Quick Updates-» 1 update box, 5 [88x31] buttons, 10 welcome signs

more updates below

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Everything you see on this site has been made by me, , unless stated otherwise. Anything you take from here is copyright, which means i require a link back. If you could take 5-10 seconds and support me by voting for me I'd really apprieciate it!
If you take anything, use anything, or just plain like my site...Please tell me by email or by tagging me and signing my guestbook! It's always great to hear feedback.
If you have any suggestions or any ideas for me, please email me and tell me! If you give me a great idea and i like it, be sure to leave me your link because i'm sure to link you.
Please Do not hate or insult my site when emailing, tagging, or signing my guestbook. I don't think thats its nice (or fair) that i spend so much time making this site for you and other doll lovers and you decide to tell me how bad it is...(in a rude and disruptful way) If you hate my site theres only 2 things you can do. Tell me how i can make it better with a friendly attitude or just plain leave... I don't need people uninspiring me and making me mad!
Last but not least No direct linking from this site!

icy illusions opened March 11 2003 4:25pm
Hm, im really tired! I had to work today, goodness sakes. Oh well. Today I added not that much, but a little. 5 buttons, 1 update box and 10 welcome signs. Heh, I'm also starting on a unique MSN 6 avatar maker, which should be ready soon. I hate making pixel letters. All 26 of them! Anyway, love you all! Goodnight!
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Okay! Added quite a bit. I sort of did my prep maker... It took hours, I added loads more heads.... See for yourself click here! Also! I added a brand new sister site. Her site is [awesome]! Click here to visit her site! I also added two new update boxes and six 31x88 buttons. They're really pretty, in my opinion, :P. Wanna see? And theres more! I created two cliques..haha! One of them is an I love Harry Potter clique, cause i totallly love harry potter, and the other is an I love blue clique! Hehe, they're pretty nice too. I also deleted all my old handdrawn dolls and replaced it with my newest. Want to see it? click here! And, last but not least I added seven new Unique MSN avatars! SO, thats all folks. Please Tag me or sign my guestbook, cause I love feedback!
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Guess what? I TOTALLY revamped my pink graphic maker! It's so much better! Seriously! check it out!. Also! I added four celebrity blinkies of Lindsay Lohan, they're also a lot better than the others, and twenty blinkers! I was really working today, haha! Anyway, I'll see what else I can do before bedtime...Maybe a few more grpahics? Well, love yah lots!
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Kay, another quick update today! I finished the tiny maker! There are servral new props and I added accessories. I've also fixed the appearance. I'm really proud! It took me hours though, cause I'm really slow at prop makers, so the next one wont be ready for another few days. Wanna check out the tiny maker? Click here! Also, I've had to get rid of dozens of sisters 'cause I no longer have any contact with them! It sucks! So, I'm totally excepting sisters, if you'd like to email me and apply, I'd be happy to check out your site! Well, that's all for now!buhbye!
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Well, it's finally spring break! That means I'll be able to update quite a bit now! Like last night, I added 1 unique MSN avatar and 4 silent MSN avatars. I also added two new free awards and six email signs. Today I plan on working on dollmakers... I think it's time for me to get rid of all those adopted ones...lol! I'll start with the first one on my list... But making dollmakers, for me atleast, take a really long time... So please be patient! Thanks so much.
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OKAY! I finished the layout! The most amazing part was that it only took me one day! Sure, a long time, I mean it's two am right now and i started in the evening, but it's done! I like it, it's my first IFRAME layout and i'm pretty proud. Please tell me what you think about it?

Okay, last night I cleaned up all the broken links and images. I also deleted al the insanely ugly graphics, so if you see a page that says none yet, or coming soon... something of that sort, don't worry cause the pages will be up in no time. Like, last night, since it was really late, I made only two new enter signs and 2 new sign/view signs. Though, I deleted all my ugly enter signs, and am hoping to make a whole lot more! Today, I think I'm going to make some MSN avatars and add an AIM Icon submenu to my menu. (I deleted my old aim icons, they were horrible!) So, i'm revamping my site, slowly, and it should be done in a while. The new layout I'm planning is one dedicated to my grad. Because I'm in grade nine and we're having our grad, so I'm deciding to create a layout with like gowns and stuff. Really sparkly. Though it might take a while to get up :( sorry. Anyway, I also added two new glitter signs, finally, and am going to try and work on some blinkies! Well thats all!

WOW! It's been a really long time since I've updated. I guess the main reason was my computer got infected with a virus and I had to save up my own moeny to by a new one. That took a while! Anywy, I was going through the site and I noticed I have way to much junk! Half the pages aren't working anymore... Half the links on the button wall are dead and a lot of my images are broken. So, i've decided for the next month or so, I'm going to be doing a bit of site cleaning. I'll get rid of the junk pages that have no use, I'll get rid of all the broken images, and I'll update my 'about me' page... Cause I'm no longer 13! I turned 14 in October (Yeah, I know...Old news) And I also got a greatest journal too, so I'll get rid of the nasty-ugly-blog of mine. Also, I'm going to delete some sisters, as most of the sites have shut down and or moved and not given me their link. (Also, a number of them have taken me off their sister link page) So I'll be cleaning out everything I can. I AM going to delete the ugly graphics.. (cause I have A LOT of ugly graphcs) I'm going to fix my menu so that the submenus are more organized and I may even get a new layout!! (But I don't use CSS so it takes a long time!)OH well, I'll see what I can do. Well, I better get started! I have a lot to do, and A LOT to make up for!

