

See also: Here further bhel-2; bheleg-; bhlei-, -g-, -k-; bhlendh-; bhles-; bhleu-, -k-, -s-; bhlēu̯o-; bhl̥ndho-; bhlǝido-.

Page(s): 118-120

Root / lemma: bhel-2 ( > *bhel-(e)-n-)

Meaning: in names of henbane

Note: probably with bhel-1 identical 

Material: Gall. (Illyrian ?) belinuntia f., βελένιον n. ` hyoscyamus ', to names of Apollo Belenos (see above bhel-1);

Old English beolone (*bhelunā), Old Saxon bilene, zero grade Old Danish bylne (Germanic *bul-n-), bølme, Swedish bolmört, Modern High German dial. bilme; but Old High German bil(i)sa is probably Celtic loanword (compare aprov. belsa); 

Slavic *belena-, *belenā in Russian-Church Slavic belenъ m., Russian belená f., Slavic *belnъ m. in slov. blèn, Old Czech blén, zero grade Slavic *bьlnъ in Serbo-Croatian bûn. 

References: WP. II 180, WH. I 99 f., Trautmann 30, Kretschmer Gl. 14, 97, Specht Dekl. 140.

Page(s): 120

Root / lemma: bhel-3, bhlē-

Meaning: to grow, spread, swell

Material: Old Indic bhāṇḍa- n. `pot, pan, vessel' (*bhāln-da?); after Thieme (ZDMG. 92, 47 f.) here Avestan barǝ-s-man- ` bundle of branches ', Old Indic bársva m. Pl. ` bulge;  bead;  lip;  torus;  wreath;  roll;  bulb, gums' (loanword from Avestan *barsman `cushion'); compare under Old High German bilorn. 

Armenian beɫun `fertile' (: gr. φάλης), beɫn-awor ds. (: gr. φαλλός), Adontz, Mél. Boisacq 9. 

Gr. φαλλός, φάλης `penis' (φαλλός from *bhl̥nós or *bhelnós; compare Old Irish ball, Modern High German Bulle);

Maybe alb. Geg pallosh `penis' : gr. φαλλός `penis'

in addition φάλλαινα (formation as λύκαινα), φάλλη `whale' (compare that probably borrowed through Illyrian mediation Latin ballaena; also Middle High German bullich calls big fish kinds;

identical is φάλλαινα `moth', about ἀφελής and supplementary see above Z. 1; about ὄφελος see below phel-; after Persson Beitr. 299 also φλόμος (φλόνος) Great mullein, plant with thick woolly leaves, as *bh (e)lo-mo-s? 

Probably Phrygian βάμ-βαλον, βά-βαλον `αἰδοῖον' Hes., also βαλλιόν `penis'; Thracian VN Τρι-βαλλοί. 

Latin follis ` a leather bag; a pair of bellows; a purse; a puffed-out cheek ' (*bhl̥nis or *bholnis, compare the Germanic words with -ll- from -ln-);

Welsh bâl f. `elevation, rise, mountaintop ' (*bhl̥ā);

Maybe alb. mal [common alb. mb- > m-].

zero grade Old Irish ball m. `limb, member, part, body part ', then `deal, portion, place, spot, mark' (also in the body), hence perhaps also Welsh ball `epidemic', balleg `sack, bag'; changing through vowel gradation bol, boll in Welsh dyrn-fol ` glove ', arfolli ` become pregnant ', ffroen-foll ` with swollen nostrils ' (: φαλλός);

Maybe alb. bole `testicle'

zero grade with formants -ko- and meaning as Old High German bald (see below): nir. bale `strong', Welsh balch, Breton balc'h `stout, proud, hubristic, overbearing'. 

bhl̥- (bhel-) in Old Swedish bulin, bolin `swollen', bulde, bolde, byld ` hump, ulcer'; Old Icelandic bulr, bolr m. `tree truck, trunk', Middle Low German Middle High German bole f. `plank' (Modern High German Bohle); Old Icelandic boli `bull', Old English bula ds., bulluc `young bull', English bull, Middle Low German Modern High German Bulle (as *bull-ōn = gr. *φάλλων from a stem *bulla- = φαλλό-ς); Hessian bulle `vulva'; Old Icelandic bolli m. drinking bowl ' (`*spherical vessel'; Middle Irish ballán ` drinking vessel ' probably from Nord.), Old English bolla m. `bowl', hēafodbolla ` brain box, cranium ', Old Frisian strotbolla `larynx', Old Saxon bollo `drinking bowl', Old High German bolla f. `vesicle, blister, fruit skin or knot of the flax ', Middle High German bolle f. `bud, spherical vessel', Old High German hirnibolla `cranium', Modern High German Bolle, Roßbollen, Middle High German bullich, bolch ` big fish among others cod ' (compare φάλλαινα), compare also Old High German bolōn, Middle High German boln `roll, throw, toss, fling' and with the meaning swollen = `thick, big, large', Swedish Dialectal bål, bol ` thick and large, strong, very daring ', Old Icelandic poet. bolmr `bear'; here probably Old Icelandic bulki `ship load', Swedish Danish bulk ` hump, nodules, tubers'; 

in heterokl. paradigm (?) *bhelr̥, Gen. *bhelnés interprets Old High German bilorn m. f. `gums' (*bilurnō `swelling, bulge;  bead;  lip;  torus;  wreath;  roll;  bulb '), whether not from *beluznō; 

Germanic *bel-n- also in Hessian bille `penis' (: bulle), Middle Low German (ars-)bille, Dutch bil `buttock', Swedish fotabjälle `ball of the foot';

also alb. bili `penis', bole `testicle'

changing through vowel gradation Old High German ballo, balla, Modern High German Ball, Ballen, Old High German arsbelli m. Pl. `buttocks', Old English bealluc m. `testicles' (*bhol-n-), Old Icelandic bǫllr `ball, sphere, testicle'; Old Icelandic bali `elevation along the the edge of the lake bank; small rise on ground level '; with formants -to- and the meaning `swollen, inflated' = ` arrogant, bold ', Gothic bal-Þaba Adv. ` boldly ', balÞei f. ` boldness ', Old Icelandic ballr `dreadful, dangerous', baldinn `defiant', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old English beald `bold, audacious', Old High German bald `bold, audacious, quick, fast', Modern High German bald Adv.; in addition Old English bealdor `prince, lord, master, mister', Old Icelandic GN Baldr. 

With coloring gradation *bhōl- probably Norwegian bøl `in heat, rutting, of the sow ' (changing through vowel gradation bala ` rutting, be in heat ').

root form bhlē-: 

Gr. φλήναφος `gossip, talkative', φλην-έω, -άω `be talkative'; ἐκωφλαίνω as φαίνω from bhā-, Aor. ἐκφλῆναι `bubble out';

Latin flō, flāre ` to blow; intransit., of winds, persons and instru- ments; transit., to blow, blow forth; to blow on an instrument; to cast metals, to coin ' (probably from *bhlǝ-i̯ō), but flēmina ` varicoses ' is probably loanword from gr. φλεγμονή; Norwegian dial. blæma ` bleb on the skin, skin vesicle '; Old Swedish blæmma ds.; Old High German blāt(t)ara, Old Saxon blādara `blister, bubble', Old English blǣdre ds., reduplication-stem Old Icelandic blaðra `vesicle, blister, bubble', Old High German etc blat `leaf'; Old Icelandic blā- in Zs. `excessive, very'; with prevalent meaning `blow' Old High German  i̯o-present blājan, blāen `blow, swell, blow out', Old English blāwan `blow' (here w from Perf.), Old High German blāt, Old English blæd `blow, breath, breeze, gust of wind', Old Icelandic blǣr `gust of wind'; with -s- Gothic ufblēsan `inflate, bloat', Old Icelandic blāsa `blow, pant, gasp, inflate, bloat; impersonal: `swell up', Old High German blāsan `blow', blāsa `bubble', blāst `blast, breath, breeze', Old English blǣst, Old Icelandic blāstr (*blēstu-) `blast, breath, breeze, snort, rage, fury';

Maybe alb. plas `blow'

Latvian blèn̨as `prank' derives from Russian loanword blèdis `confidence trickster, swindler '. 

Maybe alb. Geg blenj `I buy, bargain, strike a deal)' similar meaning shift as Latin īcō -ĕre ` hit, wound, strike, smite; esp., to strike a bargain '

Here perhaps Gothic blōÞ `blood', s. bhel-4. 

References: WP. II 177 f., WH. I 515, 524 f.

See also: In addition bhel-4 `bloom' etc and the extensions bhelĝh-, bhlē̆d-, bhlegʷ-, bhlei-, bhleu- `to swell' etc 

Page(s): 120-122

Root / lemma: bhel-4 and bhlē-, bhlō-, bhlǝ-

Meaning: leaf; bloom

Note: probably from bhel- `to swell' in sense of `vegetable lushness ' and `swelling = bud' 

Material: Gr. φύλλον `leaf' (*bhul̥i̯om), Latin folium ds.; Middle Irish bileóc `leaf' (from *bile < *bheli̯o-); moreover probably Old Irish bile n. `tree'; 

Maybe alb. (*φύλλον) pyll `forest' [common alb. shift u > y]

bhlē-, mostly bhlō- in: Latin flōs, -ris m. ` a flower, blossom. Transf., the prime, flower of anything, the best, the pride; on the face, first beard, down '; flōreō, -ēre ` to bloom, flower. Transf., to bbe in one's prime, to prosper, flourish, be in repute; with abl. to abound in, swarm with '; Oscan Fluusaí ` the goddess of flowers, whose festival was celebrated on the 28th of April, often with unbridled license ', Fluusasiaís ` of the festivals of Flora ', Sabinian Flusare ` of or belonging to the festival of Flora, of the Floralia '.

Middle Irish blāth m. `bloom, blossom, flower', Welsh blawd, Old Cornish blodon `bloom, blossom' (*bhlō-t-), Middle Breton (with -men-suffix) bleuzven, Modern Breton bleun̄(v)enn ds., (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), with s-derivative Middle High German bluost `bloom, blossom', Modern High German Blust, Old English blōstma, blōsma, blōstm `flower, blossom', Old Norse blōmstr ds., Dutch blōsen `bloom' (= Middle Low German blōsen `blush', see below bhles- `shine');

Gothic blōma m., Old High German bluomo m. `flower, blossom', Old Icelandic blomi m. ds., blōm collective `flower, blossom'; Old High German bluojen, bluowen, Old Saxon blōjan, Old English blōwan `bloom'; Old High German bluot f. ` blossoming, bloom, blossom' = Old English blēd f. `scion, shoot, twig, branch, flower, blossom, fruit'; but Gothic blōÞ n., Old Icelandic blōð, Old Saxon Old English blōd, Old High German bluot `blood' probably to *bhelē- `effervesce'. 

With ē: Old English blǣd m. `breath, breeze', n. `bubble', f. `bloom, blossom', Old High German blāt `bloom, blossom' (compare also Old English blǣd, Old High German blāt `life, breath, breeze' and bhel- `inflate, bloat'); 

with ǝ: Old High German blat, Old Saxon blad, Old English blæd, Old Icelandic blað n. `leaf'; Tocharian A. pält ds. 

References: WP. II 176 f., WH. I 518 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 351.

Page(s): 122

Root / lemma: bhel-5 , mostly with -ĝ- (-k̂-) suffix: bhelǝĝ-, bhelǝ-n-ĝ-, bheleĝ-; bhl̥k̂-

Meaning: balk

Material: Basic bhel- in Old Indic bhuríjāu Du.` arms, arms or shafts of the cart's pole'; gall. *balākon `(wall) projection ', Welsh balog `pinnacle' (M.-L. 890).

With guttural extensions:

Gr. φάλαγξ, -γγος f. `stem, balk, bbeam; battle row, array ', φάλαγγαι `planks, planking' (if only with secondary nasal rendering from other nouns in -γξ, so *φαλα;γ- = Old Indic bhurij-; yet perhaps with bhelǝ-ĝ- only parallel ĝ-extension from a n-stem *bhelǝn- from); with -k-: φάλκης m. `balk, beam plank in ship'. 

Latin fulciō, -īre, fulsī, -tum (*bhl̥ki̯ō) ` to prop up, support; to strengthen, secure; morally, to support, stay, uphold ' (actually `through balk, beam'); fulcrum (*fulc-lom?) ` the post or foot of a couch (prop, rack, rest camp) '. 

Perhaps also sufflāmen ` a brake, drag, hindrance ' (*flăg- = Indo Germanic *bhlǝĝ-smen);

Old Icelandic bialki (*belkan-) `balk, beam'; vowel gradation (*balkan-): Old English balca, bealca; Old High German Old Saxon balko `balk, beam'; Old Icelandic balkr `partition wall, dividing off, partitioning off', bǫlkr `dividing off, partitioning off';

zero grade Old English bolca m. `gangplank'; but Old High German bloh(h), Middle High German bloch, Modern High German (ndd.) Block `clot, chunk, balk, plank' contains Indo Germanic u, also from Indo Germanic *bhluko- or, whether with Germanic consonant increase, from *bhlugo-, to Middle Irish blog `piece, fragment', further perhaps to Gothic bliggwan, Old High German bliuwan, Modern High German bleuen `hit', from Indo Germanic *bhleu̯-ono-; see below bheleu-.

Whereas belong probably to *bhelĝh- `to swell' from a meaning mediation `thick, tumescent' from: 

Lithuanian balžienа ` long beam in the harrow ', balžíenas `crossbar, crossbeam', Latvian bàlžiêns, bèlziêns m. `prop', East Latvian bòlgzds m. ` props connected in the wood sledge level ', Latvian pabàlsts m. `prop, handle, grasp, handle in the plow ', bàlzît, pabàlstît `prop, sustain'; 

Russian Dialectal (Gouv. Olonez) bólozno `thick board', slov. blazína `roof beam, crossbeam of the sledge, stake, stanchion'; kašub. bɫozno `the runners connecting the sledge skids '.

References: WP. II 181 f., WH. I 559, Trautmann 25 f.

Page(s): 122-123

Root / lemma: bhel-6

Meaning: to sound, speak, onomatopoeic words 

Material: Old Indic bhaṣá-ḥ `barking, baying' (*bhel-s-), bhāṣatē `talks, speaks, prattles'; bhaṇḍatē (Dhatup.) `speaks, jeers, rebukes' (*bhel-n-dō), bháṇati `talks, speaks' (*bhel-nō) are after Kuiper Proto-Munda 32 f. not Indo Germanic 

Old Icelandic belja `roar, bellow', Middle Dutch belen `bark, bay'; Old Icelandic bylja, bulda `threaten, drone, roar', bylr `gust of wind', Old English bylgan `roar, bellow', Middle High German boln `cry, roar, bellow'; 

with Germanic ll (consonant increase in the onomatopoeic words), Old High German bellan `bark, bay', Old English bellan `roar, bellow, bark, bay, grunt'; Old High German bullōn `howl (from the wind), bark, bay, roar, bellow', Icelandic-Norwegian bulla `babble, chat'; Old Icelandic bjalla, Old English belle, English bell, Middle Low German belle `bell', Modern High German (actually ndd.) Bellhammel `bellwether (with bell)';

with Germanic ld (probably from a present dh- and perhaps with Lithuanian bìldu to compare, because latter contains most probably Indo Germanic dh) Danish baldre, Norwegian Dialectal baldra, schwed Dialectal ballra `rant, roister' Middle Low German Dutch balderen ds., Danish buldre, Swedish bullsa, Middle Low German Dutch bulderen, bolderen, Middle High German buldern, Modern High German poltern; Old Prussian billit `say, speak', Lithuanian bìlstu, bilaũ, bìlti `to start to talk ', bīlu, biloti `talk', bilóju, -óti `say, talk', byl-aũ, -óti ds., bylà `speech, pronunciation, conversation, entertainment', Latvian bil̂stu, bil̂žu, bil̂st (in Zs.) `talk, address, speak to', bil̂dêt `address, speak to'; Latvian bil̨̃l̨ât (from *bil̨n̨a) `weep, cry'; with formants -so- Lithuanian bal̃sas `voice, sound, tone'; 

Tocharian AB päl-, pāl- `praise, laud' (Van Windekens Lexique 89). 

References: WP. II 182, WH. I 516, Trautmann 25.

See also: From this derived *bhlē- `bleat'. 

Page(s): 123-124

Root / lemma: bhendh- (**gʷhen-) [common Celtic gʷ- > b- shift)]

Meaning: to bind

Material: Old Indic badhnā́ti, only later bandhati `binds, fetters, captures, takes prisoner, put together ', Avestan bandayaiti `binds', participle Old Indic baddhá-, Avestan Old Persian basta-, Old Indic bándhana- n. ` ligation ', bandhá-ḥ m. ` ligation, strap',


Probably from Avestan Old Persian basta- n. ` ligation ' derived alb. besë `pact, covenant, faith, belief, armistice', previously Illyrian TN Besoi [common alb. shift st > s]; clearly Illyrian displays simultaneous satem and centum characteristics since it was created before the split of Indo European family. Because the institution of besa is the most important pagan medium that surpasses monotheistic religions in alb. psyche, that means alb. are the descendants of Illyrian Only alb. and Indic languages relate to the fact of blood bond. The institution of besa marks the ancient code of blood revenge and the victory of patriarchy or the blood line of the father.

Avestan banda- m. `band, manacle' (: Old Icelandic Old Saxon bant, Old High German bant n., Modern High German Band; Gothic bandi, Old English bend f. ds.; Lithuanian bandà `cattle', see below); Old Indic bándhu-ḥ m. `kinsman, relative' (as πενθερός). 

Gr. πεῖσμα `rope, hawser, rope, cable' (from *πενθσμα, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 287, compare Brugmann IF. 11, 104 f., also for πέσμα and πάσμα), πενθερός `father-in-law' (*`linked by marriage '); 

here after Pedersen (REtIE. 1, 192) also πάσχω `suffer' as ` is bound, is entrapped ', as also Latin offendō `to strike against, knock; to hit upon, fall in with; to shock, offend, displease; intransit. to knock, strike; to run aground; to stumble, make a mistake, to give offence (with dat.); also to take offence', dēfendō ` (*release from the entanglement) to repel, repulse, ward off, drive away (2) to defend, protect; esp. to defend in court; in argument, to maintain a proposition or statement; to sustain a part '; πάθνη (covers late, but old), with sound metathesis hom. Attic φάτνη `crib' (*bhn̥dh-nā; under a basic meaning ` twisted, woven basket' as Celtic benna ` carriage basket ') (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-);

Thracian βενδ- `bind' (compare Kretschmer Einl. 236); alb. besë `pact, covenant, faith, belief, armistice';

Illyrian TN Besoi

Latin offendimentum, offendix ` the knot of a band, or the band itself, chin strap under priest's cap, apex ( a Roman priest's cap), fastened with two strings or bands';

gall. benna `kind of vehicle', Galatian Ζεὺς Βέννιος, Welsh benn `wagon, cart' (out of it Old English binn, and through roman. mediation Modern High German dial. benne `carriage boxes', Dutch ben `basket, trough'; basic form *bhendh-nā); Middle Irish buinne `strap, bangle ' (*bhondhiā); (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Gothic Old English bindan, Old Icelandic binda, Old High German bintan `bind', Gothic andbundnan `is unfastened ', Gothic bandi etc see above; 

Lithuanian beñdras `partner, comrade' (formant associated with gr. πενθερός), bandà ` herd of cattle ' (actually `the tied (down) cattle, the bound cattle ').

Here also Gothic bansts m. `barn' (*bhondh-sti; compare in other meaning Old Frisian bōst ` matrimonial union' from *bhondh-stu- `bond';

ndd. banse ` silo, garner, barn', Old English *bōs, English boose `cattle shed', Old English bōsig `crib', Old Icelandic bāss m. `room for keeping, cattle stall' (*band-sa-);

jüt. bende ` divided off room in cattle shed' erases probably every doubt about the relationship of above group with binden.

References: WP. II 152, WH. I 102, Feist 79, 80 f., 93.

Page(s): 127

Root / lemma: bhend-

Meaning: to sing, rejoice

Material: Old Indic bhandatē `receives cheering shout, is praised, glares, gleams', bhándiṣṭha-ḥ ` in loudest cheering, shrilly, screaming, best of all praising ', 

bhandána-ḥ `cheering', bhandánā `merry tintinnabulation, cheer' (doubts the meaning partly); zero grade Old Irish Middle Irish bind `melodic', Old Breton bann `melodious, harmonious'. (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

References: WP. II 151 f.

Page(s): 126-127

Root / lemma: bhenĝh-, bhn̥ĝh- (Adj. bhn̥ĝhú-s)

Meaning: thick, fat

Material: Old Indic bahú- `dense, rich, much, a lot of' `compounds Sup. baṁhīyas-, baṁhišṭha- (= gr. παχύς);

bahulá- `thick, dense, vast, spacious, big, large, rich, much, a lot of' (= gr. παχυλῶς Adv. by Aristot., if these not newer formation); báṁhatē (uncovered) ` increase, multiply ', bháṁhayatē ` clamps, fastens, strengthens'; 

Avestan bązah- n. `height, depth', bąšnu- m. ds., Baluchi bāz `much, a lot of', baz `dense'; 

gr. παχύς `thick, dense, fat, obese' (compounds πᾰσσων), πάχος n. `thickness, fatness' (occurs after παχύς for *πέγχος = Avestan bązah-), πάχετος `thick; thickness, fatness'; 

Old Icelandic bingr `heap', Old Swedish binge ds., Old High German bungo `tuber, bulb', Modern High German Bachbunge; in addition with intensive consonant-sharpening Old Icelandic bunki ` stowed away shipload', Norwegian bunka (and bunga) `small heap, swelling, blister', Dutch bonk `clump, lump' ; 


Alb. bungë ` kind of edible oak fruit ' : with -u- grade alb. (*beuka) buka `bread' : Phrygian βεκός `bread', actually ` crumb ' prove that from an extended Root / lemma: b(e)u-1, bh(e)u- : `expr. sound of hitting' derived Root / lemma: bheg-, bheng- : `to break', Root / lemma: bhenĝh-, bhn̥ĝh- (Adj. bhn̥ĝhú-s) : `thick, fat', Root / lemma: bheug-1 : `to flee, *be frightened', Root / lemma: bheug-2, bheugh- : `to clear away, free', Root / lemma: bheug-3, bheugh- : `to bow', Root / lemma: bheug-4 : `to enjoy, *consume, bite' as taboo words.

Latvian bìezs `dense, thick', bìezums `thickness, fatness';

Latin pinguis ` fat; oily; rich, fertile; n. as subst. fatness, fat. Transf. thick, dense; heavy, stupid; easy, quiet ' has perhaps originated through hybridization of *fingu-is = παχύς, bahú- with that to opīmus, πίων respective words;

Tocharian В pkante, pkatte `greatness, bulk, extent' (Van Windekens Lexique 96); 

Hittite pa-an-ku- (panku-) ` all, in general '.

References: WP. II 151, Couvreur H̯ 177.

Page(s): 127-128

Root / lemma: bhen-

Meaning: to hit, wound

Material: Avestan bąnayǝn `it makes me sick', banta- `sickens, waste away';

Gothic banja `blow, knock, wound, ulcer', Old Icelandic ben, Old English benn f., (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old Saxon beni-wunda `wound'; Old Icelandic bani m. `death; murderer', Old English bana, Old High German Old Saxon bano `killer, murderer', Old High German bano, Middle High German bane, ban `death, ruin'; perhaps also Middle High German bane, ban f. and m. `pathway, way, alley' as `* by all means through an wood, forest' or `* a (well-) beaten track, a way used often '; Middle Irish epit f. `scythe, pruning knife' from *eks-bhen-tī; Cornish bony `axe'; but Welsh bon-clust `slap in the face, box on the ear' contains bon `stick'. 

Avestan bata-, if ` ground coarsely, from the grain ', could be related as *bhn̥-to-, but because of the uncertain meaning is only to name with reservation. 

References: WP. II 149, Feist 80.

Page(s): 126

Root / lemma: bheredh-

Meaning: to cut; board


Root / lemma: bheredh- : `to cut; board' derived from Root / lemma: bhereĝh- : `high; mountain, *sharp' [common Illyrian - balt -ĝh- > -dh-].

Material: Old Indic bardhaka-ḥ `cutting, clipping', m. `carpenter', śata-bradh-na-ḥ ` having 100 metal points '; perhaps gr. πέρθω `destroy, smash', πορθέω `destroy, smash, devastate'; 

bhredhos- in Old Saxon Old English bred `board', Old High German bret n., therefrom Old High German britissa, Modern High German Pritsche; 

bhr̥dho- in Gothic fōtu-baúrd n. ` splint ', Old Icelandic bord n. `board, table, desk', Old English bord n. ds., Old High German bort ds. = Umbrian forfo- ds. in furfant ` they lay on the board '; probably with it identical Old Icelandic borð `edge, border, ship's rim ', Old High German Middle High German bort ds. (Modern High German Bord from Ndd.), Old English bord `board, edge, shield'; Old English borda m. `edge, ornament, decoration', Old High German borto, Modern High German Borte;

bhordho- in Old Icelandic barð `edge, border', Norwegian dial. bard ds. 

From Germanic *burð- derive Serbo-Croatian bȑdo, Russian bërdo etc ` weaver's reed ' and Latvian birde f. ` weaver's rack '. 

References: WP. II 163, 174, Devoto Mél. Pedersen 227 f., Meillet Slave commun2 75.

Page(s): 138

Root / lemma: bhereg-

Meaning: expr. to sound, roar, cry, etc., *sharp voice

Note: compare bher- ds. as well as that by bhreg- `break, rupture' and `crack, creak' encountering onomatopoeic sounds


Root / lemma: bhereg- : `expr. to sound, roar, cry, etc., *sharp voice' derived from Root / lemma: bhereĝh- : `high; mountain, *sharp'.

Material: Old English beorcan stem-verb, bearkian (*barkōn), English bark `bark, bay', Old Icelandic berkja `bark, bay, rumble, rage, clamor';

Lithuanian (žem.) burgė́ti `drone, grumble, quarrel, squabble, be unfriendly ', burgèsus ` crosspatch, grouch '; presumably also Serbo-Croatian br̀gljati `mumble, murmur, chat', brgalica `turtledove'. 

Besides similar bhereq-: Latvian brę̀cu, brèkt `cry', Russian brešú, brechátь `yelp, cry, quarrel, squabble, lie', brechnjá `empty gossip', Serbo-Croatian brȅšēm, brèhati `pant, gasp, loud cough' (*bhreq-s-), brȅkćēm, brèktati `pant, sniff, snort'.

Somewhat different because of the clear onomatopoeic words are the following words, which in their partial i- and u-vocalism in these by bher(e)ĝ- `roast' remind present vocal differences, which are explained from different sound imitation:

gr. φρυγίλος `a small bird' (metathesis from *φριγύλος: Latin frig-?);

Latin frigō, -ere `squeak (of small children)', friguttiō, -īre `chirp, twitter (from birds), lisp', later fringuliō, fringultiō ds., frigulō, -āre `cry (from the jackdaw)', fring(uu)illa `finch, sparrow'; 

maybe alb. (*fringuilla) fërgëlloj `shiver, tremble (like a bird?)'

Russian bergléz `goldfinch', Serbo-Croatian br̀glijez ` Sitta syriaca ', Czech brhel ` Eurasian golden oriole, golden oriole ', mähr. ` woodpecker ', poln. bargiel `mountain titmouse '.

Similar ones, but indeed new onomatopoeic words are Latin merulus frindit, Lithuanian briz-gė́ti `bleat, grouse, drone, hum, grumble'.

References: WP. II 171 f., WH. I 548.

Page(s): 138-139

Root / lemma: bhereĝh- (*bherĝh-o-)

Meaning: high; mountain


Root / lemma: bhereĝh- : `high; mountain' derived from Root / lemma: bherǝĝ-, bhrēĝ- : `to shine; white, *ash wood, ashen, birch tree, elm'


Hittite: parku-  ' hoch ' , parganu- (I)  ' hoch machen ' , pargatar n. (r/n)  ' Höhe ' , parkija-, park- (I)  ' sich erheben '  (Friedrich 160-161)

Tokharian: A, B pärk- (PT *pärk-)  ' arise, rise, come up ' ; A pärkär, B pärkare (PT *pärk(ä)re)  ' long '  (Adams 372 f)

Old Indian: imp. 2 sg. barhaya `auge! ' ; br̥hánt- `high, tall, great, large ' 

Avestan: bǝrǝz- `Höhe, Berg ' , barǝzan- m., barǝzah- n. `Höhe ' , barǝšnu- m. `Erhebung, Höhe, Himmel, Kopf ' ; bǝrǝzant-, bǝrǝzi-, bǝrǝz- `hoch ' ; barǝzayeni `ich will aufwachsen lassen ' , barzyah- `höher ' 

Other Iranian: NPers burz `Höhe, Berg ' ; bālā (*barzaka-) `Höhe ' , NPers buland `hoch ' 

Armenian: erkna-, lerna-berʒ `himmel-, berghoch ' 

Slavic: *bergъ

Germanic: *birg-a- n.; *burg-ō f.,, *birg-ax-a- adj.

Celtic: Gaul Bergusia; Admageto-briga, Litano-briga u. a. ON, Arebrigium ON, Brigiani (Alpenvolk); Brigantes VN, Brigantia ON `Bregenz ' , Name einer weibl. Gottheit; *bregh=: OIr brī, acc. brig `Hügel ' , Cymr bre f. `Hügel ' , Corn bre f. Hügel ' , Bret bre f. `Hügel ' ; Cymr bera `Haufe ' , OCorn, Bret bertn `id. ' 


Old Indic Causative barháyati `increases', br̥ṁháti `makes fat, obese, strengthens, uplifts', presumably barha-s, -m `tail feather, tail of a bird, esp. from a peacock'; br̥hánt- `big, large, high, convex, elevated, noble, sublime', also `high, loud (of the voice)', fern. br̥hatī (= Irish Brigit, Germanic Burgund), Avestan bǝrǝzant- (New Persian buland), f. bǝrǝzaitī `high', in compound bǝrǝzi- (: *bǝrǝzra-), bǝrǝz- `high' and `height, mountain' (= New Persian burz ds., Irish bri ́;

Maybe alb. brini `horn', (*brigna) brinjë `rib' (common alb. -gn- > -nj- phonetic mutation).

the Nom. Avestan barš Subst. could contain Aryan -ar-, but also Aryan -r̥-, Bartholomae IF. 9, 261), zero grade Avestan uz-barǝzayeni `I shall allow to grow up ' (in addition Σατι-βαρζάνης ` improve luck ', Iranian *barzana-), barǝzan- m. barǝzah- n. `height', barǝšnu- m. `elevation, height, sky, heaven, head', barǝzyah- `higher', barǝzišta- ` the highest, the most suitable '; New Persian bāl-ā `height' (*barz-), burz (see above);

Old Indic br̥hánt- stands for also `big, large, vast, grand, thick, massive' and br̥ṁhati `makes fat, obese, invigorates, strengthens, increases, furthers', bŕ̥háṇā Adv. `dense, tight, firm, strong, proficient; very, absolutely', paribr̥ḍha-ḥ `standing firm, dense, solid'.


Common Indic alb. -ĝh > -ḍh = Avestan -ĝh > -z shift

Armenian berj `height' in erkna-, lerna-berj `sky-, mountainous' (*bherĝhos), barjr `high' (*bhr̥ĝhú-), (ham-)baṙnam (*barjnam, Aor. barji) `lift up' etc.

Berg- in PN the Mediterranean countries: Thracian Βεργούλη, Macedonian Βέργα, Illyrian Berginium (Bruttium: Bergae), Ligurian Bergomum, Celto-Ligurian Bergusia, hisp. Bergantia etc about p- in klein Old Saxon Πέργη, Πέργαμος, Macedonian Cretan Πέργαμος suppositions by Kretschmer Gl. 22, 100 f., Krahe ZNF. 19, 64.

Formations in i- grade:

Latin for(c)tis, Old Latin forctus, dial. horctus, horctis ` physically, strong, powerful, robust; morally, brave, courageous, steadfast, bold, audacious ' (from *forg-tos, Indo Germanic *bhrĝh-tos = Old Indic br̥ḍháḥ).


Common Indic alb. -ĝh > -ḍh = Avestan -ĝh > -z shift

Welsh bera `heap' (= Modern High German Berg), Old Cornish Breton bern ds. (-rĝh-n-? s. Pedersen KG. I 105), gall. PN Bergusia, zero grade Middle Irish brí, Akk. brig `hill' (see above), Welsh bry `high, above', fem., Welsh Cornish Breton bre `hill', gall. Litano-briga among others PN; gall. Brigantes, Βρίγαντες people's name (either `the sublime, noble' or ` troglodyte, cave dweller, cliff dweller '; Old Indic br̥hant-), Brigantia PN `Bregenz (Western Austria)' and name of a feminine divinity, Old Irish Brigit (*bhr̥ĝhn̥tī) `name of a famous saint and generally women's name' (also Old Indic br̥hatī́ is used as woman's name, also Old High German Purgunt), Welsh braint `privilege, prerogative' (actually `highness'), pl. breiniau, in addition Middle Welsh breenhin, Modern Welsh brenin `king', Cornish brentyn, bryntyn ds. (*brigantīnos).

Maybe alb. (*brentyn) mbreti `king' a Celtic loanword. Also alb. Geg mbretneshë `queen' = Welsh brenhines `queen'.

Gothic baírgahei ` mountain range, mountainous region ', Old Icelandic bjarg and berg, Old High German Old Saxon berg `mountain', Old English beorh, beorg `height, burial mound', English barrow `burial mound' (compare Armenian -berj, Welsh bera, Old Indic barha-); 

Germanic *burgundī (= Old Indic br̥hatī, Celtic *brigantī, Irish Brigit) in Burgund, oldest name of Bornholm (Danish island) (actually ` the high-rising ') and name Danish and Norwegian islands, Old High German Purgunt women's name, in addition Burgundiōnes, family name.

Gothic baurgs f. `town, city, tower', Old High German burg etc `castle' is genuine Germanic equivalent of Avestan bǝrǝz-, Celtic brig- with the meaning `fortified height as refuge'; With it is coincident though Latin burgus `castle, fort', that is borrowed from gr. πύργος `tower', an oriental loanword from urart. burgana `palace, fortress' derives (820 v. Chr., s. Adontz REtIE 1, 465), whereof would have also derived Armenian burgn, aram. burgin, burgon `tower' etc. after Kretschmer though πύργος Germanic loanword

Maybe alb. burgu `prison' a Latin loanword.

This contemplates *berĝhō `save, hide, shelter', originally ostensibly ` providing sancturay for someone at a refuge ' as retrograde derivative to *bherĝh- `mountain' (Gl. 22, 113); s. above S. 145. 

Old Church Slavic brěgъ `bank, border, shore, slope', Serbo-Croatian brȉjeg `hill, bank, border, shore', Russian bēreg ds., is probably not Germanic loanword, but rather Venetic-Illyrian origin; Brückner KZ. 46, 232, Persson Beitr. 927;

Maybe alb. bregu `bank, border, shore, slope' is a Slavic loanword not from Illyrian Berginium.

from latter with brěgъ as genuine Slavic words related Ukrainian o-boříh, Czech brah `haystack' etc belongs rather to Old Church Slavic brěgǫ `care' (*preserve, save, hide, shelter), as stogъ : στέγω.

Maybe alb. brengë `care, sadness, sorrow', brengos `sadden, worry' Slavic loanwords.

With other vowel gradation *bhregh- perhaps in Old English brego, breogo `master, mister, ruler, prince, lord', Old Icelandic bragr `best, most exquisite, most distinguished, leader, chief, prince', Middle High German brogen ` rise, direct upwards, wanton brag'.

Tocharian AB pärk- ` arise, rise, come up ', A pärkānt, В pirko ` the rising ', A pärkär, В parkre, pärkre `tall';

perhaps A prākär, В prākre `tight, firm, solid' (compare Latin fortis); Hittite pár-ku-uš (parkus) `high' (: Armenian barjr).

Hittite: parku- `high ', parganu- (I) `make high', pargatar n. (r/n) `height ', parkija-, park- (I) `stand up' (Friedricḫ 160-161)

References: WP. II 173 f., WH. I 124, 535 f., 853, Feist 75 f., 85 f., Trautmann 30 f., Van Windekens Lexique 90, Couvreur H̯ 178.

Page(s): 140-141

Root / lemma: bherem-1

Meaning: to stick out; edge, hem

Material: bhorm-:

Old Icelandic barmr `edge, hem', ey-barmr ` the edge of an island ', Norwegian dial. barm ` extremity, border, brim, edge, rim ' (e.g. in the sail), ndd. barm, berme ` a ledge at the bottom of a bank or cutting, to catch earth that may roll down the slope, or to strengthen the bank; a narrow shelf or path between the bottom of a parapet and the ditch '.

bhrem-: bhrom- :

Perhaps Latin frōns, frondis f. ` a leaf, foliage; meton., a chaplet or crown of leaves ' (*bhrom-di-, as glāns from *glan-di-); 

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift

Old Norse brum n. `leaf buds ', Old High German brom, brum ds., Swiss brom ` flower bud, young twig, branch', vowel gradation brāme ds.

In a basic meaning `bristly, thorn' go back: Old English brōm m. `broom' (*bhrēmo-), Middle Low German brām ` blackberry bush, broom', Old High German brāmo m., brāma f. `briar, blackberry bush ', brāmberi, Modern High German Brombeere, Old English brēmel, English bramble (proto Germanic *brāmil), vowel gradation mnl. bremme, Old High German brimma `broom' and Middle Low German brēme, brumme ds. 

With the meaning `edge, border': Middle High German brëm n. `border, edging, edge', Modern High German verbrämen, changing through vowel gradation Middle English brimme, English brim `edge'. 

References: WP. II 102.

Page(s): 142

Root / lemma: bherem-2

Meaning: to buzz, drone

Material: Old Indic bhramará-ḥ `bee';

In -nt suffix:

Maybe nasalized alb. (*blê-të) bletë ` bee' : gr. βροντή f. `thunder' [common alb. r- > l-].

gr. φόρμινξ, -γγος f. `zither', becaause of suffixes loanword? Initial sound variant *brem- probably in βρέμω `boom, blaster, sough, rustle, bawl, blaster', βρόμος m. `noise, crackling ', βροντή f. `thunder' (*βρομ-τᾱ);

Latin fremō, -ere ` roar, murmur, growl; with acc. to murmur out something, grumble, complain '; frontēsia `thunder and lightning ' is loanword from gr. βροντήσιος (to βροντή);

Maybe alb. frymë `breath, exhalation', frynj `blow'.

Welsh brefu `bleat, roar, bellow'; Old High German breman `drone, grumble, roar, bellow', Old English bremman `roar, bellow', brymm n. `flood, sea', Middle High German brimmen ds., vowel gradation brummen `drone, grumble' (in addition brunft ` heat, rut, rutting season '); Middle Low German brummen and brammen ds., Old High German Old Saxon bremo `gadfly, brake', Middle High German breme, Old Saxon bremmia, Old High German brimisse, Modern High German Breme and (from dem Ndd.) Bremse; 

poln. brzmieć `sound, clink, buzz' (*brъm-), Bulgarian brъmèъ́ `buzz, drone, hum', brъ́mkam ds., brъ́mb-al, -ar, -ъr `bumblebee, beetle, chafer'. 

Maybe alb. Geg diminutive (*brum-el) brumull, Tosc brumbull ` bumblebee, beetle, bug' [common alb. m > mb]

As extensions *bhrem- perhaps here the onomatopoeic words: Old Indic bhr̥ŋga-ḥ `giant black bee'; poln. brzęk `sound, tinkling, clinking; gadfly, brake', Russian brjákatь `clang, clink, clatter', Czech brouk `beetle, chafer'; Lithuanian brį́nkterèti ` fall chinking ' etc; 

Lithuanian brenzgu, brengsti `clang, clink, knock', vowel gradation branzgu, brangsti `sound, clink'; Slavic bręzgъ in Russian brjázgi Pl. `empty gossip'; Russian-Church Slavic brjazdati `sound, clink'.

References: WP. II 202 f., WH. I 544 f., Trautmann 37.

Page(s): 142-143

Root / lemma: bheres-

Meaning: quick

Material: Latin festīnō, -āre ` to hasten, hurry; transit., to hasten, accelerate ', Denominative von *festiō(n)-, -īn- `haste, hurry', Erweit. to *festi- (from *fersti-) in cōnfestim ` immediately, without delay ' (from *com festī `with haste, hurry');

Middle Irish bras `quick, fast, stormy' (*bhresto-), Welsh brys ds. (*bhr̥sto-), Middle Breton bresic, brezec `hasty'; 

Lithuanian bruz-g-ùs `quick, fast', bruz-d-ùs `movable, nimble', besides burz-d-ùlis ds., burz-dė́ti ` run to and fro '; 

Slavic *bъrzъ in Old Church Slavic brъzo Adv. `quick, fast', Serbo-Croatian br̂z `quick, fast', Russian borzój `quick, fast, fiery', besides *bъrzdъ in Belorussian bórzdo Adv. `quick, fast', Serbo-Croatian brzdìca f. `rapids, speed in stream'. 

Perhaps here Ligurian FlN Bersula, Swiss FlN Birsig (Krahe ZONF 9, 45). 

References: WP. II 175, WH. I 259, 488 f., Trautmann 40, Specht Dekl. 192.

Page(s): 143

Root / lemma: bh(e)reu- : bh(e)rū̆-

Meaning: to boil, to be wild

Note: extension from bher-2. 

Material: A. vowel gradation bheru- (bheru-), bhrū̆-: 

Old Indic bhurváṇi-ḥ `restless, wild', bhurván- `uncontrollable movement of water'. 

Armenian bark `sharp, sour, cruel, savage' (barkanam ` I get angry '), which is very much ambiguous, it is constructed here from Dumézil BSL. 40, 52 as *bhr̥-u̯-, likewise berkrim ` I am glad ' as *bher-u̯-; very doubtful!

Gr. φαρυμός τολμηρός, θρασύς Hes. (*bher-u-) and φορυτός `mixture, rubbish, chaff, crap, muck', φορύ̄νω, φορύσσω `knead, jumble, mingle, sully, besmirch', probably also φρυ-άσσομαι ` gestures, behaves impatiently (esp. from wild horses); be rollicking, wanton ' common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-.

Thracian βρῦτος (see below).

Alb. brum m., brumë f. `sourdough', mbruj, mbrünj `knead'.

Latin ferveō, -ēre, fervō, -ĕre `to be boiling hot, to boil, seethe, glow. Transf., to be in quick movement, to seethe; to be excited by passion, rage ' (about fermentum s. bher-2); dēfrū̆tum ` leaven, yeast; a kind of beer. Transf. anger, passion ' (:Thracian βρῦτος, βρῦτον, βροῦτος ` a kind of barley beer '; from Thracian *brūti̯ā (gr. βρύτια), derives Illyrian brīsa `skins of pressed grapes', proto extension alb. bërsí ds., from which Serbian bersa, bîrsa, bîrza ` mould on the wine'; Latin brīsa from dem Venet. or Messapic).


Not only alb. is the direct descendant of Illyrian but Albans in Alba Longa brought their beer formula from Illyricum (Albanoi Illyrian TN) to Italy. Slavic languages borrowed their cognates from Illyrian

Middle Irish berbaim `cook, simmer, seethe', Welsh berwi, Breton birvi `simmer, seethe, boil', bero, berv `cooked, boiled', gall. GN Borvo (from spa, mineral spring), compare with other suffix Bormō above S. 133; perhaps also French bourbe `slime, mud' from gall. *borvā `mineral water'; Old Irish bruth `blaze, glow, fury', Middle Irish bruith `cook', enbruithe `broth, meat broth' (to en- `water', see below pen-2), Old Welsh brut ` courage, spirit, vivacity; also pride, arrogance ', Modern Welsh brwd `hot' (cymmrwd `mortar' from *kom-bru-to-, compare Middle Irish combruith `simmer, seethe, boil'), brydio `seethe, froth', Old Cornish bredion `dealer, broker' (Umlaut), Old Breton brot ` jealousy ', Modern Breton broud `hot, fermenting'.

About Germanic bru-forms see below B. 

