Our research report on a Dutch Newspaper (Friesch Dagblad)

Study at the Kampen Theological University

According to this article, at that moment(March 10, 2001), there are 13 students from the foreign lands - from Korea (4), Indonesia (5), Hungary (3) and Germany (1). Almost seventy students have been to this university to research into the theology at this university.

One of the most famous student was Allan Boesak, an activist for the anti-apartheid in the South Africa. According to this newspaper, Allan Boesak mentioned that "I have learnt a lot in the Netherlands." Because of his anti apartheid movement, he has been in prison. Nelson Mandela named him as ANC-leader of the province of Westkaap. Then he became the president of the WARC (World Alliance of the Reformed Church).

The newspaper introduced the research of drs. In-Sub Ahn and drs. Mi-Rang Kang, with other two students from Hungary and one Indonesian student. (*)