Today i added a bonita blinkie maker again. New blocks (they are bigger) and 10 blinkers. thats all i had time to add. gotta go

heyyy okay sorry about not updating yesterday *doh*
today i added a bonita blinkie maker. 15 different colors of blocks. BOY was it HARD! i made all the blocks by HAND each little squared pixel...*yikes* well i hope you enjoy it. TOday ill be answering emails and when im done that ill make a few update boxes! well cya

hii oh my goodness! Im so sorry i havent updated! On thursday i left for a camp so i never got to update from tuesday to saturday (today) until now. I was really busy buying, packing, and worrying. (i was late but so was the bus :P) Well im realyl really sorry! I added some things today. I added 5 new Large blank banners. They are so cool...way better then my last ones i had up. haha. I added 4 silent msn avatars. NO DOLLMAKERS this time! ALL made by the one and only spetacular ME! :D! I also added 6 very ADORABLE princess signs...these ones actually required work and time unlike the disgusting other ones. Nice soft colors...ahh... mmm today i didnt update much cause i watched freaky friday and slept (at camp we went to sleep at 2 and woke up at 7. i got about 10 hours of sleep for 2 nights.. grr!) and im really tired right now lol so im gonna go to bed! :) night night everyone

Today i added a sweeetz mood doll maker, 47 sweetz dolls, 6 anime and 8 unique msn avatars (that all blink ;). I also joined a little icon squad thingy and becca's site (my sister site) you should join too! click here! Becca also sent me a gift which will be up no later then tomorrow ;] thanks a buch! Another thing, if you like my site can you please tag or contact me? Cause i'm curious about what you think. Ooops remember the unique maker that i started on wednesday? I completely forgot about it haha i'm soo sorrrry! I'll try and add it by next weekend :P since spring break is over i wont have much time to update. Lastly, i'm thinking of adding a pixel text section (pixel names, pixel moods, pixel dolls) cause i LOVE pixel text. Its so cute! I'm still accepting sisters so email me! Well i have to go to bed now heh but remember to visit gain tomorrow!

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! :D! Today i sent a sister gift to all my sisters. if you didnt get it and you're my sister go to my "gifts for sisters" page :)! I also worked really hard on a mood doll maker! I have a bonita one so far but plan to add more! I'm going to add some tutorials then sleep :)

sorry I didn't update lots yesterday...I just prettied up my splash page a little and made siste gifts for some sisters...:)
Today i started on a nice big unique maker..It should be done by this weekend *lol* (not very fast at dollmakers..sorry) Today Im adding top site lists and surfing other doll sites... Hmm..i might add that mood blinkie maker tonight if i get a chance...It'd be easier for me to make them too :P

*again* Hey! Just now i added the most CUTEST ID maker! I'm very very proud of it and REALLY REALLY like it! I only started today, which amazes me because i ususally take DAYS to finish a maker...Must have been really into this one! Well i love it and i hope you do too!You can visit it by clicking here! I also am going to add a mood blinkie maker... since its easy *lol* (its only going to be a shrimpy one >_<) Well thats all!

hey! This morning i added 6 about me signs and 4 guestbook signs. I also added 5 mood blinkies and cleaned up my left frame a little. :) well thats all.. I'll add more later!


Just now i went passed a site with the most touching story on it! It was so wonderful that i decided to make a reads section and add it to my site! To take a look at this lovely story click here and read what a friend means to someone. It's so beautiful and touching! Everyone should read it!
I'll add more later :)

Today i added LOTS! I added 6 tagboard signs, 6 menu signs, 3 ID cards, 4 new copyright signs! I also added closed signs. Well adding a bit more then going to bed!
Today i added the sweetz maker FINALLY! and added 20 food dollz...yeah...thats about it... i was working on copyright signs and they were looking really awesome, then psp froze and i got uninspired...maybe ill make those later. Right now im working on my coming soon this...

Hey! Today i added all sorts of things! I added 3 new sweet group dollz, 20 uniques and 14 regular sweetz dollz. I also added a new coming soon list and some closed signs! So all thatcool stuff should be added soon! ^^

aww oh no! too long without updating *sigh* Thats what happens the few weeks before report cards... i had to get all my missing assignments in and i had to rewrite a whole bunch of tests...it payed off though.
Today im adding the stuff that people have sent me in email and responding to emails. If i have time i may redo the princess signs section of my site cause those graphics are not as nice as i can make them.
I think im also going to add a Alt code section. yah..heh...
The next few things ill be doing is cleaning up my site a little... Renaming and Deleting un needed graphics and pages... I'll also be creating a new coming soon list! Yey!

Hi there! SORRY for the lack of updates >_< but i really had NO time at all *sighs*... I had this HUGE social project due today... and you know what the teacher does? He says "oh its due on monday now" Which means i still have to go through with presenting it *cries*...Today i watched this really awesome thing called the big dog classic. Its a basketball tournament thingy. The biggest in the city! AND ITWAS HELD AT MY SCHOOL *yay*... We were on Global news channelf or like 5 seconds LOL. But i saw myself sitting...wella ctually they overviewed the whole entire school. But i was sitting beside the guy in the white shirt..[LOL one of them...] and wow it was awesome..got to miss class..OUR school won ALL the games i watched...its continuing tomorrow though...*GOOD LUCK* ~GOOOOO BULLDOGS~ arf arf.. ^_~.....

well about the updates i added an about me box a while ago...and umm some email blinkies.. i have sisters to add and some site review scores to add... Also i think im going to start making msn avatars...Yep...well bye
Hey! Yesterday instead of adding the blinkies i added 5 totally awesome hiatus signs. Like i didnt know i could make graphics like that xD. im adding the email blinkies rite now! thats about it...byebye

Today i added glitter blinkies!! YAY :)
They are really awesome! I also am adding anime right this second so they will be up FOR SURE! lol. hmmm what else? Oh yeah...im going to make food and email sign blinkies! Well thats about it...

Hey! i added celebrity blinkies! like 50 of them! hah! also i got some requests. The anime wont be up till tomorrow cause i have to go to sleep rite now..lol... and im also going to add msn avatars and closed and hiatus signs next. I hope i can finish them lol :) ALSO GUESS WHAT! ICY ILLUSIONS HAS BEEN OPEN FOR ALMOST A WHOLE YEAR! can u believe it!? i started when i was 12. March 11 is its birthday! 1 wholeyear!!! u can support icy illusions by voting, tagging, emailing and linking! Thanks!
Sorry i havnt really had time to update lol. I did add a site namer and some scroll bars... hmm yeah... i started on a sweets dollmaker... but since im not advanced it takes long for me to make a whole dollmaker.. lol.. but ill try ^_^!... so that should be up soon! also ill make some new makers.. maybe a prep pyjama maker.. oo0o.. neway cya!