B.        vowel gradation bhrē̆u- and (partially again) bhrū̆-: 

At first in words for `wellspring' = ` bubbling over ' (r/n-stem, perhaps bhrēu̯r̥, bhrēu̯n-, bhrun-); Armenian aɫbiur, aɫbeur (Gen. aɫber) `wellspring' (from *bhrēw(a)r =) gr. φρέαρ, -ᾱτος `stream, brrook' (*φρῆFαρ-, -ατος, hom. φ▋ήατα, consigns φρείατα); Middle Irish tipra f. `wellspring' (maybe from Old Irish *tiprar < *to-ek̂s-bhrēu̯r̥), Gen. tiprat (*to-ek̂s-bhrēu̯n̥tos); Old Irish -tiprai ` streams against ' (*to-ek̂s-bhrēu̯-īt?); from stem bhrun- the case obliqui from as en-stem proto Germanic*brunō, *brun(e)n-, Gothic brunna, Old High German brunno, Old English brunna, burna ` well, water hole, spring ' (Old Icelandic brunn), (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), with metathesis Modern High German (ndd.) Born. 

Maybe alb. buronj `spring, originate', burim `origin, source, spring, bubbling water (as if boiling)' : Russian brujá `current'; also alb. (*bruth) burth `Cyclamen europaeum (burning of donkey's mouth)' where -th is a diminutive alb. ending.


Alb. shows that Root / lemma: bh(e)reu- : bh(e)rū̆- : `to boil, to be wild' is an extended Root / lemma: bher-2 : `to boil, swell; to get high' (see below) while the latter root evolved from Root / lemma: bher-1

: `to bear, carry'.

With similar meaning Russian brujá `current', bruítь ` rapidly flowing, streaming in ', Belorussian brújić `urinate, to make water ' (this meaning also in Middle High German brunnen (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-) and in Modern High German dial. brunzen, Bavarian brunnlen `urinate, to make water ' from Brunnen), formal next to Lithuanian br(i)áujs, br(i)áutis ` push forward with brute force ' (*bhrēu-), Latvian braulîgs `horny, lustful'; also Old Prussian brewingi `conducive, helpful'?

bhre-n-u- (present with nasal infix, compare Modern High German brennen) with respect on licking flames lies before in Gothic Old High German Old Saxon brinnan, ais. brinna, Old English beornan, birnan `burn', Causative Gothic brannjan, Old Icelandic brenna, Old High German brennan, Old English bærnan `burn', wherefore among others Old High German brant `blaze', brunst ` burn, blaze', Old Icelandic bruni, Old English bryne `blaze', Old High German bronado, Old English brunaÞa `itchiness, heat in the body ', Swedish brånad `rutting'; 

bhréu̯- : bhruu̯- in: Old High German briuwan, Old English brēowan `brew', Old Swedish bryggja (from *bryggwa) ds.; Germanic *bruða- in: Old Icelandic Old English broð, Old High German proð `broth' (: defrūtum, Old Irish bruth, Thracian βρῦτος; Middle High German brodelen, Modern High German brodeln);

Germanic *brauða- in: Old Icelandic brauð, Old English brēad, Old High German brōt `bread' (from the ferment); about Old High German wintes prūt ` storm; tempest, whirlwind ' s. Kluge11 692. 

References: WP. II 167 f., WH. I 333 f., 487.

Page(s): 143-145

Root / lemma: bherǝĝ-, bhrēĝ-

Meaning: to shine; white, *ash wood, ashen, birch tree, elm

Note: equivalent with bherē̆k̂-, s. d. the groups bhereĝ-, bherek̂- shine, appear, seem to be extensions to bher- `bright, brown'. Similar to extension bheleg- besides bhel- `shine'. 

Material: Old Indic bhrājatē `glares, gleams, shines'; Old Persian brāzaiti ds. (*bhrēĝō), New Persian barāzīdan `shine', barāz `jewellery';

Balto Slavic *brēsk- from bhrēg-sk- in Lithuanian brė́kšta, brė́ško, brė́kšti `break, (dawn), (from the day)', apýbrėškis ` time around daybreak '; slov. brę̂sk, Czech břesk, poln. brzask `daybreak, dawn', poln. obrzasknąć ` become bright ', brzeszczy się `it dawns, the day breaks ', with Assimilation of auslauts -sk- to the sounding word anlaut Old Churchh Slavic pobrězgъ `dawn, twilight, daybreak', Russian brezg, poln. brzazg ds.

With gradation bh(e)rōĝ- probably Swedish brokig `varicolored', Norwegian Dialectal brōk ` a young salmon with transverse bands ( ', also as brōka f. ` large-scale mottled animal '. 

With lengthened grade the 1. syllable: Gothic baírhts `bright, gleaming, distinct', Old High German beraht, Middle High German berht `gleaming' (also in names Old High German Bert-, -bert, -brecht), Old English beorht `gleaming, radiating' (English bright), Old Icelandic biartr `light, bright'; Welsh berth `gleaming, beautiful', PN Breton Berth-walart, Irish Flaith-bertach; Lithuanian javaĩ béršt ` the grain becomes white '; probably also Norwegian Dialectal bjerk `very bright' (compare noch berk ` white trout ', Swedish björkna `Abramis blicca').

reduction grade alb. barth (bardh-i) ` white ' (*bhǝrǝĝo-).


Alb. bardhë white = Romanian barza white stork = osset. bärz `white birch' see below

In names of the birch (Slavic partly elm, Latin ash tree ):

Old Indic bhūrjá-ḥ m. `a kind of birch'; osset. bärz `birch'; dak. PN Bersovia; Latin farnus `ash tree' (*fár[a]g-s-no-s, originally stuff adj. `ashen', as well as:) frāxinus ds. (to begin probably with ā, *bherǝĝ-s-enós); twofold development of -erǝ- in farnus and frāxinus would be caused by old accent difference as in palma = gr. *πάλαμᾱ, παλάμη compared with lātus = τλητός;

Maybe alb. Geg frashën `ash-tree' : Latin frāxinus `ash-tree';

Old High German birihha (*bherǝĝ-i̯ā), Old English beorc, birce, Old Icelandic bjǫrk (*bherǝĝā) `birch';

Lithuanian béržas m., Pl. béržai `birch', vowel gradation bìržtva f. ` birch forest '; bir̃žliai ` birch twigs ', Latvian bęr̃zs m., Old Prussian berse `birch'; Russian berëza, Serbo-Croatian brȅza, аèеch. břieza `birch' (the old color meaning still in Bulgarian brěz ` white spotted ' = Norwegian bjørk s. о., slov. brę́za `name of a white spotted cow or nanny goat');

Maybe alb. brez ` strip, belt (white stripe?)' : Romanian brâu, brânã ` belt ' Slavic loanword.

with formants -to- (= Gothic baírhts) and intonation change Slavic *berstъ in Russian bérest m. `elm, framework ', Serbo-Croatian brȉjest, Czech břest ds., but with the meaning `birch' against Russian berësta f., berësto n. ` birch bark ', Czech břesta ` upper birch bark '. 

Old High German -brecht could, if this vocalization instead of -ber(h)t not a innovation is, are applied to bherek̂-, as also in Gothic baírhts, Welsh berth, Hittite parkuiš. 

References: WP. II 170 f., WH. I 458, 510 f., 544, Trautmann 32, 37 f., Specht Dekl. 57.

Page(s): 139-140

Root / lemma: bherǝk̂-, bhrēk̂-

Meaning: to shine

Note: equivalent with bherǝĝ-, bhrēĝ- ds. (see there, also because of ambiguous words) 

Material: Old Indic bhrā́śatē `blazes, shines' (uncovered);

gr. φορκόν λευκόν, πολιόν, ῥυσόν Hes., compare but S. 134; 

perhaps here Old Irish brecc `mottled, speckled, *tabby', Welsh brych ds., gall. PN Briccius (from *bhr̥k̂-, with expressive consonant stretch);

Maybe alb. Geg me preka `mottled, speckled ', prek `stain, touch, violate '

uncertain suppositions about the origin of Welsh breuddwyd `dream', Middle Irish bruatar ds. by Pedersen Litteris 7, 18, Pokorny IF. Anzeiger 39, 12 f.; whether from *bhrogʷhdh-eiti-, -ro-? 

Middle High German brehen `sudden and strong flash', Old Icelandic brjā, brā (*brehōn) `flash', braga, bragða `sparkle, glitter, flame, burn', bragð `(*blink) moment ', with originally bare präs. -dh- also Old Icelandic bregða, preterit brā `quick, fast move, swing, reproach', Old English bregdan, brēdan stem verb `quick, fast move, swing', English braid `flax, wattle, braid', upbraid `reproach', Old High German brettan, Middle High German bretten `pull, tear, twitch, weave' (in addition Old High German brīdel, Old English brīdel, older brigdels `bridle, rein');

with formants -u̯o- Gothic braƕ in in braƕa augins `ἐν ῥιπῇ όφθαλμοῦ, in a flash, at the moment ' (compare Old Icelandic augnabragð n. `blink, winking the eyes ') and lengthened gradees *brḗhwā, *brēʒwā́ in Old Icelandic brā f. `eyelash', Old English brǣw, brēaw, brēg m. `eyelid', Old Saxon brāha `eyebrow', slegi-brāwa `eyelid', Old High German brāwa f. `brow', wint-prāwa `eyelash' (the meaning `brow' oriented from *ƀrū- `brow', Indo Germanic*bhrū-); that in spite of Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I. 350, 4636 and Specht Dekl. 83, 162 Old High German brāwa could go not back to *bhrēu̯ā, is proved through the grammat. variation in Old English, the form with -ku̯- assumes (Sievers-Brunner 200). 

Here probably a kind of fish Old High German brahs(i)a, brahsina, Old Saxon bressemo ` bream, freshwater bream ', Norwegian brasma, brasme ds., vowel gradation Old Icelandic brosma `a kind of codfish'.

Hittite pár-ku-iš (parkuiš) `clean, pure', pár-ku-nu-uz-zi (parkunuzi) `purified, clean'. 

References: WP. II 169, Feist 76 f., 103 f., Couvreur H̯ 327.

Page(s): 141-142

Root / lemma: bherĝh- (*bherĝh-)

Meaning: to hide, keep

Material: Gothic baírgan `save, store, keep', Old Icelandic bjarga, Old English beorgan, Old High German bergan, Old Saxon gibergan `save, store'; changing through vowel gradation Old English byrgan `bury', byrgen (*burgiznō), byrgels, 

Old Saxon burgisli `burial, funeral' and Old High German bor(a)gēn `spare, look after, entrust, borrow', Old English borgian `look after, watch over, keep, borrow'.


Alb.-Illyrian and celt.- Slavic languages prove that from a zero grade of Root / lemma: bhereĝh- : `high; mountain' derived Root / lemma: bherĝh- : `to hide, keep'. Cognates deriving from those two roots mark of wave of IE people who introduced burial mounds in Europe.

Maybe alb. nasalized (*bergo) brengë `concern, sadness (for a dead person?)', brengos `sadden' Slavic loanwords.

Slavic *bergǫ in Old Church Slavic (*bhergh-tei) brěgǫ, brěšti `care, worry' in nebrěšti `neglect', Russian beregú, beréèь `beware, preserve, protect, spare, look after, spare', Serbo-Croatian older bržem, brijeći `guard, watch, preserve, protect, care, worry; hold festivities'; changing through vowel gradation Ukrainian oboŕíh, gen. oboróha `haystack', Czech brah `haystack, heap', poln. bróg `barn, haystack' (out of it Lithuanian brãgas ds.); zero grade Czech brh `cave, cottage, tent'; East Lithuanian bir̃ginti `spare'. 

Perhaps here gallo-rom. (rhät.-Illyrian) bargā `covered thatched hut ', whether from *borgā; Tagliavini ZrP. 46, 48 f., Bonfante BSL. 36, 141 f.

References: WP. II 172, Trautmann 31, Feist 76.

See also: compare above S. 141.

Page(s): 145

Root / lemma: bher-1

Meaning: to bear, carry

Grammatical information: The root bher-, forms the exceptional both themat. and athemat. present, because the durative recognizes neither Aor. nor Perf. in Indo Germanic

Note: Beside bher-, with them. vowel bhere-, sees a heavy basis bherǝ : bhrē-. 

Material: Old Indic bhárati `carries', Avestan baraiti ds. (and `ride'), Old Persian barantiy 3. Pl. ds. (= Armenian berem, Phrygian αβ-βερετ, gr. φέρω, Latin ferō, Old Irish biru, alb. bie, Gothic baira, 

Old Church Slavic berǫ); Old Indic bhárti (also as gr. φέρτε, Latin fert old unthem. form), bibhárti, bíbharti, bibhr̥máḥ, bibhrati (compare that probably with πίφραμεν = bibhr̥me derived ἐσ-πιφράναι `bring in, take in'), them. abibhran, bibhramāṇa-ḥ and Avestan -bībarāmi; 

Perf. babhāra and jabhāra (hybridization of babhāra with jahāra from hárti); 

participle Old Indic bhr̥tá-ḥ, Avestan bǝrǝte-; Supin. Old Indic bhártum; Causative Old Indic bhāráyati = Iterative Avestan bāraya-;

Sup. Avestan bairišta- `he cherishes best, cares, looks after' (= gr. φέριστος ` most superior, best', probably ` he carries the richest, most fertile ');

Old Indic bhr̥tí-ḥ `carrying, sustenance, livelihood, food, wage ' = Avestan bǝrǝtis `carrying' (= Latin fors, Gothic gabaúrÞs, Armenian bard); Old Indic bhr̥tyā́ `food, nourishment, care, cultivation' (compare Gothic baúrÞei);

Maybe alb. bar ` fodder, grass'.

Old Indic bhárman- n. `preservation, nourishment, care, cultivation; load' (= gr. φέρμα, Old Church Slavic brěmę), heavy basis in bharīman- n. ds.; bharítra-m `arm' (`*wherewith one carries '); 

Old Indic bhára-ḥ `acquiring, carrying off, profit, gain, booty; burden'

Maybe alb. barrë `burden' : Old Indic bhārá-ḥ `bundle, work, load';

New Persian bar `fruit' (= gr. φόρος, Old Church Slavic sъ-borъ); Old Indic -bhará-ḥ `bearing, carrying, bringing etc', Avestan -barō ds. (= Armenian -vor, gr. -◂ορος, e.g. δύσφορος = Old Indic durbhara-ḥ);

maybe alb. bar `grass, herb' related to New Persian bar `fruit'.

Old Indic bháraṇa-m `carrying, bringing, providing, support' (= Infinitive Gothic baíran); Old Indic bhártar-, bhartár- ` bearer, provider ', prábhartar- `carrier (of the sacrifice)', Avestan fra-bǝrǝtar- ` carrier of things, secondary priest ' (compare Latin fertōr-ius, Umbrian arsfertur), fem. Old Indic bhartrī́, Avestan barǝϑrī ` supporter, upholder, mother'; lengthened grade Old Indic bhārá-ḥ `bundle, work, load', bhārin- `bearing, carrying', bhā́rman- (n.) `bringing, attendance', bhārya-ḥ `to bear, carry, support, nourish' (== Old High German bāri or = *bhōrio- in gr. φωριαμός); ba-bhrí-ḥ `bearing, carrying, borne'.

Armenian berem `bear, bring' (Aor. eber = ἔφερε, ábharat), beṙn, Gen. beṙin `burden, load' (compare gr. φερνή `dowry'), ber `yield, fruit, fertility' and `movement, run', -ber `bringing, bearing, carrying', e.g. in lusaber ` light-bringing, morning star', secondary instead of -vor, e.g. lusa-vor ` light-bringing ' (compare Latin Lūci-fer, gr. λευκο-φόρος); bari `good', barv-ok `good, best'; bard `heap; compound', lengthened grade *bhōr- in buṙn `hand, fist; force, might';

Phrygian (κακουν) αββερετ (also αββερεται) `( injury, evil) cause, carry ';

gr φέρω `bear' (only present system, once participle φερτός; Ipv. φέρτε), med. φέρομαι ` moves me fast ' (also Old Indic bharatē, Latin ferrī, compare above Armenian ber and under Alb.), Iterative φορέω `bear etc' (= alb. mbaj); about φέριστος `the best, noble ', comparative φέρτερος see above S. 128 and Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 3002, 535, 538; about ὄφρα s. Boisacq s. v. and S. 132;

φέρτρον, with them. Vok. φέρετρον `bier, stretcher ' (Latin feretrum `a litter, bier' from Gr.); φέρμα `fruit, field crop, agricultural crop, unborn child; fruit of one's womb, fetus '; φερνή `dowry', Aeolic with them. vowel φέρενα f. ds.; φόρος `yield, tax', -φόρος `bearing, carrying', φορά: `carrying, plentiful yield, fullness, wealth'; ἀμφ[ιφ]ορεύς ` means: container/vessel with two grips/handles '; φόρτος `burden, load, cargo'; φαρέτρᾱ ` quiver '; δί-φρος ` the charioteer's and the combatants' holding part of the war chariot '; φώρ `thief' (= Latin fūr), ἴσφωρες λησταί, κλέπται. Λάκωνες Hes.; from φώρ derived φωράω ` spy on the thief ', then generally `spy on, track ', φωpά: ` house search '; φωριαμός ` box for the storage of clothes ' due to *bhōrios `wearable, bearable'.

From the heavy basis bh(e)rē- (?): Fut. -φρήσω, Aor. -έφρησα, -φρῆναι joinned together (with δια- `let pass', with εἰσ- ` let in, put in ', with ἐκ- ` bring out, let out, unburden '); paradigmatic with (ἐσ)-πι-φράναι (see above to Old Indic bibhr̥máḥ).

Ligurian FlN Porco-bera ` guiding fish ', Gando-bera ` guiding scree '. 

Mess. ma-beran, beram etc, tabara `priestess' (*to-bherā), Doric-Illyrian βερνώμεθα κληρωσώμεθα. Λάκωνες, Hes. (to gr. φέρνη `dowry'), doubtful ἀβήρ οἴκημα στοὰς ἔχον, Hes.

Maybe extended in -k- formant alb. (*pernka) prikë `dowry' = gr. φέρνη `dowry' similar to alb. formation bar-k, bark `belly'

Alb. [causative bjer] bie (*bherō), 2. Pl. biṙni `bring, bear, lead, guide', also `fall, fail, hit ', ber, beronje `bow, dart, arrow'; (common alb. Slavic -j- infix)

Maybe alb. (*ul-ber) yl-ber, ylber `rainbow' = arm. aɫeɫn (Gen. aɫeɫan) ` arc, bow, rainbow' see Root / lemma: el-8, elē̆i-, lē̆i- : to bow, bend; elbow

Maybe alb. beronjë `barren woman, holly, kind of serpent'

compound *dz-bier, vdjer etc `fall, lose, destroy', ndzjer `bring out ', zbjer `fall, lose'; also bie `fall' (compare φέρομαι etc), wherefore dzborë, dëborë, vdorë etc `snow' (prefix dz(a)-, dë- and *bhērā actually ` the falling down, falling off ');


Alb. dëborë `snow 'similar in meaning to Russian za-nós `snow flurry' from Balto Slavic *naša- m. `carrying, the bearer ' see Root / lemma: enek̂-, nek̂-, enk̂-, n̥k̂- : to reach; to obtain, bear

[Albanian prefix dz(a)-, dë-, z- is of Macedonian Slavic origin (as in Macedonian *dz-ástra, dzástra ` the day after tomorrow, tomorrow'), from Slavic za ` behind; for, after, because of, during, at, in, on' see Root / lemma: ĝhō : behind, towards].

Albanian dz(a)-bora f. ` snow' is a translation of Romanian f. zã-padã ` snow'.

o- grade Albanian dz(a)-bora f. ` snow, heap of snow ' : Old Church Slavic sъ-borъ `congregation, meeting', alb. borica ` sleet ', suffix -ca of Slavic origin.

Breton ober erc'h : Kurdish Kurmanji berf barîn : Romagnolo bofè : Welsh bwrw eira : Latvian birt : Albanian bie borë ` to fall snow';


Maybe Albanian cognate is of Altaic origin.

Eurasiatic: *burV ( >> *p-)

Meaning: storm

Altaic: *poru

Uralic: *purV, *purkV

Kartvelian: Georg. bur- ˜ bor- 'haze, fog'

References: МССНЯ 332, ОСНЯ 1, 188-190; ND 223 *buRV, *buR(K)V 'storm' (partially confused with *bur(H)V 'dust'); ND 227 *bV(h)RV 'blow, inflate, swell' (for SH parallels).

Proto-Altaic: *pŏ̀ru

Meaning: to snow, rain

Turkic: *bora-

Mongolian: *boruɣa

Tungus-Manchu: *pur-

Korean: *pora

Japanese: *pùr-

Comments: Poppe 21, Ozawa 288-289, ОСНЯ 1, 188-189, АПиПЯЯ 69. Cf. *bŏ́ru, a contamination with which should explain Mong. *b- (one would expect *h- with low tone and shortness).

Proto-Turkic: *bora-

Meaning: 1 North wind 2 to snow heavily

Turkish: bora(k) 1

Turkmen: bora- 2

Kazakh: bora- 2

Comments: VEWT 80, ЭСТЯ 2, 189-192, Лексика 45.


Proto-Mongolian: *boruɣa

Meaning: 1 heavy rain 2 to snow, sleet

Written Mongolian: boruɣa(n) 1 (L 121), burɣana- 2 (L 137: burɣani-)

Middle Mongolian: boro'an (SH)

Khalkha: borō(n) 1, burgana- 2

Buriat: borō 1, burga- 2

Kalmuck: borān 1

Ordos: borōn 1

Shary-Yoghur: boroŋ

Monguor: burōn (SM 36) 'little rain'

Mogol: bɔrɔn (Weiers) 1

Comments: KW 51, MGCD 158. Mong. > Chag. boraɣan etc. (TMN 1, 219-220); Evk. būrga etc. (ТМС 1, 111).


Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *pur-

Meaning: 1 to drizzle 2 slush 3 to fall (of first snow) 4 wind (changing its direction)

Russian meaning: 1 моросить (о дожде) 2 шуга, слякоть 3 выпадать (о первом снеге) 4 ветер (меняющий направление)

Even: horụ- 3, hụ̄rqa 4

Literary Manchu: furana- 'запылиться'

Orok: purē- 1

Nanai: puruekme 2

Comments: ТМС 2, 44, 334, 349, 353.


Proto-Korean: *pora

Meaning: snow-storm

Russian meaning: снежная буря

Modern Korean: nun-pora, nun-pore

Comments: KED 362.


Proto-Japanese: *pùr-

Meaning: to rain, snow

Russian meaning: идти (о дожде, снеге)

Old Japanese: pur-

Middle Japanese: fùr-

Tokyo: fúr-

Kyoto: fùr-

Kagoshima: fùr-

Comments: JLTT 694.

Uralic etymology :

Proto Uralic: *purkV

English meaning: snowstorm

Finnish: purku (gen. purun) 'snowfall', purkusää 'flurry, brief snowfall ' (compare. also pyry, pyrky 'flurry, brief snowfall ')

Saam (Lapp): bǫr'ga^ -rg- (N) 'cloud, spray (of snow), bor'ga^- -rg- 'be driving snow, blow in clouds', bǫrge- -rg- 'smoke; make water splash all around one', pår`kēsti- (L) 'smoke, whirl; fly around (of hair)', pork-øilm (Not.) 'flurry, brief snowfall ', por̄gk̄A (Ko. Not.), pòr̄gk(A) (Kld.), por̄gk(A) (T) 'flurry, brief snowfall ', po̯r̄Ḡα- (Ko. P), pòr̄gkα- (Kld.), por̄gka̮- (T) rummage in (snow)'

Mordovian: porga-, purga- (E), purga- (M) 'spray, sprinkle', ? porf (M) 'flurry, brief snowfall '

Mari (Cheremis): purɣǝ̑ž (U), purɣǝ̑ž (B) 'flurry, brief snowfall ', purɣa- (U) 'rummage, whirl (snow, dust)'

Udmurt (Votyak): purǯ́- (S), purʒ́- (K) ' be blown away (z. B. dust or feather)'

Komi (Zyrian): pi̮ra (Lu.) ' snowdrift ', pi̮rźi̮- ' snow, dirt or dust of the winds be blown near ', pørźø.t- (PO) ' blow (snow)'

Khanty (Ostyak): pŏrki̮ (V) 'smoke', părẋa (O) ' snowfall without wind and with big snowflakes ', pŏrki̮-wat (V) ' snowstorm ', părtǝ- (O) 'be blown '

Mansi (Vogul): porkē̮ (T), pork (P), porẋaj (So.) 'flurry, brief snowfall, snowstorm ', po̮rat- 'it is snowing, rummage' ?

Nenets (Yurak): pārontāj (O) ' snowdrift ' ( > Khanty parǝnti ' snowy hill, snowbank, snowdrift ')

Selkup: purqālèe- (TaU) 'fall of snow, blow away ', purājiŋpāt (Ča.) ' it rummages ', purqāt (Ty.) 'flurry, brief snowfall ', purqālèa- (TyM) ' strew, winnow, scatter (also snow)'

Sammalahti's version: FU *purki

iterative alb. *bhoréi̯ō in Tosc mbanj, mbaj, older mba, Geg mba, mbaj `keep, tend, look after, observe, bear', North East Geg also used from carrying pregnant animals, with restored r  also mbar, bar `bear, drag'; [common alb. b- > mb-] Causative *bhōrei̯ō in gr.-alb. bonj, pass. bonem from mating of the mares and cows, actually `make bear, make pregnant', and dzbonj (etc) ` chase away, drive out, drive away' (*`make fall away, make flee');

[Albanian prefix dz(a)-, dë-, z- is of Macedonian Slavic origin (as in Macedonian *dz-ástra, dzástra ` the day after tomorrow, tomorrow'), from Slavic za ` behind; for, after, because of, during, at, in, on' see Root / lemma: ĝhō : behind, towards].

alb. mbarë `good, lucky', barrë `load' (*bhornā, compare Gothic barn n. `kid, child'); mberat `pregnant', bark `belly' etc, bar `grass, herb' (*bhoro- `yield'); 

bir `son' (*bher-, compare Gothic baur `son'), bijë, gr. cal. bilë `daughter' (with diminutive suffix -ëlë, -ëjë) : Old English byre `son'; Maybe Kurdish bere `offspring'.

burrë `man, husband' (compare to meaning Old High German baro `man, husband'; alb. basic form *bhornos, reduplication-stem besides Gothic barn); presumably also mburr `praise', mbur̄em `boast, brag, be proud '.

Latin ferō, ferre `to bear, bring, carry; to bring forth, produce; to bring to a place or a person, fetch, offer; to bear away, carry off; to bear along, move forward, put in motion. Transf., to move, impel, carry away; without object, to lead, tend ' (as gr. φέρω only present system), Umbrian fertu ` you shall bear ' etc, Volscan ferom ` bear, carry ', Marrucinian ferenter ` they are carried, they are born ' (compare from compound ad-, afferō: Gothic atbaíra; efferō: ἐκφέρω, Old Irish as-biur); ferāx `fertile';

Latin ferculum ` a frame, litter, bier, tray; of food, a course or dish ', praefericulum `wide offering vessel'; *fertor `the bearer ', assumed from fertōrius `a sedan which serves for carrying' and = Umbrian ař-fertur, arsfertur ` the priest of some particular god '; fertilis `fertile', Paelignian fertlid Abl. Sg.; -fer in compound secondary instead of -for `bearing, carrying, bringing'; forda f. `pregnant' (do- extension of Adj. *bhoró-s `bearing, carrying', s. WH. I 527); fūr `thief' (= gr. φώρ, s.o.; to Latin ū s. WH. I 569);

fors Nom. (= Indo Germanic *bhr̥tis), forte Abl. ` chance, luck ' = Paelignian forte Pl. `chance, hap, luck, fate, fortune ';

fortūna ` chance, fate, lot, luck, fortune. Transf., lot, condition, state, mode of life; property, possessions ' (from tu-stem *bhr̥-tu-s).

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift.

Old Irish 1. Sg. biru, -biur, 3. Sg. berid `bear, carry', as-biur `tell', do-biur `give', Welsh cymeraf `take' etc; Middle Irish bert m. `bundle, load', f. `feat, dead, act, plan, birth' etc, birit `sow' = Old Indic bháranti `bearing, carrying';

Old Irish Middle Irish breth and (actually Dative Akk.) brith, breith (Gen. brithe `carrying, parturition (verbal noun to biru); birth; judgement' (*bhr̥tā); Welsh bryd `thought, notion' (rather *bhr̥tu- as *bhr̥ti-, s. Lewis-Pedersen 345), Cornish brys `thought, notion', brys `womb'; gall. uergo-bretus Office title, whether for *-britos; 

Irish barn `judge', Welsh Breton barn `judgement' (probably *bhornos, compare above alb. burre; Pedersen KG. I 51 nimmt -r̥̄-, i.e. erǝ, an);

Old Irish brāth, gen. -o `court', Welsh brawd `judgement', Cornish bres ds., Breton breut ` address to the jury; summation; summing up; plea ', Pl. breujou ` the assizes of justice, judgments of a court of law ', gall. Brātu-spantium PN, βρατουδε ` from judgment ' (*bherǝ-tu-); gall. *com-boros ` the amassed ', out of it Middle High German kumber ` rubble, heap of rubble ', Modern High German Kummer.

Gothic baíran `bear, carry, bring, beget, spawn, to give birth to children ' (bērusjōs `parents'); 

Old Icelandic bera `bear, carry, bear, endure, bring, produce, give birth to children ', Old English Old High German beran `bear, carry, beget, spawn, to give birth to children ', Modern High German gebären; 

Gothic Old Icelandic Old High German Old Saxon barn, Old English bearn `kid, child'; Gothic barms `breast', Swedish dan. barm `breast, lap', Old Icelandic baðmr `bosom', Old High German Old Saxon barm `lap', Old English bearm ds. (= gr. φορμός? s. S. 137); Old High German baro `man, husband'; 

Swedish Dialectal bjäre (*ƀeron-), bare (*ƀaron-) `( carrying, i.e.) luck-bringing magical creature '; Old Icelandic Pl. barar, barir, bǫrur `barrow, bier', Old English bearwe, English barrow, East Frisian barwe, Dutch berrie `barrow, bier';

lengthened grade Old High German -bāri, Modern High German -bar (e.g. fruchtbar = bearing fruit, bearing, carrying), Old English bǣre (wæstmǣre `fertile'), Old Icelandic bǣrr ` capable for carrying, bearable'; 

Old High German Old Saxon bāra, Old English bǣr f. `barrow, bier' (also Old Icelandic bāra, Middle English Middle Low German bāre `wave'? perhaps here as ` the lifting one ', compare below the group from Old High German burian `soar, rise'); 

zero grade Gothic baúr ` the born ', Old Icelandic burr, Old English byre `son'; Gothic gabaúr n. `money collected from people, (φόρος), tax', gabaúr m. `feast, festival ' (to gabaíran ` collect, gather '), Middle High German urbor, urbar f. n. ` interest of a property ', m. ` tax-payer'; Old High German bor f. ` upper space, height ', Old High German in bor(e) `at the height, upwards ', Middle High German enbor(e), Modern High German empor, Old High German burian, Middle High German bürn `raise, uplift'; here obd. borzen `overhang' = Old English borettan `swing' (Germanic*-ati̯an), in addition Modern High German Bürzel under purzeln; Old High German giburian, Middle High German gebürn ` occur, happen, close juridically, to be due', Old Saxon giburian, Old English gebyrian, Old Icelandic byrja ` be proper, befit, be suitable', Old Icelandic byrja also `begin', actually * `lift, raise';

Maybe alb. buron `begins, springs, originates', burim ` spring'.

Old English byre, gebyre m. ` favorable occasion, opportunity ', Gothic gabaúrjaba adv. `willing, fain, yearning ', gabaúrjōÞus ` lust, desire '; from the concept of `aroused, lifted, high' arose from the strengthening mode of Old High German bora-, e.g. in bora-tall `very tall, very high', next to which o-grade Old Saxon bar- in barwirdig `very solemn, honorable, noble'; presumably also Old Icelandic byrr m., Old English byre `favorable wind', Middle Low German bore-los `without wind ' as `(the ship) bearing, carrying'.

Gothic gabaúrÞs f. `birth, parentage, ancestry, gender, sex', Old Icelandic burðr m. ` carrying, parturition, birth', byrð f. `birth', Old English gebyrd f., Old High German giburt, Old Saxon giburd `birth', also `fate, destiny' (=Old Indic bhr̥tí-ḥ, Latin fors); Gothic baurÞei `burden, load', Old High German burdī f. `burden', *bhr̥ti̯ōn-: -tīn; Old Icelandic byrdr, Old English byrÞen, byrden ds.

Old Church Slavic (*bherdieh2) berǫ, bьrati (bъrati) `gather, collect, take', Serbo-Croatian bȅrēm brȁti ds., Russian berú bratь ds. etc (Slavic *bъrati derived from an older *bъrti after the preterite stem Balto Slavic *birā-), Old Church Slavic brěmę `load, burden', Serbo-Croatian brȅme, Russian Dialectal berémja, aè. břiemě (*bherǝ-men-), Old Church Slavic sъ-borъ `congregation, meeting'; Church Slavic brěždа `pregnant', Russian berëžaja `pregnant (of the mare)', Serbo-Croatian brȅda ds. of cows (*bherǝ-di̯ā), in forms similarly Latin forda; Old Church Slavic brašьno `dish, nourishment, food' see below bhares- `barley'.

Lithuanian bérnas ` youngling; farm laborer', Old Lithuanian `kid, child', Latvian bę̄̀rns `kid, child'; probably Latvian bars `heap, bulk, mass'.

Here with specialization on delivering the seminal grain: transitive Lithuanian beriù, bėriaũ, ber̃ti `strew, distribute' (from grain, then also from flour, ash, cinder etc), Latvian beṙu, bèrt ds., in vowel gradation intransitive Lithuanian byrù, biraũ, bìrti `strew, distribute, fall out', Latvian bir̃stu, biru, bir̃t `fall out, fall off, drop ', etc. 

Tocharian А В pär- `bear, carry, bring, get, fetch', perhaps also in A kos-preṃ `how much?' ku-pre `if', täpreṃ `if', tāpär(k) `yet', whether to gr. ὄ-φρα ... τό-φρα ` as long as ' (see129). 

About Hittite bar-aḫ-zi `hunts, scuds, chases' s. Pedersen Hittite 185.

Specht will restore here also (Dekl. 148), with i- and u-forms, Old English bri-d, bird `young bird', Germanic brū-tis `wife, woman, bride', Old Indic bhrūṇá- `embryo', Latvian braũna, èеch. brnka (*bhru-nka) ` placenta, afterbirth '. S. but under bh(e)reu- `gush, well up, soak '.

References: WP. II 153 f., WH. I 483 f., 527, 569, 865, 866, Trautmann 31, E. Hermann Stud. Bait. 3, 65 f.

Page(s): 128-132

Root / lemma: bher-2

Meaning: to boil, swell; to get high

Note: often with m- forms; also as heavy basis bherǝ- : bhr̥̄-, bh(e)rēi-, bh(e)rī̆-. compare bher-6.

Material: Old Indic bhuráti (*bhr̥̄-é-ti) ` moves, shrugs, jerks, flounces, flounders', Intensive jár-bhurīti ds.; also: ` flickers, from fire'; bhuraṇyáti `shrugs, jerks, is restless; sets in violent movement, stirs, stirs up' with m-forms Old Indic bhramati, bhrāmyati ` wanders around, turns round ',

bhramá-ḥ ` whirling flame, whirlpool', bhŕ̥mi-ḥ `movable, nimble; whirlwind' (see below Old Icelandic brimi etc); bhū́rṇi-ḥ `violent, angry, irate, wild, keen, eager', might be based as *bhr̥̄ni- likewise on the heavy basis; 

here probably Avestan avabaraiti `streams from', uzbarǝnte `they stream forth (?)', barǝnti ayąn ` during one day, where it squalls, storms'. 

From gr. πορφύ̄ρω (*πορφυρι̯(ω) ` boils up, surge up, be in restless stir ' (: Old Indic járbhurīti); presumably also φύ̄ρω `mix up, mix' (if originally from bubbling up from cooking; basic form *bhori̯ō with u- colouring conditioned by the labial of the reduction vowel), wherefore φύρδην ` chaos, in a mess ', φυρμός `perplexity', φυράω `mix, mingle, stir chaos, knead, bewilder'. 

About Ligurian and Venetic names see below. 

Alb. burmë ` fully ripe ' (*fully cooked) from *bhormo-. 

Maybe alb. burim `spring, bubbling up', buronj `to spring, bubble'

From Latin probably fretum -i `n. a strait, sound, estuary, firth, channel; the sea in gen., usually plur.; fig., disturbance, turmoil', fretus, -ūs m. `a strait; an interval, difference (surging of the sea, esp. strait, stream, foaming, heat)', fretāle ` frying pan ';

fermentum ` leaven, sourdough, yeast; a kind of beer. Transf. anger, passion, ' (: Old English beorma, English barm, Low German barme, from which Modern High German Burme ` brewer's yeast '); also fervēre S. 144; 

Old Irish topur, nir. tobar `wellspring' (*to-uks-boro-), Middle Irish commar = Welsh cymmer `confluence' (*kom-bero-); Ligurian FlN Comberanea; Middle Irish fobar `wellspring, subterranean stream, brook' = Welsh gofer `stream, brook', Breton gouver ds. (*u[p]o-bero-), Welsh beru `drip, trickle', Middle Breton beraff `flow', gall. FlN Voberā, French Woevre, Voivre etc; with m-forms Celto-Ligurian aquae Bormiae, GN Bormō, hisp. PN Bormāte, FlN Borma, dak. PN Βόρμανον, Venetic FlN Formiō (but gall. GN Borvō belongs to bhereu- `boil'). Über Middle Irish brēo `flame' see below. 

Old English beorma m. etc (see above); from of a root form *bh(e)rē- : bh(e)rō-: Old High German brādam m. `breath, breeze, heat', Middle High German brādem `haze, mist', Modern High German Brodem, Old English brǣð `haze, mist, breath, breeze, blow' (English breath), Old Icelandicbrāðr `stormy, hot tempered, hasty', brāð ` tarred wood, creosoted ', brāðna `melt', intransitive, Old High German brātan, Old English brǣdan `fry'; vowel gradation Middle Low German bröien `singe, brood', Middle High German brüejen, brüen, Modern High German brühen, Old English brōd f., English brood `brood, breed, breeding'; Middle High German bruot f. `heat, Brut', Old High German bruoten `brood'; unknown origin are Old High German brāto m. ` soft eatable meat ' (Braten previously are reinterpreted Middle High German time to ` roasted meat '), Modern High German Wildpret, Old Norse brādo `calf', late Latin borrows brādo `ham', Old English brǣde m., Old Icelandic brāð `raw meat'. 

Beside the very productive root form bhereu- (see there) has to be recognized probably also bh(e)rē̆i-, bh(e)rī̆- . These are based on Old Indic jar-bhurī-ti, gr. *φυρι̯-ω, *πορφυρι̯-ω (see above);

with m-formant presumably gr. φριμάω, φριμάσσομαι `makes me anxious, spring, snort' common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-;

Old Icelandic brimi `fire'; Middle English brim `blaze, glow', probably also Old Icelandic brim n. `surf, surge, breakers', Old English brim n. `sea'; in brühen, Brodem, braten present meaning colouring turns again in Norwegian prim `a kind of cheese prepared from sour wheys under strong cooking ' (also Modern High German Brimsenkäse), Dialectal also brīm `ds.; also crust, sediment of boiled down liquid ' (Modern High German Bavarian Brimsen, Brinzen ` what settles with the mush browned in the frying pan '); besides with formant -u̯o- very probably Old High German brīo, Middle High German brī(e), Old English brīw `porridge, mash' (as `*south, hot; cooked'), briwan `cook'; moreover also Middle Irish brēo `flame' (*bhri-u̯o-). 

An s-extension perhaps in Old Indic bhrḗṣati `wavers, staggers, sways ', Norwegian Dialectal brīsa `blaze, flare, shine, show off; set on fire', brīs `fire, flame', brisk `agile, lively, alert, awake, smart'.

Maybe alb. brisk `sharp, smart, keen; knife'

References: WP. II 157 f., WH. I 482 f., 546, 865.

See also: compare the related root forms bhereg- `cook', bhereu- `boil', bhreus- `to swell', bhrīg-, bhrūg- `cook, fry' 

Page(s): 132-133

Root / lemma: bher-3

Meaning: to scrape, cut, etc.

Material: Old Indic (grammatical) bhr̥nāti (?) `injures, hurts, disables' = New Persian burrad `cuts, slices'; Avestan tiži-bāra- `with with sharp edge ' (= Armenian bir, compare also alb. boríg(ë); perhaps here Old Indic bhárvati `chews, consumes' (Avestan baoirya- `what must be chewed', baourva- `chewing') from *bharati is transfigured through influence of Old Indic cárvati `chews up'. 

Armenian beran `mouth' (originally `cleft, fissure, orifice '), -bir- ` digging up ' in getna-, erkra-, hoɫa-bir ` digging up the ground, ransacking ' (*bhēro-), in addition brem (*birem) ` digs out, hollows out, drills out ', br-iẹ̀ `hack, mattock, hoe'; bah, Gen. -i `spade' (*bhr̥-ti-, perhaps *bhorti- = Russian bortь), bor, Gen. -oy `scurf'.

Maybe alb. birë hole Armenian loanword.

Gr. *φάρω `split, cut up, divide' (φάρσαιv σχίσαι EM), φαρόω `plow' = Old High German borōn), φάρος n. `plough, plow (?)', m. = φάρυγξ (*bheros), ἄφαρος ` plowed up ', φάραγξ ` cliff with gaps, gorge, ravine, gulch' (in addition rom. barranca `gorge, ravine, gulch', M.-L. 693a), jon. φάρσος n. ` ragged piece, deal, portion'; here perhaps φάσκος m. `moss villus' as *φαρσ-κος. A k-extension in φαρκίς `wrinkle', φορκός `wrinkly' Hes. 

Perhaps here (IJ. 13, 157 n. 100) mak. βίρροξ δασύ (compare βιρρωθῆναι ταπεινωθῆναι Hes.), basic meaning `wool villus ', gr. Lesbian Thessalian βερρόν δασύ, Doric βειρόν ds., βερβέριον ` shabby dress ', Latin burra f. ` straggly garment ', respectively `wool', reburrus ` wool with bristling hair '.

Alb. bie (2. pl. birni, imperative bierɛ) ` knocks, hits, plays an instrument; whether (hit there) '.

Alb. brimë `hole' (*bhr̥-mā), birë ds. (*bherā), Geg brêj, Tosc brënj ` gnaw, argue '; britmë `September and October' (if actually `harvest, autumn', due to *bhr̥-ti- ` the reaping '); bresë `bitter root, chicory' (`bitter' = `incisive'; -së from -ti̯ā, borígg(ë)) `splinter, chip' (*bhēr- m. form. -igë).

Maybe alb. mbresë `print, shock' [common alb. b- > mb- shift]

Latin feriō, -īre ` to strike, knock, smite, hit; esp. to strike dead, slay, kill; colloq., to cheat ' (see also WH. 1481 to ferentārius ` a light-armed soldier, skirmisher '). About forma ` form, figure ' s. WH. I 530 f. 

forō, -āre ` to bore, pierce ' (meaning as Old High German borōn, but in vowel gradation different; denominative of *bhorā ` the drilling '), forāmen ` hole, opening, aperture '; forus, -ī ` the gangway of a ship; a block of seats in the theater; plur., tiers of cells in a beehive '; but forum (Old Latin also forus) ` an open square, marketplace ' not as ` space surrounded by planks ' here (Umbrian furo, furu `forum'); see below dhu̯er-. 

Middle Irish bern, berna f. `cleft, gap, slit', bernach `cleft'; 

probably also Middle Irish bairenn `cliff piece ' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (in addition bairneech ` mussel plate '); Old Irish barae, Middle Irish bara (Dative barainn) `rage, fury', bairnech `angry, irate', Welsh bar, baran `rage, fury'. 

Old Icelandic berja (preterit barða) `hit, bump, poke', berjask `fight', bardage `battle', Old High German berjan, Middle High German berjen, bern `hit, knock, knead', Old English bered ` low-spirited' (Germanic*ƀarjan = Slavic borjǫ), Old Frisian ber `attack'; Middle High German bā̆r f. `balk, beam, bar, gate, barrier, enclosed land' (: Latin forus, -um), English bar `bar, gate, barrier', Old Icelandic berlings-āss `balk, beam'; Germanic is probably (different Wartburg I 260) also Middle High German barre `balk, beam, bar, bolt' and rom. family of French barre, barrière etc (-rr- from -rz-); 

*ƀaru-ha, -ga- `castrated pig' (perhaps with Slavic *borv-ъ based on *bhoru-s `castrated animal' and ending in -ha-: -ga- after *farha- ` pork, pig ' extended) in: Old High German barug, barh, Modern High German Barg, Barch (Borg, Borch);

Maybe alb. bariu `shepherd, herdsman (of pigs?)' phonetically equal to Latvian baṙu, bãru, bãrt `scold, chide' (see below) or maybe a truncated gr. βώτωρ `herdsman, shepherd'.

