
He'll watch you in the chat rooms
To win you is his goal
He'll woo you and pursue you
He'll charm your very soul.

So when you get an e-mail
And it seems to fill your needs
You go ahead and answer
Not thinking where it leads.

He plays you songs of romance
That get your juices flowing
He's sweet and kind and lovable
And suddenly you're glowing.

When you're in his clutches
And he has you feeling willing
He'll break your heart and drop you
He knows he's made his killing.

He'll change his name,
Start anew, and find another quarry
You'll be crying bitter tears
While he's not even sorry.

He preys upon the lonely
He knows just how to please
He'll send you virtual flowers
And he'll bring you to your knees

So ladies while you're surfing
Use caution, all you can
Have fun but heed the dangers
Beware the Cyberman
Author Unknown

Staying Safe In Cyberspace
Created By Laz614 October 2002

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