Guess what! yesterday i added like 30 blinkies! and 5 buttons. Im really happy that i had time to update yesterday. i also am adding that free award and an icon i made yesterday right now but forgot to add last nite. Today ill add some new pages. i have a couple of ideas :) so check back real soon!
lots of luv
Leap year! haha! Anyway... lots of people have been emailing me to link exchange with them.. but they dont understand what they need to do or how to get linked on my site. If you would like to be linked please read the following:

Well first if you want to be linked on my right frame which is visible with every page the visitor goes to then you have to do this: email me and tell me your site Name and URL. Then you have to Link me on your FRAMES. Or a page that is visible ALWAYS If its not a direct linkable image i will UPLOAD it onto MY server. This is a great favor! and ill give you hits in exchang for your hits. so email me and put 'right frame link' in the subject. or something close to that.

If you want to be linked on my link exchange you have to:
email me Your site Name and URL. And you have to TEXT link me onto your link exchange page. Then ill add you to mine. This involves no uploading of any images. although hits are being exchanged! [please put 'link exchange' in the subject of email]

If you want to be linked on my button wall you have to:
email me Your site name and URL. Then ill visit your site and collect your button. IT will be added to my button wall ONLY if you link me on yours. It MUST be a button link. If your image is not direct linkable that is okay. I will UPLOAD it onto MY site. This is a great favor! Ill give you hits in exchange for yours. subject line- "button wall"
If you want to be linked under my credits go to my Help me page and answer one of my HTML questions by emailing me your site URL and name and The answer to the question. subject line-"help!" Not only will you get linked on my credits you will get an award! ;D

If you would like to just be plain ordinary linked go to my ADD-A-LINK page and add your link. Its fast and easy. sure to get you a couple of hits!

Also my sisters are automatically linked :D so if you want to be linked on my sisters page Email me URL and site Name included in the email. subject line-"sisters" and we can become sisters! YAY.

other ways to get linked? sure email me!

sending a gift or giving me an award will get you linked on my awards page!

02/28/04 [again]
Hey! Well i never go around to adding the ghings i said cause im not feeling very well. But i added a sister and also im adding a free award rite now.. well gnite
Hey sorry i did update yesterday but i forgot to write it in my little box! ;D. i added a few name blinkies 2 dolls blinkies and 1 mood blinkie. im adding a few dolls with codes today [they will be uploaded on freewebs] also ill add some free awards. a set... [i think] andd.. some small buttons. ill try neway lol. well cya

02/26/04 [again]
Hey! i just finished changing the layout. i added a right frame! yay! i think it looks pretty cool. i also added those wonderful menu and welcome and email signs and the doll group at the top! i EDITED them off avatar palace. I ACTUALLY EDITED! YEY! i think they look fantastic! Oh and im so happy! TODAY i was actually on THE FRONT page of top dolls! i was just looking and wow THERE I WAS number SEVEN! OMGG i am so happy! im glad you enjoy my site and im even more glad your voting for me. You guys have inspired me beyond inspired o.o'...neway lol byeee! and thanks ;D
today i added a sister site and added AIM icons! YAY finally.. they arent even bad! im also going to add another set and i may change the way my layout works hmmm.. maybe not...well we'll see

TODAY I ACTUALLY UPDATED .. a bit ^-^ -waits for applause xD- well i added back my counter... and i fixed up and organized my splash page a little bit. also turn up ur speakers what do u hear? MUSIC! yey! Not only did i clean my splash page but i also cleaned my sister sites. if ur site is closed or i am NOT linked u have been deleted off my list [with notification] also if i AM your sis and i dont have you linked just EMAIL me and tell me! its called short term memory loss [im sure you've experienced it xD]im working on cleaning up the graphics then ill go on to the dolls and stuff... *yawns* where to start?
well im at school right now and its boring! but i just had the best idea! im going to make a tour of my site!! ...Yay!... its going to be cool though. ill start making it when i get home today... the only thing is i can only start if i finish my layout and that is taking WAY to long!....but oh well... ill try to finish today... make new link me buttons... start the kewl thing thats a secret ;) [it should be added next month or so... its a big thing and really i hope it will be fun] the thing with this idea though is that it takes alot of time to figure out how i want it. new backgrounds for pages.. :/ if i dont want to do the background thing [cause i just got my new layout] i might add the kewl thing next month or in a few months.. it wont be added for a while... i can tell u that much... so i just might make it my NEW layout... i havent finished this one yet and im already thinking about my next one. and also i think today when i finish my layout im going to add some new things. like well a request page... ill try to figure out my forms and ill also change some of the contests... [they havent been changed for a while lol] also i theres some dolls i want to add. and im planning to finish my coming soon list and make a whole new one. .... can you believe its already february!!! im going to be in grade NINE soon!!! -laughs- me in grade nine! ahahahahhahahaha.... well cya!

o0o0o0o0o friday the 13th... ne of u believe in bad luck? well tomorrow if V-day. Love...hah. okay well did my layout work. it took longer then its suposed to. i usually take less then a month Lol..anyway sorry... its almost done... like really i finished ALOT of pages today. well i just have to clean up the site a bit and then the real fun and updating starts!...cya!