Old English bearg, bearh, English barrow, Old Icelandic -bǫrgr `a castrated boar' (in addition also Old Icelandic val-bassi `wild boar' as *barh-s-an? s. Falk-Тоrp under basse N.); Old High German Old Saxon borōn, Old English borian, Old Icelandic bora, -aða `bore' (see above); Old High German bora `borer', Old English bor, byres ds.; Old Icelandic bora `hole' (auga-, eyra-bora). 

Lithuanian bãras, Latvian bars ` grain swath, strip of cut grain '; Lithuanian barù (and bariù), bárti `scold, chide, vilify', refl. ` be quarrelsome', Latvian baṙu, bãru, bãrt `scold, chide' (== Slavic borjǫ);

Maybe alb. (*bárti) bërtas `scold, yell, scream', mbaroj, `extinguish, finish, end, make ashamed', alb. Geg (*bar-) mbare , marre `shame, sth to be scolded', [common alb. b- > mb- shift] : Latvian: bãrti `scold, blame' [verb]; bãrtiês `quarrel' [verb].

Lithuanian barnìs (Akk. bar̃nį) `quarrel' (=Old Church Slavic branь); Lithuanian burnà `mouth' = Bulgarian bъ́rna `lip' (basic form *bhornā, compare above Irish bern and to meaning Armenian beran).

Here with Baltic forms ž: Latvian ber̂zt `rub, scour, rub, clean', intransitive birzt ` crumb, spall, crumble ', bìrze ` sowing furrow ', Lithuanian biržìs f. ` field furrow '. 

With of a basic meaning `notch': Lithuanian bùrtai Pl. `lot, fate, charm, spell' = Latvian burts `mark, token, sign the magician, alphabetic letter', Lithuanian bùrti `conjure, perform magic', Latvian bur̃t `conjure, perform magic', bur̃tains ` perform wood-carving notch '; gr. φάρμακον `remedy, magical cure, magic potion; philtre ' (probably not Indo Germanic) has nothing to do with it.

Old Church Slavic borjǫ, brati `fight' (frequent reflexive), Russian borjú, borótь `subjugate, prostrate', refl. `fight', poln. dial. bróć się `wrestle, struggle'; Old Church Slavic branь `fight, struggle', Old Russian boronь `fight, struggle', Russian bóronь `forbid', Czech braň `weapon, armament, armor' , Russian za-bór `fence, plank fence '; 

maybe alb. (*broñ) mbronj `defend', mburojë `shield, armour' : poln. broñiæ `defend' [common alb. b- > mb- shift] Slavic loanword.

(as Latin forus on the concept `board' rejecting: compare Russian alt. zaborolo `wooden town wall, scaffold, trestle', Czech zábradlo `handrail, parapet' ); Russian boroná `harrow', and with Slavic -zda-forms Slavic *borzda in Old Church Slavic brazda, Russian borozdá `furrow';

maybe alb. brazda `furrow' a Slavic loanword.

Russian bórov ` hog, castrated boar, (dial.) boar, castrated bull ', Serbo-Croatian brâv ` sheep, cattle ', Dialectal `castrated pig', slovak. brav `castrated pig', poln. Dialectal browek ` fattened boar, porker ' (see above Germanic *ƀaruha-); *bъrtъ `drilling, cavity' (*bhorti-) in Russian bortь ` the hollow of the tree in what bees have nested ' etc.

References: WP. II 159 f., WH. I 481 f., 537, 865, 866, Trautmann 27, Mühlenbach-Endzelin 354.

See also: compare the related root forms bheredh-, bhrēi- (bhrēig-, -k-, see there also about bherĝ-), bhreu-, bhreu-q-, -k̂- `cut, clip', bhreus- `break, rupture', bherug- `gullet'.

Page(s): 133-135

Root / lemma: bher-4

Meaning: to roar, buzz, onomatopoeic words

Root / lemma: bher-4 : to roar, buzz, derived from a truncated Root / lemma: baxmb- (baxmbal): a k. of noise.

Note: An extension at most in *bherem- `drone, grumble' and treated onomatopoeic words under bherg- `drone, grumble'.

Material: Armenian boṙ, -oy `bumblebee, hornet' [from truncated Ukrainian bombàr `cockchafer'], to reduplication Old Indic bambhara-ḥ (unbel.) `bee', bambharāliḥ (unbel.) `fly', bambhā-rava-ḥ ` the bellow of the cows';

gr. πεμφρηδών `kind of wasp' (formation as ἀνθρηδών, τενθρηδών); similarly also Serbo-Croatian bȕmbar `bumblebee', Ukrainian bombàr `cockchafer'. 

Maybe alb. (*bȕmbar) bumballa `bumblebee' a Slavic loanword.

Here at least partly (with fractured reduplication) also the Balto Slavic group from Lithuanian barbė́ti `clang, clink', birbiù, -iaũ, bir̃bti `buzz', burbiù, burbė́ti `drone, grumble, bubble, seethe' ;

Maybe Lithuanian (*boburužė) boružė : Romanian buburuzã : alb. burbuqe `ladybug'.

Ukrainian borborósy Pl. ` sullen talk ', Serbo-Croatian br̀blati `chat' , in which indeed the meaning ` talk indistinctly, stammer ' would go back to the group of Old Indic barbarāḥ etc (see *baba).

References: WP. II 161 f., Trautmann 39 f.

Page(s): 135-136

Root / lemma: bher-5

Meaning: shining; brown

Note: extensions of bher- `shine, appear, seem', bhereĝ-, bherek̂- `shine'. 

Material: Old Indic bhalla-ḥ, bhallaka-ḥ bhallū̆ka-ḥ `bear' (-ll- from -rl-); Old High German bero, Old English beera `bear' (*bheron-), Old Icelandic biǫrn ds. (*bhernu-, whose u as like ū̆ from Old Indic bhallū̆ka-ḥ might have derived from the stem *bheru-) = Old English beorn `warrior, chieftain'; 

Old Icelandic bersi `bear' (s as in Fuchs : Gothic fauhō Luchs ` lynx ': Swedish lo); vowel gradation Lithuanian bė́ras, Latvian bę̃rs `brown (from horses)';

Belarusian рысь (ryœ), Russian рысь (rys'), Ukrainian рись (ris'), Bulgarian рис (ris), Macedonian рис (ris), Serbian рис (ris), Croatian ris, Slovenian ris, Sorbian (lower) rys, Sorbian (upper) rys, Czech rys, Polish ryœ, Slovak rys, Albanian rrëqebull (ras ` lynx ') + buall ` bull ', Romanian râs ` lynx '

Slavic cognates derived from Illyrian Romanian râs ` lynx ' < Lithuanian bė́ras `brown'.

gr. φάρη νεφέλαι Hes.? (*φαρε[σ]a or *φάρεFα? If finally exactly to:) φαρύνει λαμπρύνει Hes., φρύ̄νη, φρῦνος `toad, frog' (* ` the brown one ' = Old High German brūn); if φάρη as ` blanket of clouds ' to 7. bher-? 

nep. bhuro `brown' (*bhrūro-); Old High German Middle High German brūn `gleaming, brown', Old English brūn, Old Icelandic brūnn ds.; (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Russian Dialectal bryně́tъ `white, gray shimmer', changing through vowel gradation bruně́tъ ds. (*bhrou-no-?) and (from *bhr-ono-, -eno-) Russian-Church Slavic bronъ `wwhite; varicolored (from horses)', Russian bronь (and Dialectal brynь), Ukrainian breńíty `become dun (of a dull or dingy brown colour, dull greyish-brown), ripen', Old Church Slavic brьnije (brenije) `ordure, excrement ', slov. br̂n `river mud ';

Old Indic babhrú-ḥ ` reddish brown; giant ichneumon kind ', Avestan bawra-, bawri- `beaver'; Latin fiber, fibrī `beaver' (also feber s. WH. I 491; probably i has changed for e, as also) Celtic (only in names): *bibros, *bibrus in gall. PN and FlN Bibracte, abrit. VN Bibroci, Middle Irish VN Bibraige (*bibru-rīgion), PN Bibar (*Bibrus) besides *bebros in gall. FlN *Bebrā, French Bièvre; Bebronnā, French Beuvronne, Brevenne etc; (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Old High Germman bibar, Old English beofor (oldest bebr), Middle Low German bever, Old Icelandic biōrr ds. (Proto German *ƀeƀru-); compare also Modern High German FlN Bever, old Biverna; 

Lithuanian bẽbras, bãbras, bẽbrus ds. (dissimilation debrùs ), Old Prussian bebrus ds.; about Lithuanian bruĩšis etc ` roach (Latin Leuciscus rutilus) ', Old Prussian brun-se ds. s. Specht Dekl. 120;

Slavic *bebrъ in poln. FlN Biebrza, Russian etc bobr (zur o-reduplication s. Berneker 47; besides perhaps *bъbrъ in Serbo-Croatian dȁbar `beaver' and Old Russian bebrjanъ ` from beaver fur '). compare noch Latin fibrīnus ` of the beaver, beaver ', Volscan Fibrēnus brook name, Avestan bawraini- ` of the beaver '; Old High German bibarīn, gall. bebrinus (Schol. Iuv.), Lithuanian bẽbrinis ds.;

Tocharian B perne, A parno `luminous', therefrom B perne, A paräṃ ` majesty, grandeur '.

References: WP. II 166 f., WH. I 490 f., Van Windekens Lexique 93.

See also: compare further bhel-1 with similar meaning. 

Page(s): 136-137

Root / lemma: bher-6

Meaning: to roast, cook

Note: with g-extensions, before partly i-, u- vowels; it derived from bher-2 ` move violently, surge, boil, cook'. 

Material: 1. forms without -i- or -u-: bhereĝ-: 

Old Indic bhurájanta `cooking' (*bhereg-); bhr̥jjáti `roasts', bhr̥ṣ̌ṭa-ḥ `roasted', bhrā̆ṣ̌ṭra-ḥ `frying pan', bharj(j)ayati `roasts, brät', bharjana-ḥ `roasting', 

Middle Persian barštan ds.; presumably is *bhraž- (*bhoraž- in bhurájanta), *bharž- Aryan root form and Indic -jj only in present *bhr̥ĝ-skō, from which derived *bhr̥(ĝ)sĝō, as gr. μίσγω from *μιγ-σκω. 

Latin fertum ` a kind of sacrificial cake ', Old Latin ferctum (firctum, s. Ernout Él. dial. Latin 165), participle *fergō `bake', Oscan fertalis ` the ceremonies where sacrificial cakes were needed '.


common Latin ph- > f- shift.

Maybe alb. (**fergō) fërgonj `bake'; also truncated alb. (*fertalis) fli `sacrifice'.

Lithuanian bìrgelas `basic, simple beer', Latvian bir̂ga `haze, mist, fume, smoke, coal smoke ', Old Prussian aubirgo ` cookshop ', birgakarkis ` a big soup ladle ' (with Venetic-Illyrian g).

2.         forms with i, ei: 

New Persian biriš-tan `fry', barēzan `oven', Baluchi brējag, brijag `fry', New Persian biryān (*briĝāna-) `roasted', pam. (shifted) wirzam `roast'  (Iranian *briǰ-, *braij-). 

Latin frīgō, -ere `roast, dehydrate, desiccate', Umbrian frehtu `cooked, boiled'. 

3.         forms with ū: bhrūĝ-: 

gr. φρύ̄γω `roast, dry', φρῡκτός `roasted; fire brand', φρύ̄γανον `dry wood', φρύ̄γετρον ` vessel for roasting barley '. 

It is extraordinary that  in the onomatopoeic words of gr. φρυγίλος `a bird', Latin frigō `(* roast, parch) squeak', poln. bargiel `mountain titmouse', Russian berglézъ `goldfinch' the distribution of the forms with u, with i, and without either, is the same like in the words for cook.

References: WP. II 165 f., WH. I 486 f., 548 f.

Page(s): 137

Root / lemma: bher-7

Meaning: to weave

Material: Hom. φᾶρος = Attic φάρος n. (*φαρFος) `kerchief, cloth, canvas, fabric, velum, cover'; φάραι (?) ὑφαίνειν, πλέκειν Hes.; φορμός ` pannier, mat'; 

Lithuanian burva `a kind of garment', Latvian burves Pl. `small sail' (-u̯- suffix as in gr. *φαρFος), Latvian buras ds., Lithuanian bùrė `sail'. S. to vocalism Walde Streitberg-Festschrift 176. 

References: WP. II 164, Specht Dekl. 182.

Page(s): 137-138

Root / lemma: bhes-1

Meaning: to smear, spread

Material: Old Indic bábhasti `chews up', 3. Pl. bápsati; bhásma- n. `ash' resulted through verbal extensions of psā(i)-, psō/i/-, psǝ(i)-, psī- in Old Indic psāti `consumes', gr. ψάω, ψάιω `rub', ψαίρω ds., ψαύω `touch', ψηνός ` baldheaded ', ψῆφος f., Doric ψᾶφος `pebble', ψήχω `rub off', ψώχω `grind, pulverize'; 

Ψόλος, φέψαλος `soot, smoke'; ψάμμος f. `sand, beach, seaside' from *ψάφμος, compare ψαφαρός `frail, breakable' (*bhsǝ-bh-) and Latin sabulum ` coarse sand, gravel ' (*bhsǝ-bhlo-?);

with already Indo Germanic sporadic alteration of anlaut bhs- to s-: gr. ἄμαθος `sand' (= Middle High German samt); through various contaminations ἄμμος and ψάμαθος ds., in addition ψῑλός `naked, bald, bleak, bare', ψιάς `drop' etc; 

alb. fšiṅ, pšiṅ, mëšiṅ `sweep, thresh';

Maybe alb. fšeh, pšef, mšef `cover, hide, sweep away' [common alb. p- > mp- > m-].

Latin sabulum `sand' (see above), wherewith EM. 881 compares Armenian awaz ds.; 

Middle High German samt (*samatho-) besides Old High German sant `sand' (*samtho-, Germanic sanda-, out of it Finnish santa); 

Tocharian A päs- `diffuse, sprinkle' (?).

References: WP. II 189, Boisacq 48, 1074, Kluge11 s. v. Sand, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 328 f., 676; Specht Dekl. 255, 325, Van Windekens Lexique 91.

Page(s): 145-146

Root / lemma: bhes-2

Meaning: to blow

Note: probably onomatopoeic words 

Material: Old Indic bábhasti `blows', bhástrā f. `bellows, hose', bhasát f. `rump', bháṁsas n. `abdominal part';

gr. ψύ̄-χω `blow' (to suffix s. Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. 3, 256), ψῡχή `breath, breeze, soul'. 

Here probably ψύ̄-χω `cools off' (originally through blast), ψῦχος `coldness', ψῡχρόs `cold' etc in spite of Benveniste BSL. 33, 165 ff.; after Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 329 onomatopoeic, as also ψίθυρος `lisping'. 

References: WP. II 69, WH. I 477, Boisacq 1075, Uhlenbeck Old Indic W. 186, 198.

Page(s): 146

Root / lemma: bheudh-, nasalized bhu-n-dh- (*bheudh-; bhoundh-)

Meaning: to be awake, aware

Material: Themat. present in Old Indic bṓdhati, bṓdhate ` awakened, awakens, is awake, notices, becomes aware, observes, heeds ', Avestan baoδaiti ` perceives ', with paitī- ` whereupon direct one's attention ' (= gr. πεύθομαι, Germanic *biuðan, Old Bulgarian bljudǫ); Aor. Old Indic bhudánta (= ἐπύθοντο), Perf. bubṓdha, bubudhimá (: Germanic *bauð, *buðum), participle buddhá- `awakened, wise; recognized ' (== gr. ἀ-πυστος `ignorant; unfamiliar');

maybe alb. (*bubudhimá) bubullimë `thunder (*hear?)' [common alb. : Latin dh > ll shift].

Old Indic buddhí- f. `understanding, mind, opinion, intention ' (= Avestan paiti-busti- f. `noticing', gr. πύστις `investigating, questions; knowledge, tidings '); causative in Old Indic bōdháyati ` awakens; teaches, informs ', Avestan baoδayeiti ` perceives, feels' (= Old Bulgarian buždǫ, buditi, Lithuanian pasibaudyti); of state verb in Old Indic budhyátē ` awakes, becomes aware; recognizes ', Avestan buiδyeiti `becomes aware', frabuidyamnō `awakening'; Old Indic boddhár- m. ` connoisseur, expert ' ( : gr. πευστήρ-ιος ` questioning '); Avestan baoδah- n. ` awareness, perceptivity ', Adj. ` perceiving ' (: hom. ἀ-πευθής ` unexplored, unacquainted; ignorant'); Avestan zaēni-buδra- ` watching keenly ' (:Old Bulgarian bъdrъ, Lithuanian budrùs); Avestan baoiδi- ` fragrancy ' (= Old Indic bṓdhi- ` plenary cognition '); 

gr. πεύθομαι and πυνθάνομαι (: Lithuanian bundù, Old Irish ad-bond-) ` to learn; to find out, perceive, watch' (πεύσομαι, ἐπυθόμην, πέπυσμαι), πευθώ `knowledge, tidings '; πύστις, πεῦσις f. `question';

maybe alb. (*peus) pyes `ask questions', pyetje `question' : gr. πύστις, πεῦσις f. `question'.

Proto-Slavic form: pytati: Old Church Slavic: pytati `examine, scrutinize' [verb], Russian: pytát' `torture, torment, try for' [verb], Slovak: pytat' `ask' [verb], Polish: pytać `ask' [verb], Serbo-Croatian: pítati `ask' [verb], Slovene: pítati `ask' [verb], Other cognates: Latin putāre `cut off branches, estimate, consider, think' [verb].


From Root / lemma: bheudh-, nasalized bhu-n-dh- : `to be awake, aware' derived Root / lemma: peu-1, peu̯ǝ- : pū̆- : `to clean, sift' , Root / lemma: peu-2 : `to research, to understand' (see below).

Welsh bodd (*bhudhā) ` free will, approval ', Cornish both `volition' (: Old Icelandic boð), Old Irish buide ` contentedness, gratitude '; here also Old Irish ad-bond- ` announce, promulgate ', uss-bond- ` call off, cancel, refuse ' (e.g. verbal noun obbad); zero grade Old Irish robud ` admonishment ', Welsh rhybudd `warning', rhybuddio `warn' (: Russian probudítь ` awaken ');

Gothic anabiudan `order, dispose', faúrbiudan `forbid', Old Icelandic bjōða `offer, bid, give recognition', Old English bēodan, Old Saxon biodan, Old High German biotan `offer, bid, proffer ', Modern High German bieten `gebieten, verbieten, Gebiet actually ` (area of) command '; Old Icelandic boð n., Old English gebod n., Middle High German bot n. `commandment', Old High German etc boto `summoner', Old High German butil (Modern High German Büttel), Old English bydel `summoner, court servant'; Gothic biuÞs, -dis `table, desk'; Old Icelandic bjōðr, Old English bēod, Old High German beot, piot `table, desk; dish ', actually ` which is offered on tray ' (in addition also Old High German biutta, Modern High German Beute ` kneading or dough trough; dough tray; hutch, beehive '). 

With ū (compare Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. II 96): Gothic anabūsns f. ` commandment ' (*-bhudh-sni-), Old Saxon ambūsan f. ds., Old English bȳsen f. ` model, example', Old Icelandic bȳsn n. `wonder, miracle' (from `*warning'), bȳsna ` foretoken, warn'; 

Lithuanian bundù, bùsti `wake up, arouse' and (without nasal infix) budù, budė́ti `watch', bùdinu, -inti `waken, arouse, revive', budrùs `watchful, wakeful'; causative baudžiù, baũsti `punish, curse, chastise, castigate '; refl. `intend, mean, aim' (*bhoudh-i̯ō), baũdžiava `socage, compulsory labour ', 

Lithuanian bauslỹs `command, order', Latvian baũslis ` command ', Latvian bauma, baũme `rumor, defamation ' (*bhoudh-m-), Lithuanian pasibaudyti ` rise, stand up, sally ', baudìnti ` to cheer up, liven up; ginger up, encourage, arouse, awaken one's lust ', Old Prussian etbaudints ` to raise from the dead, reawaken '. 

Themat. present in Old Bulgarian bljudǫ, bljusti ` look after; protect, beware, look out', Russian bljudú, bljustí `observe, notice' (about Slavic -ju from Indo Germanic eu s. Meillet Slave commun2 58).

causative in Old Bulgarian buždǫ, buditi `waken, arouse, revive', Russian bužú, budítь ds. (etc; also in Russian búdenь `workday', probably actually ` working day ' or `day for corvée '); stative verb with ē-suffix in Old Bulgarian bъždǫ, bъděti `watch', perfective (with ne-/no- suffix as in gr. πυνθ-άνο-μαι, wo -ανο- from -n̥no-, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 700) vъz-bъnǫ `awake' (*bhud-no-, shaped from Aor. of type gr. ἐπύθετο, etc, s. Berneker 106 f.;

Maybe truncated alb. (*zbudziæ) zgjoj `awaken' : Old Church Slavic: ubuditi `awaken' [verb]; vъzbuditi `awaken' [verb]; phonetically equal alb. -gj- : poln. -dzi- sounds budzić `awaken, arouse' [verb], perf. zbudziæ `awaken, arouse'.

also about Serbo-Croatian bȁdnjī dân ` Christmas Eve ', bȁdnjāk `wooden log which one lays in the in the fire of Christmas Eve' etc), Old Bulgarian sъ-na-bъděti `φυλάττειν'; Old Bulgarian bъdrъ `πρόθυμος; willing, ready', bъždrь ds., Russian bódryj `alert, awake, smart, strong, fresh', Serbo-Croatian bàdar `agile, lively'.

Tocharian В paut-, A pot `honour'? (Van Windekens Lexique 87).


Sanskrit: bodh

First attestation: RV+

Part of speech: [verb]

Grammatical forms: Present I {1}: bódhati [3sg.act.] `to perceive, to notice' (RV+); Present IV: búdhyamāna- [ptc.med.] `to wake (intransitive), to be awake' (RV+), `to perceive, to notice' (AV+); Aorist R: budhánta [3pl.inj.med.] (RV); Aorist IS: ábhutsi [1sg.med.] (RV+), abhutsata [3pl.med.] (AV+), ni-bódhiṣat [3sg.subj.act.] (RV 02.016.07); Perfect: bubodhas [2sg.subj.act.] (RV), bubudhāná- [ptc.med.] (RV, Br.+); Fut: bhotsy ̊ (TS, Br.+); Caus: bodháy ̊ `to wake (transitive.), to make wake up' (RV+); Aorist mediopass: ábodhi `to be awake' [3sg.], abudhran [3pl.] (RV), ábudhram [3pl.] (RV 10.035.01); ta-ptc.: práti-buddha- `perceived, recognized' (RV+)

Meaning: `to wake, awaken; to perceive, notice, heed, pay attention'

Link to RV concordance: budh-; búdh-; uṣarbúdh-; bodhayitár-; bodhínmanas-

Proto-Indo-Iranian: bhaudh-

Other forms in Indo-Aryan: búdh- `awaking' (RV 01.137.02); uṣar-búdh- [adj] `awake at dawn' (RV; nom.sg. ̊bhut); bodhayitár- [m] `making awake' (RV 01.161.13); bodhín-manas- [adj] `with an awake mind, attentive' (RV); bodhá- [m] `waking, becoming awake' (AV+); boddhar- [m] `the one who comprehends' (Up.+)

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Avestan: OAv. paitī ... baodaṇt- [ptc.pres.act.] `to heed, be aware' ( Y 30.2); YAv. baoðaite [3sg.pres.med.] ( Yt 17.6); būiðiiōimaiðe [1pl.pres.opt.med.] `to become attentive'; baoðaiieiti [3sg.pres.act.] `to make recognizable'; baoðah- [n] `observation, recognition'; hupō.busta- (< *hu-upa ̊) [ppp] `well-smelling'; baozdrī- [f] `who gets to know sexually'; zaēni-buðra- [adj] `zealously waking'; baoði- [f] `smell, fragrance'

Khotanese: butte [3sg.pres.] `to perceive, know'; bū(d)- (buv-) [verb] `to be fragrant'

Sogdian: (Buddh.) βwð [verb] `to smell', βwðh [f] `smell, odour, perfume'; ptβyð-, (Chr.) ptbyd- [verb] `to know, recognize, understand' (+ *pati-)

Middle Persian: bwd- [verb] `to smell [intransitive]', bwd /bōy/ `perception, sense'; (Man.) pyws- [ichoative] `to desire, yearn; to hope for' (+ *pati-)

Parthian: pdbws- [inchoative] `to desire, yearn; to hope for' (+ *pati-)

New Persian: bōsīdan [verb] `to kiss, embrace',

Ossetic: æmbudyn / æmbodun [verb] `to sense, feel' (+ *ham-); bud / bodæ `fragrance, incense, scent'

Other Iranian cognates: Yagh. vud, wud, wod `scent'; Arm. (LOANWORD < Ir.) boyr `(good) smell, scent'

IE form: bheudh-

IE meaning: to become attentive {3}, to be awake, to perceive

Certainty: +

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Cognates in other languages: Gr. πεύθομαι [verbmed] `to learn, to hear'; Lith. budė́ti [verb] `to wake'; Lith. budrùs [adj] `watchful'; OCS bljusti [verb] `to take care, to look after'; Gr. (Cret.) πεύθω [verb] `to proclaim, to summon'; OIr. ad-bond- [verb] `to proclaim, to declare' {2}; Go. ana-biudan [verb] `to order'; Go. faur-biudan [verb] `to forbid'; MoHG Büttel [m] `court usher, executioner'

Notes: {1} According to Insler 1972: 560ff., subjunctive of the root aorist; see Gotō 1987: 217451 for a discussion. {2} The transitive nasal present *bhu-n-(e)dh- `to hear someone in court, to summon someone before court, to announce in court, to decree' is not preserved in Old Indo-Aryan, but may have left traces in New Indo-Aryan. {3} [LK] See Kümmel 2000: 332f.

Albanian hunda ` smell, scent ', hunda `nose' = Yagh. vud, wud, wod `scent'; Arm. (LOANWORD < Ir.) boyr `(good) smell, scent'

References: WP. II 147 f., Feist 41, 97, Meillet Slave commun2 202 f.

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Root / lemma: bheug-1

Meaning: to flee, *be frightened

Note: after Kretschmer (Gl. 30, 138) to bheug(h)-2 (Avestan baog- in the intransitive meaning ` escape ') 

Material: Gr. φεύγω (Aor. ἔφυγον, Perf. πέφευγα) `flee', φυγή f. (= Latin fuga) `escape, a fleeing, flight, running away ', hom. φύζα (*φυγι̯α) ds., Akk. φύγα-δε ` to flight, to flee ' of consonant-stem *φυγ-;

perhaps in Venetic PN Φεύγαρον (Westdeutschl.) `refuge, escape castle ';

Latin fugiō, fūgī, -ere ` to take to flight, run away; to pass away, disappear. Transit., to flee from, run away from, avoid; with infin., 'fuge quaerere', do not seek; of things, to escape the notice of a person', fuga f. ` flight, running away; esp. flight from one's country, exile, banishment. Transf., swift course, speed; avoiding (with genit.)';

Note: common Latin ph- > f- shift

maybe alb. fugonj `run'

Lithuanian bū́gstu, bū́gau, bū́gti intransitive `be frightened', causative baugìnti ` get a fright ', baugùs `timorous'.

References: WP. II 144, 146, WH. I 556 f., Kretschmer Gl. 30, 138.

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Root / lemma: bheug-2, bheugh-

Meaning: to clear away, free

Material: Avestan baog-, bunja- `loosen, escape, they escape before' (bunjainti `release, escape', būjayamnō `discarding', bunjayāt̃ `he escapes'), būjim Akk. ` cleaning, purification ', ązō-buj- ` from need of releasing ', baoxtar- `liberator';

Maybe alb. (*bhujissa) bujis, bujisa aor. `bloom', bujë `fuss' : pāli bhujissa- `released, free'

Pahlavi paz. bōxtan `escape, release', South Baluchi bōjag ` unbolt, loosen, unbind', as Persian loanword Armenian bužem `heal, save, relieve ', boiž `healing, deliverance '; pāli paribhuñjati `purifies, cleans, sweeps from'; but pāli bhujissa- `released (from previously slave)' = Old Indic bhujiṣyà- `free, independent' (Lex., in the Lithuanian as ` exploitable ', Subst. ` maid; maidservant, servant'), to bheug-4.

Illyrian PN Buctor, Venetic Fuctor (: Avestan baoxtar-), Fugonia, vhuχia, vhou-χontios, etc


Here Illyrian Buctor :  Venetic Fuctor : Avestan baoxtar- `liberator' proves that Avestan a satem language can display centum characteristics. Alb. follows the same Illyrian - Venetic pattern in -tor,-tar suffixes. Thhe tendency in Illyrian -g- > -ct- shows the intermediary phase from centum to satem in later alb.: common alb. -g(h)- > -th-, -k- > -t- in the middlle of the word.

Gothic usbaugjan `sweep up, sweep out, sweep away', Modern High German dial. Bocht `rubbish, crap, muck'; moreover probably also Middle High German biuchen ` cook in lye ', originally `clean', būche f. `lye' (with secondary vowel gradation).

The doubleness Germanic gh : Aryan g- also by bheugh- (Modern High German biegen): bheug- (Old Indic bhujati etc) `bend'. Probably identical with it.

References: WP. II 145, WH. I 560, Kretschmer Gl. 30, 138.

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Root / lemma: bheug-3, bheugh-

Meaning: to bow

Material: Old Indic bhujáti `bends, pushes away ', bhugná-ḥ `bent, curved', bhúja-ḥ `arm', bhujā ` twist, arm', bhōgá-ḥ ` coil of a snake; ring' (: Old High German boug); niṣ-bhuj- `push', Pass. ` flunk, escape; to get away '; 

perhaps here alb. butë `soft, flexible' from *bhug(h)-to- `pliable'; 

common alb. -g(h)- > -th-, -k- > -t- in the middlle of the word.

Irish fid-bocc `wooden bow', probably also bocc ` tender ' (`*pliable'), nir. bog `soft' (from*buggo-), KZ. 33, 77, Fick II4; for Old Breton buc ` rotten, putrid; loose, crumbling, friable, flabby ', pl. bocion ` rotten, decayed ', Modern Breton amsir poug ` soft, mild weather ', allowed to expect brit. -ch- = Irish -gg-, Pedersen KG. I 161 considers borrowing from Irish 

In Germanic *bheugh-: Gothic biugan, Old High German biogan `bend', Old Icelandic participle boginn `bent, curved'; (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), vowel gradatiion Old English būgan ` be bent ', with fram `flee';

Causative Old Icelandic beygja, Old Saxon bōgian, Old English bīegan, Old High German bougen, Modern High German beugen; Old Icelandic biūgr ` bent, curved ', Old High German biugo `curve'; Old Icelandic bogi, Old English boga (English bow), Old High German bogo, Modern High German Bogen (Old High German swibogo ` Christmas candle arcs (which literally means „an arched buttress“) ' from *swi[bi-]bogo); perhaps in addition Gothic bugjan ` let out, lend, buy ', Old Icelandic byggia ` obtain a wife', Old English bycgan, Old Saxon buggian `buy' (compare Modern High German dial. ` be bent by something ' = `acquire, take'); in addition probably Latvian bauga and baũgurs `hill'.

Intensive (with intensification) Germanic *bukjan in Middle High German bücken, Swiss bukche; Middle Low German bucken, Old Frisian buckia ` to stoop, bend forward, bend down ' (Wissmann Nom. postverb. 171, 181). 

References: WP. II 145 f., WH. I 556, Feist 96.

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Root / lemma: bheug-4

Meaning: to enjoy, *consume, bite

Material: Old Indic bhuṅktḗ (with Instrumental, newer Akk.) `enjoys', compare bhunákti, bhuñjati `grants pleasure, enjoys, consumes', bubhukṣā `hunger', bhṓga-ḥ `enjoyment'; 

about Old Indic bhujiṣyà- see above under bheug-2; 

common Old Indic ĝh- > kṣ-

alb. bungë f., bunk, bungu m. `kind of edible oak fruit ' (as `nourishing or nutritious tree ', post-verbal = `food granter ');

Nasalized form in:

Maybe alb. (*bhṓga) Geg f. bungël, (not nasalized) Tosc bukël `weasel (*pleasing, nice) ' (common alb. Germanic Celtic -g- > -k- shift the same as alb. Geg zog, Tosc zok `weasel ') also alb. bukë `bread ', (*bukul) bukur `pretty, nice, handsome, beautiful, good ' (common alb. -l- > -r- shift)


alb. Geg f. bungël, Tosc bukël `weasel (*nice) ' = Sardinian Campidanesu bucca de meli (mouthful of honey) buccameli ; bucchimeli `weasel (*nice as a mouthful of honey) ' similar to Latin mustus (*muds-to-s) ` fresh| young; unfermented/partially fermented (wine) ' > mustela ` weasel '. see Root / lemma: meu-1, meu̯ǝ- : mū̆- : wet; dirt; to wash, etc..


Alb. bungë ` kind of edible oak fruit ' : with -u- grade alb. (*beuka) buka `bread' : Phrygian βεκός `bread', actually ` crumb ' prove that from an extended Root / lemma: b(e)u-1, bh(e)u- : `expr. sound of hitting' derived Root / lemma: bheg-, bheng- : `to break', Root / lemma: bhenĝh-, bhn̥ĝh- (Adj. bhn̥ĝhú-s) : `thick, fat', Root / lemma: bheug-1 : `to flee, *be frightened', Root / lemma: bheug-2, bheugh- : `to clear away, free', Root / lemma: bheug-3, bheugh- : `to bow', Root / lemma: bheug-4 : `to enjoy, *consume, bite' as taboo words.

Latin fungor ` to occupy oneself with anything, to perform, execute, undergo, usually with abl.; absol. in special sense, to be affected, suffer ', with Akk., later Abl., dēfungor ` to perform, discharge, have done with, bring to an end, survive ', perfungor ` to perform fully, execute, discharge; to go through, endure '.

References: WH. I 565 f., Wackernagel Synt. I 68, Jokl L.-k. Unters. 179.

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Root / lemma: bheu-, bheu̯ǝ- (bhu̯ā-, bhu̯ē-) : bhō̆u- : bhū- (*bheu̯ǝ- > bhHu-eh1-t)

Meaning: to be; to grow

Root / lemma: bheu-, bheu̯ǝ- (bhu̯ā-, bhu̯ē-) : bhō̆u- : bhū- (*bheu̯ǝ- > bhHu-eh1-t): to be; to grow, derived from Root / lemma: b(e)u-2, bh(e)ū̆- (*bheHu- > bhHu-iH-t): to swell, puff.

Note: (probably = `to swell'), compare Old Indic prábhūta-ḥ with Old Indic bhūri-ḥ etc under *b(e)u-, bh(e)u- `inflate, bloat, to swell', from which `originate, become, be', farther ` where usually one is, live '; i̯o/ī- present bhu̯-ii̯ō, bhu̯-ii̯e-si, bhu̯-ī-si etc as verb `be' supplies often paradigm of es- `be'; extended root bheu̯ī-, bhu̯ēi-

Material: Old Indic bhávati `is, there is, happens, prospers, becomes ' = Avestan bavaiti ` becomes, originates; happens; will be ', Old Persian bavatiy `becomes'; Fut. Old Indic bhavišyáti, 

Avestan būšyeiti participle būšyant- ` will come into existence ' (latter = Lithuanian bū́siu, Church Slavic byšęšteje ` τὸ μέλλον ', compare gr. φύ̄σω); Aor. Old Indic ábhūt (= gr. ἔφῡ) and bhúvat, Perf. babhū́va, participle Perf. Akt. babhūvā́n, f. babhūvúšī (: gr. πεφυώς, πεφυυῖα, Lithuanian bùvo, Old Church Slavic byvati), Infinitive bhávitum, Absol. bhūtvā́ (compare Lithuanian bū́tų passive `to be', Old Prussian būton Infinitive); 

Old Indic bhūtá-ḥ, Avestan būta- `become, being, Old Indic bhūtá-m `entity' (: Lithuanian búta ` been ', Old Icelandic būð f. `dwelling', Russian bytъ `entity, way of life, lifestyle '; with ŭ gr. φυτόν, Old Irish -both ` one was ', both f. `cottage', Lithuanian bùtas `house'); prá-bhūta-ḥ `rich, numerous', New Persian Infinitive būdan `be'; 

Old Indic bhū́ti-ḥ, bhūtí-ḥ f. `being, well-being, good condition, prospering; flourishing ' (Avestan būti- m. `name of daēva '? = Old Church Slavic za-, po-, prě-bytь, Russian bytь, Infinitive Old Church Slavic byti, Lithuanian bū́ti; with ŭ gr. φύσις). 

Pass. Old Indic bhūyate; causative bhāvayati ` brings into existence; looks after and nurtures, refreshes ', participle bhāvita-ḥ also ` pleasantly excited, in good mood ' (=Old Church Slavic iz-baviti `free, release'), with ders. lengthened grade bhāvá-ḥ `being, development, becoming, affection ' (: Russian za-báva f. `conversation, entertainment') besides bhavá-ḥ ` development, welfare, salvation'; 

Maybe alb. zbavit ` amuse, entertain ' a Slavic loanword.

bhavítram `world' (vowel gradation with gr. φύτλᾱ `nature, gender, sex' and Lithuanian būklà `dwelling' etc, and with Germanic *buÞla- and *bōÞla-, next to which with formants -dhlo- Czech bydlo); bhavana-m `the development, becoming; dwelling, house (: alb. bane, but Middle Irish būan `unwavering, steadfast' from *bhou-no-), vowel gradation bhúvana-m `entity';

Old Indic bhū́- f. `earth, world', bhū́mī, bhū́miḥ-, Avestan Old Persian būmī-, New Persian būm `earth', Old Indic bhū́man- n. `earth, world, being' (= gr. φῦμα), bhūmán- m. `fullness, wealth, bulk, mass, wealth '; pra-bhú-ḥ `mighty, salient ';

s-stem bhaviṣ-ṇu-ḥ `becoming, thriving', bhū́ṣati `makes thrive, strengthens', bhūṣayati ` bedecks, blazons ', bhūṣana-m `amulet, jewellery'. 

The ī-basis *bh(e)u̯ī-, as it seems, in Old Indic bṓbhavīti Intensive and bhávī-tva-ḥ `future'; about Iranian bī-forms see below. 

Armenian bois, Gen. busoy `sprout, herb, plant', busanim ` burst forth, spring forth ', further perhaps boin, Gen. bunoi `nest' (*bheu-no-), zero grade bun, Gen. bnoi `stem'. 

Thracian PN Κασί-βουνον.

Gr. φύω (Lesbian φυίω as Oscan fuia, see below), `beget' (Aor. ἔφυσα), φύομαι `become, grow' (compare Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I, 686), probably neologisms to Aor. ἔφῡν `was, became', besides (neologism?) ἐφύην; φυτόν `growth, plant, kid, child, ulcer', φυή `growth; nature, character', φῦμα n. `plant, growth, ulcer', φύσις `nature', φῦλον n. `stem, gender, sex, kind of', φῡλή ` municipality and from it located department ' (: Old Church Slavic bylъ, l-participle bylьje); lengthened grades *bhō[u]lo- perhaps in φωλεός, φωλειός `hiding place, nook, bolt-hole, den of wild animals', φωλεύω ` sleep in a cave ', φωλίς ` a sea fish which is hidden in the mud ';

Maybe alb. foleja ` nest ' : gr. φωλ-εία , or φωλ-ία , ἡ, ` life in a hole or cave, of the hibernation of bears, 2. of fishes, (pl.) ', alb. Geg (*fole) flê ` sleep, die ' : gr. φωλεύω ` sleep in a cave '.

English                      nest                             

            Albanian                    foleja                            

            Greek                         φωλιά                                      

            Kurdish Kurmanji                 hêlîn

but Old Icelandic bōl n. ` a camp for animals and people ', is not from bōl (probably from *bōÞla) `dwelling' miscellaneous word; in addition zero grade Swedish Dialectal bylja, bölja `small nest' from *bulja. 

As 2. compound-part in ὑπερφυής, ὑπερ-φ[*F]ίαλος. About φῖτυ see below. 

Illyrian VN Buni, PN Bοῦννος (: alb. bunë).

Messapic βύριον οἴκημα, βαυρία οἰκία Hes. (:Old High German būr);


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Illyrian Messapic βύριον οἴκημα, βαυρία : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

alb. buj, bûj (*bunjō) `stay, stay overnight, spend the night ', burr, burrë (*buro-) `man, husband', banë `dwelling, abode, residence, half dilapidated house ' (*bhou̯onā: Old Indic bhavanam), banoj `stay, dwell'; bun(ë) `chalet' (*bhunā); perhaps also bōtë `earth, bottom, world, people' (*bhu̯ā-tā or *bhu̯ē-tā).

Latin fuī (Old Latin fūī) `I have been' from *fū-ai, metathesis of older Aor. *fūm (= gr. ἔ-φῡν, Old Indic á-bhūt ` he was '), fu-tūrus ` future, about to be ', forem `would be', fore ` will be ', Old Latin Konj. fuam, fuat `be' (*bhuu̯ām; compare Lithuanian bùvo `was' from *bhu-u̯āt), besides -bam (*bhu̯ām : Oscan fu-fans ` they were ', Old Irish -bā ` I was ') in legē-bam etc, compare Latin-Faliscan -bō (from *bhu̯ō) in amā-bō, Old Latin venī-bō, Faliscan pipafÞ etc with Irish b- future (do-rīmiub ` I will enumerate ' from *to-rīm-ī-bu̯ō), intensive futāvit ` he/she was ';

Oscan fu-fans ` they were ', fu-fens ` they were ', fusíd = Latin foret, fust (= Umbrian fust) ` he/she will be ' and ` he/she will have been ', fuid Konj.-Perf. ` he/she will have been '; but about futír `daughter' s. Vetter Gl. 29, 235, 242 ff. against WH. I 557, 867; 

Umbrian fust `he/she is going to be', furent ` they are going to be ' (*fuset, *fusent), fefure ` they will have been ', futu ` you will be ' (fuu̯etōd or fu-tōd). 

A i̯o/ī- present to root *bhū̆- : *bhu̯-ii̯ō lies before in Latin fīō, fī̆erī ` of persons and things, to be made, come into existence; with predicate, to become, be appointed; with genit., to be valued at; of actions, to be done; of events, to happen ', the ī instead of ĭ is correlated to fīs, fīt (*bhu̯-ī-si, *bhu̯-ī-ti); Oscan fiiet (*bhu̯ii̯ent) ` they become, they are made', Umbrian fito ` good deeds, benefits?', fuia ` he/she will become, he/she will be made ', fuiest ` he/she will make ' (*bhu-i̯ō besides *bhu̯ii̯ō as in Lesbian φυίω, see above);

Latin nominal formation only in dubius `doubtful; act., wavering; in opinion, doubting; uncertain; as to action, hesitating, irresolute; pass., uncertain, doubted, doubtful, dangerous, critical ' (*du-bhu̯-ii̯o-s ` of double form, consisting of two parts ', compare Umbrian di-fue ` split into two parts ' < *du̯i-bhui̯om), probus ` good, excellent, fine; morally good, upright, virtuous, right ' (*pro-bhu̯os : Old Indic pra-bhú-ḥ ` salient, superb '), Oscan am-prufid ` dishonest, lacking probity ', prúfatted ` has shown, marked, indicated, manifested, proven ', Umbrian prufe ` upright, honest, proper '; Latin super-bus ` haughty, exalted, proud; arrogant, overbearing; brilliant, splendid '.

About Latin moribundus see Niedermann Mél. Meillet 104, Benveniste MSL. 34, 189. 

