Electronic Journal of the Institute for Church History Studies


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All rights reserved by the writers and
the Institute for Church History Studies (ICS-FAR).

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EJICS, No.1,
Prof. Dr. Auke.J. Jelsma
(Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in Kampen)
"De Ziel van Calvijn"

EJICS, No.2,
Prof. Dr. Willemien Otten
(University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
"Augustine on Marriage, Monsticism and the Community of the Church"
[ = in Theological Studies, 1998]

EJICS, No.3,
Prof. Dr. Willemien Otten
(University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
"Medieval Scholasticism: Past, Present and Future"
[ = in Dutch Archive for Church History, 2001.issue 4. ]

EJICS, No.4,
Dr. Henk van den Bosch
"Luther Reception of Adolf von Harnack"
[ = in Lutherbulletin 5 (1996), pp. 24-43.]

EJICS, No.5,
Prof. Dr. In-Sub Ahn
(Presbyterian General Assembly (Chong Shin) Theological Seminary (South Korea) Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in Kampen)
"Augustine's Teachings on Church and State"
[Korean Academic Fellowship in Europe. annual conference. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Aug. 2000]

EJICS, No.6,
drs. Hans van Reisen
(Augustijns Instituut. Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
"Het portret van Augustinus beter belicht: de betekenis van teruggevonden preken voor het zicht op Augustinus"

EJICS, No.7,
Prof. Dr. Gerrit Neven
(Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in Kampen)
"About the Hermeneutical Function of Dogma in Vattimo and Noordmans"

EJICS, No.8,
Prof. Dr. Frits de Lange
(Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in Kampen)
"Kenotic ethics: Gianni Vattimo, reading the Signs of Time"
[ = in http://home.hetnet.nl/~frits.lange/artvattimo.htm ]

EJICS, No.9,
Prof. Dr. R. Roukema
(Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in Kampen)
"De studie van het Nieuwe Testament als theologische discipline: Over exegese en hermeneutiek"
[ = in Kamper Oraties 22, 2003. ]

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