Hi... im at school... the teachers given us a free day... to do nething we want. well i cant really update much cuz i dont have the software... so i might just ditch u guys to play games :P.... or i could work on the layout V.v' damn u layout! i guesss ill split it. Anyway still changing the layout :-/ sorry its taking so long... ill finish soon. just i dont have as much time and motivation as i used to... (those darn games :P)
Guess whos bak!! Well i dont have as much freet ime but at least im updating now :-D. anyway im changing my layout as u can see. please email me and tell meh what yah think? anyway i gotta go. sseeeyah
woah!!! my birthdays over! im FINALLY 13 YAY! -_- took long enough. hmmm well i just got the most cutest birthday graphic from a Reallly nice person :) her names Anesthesia and its soooo pretty. heh. anyway im gonna add that :D also her site is awesome. shes great at graphics... like ...REALLLY great! click here :) geez i almost forgot how to link. HTML is gonna take some getting used to. well ima add the gift...hmm maybe add a few things that dont need programs so yeeea :)

Hi guys, thanks for the emails but dont send anymore lol, i dont have a computer so i dont have email im at a library right now...also i cant except sisters or do ANY updates sorry...but i will soon...also my birthdays in 2 days yayayay so yea see yah

hi, im at skewl so cant update everything is blocked well just thought id say hi lol and remember dont email me hotmail is blocked at skool
welllll today i came home to pack its wierd though cuz my internet is still working O.o its not suposed to be....lol oh well i guess its goood ^-^...i cant really update cuz its a lil to busy and stressful right now...but i am just looking around other sites for ideas of what to add...well my mommie came back and we are going to go see my puppi!!! YAY i cant wait for this month to end...
today i added guy preps and dividers. Yesterday i added some guess the contests. :) so im moving tomorrow. i will not be updating after today...lol :'( bye guys for a month...thats why today im going to try to add EVERYTHING on my coming soon list. byebye fornow
today i added pj dollz, guess the fruit and added more props to the baby maker. right now im going to add guess the celeb.
hehehhhe its so late im gonna get in trouble if im caught awake..i added a tiny baby maker..not so small but small....I MADE IT not adoptd more props coming soon
Today was much better then yesterday...i met some new people ..i guess i was grumpy yesterday hee hee hee...im adding some halloween things right now...i added some makers and a graphic maker yesterday, i also added goths and tinys...(made a www.gurlpowerrr.net) and some from the palace. sooooo yeeeeahh i did alot...right now im working on games...like for the first one im doing a kind of find the lil spooky things and then ull like get a candy if which will lead you to a clue if you click on the candy and then you have to find the page with an award...Lol! and then the next one is some sort of haunted house DO NOT USE THESE IDEAS 100% MADE BY ME!! if you would like to use them DO NOT VIEW SOURCE THEM be creative do them your own way...and if you would like to use them EMAIL ME TELLINGME and link me on the SAME PAGE....if you dont you willbe Shamed.. well hehe ill get working on this straight away
yesterday i started working on a blue banner maker :) i noticed that my images werent transparent on my pink one so i fixed that and made it MUCH nicer! i hope you guys like my new layout. it was really hard to make...i still want to add some halloween things...mhmm...somecontests n stuff...yeahh im excited about that....by halloween it should be done cuz im moving and yeahh im adding a blog cuz lots going on rite now :P ok well im adding the blog right now (that'll take about...2 seconds?) Lol ok yeah it wont be the most safisticated page lol...yeah ok u dun wanna hear me no more...blah ..hehez...ummm yeahhhh i still have to make some preps transpaent...i was gonna make my quotes n stuff transparent...but they looked wierd when i did...lol...hmmm what else...oh yeah ..Thats all lol :) (more halloween goodies not finished yet though) and yeah im thinking of haunted house ...hmmm...Also ill be working on a new website (harry potter one Lol) so i might be updating a lil

today i was going to finish up may layout but though ti needed a break. almost all the pages are done now. I made all my blonde preps transparent YAY so now i have brunettes left...ive been meaning to make my preps transparent for a while and im glad i did! now i added a whole bunch of new quotes. and © signs. but i forgot to make them transparent so tahts what im doing right now. then i will make the brunettes transparent then i will make more email signs and enter signs but before i make the email signs n stuff ill finish my layout...which shouldnt take long. i want to add alot of cool stuff for halloween. i am going to try and add like creepy music. maybe ill make my background flash a lil..mwahahahahah. Then for like contest. i want to add alot of stuff......hmm i really want this site to be halloween like. heheheheheheh O.O

Heyy the new layout rox doesnt it!!! i made it myself and im SOO happy. It will be absulutly done by october So please dont tell me my colors dont match...cuz i know
AHh lol im sorry i havnt updated in a while....:( well i fixed my graphic maker ITS WAY BETTER NOW!!!! and im going to add another one RITE NOW!! yupp my sisters coming home so its not going to be here today....and umm im lost...yeahhh so if you want me to add something just drop in an email. :) hmm i added those stars...i hope you like them lol just a small tiny thing....alsoandraeas site is kewl! go visit it!!!!
theres no way im getting animation shop back..its broken for life =(..-sniff- oh well...also please read above! itll only take a minute..=(...and i no i didnt add much i was to busy studying for my french test (ugh!) Oh and theres something i want to say. My friend andraea used to co-own this site...but she decided to break off icy illusions cuz she didnt feel she did anything (my fault...i really took ownership in this site and didnt let her do anything really lol >.<) and she decided to make one of her own. were still good friends n stuff and i really think her site has lots of good stuff for you to see...so check it out shes on my links page and also shes one of my sister sites. or just Click here shes also at the top of this page. Please visit her site. she works hard and deserves visitors!
09/04/03 (again)
Yay i fixed my animation shop...ummm update boxes are easy to make and since i have to go soon ill add some of those lol soo yeah..
OMG my animation shop is corrupted or something ahhhhh im sooo mad....geez...well i guess no more blinkies o.0
umm and i changed the update boxes section. now they are much better update boxes lol...thats all
hi..well some of my pages have gone under construction!! thats only cuz im replacing the graphics with MUCH much nicer ones...especially the blinkies page LOl its soooo ugly...well i added a new award you can win...Yay. also im thinking of adding af-american preps. thatz all
hey guys its tha weekend YAY omg i have waited sooo long for this day! but its not as happy as it should be. my mommys sister (my auntie) died 2 days ago =( and my mommy went to toronto today to go to the funeral. I hate planes im always scared that they will crash and my mommy went on a plane so i was like ahhh well yeah...and my auntie died and im sooo sad...=( she has a daughter and omg my cousin was sooooo sadd omg i dont know what i would do without my mom....=( yeah ........neway im adding mood blinkies thanks gurlpowerrr for the idea =) ...and ummmm yeahh thats what im workn on today..
I know i was suposed to be adding USA dolls but i didnt ahve time SORRY i added blinkies though...i know i couldnt find ne patriotic avs on avatar...sorrrryy...maybe tomorrw..but i did add blinkies and they look nice :D...welll Cya!
I know i didnt update much yesterday....>.< but i didnt have time i was making blinkies though hehe....
i know today is the tragic 11th and i got around 4-6 emails about me changing my layout to a usa layout...well that would be a little wierd considering that im canadian lol... but since all these people want me to change my site to something usa ive decided to add a patriotic section to my dolls...but it wont only be usa dolls...ill start adding them today...(the usa ones) cuz well u people want me to do something so i am =) well.....thatz all ill be making dolls for the rest of todayy...
Well im changing my site so its a lil more organized ....like for the enter signs im thinking of sectioning them yeah ull see lol so those pages may not work a while...keep watch though...
sept 9, 03
Today i added lotz of blinkie...doll blinkies and some more name blinkies...yes all as hehe...also im adding bs now email meif you would like a name blinkie =)
Sept 8, 03 (again)
Wellll i added 8 more silents yep yep and hmmmmm Well ill add ummm errrr how about thugs? ill see...neway luv ya!!
September 8, 2003
Today i added more ravers...and changed my layout just a lil bit not nething big just a tiny bit...like for the dolls to shorten the menu i added a new page listing the dolls....and same with dollmakers...(i like if MUCH much better...) Well gimmie feedback on my site!! click here to email me! Thanks! and dont forget to vote for me...