Old Irish baë `benefit' (*bhu̯ǝ-i̯om), būan `steadfast, good' (*bhouno-, in addition Welsh bun `queen, wife, woman'); Middle Irish baile `home, place' (*bhu̯ǝ-lii̯o-);

Old Irish buith `be' (originally Dative of ā- stem both < *bhutā = Welsh bod, Cornish bos, Breton bout = Old Irish both f. `cottage', Welsh bod f. `dwelling': Lithuanian bùtas `house'; moreover also Middle Irish for-baid ` burial cloth, shroud, barrow, bier'), Fut. -bīa ` will be ' (= Latin fiat), preterit 1. Sg. bā (*bhu̯ām), 3. Sg. boī (*bhōu̯e), Pass. preterit -both ` one was ' (*bhu-to-); the paradigm of the verb Subst. and the copula exists from forms von es- and bheu-, e.g. hat 1. Sg. present Konj. Old Irish bēu (*bh-esō) the anlaut related to bheu-;

Old Irish -bīu ` I care to be ', Middle Welsh bydaf, Cornish bethaf, Middle Breton bezaff ds. (*bhu̯ii̯ō = Latin fīō, besides *bhu̯ī- in Old Irish bīth, Middle Welsh bit ` ([Imperative Future Tense] you will be ' = Latin fīt); 

gall. PN Vindo-bios (*-bhu̯ii̯os), compare Welsh gwyn-fyd `luck' (`white world', byd), Old Irish su-b(a)e `pleasure, joy' (*su-bhu̯ii̯o-), du-b(a)e (du = gr. δυς-) `mourning, grief';

Gothic bauan `stay, dwell, inhabit', ald bauan ` lead a life ', gabauan `erect a house' (*bhōu̯ō, vocalism as in Old Indic bhāvayati, bhāva-ḥ, Slavic baviti),

Old Icelandic būa (bjō, būinn) `stay, dwell, bring in good condition, equip ', Old English būan and buw(i)an (būde, gebūen) `stay, dwell, farm' (besides Old English bōgian, Old Frisian bōgia `stay, dwell', phonetic type based on Gothic stōja from *stōwijō and ō as initial vowel), Old High German būan (būta, gibūan) `stay, dwell, farm', Modern High German bauen; Old Icelandic byggja ` live at a place, farm, populate', later ` construct, build' (from *buwwjan?*bewwjan?); Old Icelandic bū n. `domicile, household ', Old English bū n. `dwelling' (Pl. by n. of i-stem *būwi- = Old Icelandic bȳr m. `dwelling, residential site, court '; similarly Lithuanian būvis ` permanent stay, residence '), Old High German bū, Middle High German bū, Gen. būwes m., seldom n. ` tilling of the field, dwelling, edifice', Modern High German Bau; 

Old Icelandic būð f. `dwelling, tent, cottage'; Old Swedish bōÞ, Middle Low German bōde, Middle High German buode and būde ` cottage, tent ', Modern High German Bude (*bhō[u]-tā); Middle Low German bōdel `fortune', bōl `estate', Old English bold and botl n. `dwelling, house', *byldan, English to build `to build', Old Frisian bold and bōdel `house, household utensil, household appliance, property' (*bōÞla- from Indo Germanic *bhō[u]tlo- and *buÞla-, compare Lithuanian būklà and West Slavic bydlo), also Old Icelandic bōl n. `dwelling' [(see above also to bōl ` den (of animals) '];

Old Icelandic būr n. ` pantry, zenana (part of a house for women in India)', Old English būr m. `cottage, room', Old High German būr m. `house, cage', Modern High German (Vogel-)Bauer, whereof Old High German nāhgibūr, Old English nēahgebūr, Modern High German Nachbar, English neighbour and Old High German gibūr(o), Middle High German gebūr(e), then būr, Modern High German Bauer ` farmer, peasant ';

Maybe alb. burrë man a Germanic loanword.

Old English bēo ` I am ' (*bhu̯ii̯ō = Latin fīō, Old Irish -bīu), besides bēom, Old High German bim etc after *im from *es- `be', as Old High German bis(t), Old English bis after is.

Perhaps Gothic bagms, Old High German bōum, Old English bēam `tree' from *bhou̯(ǝ)mo- `φυτόν' and Old Icelandic bygg n. `barley', Old Saxon Gen. PL bewō `sowing, seed, yield', Old English bēow n. `barley' (*bewwa-) as ` the tilled, the sown '. 

Maybe alb. (*bēam) bimë `plant', alb. Geg ba `ripen, become', bafsh sub. `be! '

Lithuanian bū́ti (Latvian bût, Old Prussian boūt) `be', bū́tų Supin. `to be' (Old Prussian būton Infinitive), participle bū́tas ` been ', Fut. bū́siu (Latvian bûšu), preterit bùvo `he was' (compare also buvó-ju, -ti ` care to be ' and Old Church Slavic Iterative byvati); Opt. Old Prussian bousai `he is', preterit bēi, be `he was' (from an expanded basis with -ēi-); 

Lithuanian bū̃vis m. `being, life', buvinė́ti ` stay here and there a while ', Old Prussian buwinait `live!'; 

Latvian bûšana `being, entity, condition ', Old Prussian bousennis `state, condition '; (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), Lithuanian bùtas, Old PPrussian (Akk.) buttan `house'; 

Lithuanian būklas (*būtla-) ` nest, den, hideout, lair of wild animals ', pabū̃klas ` tool, utensil; apparition, ghost', būklà, būklė̃ ` presence (of mind), dwelling', East Lithuanian búklė ds. (see above; in addition buklùs `wise, sly, cunning');

Old Church Slavic byti `become, be', lo- participle bylъ ` been ' (therefrom bylьje `herb; healthy herb ', compare to meaning φυτόν), Aor. bě `was' (*bhu̯ē-t);

Imperf. běaše, Fut. participle Church Slavic byšęšteje, byšąšteje `τὸ μέλλον ', Kondiz. 3. Pl. bǫ (*bhu̯ā-nt), participle za-bъvenъ `forgotten', besides miscellaneous participle *byt e.g. in Russian zabýtyj `forgotten', compare in addition also Subst. Russian bytъ `entity, way of life, lifestyle ' , apoln. byto `nourishment, food', Old Church Slavic iz-bytъkъ ` affluence, remnant ' , bytьje ` the existence '; 

maybe alb. mbetje `residue, leftover', mbetet `is left', mbeturinë `trash' [common alb. b- > mb- shift]

Old Church Slavic zabytь ` oblivion ', pobytь `victory', prěbytь `abode, residence', Russian bytь `entity, creature; facts (of the case), facts (of the matter), matter of fact '; present Old Church Slavic bǫdǫ `become, γίγνομαι', as Fut.: `will become' (if Latin Adj. in -bundus?);

Maybe reduced alb. (*bǫdǫ) do Future: `will become'

Causative Old Church Slavic izbaviti `free, release'  (: Old Indic bhāva-yati, compare to vocalism also Gothic bauan and Old Church Slavic zabava ` stay, activity, pastime'); Czech bydlo ` whereabouts, dwelling', poln. bydɫo `cattle' (from *`state, prosperity, possessions ').

Maybe alb. (*zabava) zbavit `entertain, (*pastime) '

Perhaps here (Pedersen Tocharian 2281) Tocharian В pyautk-, A pyotk-, AB pyutk- ` come into being ', med. ` bring about '. 

From the basis bh(e)u̯ī-: 

New Persian imperative bī-d `be!'; Old Persian Opt. bī-yāh is placed by Wackernagel KZ. 46, 270 = Old Indic bhū-yā́-ḥ, -t; 

gr. φῖτυ n. `germ, sprout, scion, shoot' = φίτῡμα, φῑτύω ` produce, sow, plant';

Old Lithuanian bit(i) `he was', also Kondit. 1. Pl. (sùktum-) bime; Latvian biju, bija `I was, he was' (Latvian bijā- extended from athemat. *bhu̯ī-); vowel gradation Old Prussian bēi, see above;

maybe alb. bujis `germ, sprout, scion, shoot, bloom'

Old Church Slavic Kondit. 2. 3. Sg. bi `were, would be' (*bhu̯ī-s, *bhu̯ī-t), wherefore secondary 1. Sg. bi-mь with primary ending.

References: WP. II 140 f., WH. I 375 f., 504 f., 557 f., 865, 867, EM. 812 f., 1004 f., Trautmann 40 f., Feist 83 f.

Specht will place (KZ. 59, 58 f.) under citation of gr. φάFος `light, salvation' = Old Indic bhava- ` blessing; benediction, boon, salvation', φαε-σί-μβροτος etc unsere root as *bhau̯ǝ-, not as *bheu̯ǝ-. see also above S. 91. 

Page(s): 146-150

Root / lemma: bhēgh- : bhōgh-

Meaning: to resist

Material: Gall. bāgaudae ` insurgent guerilla ' (suffix as in alauda, bascauda), Old Irish bāgaid `fights, brags, threatens ', bāg f. `fight, struggle', Middle Welsh bwyo (*bāgi̯-) `hit', 

kymwy (: Middle Irish combāg ds.) `fight', -boawc = Middle Irish bāgach ` warlike '; whether Welsh bai `fault, error', beio `rebuke' in addition belongs, it must contain Indo Germanic *bhǝgh-; 

Old High German bāgan, (bāgēn?) `squabble, quarrel', Old Icelandic bāga, bǣgja ` oppose, resist', Old High German bāga `quarrel, fight', Old Saxon bāg m. ` vainglory, boastfulness ', Middle High German bāc, -ges m. ` loud yelling, quarrel ', Old Icelandic bāge, bāgi ` adversary ', bāgr `difficult, hard, sullen, obstructive'; it is presumed whether Germanic family is not borrowed from Celtic, vowel gradation Germanic ē : Celtic ā (Indo Germanic ō);

Latvian buôztiês ` be angry ' (*bhōgh-), Endzelin KZ. 52, 118; 

Russian bazel ` bawler, crier ', bazgala `malicious' (Scheftelowitz KZ. 54, 242); 

perhaps Tocharian В pakwāre `evil, bad' (Adverb), A pkänt ` hindrance ' (*bhǝgh-), Van Windekens Lexique 85, 96.

References: WP. II 130.

Page(s): 115

Root / lemma: bhē̆2, bhō̆  (*bhe, bho)

Meaning: a kind of particle

Material: Avestan bā, bāt̃, bē, bōit̃ (the latter, as Lithuanian beĩ, probably with strengthening particle *id) particles of the protestation and emphasis, bāδa ` yea, in truth ' (`if Old Indic baḍham?' Bartholomae Wb. 953);


Common Indic alb. -ĝh > -ḍh = Avestan -ĝh > -z shift

Maybe emphasizing particle alb. bah `absolutely not' [alb. preserved the old laryngeal -ḫ]

Armenian ba, bay emphasizing particle;

Gothic ba conditional particle (here i-ba, i-bai ` if, because?' Konj. ` that not ', ni-ba, ni-bai ` possibly not yet?', Konj. `if not', ja-bai `if', Old High German ibu, oba, Middle High German ob(e) `if, whether' etc, s. Kluge11 422);

Lithuanian bà `yes, of course; certainly; sure ', ben ` at least, not only but also ', East Lithuanian bè (= Old Prussian bhe), beĩ (see above) `and', bè, bà, bès, baũ interrogative particle, Old Prussian beggi `for'; Old Church Slavic (etc) bo `for', i-bo `καὶ γάρ', u-bo `also', ne-bo-nъ `for indeed '; changing through vowel gradation Ukrainian ba `yes, of course; certainly; sure ', Czech poln. ba ` trusted, yea, in truth'.

Maybe alb. po `if, whether, yes' : poln. ba ` yea, in truth'.

References: WP. II 136, Trautmann 22 f.

Page(s): 113

Root / lemma: bhē- : bhō-

Meaning: to warm, fry, *bath


From Root / lemma: bhē- : bhō- : `to warm, fry, *bath' : Root / lemma: bhoso-s : `naked' derived from Ossetic: bægnæg [adj] `naked' of Root / lemma: nogʷ-, nogʷod(h)o-, nogʷ-no- : naked' common Indo Iranian m-/n- > bh : gr.-Illyrian βαγαρόν χλιαρόν.

Material: Old High German bāen, bājan, Modern High German bähen (*bhēi̯ō) ` warm with covers, bake bread ', in addition with Indo Germanic-to-suffix Old Icelandic bað ` steam bath ', Old Saxon bath, Old English bæÞ, Old High German bad `spa, bath'; in addition also Norwegian dial. bara ` clean with warm water ', Swedish bara `warm up '.


The cognates Old Icelandic bað ` steam bath ', Old Saxon bath, Old English bæÞ, Old High German bad `spa, bath' are created according to alb. phonetic laws -g > -th, -d; maybe euphemistic alb. mbath `get dressed, wear', zbath `get naked, get undressed (to have a bath?)'

Root / lemma: bhē- : bhō- : `to warm, fry, *bath' : Root / lemma: bhoso-s : `naked' as in: Old High German bar `naked, bare' (*baza-), Modern High German bar, Old English bær, Old Icelandic berr `naked, bare'; Lithuanian bãsas, Latvian bass, Old Church Slavic bosъ ` barefoot '; Armenian bok ` barefoot ' (*bhoso-go-). 

thereof with g-extension bhōg- 

in gr. φώγω `roast, fry', Old English bacan, bōc, Old High German bahhan, Old Icelandic baka, -aða ds., Middle High German sich becheln ` bask, get warm, lounge in the sun '; besides with intensive consonant-sharpening Old High German backan, Modern High German backen;

gr.-Illyrian βαγαρόν χλιαρόν; Λάκωνες Hes. (v. Blumental IF. 49, 175);

In addition perhaps (as ` burning desire, ardent wish ') Russian bažítь, bažátь ` wish, want, whereupon starve ', Czech bažiti, perf. zabahnouti ` ask for something '. 

References: WP. II 187.

Page(s): 113

Root / lemma: bhidh-

Meaning: vessel, cauldron


From an early root *bhegh- [common Illyrian -gh- > -dh-] derived Root / lemma: bhedh-2 : `to bow, bend', Root / lemma: bhadh-sko- : `bundle, heap' and in -i grade Root / lemma: bhidh- : vessel, cauldron (see above).

Material: gr. πίθος n. `barrel, vat, cask, wine cask ', πιθάκνη, Attic φιδάκνη ds., Latin fidēlia (*fides-liā) ` earthenware vessel, pot, pan'; presumably Old Icelandic biða f. `milk tub ', Norwegian bide n. `butter tub' (*bidjan-), bidne n. `vessel'.

There from Latin fiscus ` a basket; hence a money-bag, purse; the state treasury; under the empire, the emperor's privy purse ', fiscina ` a small basket ' (from *bhidh-sko-) may be reconstructed for its family a basic meaning ` twisted vessel ', it belongs probably to a root bheidh-  `bind, flax, wattle, braid'.

References: WP. II 185, WH. I 492 f., 506.

Page(s): 153

Root / lemma: bhili-, bhilo-

Meaning: harmonious, friendly

Material: Middle Irish bil (*bhi-li-) `good', gall. Bili- in PN Bili-catus, Bilicius etc, Old High German bila- `kind, gracious', newer bili-, bil- in 1. part of people's name; Old English bile-wit `simple, just, innocent' = Middle High German bilewiz, bilwiz `fairy demon, ghost' (actually `good ghost'); Old High German bil-līch `proper'; abstract noun *biliÞō in Old Saxon unbilithunga ` unconventionality ', Middle High German unbilde, unbilede n. ` wrong; injustice, the incomprehensible ', Modern High German Unbilde, to adjective Middle High German unbil ` unjust; unfair ', substantivized Swiss Unbill. About Modern High German Bild see below bhei(ǝ)- `hit', wherefore R. Loewe (KZ. 51, 187 ff.) will place also Unbilde . 

Gr. φίλος ` dear, friend ' etc places Kretschmer (IF. 45, 267 f.) as pre Greek to Lydian bilis `be'; against it Loewe aaO., which explains the stress of the first syllable from the vocative. 

References: WP. II 185, Kluge11 under Bild, billig, Unbill, Weichbild.

Page(s): 153-154

Root / lemma: bhlagh-men-

Meaning: priest


Root / lemma: bhlagh-men- : `priest' derived from the extended Root / lemma: bhlaĝ- : `to hit', meaning Aryan priests assumed they would gain the grace of gods through immolation.

Material: Old Irish brahmán- m. `magic priest', bráhman- n. `spell, charm, devotion '; Messapic βλαμινι `priest'; Latin flāmen, -inis m. `the priest of some particular god, sacrificial priest' (not the old *-ēn).

Because of the numerous congruities in the religious terminology between the Italic and Indic this is equation of the preferred explanation of flāmen from *bhlād-(s)men, angebl. ` sacrifice, immolation ' (to Gothic blōtan ` worship ', Old Norse blōta, Old English blōtan, Old High German bluozan `sacrifice', Old Norse blōt n. `sacrifice, oblation' [-es-stem, compare Finnish luote ` chant, incantation ' from proto Germanic *blōtes], Old High German bluostar n. ds., etc). compare also Dumézil REtIE. 1, 377, still compares Armenian baɫjal ` strive after '.

Maybe alb. lut `chant, pray' : Finnish luote ` chant, incantation '

References: WP. II 209, WH. I 512 f., 865 f., Feist 100 f., 580 a.

Page(s): 154

Root / lemma: bhlaĝ-

Meaning: to hit

Material: Latin flagrum `whip, scourge', flagellum ds. `a whip, scourge; the thong of a javelin; a young sprout, vine-shoot; plur. the arms of a polypus; fig. `the sting of conscience', with lengthened grade probably flāgitō, -āre ` to entreat, ask, demand earnestly; to demand to know; to summon before a court of justice ' (originally probably with blows and threats), flāgitium ` a disgraceful action, shameful crime; shame, disgrace; meton., scoundrel, rascal ' (originally ` public castigation and suppression '; conflages ` places exposed to all the winds, place blown by the winds'  Paul Fest. 35 a appears a spoil for conflūgēs);

Maybe alb. flak `hurl'

Old Icelandic and New Norwegian dial. blaka, blakra ` strike back and forth, fan, flutter, flap ', Old Icelandic blak `blow, knock', Old Icelandic blekkja (*blakjan) `hit' (Norwegian `flicker'), Swedish Dialectal bläkkta (*blakatjan), Middle Dutch blaken `fan, flutter, shiver' (in Germanic phonetic coincidence with the family of Old Icelandic blakra `blink, glitter, flash' etc, see below *bheleg- `shine'; so is e.g. Norwegian blakra `fan' as well as `shine').

Lithuanian blaškaũ and bloškiù (-šk- from -ĝ-sq-) ` fling sidelong, travel here and there, run around here and there '.

References: WP. II 209, WH. I 511 f.

Page(s): 154

Root / lemma: bhlegʷ-

Meaning: to swell

Note: extension v. `inflate, bloat' 

Material: Gr. φλέψ, -βός f. `vein', φ╓εβάζοντες βρύοντες Phot.; Old High German bolca, bulchunna (*bh l̥gʷ-) ` a round swelling; in water, a bubble '.

References: WP. II 215, WH. I 519 f.

Page(s): 155

Root / lemma: bhlei-2

Meaning: to swell

Note: extension from bhel- ds. 

Material: Norwegian dial. bleime, Old Swedish blēma ` bleb on the skin ' (compare Norwegian bläema ds. under bhel-, bh(e)lē-); Danish blegn(e) `vesicle' (*blajjinōn), Old English blegen f., English blain, Middle Low German bleine, Old Danish blen(e), Old Swedish blena `vesicle' (*blajinōn). 

That gr. φλῑά: ` door pillar, door post ' actually `(* tumid =) thick balk, beam' is required only of foreign confirmation (Prellwitz2 and Boisacq s. v.; basic form *bhlī-u̯ā or -sā); τὰ φλιμέλια `haematoma, effusion of blood' is corrupted from Latin flēmina `a bloody swelling or congestion of blood about the ankles'.

bhleis-: Old Icelandic blīstra `blow, whistle'? (compare Gothic -blēsan under bhel-, bh(e)l-ē-; new variation with i to the imitation of the bright tone?); perhaps Serbian blîhām, blíhati `flood; spit; have diarrhea'; blîhnēm, blíhnuti `splash, spray', Bulgarian blièъ́, blíknъ, blíkvam ` pours out of me, flows out ' (if not as proto Slavic *blychajǫ to u-variant from gr. φλύω etc).

bhleid- (presumably d-present *bhli-d-ō).

Gr. φλιδάω ` overflow of humidity, thereof swell up ', ἔφλιδεν διέρρεεν Hes., διαπέφλοιδεν διακέχυται Hes., πεφλοιδέναι φλυκτανοῦσθαι Hes., φλοιδάω, -έω, -ιάω `ferment, seethe, boom, blaster', ἀφλοισμός `scum, froth, foam, slobber' (α- = n̥ `ἐν'); presumably also φλοῖσβος ` surging of the sea, the tumult of fighting', πολύφλοισβος θάλασσα (*φλοιδσβος, forms after onomatopoeic words as κόναβος, ἄραβος?); common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-

perhaps here Middle Irish blāed ` bellowing, braying, roar ' (out of it Welsh bloedd ds.); 

English bloat `to bloat, bulge, swell' (*blaitōn = φλοιδάω); 

Latvian blîstu, blîdu, blîzt and bliêžu, -du, -st ` grow fat, put on weight '. 

References: WP. II 210 f.

Page(s): 156

Root / lemma: bhleiq- (*bhleik-)

Meaning: to shine

Note: extension from bhlē̆i- (:bhel-) ds., as bhlē̆iĝ-. 

Material: Old English bǣlge (*blaigi̯ōn-) ` gudgeon (type of freshwater fish) '; mnl. Middle Low German blei(g) and bleger, Modern High German Bleihe, Blei `fish names '; besides Middle High German blicke ` carp ', Modern High German Blicke (Norwegian dial. blekka, Modern High German Blecke `dace (*white fish)' from the e-root bhleg-?); in other meaning change (`shine : glance, look') Old Icelandic blīgr ` looking staringly and rigidly ', blīgja `stare'.

In addition Russian blëknutь `bleach, fade, wither, wilt', blëklyj `sallow, paled, faint, languid, wilted; faded, flaccid, withered ', blëkotъ ` fool's parsley, Aethusa cynapium ', poln. blaknąć ` fade, expire '. 

References: WP. II 211.

Page(s): 157

Root / lemma: bhlendh- (*bhlendh-i-)

Meaning: pale, reddish

Note: It belongs probably to bhel-1. 

Material: Old Indic bradhná-ḥ (*bhl̥ndh-no-) `reddish, dun'; 


Sanskrit: bradhná-

First attestation: RV+

Part of speech: [adj]

Meaning: `pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay', [m] `(bay) horse, N of a horse, sun-horse, sun' (RV, AV)

Link to RV concordance: bradhná-

Proto-Indo-Iranian: bhradhna-

Other forms in Indo-Aryan: śatá-bradhna- [adj] `with hundred (shining) metal pikes (?)' (RV 08.077.07)

Page in EWAia: 2.235

IE form: bhrodh-no- {1}

Certainty: +

Page in Pokorny: 157 - 158

Cognates in other languages: RussCS bronъ [adj] `λευκός, ψαρός (of horses)'

Notes: {1} [AL] Connection with Lith. blandùs [adj] `dark' (< *bhlondh-no-) seems less probable because Skt. and Slav. adjectives both refer to a horse color.

Albanian bardha `white' = Sanskrit: bradhná- First attestation: RV+ Part of speech: [adj]: `pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay', [m] `(bay) horse, N of a horse, sun-horse, sun' (RV, AV)

Germanic *blundaz (*bhl̥ndh-o) in Middle Latin blundus, Italian biondo, French blond, from which Middle High German blunt, Modern High German blond; 

Gothic blinds `blind', Old Icelandic blindr `blind, undistinguishable ', Old Saxon Old English blind, Old High German blint `blind', also `dark, cloudy, dull, not obvious'; Gothic blandan sik ` mingle, diffuse, intermingle ', Old Icelandic blanda `mix' (blendingr ` mixture '), Old Saxon Old English blandan, Old High German blantan, Middle High German blanden `mix, tarnish ' (Modern High German Blendling ` hybrid, mongrel, half breed '); to Germanic a compare the iterative-causative: Old High German blendan (*blandjan) `darken, blind', Old English blendan `blind' (: blandýtis, Old Church Slavic (*bhlond-iH-tei) bląditi); Old Icelandic blunda `close the eyes', blundr ` slumber ', Middle English blundren `stir, bewilder', Modern English blunder ` be grossly mistaken, wander '; 

Lithuanian blendžiù, blę̃sti `sleep; stir flour into soup, talk nonsense, become cloudy ', Latvian blendu, blenst ` have poor eye-sight, be short-sighted '; Lithuanian blandaũ̃s, -ýtis ` low the eyes down, be ashamed ', Latvian bluôdîties `ds.; roam, be ashamed ', 

Maybe alb. Geg (*flenj) flê, Tosc fle `die, sleep'; [rare alb. ph- > f-, found in gr. and Latin]

Lithuanian blañdas `sleepiness, turbid weather, cloudiness ', blandùs ` dim, cloudy, thick (soup), murky; dark'; Lithuanian blį́sta, blíndo, blísti ` dim, dusky, cloudy, become dark; become cloudy, from water', 

prýblindė (and prieblandà) `dusk, twilight'; here also bliñdė, blendìs, blùndė ` sallow ';

Maybe alb. Geg blî, blini, Tosc bliri `linden tree' n/r stem.

Old Church Slavic (*bhlend-o-) blędǫ, blęsti `err; wander; πορνεύειν', blędь `gossip, prank', slov. blé-dem, blésti `maunder, drivel, fantasize', Old Czech blésti (2. Sg. bledeš) `maunder, drivel '; Old Church Slavic blǫdъ ` debauchery, depravity, adultery', poln. bɫąd ` mistake, delusion ', Old Church Slavic blǫždǫ, blǫditi ` err, indulge in debauchery ', Serbo-Croatian blúdīm, blúditi `err, wander, cheat, deceive, spoil, caress ' etc.

Maybe alb. Geg blê, Tosc blenj `(*cheat), barter, buy' similar shift of the meaning in gr. ἤπαφον ` cheat, barter, exchange '.

References: WP. II 216, 218, Trautmann 34 f., Endzelin KZ. 52, 112, Specht Dekl. 58, 117.

Page(s): 157-158

Root / lemma: bhles-

Meaning: to shine

Note: : up to now only in the Germanic provable extension from bhel- `shine' 

Material: Middle High German blas `naked, bald, bleak, pallid' (Modern High German blaß) n. `torch, burning candle', Old English blæse `torch, fire', English blaze `blaze, glow; white forehead spot ',

Old High German blas-ros `horse with with a bright spot' (with a bright spot on the forehead), Middle Low German bles, blesse (*blasjō) `paleness', Old Icelandic *bles- in blesōttr ` marked with a white spot ' and in compound on -blesi. 

References: WP. II 217.

Page(s): 158

Root / lemma: bhleu-(k)-, (-s-)

Meaning: to burn

Note: extension from bhel-  `shine'.

Material: *bhleu-s- in gr. περι-πεφλευσμένος πυρί ` blazed by the fire ', ἐπέφλευσε, περιφλύ̄ω ` sear all around '; Old Icelandic blys n. `flame', Old English blȳsa m. `flame, torch', Middle Low German blūs `torch', Old English blyscon `blush', English blush. 

*bhleu-k- in Middle High German bliehen ` burning luminously ', Old High German bluhhen. 

The West Slavic forms as Czech blýštěti `shimmer', blýskati `shine' (besides Old Church Slavic blъštati etc, see below *bhleiĝ-) are against it probably reshuffling after *lyskati, poln. ɫyskać `flash, shine' etc - meaning not direct accordingly, respectively only from a primordial meaning `shine' to justify, Trautmann GGA. 1911, 245 compares with Middle High German bliehen: Lithuanian blunkù, blù̀kti ` become pale, lose one's  color '. 

References: WP. II 214.

Page(s): 159-160

Root / lemma: bhleus-

Meaning: weak, mild

Note: Perhaps to bheleu-. 

Material: Swedish Dialectal bloslin `weak', norweg. blyr `mild, lukewarm', bløyra `weakling, wimp ', Modern High German schwäb. blūsche(n) `slow, idle': Lithuanian apsi-blausti `despond, despair, become sad '. 

References: WP. II 214.

Page(s): 160

Root / lemma: bhleu-

Meaning: to blow; to swell, flow

Note: extension from bhel- `(inflate, bloat), swell up' 

Material: Gr. φλέ(F)ω ` to be full of, to abound with, to be bursting with, to be bristling, be brimful ', Φλεύς (*Φληυς, lengthened grade), ephes. Φλέως (*ΦληFος) epithet of Dionysos as a vegetation God; presumably from the lushness of growth also Attic φλέως, jon. φλοῦς ` reed plant '; 

φλοίω (*φλοFι̯ω) `swell, to be full of, to abound with, to be bursting with, to be bristling, be in bloom, blossom', ὑπέρφλοιος ` growing excessively ' or ` exceedingly succulent ', Φλοῖος, Φλοία `epithet of Dionysos and the Kore as vegetation divinities ' probably also φλοιός, φλόος `bark, husk'; 

changing through vowel gradation φλύω ` surge up, bubble, chat; be fruitful ', ἀποφλύειν ἀπερεύγεσθαι Hes. φλύος m. `gossip', φλύᾱξ `gossip, prank; buffoon ';

Lithuanian bliáuju, blióviau, bliáuti `roar, bellow, bleat', bliū́vauti `roar, bellow', Latvian bl'aûnu, bl'aût ds.; Old Church Slavic (*bhleuH-tei) bl'ujǫ, bl'ьvati `spit, vomit' (based on old preterite stem, compare Lithuanian bliùvo from Indo Germanic *bhluu̯ā-); in addition perhaps also Old Prussian bleusky `reed' (would be correct in the meaning to gr. φλέως!). 

With a s-extension Low German blüstern `violent blow, storm, pant, sniff, snort', English bluster `boom, blaster, rant, roister' and Serbo-Croatian bljuzgati ` stream noisily, chat silly stuff '; also Serbo-Croatian blíhati etc? (see below bhlei-s-).

With dental formant: Middle High German blōdern `chat, prate'? (rather new onomatopoeic word; compare Kluge11 under plaudern); rather Swiss bloder `big bubble etc', blodern `effervesce, surge, boil', Modern High German Pluderhosen; perhaps Serbo-Croatian blútiti ` speak absurd, speak inappropriate ', Berneker 62; about Old High German blāt(t)ara `bubble' (*blē-drō-) s. S. 121;

with -d- (originally present forming?): φλυδάω ` flows about, dissolves, become soft', φλυδαρός ` muddy, sludgy, slushy, squashy, squishy, slobbery, sloppily', ἐκφλυνδάνειν ` break open, from ulcers '. 

g-extension bhleugʷ- (compare the root form bhlegʷ-):

gr. οἰνό-φλυξ ` wine-drunken '; φλύζω ` to bubble up, boil up, surge up, overflow, also with words'; φλυκτίς, φλύκταινα `bubble'; but πομ-φόλυξ `blister, shield hump ' stays away; 

Latin fluō, -ere, flūxi, flūctum, newer flūxum `to flow; of a solid object, to flow, drip with any liquid, stream, pour; of abstr. things, to proceed, issue, spread; of circumstances, to tend; of language, to flow; to sink, droop', flūctus, -ūs `current, wave, a streaming, flowing. Transf., commotion, disturbance', flūmen (*fleugsmen) ` flowing water; hence a river, stream', conflūgēs Old Latin `confluence of two stretches of water', fluvius `river' (from present fluō from), flustra Nom. PL ` calm (at sea) ' (*flugstrom); if here (with nasalization) Welsh blyngu ` become angry ', blwng `angry, irate', Breton blouhi `rebuke'? 

References: WP. II 213 f., WH. I 519 f., Trautmann 35; different EM. 372.

Page(s): 158-159

Root / lemma: bhlē̆d-, bhl̥d-

Meaning: to boil; to chatter, boast

Material: Gr. φλέδων ` babbler ', φλεδών `gossip'; φληδῶντα ληροῦντα Hes.; παφλάζω `bubble, seethe, foam'; moreover also Aor. φλαδεῖν (intransitive) `tear'; compare to meaning Latin fragor `a breaking; a noise of breaking, crack, crash';

with varying lengthened grade bhlōd- Old Irish indlāidi `brags, boasts ', indlādud ` boasting ' (*ind-blād- ` puff oneself up or make inflated words ') and Latvian blādu, blāzt `chat';

zero grade Old High German uz-ar-pulzit ` boil, bubble out ';

Modern High German platzen, plätschern are probably certainly of new onomatopoeic word formation.

References: WP. II 210, 216, WH. I 515, 518.

See also: to bhel-3.

Page(s): 155

Root / lemma: bhlē̆iĝ-, bhlīĝ- (*bhleiĝ-)

Meaning: to shine

Note: extension from bhlē̆i- ds., as bhleiq-

Material: Old English blīcan `shine', as, blīkan `shine', Old High German blīhhan stem -verb ` become pallid ', Middle High Germann blīchen stem -verb `shine, blush', Old Icelandic blīkja, bleik `appear, gleam, shine'; 

Old Icelandic bleikr, Old English blāc, Old High German bleih `pallid, pale, wan'; Old High German bleihha ` dace, roach ', Norwegian bleikja and blika ds.; Old Icelandic blik n. `bright lustre, shine; gold, gold plating ', Old High German bleh `(*shiny) thin metal panel ', Modern High German Blech, Middle Low German blick ds.; Old English blike m. (*bliki-) `bare place '; Old High German blic, -eches ` quick highlight, flash, lightning', Middle High German blic, -ekes `lustre, shine, look, lightning', Modern High German Blick, Old High German blecchazzen (*blekatjan), Middle High German bliczen, Modern High German blitzen; Old Saxon bliksmo `lightning', Old Swedish blixa `blink', New Swedish also `flash'.

Lithuanian blizgù, -ė́ti `flicker, shine', blyḓškiu, blyškė́ti `sparkle, glitter, shimmer, shine', blykštù, blyškaũ, blỹkšti `blanch, pale', vowel gradation blaikštaûs, -ýtis `clear up, of the sky'; Latvian blaiskums `spot, mark', meln-blaiskaińš `dark grey'. 

Russian-Church Slavic (*bhloiĝ-sko-) blěskъ `lustre, shine' (*bhloiĝ-sko-); changing through vowel gradation Old Church Slavic bliskъ `lustre, shine' and *blьskъ in Czech blesk, Gen. old blsku `lightning', Old Church Slavic (*bhleiĝ-sk-eh2-tei) blьštǫ, blьštati `shine', Iterative bliscajǫ, bliscati sę.

References: WP. II 21 If., EM. 398, Trautmann 34, Meillet Slave commun2 133, Specht Dekl. 144.

Page(s): 156-157

Root / lemma: bhlē̆i-1 : bhlǝi- : bhlī-

Meaning: to shine

Note: extension from bhel- ds. 

Material: Germanic *blīÞia- (*bhlei-tio- or rather *bhlī-tio-) `light, cheerful, fair (of sky, heaven, then of the looks, appearance, the mood:) cheerful ' in Gothic bleiÞs ` merciful, mild', 

Old Icelandic blīðr `mild (of weather), friendly, pleasant', Old English blīÞe `cheerful, friendly', Old High German blīdi `cheerful, blithe, glad, friendly', Old Saxon blīthōn, Old High German blīden ` be glad '. 

Old Saxon blī n. `paint, color', Adj. ` coloured ', Old Frisian blī(e)n `paint, color', bli `beautiful', Old English blēo n. `paint, color, apparition, form' (probably *blīja-). 

On account of Germanic *blīwa `lead' (Old High German blīo, -wes, Old Saxon blī, Old Icelandic blȳ) with Lithuanian blývas `purple, mauve, violet-blue ' corresponding color adj. with formants -u̯o- of our root (to accept Modern High German blau congruent, indeed unoccupied Celtic *blīu̯o- from *bhlē-u̯o- as wellspring, was conceivable), would be debatable, but the most likely.

Here (after Specht Dekl. 117) Russian bli-zná ` thread break, flaw in fabric ', Czech poln. bli-zna `scar'; because of the parallel forms under bhlēu-1 barely with WH. I 517 to bhlīĝ-.

Lithuanian blývas `purple, mauve, violet-blue '; perhaps Lithuanian blaĩvas `sober' (if not as *blaid-vas to related *bhlǝido-s), blaivaũs, -ýtis ` clear up, become sober '; perhaps Latvian blīnêt ` lurk, a furtive (glance), blink'.

Tocharian A. plyaskeṃ `meditation'?? (Van Windekens Lexique 97). 

References: WP. II 210.

See also: see also under bhlēu-1 and bhlǝido-s.

Page(s): 155-156

Root / lemma: bhlēu-1 : bhlǝu- : bhlū- (*bhlēu-1)

Meaning: to shine

Note: derivatives to bhel-1. 

Material: Russian blju-šè `ivy' (Specht Dekl. 117); poln. bɫysk (*bhlū-sk-) `lightning'; Sorbian bl'u-zná `scar', Belorussian blu-zná ` weaving flaw '; Latvian blau-zgas, blau-znas, Lithuanian blù-zganos ` dandruff ', Latvian blū-zga ` peeling skin ', blu-zga ` small particles, drill dust ' etc 

Maybe alb. bluanj ` grind, mill '

Proto-Slavic form: blizna; blizno

See also: blizъ(jь); blizъkъ(jь); blizъ; blizь

Page in Trubačev: II 118-120

Russian: blízna (dial.) `missing thread in fabric, flaw in home-spun material' [f ā]; blizná `knot in linen resulting from an incorrect arrangement of the warp' [f ā]; bliznó `flaw in fabric, absence of one or two threads' [n o]; bljuzná `flaw in fabric' {1}

Old Russian: blizna `scar' [f ā]

Belorussian: bljuzná `flaw in fabric' [f ā]

Ukrainian: blýzna `wound, scar' [f ā]; blyzná `defect in linen' [f ā]

Czech: blizna `stigma (bot.)' [f ā]

Polish: blizna `scar, gash, seam, cicatrice, trace left by a fallen leaf' [f ā]

Old Polish: bluzna `cicatrice, stigma, stamp' [f ā] {1}

Kashubian: blïzna `cicatrice' [f ā]

Upper Sorbian: bɫuzna `scar, birth-mark' [f ā] {1}

Lower Sorbian: bluzna `scar, bruise' [f ā] {1}

Bulgarian: blizná `place in fabric where a thread is torn or missing' [f ā]

Serbo-Croatian: blì ̀zna `two threads put into a reed (instead of one); ruptured thread in weft or warp' [f ā], blīznī [Nomp]; blīzna `scar' [f ā]; blì ̀zno `gap' [n o]

Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: bliʔź-n-

Lithuanian: blyžė̃ `rip in fabric' [f ē] 4

Latvian: blîznis2 `pile of broken trees in a forest' [f ē]

Indo-European reconstruction: bhliǵ-n-

IE meaning: scar

Page in Pokorny: 160

Bibliography: Sɫawski SP I: 264-265

Notes: {1} The forms that seemingly reflect *bl'uzna must be secondary.


References: Specht Dekl. 117.

See also: compare the parallel formation under bhlēi-1.

Page(s): 159

Root / lemma: bhlēu-2 : bhlǝu- : bhlū-

Meaning: bad

Note: bh(e)lēu- is apparent, manifest, obvious parallel formation to bheleu- `hit'. 

Material: Gr. φλαῦρος, φαῦλος (both dissimilation from *φλαῦλος) `slight, evil, bad'; 

Gothic blauÞian `abolish' (actually `make weak'), Old Icelandic blauðr `timorous', Old English blēað ` daft, shy', with i̯o-suffix Old Saxon blōdi ` shamefaced ', Old High German blōdi, Middle High German blæde `frail, breakable, shy, timid', Modern High German blöde; 

besides Indo Germanic *bhlǝu-to- stands a d- extension in Old Icelandic blautr ` mushy, softish, delicate, mollycoddle, timorous', Old English blēat `arm, woeful, wretched, miserable ', mndd. blōt, Middle High German blōz `bare', Modern High German bloß (Old High German bloß with strange meaning `stout, proud'); 

lengthened grade bhlēu- in Old English un-blēoh `fearless' (suffix -ko-), with grammatical variation; Old Icelandic bljūgr `timid', blygð `the genitals' (*ƀleugiÞō), changing through vowel gradation Old High German blūgo Adv., Middle High German blūc, bliuc `shy', Old High German blūgisōn, blūchisōn `doubt', Old English blycgan (*blugjan) `frighten' (transitive); compare Lithuanian blúkštu, -šti ` become limp '.

References: WP. II 208 f., Hirt Indo Germanic Gr. II 150, Feist 99, Specht Dekl. 133.

Page(s): 159

Root / lemma: bhlē-u̯o-s

Meaning: a kind of colour (blue, gold)

Note: also bhl̥̄-u̯o-s, bhlē-ro-s, bhlō-ro-s, derivatives from the root bhel-1, bhelǝ- 

Material: Latin flāvus ` golden brown, red-yellow, blond ', Oscan Flaviies G. Sg. `of or belonging to the college of priests for the Flavian family' (from Indo Germanic *bhl̥̄-), besides fulvus ` red-yellow, brown-yellow ' from *bhl̥-u̯o-s; flōrus ` yellow ', also PN, from *bhlōros = gall. *blāros (Wartburg), Middle Irish blār ` forehead with white spot, spot, field ', Welsh blawr `gray', besides *bhlē-ro- in Middle Low German blāre `paleness, blessige, white spotted cow'.

Maybe alb. bl̃erónj ` blossom, be green' (see below Root / lemma: bhlǝido-s : `pale')

Old High German blāo, Modern High German blau (Middle High German blā also `gold, yellow'), Old English *blāw or *blǣw, Old Icelandic blār `blue' from *bhlē-u̯o-s; s. also S. 155; 

Old Irish blā `yellowish?' is late Old English loanword? About Germanic *blīwa- `lead' see below bhlei-1. 

Lithuanian blãvas, Latvian blãvs ` bluish, gold, yellow' are Germanic loanword 

References: WP. II 212, WH. I 513 f., different EM 367.

Page(s): 160

Root / lemma: bhlē- (*bhleh1-)

Meaning: to howl, weep

Material: Latin fleō, flēre (*bhlēi̯ō) ` to weep; to drip, trickle; transit., to weep for, lament, bewail; flendus, to be lamented '; 

Latvian blêju, blêt `bleat'; 

Russian-Church Slavic blěju, blějati `bleat' (besides Serbo-Croatian bléjīm, bléjati `bleat' etc, with ĕ); Middle High Germanblǣjen `bleat' (Germanic *blējan = Latin fleō); Old High German blāzan, nnd. blässen, Old English blǣtan, English to bleat `bleat', Old English blagettan, blǣgettan `cry', ndd. blage n. `kid, child'; Middle High German blēren, blerren `bleat, cry';

Maybe alb. blegërij 'bleat' : Old English blagettan, blǣgettan `cry'.

Modern High German plärren, plären (also `weep, cry'), Dutch blaren `bleat', English to blare `roar, bellow'; changing through vowel gradation Middle High German blürjen, blüelen (*blōljan), dissimilation brüelen `roar, bellow'; zero grade Middle High German bral `shriek', schwäb. brallǝ `cry'.

References: WP. II 120, WH. I 516.

See also: compare bhel-6 and the onomatopoeic words blē-.

Page(s): 154-155

Root / lemma: bhlǝido-s (*bhleid-(u̯)o-)

Meaning: pale

Note: to bhlēi-  `shine', from extension root form *bhlēi-d- 

Material: Old Church Slavic blědъ `pallid, pale, wan' = Old English blāt `pallid, livid'; Old High German bleizza `paleness'. Perhaps Lithuanian blaĩvas `sober' (if from *blaid-vas; or from the an extension root bhlei-, s. d.), blaivaũs, -ýtis ` become sober; clear up, from the sky '. Alb. bl̃erónj ` blossom, be green' from adj. *bl̃erë  from *bled-rë (e = Indo Germanic ai or oi), bl̃éhurë `pale, wan, pallid'.


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Alb. blehurë : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

In addition probably the Illyrian PN Blaedarus.

Maybe Lithuanian blindė ` goat-willow, sallow ' : Alb. (*blind) blini ` sturgeon, lime-tree, lime, linden '.


Root / lemma: bhlǝido-s : `pale' : Root / lemma: bhlē-u̯o-s : `a kind of colour (blue, gold)'.

References: WP. II 217, Trautmann 34, Specht Dekl. 197.

Page(s): 160

Root / lemma: bhlīĝ- (:*bhlēig-) (*bhlēiĝ-o-)

Meaning: to hit

Note: also bhlīĝu̯- (gr. Celtic), to indicate from u̯o- present *bhlīĝ-u̯ō. 

