Hypnotic Curves
Last Update: 27 Jan '09 Click here to read about the updates!
Including new models!!
If you love the curvy, sexy gothic, punk, pierced and tattooed hotties of the world, you've come to right place to view them! You'll find all you've ever dreamt of right here at Hypnotic Curves! The models are in charge of the content on their profiles, and their representation. If you would to contact the ladies, you can join our public forum and have a chat with them! Leave them messages, get to know the models and other visitors. A great place to make friends!

Don't forget to spread the word of Hypnotic Curves, and bookmark us for future visits!
Would you like to be a Hypnotic Curves Girl? Curvy girls, at least 18 years of age. There is no size limit, or age limit. You are most certainly not too big or too old to be sexy! We want you! Follow the link to our application page! We'd love to have you join us! (Note: You will need to be able to organise your own location for photo shoots, and we'll be posting some links to good photographers on the links page if you do not already know someone! We also accept self taken pictures provided they are artistic, and not 'Myspace angles', all sets are subject to approval before being posted.)
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