today i added at least 40 props to the prep maker...and i added ravers i might add more tonight but i doubt it...its already late and i have to sleep soooon...>=/ but the mood blinkies will have to wait cuz andraea animates them for me and i dont know when shell get tha chance (shes already working on alot...) Well right now im making dolls....(ravers...) well datzzzz all

today i was working on blinkies i added a name blinkie page with one name on it so far (myne lOL) and also one of my friends friends started a site so im helping her with frames =) and hmmm im adding ummmmm mood dolls =) (idea by eve at gurlpowerrrr) well thats all since im adding some dolls rite now ill update later
mood dolls are coming soon they arent going to be up right away!

Well im still adding props to the prep maker im working on =) and im thinking of adding another prep maker (a swimsuit maker)...well ill keep adding...

YAY OMG THE WEEKEND ive waited 4 days for today lol..well im working on a blonde prep maker...if u wanna take a look go to my dollmakers...its not quite done yet..im still adding props to it...once im done that ill add umm another dollmaker or dolls..rite now the dollmaker is all im worried about...the props were all collected by me and were props on avatar palace if you use my maker ur required to link me back!
o and im really happy about my stats on the topsites im in top 50s now i think =)

i added a history page...=) i wouldve added more but im busy (Ugh!) i hate my school well thats all
hey i know i didnt update yesterday...sorry about that! but the thing is i didnt have time!! none! my sister was home all day and i had school!...but the good thing is she goes to school now too YAY! so ill get about almsot 2 hours a day,...Also im really happy about the results of my status at the topsites im at 77 and yesterday i was at about 103...so thats good!! keep voting it really helps more visiters come...and it only takes 1 minute! sooo PLEASE! and one last thing...im going to add some silents..i dont have many of those...and some sisters gifts need to be done i only have 2 i think left to do! sorry its taking long im now VERY busy..(and my sister is yelling at me to get off cuz i snuck on hehehe) so i have to go! ill be on again lata!

09/01/03(=P again!!!)
i added more pixels to the "my fridge" section...4 of them =) all made by me..and yes are up for adoption (but they are just my first ones so may not be ...spetacular..Lol..neway..ill also added cheerleaders! Yay! i was on avatar palace collecting avs to wear =D and came accross cheerleading avs so its like why not?...well im thinking of adding ravers ...but i will not be able to tonight...i start school tomorrow..AHHH and well i cant stay up till like 5am in the morning nemore Lol ...and ill have homework..(UGH!!) well ill update lata!!
090103 >again!<
yay!! i won a new award!! from shanleys place This girl (shanley)is really talented with her animations graphics and dolls! shes younger then me and has her own site! and her doll signatures are WAY better then myne!! you should really visit her! shes on my button wall also! =)
Hey the erica won doll of the month this month! thanks to all who enterd the contest and who voted! also i added a support me page! im waiting for my friend to animate my sisters gifts (sorry thats why it takes so long!) well ill update later
Woah! already september!!! i start school tomorrow! NOOOOOO...well that means not lots of updating will be done but ill fit in a few updates here n there (i did last school year! so yyahh...i added 10 male silents just now! wo0t! finally got around to doing it...also my awards are really ugly...so im going to make a whole bunch of new ones...i got another sister today which i still have to add and i still have to make her a gift Lol...i will not be accepting nemore sisterz untill im done with the gifts. then ill accept more! yay! well thatz all

08/31/03 (again)
hey! well i added a psp 8 tutorial u can check that out! ill update again lata!
well i finished another gift and am almost done this one ..after that only 2 more to go! the graphic maker im making is almost (not quite) but almost done..u can use what ever it has right now. Also i added free awards. so u can take those if you like! and im making support me banners to next...then i might add guy silents...im just not...in the mood riten ow lol