Material: Aeolic Ionian φλί̄βω `push, press, squeeze' (about θλί̄βω see below dhlas- `contuse, squeeze '); Welsh blif m. `catapult, pallista', blifaidd `quick, fast'; 

Latin flīgō, -ere `hit, beat or dash down' (*bhlīĝō, or at most with through flīxi, flīctum assesses u̯- loss from *fligu̯ō);

Maybe alb. (*bhlēīĝ-) mbledh ` squeeze, collect ' [common alb. -ĝ > -dh].

Latvian blaîzît `squeeze, clash, hit', bliêzt `hit'; Old Church Slavic blizь, blizъ Adv. ` nigh, near ' (actually ` adjacent '). Although puzzling at first, the semantic transition from `to beat' to `near' appears to have a few convincing parallels, e.g. Fr. près `near' : Latin pressus `squeezed' (Trubaèëv II: 122, with references).

References: WP II 217, WH. I 517, EM. 369.

See also: about Russian blizná see below bhlē̆i-1.

Page(s): 160-161

Root / lemma: bhlos-q-; -g-

Meaning: expr.

Material: Irish blosc, Gen. bloisc `din, fuss, noise' (bhlosko-); compare also brosc ds. under *bhres-; 

Lithuanian blą́zgu, -ė́ti intransitive `clatter', blą́zginti `clatter, rattle, clash'. 

References: WP. II 218.

Page(s): 161

Root / lemma: bhlō̆k-

Meaning: wool, cloth?

Material: Latin floccus ` a flock of wool ' (*flōcos) to Old High German blaha f. ` coarse bed linen (esp. to covers or substratums)', Modern High German Blahe, Blache, Old Danish blaa ` oakum ', now blaar (actually Pl.), Swedish blånor, blår ds., Old Swedish blan, bla ds. (Germanic *blahwō-), Old Norse blæja (*blahjōn-) ` linen, sheet'.

Page(s): 161

Root / lemma: bhog- (*bhog-no-)

Meaning: running water

Material: Middle Irish búal f. `running water' (*bhoglā), búar m. `diarrhoea' (*bhogro-); proto Germanic *baki-, Old High German bah, Modern High German Bach, besides *bakja- in Old Icelandic bekkr, Old English becc m. ds. 

With regard to Old Indic bhaŋgá-ḥ, Lithuanian bangà `billow' could be related to the root bheg- ` shatter, break, rupture'. 

References: WP. II 149 f., 187.

Page(s): 161

Root / lemma: bhok-

Meaning: to burn?

Material: Latin focus ` a fireplace, hearth; meton., house, family, home; sometimes altar-fire or funeral pyre '; presumably to Armenian bosor `red' (`*fiery'), boc̣ `flame' (*bhok̂-s-o-).

References: WP. II 186, WH. I 521.

Page(s): 162

Root / lemma: bholo-

Meaning: smoke, steam?

Material: it is associated perhaps Old Irish bolad, nir. boladh and baladh `smell, odor' and Latvian buls, bula ` misty muggy air, height smoke, dryness '; 

it could form the basis Indo Germanic bhol- (Irish): bhel- (Latvian); perhaps is with above etymology also Peterssons Etym. Miszellen 34 connection of buls with combinable Armenian bal ` fog, mist, darkness ' (if originally `haze, mist')? 

References: WP. II 189.

Page(s): 162

Root / lemma: bhorgʷo-s

Meaning: unfriendly

Material: Armenian bark `violent, angry, irate; herb, bitter, sharp from taste' (*bhr̥gʷos); Old Irish borb, borp `crazy'; Middle Irish borb (*burbo-, Indo Germanic *bhorgʷo-) `raw, ignorant'; Note: common Illyrian gʷ- > b-.

Latvian bar̂gs `stern, hard, unfriendly, pitiless '; Swedish Dialectal bark ` willful, unfriendly person ', barkun `rough, harsh'. 

References: WP. II 188, Trautmann 27.

See also: compare also bhag-2.

Page(s): 163

Root / lemma: bhoso-s

Meaning: naked


From Root / lemma: bhē- : bhō- : `to warm, fry, *bath' derived Root / lemma: bhoso-s : `naked'.


Old High German bar `naked, bare' (*baza-), Modern High German bar, Old English bær, Old Icelandic berr `naked, bare'; Lithuanian bãsas, Latvian bass, Old Church Slavic bosъ ` barefoot '; Armenian bok ` barefoot ' (*bhoso-go-). 

Maybe alb. Geg (*bhas-) zbath- `barefoot', mbath `wear shoes' [common alb. -s > -th shift] : Latvian bass ` barefoot '.

As gr. ψ-ιλός probably to bhes- `abrade, scrape ' (and ` grind '), also originally from barren, (naked) sharp places, compare Kretschmer KZ. 31, 414.

References: WP. II 189, Meillet Esquisse 38, Trautmann 28.

Page(s): 163

Root / lemma: bhoudhi-

Meaning: victory

Material: Old Irish búaid n. `victory', abrit. FN Boudicca ` the victorious ', Welsh budd `profit, gain', buddig ` victorious ' (*bhoudhīko-) = Old Irish búadach ds.; Old Germanic GN Baudi-hillia ` victory fighter '. 

References: WP. II 186, Gutenbrunner Germanic Göttern. 43.

Page(s): 163

Root / lemma: bhoukʷos

Meaning: a kind of buzzing insect

Material: Latin fūcus, -ī m. ` a drone bee ' = Old English beéaw m. `gadfly, brake', ndd. bau ds. 

References: WP. II 184, WH. I 555 f.

Page(s): 163

Root / lemma: bhō̆gh- or bhā̆gh-

Meaning: lowland, swamp

Material: Mnl. bagger m. `slime, mud', out of it Modern High German baggern ` drain the mud '; Russian bagnó `low, marshy place', Czech bahno `swamp, marsh, morass', poln. bagno ds. 

References: WP. II 187, Petersson Heterokl. 123 f.

Page(s): 161

Root / lemma: bhōi- : bhǝi- : bhī- (bhii̯ǝ-) (*bheiH- > bhoiH(dh)-so-)

Meaning: to fear, * keep away

Material: Old Indic bháyatē `be afraid ' (from *bhǝi̯etai = Slavic bojetъ), Avestan bayente, byente `they are in fear', Middle Persian bēsānd ` they are in fear ' (Proto-Iranian *bai-sk̂-); Old Indic bibhḗti ` be afraid ', sek. to initial Perf. m. Präsensbed. bibhā́ya `I am in fear' (bibhīyāt, bibhītana, abibhēt, participle bibhīvān = Avestan biwivā̊ ` were afraid '); Old Indic bhiyāná-ḥ ` were afraid '; bhī́-ḥ f., bhīti-ḥ f. (: Latvian Infinitive bîtiês) `fear', bhīmá-ḥ `dreadful', bhītá-ḥ ` were afraid, horrified ', bhīrú-ḥ `timorous, shy, coward' (if r = Indo Germanic l, changing through vowel gradation with Lithuanian báilė, bailùs); New Persian bāk `fear' (from *bháyaka-); with Indo Germanic simplification of āi to ā before consonant here Old Indic bhā́ma-ḥ perhaps `fierceness, fury', bhāmitá-ḥ `fierce, grim'.

Gr. πίθηκος, πίθων m. `ape' (from *πιθος `ugly', zero grade *bhidh-).

Maybe taboo word alb. pidhi ` vagina '.

Latin foedus (*bhoidhos) ` foul, filthy, horrible, disgusting '.

Old High German bibēn, Old Saxon bibōn, Old English beofian, Old Icelandic bifa, -aða and bifra (these in ending directed after *titrōn `tremble') to Proto German *ƀiƀai-mi; *ƀiƀōn is probably only after to the other coexistence from -ōn- and -ēn- secondary verb besides one from the Perfect form developed grade *ƀiƀēn .

Balto Slavic originally present *bhǝi̯̯ō-, preterit-stem *bhii̯ā-, Infinitive *bhītēi; Old Prussian biātwei `fear, dread', kausat. pobaiint `punish, curse'; Lithuanian bijaũs, bijótis (also not reflexive) `be afraid', Latvian bîstuôs, bijuôs, bîtiês and bijājuôs, bijâtiês `be afraid'; Lithuanian baijùs `dreadful, terrible, hideous'; baidaũ, -ýti `frighten', Latvian baĩdu, baĩdŷt and biêdêt `daunt, scare';

Maybe alb. Geg mbajt `be afraid', nuk ma mban `I am afraid'.

in addition Lithuanian baisà `fright' (*baid-s-ā), baisùs `terrible, horrid', baisióti `smudge, besmear' (and Old Church Slavic běsъ `devil', *běd-sъ); Lithuanian báimė `fear'; báilė ds. (bailus `timorous'). 

Old Church Slavic (*bhoiH-eh2-tei) bojǫ, bojati sę `be afraid'.

Further formation *bhii̯-es-, *bhīs- in Old Indic bhyásatē ` be afraid ', udbhyása-ḥ `be afraidd', Avestan Perf. biwivā̊ŋha (i.e. biwyā̊ŋha) ` stimulated fright, was dreadful'; Old Indic bhīṣayatē `frightens', bhī́ṣaṇa-ḥ `causing fright';

Old High German bīsa `north-east wind', bisōn ` run around madly ', bēr `boar' etc lead to a Germanic*bī̆s-, *bī̆z- ` storm ahead jumpily '; compare Wißmann Nom. postverb. 78.

References: WP. II 124 f., 186, WH. I 522 f., Trautmann 24, Kluge11 under Biese.

Page(s): 161-162

Root / lemma: bhrag- (better bhrǝ-g-)

Meaning: to smell, scent

Material: Latin fragrō, -āre `to emit a smell, esp. a sweet smmell', denominative *bhrǝg-ro-s ` smelling '; Old High German bracko (Modern High German Bracke), Middle Low German mnl. bracke ` beagle, sleuth, harrier, track hound' (out of it Italian bracco etc), in addition Middle Latin barm-braccus `lap dog'; compare Middle High German brǣhen `smell' (*brē-i̯ō); also anything for root bhrē, above S. 133. 

It remains remote gall. brāca ` trouser '; see below bhreĝ-1 `break, rupture'.

References: WP. II 192, WH. I 540, Kluge11 under Bracke.

Page(s): 163

Root / lemma: bhrā́-ter- (*su̯e-loudhā-ter-  ` member of clan, brother ')

Meaning: brother

Root / lemma: bhrā́-ter- (*su̯e-loudhā-ter-  ` member of clan, brother '): brother, derived from Root / lemma: bhrā́-ter- (*su̯e-loudhā-ter-  ` member of clan, brother '): brother [Root / lemma: leudh-1 (*leugh-): to grow up; people; free].

Material: Old Indic bhrā́tar-, Avestan Old Persian brātar- `brother'; osset. ärvád `brother, kinsman, relative'; Armenian eɫbair, Gen. eɫbaur ds.; (*bhrātēr, *bhrātrós);

Maybe truncated gr. ἐλεύθερος `free man' : (*su̯e-loudhā ` member of clan, brother ') vëla ` brother ' : osset. ärvád (*alvad) : Armenian eɫbair (*elvair), Gen. eɫbaur `brother, kinsman, relative' : Etruscan (*äruvád) ruva `brother' from Eurasiatic: *ʔarV

Meaning: member of the clan

Uralic: *arV (*arwa)

Number: 1745

Proto: *arV (*arwa)


English meaning: relative on mother's side; (younger) brother of mother

Khanty (Ostyak): oĺi (V Vj.), orti (O), wǫrtĭ (Kaz.) ' Nephew, son of the brother (od. of the sister), younger brother of the mother etc. ', oĺisakǝn (Vj.) ' Mother's brother and child of his older sister together ', oĺisat ' Mother's brother and children of his older sister together ', i̮ĺt́i̮ (Vj.), åл́t́ (Trj.), ɔr`ne (Kaz.) ' Daughter of the older sister (father), daughter of the older brother of the man etc. ', ar`sǝẋ (O) ' Child of the older sister, child of the sister of the fathers', ɔrtĭweŋ (Kaz.) ' Man of the daughter of the older sister etc. '

Mansi (Vogul): oår (LM), ā̊r (N) ' related to the mother's side ', or ' relatives on a parent line, ancestors on mother ', jäɣnor ōr-nor (K) ' parental disappointment '

Hungarian: ara ' Bride; (altung.) brother of the mother od. of the sister; daughter-in-law '


Illyrian bra `brother! (vocative)' > alb. bre `brother! (vocative)'

maybe Kurdish bira `brother' : turk. birader `brother'.

New Phrygian βρατερε ` brother '; mys.-Phrygian braterais = φράτραις?, gr. φρήτηρ (Ionian) ἀδελφός Hes., Attic φρά̄τηρ, φρά̄τωρ `member of a φρατρία (family, fraternity, brotherhood)';

Venetic vhraterei ` brother ';

Maybe alb. Tosc v(ë)lla `brother' intervocalic (-ë-) [influenced by Latin order consonant + vowel + consonant], older alb. Geg vlla ` brother', (*vhraterei) vllazëri `member of a φρατρία (family, fraternity, brotherhood)';

Latin frāter `brother', Oscan fratrúm, Umbrian fratrum, fratrom ` brothers ' etc around Late Latin frātruēɫis s. WH. I 542);

Old Irish brāth(a)ir `brother, member of a big family', Welsh sg. brawd, brodyr, Old Cornish broder, Middle Breton breuzr, Modern Breton breur, Pl. breudeur ds.; 

Gothic brōÞar, Old Icelandic brōðir, Old High German bruoder, Old English brōÞor `brother'; 

Short forms in addition Old High German MN Buobo, Middle High German buobe `boy', Old English MN Bōfa, Bōja (> English boy), Norwegian dial. boa `brother' etc; further Old High German MN Buole, Middle High German buole `kinsman, relative, lover ', Middle Low German bōle `kinsman, relative, brother' etc (see Kluge11 under Bube, Buhle); Old Prussian brāti (Vok. brote) `brother', Lithuanian broterė̃lis, short form brožis, batis, brólis, Latvian b(r)ãlis ` baby brother ', brātarītis ` dear brother!';

Old Church Slavic bratrъ, bratъ `brother', short form Serbian baća, аèеch. bát'a ds., Russian bátja, báèka `father, priest'. 

Also alb. Geg bacë `father, leader' : Serbian baća `father, priest'.

compare noch Old Indic bhrātrá-m ` brotherhood '; gr. φρά̄τρᾱ, jon. φρήτρη ds.; Old Indic bhrātrya-m : gr. φρᾱτρία, Old Church Slavic bratrьja, bratьja ds., Latin frātria `wife, woman of brothers'.

Tocharian A pracar (Dual pratri), В procer.

References: WP. II 193, WH. I 541 f., 866, Specht KZ 62, 249, Fraenkel REtIE 2, 6 f., Risch Mus. Helv. 1, 118.

Page(s): 163-164

Root / lemma: bhred(h?)-

Meaning: to wade, wander

Material: Thracian PN Bρέδαι; Ligurian VN Brodionti; compare gall. FlN Bredanna, French La Brenne, (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), PN Bροδε&ντία (Bayern). 

Alb. breth, Aor. brodha ` wander, roam '. 

Maybe alb. bredh fir tree (*wandering tree)

Lithuanian bredù (East Lithuanian brendù), bridaũ, brìsti `wade', Iterative bradaũ, -ýti `wade', brastà, brastvaṘ `ford (miry)', bradà `slime, mud', brãdas m. `fishing' (= Slavic brodъ), with sek. vowel gradation brỹdis m. ` wading, way in the water ', Iterative braidaũ, -ýti ` wade around continuously '; Latvian brìenu (Dialectal brìedu = East Lithuanian brendù), bridu, brist, Iterative bradât `wade; tread with feet; speak foolishly ', braslis m. `ford', brìdis m. ` while, short time'; Old Prussian Chucunbrast ` through the devil's way '; zero grade ir = *r̥ noch in Lithuanian birdà `wet ordure', Old Prussian Birdaw, sea name.

Russian-Church Slavic bredu, bresti ` wade through a ford ' (zero grade present *brьdǫ in neprěbrъdomъ ` not wading through water ', Aor. pribrьde, compare Old Czech přěbrde ` will wade ', poln. brnąć `wade' from *brьdnǫti), Russian bredú, brestí ` go slowly, fish with the train net ', bréditь ` chat nonsense, fantasize', bred, bredína ` willow ' (`standing there often in the water '), Russian-Church Slavic, Russian (etc) brodъ `ford', iterative Russian-Church Slavic broditi `wade', Russian brodítь ` go slowly, slink, wander around; ferment, seethe', Serbo-Croatian bròditi `wade'. 

References: WP. II 201 f., Trautmann 37, Mühlenbach-Endzelin 332 f.

Page(s): 164

Root / lemma: bhreĝ-1

Meaning: to break

Material: Old Indic giri-bhráj- ` bursting out from the mountains '; 

Latin frangō, -ere, frēgi (: Gothic *brēkum), frāctum ` break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture ', fragilis ` frail, breakable, easily broken, brittle, fragile ' etc (*bhreg-), fragor m. ` a breaking; a crashing, a noise of breaking, crack, crash, noise, din '; with ā (after frāctus etc): suffrāgium ` a voting tablet, a vote, noisy applause, approval; the right to vote, franchise; in gen. judgment; approval, support'; suffrāginēs f. ` the hollows of the knee (suffragines, are so called because they are broken underneath = subtus franguntur, that is, they bend downwards and not upwards like the arm) ', actually `bend, kink ';

Middle Irish braigid ` farts ', verbal noun braimm, Welsh Cornish bram m. `breaking wind, fart', Middle Irish t-air-brech `crash, blast'; but gall. brāca `breeches' (compare βράκκαι αἴγειαι διφθέραι παρὰ Κελτοῖς Hes.) is Germanic loanword, Old Irish brōc ` trouser ' is Old English loanword

Maybe alb. brekë `underwear' = gall. brāca `breeches';

Gothic brikan, Old Saxon brekan, Old English brecan, Old High German brehhan `break, rupture' (Latin frēgimus = Gothic *brēkum, Modern High German brachen), vowel gradation Gothic brakja ` wrestling match '; lengthened grade Middle High German brache f. ` breaking in the ground, unbroken recumbent unsowed land after the harvest ', Old English ā-brācian `press in', Old High German prahhen, brahhen, Middle High German braechen, Modern High German prägen (*brēkjan), Causative to brechen; zero grade Gothic gabruka f. `piece, fragment, gobbet ' (*bhreg-) == Old English bryce m. ` the break, lump ', Old High German bruh `break, cracked '; Old English brocian `press', broc ` woefulness '; with gemination Old High German brocco ` broken ', Modern High German Brocken; 

here perhaps Norwegian brake m. ` juniper ' (as brisk ds. to bhres- `break, crack, cracking '), Middle High German brake m. f. `twig, branch', English brake ` brushwood, thorn bushes, fern ', vowel gradation Norwegian burkne m. ` fern ', compare also Norwegian bruk n. `shrubbery, bush';

a nasalized form in Norwegian dial. brank n. ` affliction , defect', branka ` injure, break, rupture'; with the meaning `din, fuss, noise' here Old Icelandic braka `crack, creak', brak n. `row, din, fuss, noise', Middle High German Old English brach m. ds., Old High German Middle High German Old Saxon braht `din, fuss, noise, clamor', with changed meaning Modern High German Pracht; Old English breahtm m. `argument, quarrel', Old Saxon brahtum `din, fuss, noise, clamorous mass'; 

Germanic *brōk- `rump', newer `trouser' in Old English brēc Pl. ` buttocks ', English breech ds., Old Icelandic brōk, Pl. brøkr `thigh, trouser', Old English brōc, Old High German bruoh, Modern High German Bruch ds., Swiss bruech ` pubic region '; geminated Old English etc braccas ` britches ';

here (rather to bhres-) belong Lithuanian braškù, braškéti `crack, creak' (*bhreĝ-sk̂ō), Latvian brakšk̂ēt, brakstēt ds. 

A parallel root *bhre(n)gh- seeks Wood (KZ. 45, 61) in Old Indic br̥háti `wrenches, tears from ', Old Icelandic branga `damage'.

Old Indic br̥gala-m `piece, gobbet, lump ' is not Indo Germanic (Kuiper Proto-Munda 49). 

References: WP. II 200, WH. I 113 f, 539 f., 541, Feist 104 ff., 176, Wißmann Nom. postverb. 11, 58, 123, 181.

Page(s): 165

Root / lemma: bhreĝ-2

Meaning: to stick (?)

Note: extension from bher- ` stand up, edge, bristle' etc, seeks Persson Beitr. 22 f. A. 2 in: 

Material: Old Indic bhraj- `stiffness (of the member), rigor(?)'; Icelandic Norwegian brok `stiff grass, grass bristles '; quite dubious also in Old Icelandic bǫrkr (*bhorĝu-s), Middle Low German borke, 

Modern High German (actually ndd.) Borke `rough, outer bark' (from the rough angularity? Similar is gr. φορί̄νη `hard, rough skin, esp. pig's skin ' to un extension to place root bher-). 

An analoge g-extension from of a i-basis bhrei- could at most exist in Norwegian brikja ` stick up high, to show off, shine', brik `a tall woman keeping her head high ', briken `fresh, agile, lively; showy, gleaming, pleasant', brikna `glory, magnificence, lustre, shine, pleasure, joy' (Wood KZ. 45, 66), if not perhaps `shine, shine out' is the basis of this meaning.

A bhrēi-k- presumably in gr. φρί̄ξ, -κός ` shuddering, quiver, stare', φρί̄σσω, -ττω, πέφρῑκα ` stare up; shiver (*flicker?)' common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-; Welsh Breton brig ` acme, apex ' (*bhrīko-). 

Maybe alb. (*φρί̄ξ, φρίκός) frikë ` shuddering, fear', older (*φρίκός) frikësoj `make shiver, scare'.

References: WP. II 201.

Page(s): 166

Root / lemma: bhrendh-

Meaning: to swell, sprout

Note: Only for Celtic to cover Tocharian and Balto-Slavic

Material: Old Irish probably in brenn- (*bhrendh-uā-) `spring up, bubble, effervesce', e.g. bebarnatar 3 Pl. preterit, with to-ess- : do-n-eprinn ` gushes forth ', Middle Irish to-oss- : toiprinnit ` interior flow, flow into ', Causative Middle Irish bruinnid ` allows to gush forth, streams out ' etc; (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), compare also Thurneysen Grammar 461;

Maybe alb. brenda, përbrenda `inside, inward, (*inward inflow)'.

Lithuanian brę́stu, bréndau, brę́sti `swell, ripen', participle bréndęs `ripening', brįstu, brìndau, brį́sti `gush, well up (e.g. from peas)', brandà ` ripeness, rich harvest ', brandùs ` grainy '; Latvian briêstu, briêžu, briêst `gush, well up, to swell, ripen', bruôžs `thick, strong'; Old Prussian pobrendints ` weighted ', sen brendekermnen `pregnant', i.e. ` with body fruit '; 

Slavic *brędъ in Old Czech ja-břadek, apoln. ja-brząd `twig, branch of grapevine ' (besides one verschied. Slavic *brědъ in kašub. břod ` fruit-tree '); relationship to bher- (bhren-) `overhang, protrude ' is absolutely agreeable; 

Tocharian A pratsak, B pratsāk- `breast'. 

References: WP. II 205, Trautmann 35 f., Van Windekens Lexique 99.

Page(s): 167-168

Root / lemma: bhrenk-, bhronk-

Meaning: to bring

Material: Welsh he-brwng `bring, glide, slide, guide, lead' (*sem-bronk-), hebryngiad `guide, leader', Old Cornish hebrenchiat `leader', Middle Cornish hem-bronk `will guide, lead', hem-brynkys, hom-bronkys `guided', Middle Breton ham-brouc, nbr. am-brouk `guide, lead'; 

Gothic briggan, brāhta, Old High German bringan, brāhta, also Old Saxon (wo also brengian), Old English bringan and breng(e)an preterit brōhte (from *branhta) `bring'; 

Tocharian B praṅk-, AB pränk- `depart'. 

Angebl. contaminated from root bher- and enek̂-; finally E. Fraenkel KZ. 58, 2861 f.; 63, 198. 

Maybe alb. geg me pru, aor. prura `to bring'

References: WP. II 204, Lewis-Pedersen 40, Feist 105, Van Windekens Lexique 99.

Page(s): 168

Root / lemma: bhre(n)k̂-

Meaning: to err

Material: Old Indic bhráṁśate, bhraśyate ` falls, overthrows ', participle bhraṣṭá-ḥ, bhraṁśa-ḥ `fall, loss', but in RV. only without nasal basis bhrāśáyan (Causative), mā́ bhraśat (Aor.), áni-bhr̥ṣṭa-ḥ ` not succumbing '; also bhraṁśa- with originally only present, then further grown exuberantly nasalization? or old double forms? Old Irish brēc `lie, falsity' (*bhrenkā) is the half meaning not so certain to compare with Old Indic bhraṁsá-ḥ, that it would decide the latter sense. 

Kuiper (Nasalpras. 141 f.) builds *bhrek̂-mi next to *bhre-n-k̂ō; nevertheless, his etymological comparisons are not persuasive.

References: WP. II 204.

See also: To bhreĝ-1?

Page(s): 168

Root / lemma: bhren-to-s

Meaning: herdsman, *wanderer, horn


Messapic βρένδον (from *βρέντον) `ἔλαφον' Hes., βρέντιον `deer head' Hes., brunda ds., short form (besides Brenda) to PN Brundisium, older Βρεντέσιον `Brindisi', Illyrian VN Βρέντιοι; Venetic FlN Brinta `Brenta'; still today in Italian mountain names and plant names (Bertoldi IF. 52, 206 f.);

compare in addition alb. brî, brîni `horn, antler' (*bhr̥-no-), Plur. Geg brîena; raetorom. brenta ` pannier ';

maybe alb. brinjë `rib, bone'


Clearly alb. is an Illyrian Dialect; alb. bredh `wander' suggests that there is a link between Root / lemma: bhred(h)- : `to wade, wander' and Root / lemma: bhren-to-s : `herdsman, *wanderer'.

New Swedish dial. brind(e), Norwegian (with g from d) bringe `male elk ' (*bhrentós), vowel gradation Norwegian brund `baby male reindeer ' (*bhrn̥tós);

Latvian briêdis ` deer, deer stag ', whether from of a Indo Germanic additional form *bhrendis, must be the origin of Lithuanian bríedis, Old Prussian braydis m. `elk'; if Germanic loanword?


Baltic lang. were created before Slavic lang. hence the vocabulary shared by Baltic and alb. is of Illyrian origin.

Perhaps to bhren- `overhang, edge'; different Specht Dekl. 120. 

References: WP. II 205, WH. I 116 f., 551, 852, A. Mayer KZ 66, 79 ff., Krahe Festgabe Bulle 191 f.

Page(s): 168-169

Root / lemma: bhren-

Meaning: to stick out; edge

Note: as bher- ds.

Material: Ir. braine ` front part of the ship; guide, leader; edge, border', Cornish brenniat ds. (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

With formants t: Latin frōns, -tis m., new f. ` the forehead, brow, front '; Old Icelandic brandr ` sword ' (*bhron-tó-); in wider meaning `stick, board; sword' against it probably from *bhrondho- to bherdh- `cut, clip'.

With formants d: Old English brant, Old Icelandic brattr `high, sharp' (*bhrondos), Latvian bruôdin̨š `ridge of the roof'. 

bhren-q-: Germanic *branha- in Old Swedish brā-, New Swedish brå- `sharp' in PN; Old Icelandic bringa `breast, thorax, breastbone of birds', Modern Icelandic bringr `small hill'; 

maybe alb. (*bhren) brinjë `rib, chest bone, hillside'


Alb. proves that from Root / lemma: bhren-to-s : `herdsman, *wanderer, *horn' derived from an extended Root / lemma: bhren- : `to stick out; edge'.

Lithuanian brankà `the swelling', brankšóti, branksó́ti ` jut out stiffly (of bones, laths)'; vowel gradation brìnkstu, brìnkti `to swell'; Slavic *bręknǫ, *bręknǫti in Russian nabrjáknutь `to bloat, bulge, swell' etc.

bhren-g- perhaps in Old Icelandic brekka (*brinkōn) ` steep hill', Old Danish brink, brank ` upright ', Middle English Modern English brink `edge, border, bank, shore', Middle Low German brink `edge of a field, field margin, meadow', Middle Dutch brinc, Modern Dutch brink `edge, grass strip, border of grass, grass field '.

References: WP. II 203 f., WH. I 551, Trautmann 36.

Page(s): 167

Root / lemma: bhres-

Meaning: to break

Material: Middle Irish brosc, broscar m. `din, fuss, noise'; compare also blosc under bhlos-q-; 

Old High German brestan `break, crack, break, rupture', impersonal `lack, defect ', Old English berstan ds., Old Icelandic bersta `break, crack, creak'; Old High German brest(o) ` disability, defect ', 

Modern High German Gebresten; Old High German brust `break, defect ', Old English byrst m. `damage'; Old High German brastōn ` crackle ', Old Icelandic brasta `rant, roister, brag, boast'; without -t- Norwegian bras n. `clatter, brushwood '; 

with -k-: Norwegian brisk ` juniper '; Middle High German braschen `crack, creak, cry, brag, boast'; 

Lithuanian braškéti etc, see below bhreĝ-1.

References: WP. I 206.

Page(s): 169

Root / lemma: bhreu-k̂- (-k-)

Meaning: to strike; to throw

Note: only Balto-Slavic, probably extension from bhrē̆u-1. For -k- compare above S. 18 Anm. 

Material: Lithuanian braukiù braukiaũ braũkti `whisk, stroke; move slowly '; Latvian bràucu brā̀uèu bràukt `move'; 

vowel gradation Lithuanian brukù brukaũ brùkti ` wave flax, wedge ', Latvian brukt ` crumble ', brucinât `abrade, stroke the scythe'; 

Iterative Lithuanian braukýti, Latvian braũcût `stroke' (with unoriginal intonation) and Lithuanian brũkis m. `stripe, line', Latvian brùce f. ` scratch, scar', in addition Lithuanian brùknė, bruknìs f., Latvian brùklene f. ` cranberry '; 

Slavic *brušǫ *brusiti (originally iterative) in Bulgarian brúsja (brusich) `shake off, get rid of, beat off, chop, cut, reject', Serbo-Croatian brûsim brúsiti `whet', Czech brousiti ds., in addition Old Church Slavic ubrusъ ` veronica (the impression of the face of Jesus believed by some to be miraculously made on a head - cloth with which St Veronica wiped his face as he went to his crucifixion; the cloth used for this) ', Serbo-Croatian brûs (Gen. brûsa), Russian brus (Gen. brúsa; mostly brusók) `grindstone, whetstone'; Russian etc brusníka ` cranberry ' (`lightly strippable '); vowel gradation Russian-Church Slavic brъsnuti `scrape, shave', Russian brosátь (dial. brokátь), brósitь `throw', brósnutь `peel flax', bros `offal' etc in vowel gradation to Bulgarian brъ́šъ `rub off'. With ū the iterative grade: Old Church Slavic sъ-brysati ` scrape ', brysalo `a painter's brush or pencil; style '.

Perhaps here Serbo-Croatian-Church Slavic brutъ `nail', Bulgarian brut ds. as *bruktъ, compare to meaning Lithuanian brùkti ` put by force ', to form Latvian braukts `knife for cleaning the flax'.

Maybe alb. mbreh `harness, yoke, put by force ' [common alb. p- > mp-, b- > mb- shift], mbres `bruise, beat'.

Perhaps here the Illyrian VN Breuci, PN Breucus and the gall. PN Bρευκό-μαγος, today Brumath (Alsace); in addition places Krahe (Gl. 17, 159) Illyrian VN Βρεῦνοι: Breones (from *Breu̯ones).


Illyrian VN Βρεῦνοι: Breones (from *Breu̯ones) evolved according to alb. phonetic laws -t > -nt > -n hence *Breu̯ones < *Breu̯ontes. But only alb. displays the common -k > -th, -t shift found in Illyrian VN Breuci : Illyrian VN Βρεῦνοι (from *Breu̯ones), hence alb. is a dialect of Illyrian Both alb. and older Illyrian display centum and satem characteristics.

Finally gall. PN Bρευκό-μαγος, today Brumath (Alsace); has evolved according to Illyrian alb. phonetic laws -g > -th as alb. (mag-) math `big'.

About Russian brykátь `kick, reject' etc s. Berneker 93.

References: WP. II 197, Trautmann 36 f., Pokorny Urillyrier 119.

Page(s): 170

Root / lemma: bhreu-s-1

Meaning: to swell

Note: (compare above bhreu-)

Material: Old Irish brū f., Gen. bronn `belly, body' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (*bhrus-അ[n]: -n-os), brūach ` big-bellied ' (*brusākos), Welsh bru m. ` venter, uterus ' (*bhreuso-); Old Irish bruinne `breast' (*bhrusni̯o-), Old Welsh Modern Welsh bronn f. `breast', Breton bronn, bron ds. (*bhrusnā) in place names also `round hill', Middle Welsh brynn, Modern Welsh bryn m. (*bhrusni̯o-) `hill' (from Celtic derives Gothic brunjō f. `(breast)-armor', Old High German brunja, brunna ` coat of mail ');

Maybe alb. (*bresna) brinjë `rib, side, hill' : alb. Geg (*bresni) brini, Pl. brina, alb. Tosc brirë ` horn' : Gothic brunjō f. `(breast)-armor' (common alb. -sn- > -n- shift).

Old Irish brollach `bosom' (*bhrus-lo- with formants-āko-); Middle Irish brūasach `with large, wide breast' (from bhreus-to- = Old Saxon briost).

Middle High German briustern `swell up', Old Icelandic ā-brystur f. Pl. ` beestings ' (also broddr ds. from *bruz-da-z), Swiss briescht ds. (besides briesch ds. from *bhreus-ko-); Old Saxon briost N. Pl., Old English brēost, Old Icelandic briōst `breast', zero grade Gothic brusts f. Pl., Old High German brust, Modern High German Brust; Old Saxon brustian `bud' (Slavic *brъstъ `bud'), Modern High German Brös-chen (from md.) `mammary gland of cows', schwäb. Brüste, Bavarian Brüsel, Briesel, Bries ds., Danish brissel, Swedish kalfbräss, with k-suffix Danish bryske, English brisket ` breast of the animals '.

Old Icelandic briōsk `gristle', Middle High German brūsche, Modern High German Brausche `swelling, blister', Modern High German dial. brausche, brauschig ` swollen; of style, turgid, bombastic, torose ', brauschen `swell up'.

Russian brjúcho `lower abdomen, belly, paunch', dial. brjúchnutь ` yield, gush, well up, to bloat, bulge, swell', Czech alt. břuch, břucho, nowadays břich, břicho `belly' etc (*bhreuso-s, -m); 

here also Ukrainian brost' f. dial. brost m. `bud', Bulgarian brъs(t) m. ` young sprouts', Serbo-Croatian br̂st m. ds., br̀stina `foliage, leaves'. 

here Ukrainian brost ' f. dial. brost m. ` bud ', Bulgarian Brъs (t) m. ` younger shoots ', Serbo-Croatian br ̂ ^ st m. ds., br̀stina ` foliage '.

References: WP. II 197 f., Feist 107 f., 108 f.

Page(s): 170-171

Root / lemma: bhreu-s-2

Meaning: to break

Note: extension from bhrē̆u-1.

Material: Alb. breshën, breshër `hail', if actually `granule, mica' (e = Indo Germanic eu); Latin frustum ` a bit, piece, morsel, gobbet ' (from *bhrus-to-);

Old Irish brūu `shatter, smash' (*bhrū̆si̯ō, gall. brus-, French bruiser), Middle Irish brūire, brūile `piece, fragment', bruan ds., bruar `fragment, broken piece', brosna (*brus-toni̯o-) ` faggot, brushwood bundle ', gall. *bruski̯ā ` undergrowth, brushwood ', Old French broce ds., Middle Irish brusc `tiny bit' etc; Old Irish bronnaim `damage' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (*bhrusnāmi) (subjunctive robria from *bris- `break, rupture' borrows, see below bhrēi-); Middle Welsh breu, Modern Welsh brau ` frail, easily broken ', Middle Cornish brew ` broken ' (*bhrōuso-); Middle Breton brusun `tiny bit' (*brous-t-);

Old English briesan (*brausjan), brȳsan (*brūsjan) `break, rupture transitive, shatter', English bruise `injure', probably also Old High German brōsma, Middle High German brōsem, brōseme, brōsme `bit, flake, crumb'; Old English brosnian ` molder '. 

References: WP. II 198 f., WH. I 553.

Page(s): 171

Root / lemma: bhreus-3, bhrū̆s-

Meaning: to boil; to sound, etc.

Note: esp. in Germanic words; perhaps to bhreu-s-1; also a new onomatopoeic word could have helped (similarly akr. brújīm, brújiti `buzz, hum from an swarm of bees', Berneker 89). 

Material: Middle High German brūsen `boom, blaster, roar', brūs `the boom', ndd. brūsen `boom, blaster, simmer, seethe, boil; be hasty (from people); spread out, grow new shoot (from plants); sprinkle, besprinkle ' (compare Modern High German Brause) (out of it Danish bruse ds.), Dutch bruisen, previous bruischen `foam, froth, bubble, roar, boom, blaster', ndd. brūsken ds., Middle High German brūsche ` douche, shower, spray, sprinkler ', Old Swedish brūsa ` storm ahead ', Norwegian Dialectal brŏsa ` storm gust ', Old Icelandic brusi `he-goat, billy goat ', Icelandic bruskr ` tussock, besom ', English brush `bristle brush, paintbrush, brush, tail (of foxes)', brushwood `shrubbery, bush, shrubbery ', Middle English bruschen, English to brush `comb with a brush', Norwegian dial. brauska, bruska and brausta, brusta ` make room, rush out forcefully '; Swedish bruska `rustle, rant, roister'.

With Germanic *bruska-z ` brushwood ', *bruskan ` crackle, rustle ' (-sk- could be Indo Germanic zg) one compares the Balto-Slavic groups Lithuanian brũzgai Pl. ` brushwood ', briauzgà ` babbler ', bruzgù, -ė́ti `rustle', Russian brjuzgáju, -átь `mumble, murmur', brjužžátь `drone, grumble, murmur, growl ' etc; yet are the verb perhaps are only Balto-Slavic onomatopoeic word formation. Because of the Germanic meaning `spray' is perhaps on the other hand to be compared with Russian brýzgaju, -atь `spray, sprinkle, bubble ' etc.

References: WP. II 199 f., Trautmann 38.

Page(s): 171-172

Root / lemma: bhreu-, bhreu-d-

Meaning: to swell, sprout

Material: Latin frutex, -icis m. ` a shrub, bush; as a term of reproach, blockhead ' based on probably on a participle *bhrūtós ` sprouted out'; Old Irish broth `awn, hair'; here d-present: Middle High German briezen, brōz `bud, swell', Old High German Middle High German broz `bud, sprout '. 

References: WP. II 195, WH. I 554.

See also: compare bhreu-s-1 `to swell', bhrughno- `twig, branch'.

Page(s): 169

Root / lemma: bhrēi-, bhrī̆-

Meaning: to pierce, cut with smth. sharp

Note: extension from bher-. 

Material: Old Indic bhrīṇánti `be hurt' (Pf. bibhrāya Dhātup.), Avestan pairibrīnǝnti ` be cut all around ', brōiϑrō-taēža- ` dashing sharply ', Middle Persian brīn ` determined, fixed'.

Maybe alb. Geg pre-, Tosc pres ` pierce, cut'

Thracian (?) βριλών `barber'.

Latin friō, -āre `rub, grind, crumb, spall, crumble', fricō, -āre `to rub, rub down, rub off' (from *fri-co-s `rubbing, scraping'), refrīva faba ` ground bean', frīvolus (from *frī-vo-s ` triturated '), ` breakable, trifling, worthless; n. pl. as subst. sticks of furniture '.

Maybe alb. (**frico-) fërkonj `rub' a Latin loanword.

With frīvolus to be compared Welsh briw `broke; wound'; briwo `break, rupture, injure'; 

with s-extension here gall.-Latin brīsāre ` break, shatter ', French briser etc gallorom. *briscāre ` curdle, coagulate, harden ', Swiss bretschi ds. (Wartburg), Old Irish brissid `breaks' (from participle Pert. *bristo-), Middle Irish bress f. `din, fuss, noise, fight, struggle', breissem ds., Old Irish PN Bres-(u)al (*bristo-u̯alos), Cornish Middle Breton bresel `fight', Breton bresa `quarrel', Middle Irish brise `frail, breakable', br. bresk ds.; compare the parallel formation under bhreus-2. 

Hereupon probably also Welsh brwydr `fight, struggle', Old Irish briathar `word, *argument' as *bhrei-trā ` quarrel, argument ' (to Welsh brwyd `torn, perforates '), compare Lithuanian bárti `scold, chide', refl. `be quarrelsome', Old Church Slavic brati `fight', s. bher-2.

Maybe alb. Geg brit, Tosc bërtas `to scold, chide, quarrel, yell' : Lithuanian bárti `scold, chide'.

Here presumably Middle Dutch brīne, Modern Dutch brijn, Middle English brīne, Modern English brine ` salted water, salt brine ' (from the sharp taste like partly Slavic bridъ).

Maybe alb. brinjë ` rib', alb. Geg brini, Tosc briri ` sharp horn '.

Old Church Slavic britva `razor', Russian-Church Slavic briju, briti `shave, shear', brièь `razor'; Old Church Slavic bridъ ` δριμύς ', Russian-Dialectal bridkój `sharp, cold', Serbo-Croatian bridak `sharp, sour'; Old Church Slavic brъselije `shards', Russian-Church Slavic brъselije, brъselъ `shard' (proto Slavic. also probably* brъselъ) as *bhri-d-selo-.

Maybe alb. brisk `razor' a Slavic loanword.

ĝ-extension bhrei-ĝ- presumably in Lithuanian brė́žiu, brė́šti `scratch, scrape', Iterative braiž-, -ýti ds., and Old Icelandic brīk f. `board, low wooden wall, low bar'; compare with *bhrei-ĝ- parallel ĝ-extension of Infinitive root bher- in Latvian beriu, berzu, berẑt `rub, scour, clean' and gr. φοργάνη ἡἀραιότης Неs. and auf a k-extension *bhrei-k- traceable gr. φρίκες χάρακες Неs.; brė́šti not better with Indo Germanic b- to Old English prica `point', Middle Low German pricken, Middle High German pfrecken `prick' etc, besides that with other root auslaut Norwegian Dialectal prisa `prick, stir, tease, irritate', preima, preina `banter, stir, tease, irritate' etc (about age and origin Germanic words nothing is certain).

References: WP. II 194 f., WH. 116, 549, Vendryes RC 29, 206.

Page(s): 166-167

Root / lemma: bhrē̆u-1, bhrū̆-

Meaning: to pierce, break

Note: extension from bher-

Material: Old Indic bhrūṇá-m `embryo' (named after the burst caul); 

Middle High German briune, brūne `lower abdomen, vulva'; Old High German brōdi `frail, breakable' (*bhrou-ti̯o-), Old Icelandic broma `piece, fragment' (*bhrumōn); a t-present in Old English breoðan `break, rupture'; probably d- present based on Germanic family of Old English brēotan `break, rupture', Old Icelandic briōta `break, rupture', broti m. ` heap of felled trees, barrier ', braut f. `way, alley' (compare Modern High German Bahn brechen, French route from rupta), breyta (*brautjan) ` alter, change, modify ', breyskr `frail, breakable, brittle '; Old High German bruzī, bruzzī ` fragileness '; Old Icelandic brytia = Old English bryttian `divide, share, allot, distribute'; Old Icelandic bryti m. ` colter, plough coulter, pre-pruner, i.e. the most distinguished of the farmhands; kind of estate manager, land agent ' = agsl. brytta m. ` dispenser, distributer '.

To Germanic *ƀreutan perhaps also Old Irish fris-brudi ` reject '.

Latvian braũna, braũṅa `scurf, dandruff, flake, scale, abandoned skin or shell, caul, entrails' (basic meaning ` scrapings ', compare Slavic brъsnǫti `scrape, stripe ' under bhreu-k̂-);

Czech br-n-ka (*bhrun-) ` placenta, afterbirth '.

