Site Master's Notes:
There are probably a lot of questions regarding why this site exists. My answer: why not? People can make sites on whatever they want, and so I put a few minutes in to make this Anti-Yuffie site. Of course Yuffie is merely a video game character, but when it all comes down to it she is the most annoying character I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. Don't get me wrong, Final Fantasy VII is an amazing game, however Yuffie is the most out of place person I could ever think about and who I could ever NOT want to have in a game that cool. If you happen to really like Yuffie, then prepare to see the worst of her since there really isn't anything good about her in general anyway. I care less if Yuffie lovers (whoever they are...) are offended by this website, since all over the internet there are anti-Aeris sites, anti-Tifa, anti-Cait-Sith and etc. There used to be another anti-Yuffie site, but sadly it is no more - so I have taken the job of ensuring there is still SOMETHING out there that bashes this materia stealing bitch! Besides, its freedom of speech and if I want to voice a differing opinion on Yuffie then prepare to hear it!!

Some people would argue this site is a waste of time, and maybe it is since most FFVII players hate Yuffie or get really annoyed by her stupid ways, however it is based purely on fun terms and by no means is supposed to have a purpose other than to insult her. If you feel the same way about Yuffie in being you think she sucks too, then feel free to make yourself at home on my little website and get glee in reading the info I have taken the liberty to write. Laugh and enjoy, since it makes me happy to know there are other people out there who feel the same way about Yuffie. Must everything have a purpose? Considering Yuffie exists, I suppose I'm wrong because she had no purpose in FFVII other than to annoy the hell out of the game characters/players of the game nd steal all the materia for the most corny reason ever thought possible. As a result she deserves to be bashed and since all Final Fantasy chracters have people who hate them, its about time a site was made to vent angered feelings. By no means do I have issues with myself since I put a little of my time to make this site, its just something that had to be done regardless. By no means do I hate Ninjas or anything, they're damn awesome but Yuffie makes Ninjas look bad!
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