08/30/03 (again)
Hey i added a coming soon list (thats filled alot!!) so i also added guestbook signs wo0t! well keep checking back heh
currently working on: graphic makers, gifts for my sister sites
dolls adding: im not adding dolls right now
added: i added 2 sisters today (YAY!)
planning to update again later today?: well depends on if i finish the graphic maker (highly unlikely since im starting today.) and finish gifts for my sister sites (also very unlikely cuz i just got 2 new ones and have 3 more to make hehe)
status: Very busy at the moment
comment?: ill be going school shopping tomorrow (last minute me hehe) so i might not update as much

hey well i added 10 more bonitas =D more groups and preps. im adding pj dolls next (i think o.0
well ill update later

hey i know i didnt update alot today but my sister waz home all day and didnt let me go on as much as i wanted to =P...but i did add some stuff...a new link me banner =) my favorite one...umm and 5 group dolls (new!!) so u can check those out!!!***hey updating again almost tomorrow =0) neway i added 5 more groups (bonitas) the BIGGEST thank you to Gurlpowerrr! I LOVE THAT SITE!! yay! well check out tha groups ^^ im planning on adding food dolls next...hmmm or guys...hehe

wow i just changed the layout again. this ones not AS nice but well the otehr was to hard to read and it bugged me =P so i hope u like this one. i added enter signs (the ones i use) and am going to add guestbook signs =)

today i added 6 more uniques and also requested a blinkie =) it says my name wo0t! well u can see it add adopted blinkies =) well ill update later ***hey again i got a new sister site! YAY! also made another blinkie which ill add shortly...im making a gift for my sisters right now heh (unfortunatly they wont be animated eek...) so i might not update again for a while!:-(***okay well i finished 2 sister sites gifts and also email signs and a few more banners =)

Today i swear ill add the divas LOL and at least 10 more of them!!! ok thats my goal for today!..i added another handmade! its cinderella and not half bad! i like it! also i won site of the month at beccaz dolliez to check out my award click here! thats all ill update again! ( i have to clean my room today Lol and the kitchen (my turn to clean the house today lol -_-') so yeah i might not update that much ---i finished my goal lol =) i added 15 more divas...most goth cuz those are the only props i could find on avatar...sooo yeaah...well check em out at my divas page. ALSO IM AT MY 200TH DOLL!! YAY thers now more then 200 dolls on this site! well i added more divas wo0t!! also i added 1 more handdrawn so u should check them out ^^

hey, i added 18 more bonitas! wo0t..lol i like bonitas the best thats why i add so many. =) today im thinking of adding divas since i kinda gave up on those LoL and if i have time a few more uniques and silents. and maybe preps. also i might add goths and punk ssoon then ravers. thats alot. (theres still pjs, food, babies, cars, GUYS, disneys, and alot more!) also im thinking of changing my layout to colors pink and blue lol ...or white and black. or black n blue..red n white, blue and black. thers alot of colors. but since i just changed my layout i might wait till the middle of september to change it again (since i just made new graphics to fit the layout...lol) well thats alot to do so i better get started. i probably will update again =) so keep watch...*****hey again added 2 more uniques! YAY! heh i made more just have to upload them n stuff. and i forgot about the divas lOl so ill try to add those tonight but its pretty late so ill probably go to sleep b4 i can add them >.< *****i added 13 more uniques! wo0t! i know i said i wouldnt have time to add divas but i added uniques? well the thing is i already had the uniques saved i just had to upload them and add them to my pages. well....thats all u can go check out the uniques. (theres 1 non transparent one bcuz i forgot to change the bg to a diff color then white..and the pants were white) sorry! but the rest are transparent! yay!

sorry i didnt update much yesterday. i did add about 2 more banners lOl im actually working on a banner maker. which should be fun! =) wo0t! also ANDRAEA HASNT FINISHED HER TRIAL ON ANIMATION SHOP!!! YAY! so we will now be doing blinkie requests. i just have to get that page setup. =) wo0t! thnx andraea!!!!!---hey updating again =) added a FEW uniques. it takes while making them trasnparent n all lol....=) neway u can go check em out! bYe!****updating again =) added silents and alot more banners! also i added a few welcome and enter signs, also a few quotes!... im thinking of changing my layout...id have to go on hiatus Lol...but i really dont want to lol, so i probably wont. just the limeish color is hard to read...

wo0t guess what today i won another award! and got 2 more sisterz! both of them ashleys..Lol kewl!! go check them out!

i won a new award YAY and not another guess the ones hehehe but im happy its from wyled and its a really nice award ^^--hey again i added some blank bannerz wo0t. i got psp paintbrushes and REALLY nice ones to. so ill update again l8er! CYA!---updating Again! wo0t! well i got a new sister. her sites Really kewl. its based on the pirates of the carribian its awesome! u really need to check it out click here or visit my sisters page! ill update again later!

i got my first sister!!! YAY~ shes really kewl so you should visit her site click here or visit my sister site page! ^^---hey updating again. sorri i havnt updated much i went to the dentist today. i have no cavities wo0t and my teeth are so white. Hah i floss wo-0t! =D also i added a REALLY long page of things about me stuff i like and just me babbling on and on. ill update ita again later. =0) its longer then most of my pages lOL!neway ill update again later

HIATUS OVER! wo0t...i know it didnt take long but it took alot of work i had to change every color on every page and had to change borders and wow i had lots to do i made new images and i love them ^^ well i dunno if ill be updating again but i might!

OH NO THE MOST DREADED WORDS ON THE INTERNET....ON HIATUS!! NOOOOOOOOOO but its just a mini one while i change my whole entire layout. i have gotten some emails telling me that i have a pretty original layout. and i decided they were...ABSULUTLY RITE! blue is such a common color. it may be my favorite but it seems boring for my site. thats why im choosing purple blue and green im also updating alot of stuff...and im working on a new site. ^^ tropical stars. ill tell you when thats open, itll look similer to this site lol but oh well. me and my sister are making it together...shes only 9 LoL but she reallly wants to make one...so im making one with her. thats alot to do thats why im on HIATUS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol well nothing will be closed and i hope this will only take 1 or 2 days...if not welll AHHHHHHHHHHHH hehe but like i said nothings closed, everything is still accsessable. but ill be replacing pages so if they dont work ....hehe uve been warned. OH and dont direct link i have gone so low on memory that now if you direct link YOUR IMAGES WILL BE BROKEN IMAGES! so thats all hehe cya

hey i added a doll license that i got from one of the BEST SITES EVER it keeps you busy for like 2 hours lol and i have it bookmarked. its doll paradise. I LOVE IT! to go visit it click here its reallllly reallllly good! if you cant click that for some reason?¿ just go to my links page or to my suppport page. u seriously need to visit this site! lol
updating again! i added 12 minis! go check em out