References: WP. II 195 f., W. Schulze KZ. 50, 259 = Kl. Schr. 216.

See also: S. the extension bhreu-k̂-, bhreu-s-2.

Page(s): 169

Root / lemma: bhrēu-2, bhrū-

Meaning: edge

Note: The group is extended from bher- `stand up; edge'.

Material: Old Irish brū `edge, bank, border, shore', bruach ds. (*brū-āko-); 

Old Icelandic brūn `edge', whereof brȳna `whet', brȳni `whetstone'; Old English Middle High German brūn `sharp' (from weapons). 

Lithuanian briaunà `edge, border, cornice ' (*bhrēunā), vowel gradation with Old Icelandic brūn. 

Maybe alb. brini ` horn ', brinjë ` side, rib, edge '.

References: WP. II 196 f., W. Schulze KZ. 50, 259 = Kl. Schr. 216.

Page(s): 170

Root / lemma: bhroisqo-, bhrisqo-

Meaning: bitter

Material: Russian-Church Slavic obrězgnuti, obrьzgnuti ` become sauer ', Czech břesk ` sharp taste', poln. brzazg ` unpleasant, sharp taste; bad mood',

Russian brezgátь (old brězgati) ` nauseate, feel disgust ';

Maybe alb. Geg (prezi-) përzi ` to nauseate, feel disgust '

at first to Norwegian brisk `bitter taste', brisken `bitter, sharp'; probably to bhrēi- `cut, clip' (as Middle Dutch brīne `salt water, brine').

Maybe alb. brisk, brisqe Pl. `sharp, bitter; razor', brisqe Pl. `razors'

References: WP. II 206.

Page(s): 172

Root / lemma: bhrugh-no-

Meaning: twig

Note: perhaps in relationship to bhreu- ` sprout' 

Material: Welsh brwyn-en f. ` bulrush', Old Cornish brunnen gl. `juncus, bulrush', Breton broenn-enn ds. (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (from Proto Celtic*brugno-); Old English brogn(e) f. `twig, branch, bush', Norwegian dial. brogn(e) ` tree branch, clover stalk, raspberry bush '.

References: WP. II 208.

Page(s): 174

Root / lemma: bhrūg-

Meaning: fruit

Note: perhaps oldest ` to cut off or peel off fruit for eating ' and then to *bhreu- `cut, clip' (compare there to meaning Old Indic bhárvati `chews, consumes', also Balto Slavic *bhreu-q-, -k̂- `graze over, chip')

Material: Latin frūx, -gis f. `fruit' = Umbrian Akk Pl. frif, frii ` fruits ', Latin frūgī (Dative *` useful, honest, discreet, moderate' =) ` fruitful ', fruor, -i, frūctus and fruitus sum ` relish ' (from *frūgʷor, which has entered for *frūgor ?), frūniscor ` relish ' (*frūg-nīscor), frūmentum ` corn, grain ', Oscan fruktatiuf (*frūgetātiōns) `frūctus'.

Maybe alb. (*frūg-) fruth `measles, breaking of the skin (disease of fruit and humans?)', frut `fruit' [common alb. -k, -g > -th, -dh shift]

Gothic brūkjan, Old High German brūhhan, Old Saxon brūkan, Old English brūcan `need, lack', Gothic brūks, Old High German brūhhi, Old English brȳce `usable'.

References: WP. II 208, WH. I 552 f.

Page(s): 173

Root / lemma: bhrū-1 (*ḫebhrū-1)

Meaning: brow


Root / lemma: bhrū-1 (*ḫebhrū-1): brow, derived from the animate suffixed -ru of Root / lemma: okʷ- : to see; eye. According to gr.s -kʷ > -p, -gʷ > -b;

Note: partly with initial vowel, Indo Germanic o- or a- (full root form?); after Persson Beitr. 17 lies a dark composition part *okʷ- `eye' (with. consonant-Assimilation) before. 


In e- grade:

New Persian ebrū, brū ds. (Hübschmann IA. 10, 24); (*ḫ1ebru-)

In zero grade:

Old Indic bhrū́-ḥ f., Akk. bhrúv-am `brow', Avestan brvat- f. (Du.) ` brows '.

Maybe zero grade alb. vrenjt (*vrenk-) `frown' common alb. -kh > t. : Khotanese: brrauka-lä `brow' : Sogdian: (Buddh.) βr'wkh `eyebrow' (*brū-kā-) : Other Iranian cognates: Khwar. (')βrwc [pl.tantum] `eyebrow'; San. vrīc `eyebrow'.

In o- grade:

gr. ὀφρῦς, -ύος f. `brow', figurative ` raised edge, hill edge ' (after Meillet BSL 27, 129 f. with gr. vocal prosthesis?); Macedonian ἀβροῦτες ` on the brow or edge of a steep rock, beetling ' (changed from Kretschmer Einl. 287 in ἀβρούFες; held on from Meillet, s.Boisacq 733 Anm. 3, because of the otherwise stated form ἀβροτες and because of Avestan brvat-);

Serbo-Croatian-Church Slavic obrъvъ, Serbo-Croatian ȍbrva etc `brow'. 

In zero grade:

Old English brū, Old Icelandic brūn, Pl. brynn `brow' (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (conservative stem, from *ƀruwūn-).

Lithuanian bruvìs m. `brow', žem. also brū̆nės Pl., Old Prussian wubri f. `eyelash' (seems a metathesis from *bruwi); 

Old Bulgarian brъvь (originally Nom. *bry, as kry : krъvъ).

An e- Abl. bhru̯ē- with syllabic become r regards Trautmann KZ. 44, 223 in Lithuanian birwe = bruvìs. 

In a- grade:

unclear are Middle Irish Pl. abrait (*abrant-es or *abrantī) ` eyelids, brows ', likewise mbr. abrant `brow', Welsh amrant `eyelid'

In zero grade:

Middle Irish brūad Gen. Du., brāi, brōi Nom. Du. f. ` brows ' (to diphthong s. Thurneysen Grammar 199), Old Irish forbru Akk. Pl. (*bhrūns : Akk. ὀφρῦς), forbrú Gen. Pl. ` eyebrows '; Specht (Dekl. 83, 162) would like to put to Latin frōns ` the forehead, brow, front '; but vocalism and meaning deviate;

Tocharian A pärwān-, В pärwāne (Dual) ` eyebrows '  

References: WP. II 206 f., Trautmann 38.

Page(s): 172-173

Root / lemma: bhrū-2, bhrēu-

Meaning: beam, bridge

Material: Old Icelandic brū f. `bridge'; Old Icelandic bryggia ` wharf, pier ' ndd. brügge ds., Old High German brucca, Old Saxon -bruggia, Old English brycg `bridge', Bavarian Bruck ` Bretterbank am Ofen ', Old English brycgian ` pave ' (originally with thrashed wood), Swiss brügi (Old High German *brugī) ` wood scaffolding ', brügel `wooden log', Middle High German brügel `cudgel, club', Modern High German Prügel (`bridge' is also `balk, rod; track made of beams ');

gall. brīva `bridge' (*bhrēua);

Old Bulgarian brъvъno `balk, beam', Serbo-Croatian br̂v f. `balk, beam, bridge made of beams ' (etc, s. about Slavic forms Berneker 92).

Unclear is the guttural in the Germanic forms: *brugī- from *bruu̯ī-, or k- suffix? S. Kluge11 under `Brücke = bridge' and Specht Dekl. 2113 f., accepts the connection with bhrū-1.

References: WP. II 207.

Page(s): 173

Root / lemma: bhudh-m(e)n

Meaning: bottom

Note: single-linguistic in part to *bhudh-mo-, partly to *bhudh-no-, besides with already Indo Germanic metathesis *bhundho- > *bhundo- ?

Material: Old Indic budhná-ḥ `ground, bottom'; Avestan bū̆nō ds. (*bhundhno-), out of it borrows Armenian bun ds., during Armenian an-dund-k` `abyss' from *bhundh- seems assimilated. From proto Iranian *bundhas derives tscherem. pundaš `bottom, ground '.

Gr. πυθμήν (*φυθ-) m. `bottom, sole, base of a vessel', πύνδαξ m. ds. (for φύνδαξ after πυθμήν Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 71, 333). 

Macedonian PN Πύδνα (*bhudhnā), dissimilation Κύδνα?

Latin fundus, -ī m. ` ground; the bottom or base of anything; a farm, estate' (*bhundhos), profundus `deep' = Middle Irish bond, bonn m. `sole, foundation, groundwork, basis, pad, prop '. (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-).

Maybe alb. (*fundus), fund `bottom, end', fundos `sink ' Latin loanwords.

Old High German bodam, Modern High German Boden, Old Saxon bodom, Old English *boðm > Middle English bothem m. besides Old English botm m. > Englishbottom and Old English bodan `bottom, ground',

Maybe alb. (bod-) botë ` bottom, ground, earth, world'

Old Norse botn `bottom', Old English byðme ` bilge, floor, bottom ' besides bytme, bytne ds., Old Icelandic bytna ` to come to the bottom ', with unclear dental change; it seems to lie a basic proto Germanic *buÞma- , probably is to be explained analogically; compare Petersson Heterokl. 18, Sievers-Brunner 167, Kluge11 under siedeln. About Modern High German Bühne, originally ` wooden floor (made from floorboards) ', angebl. from Germanic *bunī, Indo Germanic *budhniā, s. Kluge11 under Bühne. 

References: WP. II 190, WH. I 564 f., 867, Porzig WuS. 15, 112 ff. (against it Kretschmer Gl. 22, 116); compare also Vendryes MSL. 18, 305 ff.

Page(s): 174

Root / lemma: bhū̆ĝo-s, nickname bhukko-s

Meaning: goat

Grammatical information: (fem. In -ā `goat, nanny goat ') 

Material: Zigeun. buzni `goat'; Avestan būza m. `he-goat', New Persian buz `goat, he-goat; billy goat '; 

Armenian buz `lamb';

Middle Irish bocc, pocc, nir. boc, poc, Welsh bwch, Cornish boch, Breton bouc'h ` he-goat; billy goat ', in addition Middle Irish boccānach `ghost, bogeyman ';

Germanic *bukka- (after Pedersen Litteris 7, 23 f. borrowed from Celtic?) in Old Icelandic bukkr, bokkr, bokki, Old English bucca, Modern English buck, Old High German Middle High German boc, -ekes, Modern High German Bock.

The aberrant consonant in Old Indic bukka-ḥ `he-goat' (uncovered) is probably from bukkati ` barks ' (see below beu-1, bu-) influenced hypocoristic reshuffling *bhūja- = Avestan būza-. Also New Persian dial. boèa `young goat', pām. buè, büè seem to be a result of similar reorganization. 

References: WP. II 189 f., Pedersen Litteris 7, 23 f., Martinet Gémination 182.

Page(s): 174

Root / lemma: bherug-, bhrug-, bhorg-

Meaning: throat

Material: Armenian erbuc `breast, brisket of killed animals ' (*bhrugo-); gr. φάρυξ, -υγος, later (after ⛣άρυγξ) φάρυγξ, -υγγος ` windpipe, gullet'; Latin frūmen n. `(a gruel or porridge made of corn, and used in sacrifices) larynx, gullet' (*frū̆g-smen); without u Old Icelandic barki ` neck ' (bhor-g-, formally closer to φάραγξ `cleft, gap, abyss ')

Similar to Lithuanian burnà, Armenian beran `mouth' (actually ` orifice ') to bher- `cut, clip' under conception `cleft, gap = gullet'.

References: WP. II 171, WH. I 482, 551 f., 866, Lidén Mél. Pedersen 92, Specht Dekl. 162.

Page(s): 145

Root / lemma: bis-(t)li-

Meaning: gall

Material: Latin bīlis (*bislis, older *bistlis) f. `gall, bile'; Welsh bustl m., Old Cornish bistel, Breton bestl (*bis-tlo-, -tli-) `gall'; gallo-rom. *bistlos (Wartburg).

References: WP. II 111, WH. I 105 f.

Page(s): 102

Root / lemma: blat-

Meaning: to chat

Material: Latin blaterō, -āre ` chatter, babble, empty gossip; also from shout of the camel, ram, frog', blatiō, -īre `babble, prattle ';

mndd. plad(d)eren `chat, prate', nndd. pladdern `splash, besprinkle ', Swedish pladder ` loose gossip', Danish bladre `spread lose gossip ', older also `splash', lacking of consonant shift in onomatopoeic word.

Similar to onomatopoeic words are ndd. plapperen (Modern High German plappern), Middle High German plappen and blappen, Old High German blabizōn `babble' and mndd. plūderen `babble' (Middle High German plūdern, Modern High German plaudern). 

compare with partly similar meaning bhlē̆d- ` to bubble up, chat', bhel- `sound' and bal-, bal-bal- under baba- (e.g. Lithuanian blebénti with Modern High German plappern similar formation). 

References: WP. II 120, WH. I 109.

Page(s): 102

Root / lemma: blē- (*bhleh1- > bhle- > bhlek-o-; bhlek-ot-o-)

Meaning: to bleat

Root / lemma: bhlē- : ` to howl, weep' > Root / lemma: blē- : ` to bleat'; hence the support for the glottal theory bh- > b-.

Note: imitation of the sheep sound with different guttural extensions; in the Germanic with consonant shift omitted as a result of continual new imitation.

Material: Gr. βληχάομαι `bleat', βληχή ` the bleating '; Russian (etc) blekati (old), blekotátь `bleat'; mndd. bleken, blöken `bleat, bark, bay' (out of it Modern High German blöken), Norwegian Dialectal blækta (*blēkatjan) `bleat'; alb. bl'egërás ds.


in -m- formant:

alb. blegërimë ` the bleating ' : Gr. βληχάομαι `bleat' [common gr. χ > alb. g-].

Proto-Slavic form: blekъ; blekotъ; blekota

Page in Trubačev: II 108-109

Russian: blëkot (dial.) `henbane' [m o]; blekótá (dial.) `chatterbox' [m/f o]

Belorussian: blëkat `henbane, hemlock' [m o]

Ukrainian: blékit `poison hemlock' [m o]; blékot `henbane' [m o]; blekotá `poison hemlock, henbane' [f ā]

Czech: blek `bleating' [m o]; blekot `shouter, babbler' [m o]; blekota `grumbler' [f ā]

Old Czech: blekot `chatter, grumbling, chatterbox, grumbler' [m o]

Slovak: bl'akot `bleating, bellowing' [m o]

Polish: blekot `fool's parsley, henbane, (arch.) stammerer, chatterbox' [m o]

Upper Sorbian: blek `henbane' [m o]; blik `henbane' [m o]; blekot `muttering, babble' [m o]

Bulgarian: blek (dial.) `henbane' [m o]

Serbo-Croatian: blēk `bleating' [m o]; blè ̀kēt `bleating' [m o]

Slovene: blę́k `flock (sheep)' [m o]

References: WP. II 120 f., WH. I 95.

See also: compare also bhlē- `howl' etc 

Page(s): 102

Root / lemma: blou- (bhlou-?), plou- (*bhlou-ks-eh2)

Meaning: flea

Note: With k- and s-suffixes and taboo metathesis and anlaut alteration.


With b (or bh?): afgh. vraža, gr. ψύλλα (*blusi̯ā), Balto-Slavic *blusā in Lithuanian blusà, Latvian blusa, Prussian PN Blus-kaym, Russian-Church Slavic blъcha, Serbo-Croatian bùha, Russian bɫochá. 

With p: Old Indic plúši-, Armenian lu (*plus-), alb. plesht, Latin pūlex , Indo Germanic*plouk- in Old High German flôh, Old English fléah.


Common Armenian Celtic (often alb.) initial pl- > l-, see Root / lemma: plab- : to babble, etc.. Old Irish (*plabar) labar ` talkative '.

Notes: In Polish dialects, we find a large variety of forms, e.g. pcha, pɫa, pɫecha, bɫecha, bɫcha.

Formations in e- grade:

alb. plesht : Polish pɫecha ` flea'.

References: Meillet MSL. 22, 142, 539 f., Trautmann 35, Specht Dekl. 42 f., 203, 235.

Page(s): 102

Root / lemma: bol-

Meaning: tuber

Material: Armenian boɫk ` radish ', gr. βολβός `onion, bulb' (also βόλβιτος, dissimilated Attic βόλιτος `crap, muck, dung ', , if possibly originally from nanny goats or horses?), 

βῶλος, βῶλαξ `clod of earth'; Old Indic bálba-ja-ḥ `Eleusine indica, a type of grass', if ` nodules coming out from the root '?, Latin bulbus `onion, bulb, tuber ' is borrowed from βολβός.

Redukt.-grade or with Assimilation in Vok. the 2. syllable Armenian palar ` pustule, bubble '. 

References: WP. II 111 f., WH. I 122.

Page(s): 103

Root / lemma: brangh-, brongh-?

Meaning: hoarse?

Material: Gr. βράγχος ` hoarseness ', βραγχάω `be hoarse', Old Irish brong(a)ide `hoarse'; but gr. Aor. ἔβραχε `cracks' probably stays away. 

References: WP. I 683 f., II 119.

Page(s): 103

Root / lemma: breuq-

Meaning: to jump, *throw, thrust, poke, touch, run

Material: Perhaps combined so gr. βροῦκος, βρεῦκος (βραῦκος), βρύκος ` locust, grasshopper ' (βροῦχος probably after βρύ̄χω ` crunches with the teeth ', and sloven. br̂knem, bŕkniti, br̂kam, bŕkati, bŕcati ` bump with the feet, kick, shoot the way up with the fingers, touch ';

Maybe Illyrian TN Breuci : so gr. βρεῦκος ` locust, grasshopper (mythological monster?)';

alb. (*breuk ) prek ` touch, frisk, violate ' : Slovene: bŕsati `lead, touch' : Lithuanian: brùkti `poke, thrust, press, scutch (flax)' [verb]; Russian: brosát' `throw, (dial.) scutch flax' [verb]; brokát' (dial.) `throw' [verb]; Serbo-Croatian: bŕcati `throw' [verb];

Russian brykátь ` kick with the back leg ', Ukrainian brykáty ` frisk mischievously, run ' etc 


Maybe the original cognate was of Baltic - Illyrian origin: Lithuanian: braũktas `wooden knife for cleaning flax' [m o], braũkti `erase, scutch (flax)', brùkti `poke, thrust, press, scutch (flax)' [verb]

References: WP. II 119, Specht Indo Germanic Dekl. 251 f.

Page(s): 103

Root / lemma: bronk-

Meaning: to lock

Material: Gothic anapraggan `press' to *pranga- ` restriction, constriction ' in Old Swedish prang `narrow alley', Middle English prange `narrowness', English dial. proug ` menu fork ', 

Maybe alb. pranga ` restriction, fetter, chain, handcuff' : germ Pranger ` pillory '

mndd. prangen `press', pranger `pole', Middle High German pfrengen ` wedge ', Old High German pfragina `bar, gate, barrier', to Lithuanian brañktas m. ` pole for hanging (*gallows)', Latvian brankti (Lithuanian loanword) ` fitting tightly '.

References: WP. II 119, 677 f.. Feist 43, Kluge11 under Pranger.

Page(s): 103

Root / lemma: bu-

Meaning: lip, kiss

Note: as an imitation of the kiss sound, bursting of the sucking lip fastener from inside, thus actually differently from bu-, bhu- ` inflate ' with normal spraying after outside.

Root / lemma: bu- : `lip, kiss' derived from Root / lemma: ku-, kus- (*kʷukʷh-): `to kiss' common Celtic - Greek kʷ- > p-.

Material: New Persian bōsīdan `kiss'; alb. buzë `lip';

Maybe alb. (*pus) puth `kiss' [common alb. -s > -th shift] : Swedish puss `kiss'.

Middle Irish bus, pus `lip', busóc, pusóc `kiss' (in addition presumably gall. PN Bussumāros and buððutton `mouth, kiss');

Modern High German Buss `kiss', bussen `kiss', Busserl `kiss', English buss, Swedish (with regular consonant shift) puss `kiss'; Lithuanian buèiúoti `kiss', buè the onomatopoeic word, sound of the kiss dental interjection. poln. buzia `mouth, face; kiss'.


The same phonetic construction for poln. buzia `mouth, face; kiss' : alb. buzë, buza `lip' : Rumanian buzã `lip'.

References: WP. I 113 f., WH. II 98.

Page(s): 103

Root / lemma: dak̂ru-

Meaning: tears

Grammatical information: n.


Gr. δάκρυ, δάκρυον, δάκρυμα `tears'; out of it borrows Old Latin dacruma, Latin lacruma, lacrima ds. (with Sabinian l?);


Common Latin dh- > ll-, d- > l-.

Maybe alb. (*lok-) lot `tear' [common alb. -k > -th, -t similar to alb. (*mag-) math `big'.

Old Irish dēr n., Welsh deigr (could go back to Pl. *dakrī the o-Dekl.), Pl. dagrau, Old Breton dacr-(lon) ` moist, damp, wet ', Cornish dagr `tears' (Island-Celtic *dakrom `see, look' Thurneysen KZ. 48, 66 f); Germanic *táhr- and tagr- : Gothic tagr n. `tears', Old Norse tār n. (from*tahr-), Old English tæhher, tear, teagor m., Old High German zahar m. (Modern High German Zähre from dem Pl.; whether in Germanic still from old u-stem or it has changed out of it? o-stem has gone out, is doubtful). 

Indo Germanic *dak̂ru is probably from *drak̂ru dissimilated because of Old High German trahan, Old Saxon Pl. trahni `tears', Middle Low German trān ds. and `( from fat of squeezed out drops through cooking:) fish oil', Middle High German traher ds. (-er probably after zaher has changed) and Armenian artasuk` ` tears ', Sg. artausr from *drak̂ur. 

On the other hand one searches connection with Old Indic áśru, aśra-m `tears', Avestan asrūazan- ` pouring tears ', Lithuanian ašarà, ãšara `tears', Latvian asara ds.; probably sheer rhyme word, so *ak̂ro- ` acer, sharp, bitter ' as epithet of the tears (`bitter tears ') partially used in place of dak̂ru, whereby it took over its u-inflection? compare also Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 142 f.


From early Italic, Illyrian people the cognate for tears passed to Altaic languages:

Protoform: *lī́gà ( ˜ *ĺ-)

Meaning: to weep, cry

Turkic protoform: *jɨ̄g-(la-)

Tungus protoform: *ligi-

References: WP. I 769, WH. I 746 f.

See also: see above S. 23 under ak̂ru.

Page(s): 179

Root / lemma: dāiu̯ēr, Gen. daiu̯rés

Meaning: brother-in-law

Material: Old Indic dēvár-, Armenian taigr, gr. δᾱήρ (*δαιFηρ), Latin lēvir (in ending reshaped after vir; the l for d probably Sabine), Old High German zeihhur, Old English tācor (presumably through hybridization with an equivalent from Lithuanian láigonas `brother of wife'), Lithuanian dieverìs (for *dievė̃ = Old Indic dēvár-; older conservative Gen. diever̃s), Latvian diẽveris, Old Church Slavic děverь (i-, i̯o- and conservative stem).


The Baltic cognate Lithuanian láigonas `brother of the wife' proves the Balkan origin of Baltic languages inheriting Latin d- > l-.

References: WP. I 767, WH. I 787, Specht KZ 62, 249 f., Trautmann 43.

Page(s): 179

Root / lemma: dāu-, dǝu-, dū̆-

Meaning: to burn

Note: uncertainly, whether in both meaning originally identical (possibly partly as ` burning pain ', partly ` destroy by fire, burn down hostile settlements '?)

Material: Old Indic dunṓti `burns (trans), afflicts', dūná- `burnt, afflicted ', Pass. dūyatē `burns' (intransitive), causative dāvayati `burns' (trans), dāvá-ḥ (with vowel gradation change davā-ḥ) `blaze', dū f. `affliction, pain', doman- `blaze, agony' (-ǝu- as in δεδαυμένος);


Old Indic and alb. prove that Root / lemma: dāu-, dǝu-, dū̆- : `to burn' derived from Root / lemma: dheu-4, dheu̯ǝ- (presumably: dhu̯ē-, compare the extension dhu̯ē-k-, dhu̯ē̆-s-) : `to reel, dissipate, blow, *smoke etc.'.

Armenian erkn (to δύη) `throes of childbirth';

Note: common Baltic-Illyrian d- > zero reflected in Armenian

gr. δαίω (*δᾰF-ι̯ω) `set on fire, inflame', Perf. δέδηε `be in flames, be on fire' (: Old Indic dudāva), participle δεδαυμένος (δαῦσαι ἐκκαῦσαι Hes., ἐκδαβῇ ἐκκαυθῇ Λάκωνες Hes.), δάος n., δαΐς, -ίδος f. `torch' (to ᾳ: von Attic δᾱͅς, δᾱͅδός s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 266), δᾱνός ` easily ignitable = to dry' (*δαεινός from *δαFεσ-νός), δᾱλός ` burning piece of wood' (*δαFελός = Laconian δαβελός); δήιος `hostile', Doric (Trag.) δᾱΐος, δᾳος `afflicted, woeful, wretched, miserable'; hom. δηΐοω `slay, kill, murder' (Attic δῃόω `ds., devastate'), δηιοτής, -τῆτος `tumult of war, fight, struggle', hom. δᾰΐ Locative `in the battle' (to Nom. *δαῦς, Indo Germanic *dāus Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 578), δαι-κτάμενος ` killed in the fight'; probably δύη `affliction', δυόωσι `fall in the misfortune' (ἀνθρώπους, Od.), δυερός ` unlucky '. 

About ὀδύνη (mostly Pl.), Aeolic ἐδύνας Akk. Pl. `pain', ὀδυνᾶν ` cause pain, afflict, sadden' see below ed- `eat'; perhaps here δαῦκος ὁ θρασύς (`stormy, hot tempered') Hes.

Alb. dhunë (*dus-n-) `affliction, pain, force, violence, horrible action; disgrace, insult' (dhunon `revile, violate'; dhun `bitter', originally `unpleasant'? or as Slavic gorьkъ `bitter': gorěti `burn'?) with *du-s- (presumably as zero grade of -es- stem = or as gr. δά(F)ος); Tosc derë `bitter' (*deu-no-);  Cognates in other languages: Gr. δαίω [verb] `to kindle'; Gr. δέδηα [1sg.pf.act.] `to blaze, to burn'; Gr. δήϊος [adj] `*burning' > `terrible'; OIr. dóïd [verb] `to singe, to burn'; MIr. condud `firewood'; OHG zuscen [verb] `to burn'


Latin presumably duellum, bellum `war, fight' (WH. I 100 f.), with unclear suffix. 

Note: common Latin dw- > b-

Old Irish dōīm `singe, burn' (about Old Irish dōīm `get, exert' see below deu̯(ǝ)-), Verb noun dōud = Old Indic davathu-ḥ `blaze, fire '; atūd `kindle, inflame' from *ad-douth, Welsh cynneu `kindle, inflame' , (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), also Breton devi, Welsh deifio `burn' (with v from w before i̯) here (Thurneysen KZ. 61, 253, Loth RC. 42, 58); Old Irish Gen. condid, Middle Irish connad, condud `firewood', Welsh cynnud ` firing', Cornish kunys, Breton keuneud `firewood' (Pedersen KG. I 108, II 39, basic form perhaps*kom-dauto-); Welsh etewyn ` firebrand ' (*ate-dau̯-ino-), Breton collective eteo ds.

Old High German zuscen `burn'; after φρύ̄νη : braun here also Old English tosca `frog', Swedish Dialectal tosk ds.; perhaps (with *eu, see below) Old Norse tjōn n. `damage, wrong; injustice, derision, ridicule', Old English tēona m., tēone f. `damage', Old Saxon tiono `evil, harm, wrong; injustice, enmity', whereof Old Norse tȳna `destroy, lose', Old English tīenan `plague, anger, slander', Old Saxon gitiunean ` act wrong against somebody '.* 


*) In spite of Osthoff IA. 1, 82 has kept away the family of Modern High German zünden, Gothic tundnan `is ignited', tandjan `ignite, set on fire', Middle High German zinden, because of that i and a would not be probably first vowel gradation neologism in u; after Thurneysen IA. 83, 32 as t-andjan to Old Irish ad-and- `kindle, inflame'.


Berneker IF. 10, 158 places here also Lithuanian džiáuti ` place down in order to dry ', Latvian žaut `dry, burn incense, smoke ' as *dēu-ti, as also alb. and Germanic eu- forms can contain Indo Germanic ēu; the relationship of this *dēu- to *dāu- is unclear; or to di̯eu- `sky, heaven'? 

References: WP. I 767 ff., WH. I 100 f.

Page(s): 179-181

Root / lemma: dā-

Meaning: to flow; river

Material: Old Indic dā-na- n. ` liquid flowing from the temples of the elephant for the rutting ', dā́-nu- n. f. ` every dripping liquid, drop, dew', Avestan dā-nu- f. `river, stream', osset. don `water, river'; Russian FlN Don, (Greek) skyth. FlN Τάναις;

Also typical intensive reduplication Illyrian (*don-don) Dodona Epirus

Russian FlN Dniepr and Dniestr, old Danapris and Danastius from skyth. *Dānu apara ` back river' and *Dānu nazdya- ` front river'; Avestan VN Dānavō Pl. ` river inhabitant ' (become in R̥gveda water demons, fem. GN Dānu-), skyth. nomadic people, also in Greece, hence (?) gr. VN Δαναοί, ägypt. Danuna; with formants -mo- Armenian tamuk `humid, wet, moist', tamkanam ` wet, mositen; of water, collect in pools, and of solids, to be liquefied; wet, moistened, soaked ' and presumably gr. δημός (proto gr. ᾱ or η?) `fat of animals and people', wherewith alb. dhjamë `fat, bacon, tallow, suet' is not connected in a cleared way yet; (common alb. Slavic -j- infix)

the fat can be named as with the roast liquidly growing ones (compare Old Church Slavic loj ` soft fat, lard, grease ' : lijati `pour'). Here also Celtic Dānuvius ` Danube river', gall. ON Condāte ` the confluence of two rivers; as a place-name Confluentes '; six English Fl Don (*dānu-), Welsh FlN Donwy (*dānuu̯iā).

Benveniste places to Armenian tam-uk yet Hittite dame(n)k- `fall like rain' (BSL 33, 143). 

References: WP. I 763, M. Förster Themse 145 f., Kretschmer Gl. 24, 1 ff., 15 ff., Mél. Pedersen 76 ff., Benveniste BSL 33, 143.

Page(s): 175

Root / lemma: dā : dǝ- and dāi- : dǝi- : dī̆-

Meaning: to share, divide

Grammatical information: originally athemat. Wurzelpräsens.

Material: Old Indic dā́ti, dyáti `clips, cuts, mows, separates, divides', participle diná-ḥ, ditá-ḥ, composes ava-ttaḥ ` cropped, truncated, cut off ', díti-ḥ `the distributing', 

dā́nam `the abscission, trimming', dānám n. `distribution, deal, portion', dā́tu n. `deal, portion', dātár- m. (= δαιτρός) `reaper, mower', dātrám ` allotted share ', dā́tram n. `sickle', New Persian dāra ` remuneration ', dās `sickle'; Old Indic dayā́ ` communion, concern, commiseration ' = dáyate (*dǝi-etai) `divides, possess lot, has pity; destructs '. 

Maybe nasalized form in alb. (*dáyate) ndanj `cut, separate, allot, share'.

gr. δαίομαι med. `divide, allot, share' with probably after Fut. δαίσω and and the following words preserved ι (phonetic laws δάηται Konj. Ф 375 ` is destroyed '); δαίς, -τος, δαί⛬η, 

hom. also δαιτύς, -ύος `share, meal, sacrifice, oblation' (: Old Indic dā́tu); δαιτυμών `guest' (as `serving the meal'), δαιτρός ` colter, plough coulter, pre-pruner. ' (: Old Indic dātár-), δαιτρόν `share' (: Old Indic dātrám; this αι of these gr. words is partly according to phonetic laws - āi, ǝi - partly analogical, as in Cretan Perf. δέδαισμαι to δατέομαι, compare also Cretan δαῖσις `division', καρποδαισταί ` distributor of fruit '), δαίνῡμι `host', probably also δαίμων m. `god, goddess; fate, destiny, person’s lot in life' (actually ` prorating; or `god of the dead as a corpse eater', Porzig IF. 41, 169 ff., Kretschmer Gl. 14, 228 f.; about of Archilochos δαίμων `δαήμων' see below *dens- ` high mental power '); δαί̈ζω, Fut. -ξω, Aor. -ξα `divide, carve, slit, destroyy' (due to *δᾰFό-ς ` sliced, destructed'), ἄ-δατος ἀδιαίρετος Hes., δάνος n. `interest, usury' (due to a participle *dǝ-nó-s = Old Indic diná-ḥ, compare δάνας μερίδας);

gall. arcanto-danos ` minting ' as `distributing silver'.

With formants -mo- : dāmos f. `people': gr. δῆμος, Doric δᾶμος m. `( people's division) people, area; the single region in Athens ', Old Irish dām f. ` retinue, troop, multitude, crowd', Old Welsh dauu ` boy, serf, servant ', Modern Welsh daw, dawf `son-in-law'; apparently older fem. o-stem; in addition Hittite da-ma-a-iš (damaīš?) `an other, foreigner, stranger', from `*foreign people', originally `*people', Pedersen Hittite 51 ff.

With formants -lo- perhaps Old Church Slavic dělъ `deal, portion' (*dǝi-lo-) (see below *del- `split'); about Old Irish fo-dālim etc s. just there. Here belongs probably also Gothic dails `deal, portion', runeninschr. da[i]liÞun `divide', Old Icelandic deill, Old English dǣl, Old High German teil m. `deal, portion'; 

Maybe alb. dallonj `separate, distinguish'

Old Icelandic deila f. `division, disunion', Old High German teila f. `division'; Old Icelandic deila, Old English dǣlan, Old High German teilan `divide' etc It could hardly derive from Slavic, probably it derives from Venetic-Illyrian, because the root form *dǝi- is attested in South Illyrian PN Dae-tor. An additional form Indo Germanic dhǝi- besides dǝi- would be unplausible. 

With zero grade dī- : Armenian ti, Gen. tioy `age, years, days, time' (* < dī-t(i)- or *dī-to-, *dī-tā), Old High German zīt f. (n. Isidor), Old Saxon Old English tīd, Old Norse tīð f. `time, hour' (*tīÞ-, Indo Germanic*dī-t-, ursprgl `period of time'), in addition Old Norse tīðr ` usual, ordinary, frequent, often', Old English tīdan `occur', Old Norse tīða ` aspire, strive'; Old Norse tī-na ` to pick to pieces, take apart, weed, take out, remove, clean';

About Gothic til ` fitting' etc see below ad-2, but Gothic dails under del-3; here against it Old High German zila ` sequence, row, line', westfäl. tīle ` sheaf row ', Modern High German Zeile, probably from *tīð-lá-.

p- extension dāp-, dǝp-; dǝp-no-, -ni- ` sacrificial meal ':

Old Indic dāpayati `divides'; Armenian taun (*dap-ni-) `festival'; gr. δάπτω (*δαπι̯ω) `tear, rend, mangle, lacerate, disassemble ', with intensive reduplication δαρδάπτω `tear, rend, (κτήματα) squander, dissipate in luxury', δαπάνη f. `expenditure, esp. arising from hospitality (: daps) ', 

δάπανος ` lavish, wasteful ', δαπανάω ` consume' (out of it Latin dapinō `serve up (as food), provide for'), δαψιλός (Empedokles), δαψιλής `(* wasteful) exuberant, rich, generous '; Latin daps `(*share) a sacrificial feast, religious banquet; in gen., meal, feast, banquet ', damnum `loss, damage, defect, fine', damnōsus ` ruinous ' (*dap-no- : δαπάνη, different Pedersen Hitt 42);

maybe Illyrian Epidamnos (Eppi- '*horse' + *dap-no '*sacrifice'), also alb. Geg dam (*dap-no) `damage': Latin damnum.

Old Norse tafn (*dap-no-) ` sacrificial animal, sacrificial meal ', compare den Germanic GN Tanfana (Tacit.), if from *tafnana, Marstrander NTS. 1, 159.

From Germanic one still adds a lot, what was a meaning-development from `split up, cut up, divide' to `tear, pluck, shortly touch, make short clumsy movement '  would assume; in following the meaning from δαπανᾶν, damnum derives aschw. tappa and tapa ` put an end to, lose', Old Icelandic tapa ds.; Old Frisian tapia `pluck', Old English tæppe f. ` cloth stripes ', Middle English tappen (English tap) `hit lightly', Middle Low German tappen, tāpen (lengthening in open syllable?) ` pick, pluck'; Old Norse tǣpr ` barely touching ', Icelandic tǣpta (*tāpatjan) ` just touch ', Norwegian Dialectal tæpla `touch lightly, tread quietly'; but Norwegian Dialectal taap(e) m., Danish taabe `fool, rogue, awkward; clumsy person', Norwegian taapen `weak, feeble, ineligible ', tæpe n. ` insignificant; unimportant thing', Old Norse tǣpiligr `concise', with other labial grades Swedish Dialectal tabb, tabbe ` gawk ', tabbet ` oafish ', are probably onomatopoeic words, also as ndd. tappe, Swiss tāpe, Modern High German Tappe ` paw ', as well as tappen, täppisch etc; s. also under dhabh-1. 

Likewise are to be kept away Old High German zabalōn, Modern High German zappeln, as well as Old High German zapfo, Modern High German Zapfen, Old Englishtæppa ds. (Germanic *tappon-); also only Germanic words with i and u (compare Specht Dekl. 152 f.):Middle English tippen, English tip ` touch quietly, bump quietly ', Modern High German tippen, Middle High German zipfen `(in swift movement) trip, scurry ', Old Norse tifask ` walk on tiptoe; trip ', Middle High German zipf `tip, cusp, peak', nasalized Middle Low Germantimpe f. `tip, end', Old English ā-timplian `hold with nails'; on the other hand Norwegian Dialectal tuppa, Modern High German zupfen, Old Norse toppr ` tuft of hair, summit, acme, apex ', Old English topp m. `cusp, peak, crest, summit, tip ', toppa m. ` filament ', Old High German zopf ` pigtail, braid, plait, end of a thing '; Middle Low German tubbe, tobbe ` spigot ', tobben `pluck, rend ', South German zöfeln ` waver ' (as zapfeln); perhaps here also Old High German zumpo `penis', Middle High German zumpf(e), Modern High German Zumpt, whereat under dumb-. 

Here Tocharian A tāp ` ate ', Van Windekens Lexique 187. 

t-extension dǝ-t- (compare but das participle dǝ-tó-s):

gr. δατέομαι `divide, tear, rend, consume' (Fut. δάσσεσθαι, Aor. hom. δάσσασθαι, Attic δάσασθαι), wherefore δασμός `division', δάσμα `lot',  common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-

δατήριος `dividing, splitting' (this certainly from *δᾰ-τήρ: Old Indic dā-tár- `reaper, mower'), ἄδαστος ` undivided '; δατέομαι is gr. neologism (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 676) and not Indo Germanic *dǝ-t-; 

Gothic ungatass ` disarrayed, disorderly ' (compare ἄ-δαστος), Middle Dutch getes `be submitting, suitable '; Old High German zetten `(distributing) strew, outspread ', Modern High German verzette(l)n, probably also Old Norse teðja ` outspread dung ', tað n. `(* outstretched) dung'; Old High German zota, zata f. ` tuft of wool, hair hanging down together, filament or wool ' (therefrom zaturra ` a harlot, prostitute '), Old English tættec (expressives tt) `scrap, shred, tatter, rag ', Old Norse tǫturr `scrap, shred'; Old Danish tothae, Old Danish and Danish Dialectal tøde, taade `, retard, delay, hinder'. 

Besides with u-Vok. Old Norse toddi `small piece', holl. todde `scrap, shred', Old High German zota, zotta ` topknot ', Modern High German Zotte, Zote; Middle High German zoten `go slowly', Modern High German zotteln, East Frisian todden `pull, tear, drag ' ; about Modern High German zaudern s. Kluge11 704. 

Tocharian A tät-k `divide, carve, slit'. 

s-extension d-es-:

Old Indic dásyati ` suffers lack, swelters, languishes ', upadásyati ` goes out, is exhausted '; 

Norwegian dial. tasa `wear out', Swedish dial. tasa ` pluck wool, outspread hay ', ndd. tasen `pluck', Modern High German Zaser, older Zasel ` fibre, filament ', Norwegian dial. tase m. `weak person', tasma `languish', tasa ` become feeble '; vowel gradation Danish Dialectal tæse ` work slowly ', ndd.täsen ` work heavily', identical with Norwegian Danish tæse ` disentangle, wear out, pull out'; compare in similar meaning Norwegian tasse ` go quietly ', taspa ` go slowly and sluggishly', Middle High German zaspen `scratch, go sluggishly ', Old High German zascōn ` seize, snatch, tear away ' (actually `drag') = Modern High German dial. zaschen, zäschen `drag, pull, tear, work slowly ', zäschen f. ` a train in the dress '; about Old High German tasca `pouch, pocket' s. Kluge11 612. 

Maybe truncated alb. Geg (*zascōn) me zanë ` to seize, snatch, tear away '

Hittite tešḫā- `keep oneself away from' (3. Sg. preterit ti-eš-ḫa-aš).

Maybe alb. Geg (*tešḫā) tesha Pl. `clothes, belongings, rags', teshë `speck of dust, little splinter, torn piece'

Besides with i-vocalism (Indo Germanic *di-s as extension to dī̆-? Or only Germanic neologism?):

Swedish dial. teisa, tesa ` pull to pieces ', Danish dial. tese `pluck (e.g. wool)', Old English tǣsan ` pull to pieces ', Old High German zeisan, zias ` ruffle; tousle, pluck wool '; East Frisian holl. teisteren ` rend ', Old English tǣsel, Old High German zeisala ` teasel ', Norwegian Dialectal test `willow fibre, ringlet, hair lock ', with ī Norwegian tīst ` fibre, filament ', tīsl ` shrubbery ', with ĭ Middle High German zispen `go sluggishly' (as zaspen), probably also (?) Old English teoswian `plague, disparage ', teoso `insult, deceit, malice'.

Finally with u-vocalism: Norwegian dial. tosa `rub, wear out, pluck', also `flub, work slowly ', tose `frail person', tos ` fibers, ragged rigging ', tossa `strew, distribute, outspread ', Middle English tōtūsen `tousle, ruffle', Middle Low German tōsen ` rend, pull', Old High German zirzūsōn `tousle, ruffle', Middle High German zūsach ` brushwood ', zūse f. ` brushwood, hair lock ' ; perhaps to Latin dūmus ` a thorn bush, bramble brushwood, shrub' (*dū̆s-mo-s) and Old Irish doss `bush'.

From PIE this root passed to Altaic:

Protoform: *dàma

Meaning: ill, sick, bad

Turkic protoform: *jAman

Tungus protoform: *dam-

Japanese protoform: *dàm-

Note: Despite SKE 75 there is no reason at all to suppose a Chinese origin of the Turkic form (MC ja-mạn 'savage, barbarian' is too distant semantically; the usage of PT *jaman for a bad disease, sickness is very close to Japanese and may suggest that the original meaning of the root was 'ill(ness), sick(ness)').

References: WP. I 763 ff., WH. I 322, 323 f., 859; Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 676.

See also: out at least basically as extensions from dā- `cut, split' agreeable root del- `split', del- ` whereupon it is split apart ', der- `split, flay' see below see below its own headwords. 

Page(s): 175-179

Root / lemma: deiĝh-

Meaning: to prick; tick

Material: Armenian ti `tick'; 

Middle Irish dega, Akk. degaid (*digāt-) ` stag-beetle ';

Germanic *tīkan-, with intensive sharpening *tikkan-, in Old English ticia m. (lies tiica or ticca), English tike and tick `wood tick, sheep louse ', Middle Low German Zecke m. f. `wood tick', Modern High German Zecke; besides a mediation form *tīkan- in Middle Low German teke, Middle High German Zeche, English teke ds.;

Norwegian dial. tikka, ndd. ticken ` stumble lightly ', Middle High German zicken ds.; Old High German zechon ` pulsate, banter, skirmish'; English tickle ` titillate '; nasalized Old English tindian ds. 

A connection with dhēig- `prick' is not provable. 

References: WP. I 777.

