
John Keats


Daisy¡¦s song

The sun , with his great eye ,

Sees not so much as I ;

And the moon , all silver-proud .

Might as well be in a cloud .


And O the spring¢wthe spring !

I lead the life of a king !

Couch¡¦d in the leeming grass ,

I spy each pretty lass .


I look where no one dares ,

And I stare where no one stares ,

And when the night is nigh ,

Lamb bleat my lullaby .



















I cry your mercy

I cry your mercy¢wpity¢wlove ! ¢waye , love !

Merciful love that tantalized not ,

One-thoughted , never-wandering , guileless love ,

Unmask¡¦d and being seen¢wwithout a blot !

O ! let me have thee whole ,¢wall¢wall¢wbe mine !

That shape , like fairness , that sweet minor zest

Of love , your kiss ,¢wthose hands , those eyes divine ,

That warm , white , lucent million-pleased breast .

Yourself¢wyour soul¢win pity give me all ,

Withhold no atom¡¦s atom or I die ,

Or living on perhaps , your wretched thrall ,

Forget , in the mist of idle misery ,

Life¡¦ purposes ,¢wthe palate of my mind

Losing its gust , and my ambition blind !




















Bright Star

      Bright star,would I were stedfast as thou art-

    Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night

And watching, with eternal lids apart,

    Like nature¡¦s patient, sleepless Eremite,

The moving waters at their priestlike task

    Of pure ablution round earth¡¦s human shores,

Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask

    Of snow upon the mountains and the moors¡X

No¡Xyet still stedfast, still unchangeable,

    Pillow¡¦d upon my fair love¡¦s ripening breast,

To for ever its soft fall and swell,

    Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,

Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,

And so live ever¡Xor else swoon to death.



















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