Hey a new dai woohoo. well i got another entry to my august doll contest and im still taking more so its finally turned into a contest lol..if you want to vote for the winning doll click here if not then explore ..other things? lol neway both entries are really nice =D so go have a lookie at them. ill update again l8er--hey updating yet again! i just finished a mermaid handdrawn i really like it =) too see it go to my handdrawn section or click here! also i added more quotes and i want to add email signs which i will do rite now! so stay tooned =0D

have you noticed i havnt updated my site IDs since like march LOL so thats what im doing today. Ill make them WAY better Lol the other ones suck! ill update again later
kay updating again. i added more site IDs enter signs and 2 new awards you can win. Also im feeling a little sick so i wont update us much as usual =0..oh yah. one of my favorite sites ever is back up. (or i just found the new link to it) gurlpowerrr! click here or click the mood doll. =0)...hey updating once again!!! lol i added an adopted flava maker and a few flavas go check em out by clicking here well illprobably update again so check back sooon---hey like i said im updating again! hehe well i added a really cool contest originally made by me!!! its a maze! i havnt seen ne other site with a maze...so if you like the idea you can use it BUT U HAVE TO LINK ME BACK! if yah wanna check it out its at the bottom of the menu or to go there quicker click here well thats all =0 im adding more sooooooon so dont worry!--updating again LoL well i added 17 more bonitas. so check em out!!! im adding more IDs soon..im getting better at psp..i found the flood fill bucket wo0t!

i got a doll entry for the contest =0). so if u want to vote for it go to the poll or to the doll contest section. If you want to enter a doll please do =0) its at the bottom of the menu. =). i also added some more enter and welcome signs. and i had an idea...i was going to start making © signs but thought ..alot of sites have those..so im making princess signs lol just for fun. if you like them you can use them and put them ne where. if you want to request a sign go ahead. =0). so check out for that.--also its really early in the morning so im gonna update again later look out for more updates >=)--hey again, i just added a mermaid handdrawn doll its my favorite one there ^^ its pretty hehehe and a fairy one..they are really cute...im getting better at this =P

Welll i added a support page but im a little bored with making dollz LoL, but since its the theme of my site im going to keep on updating ^-^, i do this site for my entertainment but also yourz. hopefully i can get more visitors as i have been entering my sit into alot of add-a-link pages. also i applied for some more awardzzz, im going too add a review page and add forms to alot of the pages and also i want SISTER STIES!!! i feel like loner site LOL so if you want to be my sister please visit here!! and fill out the form well thatzz all for rite now i might update lata again!.....also i just got my site reviewed once more ...by dollie explosionz its a really kewl site!! she has alot of tutorials and helped me with my psp 8 to get trasparent images =0) thats why i have trasparent images now. Thnx dollie explosionz!

Hi, this is about the only time ill get to update today, im going to a lake today =0), but i kind of made the main page look more attractive and i want to add ALOT more dollz...hmmm also i need to make more enter and welcome signs since i kinda quit on those. and i think im gonna add a guess the contest. im just looking for a way to set that up. =0). So as you can see i have lots to do, which wont all be dont today. probably not even tomorrow. im thinking of installing animation shop again beecuzzz i need it to make really cool blinkies and awards n stuff...well i wont have time today but it will be done soooooon so u better keep watch. ^-^ stay updated and visit again.----hey im updating again. i just came home from the lake it took 3 hours to get there and 3 hours to get back LOL so im pretty tired. =0) but that doesnt stop me from coming on the computer lol...i added bonitas...lots of them! so go check them out here! theres 2 pages. Also i found a form that you can fill out when sending in information on winning awards!! soo thats good ...hmm also i think im going to use the password tagz for the "guess the.." contests. If you get them rite you'll win an award. Also maybe ill add a "page of doom." ive gotten these ideas from many other palaces. most of them on the links page hmm sooo you can win alot more awards if you try! and the doll contest is still open so visit it here! well this is a long update LoL so im gonna start doing some stuff. =0) byeez--UH OH wait LOL i have more updates for u!!!! I added a "guess the contest" Just now. its all done so go ahead and triii it!!! you can try it by clicking here! or by clicking the menu links...i hope u had time to read all this...its getttttin late so im gonna snooze! night guys!

Heyy i added bonitas =0). Also i updated the doll count. hmm i also added a doll contest so visit it now and you can win an award ^_^ well thats about it. if i add more tonight ill keep you updated.

Well i sent out the newzletter...heh also added a find me contest its already done so start searching. im thinking about adding divas today and making more silents. Well thats about it. Oh yah and i forgot, im running low on memory SO DO NOT DIRECT LINK! or u images wont work. Also i added the Divas. and added a dollcount lol it may not seem that there are many dollz rite now...but there will be soon I PROMISE lol. well thats all unless i add more tonite..Cya l8aa

hey, another new update box..thnx to candie graphix (link below)..also i added i think more graphics and also a link exchange i also have been trying to get more people to come. The next mailing list newsletter should be coming out this week suscribe soon so u can here about everything!!! i do one every month or so lol...

Hey, i added a few more link me images thnx too www.dduckeez.com for the blank buttons/bannerzz...and also i added a few more silents and im planning to do a site review page email me if youd like to get reviewed =). And last but not least im thinking of adding another dollmaker and a page of divas. Well cyaa ya'll l8aa!