Page(s): 187-188

Root / lemma: deik̂-

Meaning: to show

Note: from which Latin and Germanic partly ` point to something with words, say', developed plural also ` show the right, point to the culprit, accuse '


Hittite: tekkussai- (I)  ' zeigen, präsentieren '  (Friedrich 220)

Old Indian: dídeṣṭi, diśáti, ptc. diṣṭá- `to point out, show ' ; diṣṭi- f. `direction, prescription ' ; diś- f. `quarter or region pointed at, direction ' , diśā f. `direction, region ' , deśá- m. `point, region, part ' ; deśinī f. `the index or forefinger ' 

Avestan: daēs- `zeigen; jemandem etwas zuweisen, zusprechen ' 

Old Greek: déi̯knǖmi, dei̯knǘō (kret. diknüti), aor. de^i̯ksai̯, pf. med. dédei̯gmai̯ `zeigen ' ; de^i̯ksi-s; de^i̯gma `Probe, Warenhalle ' , dei̯ktḗrio-n `Schauplatz ' , déi̯ktǟ-s nomen agentis; déi̯kelo-n `изображение ' ; ari-déi̯keto- `ausgezeichnet '  (Hom.+); díkǟ f. `Weise, Sitte, Recht, Rechts-verhandlung, -sache, Strafe ' 

Baltic: *tei^g- (-ja-) vb., *taig-ā^- vb.

Germanic: *tī́x-a- vb., *tīg-n-á- m., *tix-t-i- c., etc.; *taik-n-a- m., n., *taik-n-i- c.

Latin: dīcō (OLat -ei-), -ere, dīxī (OLat -ei-), dictum `sprechen, aussprechen, verkündigen, reden, singen; festsetzen, bestimmen; (er)nennen ' , dictāre `wiederholt sagen, diktieren, befehlen ' ; dicāre `feierlich verkünden ' ; dictiō, -ōnis f. `Aussprechen, Redeweise, Rede ' , dicāx, -cis `redegewand t, witzig ' ; causi-dicus `Sachwalter ' ; index, -icis m. `Anzeiger, Angeber ' ; iūdex `Richter ' ; diciō, -ōnis f. `Gewalt, Botmässigkeit, Gerichtsbarkeit ' ; dicis causā `um dem Scein des Rechts zu genügen; nur zur Form ' 

Other Italic: Osk deíkum, deicum `dicere ' , deicans `dicant ' , dicust `dixerit ' ; dadíkatted `dedicavit ' , Umbr tikamne `*dicamine, dedicatione ' ; teitu, deitu `dicitō ' ; dersicust `dixerit ' , tic̨el `dedicatio ' ,


Old Indic dídeṣṭi, diśáti, dēśayati `shows, point at', Avestan daēs- Aor. dōiš- `show' (daēsayeiti, disyeiti, daēdōišt) `show; assign something to somebody, adjudge ', participle Old Indic diṣṭá- (= Latin dictus); diṣṭi-ḥ ` instruction, regulation ', Avestan ādišti-š `directive, doctrine' (= Latin dicti-ō, Old English tiht ` accusation ', Old High German in-, bi-ziht ds., Modern High German Verzicht), Old Indic diś- f. `instruction, direction', diśā `direction' (= δίκη `right, justice', from which probably Latin dicis causa ` for form's sake, for the sake of appearances '), deśá-ḥ `(direction), region' = Old Norse teigr see below; 

gr. δείκνῡμι, secondary δεικνύω `points, shows, evinces', Cretan προ-δίκνῡτι `ἐπιδείκνυσι', δεῖξις ` the display ' (with secondary lengthened grade), δίκη see above, δίκαιος, δικάζω, ἄδικος; the Perf. Med. δέδειγμαι, and δεῖγμα ` averment, proof, example' not with Indo Germanic g, but gr. innovation; 

Latin dīcere `to indicate; to appoint; most commonly, to say, speak, tell, mention; in pass. with infin., to be said to; to mention, speak of, tell of, relate; to name, call; to mean, refer to', dīcāre ` announce solemnly, award, consecrate, dedicate, set apart, devote, offer ', Oscan deíkum `say', Umbrian teitu, deitu `(Fut. Imperative) you will say, declare', changing through vowel gradation Oscan dicust ` will have said ', Umbrian dersicust ds., Oscan da-díkatted ` to dedicate, consecrate, set apart ', Latin dīciō ` power, sovereignty, authority ', indīcāre `indicate, display, show, offer', index ` an informer; a sign, token; the forefinger; a title; a touchstone ' (as also Old Indic deśinī ` forefinger '), iūdex ` a judge; in plur., a panel of jurors ', vindex (vindicāre = vim dicere), causidicus; about proto Irish *Eku̯o-decas, Lugudec(c)as (Gen. Sg.) see below dek̂-1.

Gothic gateihan ` indicate, promulgate ', Old Norse tēa, newer tiā `show, depict, represent, explain, announce ', Old English tēon ` indicate, promulgate ', Old High German zīhan `accuse, blame', zeihen';

Maybe alb. Tosc zihem `quarrel, argue', truncated Geg (*zīhan) zanë ` to quarrel '.

wherefore Old Norse tīgenn `(*show, point out, reveal, advise, teach) noble', (under the influence of common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), tīgn f. `rank; noble mann, husband'; Old High German zeigōn `show', whereof zeiga `instruction'; inziht etc see above; further Old Norse teigr m. ` linear part of meadow ' (`*direction' = Old Indic deśá-ḥ `region, place, land'), changing through vowel gradation Old English tīg, tīh `meadow, pasture ', Middle Low German tī(g) m. public collective place of a village ', Old High German zīch `forum'.

Here presumably with the meaning `finger' (= `*pointer') and secondary, but already old `toe', Old High German zēha, Old English tāhe, tā, Old Norse tā `toe' (*dóik̂u̯ā), Middle Low German tēwe, Modern High German and südd. zēwe ds. (*doik̂-u̯ā), and that probably from *dicitus through dissimilation against the toneless t resulted Latin digitus `finger, toe'. 

Hittite tek-kuš-ša-nu-mi ` makes recognizable, points, shows, evinces' here after Sturtevant Lang. 6, 27 f., 227 ff.; doubts the formation because of E. Forrer by Feist 204.

Hittite: tekkussai- (I) ' indicate, show, present, display ' (Friedrich 220)

Besides Indo Germanic doiĝ- in Gothic taikns f. `mark, token, sign, wonder, miracle', taikn n. ds., Old High German (etc) zeihhan n. `mark, token, sign', Old English tǣcan, English teach `instruct', Old Norse teikna `show, signify, designate', Old High German zeihhonōn ` draw, depict, sign ', Gothic taiknjan `show', Old High German zeihinen ds. 

From Germanic *taikna derives Finnish taika- `omen, sign'. 

Whether deik̂- and deiĝ- from dei- `bright shine' (also `see') are extended as ` allow to see, allow to shine '? 

References: WP. I 776 f., WH. I 348 f., 351, 860, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 696 f., Feist 204, 472.

Page(s): 188-189

Root / lemma: dei-1, dei̯ǝ-, dī-, di̯ā- (*stḫei- : zdḫei-)

Meaning: to shine; day; sun; sky god, god

Note: (older `*dart rays'?)


Hittite: ? tesha- c.  ' Schlaf, Traum '  (Friedrich 222)

Tokharian: ? A tiri `Art und Weise ' 

Old Indian: dīdeti, 3 pl. dīdyati, ipf. 3 sg. ádidet, imp. 2 sg. , dīdihi, didīhí `to shine, be bright ' ; su-dītí- f. `bright flame ' , adj. `shining ' 

Old Greek: hom. ipf. déato `schien ' , deámǟn = edokímadzon, edóksadzon Hsch., déatai̯ = pháinetai, doke^i Hsch., Arc. conj. déātoi̯; aor. hom. doássato `erschien ' , conj. doássetai̯; hom. déelo- `offenbar, deutlich ' , <díalo->: díalon = phanerón, diálas = tàs dḗlas kaí phanerás (Hsch.); hom. arí-zd[ǟ]lo- `sehr deutlich, klar ' ; dendíllō etw. `auf jn. hinsehen, Blicke werfen ' ;

Baltic: *dei-r=; *dī-r-ē^-, *dī^-r-ā^- vb., *dai^-r-ī^- (1) vb., *dai-r-u- adj.

Germanic: *tai-t-a- adj., *tai-t-ō- vb., *ti-dr-a- adj.; ? *tai-l=; *tei-r-i- adj., *tei-r-a- m.


Old Indic dī́-dē-ti ` seems, shines', 3. Pl. dīdyati, Impf. 3. Sg. ádīdēt, Imperative 2. Sg. didīhí, su-dī-tí-ḥ) ` having nice brilliance ', Causative dīpáyati ` ignites, illuminates', dī́pyate `blazes, shines, seems ' (about dīvyati see below), dīdi- `shining, seeming' (due to from dī́-de-ti); similar *doi-d-o- (broken reduplication) in Old Norse teitr `cheerful, blithe, glad' (actually `radiating'), Old English tǣtán `caress', tāt- (in names) `blithe, glad', Old High German zeiz `tender, graceful' (compare heiter and `clear, bright' as `blithe, glad'; Uhlenbeck Old Indic Wb. 126); perhaps here also Lithuanian dìdis `big, large' as ` handsome, considerable '; 

gr. hom. δέατο (Imperfect) `he saw, discerned, perceived ', δεάμην ἐδοκίμαζον, ἐδόξαζον Hes., Arcadian Konj. δεά̄τοι, hom. Aor. δοάσσατο `to appear ', Konj. δοάσσεται, compared with Arcadian Aor. δεά[σε]τοι with ο after ἔδοξε, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 6816; common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-

hom. δέελος `visible' (*δει̯ελος; with metr. lengthening εὐδείελος), δῆλος ds. (from *δέι̯αλος, from which also Hesychs δίαλος; hom. ἀρίζηλος `very distinct, clear, bright' (from *δι̯η-λός); 

*doilo- presumably in Old English sweo-tol (from *tāl) `apparent, manifest, obvious, distinct, clear, bright' and in Middle Irish dōel `beetle, chafer' (`shining black insect') as well as in Irish river names Daol (*doilā) as `the shining'. Here probably also Lithuanian dailùs `dainty, pretty', dáilinti `smooth, adorn'. 

With formants -tlo-  presumably here being found only in the compound Germanic *tīÞla- : zīdal-, Modern High German Zeidel-, Low German tīl- `honey '(' clearness, shine - clear honey ').

Against Pedersens raising from Hittite (*stḫe-)te-eš-ḫa- `dream' (Muršilis 69) s. Couvreur H̯ 53 and above S. 178. 

u̯-extension: dei̯eu- (: di̯éu-, diu̯-, di̯u-) `bright, divine revered sky and bright day: 

Diphth. stem Nom. di̯ēus (dii̯ēus), Akk. di̯ēum, Vok. di̯ĕu, Locative di̯éu̯i and di̯ēu, Dative diu̯éi, Gen. diu̯-és, -ós; di̯ēus-pǝtēr `sky father, heavenly father'.

Old Indic dyā́uḥ (diyā́uḥ) `sky, heaven', Akk. dyā́m, Locative dyáví, diví, Dative divḗ, Gen. diváḥ (and dyōḥ), Instrumental Pl. dyú-bhiḥ;

gr. Ζεύς (= dyāú-ḥ), Akk. Zῆν (= dyā́m), Vok. Ζεῦ (*di̯ĕu), Gen. Δι(F)ός, Dative (Locative) Δι(F)ί (Ζῆν lengthened Ζῆνα, Ζηνός, Zηνί; about Ζάς by Pherekydes of Syros s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 5774); the Gen. *diu̯es in Thessalian Διες-κουριάδεω, prien. Διες-κουρίδου (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 547);

Maybe Rumanian zeu `god' : alb. zot, Pl. zota `god' : Rumanian zeiþã, zeitate, zânã `goddess' : alb. zana f. `nymph, goddess' : gr. Ζῆνα [common alb. n > nt > t].

in Latin the old paradigm has split in two names which designate the name of the uppermost God and the `day'; similarly in the Oscan and Umbrian:

Note: common Latin Illyrian d- > l-:

Latin Iuppiter from Iū-piter, Umbrian Jupater Vok. = Ζεῦ πάτερ, to Nom. Old Indic dyā́ušpitā́ `father of the sky, heavenly father', Ζεὺς πατήρ, Dative Umbrian Iuvepatre, Illyrian (Hes.) Δει-πάτυρος;


The inanimate suffix -ur- : Illyrian (Hes.) Δει-πάτυρος : Ἰλλῠριοί , οἱ, Illyrians,  Ἰλλυρία , ἡ, Illyria, also Ἰλλυρίς , ἡ, Adj. Ἰλλυρικός , ή, όν, Illyrian: -κή, the region or province of Illyria, Ἰλλυρίζω , speak the Illyrian language,  Ἰλλυρία:--hence Adv. Ἰλλυριστί.

In Illyrian and Albanian the attribute noun or adjective comes after the noun.

Latin Gen. Iouis (Old Latin also Diovis, also as Nom.), Oscan Diúveí ` Jove ', íuvilam, older diuvilam `* iovilam ', iúvilas `* iovilae ' etc, compare GentilN Latin Iūlius (*Iovilios);

Maybe -l- suffix, (typical in Old Indic and Illyrian): alb. die-lli ` sun ' : Latin Diālis `relating to Jupiter; '(flamen) dialis'.

Maybe alb. (*Jove-di, *jeudi) enjte 'Thursday' : French jeudi ' Thursday ', Italian jovedi ' Thursday'.

Latin Diēspiter (whereof Diālis `relating to Jupiter; '(flamen) dialis', the priest of Jupiter') with Akk. d(i̯)i̯ēm has changed after Nom. diēs, otherwise would prevail in the meaning `day', while to the name of ` sky God ' the vowel gradation grade *di̯ou̯- from *di̯eu- would be accomplished under the pressure of Vok. *di̯eu- (up to Diēspiter, also Umbrian Di, Dei `[masc acc. sing.] god, [neut voc. sing.] god', contracted from diē-, so that Di(m) = *diēm); the old Nom. *diūs from *di̯ēus still standing in addition toVēdiovis, Vēiovis, Vē-diū̆s `old-Roman Underworld God ';

in the meaning `day' Latin diēs see above (m.; as f. in the meaning `date, day month year (according to the calendar), period, time' presumably after nox), yet besides the older Nom. di̯ēus still in nu-diū̆s tertius `now is the 3. day', further diū ` by day' (Locative *di̯ēu̯ or *di̯ōu), ` for a long time ', ` a long time ago' out of it `long'.

Maybe in -e- grade Latin Greek Albanian: Latin perenndie (*peren-dies) ` on the day after tomorrow ' : Albanian (*peren-diem) perëndim m. ` sunset, end of the day ', perëndimi ` west ', (*peren-desha) perëndesha ` upper goddess ' (*peren-dea) perëndia ` divinity '. Albanian (-dea, -desha ` goddess ' : Latin dea : Italian dea : Spanish diosa : French déesse : Portuguese deusa ` goddess '. [see Root / lemma: per-2 : to go over; over].

diminutive Latin diēcula ` a little day, a short time ', Oscan [d]iíkúlús `days', zicolo m. `day'; 

Old Irish dīe, proclitic dīa `day' (from after the Akk. *dii̯ēm has changed *dii̯ēs), Welsh dydd, Cornish deth, dyth, Breton deiz `day' (also); Old Irish in-dīu `today', Welsh etc he-ddyw `today' (at first from *-dii̯ū, probably = Latin diū).

Maybe Root / lemma: k̂o-, k̂e- (with particle k̂e `here'), k̂(e)i-, k̂(i)i̯o- : this + Root / lemma: dei-1, dei̯ǝ-, dī-, di̯ā- : to shine, day = , Welsh etc he-ddyw : alb. (*sodiena) sonte `today' : Latin hodie, Latvian šodiena, Lithuanian šiandien `this day, today'.

Maybe Latvian diena : Lithuanian diena : Welsh dydd : Wallon djoû : alb. dita : Spanish día : Asturian día : Catalan dia : Piemontese di : Leonese día : Valencian dia : Venetian dì : Bergamasco dé : Bolognese dé : Bresciano dé : Breton deiz : Frisian dei : Galician día : Ladin dé : Lombardo Occidentale dì : Mantuan dì : Portuguese dia : Romagnolo dè : Romanian zi : Romansh di : Sardinian Campidanesu di > Italian (*diorno) giorno : Furlan dì; zornade : French (*diour) jour : Calabrese 'iornu; juarnu : Catanese jornu : Caterisano jornu : Sicilian iornu : Triestino giorno : Mudnés dè; giorèn : Napulitano juorno : Occitan jorn; dia : Parmigiano gioren : Reggiano giouren; dè : Viestano jurn' : Zeneize giorno < Latin diēs `day'.

From the vowel gradation grade diu̯- in the meaning `day'; 

Old Indic dívā `during the day', divḗdivē `day by day' (divám Nom. otherwise `sky, heaven'), naktáṁdivam `night and day', sudivám `a nice day', sudivá-ḥ ` having a nice day ', Armenian tiv `day', gr. ἔνδῑος ` in the middle of the day (appearing)' (due to *ἐν διFί, compare ἐννύχιος); Latin dius, interdius `of the day, in the daytime, by day ' (with Latin syncope from Gen. *diu̯ós); bi-, tri-duum (*diu̯om) ` period of two, three days '; 

es-stem diu̯es- presumed from Old Indic divasá-ḥ `day', formal to dak. διεσεμα ` common mullein, high taper ', probably from *diu̯esemā `luminous plant' (Detschev, Dak. Pflanzenn. 14 ff.); but gr. εὔδῐος (*εὔ-διFος) `clear, cheerful', older εὐδία `clear weather', to Old Indic su-divám (above); compare Sommer Nominalkomp. 73 ff.

*diu̯ios in Old Indic divyá-, diviá- ` celestial ', divyā́ni ` the heavenly space', gr. δῖος (from *διFιος, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 472a) `divine, heavenly ', Latin dīus ` divine, god-like; hence fine, noble; also (apparently) out of doors, in the open air ' (different from dīvus!), dīum `open space of heaven', sub dīo; Diāna deriving from *Diviāna, ` the virgin goddess of the moon and hunting' *Diviā (?); compare etr. Tiv `moon', tives ` months ', after Kretschmer Gl. 13, 111 f. from Italian *diviā, and orph. Πανδῖα `Selene (goddess of the moon)' from *παν-διFιᾰ ` all kinds of illuminators '.

vowel gradation di̯u- in Old Indic dyu-mnám ` splendor of the sky ', dyu-mánt- `bright, light', verbal dyut- `gleam, shine' in dyṓtatē, Aor. ved. ádyaut `shines' (with t probably after śvit- `be bright'); compare also Old Church Slavic dъždь `rain', Russian dožd', Old Czech dešè, etc, from *dus-di̯u- `bad weather', Trubetzkoj Z. sl. Ph. 4, 62 ff.

o-stem déiu̯o-s `god, the divine':

Old Indic dēvá-ḥ `god' (dēvī́ `goddess'), Avestan daēva- `demon';

Latin deus and dīvus, by of from the paradigm *deiu̯os (> deos), Gen. *deiu̯ī (> dīvī); Oscandeívaí `goddess' (Oscan deivinais = Latin dīvīnis; Umbrian deueia ` [fem. Acc. sing.] of a deity, goddess '; 

Maybe alb. dif `giant' a Latin loanword.


Hittite: siu-, siun-, siuni-, siwann-, siwanni- c.  ' Gott '  (Friedrich 194)

Old Indian: dyāu-ḥ (diyāu-ḥ), gen. diváḥ/dyoḥ, dat. divé, acc. dyā́m, loc. dyávi, diví, pl. in. dyúbhiḥ `heaven, sky ' ; divyá-, diviá- `heavenly, divine ' , devá- m. `god ' , devī́- f. `goddess ' 

Avestan: daēva-  ' Dämon ' 

Old Greek: Zdéu̯-s, böot., Laconian Déu̯s, gen. Diós, dat. Dií, acc. Zdē^n, Día, voc. Zde^u̯; dī^o- `zum Himmel gehörig, göttlich ' 

Slavic: *dīvъ, *dīvьnъ(jь), *dīvo, gen. -ese

Baltic: *deĩw-a- m., *deĩw-iā̃ f.

Germanic: *tī́w-a- m.

Latin: Juppiter, gen. Jovis (OLat Diovis) `Juppiter, Gott des himmlischen Lichtes ' , Diēspiter `id. ' ; dīus, -a `himmlisch, göttlich ' , dīum `Himmelsraum ' ; sub dīō `unter freiem Himmel ' ; Diāna f. `italische Frauenund Geburts-, Mond- und Jagdgöttin ' ; deus (OLat deivos), -ī `Gott ' , dea (OLat deiva, dēvva) f. `Göttin ' ; dīvus, -a `Gottheit ' , adj. `göttlich ' , dīvīnus, -a `göttlich ' , dīves, -itis (/dītis) `reich fliessend, kostbar ' 

Other Italic: Osk diúveí `Iovī ' , diuvilam `*iovilam ' , iúvilas `*iovilae ' , iúviia `Ioviam ' ; deívaí `divae ' , deivinais `divinis ' ; Umbr voc. iupater, dat. iuvepatri; di `Juppiter ' , dei `Iovem ' ; iuve `Iovī ' , iuvie, iouie `Ioviō ' ; Paelign Ioviois puclois `Ioviīs puerīs ' , Marr gen. ioues `Iovis ' , iouias `Iovī ' , Mars Iove `Iovī ' , Vest Iovio `Ioviō ' , Pic Iuve `Iovī ' 

Celtic: Gall Dēvona, Dēvo-gnāta; OIr dia, gen. dē `Gott ' , OCymr duiu-(tit) `Gott(heit) ' , MCymr, NCymr duw, OCorn duy, Bret doué `Gott ' 


Oscan deiuatud ` to swear an oath ' = Latvian dievâtiês `swear, vow'; Latin dīves ` rich, wealthy; with abl. or genit., rich in ', actually `standing under the protection of the Gods', as Slavic bogatъ, s. Schulze KZ. 45, 190);

gall. GN Dēvona, PN Dēvo-gnāta, Old Irish dia, Gen. dē `god', Old Welsh duiu-(tit) `goddess, deity', Middle Welsh Modern Welsh duw, Old Cornish duy, Breton doué `god';

Old Norse tīvar Pl. `gods' (*deiu̯ōs) as well as Old Norse Tȳr (Old Germanic teiwaz) `the god of war', Old English Tīg, Gen. Tīwes `Mars', Old High German Zīo, Zio;

Maybe alb. zana `goddess, ghost', zota `gods' > zot `god'.

Old Prussian deiw(a)s, Lithuanian diẽvas `god' (deivė̃ `goddess, ghost' from *deiu̯i̯ā, diẽvo sūnẽliai `sons of the sky', Finnish loanword taiwas `sky, heaven'), Latvian dìevs (verbal derivative lies before in Lithuanian deivótis `say farewell ', Latvian dievâtiês see above), compare Trautmann 50, Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 484, 485 f. Against it are Old Church Slavic divъ m. `wonder, miracle', divo, -ese n. ds. (-es-stem probably previously after èudo, -ese ds), divьnъ ` wonderful ', didn't derive  from concept `god, deity ', but (as θαῦμα from θεάομαι) position itself to Ukrainian dyvl'ú, dyvýty sja `see, look, show', Czech dívam se `look, see, observe', which behaves to Old Indic dī́-de-ti `shines' in the meaning as e.g. Middle High German blick `lustre, shine, lightning' and `look of the eyes', Modern High German glänzen : Slavic ględati `see, show'. 

en-stem *deien- (thematic deino-, dino-) only in the meaning `day':


The extension en-stem *deien- (thematic deino-, dino-) is of Illyrian origin. The attribute nouns that derived from adjectives in Illyrian alb. take -ta, -nta suffix which was then reduced to common alb. n > nt > t. (see alb. numbers)

originally conservative still in Old Church Slavic dьnь, Gen. dьne `day'; Old Indic dína-m (esp. in compounds `day', Latin nundinae ` the market-day held during every ninth day ', 

Maybe alb. (*dína) dita `day' : Old Indic dína-m (esp. in compounds `day' : < Lithuanian dienà, Latvian dìena, Old Prussian Akk. f. deinan `day' [common alb. n > nt > t].

Old Irish denus `a period of time', trēdenus ` three days' time, three days '; alb. gdhinj `make day' from *-di-n-i̯ō;

maybe alb. gëdhinj `the day breaks' is a compound of zero grade *ego `I' + dína `I make the day'.

zero grade Lithuanian dienà, Latvian dìena, Old Prussian Akk. f. deinan `day' (Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 432 f., Būga Kalba ir. S. 227 f.); Gothic sinteins `daily, perpetual, everlasting'; perhaps here Old High German len(gi)zin `springtime' from *langat-tin as ` having long days '. 

Kretschmer leads back to gr. Tιν-δαρίδαι `sons of Zeus', etr. Tin, Tinia `Juppiter' of a pre-Greek Tin- `Diespiter (Zeus father)', respectively Italian *Dinus (Indo Germanic *din- `day, sky, heaven') (Gl. 13, 111; 14, 303 ff., 19, 207; s. also Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 65); but the older form is Τυνδαρίδαι! 

r-extension dēi-ro-, dī-ro- in:

Germanic *tēra- (*dēi-ro-) and *tīra- (*dīro-) in Old High German zēri, ziari `precious, lovely, delightful, nice, superb, pretty, splendid, beautiful', ziarī `beauty, ornament, adornment', ziarōn `adorn, embellish', Middle Low German tēr `lustre, shine, fame, prospering; flourishing, good constitution ', tēre and tīre ` habit, kind and way ', Old English Old Saxon tīr `honour, fame', Old Norse tīrr ds.; Norwegian dial. tīr `alertness, lookout, peering, light, lustre, shine', tīra `peek, sparkle, glitter'; 

in addition Lithuanian dyrė́ti, dýroti `gawk, lurk', dairýtis, Latvian daīrîtiês `stare about', Old Prussian endyrītwei (, see Būga Kalba ir. s. 227 f., Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 432 f.) `watch, see' (but Bulgarian díŕъ `search, seek' absents, s. Berneker 201); 

Tocharian A tiri ` kind and way '. 

About Hittite šiwat- `day', šiwanni- `god' (from *di̯ēu-?), Hieroglyphic-Hittite tina- `god', šijāri `appears' (*di̯ā-?) s. Pedersen Hittite 57, 175 f.

Hittite: ? šiu-, šiun-, šiuni-, šiwann-, šiwanni- c. 'god', šiwatt- c./n. 'day' (Friedrich 194, 1950 [perhaps to 'sun'?]

Maybe Etruscan Tina `god'. -a- feminine ending proves it meant `goddess'.


(Just like Albanian masculine t-ij ` his', feminine s-aj ` her' Hittite verb masculine ending -ti ` you', feminine ending -ši ` you')

Hence Hittite šiwanni- meant `goddess' not `god' because Hittie differentiation š- means feminine, t- masculine.

To Old Indic dī́vyati `plays, shows, throws dice ' (supposedly ` throws the eye ') compare with other vowel gradation dyūtám `dice game', further dēvanam `the game, dice game', and above dyṓtate `shines', dyutiḥ `lustre, shine', dyumánt- `bright, light'. Whether here also Avestan ā-dīvyeinti ` bestir oneself, strive for ' as ` whereupon it is split apart '? compare Wackernagel, Berl. Sbb. 1918, 396 f.

The fact that our root as ` vibrating light' originally one has been from deiǝ- `hurry, whirl', seems conceivable.

References: WP. I 772 f., WH. I 345 f., 347, 349 f., 355, 357 f., 727, 732, 860, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 576 f.

Page(s): 183-187

Root / lemma: dei̯ǝ-2 (di̯ā-, di̯ǝ-, dī-)

Meaning: to swing, move

Material: Old Indic dī́yati `flies, hovers'; gr. δῖνος m. `whirl, whirlpool; round vessel, round threshing floor ', δί̄νη (Hom.), Aeolic δίννα (compare Διννομένης, Hoffmann Gr. D. II 484) `whirl, whirlpool', 

δινέω, δῑνεύω, Aeolic δίννημι `spin in whirl or circle, swing, brandish'; intransitive ` turn me by dancing in circles'; pass. ` roam around, reel around, roll (the eyes) whirl (from river), spin dancing around', δί̄νω Aeolic δίννω `thresh'; hom. δίω `flee', δίομαι ` chase away' (with ostentatious distribution the intransitive and transitive. meaning in active and Medium), hom. δίενται `to hurry', δίεσθαι `flee', ἐνδίεσαν `rush', διερός (πούς) ` fleeting ' (after ἵετε, ἵεται: ἵενται to thematic δίεται analogical δίενται instead of *δίονται neologism?), 

διώκω `pursue' (contaminated from Fιώκω and δίεμαι, Meillet MSL. 23, 50 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 702); hom. δίζημαι (Fut. hom. διζήσομαι) ` strive for, be troubled about, search, seek', nachhom. also ` investigate ' (*δι-δι̯ᾱ-μαι), next to which due to *διᾱ-το- Attic ζητέω ` strive for, let me be concerned with '; here with originally *di̯ǝ- : ζάλη `storm, violent movement, particularly of the sea', ζάλος `whirlpool, violent movement of water'?

compare about gr. words containing the ζ Schwyzer Gr. Or. I 330, 833. 

Old Irish dīan `quick, fast', dēne ` quickness '; Latvian deju, diêt `dance', dìedelêt `go idly'. About Lithuanian dainà `folk song' (to dejà ` lamentation?') compare Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 432 with Lithuanian 

Quite doubtful Welsh dig `mad, wicked, evil', Russian díkij `wild', Lithuanian dỹkas `minxish, wanton, bratty, unengaged, leisured, unemployed, idle, lazy', Latvian dīks `free of work', Old Church Slavic divьjь `wild' (Berneker 203 f., Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 478, Trautmann 54). 

Not here gr. δόναξ `reed' (new Ionian δοῦναξ and occasional Doric δῶναξ metr. lengthening? Schulze Qunder ep. 205, Boisacq 196), δονέω `shake', ἁλίδονος ` rove about in the sea' and Latvian duonis, duõńi `reed, bulrushes '. 

References: WP. I 774 ff.

Page(s): 187

Root / lemma: dek̂-1

Meaning: to take, *offer a sacrifice, observe a custom

Material: Old Indic daśasyáti `proves honour, venerates a god, is gracious' (Denominative of *daśas- = Latin decus), daśā́ f. `state, status, fate, destiny'; Avestan dasǝm n. `property, belongings piece '; Old Indic Desiderat. dīkšatē `is consecrated', dīkšā́ `consecration' (*di-dk̂-s- with secondary ī), dákšati `is proficient, makes it right, is compliant', dákša-ḥ `proficient, skilful' (but Avestan daxš- `instruct, teach, instruct', New Persian daxš ` business, toil' stay away because of the Gutturals), lengthened grade Old Indic dāśnṓti, dā́šṭi, dā́śati `offer a sacrifice, give, proves honour, grants', dāśvás- `honoring the Gods, godly, pious'; Avestan dāšta- `received, obtained ' (participle);

after Frisk Etyma Armen. 25 f. here Armenian ǝncay `gift' from *ǝnd-tisāti- (proto-Armenian -tis- from *dēk̂-); whether tesannem `I behold '? (compare under δοκεύω); different Meillet Esquisse 135; 

gr. (Ionian Aeolic Cretan) δέκομαι `take in, accept', Attic δέχομαι, athemat. hom. 3. Pl. δέχαται (χ after *δέχθω, Infin. δέχθαι), Aor. δέκτο, participle δέγμενος, compare προτίδεγμαι προσδέχομαι Hes. (γμ instead of κμ); κ is preserved in δοκός `[absorption] beam ', δοκάν θήκην Hes. (out of it Latin doga `a sort of vessel (perhaps a measure)'), δοκάναι αἱ στάλικες Hes., δεζάζω ` to captivate, fascinate, be impressive ', δωρο-δόκος `the take of presents', δεξαμενή (participle Aor.) `water container, water carrier ', ἀρι-δείκετος ` distinguished ' (ει metr. lengthening); nasal present *δεικνvμαι (: Old Indic dāśnṓti) in participle δεικνύμενος `rendering homage, honoring, greeting ', to δεικανόωντο `to greet'; intensive δειδέχαται ds., δει-δίσκομαι `greet' (for *δη-δέ(κ)-σκομαι after the present auf -ίσκω); δει- could be read δη- (Indo Germanic ē), δεικν- also δεκν-, and δεικα- could be metr. lengthening for δεκα- (Schwyzer Gr Gr. I 648, 697); causative δοκέω (= Latin doceō `to teach, instruct (with acc. of person or thing); with clause, to inform that or how; 'docere fabulam', to teach a play to the actors, to bring out, exhibit', δοκεῖ μοι `it seems to me' (`is suitable to me'); δόξα f. `opinion, fame' (*δοκ-σα), δόγμα n. `decision', δόκιμος ` respectable, approved '; δοκεύω ` to see, discern, perceive, observe; to think, suppose, imagine, expect ', προσ-δοκάω ` anticipate, expect'; about διδάσκω see below dens-1.

Maybe alb. Geg doke `custom, ritual, tradition (observed)', (*deuk-) dukem `appear, seem'.

Alb. shows that from Root / lemma: dek̂-1 : `to take' derived the nasalized Root / lemma: tong-1 (*teng-) : `to think, feel'.

alb. ndieh `to feel' (*dek̂-skō-?); ndesh `find, encounter' probably Slavic loanword? S. under dēs-; 


Alb. ndeh, ndej feel derived from in-deko (common Romance pre verb in-prefix)

Latin decet, -ēre `it is proper, it is fitting (physically or morally)', decus, -oris n. `distinction, honor, glory, grace; moral dignity, virtue; of persons, pride, glory ', dignus ` worthy, deserving; esp. of persons, usually with abl. or genit. of things, worth having, deserved, suitable, fitting ' (from *dec-nos, actually ` adorned with'); Umbrian tic̨it decet' (see in addition EM. 257); causative doceō, -ēre `instruct' (`lets accept something '); discō, -ere, didīci ` to learn, get to know; 'discere fidibus', to learn to play on the lyre; in gen., to receive information, find out; to become acquainted with, learn to recognize ' (from *di-elk̂-skō);

Old Irish dech `the best ' (= Latin decus); also in PN Echuid (*ek̂vo-dek̂-s), Gen. Echdach, Luguid, Gen. Luigdech (proto Irish Lugu-deccas with cc = k), whether does not stand for e for older i; then to deik̂- `point', in the meaning `order'.

Perhaps here Germanic *teh-u̯ōn in Old English teohhian, tiohhian `mean, decide, define, ordain, determine', teohh, tiohh `troop, multitude, crowd, group of people ', tēon (*tehōn) `decide, define, ordain, determine', Old High German gizehōn ` bring in order ', Middle High German zeche ` alignment, guild, brotherhood, colliery, association ', Modern High German Zeche, Middle High German zesem (*teksma-) `uninterrupted row', wherefore perhaps with lengthened grade (*tēʒ-u̯ō) Gothic tēwa `order', gatēwjan `dispose'; s. above also under deu̯ā- ` move spatially forward '.

Doubtful Old Church Slavic dešǫ, desiti `find', Serbo-Croatian dȅsîm dèsiti `meet', refl. ` meet somebody ', Czech po-desiti and u-desiti `catch up, catch'; changing through vowel gradation Russian-Church Slavic dositi `find, meet'; s. also under dēs-. 

Tocharian A täk- `adjudicate, decide, determine'; dubious A tāskmāṃ (*tāksk-māṃ) `similar', Van Windekens Lexique 137; Pisani Rè. R. 1st. Lomb. 76, 2, 30. 

For es-stem Old Indic daśas(yáti), Latin decus the words stand for `right' (Specht KZ. 62, 218). 

dek̂s- with variant suffixes: 

common Old Indic ĝh- > kṣ-

Old Indic dákṣiṇa-, dakṣiṇá- `on the right, to the south, skilful', Avestan dašina- `right', Lithuanian dẽšinas ds., dešinė̃ `the right hand', Old Church Slavic desnъ `right'; gr. δεξιτερός = Latin dexter, -tra, -trum (compounds dexterior, superlative dexxtimus), Oscan destrst (abbreviated from *destrust) `it is on the right ', Umbrian destrame ` on the right side '; gr. δεξιός `right, heralding luck, skilful, adroit' (from δεξι- with formants -Fo-, compare gall. Dexsiva dea); (the suffix -u̯o- probably after *lai-u̯os, skai-u̯os `links') Old Irish dess `on the right, to the south', Welsh deheu (*deksovo-) ds., Gothic taíhswa, Old High German zeso `right', Gothic taíhswō- Old High German zes(a)wa `the right hand';

alb. djathtë `right' (that from G. Meyer identical with it Church Slavic destъ is probably corruption for desnъ, s. Berneker 187).


alb. djathtë `right', e djathta `the right' = Avestan dāšta- `received, obtained ' (participle)

common alb. -k̂- > -th- also alb. -a- gradationn makes it an Aryan based cognate

common Indic Avestan Albanian Lucian -ta suffix of numbers and adjectives and participles

References: WP. I 782 f., WH. I 330 f., 346 f,, Trautmann 53, 54, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 648, 678, 684, 697, Wistrand Instrumentalis 14 ff.

Page(s): 189-191

Root / lemma: dek̂-2 (: dok̂-, dēk̂-)

Meaning: to tear

Material: Old Indic daśā ` protruding sheet filaments at the end of fabric, fringes '; Irish dūal `lock, curl of hair'(*dok̂lo-); Gothic tagl n. `single hair', Old Norse tagl n. `the hair in the horse's tail', Old English tægl (English tail) m. `tail', Old High German zagel `tail, sting, prick, male member, rod'; 

Gothic tahjan ` rend, pull, tear, tug ', distahjan `scatter', Icelandic tæeja, tāa ` teasels ', Norwegian dial. tæja (*tahjan) and taa (*tahōn) `fray, tear';

Old Norse tāg, Pl. tǣger and tāgar f. ` fibre, filament ', Middle High German zāch, zāhe f. `wick, slow match (wick) '; in other meaning (`tugging - lugging, pulling out ') Norwegian Dialecttal taag `slow and enduring',

maybe alb. tegel `sewing'

Middle Low German tēge, East Frisian tāge `stringy, tenacious' and Old High German zag ` hesitating, undecided, shy, timid' wherefore zagēn ` be desperate and undecided '; 

perhaps here as ` from which one tears himself ' or ` ragged, rimose piece', Middle High German zacke m. f., Modern High German Zacke, Middle English takke ` fibula, clasp, a large nail ', English tack `peg, small nail', with other final sound tagg, tagge m. ` jutting cusp, peak, prong, spike'; or belongs Zacke to Latvian dęgums `nose, shoe point'?

Maybe alb. takë `shoe heel (spike?)'

perhaps here as ` in which one tears himself ' or ` ragged, cracked piece ', Middle High German zacke m. f., Modern High German Zacke, Middle English takke `fibula', English tack ` pencil, small nail ', with other final sound tagg, tagge m. ` excellent point, point '; or Zacke to Latvian dęgums hear `nose, shoe point '?

References: WP. I 785.

See also: see also under denk̂-.

Page(s): 191

Root / lemma: dek̂m̥, dek̂m̥-t, dek̂u- (*du̯e-k̂m̥-t)

Meaning: ten


Root / lemma: dek̂m̥, dek̂m̥-t, dek̂u- (*du̯e-k̂m̥-t): `ten' is an extended Root / lemma: du̯ō(u) (*du̯ei-): `two'. The subsequent roots *u̯ī-k̂m̥t-ī : `twenty' and k̂m̥tóm `hundred' are mutated forms of the root *du̯e-k̂m̥-t : `ten'. They both reflect the common Illyrian- balt d- > zero.


The root number (*k̂em-t-ō) for 10, 20, 30, 40, 100 derived from the name of deer counted by PIE hunters. see Root / lemma: k̂em-2 : hornless, young deer.

Material: Old Indic dáśa, Avestan dasa; Armenian tasn (after Meillet Esquisse 42 from *dek̂-, as Russian (tri)dcatь `30' from (tri-)dьseti), gr. δέκα, Latin decem (dēnī `per ten' from *dek-noi; PN Decius = Oscan Dekis, Gen. Dekkieis), Oscan deketasiúí, Nom. Pl. degetasiús ` manager of the tithes ' (*deken-tāsio-), 

Umbrian desen-(duf) ` twelve ', Old Irish deich, Welsh deg, Cornish Breton dek, Gothic taíhun (-n as in sibun, niun), Old Norse tiu, Old English tien, tyn, Old Saxon tehan, Old High German zehan (a probably from den compounds, Brugmann II 2, 18), 

Tocharian A śäk, B śak; Finnish deksan `10' is after Jokl Pr. ling. Baudouin de Courtenay 104 borrows from Indo Germanic).

In the substantive number dek̂m̥-t(i), actually `decade', go back:

Old Indic daśat-, daśati- f. `decade', alb. djetë, gr. δεκάς, -άδος (to α s. Scchwyzer Gr. Gr. I 498, 597), Gothic táihun-tēhund `hundred' (actually `ten decades '), Old Norse tiund f. ds., Old Prussian dessīmpts `ten', Lithuanian dẽšimt, old dẽšimtis, Latvian old desimt, metathesis desmit, old desmits (compare desmite m. f. ` ten '); Old Church Slavic desętь (conservative stem in -t, Meillet Slave comm.2 428);

dek̂u- probably in Latin decuria ` a body of ten men; a class, division, esp. of jurors; a party, club' (out of it borrows Modern High German Decher ü.. `ten pieces'; late Latin *teguria is assumed through Swiss Ziger ` ten pounds of milk'; probably identical with Middle High German ziger `curd') = Umbrian dequrier, tekuries ` decuries, feast of decuries '; compare Oscan-Umbrian dekvia- in Oscan (vía) Dekkviarim `( a way) appropriate to a decury ', Umbrian tekvias `a way to a decury'; in addition probably Germanic *tigu- `decade' in Gothic fidwor-tigjus `40', Old Icelandic fjōrer-tiger, Old English fēower-tig, Old High German fior-zug ds. Older explanations by WH. I 327 f. and Feist 150. see also under under centuria under Kluge11 under Decher.

Maybe alb. tek `odd number'

Changing through vowel gradation (d)k̂m̥t- (Dual), (d)k̂ō̆mt- (Plur.) in figures of ten (only formations up to 50 are provable as Indo Germanic), e.g. Old Indic triṃśát `30', Avestan ϑrisąs, Armenian ere-sun, gr. τριά̄κοντα (from *-κωντα; further details by Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 592), Latin tri-gintā (with unexplained g), gallo-Latin Abl. Pl. TRICONTIS, Old Irish trīcho (with ī after trī `3'), Breton tregont (*tri-k̂omt-es), Old Welsh trimuceint (in the ending after uceint `20'); s. also under u̯ī̆-k̂m̥tī̆ `20'. 

ordinals dek̂emo-s and dek̂m̥-to-s: 

dek̂emo-s in Old Indic daśamá-ḥ, Avestan dasǝma-, osset. däsäm; Latin decimus, therefrom decumānus ` of the tenth.(1) relating to the provincial tax of a tenth; m. as subst. the farmer of such a tax. (2) belonging to the tenth legion; m. pl. as subst. its members. (3) belonging to the tenth cohort ', later `considerable ', Oscan Dekm-anniúís `*Decumaniis', compare also EN Decumius, out of it entl. etr. tecumnal, latinized back Decumenus; gall. decametos, Old Irish dechmad, Middle Welsh decvet, Cornish degves. 

dek̂m̥-to-s in gr. δέκατος (see also Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 595); Gothic taíhunda, Old Norse tīunda, Old High German zehanto, zehendo, Old English teogeða; Old Prussian dessīmts, Lithuanian dešim̃tas, Latvian desmitais, older desimtaiš; Old Church Slavic desętь; Tocharian A śkänt, B śkante, śkañce (linguistic singles Armenian tasn-erord, alb. i-dhjetë); 


Anatolian languages show a pattern similar to alb. So Lycian aitãta (*ok̂tō(u)ta) `eight' : alb. teta `eight'; Lycian ñuñtãta `nine' : alb. nanda `nine'. Therefore alb. shtata `seven' derived from a truncated *sa(p)tata `seven' later Old Indic saptáthaḥ, Avestan haptaϑa-, Old Saxon sivotho, Old English seofoða, Lithuanian septiñtas; also Old Indic saptatí-, Avestan haptāiti- 70; in alb. -ta, -të are attribute endings that were solidified in Anatolian and Indic cognates. The attribute ta (used in the genitive and adjectives) is unique to alb. language alone.

Therefore alb. teta `eight' is a zero grade of Lycian aitãta (*ok̂tō(u)ta) `eight'. It was initially an ordinal number used as an attribute [compare Latin octuāgintā `80'].

Alb. Tosc nanta, Geg nanda ` nine ' derived from Lycian ñuñtãta `nine'.

Alb. gjashta (sek̂s-ta) `six' [common alb. s- > gj-] : Old Indic ṣáṭ `six', ṣaṣṭhá- `sixth' was initially an ordinal number.

Hence alb. die-ta `ten' derived from a proto Romance cognate *die + common alb. -ta suffix used in attribute nouns; similarly in: Portuguese dez, Galician dez, Spanish diez, Ladino dies, Asturian diez, Aragonese diez, Auvergnat dié, Limosin die, Rumantsch Grischun diesch, Sursilvan diesch, Vallader desch, Ladin díesc, Italian dieci, Venetian diese etc.

Here k̂m̥tóm `hundred' from *(d)km̥tóm `(ten) dekades':

Old Indic śatám, Avestan satǝm (out of it Finnish sata, Crimean Gothic sada);

gr. ἑκατόν, Arcadian ἑκοτόν (from dissimilation *sém k̂m̥tom `a hundred'? compare Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 592 f.), abbreviated *κατον in *τετρά-κατον etc (in τετρακάτιοι τετρακόσιοι, 400', ` four hundred ');


Gr. ἑκατόν (*hekaton) < *(d)km̥tóm `(ten) dekades' is crucial to crucial for tracing the cause of old laryngeal ḫ appearance in IE. Hence laryngeals were created after the loss of initlal d- in IE. Gr. and Anatolian tongues reflect the common Illyrian- balt d- > zero.

Latin centum (in addition ducentum, ducentī `200', compare Old Indic dvi-śatam from *du̯i-k̂mtóm; trecentī `300', quadringentī `400', etc; centēsimus `the hundredth' after vīcēsimus, trīcēsimus from*u̯ei-, *trī-k̂m̥t-temo-s);

Old Irish cēt, Welsh cant, Breton kant, Cornish cans;

Gothic Old Saxon Old English hund, Old High German hund `100' (in compounds from 200), but Old Norse hund-rað (to Gothic raÞian `count') ` 120 pieces (10 dozens) ' (`120'), out of it Old English hundred; Middle High German Modern High German hundert from Old Saxon hunderod;

Lithuanian šim̃tas, Latvian sìmts;

Old Church Slavic etc sъto is barely Iranian loanword (Meillet Slave commun.2 63);

Tocharian A känt, B känte.

Alb. Geg dü, Tosc di `two' hence alb. (*hünt) alb. një-qind `one- hundred' [common alb. ü > i], hence alb. displays centum characteristics while Rumanian sutã `a hundred' displays the satem nature of Rumanian

In addition a r-derivative in Latin centuria f. ` a division of 100; a company of soldiers; a century, a part of the Roman people, as divided by Servius Tullius ' (as decuria), Old Norse hundari, Old High German huntari n. `a division of 100, administrative district', Old Bulgarian sъtorica ds., Lithuanian šimteriópas `characterized by a hundred', šimtér-gis ` hundred-year-old '.

References: WP. I 785 f., WH. I 200 f., 327 ff., 859, Feist 150, 471 f., Trautmann 53, 305.

Page(s): 191-192

Root / lemma: del-1

Meaning: to put by; to count, tell

Material: Perhaps Armenian toɫ `line, row', toɫem ` line up '; 

gr. δόλος `artifice, bait', δολόω ` outwit, circumvent ', δόλων ` small dagger of the assassinator ' (about δόλων `sprit' see below del-3); 

from Gr. have been borrowed Latin dolus `a device, artifice; fraud, deceit, guile; a trap artifice, deception ', dolō ` a pike, sword-stick, a small foresail ', Oscan Akk. dolom, Abl. dolud ` a device, artifice; fraud, deceit, guile; a trap ';

maybe alb. (*tāl) tall `tease, trick': Old Norse tāl f. `deceit, guilefulness'.

Old Norse tal n. `bill, account, invoice, calculus, reckoning, calculation, number, speech' (Old English tǣl n. `calculation, row', gital `number'), therefrom Old Norse telja `recount, narrate, relate', Old English tellan, Old High German zellen (Fem. Old Norse tola `speech, number, bill, account, invoice, calculus, reckoning, calculation '), Old English talu `narration, row', Old High German zala `number, report, account' (therefrom Old Norse tala `talk', Old English talian `reckon, consider, think, tell', Old High German zalōn ` calculate, count, pay'); g-extension in English talk `talk'; from s-stem *talaz- n.: Gothic talzian `instruct', un-tals ` indocile, disobedient ', in addition Old English getǣl `rash, hasty, quick, fast', Old Saxon gital Old High German gizal `quick, fast'; with the in dolus `a device, artifice; fraud, deceit, guile; a trap' present coloring of meaning lengthened grade Old Norse tāl f. `deceit, guilefulness ', Old English tǣl f. `reprimand, slander, derision ', Old High German zāla ` pestering, temptation; snare, danger', zālōn `tear away, rob'; zero grade Old English tyllan `allure, entice' (*dl̥n-).

Original resemblance with del- `split' is doubtful; perhaps from the hatchet being aimed at the wood to be split or from the technique of runes (number marks as incision)? 

About *dil- in Gothic ga-tils ` fitting', etc, see below ad-2; probably barely from of an additional form *dai-l- here. An association with *del- Persson attempted root extension 115, Pedersen KZ. 39, 372, while they, deriving from dā-, dāi- ` divide ', *de-l- and *dai-l-, dī̆-l- grasped as parallel extensions. 

References: WP. I 808 f.

Page(s): 193

Root / lemma: del-2

Meaning: to shake

Material: Old Indic dulā́ f. `the wavering ', with secondary lengthened grade ō: dōlayatē ` swings, sways ', -ti ` swings, whirls up ', dōlita- ` fluctuating, moves by oscillating '; Lithuanian del̃sti ` tarry, hesitate', dulinė́ti `amble, bum';

with d-extension doubtful (?) Old Indic duḍi- f. `a small turtle, tortoise' (`waddling'), rather Old Englishtealt `doubtful, uncertain, wavering', tealt(r)ian `waver, wobble, sway, be doubtful, uncertain', English tilt ` incline ', Middle Dutch touteren `waver, wobble, sway, swing', Norwegian Dialectal tylta ` tread quietly, like on toes ', Swedish tulta ` walk with small, insecure steps, like children ';

with t-extension Old High German zeltāri, Middle High German zelter, md. zelder ` pacesetter, going on a trot, trotting ', Modern High German Zelter, Old Norse tjaldari ds. (influence of Latin tolūtārius ` pacesetter, going on a trot, trotting '; compare Icelandic tölta ` march in step, match in tempo ' from *talutōn; the relationship to that mentioned by Plinius Spanish words thieldones ` pacesetter, going on a trot, trotting ' is unclear), Old Norse tjaldr `Haematopus ostralegus, Eurasian oystercatcher' (` the trudger '); but rather with -ll- from -ln- Old Norse tolla `hang loose', tyllast ` toddle, walk on tiptoe; trip'. compare Falk-Torp under kjeld, tulle. 

References: WP. I. 809.

Page(s): 193-194

Root / lemma: del-3 (dol-), delǝ-

Meaning: to split, divide

Material: Old Indic dā̆láyati `splits, makes break, crack', dálati `cracks' (meaning influenced by phálati ` broken in two ', Güntert Reimw. 48), dalitá-ḥ `split, pull apart, blossomed, flourished ', 

dala-m n. `deal, portion, piece, half, leaf', dalí-ḥ f. `clod of earth'; but Prakr. ḍālā, -ī `bough', probably also daṇḍá-ḥ, -m `stick, bludgeon, beating, punishment' aare after Kuiper Proto-Munda 65, 75 not Indo Germanic; 

Armenian probably taɫ `imprinting, impression, mark, token, sign, stave', taɫem `stamps, brands' (Scheftelowitz BB. 29, 27; *del-);

gr. δαίδαλος, δαιδάλεος ` wrought artificially ', Intensive δαι-δάλλω `work skillfully, decorate' (dissimilation from *δαλ-δαλ-, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 647); δέλτος (changing through vowel gradation Cypriot δάλτος) `(*writing board) a writing-tablet ' (`wood fissure, smoothly slammed wood board ', s. Boisacq 174 m. Lithuanian and to meaning esp. Schulze KZ. 45, 235; compare to the form under Modern High German tent); perhaps here δόλων `sprit, small sail' (out of it Latin dolō m. ` a pike, sword-stick; a small foresail '); quite doubtful whereas δαν-δαλ-ίς, δενδαλίς ` cakes of the flour of roasted barley ' δεν-δαλ-ίδες ἱεραὶ κριθαί as ` crushed, coarsely ground ' (= `*split'?? Prellwitz2 104 between); lengthened grade δηλέομαι `destroy, smash, damage' (not to Latin dēleō `to blot out, efface; in gen., to destroy, annihilate'); reduced grade Ionian πανδάλητος ` annihilated ', φρενο-δαλής ` disturbed senses ' Aisch.; Elean κα-δαλήμενοι with Elean ᾱ from η (see Boisacq 182; against it Wackernagel Gl. 14, 51); with the meaning change `( the heart?) tear, maltreat, cause pain ' gr. δάλλει κακουργεῖ Hes. (*deli̯ō), δαλῇ κακουργῇ (δαλήσασθαι λυμήνασθαι. ἀδικῆσαι, δάλαν λύμην); compare also Latvian dēlīt `torment, smite, agonize' and Latin doleō ` to suffer pain, physical or mental, to be pained, to grieve; of things, to cause pain ', dolor ` pain, physical or mental; esp. disappointment, resentment. Transf., cause of sorrow; rhet., pathos ';

alb. dalloj ` separate, distinguish, divide', djal `kid, child, offspring (*offshoot)' (*delno-; compare Middle Irish del `rod');

Latin dolō, -āre ` to hew with an axe, to work roughly ', dolābra ` a pick-axe, mattock, hoe', lengthened grade dōlium `a wine-jar, cask, barrel, vat' (as proto Slavic*dьly `barrel, vat, cask' see below); doleō, dolor see above (but dēleō is because of Perf. dēlēvi probably new formation from dē-lēvi ` has erased, effaced, obliterated, blotted out ');

Old Irish delb f. `shape, form', Old Welsh delu, Modern Welsh delw ` image, figure, effigy ', Cornish del, as with causative vowel gradation Old Irish dolb(a)id `shaped', doilbthid ` a worker in clay, potter ' (to Celtic *delu̯ā, *dolu̯-, compare ū-stem Slavic dьly); perhaps Old Irish fo-dālim `discern, separate, exclude' (etc, s. Pedersen KG.II 502 f.), Old Cornish didaul `having no part in, not sharing in; wanting in, destitute of ' (compare Old Indic and Baltic-slav, words for `deal, portion'), perhaps Old Irish fo-dālim ` discerno, sejungo ' (etc., see Pedersen KG.II 502 f.), Old Cornish didaul ` expers' (compare Old Indic and Baltic-slav, words for ` part '), Welsh gwa-ddol `a portion or dowry' as o-forms besides δηλέομαι (just as well but as *dā-l- correlate to *dā(i)- `divide'); probably Middle Irish del `staff, rod' (as `split piece wood'), Cornish dele `antenna' (or to θάλλω Indo Germanic *dhā̆l-, whose certain attachments indeed point only a-vocalism?; with meaning- transfer alb. djalë `kid, child, youth, youngling ' ? see below dhā̆l-); 

Middle Low German tol, tolle `point of twig, branch', holl. tol `spinning top' (`*peg, plug'), Middle High German zol(l) m., zolle f. ` cylindric bit of wood, clot, chunk, block, toggle', zol as measurement of length `inch', īs-zolle `icicle', Old Norwegian horntylla ` yoke, wood piece connecting the horns of two oxen going in the bottom plate ' (*dl̥-n-); but Middle High German zulle, zülle, Modern High German Zülle ` riverboat, barge' is probably in spite of Persson Beitr. 174 not genuine Germanic, but loanword from Slavic, s. Kluge11 under Zülle ` riverboat, barge'; other formations holl. tolk `stick, rod, chopstick', Swedish tolk `wedge', Middle High German zolch `clot, chunk, block, (*blockhead), lubber ' (whether Old Norse tālkn n. ` gill of fish' as `the split'? Falk-Torp under tōkn); with -d ndd. talter `rag, scrap, shred' (Holthausen Afneuere Spr. 121, 292);

with t-suffix Germanic *telda- `* stretched tent pole ' (: gr. δέλτος) in Old Norse tiald `curtain, cover, rug, tent', Old English teld n. `tent', Old High German Modern High German zelt, actually ` stretched cover'; in addition Old High German zelto, Modern High German Zelten, Zeltkuchen; or better as ` shredded, ground ' (see above δενδαλίς) to Tocharian B tselt-, tsālt- `chew'; from Germanic Lidén aaO. still ranks Old Swedish tialdra, tiældra ` cairn ' in (*tel-Þrōn- or -ðrōn `* shaft, pole, peg, plug ass as a boundary marker '?); 

Lithuanian dylù, dìlti (delù, dil̃ti), Latvian dęlu, dilstu, dil̃t ` wear out, polish ' (from `*to plane'), dèlît `wear out, torment, smite'; Lithuanian pùs-dylis (mė́nuo) ` moon in the last quarter ', delèià `decreasing moon', causative Latvian dèldêt `wear out, liquidate, rub off, destroy', diluot `skive, abrade, polish';

out of it derived the concept of smoothness justified probably the transference there of Lithuanian délna (by Juszkiewicz also dáɫna), Latvian del̃na `inner flat hand', Old Church Slavic dlanь `palm', Russian old dolonь, nowadays reconverted with metathesis ladónь `palm; flat place on the threshing floor, threshing floor ' (Berneker 208, Trautmann 51, different Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 454); 

Lithuanian dalìs, East Lithuanian dalià `deal, portion, inheritance; alms' (= Old Indic dalí-ḥ `clod of earth'), dalijù, dalýti `divide', Latvian dala `deal, portion, lot', dalît `divide', Old Prussian dellieis `divide, share!', dellīks `deal, portion' (e from a, Trautmann Old Prussian 100), Russian (etc) dólja `deal, portion, lot' (in addition Old Church Slavic odolěti `defeat, conquer' = `*have, obtain the best part', Berneker 206). compare Mühlenbach-Endzelin I 435. 

Doubtful Old Church Slavic dělъ `deal, portion': either as *dēlo-s here, or rather with Indo Germanic ai as *dai-lo- to root dā(i)- `divide'; about Gothic dails, Modern High German Teil see above under dā-, dāi-. 

Proto Slavic ū-stem *dьly, Gen. *dъlъve (: Old Irish delb from *delu̯ā) in Russian-Church Slavic delvi (*dъlъvi) Locative Sg., N. Pl. `barrel, vat, cask', Middle Bulgarian dьli (*dьly), Locative Sg. dьlьvi `barrel, vat, cask', New Bulgarian delva (*dьlъva) ` big clay vessel with two handles ';

Tocharian A tālo, B tallāwo `unlucky', Van Windekens Lexique 136 (?); rather B tsalt-, tsālt- `chew', Pedersen Tocharian Sprachg. 18 f. 

extension del-gh-, dl-egh-; dolgho- etc `sickle, blade'. 

Indo-Iranian *dargha- (dolgho-) is assumed through Mordovian loanword tarvas `sickle'; compare pamirdial. lǝrégūś ds.; 

Old Irish dlongid `he splits', dluige (*dlogi̯o-) ` the fissured ', Middle Irish dluigim `split';

Old Norse telgja `hew, cut out', talga `the cutting, carving', talgo-knīfr ` slice knife ', also Old Norse tjalga ` thin twig, branch, long arm', Old English telga m. `twig, branch, bough', telgor m. f., telgra m. `twig, branch, scion ', Middle High German zelge, zelch `bough, twig, branch', Old High German zuelga `twig, branch' (whose zw- probably previously is taken over from zwig);

about Lithuanian dal̃gis, Gen. -io m., Latvian dalgs, Old Prussian doalgis `scythe' see below dhelg-; 

dolghā in Serbian dlaga ` board for the splint of broken bones ', poln. Dialectal dɫožka ` flooring from planks ', Czech dláha (dlaha) ` board, splint, base of the ground ', dlážiti (dlažiti), dlážditi ` pave, hit the screed ' (Berneker 207).

As for *del- ` whereupon it is split apart ' is also for that with it perhaps originally resemble*del- `split' given the possibility, that d-el- is an extension from dā[i]- `divide, share '.

References: WP. I 809 ff., WH. 364 ff., Lidén KZ. 56, 216 ff., Pedersen Tocharian Sprachg. 18 f.

Page(s): 194-196

Root / lemma: del-4

Meaning: to rain

Material: Armenian teɫ ` heavy rain ', teɫam, -em, -um `to rain, shower, sprinkle, irrigate ', tiɫm (*teɫim?), Gen. tɫmoi;

Middle Irish delt m. `dew'; also FlN; Breton delt `humid, wet, moist ';

Germanic *dol-kó- or *dol-gho- in dan. Swedish Norwegian talg `tallow, suet', Old English *tealg, Middle English talgh, English tallow, nnl. talk, Modern High German Talg (from Ndd.); vowel gradation Old Norse tolgr (*tl̥-kó-) ds.


Middle Irish delt m. `dew'; Breton delt `humid, wet, moist ' display alb.-illyr -k > -th, -t subsequents.

References: Petersson Heterokl. 198 f., different Kluge11 under `tallow, suet'.

Page(s): 196

Root / lemma: del-5

Meaning: long

Note: to put away more confidently only for Slavic, but probably the basis for the widespread extension delēgh- and (d)longho- (see finally Persson Beitr. 889, 903 Anm. 1) 


Hittite: daluki- `lang '  (Friedrich 206)

Old Indian: dīrghá- `long ' 

Avestan: darǝga-, darǝɣa-

Other Iranian: OPers darga-  ' lang ' 

Old Greek: dolikhó- `lang ' , dólikho-s m. `Langlauf ' ; en-delekhḗs `fortdauernd, ununterbrochen ' 

Slavic: *dьlgъ

Baltic: *il^g-a- (1) adj.

Germanic: *tulg=

Latin: indulgeō, -ēre, indulsī, indultum `nachsichtig sein, nachgeben, nachhängen, frönen, willfahren ' 


Perhaps here Old Norse talma `hinder', Middle Low German talmen `loiter, be slow in talking and at work, stupid talk', Norwegian Dialectal tøla `hesitate, wait, hold on', tøle `rogue, fool ' (Persson Beitr. 889); 

Old Church Slavic pro-dьliti `μηκῦναι ', Russian dlitь ` protract, hesitate', dliná f. `length', Czech dle f. `length', dlíti `hesitate', etc (Berneker 252); perhaps vъ dalję ` far, aloof' (Meillet MSL.14, 373; Berneker 177 besides other supplements). 

delēgh-, dḹghó-:

zero grade Old Indic dīrghá- = Avestan darǝga-, darǝɣa-, Old Persian darga- `long', zero grade compounds superlative drā́ghīyas-, drā́ghiṣṭha- ` longer, for a long time ', Avestan drājyō Adv. `further', drājištǝm Adv. ` longest ', New Persian dirāz (actually comparative) `long', Old Indic drāghimán-, drāghmán- m. `length, duration', Avestan drājō n. `stretch, length'; 

gr. ἐνδελεχής `continuous, persistent, enduring' (`*drag out'), ἐνδελεχέω ` continue ', δολιχός `long' (to i s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 278, different Specht Dekl. 126), δόλιχος `the long racecourse '; 

about alb. (*dlēgh-t) glatë etc see below; (common alb. Aryan d- > g- shift)


Clearly alb. (*da-lu-ga-aš-ti) glatë `long' derived from Hittite da-lu-ga-aš-ti (dalugasti) n. `length': Old Church Slavic dlъgota `length' (= Old Indic dīrghatā): proto Slavic. *dlgostь, poln. dɫugość etc ds.

Alb. and Baltic forms agree in dropping the initial d- > zero, which means that Baltic cognates originated from proto Illyrian:

Latin presumably indulgeō ` to be forbearing, patient, indulgent; to give oneself up to, indulge in; grant, allow, concede' (: ἐνδελεχής, basic meaning then `be patient to somebody compared with, hold on patiently') from *en-dolgh-ei̯ō. 

Maybe alb. (*in-dolgh-ei̯ō ) Geg. ndigjoj, Tosc dëgjoj ` listen, hear, be submissive ', gjegj ` answer', Tosc ndëlej, ndëjej, ndjej ` feel', ndiej ` feel, hear' (common alb. Romance pre verb in- prefix).

Welsh dal, dala, daly `hold, stop', Breton dalc'h ` possession ', derc'hel `hold, stop' (r dissimilation from l, compare participle dalc'het) presumably with the meaning-development as Modern High German ` after which last ' to `long' (basic form*del(ǝ)gh-; Zupitza BB. 25, 90 f., Pedersen KG. I 52, 106); 

Maybe nasalized alb. ndal `hold, stop' : Welsh dal, dala, daly `hold, stop'.

Gothic tulgus `tight, firm, steadfast' (`*long, persistent, enduring '), Old Saxon tulgo Adv. `very', Old English tulge, compounds tylg ` better, rather ', superlative tylgest `best';

Baltic with unexplained d-loss (see below): Lithuanian ìlgas, f. ilgà, Latvian il̃gs, Old Prussian ilga and ilgi Adv. `long';

Old Church Slavic dlъgъ, Serbian dȕg, Old Czech dlúhý, Russian dóɫgij `long' (= Old Indic dīrghá-), in addition Serbian dûž f. `length'; Old Church Slavic dlъgota `length' (= Old Indic dīrghatā); proto Slavic. *dlgostь, poln. dɫugość etc ds.; 

Hittite Nom. Pl. da-lu-ga-e-eš (dalugaes) `long', da-lu-ga-aš-ti (dalugasti) n. `length'. 


a)        Middle Persian drang, New Persian dirang `long' (but alb.  (*glagh-t-) glatë, gjatë, gjat `long' at first from *dlagh-t-);


Alb. d- > g- mutation is of Aryan origin. Alb. (*dlagh-t-) glatë, gjatë, gjat `long' is similar to formation alb. (*dn̥ghu̯ā) gluha `tongue' (common Indic Albanian d- > g- shift).

See Root / lemma: dn̥ĝhū, dn̥ĝhu̯ā : tongue

b)        Latin (*dlongho-s > glongho-s > hlongho-s) longus `long; spacious; of time, long, of long duration; esp. too long, tedious; of persons, prolix, tedious'


The name Alba Longa capital of Illyrian settlers who preceded Latin peoplein Italic Peninsula is an alb. concept of building fortresses on hilltops of future Rome.

Gothic laggs, Old English Old High German Modern High German lang (Old High German langēn `become long, seem long, long, want', etc); but Old Irish etc long `ship' seems to be borrowed  from Latin (navis) longa; nevertheless, because of second meaning `vessel' and Middle Irish coblach `fleet' (*kom-u̯o-log- or *-lug-) though Loth (RC. 43, 133 f.) holds that word for genuine Celtic; compare also abrit. FlN Λόγγος (Ptol.) and gall. VN ΛΟΓΓΟ-ΣΤΑΛΗΤΕΣ (Aude); anlaut dl- remains preserved otherwise Celtic. In the group b) would display an already common West Indo Germanic simplification, might be connected with the d-loss of Baltic ilgas . compare also Specht Dekl. 126.

Maybe Alba Longa (Rome) capital of Illyrian - Etrus. : Illyrian Albanoi TN

References: WP. I 812 f., WH. I 694 f., 820 f., Trautmann 55, Pedersen Hittite 34 f.

Page(s): 196-197

Root / lemma: demel-

Meaning: worm

Material: Epidaur. δεμελέας f. Akk. Pl., δεμβλεῖς βδέλλαι Hes.; 

perhaps alb. dhemjë `caterpillar, inchworm' (could stand for *dhemli̯ë), dhëmíze, dhimízë ` meat maggot '. 

References: WP. I 790.

Page(s): 201

Root / lemma: (demǝ-), domǝ-, domǝ-

Meaning: to tame


Hittite: damas- (I)  ' drücken, drängen, bedrängen '  (Friedrich 207)

Old Indian: dāmyati `to be tamed; to subdue, overpower ' , ptc. dāntá-, caus. damáyati; damitár- m. `tamer ' ; damá- m. `punishment, fine ' , dáma- m. `self-command, self-control ' 

Other Iranian: Osset domun `zähmen ' , NPers dām `zahmes Tier ' 

Old Greek: dámǟmi, damázdō, aor. damá(s)sai̯, intr. damē^nai̯, pass. damē^nai̯, pf. dédmǟmai̯, va. á-dmǟto- `bezähmen, bändigen, bewältigen ' ; dmǟtḗr `Bändiger ' , dmǟ^si-s `Bändigung ' , a-dmǟ́s, -tos f., m. `ungebändigt, unverheiratet ' , a-damato- `id. ' , dmǟtéǟ f. `id. ' ; damátei̯ra f.; pan-damátōr m., f. pan-damátei̯ra f. `Allbändiger(in) ' 

Germanic: *tam-a- adj., *tam-ō- vb., *tam-ja- vb.

Latin: domō, -āre, -uī, -itum `bändigen, zähmen ' , domitus, -a `gezähmt, zahm; domitor, -ōris m. `Bändiger, Bezwinger ' , domitus, -ūs m. `Bändigung ' 

Celtic: *damne- etc. > OIr damnaim `binde (fest), bändige (Pferde) ' , inf. damnad, domnad; dam- `sich fügen, erleiden, gewähren ' ; ad-dam- `gestehn ' , fo-dam- `erleiden ' ; OCymr ni cein guodeimisauch gl. `non bebe passae ' , Cymr addef `gestehn ' ; goddef `leiden, erlauben '  ; dōf `zahm '  (< Lat?), Corn gothaf `ertragen ' , Bret añsav `gestehn ' ; gouzañv, gouzav `ertragen ' ; doff `zahm '  (<Lat?)


Old Indic dāmyáti ` is tamed; tamed ' (*dm̥̄-i̯eti), dāṁtá- ` tamed ' (*dm̥̄-tós); Causative damáyati `tames, overmasters ' (*domei̯ō), participle damita-; damitár- `tamer'; damitvā ` taming ', damāyáti `tames' (*domā-i̯o = Latin domo); damá-ḥ ` domesticating ', dáma-ḥ ` taming ';

osset. domun `tame', New Persian dam `domesticated animal'; after Pisani Crest. Indeur.2 113 here (as *dm̥̄-so-s) dāsá-ḥ `fiend, non-Aryan ', actually `slave', but because of the incredible stem formation; 

gr. δάμνᾱμι, Ionian -ημι, Aor. ἐ-δάμα(σ)σα (for *ε-δέμασα) `tame', various secondary reshaped, as δαμνάω etc, πανδαμάτωρ ` the all-subduer, all-tamer ', Doric δμᾱτός `tamed' (*dm̥̄-tós), hom. ἄδμητος and ἀδμής, -ῆτος ` untamed, unrestrained, unwed, unmarried ', Ionian Perf. δέδμημαι, δμητήρ `tamer', δμῆσις ` taming, domestication';

forms with root vowel o are missing in Gr.; 

Latin domō (*domā-i̯ō = damāyáti), domās (*domā-si = Old High German zamōs) ` to domesticate, tame, break, subdue, master ', Perf. domuī (from *domǝ-u̯ai), participle domitus (reshaped after domuī and domitor from *dmātos, Indo Germanic *dm̥̄-to-s), domitor `tamer' (= Old Indic damitár-); domitus, -ūs m. `taming' (compare Old Indic damitvā);

Old Irish damnaim `bind (tight, firm), tame (horses)', Verb noun damnad and domnad (probably = gr.δάμνημι); phonetic mixture with damnaim from Latin damnō, also the unruled m has probably arisen from participle dammainti; Old Irish dam- ` acquiesce, endure, grant' (e.g. daimid ` admitted to' probably = Old Indic dāmyáti, composes ni-daim `not enduring, not suffering'; Perf. dāmair from lengthened grade *dōm-), with ad- `admit' (e.g. 3. PL ataimet), with fo- `endure' (e.g. 1. Sg. fo-daimim), Welsh addef, Breton añsav `admit', Old Welsh ni cein guodeimisauch Gl. `have not endured well', Modern Welsh go-ddef `suffer, endure, allow', Cornish gothaf `bear, endure', Breton gouzañv, gouzav us. (but Welsh dofi `tame', Old Welsh dometic ` domesticated ', ar-domaul ` docile ', Welsh dōf, Breton doff `tame, domesticated' stems from Latin domāre, so that native forms with o were absent in Celtic);

Gothic ga-tamjan, Old Norse temja, Old English temian, Middle Low German temmen, Old High German zemmen `tame' (Causative *doméi̯ō = Old Indic damáyati); Old High German zamōn ds. (= Latin domā-re), Old Norse tamr, Old English tam, Old High German zam ` domesticated, tamed, subdued, mastered ' (unclear, whether back-formation from verb, or if the pass. meaning has arisen from `domestication = the tamed', so that in historic connection with Old Indic dáma-ḥ ` taming ').

Because of Old Indic damya- `to tame' and `young bull, which still should be tamed ' and because of gr. δαμάλης on the one hand ` overmastering, taming' ( ῎Ερως, Anakreon), on the other hand `young (still to be tamed) bull', wherefore δαμάλη `young cow', δάμαλις `ds.'; also `young girl', δάμαλος `calf', is probably alb. dëntë, dhëntë, Geg dhë̂nt `small cattle, sheep and goats, sheep' (*dem-tā or *dem-to-s, respectively *dom-tā, -to-s), dem ` bovine animal, cattle, young bull' (= Old Indic damya-), as well as also gall. GN Damona f. and Old Irish dam `ox' (*damos), dam allaid `deer' (`*wild ox'), as well as Welsh dafad, Old Cornish dauat, Breton dañvat `sheep (then = gr. ἀ-δάματος) to add (originally appellation of domesticated bovine animal); Latin damma or dāma is probably borrowed from Celtic or from elsewhere; unclear is Old English dā f. `roe deer' (out of it Old Cornish da ` a fallow-deer, chamois, antelope '), English doe, Alemannian tē ds., compare Holthausen Altengl. etym. Wb. 68; from Old French daim `fallow-deer' derives Breton dem ds.; Germanic additional forms s. by Falk-Torp under daadyr m. Lithuanian; corresponding to Lower Austrian zamer, zamerl `young ox' (Much ZfdA.42, 167; proto Germanic *a or *o?).

Hittite da-ma-aš-zi ` thronged ', preterit 3. Pl. ta-ma-aš-šir, Pedersen Hittite 95 f.

Maybe those cognates derived from Tumuzi the shepherd in Sumerian.

References: WP. 1 788 f., WH I 367 f., 861, Meillet BSL. 33, 110.

Page(s): 199-200

Root / lemma: dem-, demǝ-

Meaning: to build; house

Material: Gr. δέμω `build', from the heavy basis participle Perf. Pass. δεδμημένος, Doric (Pindar) νεόδμᾱτος ` newly built', 

δέμας n. ` physique, shape' (μεσόδμη, Attic inschr. -μνη ` spanning crossbeams in the middle of the building ', yet η [ᾱ] could also be suffix). 

The meaning ` settle, fit' in Gothic ga-timan, Old Saxon teman, Old High German zeman `suit, fit', wherefore lengthened grade Gothic ga-tēmiÞa Adv. ` befitting ', Middle Low German be-tāme ` fitting', Old High German gi-zāmi `proper' and abstract zero grades Old High German zumft, Middle High German zumft, zunft ` propriety, rule, association, guild ' (*dṃ-ti-) = Middle Irish dēt ` disposition, temperament ' (Old Irish dētlae `bold, daring'), Middle Welsh dant ` temperament, character' (mostly Plur. deint), basic form *dṃ-to-, Loth RC 46, 252 f. compare Middle Welsh cynnefin ` trustful ' (common Celtic -ns-, -nt- > -nn-), (*kom-dam-īno-).

ro-stem Old Icelandic timbr `timber', Old Saxon timbar, Old English timber `timber, edifice, building, building', Old High German zimbar `timber, building, dwelling, chamber', whereof Gothic timrjan `build', Old Norse timbra, Old High German zimberen and zimbaron ` build, do carpentry, do woodwork '.

root nouns dē̆m-, dō̆m-, dm-, dṃ- `house'. 

Old Indic pátir dán ` householder ', Avestan dǝ̄ng patoiš ` master of (*lord of the house)' with Gen. *dem-s, as also gr. δεσ-πότης `master, mister' (see Risch IF. 59, 12, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 547 f.), Old Indic dám-pati-ḥ `lord, master' (new shifting together from *dán pati- [= Avestan dǝ̄ng pati-], less probably with Locative Aryan *dam as `master in the house');

Avestan Locative dąm, dąmi `in the house', Locative Pl. dāhv-ā, Nom. -dā̊ from proto Aryan *-dās in uši-δā̊ name of a mountain range (`having one's house by the aurora '), wherefore probably Avestan ha-dǝmōi Locative `in the same house';

Armenian tun Nom. Akk. `house' (*dōm), Instrumental tamb (*dṃ-bhi), whereupon Gen. Dative tan; 

gr. ἔν-δον Locative, originally `inside in house' (also reshaped to ἔνδο-θι, -θεν, ἔνδ⛧ι), perhaps also δῶ (*dō[m]) as Nom. Akk. Sg. n. or Locative; δῶμα, δώματος originally Akk. Sg.mask. *dōm-ṃ with structure in Neutr. after στρῶμα ; derivative Δμία, Μνία, Δαμία (`mistress of the house'); 

as 1. composition part in δάμ-αρ `wife' (*dǝm-r̥t ` governing of the house '), δάπεδον ` floor (originally of the house)' from *dṃ-pedom (ζάπεδον out of it after the concurrent of δα- and ζα- as intensive prefix; so perhaps also Ionian ζάκορος ` temple male servant, temple female servant' for *δά-κορος) = Swedish tomt, Old Icelandic topt `place for edifice, building' in Norwegian Mdarten `loam' (Germanic *tum-fetiz, Indo Germanic *dṃ-ped-), compare also Lithuanian dim-stis ` courtyard, property; courtyard ' (2. part *sto-s to *stā- `stand'). 

o-stem domo-s: Old Indic dáma-ḥ `house, dwelling ', gr. δόμος `house' (δομή `τεῖχος etc? Hes), οἰκο-δόμος (*-δομός) ` builder ', Latin Locative domī `to a house' (= Old Indic dámē `in a house, to a house'), dominus `master, mister' from *domo-no-s.

u-stem domu-s (Brugmann Grdr. II2 1, 180 presumes an adv. Locative *domū as originator): Latin domus, -ūs f. `a house, dwelling-house, buildding, mansion, palace' (out of it is Middle Irish dom-, dam-liacc `stone house', aur-dam ` pronaos (the space in front of the body of a temple, enclosed by a portico and projecting side- walls) ' undertaken with the thing together);

Old Church Slavic domъ m. `house', Russian dóma `at house' (*domō[u]); *domovь: Old Russian domovь `after the house'; presumedly also through Old Indic dámū-nas- `housemate' and Armenian tanu-tēr `householder'; 

Maybe alb. dhoma `room' : Old Indic dáma-ḥ `house'.

a stem *dmōu- in Ionian δμώς, Gen. δμωός ` prisoner of war, farm laborer', δμῳή ` bondmaid ', Cretan μνῴᾱ f. `people in slavery, population in serfdom '; 

Aryan *dm-ā̆na- in Avestan dǝmā̆na-, nmāna- n. `house', also Old Indic mā́na-ḥ `edifice, building, dwelling'; 

Lithuanian nãmas, Pl. namaĩ `house, dwelling' is dissimilated from *damas, in compounds as namũ-darỹs ` homemaker ', s. WH. I 861.


It is a common trait of alb. and Lithuanian to drop the initial da- as in Root / lemma: del-5 : `long': Baltic with unexplained d loss (see below): Lithuanian ìlgas, f. ilgà, Latvian il̃gs, Old Prussian ilga and ilgi Adv. `long'; alb. glatë 'long' Baltic and Albanian languages often drop the initial da- > zero. This is a common Baltic-alb.. Hence Lithuanian nãmas derived from a nasalized form *ndãmas.

Old Irish damnae `material', Welsh defnydd, Middle Breton daffnez could have originally signified `timber'. 

Tocharian B tem-, A tam-, AB täm- `create, beget, be born ' and B tsam-, AB tsäm-, A śam-, śäm-, perhaps after Pedersen Tocharian Sprachg. 217 here;

in addition also B c(o)mel, A cmol (*cmelu) `birth', Van Windekens Lexique 51. 

An old branching of the root is demā- `tame', originally probably `tie up in the house, domesticate'. 


Root / lemma: dem-, demǝ- : `to build; house' derived from Root / lemma: ĝhei-2 : ĝhi- : ĝhei-men-, *ĝheimn- : `winter; snow'. But the ĝh > d has been recorded in Illyrian alb. alone. This makes proto Illyrian the oldest IE branch.

References: WP. I 786 ff.; WH. I 367, 369 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 480, 524, 547 f., 625, Trautmann 44.

Page(s): 198-199

Root / lemma: denk̂-

Meaning: to bite


From Root / lemma: denk̂- : `to bite' derived Root / lemma: ĝembh-, ĝm̥bh- : `to bite; tooth' common Aryan Albanian d- > g- shift.

Material: Old Indic dáśati ` bites' (*dn̥kéti), Perf. dadáṃśa (thereafter also a present dáṃśati), Causative daṃśáyate `makes bite ', dáṃśa-ḥ `bite, gadfly, brake', 

daṃśana-m `the bitting ', daṃṣ̌ṭra-ḥ, dáṃstrā ` sharp tooth, fang' = Avestan tiži-dąstra- `with sharp teeth, toothed ' (for -dąštra- s. Bartholomae Old Iranian WWb. 653); 

gr. δάκνω `bite' (*dn̥k̂-nṓ), Aor. ἔδακον (= Impf. Old Indic ádaśam), wherefore Fut. δήξομαι (but Ionian δάξεται), Perf. δέδηγμαι, δεδηχώς (as well as δῆγμα `bite') with vowel gradation neologism (Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 770); δακετόν, τὸ δάκος ` biting animal'; in addition probably ὀδάξ `with biting teeth ', perhaps originally `tooth' or `bite' (Liddell-Scott, different Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 620, 723), probably hybridization of *δάξ `biting' with ὀδούς, therefrom derived όδάξω (ἀδάξω with Assimilation of o in α), ἀδαχέω etc `scratch, itch', ἀδαγμός ` the scratch ';

alb. Geg danë (*donk̂-nā), Tosc darë `pliers'; 

Old High German zangar `biting, sharp', Middle Low German tanger `ds., vicious, strong, fresh'; Old Norse tǫng (Gen. tengr and tangar), Old English tang, tange, Old High German zanga `pliers' (*donk̂ā́), i.e. `the clenching of the teeth '; with further shifting to `to press (lips) together', probably Old Saxon bitengi `moving close to, oppressive', Old English getang ds., getenge ` near to, close to, oppressive, thronging, pressing ', Old High German gizengi ` passing by, moving nearby', Adv. gizango, wherefore Old Norse tengja (*tangjan) `join', Old English tengan `assail, urge, press, push, aspire to move forward', getengan `make adhere, be obedient ' (Old English intinga m. `weary, weak', sam-tinges `at once', getingan, stem verb, `press in' after Fick III4 152 neologism?);


common Aryan Albanian Germanic -d- > -g- shift = Celtic -t- > -k- shift

besides in grammatical variation Germanic *tanhu- `adjoining tightly, appendant, tough' in Old English tōh ` tough '; Middle Low German tā ` abiding, tough ', Old High German zāhi, Modern High German zäh; Old Norse tā n. `stamped place before the house' (Finnish loanword tanhua `corral, pen, fold');

perhaps originally different from the root *dē̆k- `tear', although *denk̂- perhaps as nasalized form to *dē̆k and `bite' could be understood as `tear with the teeth'. 

References: WP. I 790 f.

Page(s): 201

Root / lemma: dens-1

Meaning: talent, force of mind; to learn

Material: densos n.: Old Indic dáṁsas- n. `powerful wonder, wise feat' = Avestan daŋhah- ` dexterity, adroitness ' (in addition Old Indic daṁsu- ` powerful wonder ', daṁ- ` very powerful wonder ' = Avestan dąhišta- `very wise, the wisest '); Old Indic purudā́ṁsas- `rich in miracles' (= gr. πολυδήνεα πολύβουλον `much-counselling' Hes), dáṁsana-m, daṁsánā `magic power, witchcraft '; in gr. after zero grade forms with*δα[σ]- = *dṇs- to *δάνσος unvocalized: hom. δήνεα N. Pl. ` pieces of advice ', Sg. δῆνος by Hesych, (Doric) ἀδανές (-ᾱ) ἀπρονόητον Hes. = (Ionian) ἀδηνής ἄκακος, Adv. ἀδηνέως Chios.

dṇs-ró́-s `sensible, very wise': Old Indic dasrá- ` miraculous ' = Avestan daŋra- `skilful'; doubtful gr. δάειρα epithet of Persephone, perhaps ` the knowing or the power of wonder '; δαΐφρων ` wise ' to hold as *δα[σ]ί-φρων to Old Indic das-rá- as κῡδι-άνειρα to κῡδ-ρό-ς, if it not originally if it has not signified originally only `the sense of direction during the fight' (compare δαι-κτάμενος ` slain in battle ', ἐν δαί: `in the battle'; s. finally Bechtel Lexil. 92) and only, after this the meaning was forgotten, the ambiguous connection came through in δαῆναι, see below, to come into usage in sense of `wise'.

dṇs-mo-: Old Indic dasmá- ` power of wonder (from Gods)' = Avestan dahma- ` expert, inaugurated in religious questions '.

Maybe alb. dasma `wedding, ceremony (religious rite?)'

Verbal forms: partly reduplicated `handle knowledge, instruct, teach':

Avestan dīdaiŋhē ` I am instructed ' (in addition zero grade dąstvā f. ` apprenticeship, doctrine, dogma'); 

perhaps gr. δέδαε Aor. `taught', Aor. Pass. δαῆναι, δαήμεναι `learn', participle Perf. δεδαώς `erudite, expert, skillful', δεδάασθαι π 316 ` examine, question ', ἀδαής (Soph.) `ignorant, wherein inexperienced '; in addition δαήμων (Hom.) `sensible, wise', ἀδαήμων `ignorant, wherein inexperienced ', δαήμεναι ἔμπειροι γοναῖκες Hes. By Archilochos frg. 3, 4 is unclear δαίμων (?) ` skillful, experienced '.

Debrunner Mel. Boisacq 1, 251 ff. has shown that διδάσκω `instruct, teach' belongs to δέδαε and not to Latin discō `to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with' (see above under dek̂-). The fact that also δα- (as *dṇs-) is to be put to ours root, can be explained best of all by the fact that one accepts, from διδάσκω (*δι-δασ-σκω) has been abstracted an erroneous root *δα- (M. Scheller briefl.);

compare finally Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 307 and see below dens-2. 

References: WP. I 793.

Page(s): 201-202

Root / lemma: dens-2

Meaning: dense

Material: Gr. δασύς `dense' : Latin dēnsus ds.; the direct derivation from *dn̥sús does not contradict the explanation of *δάω from *dn̥sō (see above under dens-1); indeed from W. Schulze (Kl. Schr. 116 f.) the stated examples of -σ- from Indo Germanic -n̥s- are absolutely not proving. On the other hand δαυλός `cover with dense vegetation' could go back to δα-υλός (: ὕλη), but δασκόν δασύ etc would barely be formed by abstraction to δά-σκιος ` (*densely) shady ' (*διά-σκιος). Meillet MSL. 22, 63 will define σ in δασύς as expressive gemination σσ (?) common gr.-Illyrian -ks- > -ss-. About phok. PN Δαυλίς s. WH. I 468.

About alb. dënt, dend `make dense', etc see below dhen-3. common alb. n > nd.

Latin dēnseō, -ēre (Perf. dēnsī only by Chharisius Gr.-Latin I 262, 4) ` to make thick, condense, press together ', denominative of dēnsus `dense' (*densos or *dn̥sos, event. *dénsu̯os). 

Hittite dassuš (Dative Sg. ta-aš-śu-u-i) `strong (*thick)'.

References: WP. I 793 f., WH. I 341 f., Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 307.

Page(s): 202-203


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