Hiiiiii, just finished the background and im happy about how it looks. I dont think andraeas been updating but some of her stuff got deleted which she will be adding again shortly, i added a silent dollmaker =) (finalllly!) and am planning to add a prep one for andraeas page. Well thatz all Cya :-)

Heyyy how do u like the new look..im still updating ..i think the frames are working i just got them today..woke up extra early today to do them =). Now maybe my site will be more popular because it is organized and attractive. well thats all thnx for visiting

August 2 2003
Heyy sorry i havnt updated on my site. i though no one ever comes, but this past week ive finally been getting emails so decided to update again. im finally make that doll maker and the links page i promised to do. Also i just got psp 8 and i can make trasperant backgrounds so ill make more dolls and im planning to add graphics =) lots more to do. remember to email me for feedback on my site i really love to hear from u... [email protected] and if youd like to win an award please tell me and when you visit dont forget to sign the guestbook and ill sign urs back =) neway i have lots to do so i better get started

June 6 2003
hey weekend wo0ot! hehe neway im reallly running outa space for those of u who are wondering why i dont add much stuff but not to worry cuz im going to use my old account on geocities... pixies_dollmaker lol neway plzz dont think im direct linking AS I HATE DIRECT LINKING!! also i decided my links page looks reallly bad lol so ima gonna just change it a bit... soo check back soon

June 3 2003
YAY its june last month of skooooool =) the onlie bad thing about june is finals... >:O| i havnt updated becuz i have been studying and also pretty busy... i had this social thing due and lotz of stuff too do... well about the site i changed links of some images but that shouldnt matter if u uploaded them too ur servers but if u direct linked too bad 4 u! bye

may 26 2003
i have been overloaded with tests! so much review thats y i havnt updated... but i am just fixing up a lil so check bak

may 24 2003
got some mood dollz ((as u can see ^^)) and also added a tagboard alssoooo i got some requested dollz on my i request page check bak soon for more
may 22 2003
hey got my site reviewed so making a new page for that she sed il need more contet wich i will start adding rite away =) also i am running out of space on this account so im going to transfer some of my pages to another user >my old one< sorry but the links may change .. sorry for any inconvinence

may 21 2003
hey i won 2 new awards from panteranera! and babypink moon if it is im verrrry proud even hehe go check it out click here to see my new awards!any way =) gotta go

may 20 2003
hey i added a hand drawn doll page i drew the stuff but not the bases still happy tho =) hehe check it out mayb

May 17 2003
hey my legs are kinda sore cuz of camping but im still happy hehe i fixed the pages that werent working and i added a my favorite dollz page =) the dollz are not mine but they are my favorite kindz...uploaded to my server of course =) and im also gonna add a new poll cuz of the other poll results sed that they wanted me to add dollmakers and lyrics the most so thats what im starting too do :) well byez

MAY 16 2003
OMG I WENT CAMPING I JUST CAME HOME i went on the zip line i thought it was skarie BUT I WENT and im sooooo happy thats why i didnt update cuz i was having fun playing sports and doing activities i didnt get to go horseback riding tho :( i think andraea updated well i was gone well i hop she did hehe CAMP WAZ FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN

May 11 2003
yay hehe its mothers day did u get a present 4 ur mom :) well i have added a new official member to my crew her name is andraea =) so if u have any problems dont be afraid to email her:) ([email protected]) also she just made 2 new awards the hot site one and the funky one which you can now win :) we also won an award but no one named who it was from :( too bad cuz we cant link him/her well byebye happy mothers day

May 5 2003
hey hehe sorry i havnt been updating but i actually am a little more busy with final exams coming up .. :S:S hehe well =) byezz oh rite and i added doll quotes (havnt linked them yet not done hehe) well bye


May 1 2003
omg i havnt updated for so long its already maY! LOL well im making dollquotes i already started some . some ar made by my friend chantel well check them out and if u have questions or mayb wanna talk my email is [email protected] well bye

april 26 2003
hey! keep checking bak if you have any suggestions for me plz tell me becuz right now im just working on dollz n stuff like that ... =) but i think this site is doing reallly good!!!

april 24 2003
hey! im just working on dollz i dont really know what to add and my doll makers arent doing so well ...but im gonna keep trying to make them...so just keep checkin for new stuff =)
april 22 2003
im so happy i think im getting more visitors everyday =)

April 21 2003
it was the weekend and i had friday and monday off but since today is monday i wont have very much time to update till next weeekend :( but i got another new layout ..i think its reallly pretty =) check it out and the dollmakers im making are kinda..uhmm messed up rite now so mayb check bak for those later =) k bye bye

april 20 2003
=D i got a top site list today so theres no one on it yet lol =) cept me :( neways add your link too it heres the url (click it)---> click me!!!!

april 19 2003
yay! i addded a new layout and i also made 1 gift so far lol the new layout is soo cute and itsmore proffesional then the others..its called the hello kitty layout its really cute and pretty =) its one of my favorites..if you take it link bak =) k bye p.s tomorrow is easter sunday..and since my sister is only 9 we are having a hunt =) yay!! lol ~*happy easter*~ i want to add a some easter contests but im not sure what to do if you have any ideas or suggestions email me at [email protected] =) thanx!!

april 17 2003
no school tomorrow and i have got the weekend yay! lol well that means i should b updating and adding lots ... im working on some new layouts...=) well check soon for all this new great stuff..probably will be here by Tuesday becuz i dont have school on monday either =) easter monday..oh ya im making easter gifts if you want to take one to put on your site all for free you dont have too worry about email me or anything =) *~happy easter*~
april 16 2003
hey! i added some dollz blondes and dark haired..also im almost done my new look i have added awards for you too win and now you cans see some new awards that i have won =) the first few =) well check bak soon for more new stuff i update as much as i can...well bibi =)
April 13 2003
hi im changing how this site is gonna look im also working on a faerie maker with hopefully more parts then b4 :) so check bak soon for lots of stuff
april 11 2003
OMG its been one month since i have had this site i think its doing reaaaaaalllly gooood well i hope u enjoy it
April 4 2003
hey ppl i did lots of work cuz i had my spring break thank god for that break l=0) well neways did lots of work over that time check out the they new style and our new name is Icy Illusions sai goodbye too dollz manchine =)
April 1 2003
hey ppl just added blinkies made bi me and bannerz soo xplore =)
March 29 2003
Hey well still updating making it easier to access stuff well have fun ~~
March 25, 2003
hey pplz wuts up ummm havnt updated for a long time but making lotz of changes starting to make some layouts =) plz dont direct link and enjoy ur stay

March 15 2003
heyz ppl i just added music so go to different pages too see different music...not with words just yets :S:S

March 14 2003
Still updating...gettting better each day..i'd like to apoligize for direct linking..i have changed it so i hope its ok now..also i have added an adopted page plz visit

March 13 2003
still updating added send to a friend so send this site to ur friendz and a chat so feel free to chat online!

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